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Ram 2

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RD-R169 M
P G LEDERER FEB 86 RSRE-85916 DRIC-R-99572



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loll Report No. 85016

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Author: P G Lederer


RSe'm Worcestershire. i I 111

g':~7 /5~ 3
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Fbiua a, 1986'

UNLIMITED 8 6 7 15 103

Report No 85016



AUTHOR: P G Lederer

DATE: February 1986



The purpose of this Introduction is to present, in a straightforward

way, the electromagnetic principles of Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM)
for the benefit of the non-electromagnetic-specialist who finds himself
involved in this field. The fundamental theory of electromagnetic wave
propagation in media and at the interfaces between different media is
reviewed and the various approaches to absorber design are described in
the light of this. The types of materials required and the techniques -
for measuring both their electromagnetic properties and the performance
of the finished abosrber are outlined. Finally a means of designing
absorbers from a knowledge of the properties of its constituent materials
is described.

J . - -

Copyright , .

Controller HMSO London





2.1 Material Properties

2.2 Reflection and Refraction at Boundaries and Impedance Matching
2.3 Finite Layers


3.1 General Requirements

3.2 Pyramidal Absorbers
3.3 Tapered Loading
3.4 Matching Layer
3.5 Tuned Layer
3.6 Salisbury Screen
3.7 Techniques for Improving Bandwidth


4.1 Composite RAM

4.2 Binder Materials
4.3 Lossy Fillers
4.4 Ferrites


5.1 Reflectivity Measurement

5.2 Material Constant Measurement
5.3 Transmission Line Methods
5.4 Time Domain Methods


6.1 Transmission Line Model

6.2 Matrix Elements
6.3 Oblique Incidence
6.4 Design of Absorbers


APPENDICES: A.1 Effective Impedance of Multilaver Structures

A.2 Propagation and Wavelength in Lossy Media
A.3 Dielectric Slab Sandwiched Between Two Media
A.4 The Decibel (dB) for Expressing Reflectivitv

C. °°
- 7_ -W.


There are many circumstances in which it is necessary to control the

reflection of microwave radiation from surfaces. For example, in order that
a microwave anechoic chamber may fulfil its purpose of simulating free space
in a confined volume, its walls must be rendered non-reflecting by lining
them with an electromagnetically absorbent material. The severely limited
performance of many surveillance radar systems, particularly those at sea,
due to very strong return signals from -.
earby objects such as masts,
* buildings or bLidges may be improved by coating these objects with an
absorbent layer. A similar approach is being used to solve the problem of
television 'ghost images' in Japanese cities due to multiple reflections
* of the broadcast signal by nearby buildings. Nor has the potential
contribution of microwave absorbing materials to the reduction in the
detectability of targets by radars escaped the notice of the military
planners, as recent press reports on the American 'Stealth' programme
bear witness.

The electromagnetic demands placed on radar absorbent materials, or RAM,

*as it usually called, vary according to the specific application, and there
is no panacea capable of universal use. The lining of an anechoic chamber,
for example, must provide very high levels of energy absorption over a wide
frequency range whereas radar obstructions and television ghost images
* require treatment only at a single frequency. In the military field,
wideband coverage is generally required but environmental conditions and

restrictions on size and weight are much more severe. The design of
absorbers, therefore, must be tailored to each application, and this
requires an understanding of the factors which can influence performance.
Most absorbers rely on the bulk electromagnetic properties of materials,
but, at microwave frequencies, the wavelength of the radiation is of the
same order a- the dimensions of absorbing structures (a few mm to a few cm)
* and, crc.i,,equently, geometrical factors also play an important role.
A practical electromagnetic absorber must satisfy two main requirements-
it must reduce the reflection of incident radiation by the specified degree
over the frequency band of interest and it must achieve this - and continue( tO
* achieve it throughout its life - in its operational environment.

