AB SP Decarbonisation Report PDF
AB SP Decarbonisation Report PDF
AB SP Decarbonisation Report PDF
Dr. Aurélie FAVIER is senior scientist in materials chemistry in the Chair of Sustainable
Construction, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Zürich, Switzerland.
Dr. Catherine DE WOLF is conducting postdoctoral research with Prof. Corentin Fivet on
embodied carbon impacts of structural design in Switzerland, in the Structural Xploration
Lab (SXL) within the smart living lab (HEIA Fribourg and EPFL, Switzerland), a research
and development centre for the built environment of the future.
Prof. Guillaume HABERT holds the Chair of Sustainable Construction and is associate
professor at the ETH Zürich.
This report summarises the practices and technologies that can be implemented to
significantly reduce CO2 emissions from the cement and concrete sector in Europe by
The possibility of achieving the objective of the Paris Agreement (temperature rise limited
to 1.5°C in the long term) is also emphasised by analysing certain practices beyond
current standards or by combining them with carbon capture and storage technologies
showing that carbon neutrality is technologically feasible in the cement and concrete
Finally, we propose measures and policies to overcome the limitations for the adoption
of these technologies and practices targeting all stakeholders.
This one-year project was undertaken researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETHZ), Zürich, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL),
Lausanne, and commissioned by the European Climate Foundation. The objective of
the project was to assess the potential of technologies to reduce CO2 emissions from
the cement and concrete industry. Two consultation workshops with representatives
from the construction industry, academic experts and European policy professionals in
Brussels in January 2018 and May 2018 were held to verify the results.
We hope that the work presented in this report will bring attention to the needed
policies to be put in place to transform the cement and concrete industry towards a
more sustainable future.
Executive summary
This report examines different pathways to reduce CO2 emissions associated with the
use of cement in the construction sector.
Worldwide, cementitious materials make up more than half of all the materials we use.
While cementitious materials are intrinsically materials with low embodied energy,
these large volumes mean they account for approximately 8% of global emissions. The
cement demand in Europe represents 5% of the global market and has been stable for
nearly a decade. This demand is not likely to significantly increase in the future, unlike in
emerging and developing countries, where the demand for cement will continue to rise
to meet the demand of the growing population and urbanisation. In volume, construction
is the biggest source of waste in Europe, but almost 90% can be revalorised highlighting
an untapped potential for more efficient resource management in the sector.
The cement and concrete sector play an important role in the European economy and
also in reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement which commits governments to keep
global warming well below 2°C Celsius and to pursue efforts to keep it below 1.5°C.
According to the Special Report on 1.5°C published by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) (October 2018), limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires the
economy to be carbon neutral globally by 2050.
Carbon neutrality is particularly challenging for the cement sector as less than 40% of
emissions come from the energy used to produce cement. More than 60% of emissions
come from the chemical breakdown of limestone – calcium carbonate (CaCO3) – into
CO2; limestone is a calcium source that is used to produce the active component of
cement - the clinker - which reacts with water at ambient temperature to produce a
strong durable material. There is no practical alternative to the use of limestone due to
its abundance and widespread distribution in the earth’s crust. Therefore, total carbon
neutrality can only be achieved by recapturing this “chemical” CO2.
Technologies for carbon capture and storage are under development, although some
technical challenges need still to be surmounted. These technologies are estimated to
require large investments in terms of capital investment and in operating cost. They are
also dependent on large quantities of renewable energy to be effective.
In this report, we examine different scenarios to reduce CO2 emissions from cement
production and minimise the cost of the remaining CO2 that must be captured to achieve
overall carbon neutrality.
We show that by considering all the stages in the value chain, reductions of up to
80% CO2 emissions compared to the 1990 values is achievable by 2050 without using
carbon capture and storage technologies. Achieving such reductions would require
the different actors in the construction value chain to work together, and measures
should be taken to incentivise this. However, these CO2 savings could be achieved for a
relatively low financial cost and even with financial savings in some cases.
The construction sector includes various players (figure below), and pressure for CO2
reduction has, up to now, remained only at the level of the cement producers. Yet, cement
production is highly efficient, and it is unlikely that further significant savings (more than
10%) can be made here due to the low growth perspective in Europe.
Ready mix
Precast concrete
Engineers/architects Demolition
Scenario 2: “Efficient use and recycling” will require moderate investment distributed
across the different actors; significant increase in the use of alternative fuels; recycling
of concrete with fines reused as raw material for clinkers; optimisation of the concrete
mix design via better aggregate packing and strictly not exceeding the requirements of
codes and standards to avoid the over use of cement in concrete.
The figure below shows the final results for 2050 according to the scenario (figure a)
and stakeholders (figure b from 2015 to 2050):
Reference Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
scenario Breaktrough Concrete Structure
25% Demolition
20% Construction
5% Waste
Reference Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
scenario Breaktrough Concrete Structure
Under the proposed scenarios, the pressure to reduce CO2 emissions is based on different
stakeholders. It is clear that to achieve the same reduction, the overall investment
required in scenario 3 is very much lower than that required in 1, and the effort is
distributed more evenly (figure 2b). The challenge will be to find incentives that can push
this cooperation and integration. The reduction measures used in scenario 3 are mostly
well known, and there are no major technical issues to their implementations. With this
scenario, the reduction is close to a 2°C scenario. However, we think that the reduction
measures in this scenario could be pushed even further if standards and norms are
adapted. Moreover, net-zero emissions would be possible to reach if combined with the
use of carbon capture and storage technologies.
Figure 3 shows that a 2°C target (80% emission reduction) can be achieved by
combining extreme scenario 3 with 25% CCS or by “pushing” the savings in scenario
3 and 95% CO2 reduction can be achieved compared to 1990 levels using 80% CCS.
Net zero emissions are technically possible, but will require very large investments in the
cement industry. The objective of carbon neutrality in the cement industry could also be
achieved in combination with other sectors using less costly technologies, but this has
not been assessed in-depth in this work.
1990 emissions
CO2 saving (%)
20% CCS
Scenario 3 Scenario 3 Extreme Scenario 3
+25% CCS Scenario 3 +80% CCS
To enforce the applicability of the structural optimisation and circular economy scenario,
we propose incentives for policy makers. The main incentives are as follows:
Stakeholders Suggestion
Stakeholders Suggestion
Stakeholders Suggestion
Finally, we propose to the stakeholders and policy makers the use of indicators at each
level of the concrete value chain to directly involve the concerned stakeholder.
The upstream indicators and constraints for cement producers already exist considering
the energy intensive EU regulations. Downstream targets also exist for construction
companies considering sustainable building labels, but only on a voluntary basis. The
middle stream indicators are lacking, and their enforcement would allow the involvement
of concrete producers and engineering offices and the integration of the complete value
chain into the common objective of fulfilling the Paris Agreement. These indicators are
targeted for 2030 and should be regularly reviewed in line with latest scientific and
technological developments at sectoral level.
The authors 2
Foreword 3
Executive summary 5
1 Introduction 15
2 The European cement and construction sector 17
2.1 World situation and UNEP report 17
2.2 The European situation 18
3 Levels of intervention for CO2 reduction 21
4 Technologies applicable at the different levels 23
4.1 Clinker level 23
4.2 Cement level 25
4.3 Concrete level 31
4.4 Structural level 36
4.5 Recycling, circular economy 39
5 Breakthrough technologies: The reality behind the hype 41
5.1 Alternative clinkers 41
5.1.1 Belitic clinkers 41
5.1.2 Calcium sulfo aluminate cements 41
5.1.3 Energetically modified cement (EMC) 42
5.1.4 Alkali activated binders 42
5.1.5 Supersulfated slag cements 43
5.1.6 Carbonatable calcium silicate cements 43
5.1.7 Hydrothermal reactive belite cements (incl. celitement) 43
5.1.8 Magnesium cements 44
5.1.9 Summary of potential from alternative binders 44
5.2 Carbon capture, storage and use 44
6 Strategies for CO2 reduction in the cementitious value 47
6.1 Introduction 47
6.2 Background data 49
6.3 Reference scenario 51
6.3.1 Description 51
6.3.2 Results 52
6.4 Scenario 1: breakthrough technologies 54
6.4.1 Description 54
6.4.2 Results 55
6.5 Scenario 2 Efficient use and recycling 56
6.5.1 Description 57
6.5.2 Results 59
6.6 Scenario 3 Structural optimisation and circular 60
economy principles
6.6.1 Description 61
6.6.2 Results 63
6.7 Towards the well-below 2°C and 1.5°C target 64
6.7.1 Extreme scenario 3 beyond the standards 64
6.7.2 Scenario 3 with additional Carbon Capture and Storage 65
7 Policy recommendations 67
7.1. Introduction 67
7.2. Enabling lowering of CO2 in the clinker 68
7.3. Enabling the reduction of CO2 in cement 69
7.4. Enabling the efficient use of cement in concrete 70
7.5. Enabling the efficient use of concrete in structures 71
7.6. How to track good practices and sustainable concrete? 72
8 Final remarks 77
9 Acknowledgement 79
10 References 81
11 Annex 1: Model 87
12 Definition and glossary 92
1. Introduction
The construction sector provides 18 million direct jobs and constitutes approximately
9% of EU’s GDP. However, the construction sector represents a major share of
European greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The two main construction materials
represent approximately 10% of the total European CO2 emissions. Cement production
is responsible for 5% of CO2 emissions, and the steel used in construction represents a
similar amount [1].
