Walrus Ivory Fact Sheet - 2010
Walrus Ivory Fact Sheet - 2010
Walrus Ivory Fact Sheet - 2010
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Ivory found on the beach and ivory from harvested walrus must be tagged. It is the hunters or nders responsibility to do this within 30 days of harvest or nding on the beach. Raw ivory is tagged when a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) representative inserts a numbered wire tag into the tusk and records date, location and sex of kill or nd. Coastal Alaska Native subsistence hunters can usually nd at least one USFWS tagging representative in their walrus hunting village. Non-Natives who nd walrus ivory or other hard parts from dead walruses on the beach must get them tagged within 30 days at a USFWS Ofce in towns like Bethel, Nome, or Anchorage. Call 800-362-5148 to locate the USFWS tagger nearest you.
The walrus is Alaskas treasure. It is important to our livelihood and tradition. For thousands of years, the people depend on the walrus for what it provides the meat, the oil, the skin, the intestines and the ivory. The walrus is all used and not wasted. Our ancestors, elders and we consider the land and the sea very important to give and keep alive our traditional way of life. Through our traditional way of life others will recognize and understand us.
Asveret Alaska-armiut tuquutekai. Arcakertut yungnaqutemtenun piciyarmtenun-llu. Akwarpak tayima yum cacetequtekai asverem paivutai; kemga, uqua, amia, qilui, cali tului. Asveq tamalkuan caunguarutkevkenaqu aturluku. Ciuliamta, teganemta wanguta-llu arcaqautekarput nuna cali imarpik unguvatemtenun cali yuyaramtenun-llu. Allat yut litaqciqaakut cali taringumaciqaakut maaggun piciryaramteggun.
YES, but must be Possess raw ivory? Raw ivory is ivory from a tagged by USFWS Pacic walrus that has not within 30 days been signicantly altered from its natural form into an authentic Native article of handicraft or clothing. Sell, barter or transfer tagged (raw) ivory? Possess authentic Native handicrafts made from walrus ivory? Take raw ivory out of the U.S.? YES, but only to other Alaska Natives YES, (Natives may also make and sell authentic walrus ivory handicrafts) NO, (but limited exceptions)
YES, but only beach-found ivory tagged by USFWS within 30 days of nding
Own, buy or sell fossilized YES ivory from walruses that died before 1972? Hunt Pacic walruses for subsistence in a nonwasteful manner? Own, buy or sell mammoth or mastodon ivory that was lawfully collected with the landowners permission? YES, but only those who dwell on the coast
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Walrus Ivory Dos and Donts; USFWS Ofce of Law Enforcement, Anchorage: 800-858-7621 Tagging Walrus Ivory in Bethel or nearby Villages; Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge: 907-543-3151 or 800-621-5804 Harvest and Conservation Information about Walrus; USFWS Ofce of Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage: 800-362-5148 or http://alaska.fws.gov/sheries/mmm/mtrp