Environmental conditions may range from the benignity of an anechoic

*chamber to the ferocity of the external surfaces of a supersonic jet aircraft,
*while mechanical constraints may demand anything from a simple self-supporting
layer to a full load-bearing member. it is, therefore, clear that this is a
cross-disciplinary field calling on expertise both in the structural and
- chemical integrity of materials and in their electromagnetic properties.
Unfortunately these are very diverse disciplines so that the majority of
* chemists and materials technologists have little or no background in electro-
magnetics and vice versa. The problem, therefore, tends to divide natural ly
*into its technological and electrical aspects, but a successful design must
*involve a collaboration between the two. The purpose of this Introduction is
to help to improve the communication process by presenting the electromagnetic
aspects of microwave absorbers in a straightforward manner for the benefit of
the materials technologist.

* The emphasis is on principles rather than a full and detailed treatment,

but references are provided to point the way towards deeper study. Firstly,
the electromagnetic fundamentals are briefly reviewed; a fuller explanation
being given in any one of a number of standard text books of which (1a) is
particularly recommended as it has been written very much from a materials
* point of view. In chapter 3, the various types of absorber are explained in
terms of these ideas, and the types of material that exhibit the desired
properties are discussed in chapter 4. Chapter 5 reviews the techniques
* available for measuring both the reflectivity of absorbers and the electro-
magnetic parameters of materials. Finally, in chapter 6, the topics of
* previous chapters are tied together in considering the electromagnetic design.
* of absorbers.

e, PP%.

2.1 Material Properties

In general, the electric and magnetic properties of a dielectric

material are characterised by the complex permittivity, C and the
complex permeability, p.

*-e =t =pt - jp (2.1

or more frequently, by the relative permittivity, E ,l and relative

permeability, p

- E, El r- r~~ It (2.2)

The universal constants, E and pot are respectively the permittivity and
permeability of free space and are related by

= 1/c2

where c is the velocity of electromagnetic propagation in free space and

P is defined as 47r x 10 -7 H m-1

The real part of the permittivity (or permeability) is a measure of

the extent to which the material will be polarised (or magnetised) by the
application of an electric (or magnetic) field. The imaginary part is a
measure of the energy losses incurred in re-arranging the alignment of the
electric (or magnetic) dipoles in that applied field. If an ac electric
field is applied across a dielectric slab (as in a capacitor), an ac
"displacement" current is observed which is due to the oscillation of the
electric dipoles with the field. The dielectric, therefore, possesses an
ac conductivity, which is quite independent of any dc conductivity (due to
the migration of free charge carriers) that may also exist. The relation-
ship between the total conductivity (ac+ dc), a, and the dielectric loss

,,1 (2.3)

where w is the angular frequency of the applied field.

If a plane electromagnetic wave, of angular frequency, w, is

propagating in the x-direction through such a dielectric material, the
electric and magnetic field vectors, which are normal to each other and
to the direction of propagation, are given as functions of time and space,

E E exp(jwt-yx)
H H exp(jwt- yx)

where y is the complex propagation factor,


-Y a+ jB = jw(c . * (2.5)

The real and imaginary parts of y define the way in which the amplitude
and phase respectively of the wave vary with distance of propagation, a

being called the attenuation factor and B the phase factor, given by

B 2r (2.6)

It is possible to define, in direct analogy to Ohm's Law, a wave

impedance, as the ratio of the electric to magnetic fields, and since the
E and H components of the wave are uniquely related to each other, this
impedance, the intrinsic impedance, Z, is dependent upon the electromagnetic
material constants, and is therefore a characteristic of the material:

- .5
Z =-=(2.7)

The normalised intrinsic impedance, relative to the intrinsic impedance of

free space, Z, where

(C 0)*

is therefore

z ~. .4S
2z Rflctonan Rfrcto (2.8) ..

2.2 Reflection and Refraction at Boundaries and Impedance Matching

When a plane electromagnetic wave is propagating through medium 1

and is incident upon a second medium, medium 2, as shown in Figure 2.1,
part of the energy is reflected at the interface and part is transmitted . .