Heating/ Cooling
5% Agriculture
26% Other
Between today and 2050, the world’s population will increase from 7 to 9 billion [3],
mainly in urban regions (Figure 2). The need for infrastructure and housing will increase,
leading to an increase in demand for energy and materials. This increase will take
place in a context in which resources are already limited and the effects on climate are
extremely difficult to mitigate.
Figure 2 Production of cement and crude steel with population [4]
5000 8000
Materials production (MioT)
2500 4000
0 0
Year 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
Population Cement Steel
2000 America
Other Asia
0 China
The report argues that action at the level of cementitious materials has the potential to
deliver a major contribution to climate change mitigation. The report shows that there
are low cost solutions available and usable everywhere by low skilled workers and
should be pushed forward by all governments and industry representatives.
The UN report “Eco-efficient Cement” identifies two main routes that can fulfil the
demand and deliver CO2 reductions in the relatively short term, which are as follows:
In the long term, breakthrough technologies such as carbon capture storage will have
to contribute to fully decarbonise the sector, but within the short time gap between now
and 2050, and considering that most of the construction growth will happen during this
period, these technologies cannot be implemented at the required pace and will play
a significant role in the long term, while the low carbon solutions identified in the UN
report can already be implemented at the required scale.
In Europe, one can expect a very moderate growth in cement demand. Eurostat’s
projections indicate that the EU-28’s population will grow overall by 3.7 % by 2045
[6] and economic activity, if sustained at the current rate, will stabilise between 1 and
2% per year [7]. As a consequence, the cement demand, which has been stable (even
decreasing) over the last 20 years, is projected to remain stable for the coming decades
[8]. Finally, as the production of cement has been decreasing since 2007 (Figure 4) and
despite efforts to reduce the production capacity, there remains an overcapacity in the
cement sector.
Considering Europe’s slow economic growth, stable population, the existing over
production capacity and the focus of the European Commission to reduce public deficit,
it is likely that large capital investment from private or public institutions in the cement
infrastructure will not occur in Europe, even if the cement demand in the rest of the world
is increasing.
EU Cement (MioT)
Year 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
In 2011, the European Commission [10] redefined its commitment to reduce GHG
emissions by 40% by 2030 and 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. These objectives
and strategies are currently under revision to fully align the European Union’s climate
action efforts of the Paris Agreement (2015). To meet a 1.5°C target, all sectors must
fully cut their emissions, especially the energy, building and industry sectors. Although
it is a mature market in Europe, the construction sector is an important player to meet
the commitments to GHG reduction in the Paris Agreement. With this perspective,
many associations and stakeholders have analysed potential solutions to reduce GHGs
in the construction industry, notably the European association of cement producers,
CEMBUREAU. In 2013, CEMBUREAU [11] proposed five routes for cement and
concrete industries that would lead to a significant reduction of the carbon footprint:
resource efficiency, energy efficiency, carbon sequestration, reuse, product efficiency
and downstream applications. However, breakthrough technologies, such as carbon
capture and storage, would have a major impact on the cost of cement production. One
can question the feasibility of this scenario considering the previous assessment of the
European economic situation and the likelihood of limited investment.
Therefore, carbon storage ambitions need to be pursued, but with the objective of
being effective for post 2050 targets (2100), and we urgently need solutions that
can be implemented massively within the next ten to twenty years to fulfil the Paris
Agreement to stay within a 1.5°C scenario.
Four strategies can be identified to reduce CO2 emissions in the concrete industry, as
• Reduce CO2 emissions from clinker production by improving the energy efficiency of
cement plants. This strategy includes improving the thermal efficiency of the kilns
and increasing the use of alternative fuels.
• Reduce CO2 emissions from cement by reducing the clinker content. This strategy
mainly consists of substituting a part of the clinker with supplementary cementitious
materials at the cement production level but also at the concrete production level.
• Reduce CO2 emissions from concrete by reducing the cement content. This strategy
looks at the mix design of concrete and the quantity of the binder phase as well as
the quantity and quality of the aggregates.
• Reduce CO2 emissions from structures by adapting the concrete mix design and
the element shape to the final application. Two aspects are taken into account, i.e.,
reducing the quantity of concrete to manufacture a structural element or a standard
residential building in the first place and reducing the amount of concrete if the
shape of an element is optimised to meet the same structural load requirements.
All of these strategies can be combined as follows: the use of less fossil fuel for
clinker production combined with the use of less clinker in cement and less cement in
concrete and, finally, the use of less concrete per structure or m2. The result is that
the same level of services is provided to society but with much less CO2 emissions due
to the lower clinker use.
Clinker is the active component of cement and is produced by calcining limestone and
clay at 1500°C. The cement industry has been active in the past decades in improving
the efficiency of clinker production. Clinker production is an energy intensive process
and produces approximately 875 kgCO2eq/t clinker. 30%- 40% of CO2 emissions are
coming from the energy required to heat limestone and clay at 1500°C, while 60%-
70% of the emissions are linked with the chemical reaction of the decarbonisation of
limestone. The first level of action has been to reduce the CO2 contribution from energy.
Energy efficiency
The energy required for clinker production has been significantly reduced over the time,
especially since the energy crisis in the 70’s[12]. Technologies where raw materials
are introduced in a dry stage are more energy efficient than wet processes. Therefore,
wet kilns have been gradually replaced in EU by the dry kiln process combined with
heat recovery technologies that allow for preheating and precalcining of the raw
material before entering in the kiln (Figure 5). As old kilns have already been replaced,
improvement in kiln technologies are reduced and the new IEA CSI roadmap estimates
that a 10% improvement can be made by 2050 in the best case scenario at the global
Percentage of kilns in Europe
Dry technologies
2 006
2 009
2 000
2 008
2 005
2 007
1 990
2 010
2 014
2 012
2 015
2 013
2 011
Dry with preheater without precalciner Dry with preheater and precalciner
The best available technologies in modern cement plants are based on dry kilns with
pre heaters and precalciners that require 3000 MJ/t clinker. The energy efficiency of an
EU cement plant is currently approximately 3300 MJ/t clinker. Finally, it has to be noted
that waste heat recovery is a technology where there is room for progress. In Europe,
plants may be retrofitted with this technology. The cost of the initial investment and the
dependence on local electricity costs are barriers to the more widespread uptake of this
Alternative fuels
The use of alternative fuels and raw materials for cement clinker production is of
major importance. Currently, the fuel source is a mix of coal, pet coke, biomass and
waste materials. In Europe, the cement industry has replaced a part of its traditional
fuel sources with biomass, which involves a significant reduction of CO2. The cement
industry was using three times more biomass in 2010 than in 2000.
Figure 6 Forecast of alternative fuel use in cement technology by region. Europe is part of
the developed region in the forecast for alternative fuel use by 2050 (Source: [5,14,15])
Raw Material
5% 10%-20% Developing regions
Further improvement can be made [11]. Actually, much higher substitution rates are
technically possible, but several factors limit the use of alternative fuels. First, the
calorific value of most organic materials is relatively low, and additional treatment may
be needed. Second, the availability of waste is dependent on the local waste legislation.
Third, an important limiting factor is the potential impact on clinker chemistry, e.g.,
increase in phosphate by use of sewage sludge, increase in chlorides when waste
plastics (PVC) are used, etc. Finally, a higher CO2 price may increase the global demand
for biomass, for which cement companies will then compete with heat and electricity
Figure 7 Carbon intensity of the fuel mix in Europe - Data from WBCSD GNR [16]
Carbon intensity of fuel mixes (kgCO2/MJ)
2 000
2 005
2 020
1 990
1 995
1 985
2 010
2 015
called clinker factor) over all cement types is equal to 0.73. The most sold cement type
is CEM II-A, where clinker is substituted with limestone up to a maximum substitution of
20%. 47% of the cements sold in Europe are CEMII Portland composite cements mostly
substituted with limestone.
cement (58%)
Variations in the clinker content influence the type of applications the cement can be
used for. Different supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) can give particular
properties. Part of the substitution may also take place at the concrete production stage.
