DR Safwan Saleh Contract
DR Safwan Saleh Contract
DR Safwan Saleh Contract
Date: 06-March-2023
Letter of Appointment
This is with reference to your expression of interest to work with Waresa Islam Trust -
Tulamba. You are hereby appointment as Medical Officer at WITH – T w.e.f.
06-March-2023 on the following terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions:
2. The Employee will be hired initially on three months’ probationary period and will
be confirmed after successful completion of probationary period. During this
period, either party will have the right to terminate this appointment at any time
with or without any reason. This period of probation will be extendible at the sole
discretion of the Waresa Islam Trust (WIT) based on the Employee’s
Performance Appraisal Report for a maximum of six months. All other provisions
pertaining to probation shall apply as per WIT HR Regulation and HR Policies.
3. You will have to comply with Minimum Services Delivery Standards (MSDS) of
Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC). If you could not comply with (MSDS) your
services will be terminated without assigning any reason or notice.
4. The negotiated salary, allowances, benefits etc. shall remain confidential and you
will not divulge any related information to anybody in any case unless compelled
to do so by a Court of Law.
5. You will be entitled to such allowances and benefits as may be prescribed by the
WIT from time to time applicable to your level. Holidays, sick leave, and casual
leave will be governed by the WIT rules and regulations as applicable from time
to time.
7. During your service, you will be governed by the terms of this Letter of
Appointment and the relevant WIT Rules and Regulations contained in the HR
Management Manual, as may be applicable from time to time.
8. You will perform duty according HR policy of WIT and as per your Job
9. You will discharge all such duties, responsibilities and authorities as assigned to
you, efficiently and diligently to the satisfaction of the Management and you will
not act in any manner contrary to the interest of the Trust.
10. During your employment or after its termination you will not disclose any
information relating to the Trust or its customers, and will not divulge any of
Trust's affairs or trade secrets that you may obtain while in the service of the
Trust, unless compelled to do so by a Court of Law.
11. You will be bound to make good any loss or damage to Trust property caused by
negligence, inadvertence, fraud, carelessness or act of omission, on your part.
The termination of your services may not exonerate you from liability to make
good this loss or damage.
12. You shall not accept any other employment, whether part time or otherwise with
any other person nor engage in any business activity directly or indirectly during
your service with the Trust.
13. Your services will be subject to termination by one month's written notice on
either side or pay in lieu thereof.
14. In case of resignation or termination, you will not leave the Trust until formal
acceptance of resignation and / or clearance is issued by the Trust.
15. In case of breach of any of the terms of this Letter of Appointment and Trust rules
and regulations, or any fraudulent activity which may constitute a misconduct on
your part, your services are liable to immediate termination and you will not be
entitled to any compensation as a result thereof. In such a case, suitable
necessary action may further be initiated against you as per Law and Trust rules
and regulations.
16. You shall be responsible for the payment of all deduction as per government laws
(Income Tax liable as per the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and its subsequent
revisions and undertake to bear all the responsibilities in the matter of payment of
personal Income Tax and Employees' Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) etc.
If you accept the above terms and conditions, please sign at the appropriate place on the
copy of this letter and return it to the HR Coordinator. If you fail to report for duty at the
stipulated place and date this appointment shall stand terminated automatically.
I, , hereby declare that I have carefully read/understood the
terms and conditions of employment as set out in letter of which this is a true copy. I
confirm that I fully accept the conditions of the letter of appointment. I shall report for
duty on .
Dated:___________ __________________