(refracted), the process being completely described by Snell's and Fresnel's

Laws. If the incident electric and magnetic fields are E. and H. respec-
tively, then the reflected components will be E and H and the transmitted
r r
components E t and H t. These are related by

1 +E r t-.- (a)
H. + H = H (b)
1 r t

However, since electric and magnetic fields are related by the intrinsic
impedances of the medium according to equation (2.7), it follows that

E. ,
E1 r E tCc
Z = Z--2(C) (2.9)
1 1 2

The negative sign associated with the reflected component arises as a

result of the reversal of the direction of propagation. If the electric
field reflection coefficient, r, is defined by

r E.' (2.10)

lit. .5
M~l~u u ,.. .,

j w.

Er P.EL. .7
Z, .~'-

Fig. 2.1 Reflection and refraction of incident electromagnetic wave

at the boundary between two media




Fig. 2.2 Reflection from the various medium boundaries in a

multilayer structure


then it follows from equations (2.9a) and (2.9c) that

r 2 - zZ1 (2.11a) "$;i

Z 2 + Z1 (.1

Thus, the reflection coefficient depends only on the intrinsic impedances

of the two media and hence on their dielectric and magnetic properties.
If, furthermore, medium 1 is air (which, to a very good approximation can

be regarded as free space), then equation (2.11a) reduces to

Z2= (2.1 b)
- zz
2 (2.11b)."2


where Z is the intrinsic impedance of free space, and Z2 /Z is the

0 -0
normalised intrinsic impedance of medium 2.

Metals have very high values of electrical conductivity and, by

equation (2.3), consequently have high values of (at least, at sub-
optical frequencies). According to equation (2.7), this confers on them
very small values of wave impedance, Z, which leads (by equation (2.11))
to values of reflection coefficient very close to -1. Thus, metals act
as almost perfect reflectors of incident electromagnetic radiation (with
a phase change of i in the electric field). Similarly, a non-conducting
dielectric with a very high value of c' will also have a small wave
impedance and a reflection coefficient close to -1. In both of these
cases, the impedance of medium 2 is poorly matched to the impedance of
medium 1 (free space in the cases considered here) and a high reflection
coefficient results. If, however, medium 2 is a material for which

2 P
2 1




then the impedances of the two media are equal, (Z2 Z I) and, according
to equation (2.9), the reflection coefficient falls to zero - this condi-
tion is referred to as a perfect impedance match. If medium 1 is free
space, then the matching condition requires that p 2 E2' which implies

that both real and imaginary parts are equal.

2.3 Finite Layers

The preceding discussion has been restricted to a pair of semi-

infinite media, where a reflection was found to occur at the boundary

between the two, and the reflection coefficient was found to depend only
on the material properties of each. If medium 2, however, has a finite

thickness beyond which lies medium 3, (and possibly media 4, 5 etc beyond
that) then additional reflections will occur at these subsequent inter-
faces which will contribute to the total reflected wave seen in medium 1
(Figure 2.2). The total reflected wave, therefore, depends, not only on 7

the nature of medium 2, but also on the materials comprising the subsequent
layers and the layer thicknesses. The incident wave sees an effective
impedance, ZL, at the first boundary, which is no longer simply Z2 but is
modified by some function of d 2 , Z3 , d3 , Z4 , d4 etc:

ZL = Z 2 • Fn(d 2 ,Z3 ,d3 , etc)

where Z. and d. are the intrinsic impedance and thickness respectively

1 1
of the ith layer. Having thus defined Z the reflection coefficient of
the system of dielectric layers is given by a similar equation

Z -Z
= L 1 (2.11c)
L +1

and the concept of impedance matching is still valid -but now there are

more parameters that can be varied in order to achieve it.

