Carpinus Orientalis

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Carpinus orientalis

Carpinus orientalis in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats

R. Sikkema, G. Caudullo
Carpinus orientalis Mill., commonly known as oriental hornbeam, is a small tree or shrub commonly found on dry and
rocky slopes of low elevation mountains in South-East Europe. Its wide distribution range reaches through the Black Sea
to the Caucasus region. It is a frugal and drought-resistant species, which prefers calcareous soils and is frequently found
in disturbed sites. Thanks to its strong suckering capacity and hard wood, it is often managed in coppiced stands for the
production of quality firewood and charcoal. No significant pests or diseases are recorded for this tree.
The oriental hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis Mill.), is a large
shrub or small tree, 1-5 metres tall, rarely up to 15 m, with a grey
irregularly ribbed stem. The leaves are ovate-elliptic with evident Frequency
< 25%
veins, tomentose, with serrate margins and short petioles 5-8 mm 25% - 50%
50% - 75%
long. This tree is monoecious with unisexual flowers blossoming > 75%
in April. The male flowers are dense in short catkins 2-3 cm long, Chorology
whereas the female catkins are 3-8 cm long with leaf-like un-lobed
and coarsely toothed bracts that reach 12-18 mm size at maturity,
The elliptical leaves have toothed margins and show evident veins.
and which cover the flowers and later the nuts1-4 . (Copyright Stefano Zerauschek, AP)

Distribution regions coppiced stands are also used as a food resource for
The oriental hornbeam is a tree species native to south- livestock in drought summers, when grasslands are completely
east Europe, the Pontic region and western Asia. It is found in dry11, 18 . This frugal hornbeam is also suitable for the reforestation
southern parts of Italy, Balkan Peninsula, Turkey, Syria, Caucasus and restoration of degraded dry lands5 and is highly resistant to
and northern Iran, usually occurring at lower altitudes or on wildfire19 . It may be used as an ornamental plant, appreciated for
southern slopes up to 1 300 m in Europe, but growing at over its dense foliage and pollution resistance, and also as a hedge
2 500 m in the Caucasus mountains5-8 . because of its re-sprouting capability20 .

Threats and Diseases

Map 1: Plot distribution and simplified chorology map for Carpinus orientalis. As other hornbeams, the oriental hornbeam may be
Frequency of Carpinus orientalis occurrences within the field observations attacked by the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar)21, 22 . It is also
as reported by the National Forest Inventories. The chorology of the native
spatial range for C. orientalis is derived after Meusel and Jäger24 .
a susceptible host for the processionary moth (Thaumetopoea
processionea)21, 23 .

Fruits are small nuts covered by a leaf-like bract.

(Copyright MPF, CC-BY)