In ready-mix concrete, the cement factor is currently approximately 0.8 and the main
additions are slag, fly ash, limestone and silica fume.
Availability of SCMs
We can consider six classes of alternative materials to substitute for clinker. These are
discussed below according to the level of their current use as substitute materials:
• Limestone is the most widely used SCM, currently, in Europe and worldwide.
Limestone is simply ground without heating, is abundant and is easily accessible
to most cement plants. However, the substitution potential of limestone is relatively
low as only small amounts react, due to the limited availability of alumina in cement.
Nonetheless, the potential of limestone increases significantly when it is used in
ternary blends with other aluminium rich additions, such as calcined clay, burnt oil
shale, and fly ash.
• Fly ash is used in significant amounts in concrete worldwide to replace clinker and
thereby lower CO2 emissions. Fly ash comes from the coal power industry and
represents the mineral residue once the organic material has been burned. Fly ash
may be siliceous or calcareous, showing different reactivity in cement. Approximately
34 Mio tons of fly ash were produced in Europe in 2013 and 4.7 Mio tons of bottom
ash (source: ECOBA1), which correspond to 74 % of the total of coal combustion
products (CCP). Almost 90 % of CCP has already been valorised by the construction
industries and their availability is planned to decrease with the closing of coal power
plants. Figure 9 represents the electricity energy mix, including the share from hard
coal and from lignite. Both sources were already low in the energy mix and will be
reduced by 2050 [17]. In 2050, a production of approximately 23 Mio tons of fly ash
can be expected, which is insufficient to increase the substitution of clinker by fly
Gross capacity in GW
Year 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
ECOBA : European Coal Combustion Products Association
• The production of blast furnace slag (BFS) was equal to 24.6 Mio tons in Europe
in 2016. More than 80% is already used in cement or concrete (Source: Euroslag2).
In 2016, we used in total 25.8 Mio tons (5% coming from interim storage), which
is already more than the European production (implying import of slag from other
regions). The availability of BFS is linked to the steel industry and production in
Europe is not forecast to increase. Moreover, Figure 10 shows a map of blast furnaces
in Europe (red dots). It is observed that these furnaces are not homogeneously
distributed in Europe. A future increase in use of BFS would require significant
imports, but possibilities are still limited, as the worldwide level of BFS production
covers only 8% of the cement demand and the proportion already used in cement
and concrete in Europe is close to 80%.
Figure 10 Map of the steel production sites in EU 27. Red dots correspond to the
production sites of blast furnace slag [18]
• Natural pozzolans (called P in EN 197-1) are mainly volcanic ashes, and their use
is relatively common in some areas of Europe, where they are available, i.e., mainly
southern regions, such as Italy, Greece, and Slovenia. According to the European
standard EN 197-1, various cement types may contain natural pozzolans from 6 to
55 mass%; however the proportion of pozzolans is usually in a range of 15 to 35
mass%. In 2003, only approximately 150 Mio tons were used worldwide in cement
and concrete industries [19]. The reserves are not known, but only a slight increase
is assumed. Further increased use of pozzolans for cement manufacturing will also
imply larger transport distances.
Euroslag : European association of organisations and companies concerned with all aspects of
manufacturing and utilisation of ferrous slag products
• Burnt shale (T) is also used in Europe, and the availability is estimated to
be important. According to the European standard EN 197-1, the production of
various cement types containing natural pozzolans from 6 to 35 mass% is possible.
However, it is the by-product of the shale gas industry, whose exploitation raises
important unresolved questions in Europe in term of social acceptance.
• Calcined pozzolans (Q), such as calcined clays, require an “activation” treatment
(thermal or mechanical). This means there are some CO2 emissions associated with
their production, but this may be offset by their high reactivity, which allows high
levels of substitution. Today their use is limited in Europe as they have not been
economically competitive compared to slag and fly ash. However, this situation
is likely to change in the future due to the limited availability of slag and fly ash
and the discovery that higher levels of clinker substitution are possible with a
coupled substitution of calcined clay with limestone. It is now widely accepted that
a ternary blend (clinker, limestone, calcined clay) allows for 50% substitution with
strength comparable to CEM I [20,21]. Furthermore, low-purity clays that cannot
be used by other industries (ceramic, gravel…) can be used in these ternary blends.
Recently, Scrivener and co-workers demonstrated the real potential of low quality
or overburden clays as artificial pozzolans in ternary blend Limestone Calcined
Cements LC3 [22–24]. However, even if the clay availability in Europe is important,
as shown on the map of clay soils suitable for SCM in Europe (Figure 11), the size of
the quarries and the logistics for the supply of large cement plants can be difficult.
Figure 11 Repartition of argilitic soils in EU 27 from Portail Européen des Sols. The areas
in blue are clayey soils except soils containing smectites (called albeluvisol, luvisols and
acrisols). The blue areas are suitable for SCM use.
The main hurdle of clinker substitution of SCM is the low early strength development of
the blended cements. Finer grinding can help to improve this early strength development,
but a compromise needs to be found to avoid detrimental effects on workability.
Nevertheless, there is room for considerable improvement in the performance of blended
cements by optimising the particle size distributions of the different components, which
will require high performance grinders and separate grinding of each component.
Ball mills are the traditional grinding technology. They have been improved by adding
a separator in the closed circuit [25]. Furthermore, high pressure comminution systems,
such as vertical rolls mills (VRMs) or high pressure grinding rolls (HPGRs), are slowly
replacing grinding by ball mills and could be further implemented. Separate grinding
allows a better-controlled particle size distribution, giving the best compromise between
workability (water demand) and strength development. The limitation in using separate
grinding or improving the actual technology is the investment cost. VRMs and HPGRs
cost approximately 30 Mio€ for a new installation and approximately 6 Mio € for a
retrofitted technology [14].
Grinding remains the biggest source for electric energy consumption in a cement plant,
which means that additional grinding has a direct impact on the electricity costs of
the cement plant. Considering the CO2 emissions, the impact of energy is negligible
compared to the impact of calcination[26], but considering the economic costs, extra
grinding has a consequence on the operational costs.
Raw material
Concrete has a low embodied carbon coefficient compared to other common construction
materials, with, on average, 200 kgCO2eq /t of concrete. For example, in contrast, recycled
steel emits 1100 kgCO2eq by tonne of steel produced. However, for the same purpose,
you will need more concrete than steel. The question of improving the environmental
performance is more a question of improving the efficient use of cement in concrete. It is
important to look at the whole life cycle to understand how cement is used in concrete.
In Europe, half of the cement is used in non-reinforced structures where there is a higher
potential of substitution without risk of serious durability problems. On the contrary,
improving the mix design of reinforced concrete needs to be more carefully considered
due to safety and durability concerns. The mix design of reinforced concrete is also more
sensitive to a reliable supply of aggregates, admixtures, cement and additions.
Figure 13 Use of cement in downstream products in Europe (2015). The hatched area
corresponds to unreinforced applications (Source: Cembureau, ERMCO3, and BIBM4).
Ready - Mixed
Concrete Non Reinf. 5%
Mortars and
Plasters 24%
Ready - Mixed
Concrete Reinf.
Precast Concrete
Non Reinf 14%
Precast Concrete
Reinforced 14%
It is observed that in ready mix concrete, on average, 20 % of the cement (CEM I or CEM
II) is substituted by additional materials, including mainly fly ash, slag, silica fume and
inert fillers. The limitations are similar to those at the cement scale, as follows: low early
strength development slows down the construction process and creates productivity
losses; and lower workability may involve an increase in admixtures (and therefore
costs) or water on the construction site (and therefore strength loss). As a consequence,
the use of blended cements is excluded in parts of Europe for certain concrete exposure
classes because of the lack of building experience within the scope of the respective
national annexes to concrete standard EN 206-1 and because there have been no
scientific investigations into the use of these cements. Müller et al. [27] combined national
specifications, as shown in Table 1. For example, Denmark allows a low cement content
of 150 kg cement/m3 of concrete but has a high restriction concerning the cement type.
It is therefore difficult to have a common European rule in terms of the amount of clinker
that can be substituted.
ERMCO : European Ready Mix Concrete Organisation
BIBM : European Precast Association
Table 1 National annexes to the norm EN 206-1 for the choice of cement as a function
of the exposure class[27]
However, it seems that the construction community agrees that it is possible to achieve
savings by better respecting these norms, which can be done at two levels.
The first level is the difference between the field reality and what is required in the
standards concerning the amount of cement per cubic metre. There is often 20% more
cement in the concrete mix than what is required by the standard. The study performed
by Passer and co-authors [28] confirms this statement for concrete produced in Austria
(Figure 14). Mix designs systematically contain too much cement, which can be explained
by the fact that concrete producers want to reduce the risk and have an error margin (of
20%) or want to be sure that the concrete still has the appropriate strength even with
the addition of uncontrolled extra water to the construction site.