It is shown in Appendix Al that Z can be expressed in terms of the

impedance and propagation factor of layer 2, Z 2 and y 2, the thickness of
layer 2, d and the effective input impedance of the combination of all

the subsequent layers, ZT (see Figure A1.1):

Z 2ZT Z2 tanh Y 2 d2 (2.12)

L Z2 + Z tanh -d2
2 T nh 2d 2

ZT can also be expressed by a similar expression involving Z 3 , y 3 9 d3 and

VZ (the effective impedance of the 4th and subsequent layers), and this
process can be repeated indefinitely. It is apparent that the analysis
of a multilayer structure is very complicated, but it is possible to
consider some simple cases without difficulty. Two cases of particular
importance are the short and open circuit terminations, shown in
. Figure 2.3. If the layer is intimately backed by a metal, ie a short
circuit, then Z = 0 and 2.12 reduces to

ZL z2 tanh y 2 d2 (2.13)

If ZT is infinite, ie an open circuit, (2.12) reduces to

ZL Z2 coth y2 d2 (2.14)

In order to physically realise this condition Z = , a short circuit

(metal plate) is positioned behind the layer of medium 2 by a distance

equal to 1/4 of the wavelength as shown in Figure 2.3. If we consider
this 1/4-wavelength spacer in isolation, it is apparent that it can be
treated as a special case of the short circuit termination. Equation
(2.13), therefore, applies with (assuming the medium to be air) Z = Z
L T'
Z = Z0, d 2 = X /4 and y = Jao = j27/X . The tanh function reduces to
2 0 .0
jtan7/2, confirming that the effective impedance of this configuration is
infinite. Note, however, that for this to occur, it is necessary for 2
to become purely imaginary, which requires that the medium of the spacer

is lossless.

A third case, in which the termination consists of another semi-

infinite layer of medium 1, is the matched load and is considered in

Appendix A3.




Fig 2.3 Termination of a layer of medium 2, of thickness, d2 by

a) a short circuit and b) an open circuit (assuming
medium I is lossless)
-j WJ_4- WVIr -a---. -a


3.1 General Requirements

It has been shown in the previous chapter that the reflection

coefficient of a planar dielectric structure in free space, r, depends

on the effective impedance, Z that it presents to the incident wave,

z -+z(3.1)T.;
r r
= L
L 0
L o

and that the reflected power falls to zero if this impedance is matched

to the impedance of free space, Z . (It is henceforth taken that

medium I will always be free space.) It was pointed out in section 2.2

that a perfect impedance match could be obtained if the electric and

magnetic material constants were identical,

*= (3.2)

and that the interface between such a material and free space would

reflect no power. This condition on its own, however, is insufficient

to make an electromagnetic absorber which is required to attenuate the

wave as it propagates through it. The power in the wave decays with e-

distance of propagation, x, according to the factor exp(-ax). It is

therefore required that the attenuation constant, a, be positive, and,

if extinction of the wave is to be achieved in a reasonable thickness,

it must also be large. Examination of equation (2.5) will show that,

if a is to be non-zero, there must be an imaginary part to either or

both of E* and p* - implying that the material must be lossy.

Equation (2.5) is expanded in Appendix A2in order to express a in terms

of E'r Ja', E" and " giving

r r r r

= V F w(a2+b2 sin(tan b
- 00 sn-4an - "

where a = (Crp' - t"u") (3.3)

rPr rr

and b = (c'1,r + C"')

rr r r

Thus, in order to maximise a we require c'. C" r and p"r all to be large,
and this is in addition to the matching requirement, equation (3.2). Not
surprisingly, materials meeting these requirements over wide frequency
bands do not exist, and it is invariably necessary to employ one of the
impedance matching strategies, described in the following sections.

