Quality Assurance RDF
Quality Assurance RDF
Quality Assurance RDF
Waste Management
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This contribution describes characterization, classification, production, application and quality assurance
Received 28 February 2013 of Refuse Derived Fuels (RDFs) that are increasingly used in a wide range of co-incineration plants. It is
Accepted 2 May 2013 shown in this paper, that the fuel-parameter, i.e. net calorific value [MJ/kgOS], particle size d90 or d95
Available online 5 June 2013
[mm], impurities [w%], chlorine content [w%], sulfur content [w%], fluorine content [w%], ash content
[w%], moisture [w%] and heavy metals content [mg/kgDM], can be preferentially used for the classification
Keywords: of different types of RDF applied for co-incineration and substitution of fossil-fuel in different industial
Refuse derived fuels
sectors. Describing the external production of RDF by processing and confectioning of wastes as well
Waste processing
Fluidized bed incinerator plant
as internal processing of waste at the incineration plant, a case study is reported on the application of
Quality assurance RDF made out of different household waste fractions in a 120,000 t/yr Waste to Energy (WtE) circulating
fluidized bed (CFB) incinerator. For that purpose, delivered wastes, as well as incinerator feedstock mate-
rial (i.e. after internal waste processing) are extensively investigated. Starting with elaboration of sam-
pling plan in accordance with the relevant guidelines and standards, waste from different suppliers
was sampled. Moreover, manual sorting analyses and chemical analyses were carried out. Finally, results
of investigations are presented and discussed in the paper.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction a relevant extent for the purpose of energy generation and which
satisfies the quality criteria laid down in this directive. . .’’.
A nearly unlimited broad range of solid, liquid and gaseous In fluidized bed incineration plants, different types of wastes
waste materials from household, commerce, forestry, agriculture or waste fuels (municipal and industrial solid waste, sewage
and industry, which have a certain calorific value, may be applied sludge, waste from paper production plants, etc.) are used. One
as ‘‘waste fuel’’ or ‘‘Refuse Derived Fuel’’ (RDF) in Waste to Energy of the main preconditions for waste utilization in such types of
(WtE) or co-incineration plants after having undergone different incinerators is reduction of particle size (d95 < 100 mm) in
levels of prior processing. Generally speaking, sewage sludge, mechanical treatment plants. Different types of mechanical waste
waste wood, high calorific fractions from mechanical–physical sorting plants are operated in Austria, where various SRF-quali-
(MPT) and/or mechanical–biological treatment (MBT) plants, calo- ties are produced and delivered to the incineration plant. Addi-
rific fractions of household and commercial waste, shredder light- tionally, some fluidized bed incineration plants have their own
weight fractions (e.g., from used old vehicles, electrical and mechanical treatment facilities, which ensure that the particle
electronic equipment (WEEE)), scrap tyres, food byproducts (fats, size (d95) of used incinerator feedstock material is lower than
animal meal, etc.) waste oil, used solvents and viscose plant off- ca. 100 mm.
gas, etc. may be considered as ‘‘waste fuel’’ or ‘‘Refuse Derived
Fuel’’ (RDF). In the narrow sense of definition, solid fuels which
are prepared from sorted or mixed solid wastes (municipal waste 1.1. Quality criteria for waste fuels
fractions, commercial wastes, production wastes, lightweight frac-
tions from MBT/MPT-plants, etc.) are described as ‘‘Solid Recovered The European Union Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration
Fuel’’ (SRF). of waste (EC, 2000) limits emissions to air only, but when waste
In Austria, the definition for ‘‘waste fuels’’ or ‘‘Refuse Derived fuels are burnt in co-incineration plants, there is no limit of the
Fuels’’ (RDFs) is given in the ‘‘Waste Incineration Directive pollutant levels in the fuels, products or residues themselves so
(WID)’’ (BMLFUW, 2010) as: ‘‘. . .waste that is used entirely or to far. That is different in Austria, where energy related quality crite-
ria for waste fuels burnt in different types of co-incineration plants
are laid down in the WID (BMLFUW, 2010), see Table 1. There are
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 3842 4025105; fax: +43 3842 4025102. also other countries (e.g., Germany and Switzerland) which have
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Sarc). defined strict quality criteria (not always in mg/MJDM but mg/
0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1826 R. Sarc, K.E. Lorber / Waste Management 33 (2013) 1825–1834
Table 1
Limit values [mg/MJDM] for heavy metal concentrations in waste fuels, related to heating value and depending on type of co-incineration plant, laid down in the Waste
Incineration Directive (BMLFUW, 2010).