Figure 14 Quantity of cement per cubic meter of concrete as a function of the exposure
class in Austria. Black dots represent the quantity of cement specified in the Austrian
national standards. The bar charts with uncertainties represent the effective mix design
produced in Austria.
330-441 kg/m3
276-410 kg/m3
288-375 kg/m3
275-375 kg/m3
258-364 kg/m3
263-314 kg/m3
235-318 kg/m3
224-283 kg/m3
213-298 kg/m3
76-207 kg/m3
The second level of saving is on the choice of the exposure class. Actually, the engineers
and designers working on a project will often specify only one single concrete exposure
class, which will then be the most conservative. However, for a house, the exterior
concrete and the interior concrete are not subject to the same constraints. As an example,
if a house is built with a distinction between indoor concrete, where exposure class XC1
C16/20 would be sufficient, and concrete exposed to external weather, which could be
consist of XC4 C25/30, 20 kg of cement per cubic meter can be saved compared to the
current classic solution in which all of the concrete will be specified as XC4 C25/30.
The role of civil engineering and engineering offices is therefore very important because
they often choose the simplest and safest option and comply with the standard.
Optimization of the concrete formulation, particularly of the granular skeleton, by
continuous distribution of aggregates and thus reducing the final porosity of the
granular skeleton. It is this final porosity that is filled by the cement paste. Therefore,
optimizing the granular lining reduces the amount of cement required for a given
compressive strength [29] but is also essential for the workability and the robustness of
the mix. On average, we will then find 300 kg cement/m3, even though the standards
could allow for much less [27]. It is possible to replace a part of this cement by
fines fillers and keep a similar volume of paste for workability reasons, but the
concrete producer will usually go for easy and robust mixes and prefer to have
just one fine particle to weight and mix, the cement. The second reason that
creates difficulty in optimising the mix the supply of good quality aggregates is
not always easy. Aggregates are local materials. Therefore, if the local quarry is
not able to provide a good variety of aggregates, it will not be possible to design
an optimised granular skeleton and more cement will be required to achieve the
necessary strength and workability criteria.
To assess the efficiency of cement use, an indicator of binder intensity has recently
been developed. This indicator calculates the amount of cement needed for 1 m3
of concrete to generate 1 MPa of strength. This factor was discussed in many
papers [29,32–34] and the UNEP report [4]. Table 1 shows the results presented
in the study by Müller et al (2014) [29], where a binder with approximately 110
kg of CEMI by cubic metre of concrete can be designed to reach 40 MPa and a
good durability, compared to the classic 250 to 300 kg cement/m3. They also
showed in their study that the use of microcement (Portland cement; Blaine
value 6900 cm2/g) can allow a compressive strength of 60 MPa with 110 kg
of microcement by cubic meter of concrete due to the optimised packing of
microcement within the full granular skeleton of the concrete.
Binder Intensity (kg/m3.MPa)
10 30 50 70 90
Compressive Strength (MPa)
Cement is not used by itself, but in cementitious materials, such as concrete or mortar,
and concrete is used for architectural structures, walls, foundations, dams, bridges etc.
Therefore, the main objective is to provide society with housing and infrastructure, if the
same service is provided, the amount of cement or clinker in these elements is not of
primary importance.
In this section, discuss the possibility of reducing the amount of concrete required while
still providing the same level of service of the structure. On average, 50% of the cement
is used for building construction, 30% for civil engineering structures and the rest in
maintenance work, even if this repartition is not homogeneous across Europe (Figure
16). Civil engineering structures are often carefully designed, and the form is controlled
by the load. So, the amount of concrete is fairly well optimised. This is different from
buildings where engineering offices are take less time to optimise the design and where
habits in term of repetitive structures lead to the overuse of materials. A concrete slab
has 20 cm, as does a concrete wall, and the spacing between columns is often close to
6 metres. These dimensions are used regardless of the height and dimensions of the
building, and these sizes are more controlled by practical reasons on the construction
site, the size of the truck used to transport the element or acoustic purposes than by
structural reasons. Looking at the concrete used in buildings from a structural perspective
shows great savings potential.
Figure 16 Use of cement in different construction types at the national scale (2015). The
straight lines show the averages for Europe.
The strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from structures is to optimise the quantity of
concrete needed [31]. The quantity is often overestimated to “be on the safe side” but
also sometimes for practical reasons, such as the quantity in a router truck, etc. In the
short term, savings could be made by insisting that only the quantities specified in the
codes are used and not more. In their survey (MEICON Project)[36], researchers from
Cambridge University and Bath University highlight that there are no requirements for
designers to be efficient in the use of embodied energy. Examining steel beams in the
UK, Moynihan and Allwood [37] shows that the average use of the material is 50%
below its capacity. In addition, Dunant and co-authors [38] note that 35-45%wt of steel
is not structurally necessary. A large part of the embodied energy could be saved within
the framework of existing European design codes. Concerning concrete, Orr and co-
authors [39] show that the use of concrete structural elements suffers like steel from a
lack of design optimisation.
In the long term, there is almost certainly scope for further savings, but this would
require the difficult and time consuming process of revaluation of the safety criteria as
defined in Eurocode: the generalised normative construction framework in Europe. Some
researchers have used algorithms or other systems to optimize the cost and embodied
energy. Paya and co-authors [40] provide a methodology to help structural engineers
to improve their design in term of cost, constructability and environmental impact
simultaneously. Yeo and co-authors [41] conclude from their study that approximately
10% of embodied energy can be reduced for an increase of 5% in the cost for the same
simple reinforced concrete structural element. Although difficult to quantify, the works
of De Wolf [42], Shank and co-authors [43] show that a reduction of 10%-20% can be
made today without design changes. By combining low carbon cement and reducing
the amount of cement and concrete in a structure, a reduction of more than 50% is
Some shapes can be optimised to provide the required performance with much lower
amounts of concrete, such as beams. It is well known that the most optimised shape
to distribute forces is the arch shape. Up to now, this was difficult to realise on site, as
optimised elements need high control in the concrete mix design and the reinforcement’s
structure and specific frameworks. However, through the development of digital
fabrication, the development of these elements can be envisaged in the precast industry,
where a good control of all parameters is possible. The work of Block and co-workers
[44] (Figure 17) shows drastic savings of more than 50% of the cement for a similar
service as a normal concrete slab that would be a solid 20 cm thick.
The philosophy of the circular economy is linked to the promotion of resource efficiency,
taking into account the full lifecycle of buildings, from initial planning and manufacturing
of construction products to final demolition and waste treatment and disposal. Improving
the resource efficiency throughout the lifecycle of buildings will make the construction
sector more competitive as well as reduce material use and the environmental impact
associated with our built environment. In 2015, the EU Commission adopted the Circular
Economy package and LIFE Programme[45] to stimulate and support the transition
towards a circular economy. The construction and demolition waste sector was defined
as one of five priority sectors for a more circular economy. In volume, construction is
the biggest source of waste in Europe and almost 90% can be revalorised but is largely
downgraded in low-value applications.
Recycling concrete
Recycled concrete can be reused as aggregates; however, the quality varies greatly
according to the origin and treatment. Recycled aggregates often have lower intrinsic
strength than virgin aggregates. It is often necessary to increase the quantity of
cement in the new concrete to achieve the same strength as a concrete with natural
aggregates. However, CO2 savings are still possible if the use of recycled aggregates
reduces the transport distance compared to natural aggregates. Studies show that if
distances as above 50 km are saved it starts to be an environmentally viable solution
[46]. The quantity that can be incorporated varies according to national restrictions from
10% to 25% and often the recycling of fines is not considered. A large part of recycled
aggregate is already used as road base (where it saves use of virgin aggregates), so
there may not be large amounts of recycled aggregate available. The fine material can
most effectively be used as a raw material for clinker production as a zero fossil CO2
source of calcium. Studies have shown the feasibility[47–49]. The main difficulty is the
quality of the source. To encourage the waste provider to give a source of pure concrete
fines to the cement plant (without a mix of plaster or brick), some partnerships between
cement producers and demolition companies have been proved efficient. The demolition
companies that also have a construction business gets the cement back at a lower
cost with its own concrete waste incorporated, which works for. Therefore, the waste
provider has a direct interest to provide good quality waste, as he will beneficiate from
a good quality cement at a lower price. More efficient recycling treatments with better
fine separation can still be developed, but it is also clearly a change in the construction
culture that is needed, where the waste at the end of life is no longer considered to be
an end product, but is considered to be a valuable resource that, if well sorted, can be
economically interesting to trade.
