Respiration is the process of taking oxygen from the air and cycling it through
the lungs, which then gives oxygen to blood to be used in the body. The carbon
dioxide waste is expelled out of the lungs. Cellular respiration uses glucose, or
sugars, from food molecules and turns them into carbon dioxide, water, and
ATP a nucleotide essential to the body.
The other difference is that plants require sunlight for the process to
occur, whereas respiration does not.
Photosynthesis Respiration
Photosynthesis is the process where green plants produce their own Respiration is the process by which living organisms convert oxygen and glucose
food by converting light energy into chemical energy. into carbon dioxide and water producing high amount of energy.
Photosynthetic pigment like chlorophyll and sunlight is essential for the Respiration does not require chlorophyll and sunlight.
process of photosynthesis.
It takes place in the chloroplast present in the cells of leaves. It takes place in the mitochondria of cells.
Photosynthesis process requires energy to produce food in the form of Respiration is the process that breaks down food and releases energy.
Photosynthesis occurs only in plants and few photosynthetic bacteria. Respiration takes place in both plants and animals.
What are the main factors affecting photosynthesis and respiration in
It is seen that, when light and temperature are not the limiting factors,
increasing CO2 concentration leads to an increase in the rate of
photosynthesis. But, beyond a certain limit, CO2 starts accumulating in
the plant and this leads to slowing down of the process. So, excessive
CO2 inhibits photosynthesis especially when it starts to accumulate.
Water is considered one of the most important factors affecting
photosynthesis. When there is a reduced water intake or availability, the
stomata begin to close to avoid loss of any water during transpiration.
With the stomata closing down the CO2 intake also stops which affects
photosynthesis. Therefore, the effect of water on photosynthesis is more
indirect than direct.
Respiration rates have a significant effect on plant health and growth. A major factor
determining the respiration rate is plant physiology, with each species respiring
according to its specific adaptations to the local environment. As well as the natural
differences between plant types, there are many environmental factors affecting
respiration rates in plants. This can have large implications for issues such as agriculture
and horticulture, the ecology of natural areas and food preservation.
Respiration also increases when fruits and seed are developing, with energy use peaking
when fully ripe. Respiration falls dramatically after this point, with many annual plants
dying off completely after fruiting, while perennials may shed older and damaged leaves.
All plants will stop respiring when temperatures reach near freezing (zero degrees
Celsius, 32 degrees Fahrenheit) or when temperatures of 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees
Fahrenheit) or higher cause cells and tissue to break down.
The respiration rates of fruits can be controlled by storage in cool, dry places. Lower
storage temperatures are able to slow the respiration and ripening of fruit.
Anaerobic Respiration
As respiration requires oxygen from the atmosphere, decreased available oxygen will
reduce respiration rates. In plants, this normally occurs in the root zones in water-logged
and poorly drained soils. Under these conditions, cells will use anaerobic respiration
(fermentation), which does not require oxygen.
Anaerobic respiration is the same process used to produce breads, yogurts, wine and
beer. However, it is a less efficient method of respiration, and plants cannot survive for
long periods using this process alone. Some plants, such as mangrove trees, adapt to low-
oxygen soils by growing aerial roots that emerge from the soil surface to increase oxygen
The rate of respiration for most plants peaks around the normal oxygen level in the
Water Availability
Although drought has a much greater impact on the process of photosynthesis in plant
cells, lack of available water also negatively affects respiration. Plants will attempt to
limit their loss of water to the atmosphere, including reducing their exchange of gases
with the atmosphere, which then reduces the amount of oxygen available to the
respiration process.
Dry or desiccated tissue has a lower respiration rate than hydrated tissue, which is
why many fruits can be preserved through drying.
Carbon dioxide is also used to measure the rate of respiration, described as the
quantity of carbon dioxide (in mg) produced by one kilogram of plant material in one
Additionally, some diseases can interfere with the transfer of sugars within a plant. In
these cases, parts of the plant with restricted flows of sugar can experience reduced
Excess Sugars
Respiration requires sugars to convert into energy. All sugars a plant uses are
produced from photosynthesis, which generally occurs in the green leaves and stems.
An increased rate of photosynthesis often leads to an increased rate of respiration,
with leaves in the upper canopy of trees and shrubs respiring faster than shaded
material lower down. However, excess sugars can be stored in the roots and stem of
the plant for use in times of reduced photosynthesis.
The relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the
maximum amount of water vapor that the air can hold at a certain temperature.
If the relative humidity level is 75 percent at 80° F, this means that every
kilogram of the air in the respective space contains 75 percent of the maximum
amount of water that it can hold for the given temperature.
Relative humidity levels affect when and how plants open the stomata on the
undersides of their leaves. Plants use stomata to transpire, or “breathe.” When
the weather is warm, a plant may close its stomata to reduce water losses. The
stomata also act as a cooling mechanism. When ambient conditions are too warm
for a plant and it closes its stomata for too long to conserve water, it has no way
to move carbon dioxide and oxygen molecules, slowly causing the plant to
suffocate on water vapor and its own transpired gases.
As plants transpire, the humidity around saturates leaves with water vapor.
When relative humidity levels are too high or there is a lack of air circulation, a
plant cannot make water evaporate (part of the transpiration process) or draw
nutrients from the soil. When this occurs for a prolonged period, a plant
eventually rots. When surrounded by warm temperatures in low relative
humidity levels, transpiration rates in a plant increase, reducing the need for a
grower to fertilize it.
When a leaf's guard cells shrink, its stomata open and water is lost. This process is
called transpiration. In turn, more water is pulled through the plant from the roots. The
rate of transpiration is directly related to whether stomata are open or closed. Stomata
account for only 1% of a leaf's surface but 90% of the water transpired.
Transpiration is a necessary process and uses about 90% of the water that enters a plant's
roots. The other 10% is used in chemical reactions and in plant tissues. Transpiration is
responsible for several things:
Under conditions of intensive light exposure, it is noted that leaves contain more
epicuticular waxes than those shaded. The seasonal buildup and development of
secondary wax structures on the abaxial surface of leaves also positively correspond
with increasing light intensity. Generally, it is believed that light favors absorption
of mineral nutrients by the leaves. On the other hand, a negative relationship
between air temperatures and the amount of epicuticular waxes on a surface unit of
plum leaves had been noted.
High air temperatures during rapid leaf expansion may enhance the absorption of
mineral nutrients by the leaves due to a lower amount of waxes on unit surface area
of a leaf. It is speculated that differences in nutrient absorption rates depend on
chemical composition and compound configuration of epicuticular waxes. There is
also claims that under conditions of high air temperatures the surface wax
components have vertical configuration and the leaf surface coverage decreases
which consequently may increase nutrient absorption.
This view is generally accepted in thinking that even slight alterations in the molecular
configuration of surface waxes significantly affect nutrient absorption rate.
Wind influences ;
Essential Elements
Over 95 percent of the dry weight of a flowering plant is made up of three elements—
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen—taken from the air and water. The remaining 5 percent
of the dry weight comes from chemicals absorbed from the soil. Roots absorb the
chemicals present in their surroundings, but only 14 of the elements absorbed are
necessary for plant growth. These 14 elements, along with carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen, are called the 17 essential inorganic nutrients, or elements. Some of the
essentials are needed in larger amounts than others and are called
the macronutrients; those needed in lesser amounts are the micronutrients.
Non-essential elements