The following formula shall be used for the conversion: Pollutant content [mg/MJ] = Pollutant content [mg/kgDM]/Net calorific value [MJ/kgDM].
The following formula applies to liquid waste fuels: Pollutant content [mg/MJ] = Pollutant content [mg/kg]/Net calorific value [MJ/kg].
kgDM) for SRF used in co-incineration plants (Flamme and Geiping, Additionally, technical aspects have to be considered, when
2012). using SRF in different mono- or co-incineration plants. Technical
properties may be divided into a few groups, e.g., chemical (i.e.
separation between combustible/non-combustible substances, vol-
1.2. Characterization of waste fuels
atile matter content, etc.), mechanical (density of combustible/
non-combustible substances, bulk properties, etc.), calorific (i.e.
There are different possibilities and systems for quality classifi-
heating value, adiabatic combustion temperature, etc.) and reac-
cation and/or characterization of waste fuels (Lorber et al., 2012;
tion technical properties (i.e. ignition temperature, combustion
Flamme and Geiping, 2012; CEN, 2011).
behavior, slag formation, corrosion potential, etc.) (Beckmann
Apart from legal requirements (see Table 1), additional fuel
et al., 2012).
specifications (i.e. chemical and physical parameters) are usually
As shown in Fig. 1, fuel properties like heating value (i.e. net cal-
laid down in the contract between the RDF supplier and user,
orific value [MJ/kgOS]) and particle size i.e. d90 or d95 in [mm]
which may contain.
strongly influence the application field of industrial utilization of
Grain or particle size (d95) or (d90), net calorific value (MJ/kgOS),
waste fuels. Individual application fields are based on average val-
chlorine content (w%DM), sulfur content (w%DM), fluorine content
ues of investigations for different waste recovery plants (Pomber-
(w%DM), ash content (w%DM), water content (w%OS), biogenic car-
ger, 2007).
bon content (%), as well as bulk density (kg/m3) and restrictions
for heavy metals content (mg/kgDM) like: As, Sb, Pb, Cd, Cr, Co,
Cu, Zn, Ni, Hg, Tl, V, Sn and Mn (Lorber and Sarc, 2012). 2. Recovery of fuels from wastes
Regardless of its application in different sectors and types of
mono-incineration or co-incineration systems, RDF must fulfill For higher qualities of RDF and/or SRF, a multi-stage separation
general quality requirements in order to be safely and efficiently process is necessary for manufacturing, including the unit opera-
utilized, like: tions of classifying and sorting of waste material fractions, as well
as the separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and also un-
well defined calorific value, wanted heavyweight inert materials (e.g. stones, glass, ceramics,
low chlorine content, etc.) followed by confectioning of the fuel according to specifica-
quality controlled composition (few impurities), tions given (Lorber and Sarc, 2012; Lorber et al., 2012).
defined grain size, As far as net calorific value (LHV) and grain size (d95) are con-
defined bulk density and cerned, quality controlled waste fuels (i.e. RDF and SRF) may com-
availability of sufficient quantities with required specifications. prise a broad range between 11–25 MJ/kgOS and 5–300 mm
(Kunter and Wellacher, 2010; Lorber et al., 2011, 2012).
As shown in Fig. 2, separate treatment of different waste mate-
rial streams is necessary for processing of different RDF qualities
and specifications. In this connection, the discrimination between
2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) grains is also advisable
(extensively discussed in Lorber and Sarc, 2012), because cubic
grains show different combustion behavior compared to plane par-
ticles, i.e. foils and matters alike. In any case, a multi-stage process
with repeated unit operation steps (i.e. several times crushing,
sieving and separating) is necessary for obtaining the required
quality and uniformity of waste fuels (RDF or SRF), due to the
inherent complexity of the input material ‘‘waste’’. The final qual-
ity of RDF (or SRF) will ultimately depend on the composition of
the input (feeding) materials, as well as on the extent and the
intensity of the applied recovery process.
Fig. 1. Fuel properties of SRF and application area (d90: 90th Percentile of grain size As already mentioned before (see Section 1.2), one of the
in mm). (Pomberger, 2007; Lorber et al., 2012). requirements for RDF is the availability of sufficient quantities that
R. Sarc, K.E. Lorber / Waste Management 33 (2013) 1825–1834 1827
Fig. 2. Simplified processing scheme for different RDF specifications. (Lorber et al., 2011; Pomberger, 2007; Kunter and Wellacher, 2010).