Recycling element
Increasingly, concrete recycling after deconstruction is not only about being recycled
into aggregates but also about reusing certain elements in their original form [50]. An
example in Belgium is give below:
Figure 18 Circular Retrofit Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Van Der Meeren (1973),
In this case, they re-used original elements in a new construction, which significantly
reduces the cost of construction, and the potential for reducing the embodied CO2 is
very important. In this case, the only energy cost is due to transport if the elements
are not available nearby. Unfortunately, some of the drawbacks seem higher than the
advantages currently, e.g., availability of elements, as elements are integrated into
structures designed for 50-100 years, changing connections between elements will
reduce other properties, which will need extra material to compensate, and elements
available today can be outdated in 10 years. To counterbalance, designing flexible
structures to allow new functions of the building by rearranging walls, for example,
should be promoted.
5. Breakthrough technologies:
The reality behind the hype
Alternative binders were studied in detail in the UNEP report[4] and in two supporting
white papers written by Gartner and Sui [51] and John Provis [52]. Here, we resume the
basics as they apply to Europe.
These cements have not been proven, and their potential for CO2 saving is limited by
questions regarding resources and technical application difficulties, which means that
they are only likely to find niche applications. Such applications usually require a high
level of technical support, which, along with the loss of economies of scale, means that
the products will have a cost often several times higher than conventional cements to
be economically viable. It is not realistic to imagine that such materials will be able to
meet more than approximately 5% of the demand for cementitious materials. It should
be noted that the CO2 savings are expressed compared to plain Portland cement, CEM
I. Given that the average level of clinker substitution in Europe is currently 0.73, the
average CO2 saving of the cements we already use compared to CEMI are already
approximately 25%.
The technology is very similar to Portland cement, but the calcination to form belitic
phases is performed at a slightly lower temperature. There is typically only a 10% CO2
reduction (much less than in current CEM II). Moreover, the lower performance cancels
out this marginal savings. These cements can be made in existing plants, so there
are negligible investment costs. The main drawbacks are the lower reactivity, the low
savings potential and a lower heat recovery potential at the cement plant. Overall, this
technology is of interest for mass concrete, where the lower heat of hydration is an
advantage, but the potential for CO2 savings is negligible.
Calcium sulfo aluminate cements (CSAs) have been produced commercially in China for
more than 40 years and there is now some production in Europe. They can be produced
with the same technology as Portland cement. The reduction in CO2 mainly comes from
the change in the chemical composition. The main reactive phase (ye’elimite: C4A3$)
contains a lower proportion of calcium, so there are lower process emissions from the
Alkali activated binders are also well known, and residential infrastructures were built
in the 60’s in Ukraine with alkali activated slag. However, it was performed in the
specific context of Portland cement scarcity and high availability of slag, which is not
representative of the context in Europe today. Some products are still produced around
the world and they are partially standardised. The savings potential of CO2 (compared to
CEM I) is estimated to be between 40 and 80 %; however, the emissions of the activator
are often not taken into consideration. Different solid precursors can be used. These
are basically the same as the SCMs used in blended cements, with the same limitations
in their availability as discussed previously. In particular, slag and/or high calcium fly
ash are always used in formulations that can set and harden at ambient temperature;
other formulations require heat curing to develop significant strength. In addition, there
are many other technical issues, such as the safety issues associated with the use
of strong alkalis, fast and variable setting and hardening, lack of admixtures able to
improve workability, high shrinkage and questions regarding the durability in different
environments. In view of these constraints, their use is likely to be limited to precast
factories and niche applications.
Supersulfated slag cements are estimated to have the potential to reduce CO2 emissions
by up to 80% compared to CEMI, but the production is linked to the availability of slag,
which is decreasing and is already used in blended cement. In addition, their setting and
hardening is highly variable, so it is difficult to deliver a consistent product on site.
For these reasons, the UN Environment report estimated the maximum market
penetration at 10%.
The production of these materials consists of the two following steps, before mixing
with water:
• Production of α-C2SH by a hydrothermal process, generally from lime and silica; and
• Activation of α-C2SH to produce reactive belite (x-C2S), either by mechanical action
(Celitement) [37] or heat treatment [56].
Such a manufacturing process is complex due to the need for more processing steps
than required for Portland cement and, at present, has only been proven at laboratory
scale. Due to the lack of a commercially viable process, it is difficult to estimate their
energy and CO2 efficiencies at this stage. However, simple thermodynamic arguments
indicate that the manufacture of the reactive belite cannot be more energy or CO2
efficient than the production of belite in PC or the high belite cements discussed above.
The technology seems to make no sense if processed lime (with very high process CO2)
is used as a precursor, but could be interesting if waste materials were used. Due to the
early stages of the technology and CO2 savings, which are unclear compared to existing
blended cements, we do not think the contribution of this technology can be significant
in the period of study.
Magnesium based cements, which harden by carbonation, have been proposed. The CO2
saving potential is critically dependent on the source of the raw materials. If the more
common magnesium carbonate is used, the CO2 emissions are higher than for Portland
cement due to the lower atomic weight of magnesium. Therefore, the focus has been on
preparation from magnesium silicates. This has proven to be possible on a small scale
but requires high amounts of energy and several steps involving high pressure. Despite
considerable effort, it has not proven possible to find a process that can be scaled up
(Novacem [57] went out of business in 2012). Furthermore, even though magnesium
silicate minerals are abundant, they are much more localised than limestone and occur
deeper in the earth’s crust, so wide spread use would require significant efforts in mining
and transportation. Even if all these technical problems were surmounted, the properties
of these cements seem quite limited, and the hardening by carbonation means that they
would suffer from the same limitations identified for the carbonatable calcium silicates
cements described above.
As a summary of the sections above, we consider that only calcium sulfo aluminate
cements (incl. BYF) and carbonatable calcium silicates cement (CCSC) have any
significant potential to contribute to CO2 reduction in the period of study. The penetration
in the market will be limited due to the level of investment required, the lack of standards
and available resources. We estimate that no more than 5% of cement can be replaced
by these alternatives by 2030 and 10% by 2050.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) of use (CCU) is being studied in many industries.
Carbon capture and storage, or CCS, is the term used when captured CO2 is transported
to an underground facility and stored permanently. There are technical and social
issues to be solved if this is to be deployed on a large scale. Carbon capture and use
or CCU envisages use of the captured carbon as a precursor for the production of
other chemicals. Apart from the technical issues, there is a major issue here that the
requirements for such chemicals are several orders of magnitude less than the amount
of CO2 that would have to be captured. CCS/CCU has been identified in the IEA/CSI
roadmaps of 2009 and 2018 as an important technology to reduce CO2 emissions from
the cement industry. There are several on-going pilot programmes. Precombustion
capture technologies have limited mitigation potential in cement production, as only
energy-related CO2 emissions, which represent approximately 35% of the total cement
carbon emissions, would be affected. Oxyfuel combustion technology is considered
promising to give higher concentrations of CO2 in the output gases, which allows more
efficient capture. In this technology, pure oxygen is used to burn fuel and, as nitrogen is
not heated, fuel consumption is reduced, and higher flame temperatures are possible.
The main problem has been separating oxygen from the air. This process requires a
large amount of energy, and the additional electricity needs can increase by 2 or 3.
The investment cost is estimated to be 300 Mio€ and the CO2 saving potential can be
between 50 and 800 kg CO2 per t clinker (10 to 100% CO2 saving).
The non-exhaustive list below presents some of the CCS technologies under development,
including the post combustion process, combustion process and storage process. The
investment costs are current estimations and can be reduced with further research and
development. The information mainly comes from the technical report written by CSI5
and ECRA6 [14].
• CCS by adsorption refers to the uptake of CO2 molecules onto the surface of
another material. The investment cost is estimated to be between 200 and 300
Mio€, inducing a possible increase between 10 and 50 € per ton of cement. The
direct CO2 saving can be between 0 to 740 kgCO2 /t clinker, but the high energy
demand will increase the indirect CO2 emissions.
• CCS by membrane process leads to a potential CO2 saving of approximately 720
kg CO2/tCK and a lower investment of approximately 50 Mio€. However, the process
requires a high electrical energy demand that induces a higher cost of producing of
• CCS by Calcium looping is a second generation carbon capture technology. This
process is not a post combustion capture, but the cement production is perfectly
designed to reuse the CaO sorbent needed in the Ca-looping process with no
additional CO2 emissions during the clinkerisation. However, a low temperature
calcination is needed to form the sorbent, which leads to an increase in the thermal
energy demand. The potential CO2 saving is approximately 800 kg CO2/tCk (without
taking into account the CO2 emitted in the production of the CaO sorbent), and the
investment is approximately 200 Mio€, increasing the price by 36€ per tonne of
• CCS by mineral carbonation involves the reaction of CO2 with a mineral compound
such wollastonite or olivine to form stable mineral carbonates and SiO2. This
technology needs expensive additives for the direct carbonation of minerals. The
cost is estimated to be higher than geological storage due to an important increase
in the thermal and electrical energy requirement. The cost is approximately 100€ per
tonne of captured CO2. Moreover, the carbonated minerals would then have to be
used or disposed of somehow.