[1] V. L. Komarov, et al. , Flora of the USSR - [13] A. Čarni, et al., Plant Biosystems 143, 1
Volume V (Keter Press, Jerusalem, 1970). (2009).
[2] H. J. Elwes, A. Henry, The Trees of Great [14] R. Popović, M. Kojić, B. Karadžić, Bocconea
The oriental hornbeam is a shrub or small tree and rarely reaches 15 m. Britain and Ireland Vol. 6 (Privately 5, 431 (1997).
(Copyright Stefano Zerauschek, AP) printed, Edinburgh, 1912). [15] V. Matevski, et al., Forest vegetation of
[3] O. Johnson, D. More, Collins tree guide the Galičica mountain range in Macedonia
(Collins, 2006). (Založba ZRC, Ljubljana, 2011).
Habitat and Ecology [4] A. F. Mitchell, P. Dahlstrom, E. Sunesen,
C. Darter, A field guide to the trees of
[16] U. Bohn, et al., Karte der natürlichen
Vegetation Europas; Map of the
This hornbeam is a thermophilous and xerophilous species, Britain and northern Europe (Collins, Natural Vegetation of Europe
1974). (Landwirtschaftsverlag, 2000).
drought-resistant, thriving principally on slopes in shallow The bark is smooth and grey. [5] M. Goldstein, G. Simonetti, M. Watschinger, [17] P. M. Pijut, The Woody Plant Seed Manual,
humus-poor or even rocky soils, and preferring calcareous (Copyright Stefano Zerauschek, AP) Alberi d’Europa (A. Mondadori, 1995). F. T. Bonner, R. P. Karrfalt, eds., Agriculture
[6] H. Meusel, E. Jäger, eds., Vergleichende Handbook 727 (U.S. Department of
substrates (rendzina)9 . Over its wide distribution range, this Chorologie der Zentraleuropäischen Flora Agriculture, Forest Service, 2008), pp.
wood. It was used more in the past for making tool handles and - Band I, II, III (Gustav Fischer Verlag, 328–332.
species exhibits different ecological habits. In eastwards regions Jena, 1998). [18] V. P. Papanastasis, P. D. Platis, O. Dini-
it occurs at higher elevations tolerating lower temperatures in other small household items1, 17. Thanks to its high aptitude for Papanastasi 37, 187 (1997).
[7] S. Gücel, K. Özkan, S. Celik, E. Yücel,
more temperate climates10 . In south-east Europe it is a typical regeneration from root suckers, it can be managed in coppice M. Öztürk, Pakistan Journal of Botany 40, [19] S. S. Radanova, Ecologia Balkanica 5, 55
1497 (2008). (2014).
element of the sub-Mediterranean vegetation, and it can also stands for fuel production as firewood or charcoal5, 17. In southern
[8] F. Assadolahi, M. Barbero, P. Quezel, [20] T. Tsitsoni, M. Tsakaldimi, C. Tsouri, African
Ecologia Mediterranea 8, 365 (1982). Journal of Agricultural Research 8, 4501
be found in the inner regions with some continental influences (2013).
[9] A. Chiarucci, D. Dominicis, V. A. Gabellini,
(colder winters)11-13 . It is very frugal, easily able to colonise open Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze [21] D. de Rigo, et al., Scientific Topics Focus 2,
Naturali - Memorie serie B 103, 107 mri10a15+ (2016).
and degraded areas and to regenerate vigorously, promoting its (1996). [22] CABI, Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth)
presence in disturbed habitats, such as after the exploitation of [10] H. Akhani, H. Ziegler, Phytocoenologia 32, (2015). Invasive Species Compendium.
455 (2002).
primary oak forests11, 14 . This species is found both as a dominating
[11] C. Blasi, R. Di Pietro, L. Filesi, P. Fortini, [23] CABI, Thaumetopoea processionea (oak
and secondary species in wood and shrub lands11 . The principal Phytocoenologia 31, 33 (2001). processionary moth) (2015). Invasive
Species Compendium.
tree communities in which it is found are the mixed deciduous [12] A. Kavgaci, A. Čarni, B. Tecimeni, G. Özalp,
Archives of Biological Sciences 62, 705 [24] H. Meusel, E. J. Jäger, Plant Systematics
forests with oaks, such as downy oak (Quercus pubescens), (2010). and Evolution 162, 315 (1989).
Turkey oak (Quercus cerris), Hungarian oak (Quercus frainetto),
and with hop hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia) and South European
This is an extended summary of the chapter. The full version of
ash (Fraxinus ornus)11, 15, 16 . this chapter (revised and peer-reviewed) will be published online at The purpose of this
Importance and Usage summary is to provide an accessible dissemination of the related
main topics.
This QR code points to the full online version, where the most
Like other hornbeams (sometimes called ironwoods), the updated content may be freely accessed.
wood of the oriental hornbeam is very hard17. Because of its Please, cite as:
Sikkema, R., Caudullo, G., 2016. Carpinus orientalis in Europe:
small size and bushy habit, this tree does not produce high value distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz,
Male catkins are 2-3 cm long.
J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.),
(Copyright Silvano Radivo, AP)
European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publ. Off. EU, Luxembourg,
pp. e01bf18+

76 European Atlas of Forest Tree Species | Tree species

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