Fig. 4. External mechanical sorting plant (MSP) for waste fuel processing in the reported case study.
Summarized, it means that a modern and advanced mechanical of Fe-metals), at least one eddy-current separator (rejecting of
sorting plant (MSP) for RDF consists of at least two or even three NON-Fe-metals, mostly only for fine fraction) and, depending on
shredding steps, at least two magnetic separation steps (rejection customer requirements, at least two sieving steps. Different types
R. Sarc, K.E. Lorber / Waste Management 33 (2013) 1825–1834 1829
Fig. 6. Schematic description of representative sampling for waste fuels in accordance with relevant standards (- - Collective Sample- - may be skipped). (Lorber et al., 2012).
1830 R. Sarc, K.E. Lorber / Waste Management 33 (2013) 1825–1834
10 Increment
Increments m = ca. 10 kg
a ca. 10 kg 10 10 d95 < 120 mm
x 10
Sample a Combined Sample
1. 2. m = 10 x 10 = 100 kg Sorting Out of Extraneous
90 - 100 kg
(< 120 mm) (min m = 50 kg) Materials
d95 < 120 mm
Size Reduction 1 Drying
d95 : 120 mm => 30 mm 40 °C
1. 2.
Field Sample
Size Reduction 2
Field Sample
Coarse Cutting Mill
m = 100 kg
m = ca. 3 kg
d95 < 30 mm
Mass d95 : 30 mm => <10 mm
Reduction Size Reduction 3
Reference Sample Lab Sample
Fine Cutting Mill
m = ca. 3 kg m = ca. 3 kg
m = 1.0 - 1-3 kg
d95 < 30 mm d95 < 30 mm
(min m = 0.8 kg)
d95 : < 10 mm => 0.5 mm (0.25 mm)
1. 2.
Test Sample
Test Samples
Determination of
Examination Storage Parameters
Fig. 7. Concept (sampling procedure and sample preparation scheme) for waste materials delivered to incinerator plant by truck. (Reproduced from Lorber et al., 2012).
3.2.1. Characterization of supplier materials from external waste catalogue code 200301) are also reported in Table 3. It can be seen
processing that samples from the waste fuel suppliers (i.e. A1, A2 and B) con-
The samples taken from the walking floor trucks have been tain a significantly greater share of ‘‘Fine Fraction < 16 mm’’ (A1, A2
investigated and analyzed according to the relevant standards and B) and of ‘‘Plastics and Lightweight Fraction’’ (A2 and B) but
(ASI, 2006, 2009, 2011a, 2011b, 2011d) and some summarized re- less portions on ‘‘Organic/biogenic waste’’ and ‘‘Paper, cardboard
sults are presented in Tables 2 and 3. and cardboard packaging’’.
It becomes obvious that the treated waste materials delivered
from the suppliers A and B are showing a rather heterogeneous
composition (i.e. distribution of Cl, Ash, Cu). Also the waste fuel in- 3.2.2. Characterization of RDF-incinerator feedstock material after
put streams A1 (having greater portions of construction site internal waste processing
waste), A2 (having greater portions of household waste) and A3 Samples taken from the incinerator feedstock bunker (see
(having greater portions of commercial waste), which are originat- Fig. 4) have been investigated and analyzed according to the rele-
ing from the same mechanical sorting plant shown in Fig. 4 are vant standards (ASI, 2006, 2009, 2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2011d) and
quite different, as far as their physical–chemical composition is some selected results are presented in Tables 4 and 5.