CSI : Cement Sustainability Initiative – From the World Business Council on Sustainable Development
ECRA : European Cement Research Academy
• With exactly the same savings potential of 750 kg CO2/t CK as the previous
technology, the CCS by algae capture involves the consumption of CO2 for the
growth of algae, which can be used as biomass fuel. The cost is projected to be
competitive with other CCS processes at approximately 30 -50€ per tonne of CO2
capture. The main limitation is the need for large amounts of land to grow the algae.
Figure 19, from the roadmap from IEA CSI, shows the projected deployment of these
technologies by 2050 in the cement sector worldwide.
Figure 19 Global deployment of CO2 capture for permanent storage in the cement sector
The main limitation of the implementation of CCS is its very high cost. The cost of
investment is 2 times higher than that of a new cement plant (approx. 150 Mio € for 1
million tonne annual capacity). If these technologies are to be applied at a large scale,
the power consumption would increase drastically. The requirement for high amounts
of electrical energy also has implications for both the cost and CO2 mitigation potential
as it heavily depends on the decarbonisation of electricity.
6.1. Introduction
This section focuses on the assessment of CO2 reduction achieved under different
scenarios. We considered the whole cement and concrete value chain, as represented
Figure 20 Representation of the cementitious construction value chain used in this report
Ready mix
Precast concrete
Engineers/architects Demolition
Moreover, the construction sector is a capital intensive industry with long returns on
investment and little incentive to invest due to the current production overcapacity. This
sector is also fragmented between many players [57]. Few constructive partnerships
have been observed, and they are mainly based on client-supplier relationships with
no interactions. Furthermore, a recent study from McKinsey reported in 2015 that
construction is among the least digitised the sectors, resulting in typical delays in
completion of 20%, budget overruns of 80% and finally a very low financial return for
the constructor [58]. Based on different discussions (workshops taking place in January
and May at ECF Brussels) and reports published so far, future developments in the
construction sector with a view to reducing their GHG emissions appear to be as follows:
• An increase in the digitalisation of the sector will occur, leading to more prefabrication
and the use of building information modelling.
• Resource conservation and the circular economy approach are gaining traction in
economic and political circles. The construction industry will have to position itself in
the conversation [45,59].
• Breakthrough technologies all require very high investment costs and the industry is
not willing to invest so much in the current situation.
Following these findings, the construction sector faces two limitations, as follows: the
need for investment on the one hand and the lack of interaction between the various
stakeholders along the fragmented value chain on the other. As an example, increasing
the use of blended cements needs research and development from cement plants, but
these cements need to be bought by concrete companies and allowed by construction
companies to be implemented largely.
Based on these two bottlenecks for innovation in the construction sector, four scenarios
covering the potential future evolution of the sector are proposed (Figure 21). The CO2
reduction potential for each potential future are then assessed.
Figure 21 Four scenarios covering the potential future evolution of the sector
Low investment-Multi
Actors RMC oriented-
Scenario 2
Efficient use and recycling
Low investment- 1 Actor
Reference Scenario
Integration along the value chain
As will be explained, these scenarios are not mutually exclusive and cannot simply
be added to each other.
All scenarios combine different abatement levers and involve one or many actors in
the value chain. For these calculations, our hypothesis is to maintain the same required
properties of concrete (strength, durability, etc.) and the same standards. In the model
(Annex 1), the parameter “quantity of cement” is consider to be stable in Europe [5] from
2015 to 2050; however, scenario 2 and scenario 3 will involve a decrease in cement
demand in the medium and long term, but a constant supply in terms of final service.
It is commonly accepted to refer to 1990 emissions as 100% of total CO2 emissions, but
our scenarios will start in 2015. It is important to note that the 40% observed reduction
between 1990 and 2015 is mainly (30%) due to the reduction in cement demand that
followed the 2008 economic crisis. The roadmap of the European Commission defines
the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% compared to 1990
levels, [60] but in a Paris Agreement compatible scenario, the sector will most likely have
to reduce to almost zero CO2 emissions.
The ten levers evaluated in the possible scenarios are the following:
• Low investment capacities.
• No collaboration between actors: only cement producers can act.
Most promising actions in this context:
• Kiln technologies improvement.
• Small increase in clinker substitution and alternatives fuels.
6.3.1. Description
Table 2 Summary of the potential savings by technologies for the reference case
Alternative fuels
Clinker substitution
Cement Scale
CO2 savings
to 1990
40% 45% 55%
6.3.2. Results
Compared to the actual emissions (2015), this scenario will lead to a reduction of
nearly 15% by 2050. Indeed, the improvement of kiln technologies is marginal and at
its maximum can allow a reduction of only 4%. Further development discussed by CSI-
ECRA Technology papers[14] indicates that with more investment, it is possible that
10% can be achieved on thermal efficiency.
CO2 (%)
Reference Scenario
Year 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
• High investment capacities coming either from public or private investors.
• No collaboration between actors: only cement producers can act.
Most promising actions in this context:
• Carbon capture and storage
• Alternative clinkers
6.4.1. Description
In this scenario, very high investment is required. This investment must be made by
a single actor, i.e., the cement producer, which would probably be done through
public/private investment to finance a carbon storage infrastructure and subsidise the
installation of carbon capture technologies. Cement companies would invest only if
there is a high tax on CO2; otherwise, they would prefer public support. Two types of
investments are then considered. First, cement producers adapt their clinker kilns with
carbon capture post-combustion systems and develop CO2 storage facilities. Second,
alternative cements such as calcium sulfoaluminates cement and carbonatable calcium
silicate cements with a CO2 saving potential of 40-50% become more common and
available at a larger scale in 2050. As explained in section 5, alkali activated binders
are severely limited by resources and pose technical difficulties, particularly for use on
site. The other issue is the market penetration; in the case of calcium sulfo aluminates,
the lack of high alumina raw materials means that the there is a substitution limit of
approximately 5%. These technologies are added to the one that would be favoured in
the reference scenario.
E�ciency of clinker
Alternative fuels
Clinker substitution
Carbon capture
and storage
Alternative binders
CO2 savings
to 1990
40% 50% 65-75%
6.4.2. Results
With 25 % CCS and 10% alternative binders, a reduction of 25% is possible, and in
case of higher investment, 35% can be achieved compared to 2015. A major difficulty
in this scenario is to access the real numbers for implementation of CCS and alternative
CCS is not a proven technology at large scale and its deployment is estimated to be
expensive. Its potential is extremely interesting. In our calculations, this technology
allows all the CO2 emitted during production to be “reabsorbed”. However, our
calculation neglects the CO2 coming from the electricity sector and the capacity of
this sector to provide the necessary low carbon energy for the installation of CCS
technology. In addition, transport to a use or storage site for the captured carbon
is not considered.
CO 2 (%)
Scenario 1
Year 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
• Moderate investment capacities distributed among different actors.
• Integration of the value chain from cement to concrete and collaboration
between actors.
Most promising actions in this context:
• Good waste management practices: increase in alternative fuels and
concrete recycling.
• High increase in clinker substitution.
6.5.1. Description
Scenario 2 follows a different path than scenario 1 by involving the whole value chain. In
this scenario, there is no strong investment in carbon capture and storage.
The use of waste as energy as a raw material in the manufacture of clinker or as SCM
in cement and concrete production is emphasised. The good integration of actors in one
territory favours good waste management practices and efficient collection of waste
and biomass for alternative fuels as well as sorting construction demolition waste. If
well sorted, the fine part of concrete demolition waste can be used as a raw material in
the manufacture of clinker and the rest can be used as recycled aggregates in concrete.
Waste from other industries, such as calcined overburden clays, wood ashes, agricultural
ashes etc., are implemented as supplementary cementitious materials.
The availability of local resources is no longer limited, and the clinker factor can reach 0.5-
0.6 if the required properties are reached. Moreover, there is an important contribution
at the concrete scale; the quantity of cement needed is optimised by the better packing
of aggregates and by respecting the various exposure classes of concrete in the building,
which can be achieved through the active involvement of sand and gravel producers that
can invest in crushers and sieves to produce diverse aggregate sizes. Optimisation of
the quantity of cement needed also involves the engineering offices, which are currently
specifying the use of a single type of concrete that meets the highest exposure class and
therefore contains the most cement, and would change their practice in scenario 2 and
specify the appropriate exposure class for each part of the project. The only risk would
be not to have the right concrete at the right place due to confusion on the construction
site, but new technologies, such as tracking concrete trucks with RFID technologies and
Building information modelling [61,62], can easily be implemented at low costs.
