Unit Assessment Plan - g9 Dance
Unit Assessment Plan - g9 Dance
Unit Assessment Plan - g9 Dance
Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
activities, dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities, and activities in an
alternative environment, e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
Students will interact positively with others.
All outcomes are achieved through active and safe participation in physical education.
Understandings: Essential Questions:
Big picture/ideas after you have unpacked the What are some skills that you can
outcomes improve upon for better technical
Dance allows for creativity and success?
exploration of personal interests. How can choreography reflect creative
Students will be able to choreograph and design and personal interests?
create individually and with a group. What roots does your chosen style stem
Dance is an activity that exemplifies from? What relevance does it have to
sportsmanship and etiquette that can be the creation process?
carried over and demonstrated
elsewhere, in and out of sports.
Fair Play
C9-5: develop practices that contribute to teamwork
C9-6: identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
Prior understanding… Where does this lead? (Future outcomes in
Students have had to refine movement skills the same course, following grade-level
and concepts in a variety of environments to classes, etc.)
improve personal performance. Students will be able to advance
Previously, in grade 8, students have further in grade 10 and progress into
incorporated simple and complex dance more advanced technical skills and
techniques into choreography. aspects of dance.
Students have employed sport-specific Students will be able to use complex
terminology, etiquette and fair play practices choreography strategies and apply
in all units leading up to choreography them to all dance styles.
creation. Students can collaborate and work
Students have worked on demonstrating with others in a sporting context.
sportsmanship during all stages of the Students will appreciate their genre
previous lessons; learning the appropriate of dance and learn more about the
behaviors conducted during the context of history.
various sports, games and activities.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Inquire about prior knowledge in relation to dance
Outcom Title In-class End of
es Observati class Final
of Attendan
on/ discussion Reflecti
Knowled ce
participati (continuo on
on us)
(Formative/Summa F F F S S
Weighting 15% N/A N/A 35% 50%
Fair Play:
C9-5: develop practices that x x x
contribute to teamwork
C9-6: identify and demonstrate
positive behaviours that show x x x
respect for self and others
Students will receive marks for coming to
class prepared and in the proper dance attire. x