concerned (e.g., LHV). The data given in Table 4 reveals that by internal waste process-
The results from manual sorting analysis (field sample size ca. ing applied at the fluidized bed incinerator plant (see Fig. 5), a
90–100 kg each) shown in Table 3 confirms the outcome from homogenization of the different input material streams from sup-
the physical–chemical analyses of the supplier materials shown pliers takes place. Compared to the waste fuel supplier materials
in Table 2. The low net calorific values of sample A1 (and A3) can (i.e. A1, A2, A3 and B), the RDF-incinerator feedstock is more
be explained by the high portion of ‘‘Fine Fraction < 16 mm’’ and homogeneous for most of the measured parameters (e.g., LHV,
‘‘Inert Materials’’. For comparison, the results of the Federal Waste Cl). However, it is remarkable, that the mean concentration value
Management Plan 2011 (BMLFUW, 2011) on the Austrian residual for copper with 892 mg/kgDM is significantly higher compared to
waste from household and similar establishments (EU waste the 80th Percentile with 604 mg/kgDM. This reflects the extreme
R. Sarc, K.E. Lorber / Waste Management 33 (2013) 1825–1834 1831
Table 2 Table 4
Selected results (mean values, n = 3, time period 2012) from physical–chemical Selected results (mean value, n = 48, time period 2011–2013) from physical–chemical
analysis of investigated supplier materials (A1, A2, A3 and B). (Note: OS: original analyses of investigated RDF-incinerator feedstock material. (Note: OS: original
substance, DM: Dry Matter, Inerts: incombustible materials like glass, stones and substance, DM: Dry Matter, Inerts: incombustible materials like glass, stones, and
metals, A1, A2 and A3: different truck deliveries from the same supplier A). metals).
Parameter Unit Austrian Supplier materials Parameter Unit Austrian Mean Standard Median 80th
Standard (ASI) Standard deviation Percentile
A1 A2 A3 B
(ASI) (%)
LHV MJ/kgOS 15400 7 15 6 12
LHV MJ/kgOS 15400 9.0 12.3 8.9 10.3
Cl g/kgDM 15408 3 25 9 8
Cl g/kgDM 15408 9.3 35.8 9.2 12.3
S g/kgDM 15408 5 5 7 4
S g/kgDM 15408 3.4 46.0 2.9 3.7
F g/kgDM 15408 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
F g/kgDM 15408 0.18 60.9 0.14 0.22
Ash w% 15403 55 20 50 30
Ash w% 15403 41 16.6 40 45.4
DM w% 15414-1 75 80 70 80
DM w% 15414-1 73 6.6 74 77.6
Inerts w% – 20 5 3 9
Inerts w% – 21 30.1 21 26.7
Pb mg/kgDM 15411 250 550 300 100
Pb mg/kgDM 15411 312 133 215 334
Cd mg/kgDM 15411 3 10 3 2
Cu mg/kgDM 15411 892 230 190 604
Cr mg/kgDM 15411 150 550 250 150
Zn mg/kgDM 15411 882 126 580 955
Cu mg/kgDM 15411 900 100 300 200
K mg/kgDM 15410 1986 34.9 1919 2738
Ni mg/kgDM 15411 250 50 20 60
Na mg/kgDM 15410 3011 21.8 2972 3681
Zn mg/kgDM 15411 1500 500 1500 500
Table 5
Table 3
Selected results (mean value, n = 11, total field sample size ca. 100 kg, time period
Selected results (single values, time period 2012) from manual sorting analysis of
2012) from manual sorting analysis of RDF-incinerator feedstock, compared to results
supplier materials A1, A2 and B compared to results from Federal Waste Management
from FWMP 2011 for residual waste (Federal Waste Management Plan) (BMLFUW,
Plan for residual waste (FWMP) (BMLFUW, 2011).
Fractions (w%) Supplier FWMP 2011
Fractions (w%) RDF feedstock (waste FWMP 2011 (waste
code 191212) code 200311)
A1 A2 B
Fine Fraction < 20 mm 55 19.6
Fine Fraction < 16 mm 50 30 50 19.6 Organic/biogenic waste 6 20.5
Organic/biogenic waste 8 10 10 20.5 Paper, cardboard and 6 12.4
Paper, cardboard and cardboard packaging 6 9 5 12.4 cardboard packaging
Sanitary articles 0 0 0 8.2 Sanitary articles 1 8.2
Plastics and lightweight fraction 10 33 19 9.7 Plastics and lightweight 16 9.7
Composite materials 3 5 2 9.5 fraction
Textiles 1 9 5 5.8 Composite materials 3 9.5
Glass 3 0 0 4.3 Textiles 5 5.8
Inert materials 15 1 3 3.4 Glass 4 4.3
Metals 2 2 4 2.9 Inert materials 3.4
Hazardous household waste 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.2 Metals 1 2.9
Other (unidentified) 1.9 0.8 1.6 2.5 Hazardous household 3 1.2
Total 100 100 100 100 waste
Other (unidentified) 2.5
Total 100 100
Fig. 8. Simplified waste processing scheme for production and utilization of high quality RDF/SRF.
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