E�ciency of clinker
Alternative fuels
Clinker substitution
Binder per m3 of
concrete per MPa
8 kg/ 5 5 - 5 5 - Concrete
m3/ kg/m3/ kg/m3/ kg/m3/ kg/m3/
Appropriate use
of standards
287- 275-
300 292 - - 285 - - Concrete
kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3
CO2 savings
compared 40% 50% 65%
to 1990
6.5.2. Results
In this scenario, emissions are reduced by approximately 25% compared to 2015 (65%
compared to 1990). The recycling of concrete fines and the reuse of waste as fuel are
limited by the availability and commitment of demolition and waste companies to co-
The other limitation in this scenario is the reduction of the amount of cement in the
concrete while meeting the standards in place. The values represent a European
average, with some countries allowing larger reductions. Homogenisation of standards
on a European scale as well as better thought-out requirements in terms of durability
constraints would ultimately lead to greater emission reductions.
CO 2 (%)
40% Scenario 2
Year 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
• Moderate to high investment by all actors.
• Integration of the value chain from cement to structure (involving the precast
Most promising actions in this context:
• In addition to scenario 2, higher use of prefabrication.
• Structural optimisation and reuse of building elements.
6.6.1. Description
Regardless of the chosen routes, i.e., using less cement or less concrete, the mix design
of the concrete must be perfectly controlled as well as its placement and curing, which
can be achieved more easily in a controlled environment, such as ready mix plants for
the concrete mix design and the precast industry for the structural design. To properly
control the quantity of concrete for the structure, the precast industry will have to
develop skills in cement substitution; today, the use of CEM I is preferred to ensure rapid
demoulding. This scenario will therefore favour the development of precast elements,
more complex shapes can be used and only the performance of the finished element
counts for its future use. The market share between ready mix concrete and precast
industries could be changed to obtain higher impact.
MARKET 50% 25% 25% 40- 30- 25% 30- 35- 25%
SHARE 45% 40% 40% 45%
E�ciency of clinker
Alternative fuels
Clinker substitution
Binder per m3 of
concrete per MPa
8 5 5 - 5 5 - Concrete
kg/m3/ kg/m3/ kg/m3/ kg/m3/ kg/m3/
Appropriate use
of standards
Re-use of cement
CO2 savings
compared 40% 55% 75%
to 1990
6.6.2. Results
This scenario is the most promising to reduce CO2 emissions while integrating all
construction actors and reducing investment compared to scenario 1. A reduction
between 30 and 35% is possible compared to 2015. An additional reduction is, however,
possible because the reduction of concrete in a structure and the reuse of elements
present a large potential. Although difficult to quantify, the work of De Wolf et al.[42]
and Shank et al.[43] show that a reduction of 10%-20% can be made today without
design changes. By combining low carbon cement and reducing the amount of cement
and concrete in a structure, a more than 50% reduction is possible.
CO 2 (%)
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Year 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
To sum up, Scenario 1 and Scenario 3 are the most promising scenarios to reduce CO2
emissions. Scenario 3 can be considered more interesting as it integrates the full value
chain in the CO2 reduction strategies and considerably lowers the investment needed
compared to Scenario 1. However, none of the scenarios achieve the reduction required
to reach the 2 degree target. In this section, we tested combined scenarios using costly
and integrative technologies to reach the EU recommendations.
It is actually possible either to make more constraining efforts in the sector with better
quality control, allowing, for instance, changing the standards or to combining scenario
3 and 1 and to include carbon storage for a good value chain integration.
In addition to moderate investment and good integration of all actors:
• Change in standards can be required.
• Strong effort to optimise concrete and structures.
CO 2 (%)
Scenario 3
Extreme Scenario 3
Year 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
The second option is to keep efforts along the value chain as in scenario 3 and add
capturing emissions during the manufacturing process by CCS (Carbon Capture and
Storage). Figure 27 shows that the 2°C target can be achieved by combining scenario
3 with 25% CCS and that a 95% reduction can be achieved compared to 1990 through
the use of 80% CCS.
Figure 27 CO2 savings by integrating carbon capture and storage (CCS) for scenario 3
1990 emissions
CO2 Saving (%)
20% CCS
Scenario 3 Scenario 3 Scenario 3
+25% CCS +80% CCS
These scenarios will imply the investment of scenario 3 and an additional investment
of 12 billion euros to equip 1 million ton/year plants for the 25% CCS scenario. Net zero
emissions would technically be possible, but only with extremely large investments. We
introduce this net zero carbon vision to highlight the choices available.
7. Policy recommendations
7.1. Introduction
Under the proposed scenarios, the pressure to reduce CO2 emissions is based on different
stakeholders. Figure 28 shows the distribution of “forces”. It is clear that to achieve
the same reduction objective (Scenario 1: Breakthrough technologies vs Scenario 3:
Structural optimisation), the effort is distributed more evenly in the cases of Scenario
2 and Scenario 3. Consequently, the incentives will also have act on to the entire value
chain. In Scenario 1, the effort to reduce CO2 emissions relies heavily only on the cement
producers and the capacity to finance their investment.
Figure 28 Savings along the concrete value chain from the scenarios between 2015 and
CO2 emission reduction
25% Demolition
20% Construction
5% Waste
Reference Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
scenario Breaktrough Concrete Structure
To enable a reduction of CO2 in the clinker, the following four processes need to be
incentivised through policy: kiln optimisation, alternative fuels, use of fines from
demolished concrete as raw materials and carbon capture and storage.
1. Dry technologies implementation is limited in term of savings, as the cement industry
is already optimised. Some kilns are underused or not used anymore, some financial
incitation can force cement producers to close old kilns and update some other kilns.
As an example, a cement producer could keep the CO2 ETS from an old kiln for some
years after its closure.
2. The use of alternative fuel to improve energy efficiency is highly linked to the waste
supply chain. Without a policy to favour co-processing and a legislation against
landfill of waste, no CO2 can be saved. Incentives or taxes should prioritise waste
managers. Adopting this policy will also support a shift in waste heat recovery
and renewable energy, such as Energy Efficient Certificates available in some EU
countries (e.g., Italy).
3. The third method to reduce CO2 at the clinker scale is to replace the main component
of clinker and the main emitter of CO2 during calcination, i.e., the limestone. One of
the most interesting ways to do this is to replace part of the limestone with concrete
fines from demolition, which implies a good demolition process that is able to
separate the coarse aggregates, sand and cement matrix properly. Fostering local
business models between cement and demolition/recycling companies in a circular
economy approach should be performed. In a sense, what the cement industry has
been able to do very efficiently with the waste collection for alternative fuels needs
to be applied to the end of life concrete demolition to provide a continuous and
quality-controlled supply of fines from recycling that mainly contains a zero fossil
CO2 calcium source for clinker. Furthermore, focusing on recycling fines allows the
continued use of coarse recycling concrete to be valorised as aggregates or as road
base (main reuse of demolished concrete today).
4. The last technology, i.e., carbon capture and storage as post combustion, is a real
innovation that offers great potential but is not proven at large scale. Deployment of
these technologies before 2040 should be ensured. Several projects are underway
in Norway in particular, where SINTEF is currently studying the full-scale use of
CCS in power generation industries (Horizon 2020 project CEMCAP https://www.
sintef.no/cemcap). CCS can only be useful if a complete chain is available, including
transport infrastructures and suitable storage facilities. A legal framework for CO2
transport and public acceptance will be the key for application.
Kiln improvement Cement producers
Alternative binders Cement producers
Cement producers
Lower Reactivity = Lower Compensation for loss of
production speed productivity
Scarcity of resources = Incentives to optimise
need for new sources reactivity by better
Concrete producers (calcined clay = grinding/blending
investment in calciner for Financial incitation to
clay) invest in clay calciners
Concrete mix Concrete producers
design: Packing Scarcity of aggregates Require quarries located
close to urban areas to
Need space to have provide more than one
di�erent grades on site granular class
Reducing CO2 emissions at the scale of the structure would mean reducing the quantity
of concrete. It is known that the quantity of concrete is often overestimated (by
approximately 20%), and part of the concrete is even unused and ends up as waste.
Moreover, part of the concrete does not necessarily contribute to the structural strength
of an element. Block et al.’s work[44], for example, perfectly illustrates that for an
element, a part of the material can be removed without compromising its integrity. The
contribution of concrete and the potential of CO2 emissions can be difficult to quantify
because it is necessary to take into account all materials in the elements; however, the
reduction in CO2 can represent several tens of percent. It is obvious for an engineering
firm to perform this structural optimisation move, and either their client has to ask, or it
must be part of the tender. In addition to progressive digitisation, the increasing use of
planning tools (BIM, Integrated Project Delivery) should be encouraged.
There is an increasing trend to recycle after demolition whereby entire concrete elements
are reused in their original form. Designing flexible building elements, an increase in
taxes for complete demolition and good deconstruction practices should be promoted.
Reuse of elements Demolition Promote deconstruction-
company carbon credits for reusing
Need a deconstruction elements
technique (time & cost) Tax for complete
Landfill regulations
In recent decades, the reduction of the ecological impact of buildings has received
increased attention from researchers, decision-makers and businesses.
It focused on two strategies. The first one, which was taken with an industrial efficiency
point of view, targeted the main industry and tried to reduce their energy consumption.
As cement is an energy intensive industry, these first actions were dedicated to improving
the cement production and the cement plants. The second strategy was dedicated
to the building sector, which, from a political point of view, does not involve cement
producers, but rather real estate developers. For buildings, the main problem (or cost) is
the energy consumed during the use of the building. Therefore, this strategy focused on
the improvement of building energy efficiency through better insulation, changing the
energy technical systems from fuel to heat pump, etc.
has to be allocated between embodied energy, operation energy and the energy used
to commute to work. This is also the approach developed very recently in France with
the new label E+C- (energy positive carbon negative buildings), where embodied and
operation energy are considered together and compared to a global carbon budget.
However, due to this heritage of the two visions, one industry focused, the other real
estate developer focused, the different stakeholders along the complete value chain are
still not involved together along one project.
Cement producers are still focused on reducing CO2 emissions per ton of cement, while
developers will achieve a reduction of CO2/m2 by looking at all of the materials involved
in the construction, not only the concrete, and surely not by looking at which exposition
class the engineering office has specified. This reduction is currently the main barrier,
i.e., determining to involve the stakeholders that are positioned in the middle (or on the
side) of the value chain instead of those at the two opposite ends.
For the cement producer, it is important to focus on kg CO2 per ton of clinker, which is
the indicator that is directly related to the energy efficiency of the industrial process. As
mentioned, this indicator is already quite good in Europe, but small improvements are
still possible and need to be pursued. A value of 0.7 tCO2/tclinker could be achieved.
For the concrete producer, the kg cement/m3 is an obvious parameter but depends too
much on the performance of the concrete to be used as such. However, the work compiled
in the UN Environment report on Eco efficient cements [4] shows that we can use the kg
cement/m3/MPa for a given strength of concrete as a good indicator of the environmental
efficiency of the concrete. For instance, for 30 MPa concrete, Figure 29 shows that most
of standard concretes are above 8 kg Cement/m3/MPa (240 kg cement/m3), while it
is possible to reach 5 kg cement/m3/MPa for environmentally efficient concrete. This
indicator is appropriate for the concrete producer as it relies on parameters that the
concrete producer knows, i.e., the amount of cement and the strength. This indicator is
not related to upstream processes, such as the energy efficiency of the cement plant,
nor to downstream processes, such as the final use of the concrete in the building. For
a given concrete strength, it is easy to see for the concrete producer if he is producing a
good or a normal concrete.
Figure 29 Estimated binder intensity versus the 28-day compressive strength. The lines
represent concretes with the same amount of total cement. The black line is the lowest
amount currently used, and the blue line represents the trend of low carbon cement that
can be produced [33].
Binder Intensity (kg/m3.MPa)
10 30 50 70 90
Compressive Strength (MPa)
At the structural scale, the final material is the amount of concrete we use per square
metre. One can consider the kg concrete/m2, but this does not consider the strength of
the concrete. It is better to use the carbon footprint of the structure and consider the
kg CO2/m2 considering only the structure or all building materials involved. Looking at
the quantity of CO2/m2 in concrete (independent of the limit value) can favour a change
of materials (steel instead of concrete) and thus increase the risk of weakening the
demand for cement and increasing the CO2 output. The second indicator, kg CO2/m2 of
structure, reduces the risk of changing materials, but the target value is dfficult to define
in the case of integrated structural elements such as facades. Finally, the quantity of
CO2 per m2 of building allows a complete assessment. In this case, concrete is one of the
components, and there is less pressure on engineering offices and concrete companies.
The literature also gives us target values for the amount of CO2 emitted by materials
(steel and concrete) in the building and maintaining a building at less than 255 kg CO2/
m2 is possible [65,66] and will be facilitated by the use of BIM (Building Information
Modelling) to do a direct assessment and extract the bill of quantities.
In summary, we need different indicators that are simple to measure and are targeted
for the different stakeholders to involve the complete value chain. These indicators are
targeted for 2030 and should be regularly reviewed in line with latest scientific and
technological developments at sectoral level.
8. Final remarks
The main efforts of these reports focus on the cement scale by pushing the development of
breakthrough technologies, such as carbon capture and storage and alternative clinkers.
It is clear that these technologies will lead to very high investments and uncertainties
regarding scale up and societal acceptance. Moreover, this strategy focuses on only one
actor, i.e., the cement producers, and requires huge engagement from public institutions
(European and national) to invest in carbon storage and capture infrastructure.
In our report, we highlight the necessity of involving the complete concrete construction
value chain to spread the pressure along the stakeholder’s chain and reduce investment.
We investigated four technological levers, as follows:
• Reducing the CO2 emissions at the clinker scale by optimising the process;
• Reducing the CO2 emissions at the cement scale by reducing the clinker content in
• Reducing the CO2 emissions at the concrete scale by reducing the cement in concrete
with a better mix design (including recycling and circularity strategies); and
• Reducing the CO2 emissions at the structural scale by optimising the structure (less
concrete by element) (including recycling and circularity strategies).
Four scenarios have been considered to effectively combine these technologies to reduce
CO2 emissions depending on the investment required and the integration of different
• A reference scenario: little investment in cement manufacturers to improve kiln
technologies and slightly develop the use of alternative fuels and clinker substitution.
• The Scenario 1: very strong investment for cement producers to equip their plants
with carbon capture and storage technologies as well as the market penetration of
alternative clinkers.
Scenario 3 gives a CO2 emission reduction of approximately 70% since 1990 by improving
cement production and optimizing concrete and the structure. In this strategy, two main
approaches are highlighted. First, waste management that allows the following:
• the reuse of concrete fines as raw materials for cement manufacture,
• the increase in waste and biomass as fuel sources, and
• recycling concrete as aggregates or elements as such.
The second approach is compliance with good practices, including the following:
• strictly respecting the standards to reduce the amount of cement used and
• optimizing the mix design of concrete and the structure.
Finally, in order to further reduce CO2 emissions, the use of breakthrough technologies,
such as carbon capture and storage, will be unavoidable. However, the necessary
investment can be considerable reduced if the proposed efforts in scenario 3 are
implemented. In addition, a further reduction of CO2 emissions in this scenario is possible.
The main difficulty is to propose relevant initiatives that will allow better communication
throughout the stakeholder chain.
9. Acknowledgement
Thank you for the support of the European Climate Foundation, in particular Rannveig
van Iterson and Simon Wolf for their involvement in the finalisation of this report.
The participants of the two workshops, the reviewers as well as the panel of experts of
the Low-Carbon Cement based materials Initiative (LCCI under UN Environment- http://
lcci) are warmly thanked for their contribution to this project through their support and
comments. Finally, we would also like to thank the European companies and associations
for sharing their information and helping to shed light on the complexity of the sector.
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Dry technologies Alternative fuels Alternative raw materials Carbon capture % SCM substitution
and storage
( )x(1- )x(1- )
including recycling fines
(1- )x
% SCM substitution Alternative binders XC3
Optimization Re-use of
(1- )
Dry technologies
Mj/t Clinker
Alternative fuels
Petcoke 1.01E-04
9.40E-05 7.60E-05 4.71E-05
Natural gas 5.40E-05
% SCM substitution
Hypotheses: Market penetration of calcined clay =18% (adapted for EU from IEA-CSI
Alternative binders
Potential comparative
process CO2 savings
300 Process CO2 intensity
200 Commercial
0 R&D phase
PC clinker Belite CSA BCSA CACS MOMS Alkali-activated
clinker clinker clinker clinker clinker clinker
Figure 30 Process CO2 emissions generation intensity for selected cement binding
Average potential value based on the IEA-CSI roadmap [5] (Figure 30) and UN
Environment report.
Improved packing
2015 2050
8 kgcement/m3/MPa 4 kgcement/m3/MPa
Data from national annexes of EN 206-1.
2015 2050
8 kgcement/m3/MPa 4 kgcement/m3/MPa
Cement is a hydraulic binder (which hardens under the action of water), which is
nowadays most often used in the manufacture of blocks, reinforced concrete, paving,
plasters and mortars. Cements are currently classified under the name “CEM” followed
by a Roman numeral from I to VI followed by a capital letter according to their clinker
content and other components (lime, silica fumes, pozzolan, blast furnace slag, etc.).
FA Fly ash
PC Portland cement