3.2 Pyramidal Absorbers

Equation (2.11a) shows that the reflection coefficient at an abrupt

interface between two media increases as the impedance difference between
the two media increases. It might be expected, therefore, that the
reflection is much reduced from a gradual impedance transition between
the two materials, because the impedance difference between any two
adjacent elemental layers will be small. Furthermore, the more gradual
* the transition, the lower the reflection becomes. One means of realising
this gradual impedance transition is to shape the front surface of the
* absorber - arrays of pyramids or cones reminiscent of an egg-tray structure
are common (see Figure 3.1). To be effective, the depth and periodicity
of these pyramids or cones must be at least of the same order as the
wavelength of the incident radiation, because, as the wavelength is
increased above this, the interface appears more and more abrupt. This
type of absorber, therefore, exhibits a low frequency cut-off dependent ''

* upon the dimensions of its surface texture, but offers a uniform high
absorption level over a wide frequency range above this (Figure 3.6a),
and is also found to work well over wide ranges of incidence angle. These
desirable features make this type the usual choice for lining of microwave
anechoic chambers. A range of sizes is commercially available for chambers
of different lower operating frequency limits - pyramid depths of the
* order of 6 feet being required for operation down to below 1 GHz.

K.1 7t



Fig 3. cross-sea
Ameac of
fuctionalve aborberasmotl

3.3 Tapered Loading

An alternative realisation of the gradual impedance transition is

the tapered loading. A low-loss matrix is loaded with a iossy material
in such a way that the concentration of the lossy component, and conse-
quently the magnitudes of the permittivity and permeability, increases
with depth, from a low level at the front face to a high level at the
* back (Figure 3.2a). This may be achieved by loading an open-celled foam
* or a three-dimensional plastic netting with a lossy fluid, either by
spraying from the back or by dipping and allowing to drain with the back
* facing downwards. It is difficult, however, to control the impedance
* distribution by these methods. An alternative approach, which overcomes
this problem, approximates the true gradual transition by means of series
of homogeneous layers of increasing loading, so that the impedance is a
* stepped function of depth (Figure 3.2b). Good performance can be obtained
* with as few as 3 layers of correctly chosen impedance and thickness
(Figure 3.6b). Examples of both of these types are commercially available,
providing broadband frequency coverage above a low frequency cut-off, in
* the forms of either a flexible covering or a flat sheet. Usually, the
impedance transition region in these types is much smaller than is used
for the pyramidal types and performance is generally inferior. Nevertheless
their more convenient form makes them ideal in less critical applications.

* 3.4 Matching Layer

The principal disadvantage of the gradual impedance transition is

that the transition region must extend for at least one, and preferably
* more, wavelengths, and this inevitably occupies space and adds weight-
especially at low frequencies. This disadvantage can be minimised by
reducing the transition region to a single thin layer of suitable
-~ thickness and an impedance intermediate between those of the two media to
be matched (Figure 3.3). This principle is used in the application of
*antireflection coatings to optical components, for which both media to be
matched are generally lossless. In this case, Z 1and Z3are both real,
and a reflection coefficient of zero requires that the effective impedance
of the combined layers 2 and 3 (given by equation (2.12) with ZT Z )is
T 3
equal to Z1, from which it follows that the matching layer must satisfy
the condition:

z r= z (a)
21 3

and (3.4)

Itanh 'y
2 d2 b

The first condition requires that Z2also is real, so that the

second reduces to j tan 6 d2 = jco, which, according to equation (2.6), is
satisfied when d2 = XA/4 - ie when the thickness of the matching layer is
equal to one quarter of the wavelength of the radiation in that layer.
(The wavelength of a wave in a dielectric medium is not the same as the
free space wavelength, X but is reduced by a factor which is dependent
upon the electromagnetic material parameters of the medium - see Appendix
A2.) It is thus evident that impedance matching by means of a single
layer can be achieved only at the frequency for which the thickness
criterion is satisfied. The savings in volume and weight that are gained
by this means, therefore, are bought at the expense of limited bandwidth.
In the microwave absorber case, medium 1 is free space so that Z is real
z0), but Z3is now complex, because medium 3 must be lossy. This
greatly complicates the analysis and the selection of Z2 ,y and d2 is no
longer as simple as indicated in equation (3.4). When the limited choice
of actual materials is also considered, it is not surprising that, at
microwave frequencies, approximate matching only is sought based upon an
intermediate value of impedance, Z2 and a quarter-wavelength thickness.

3.5 Tuned Layer

In all the methods described so far, it has been attempted to improve

the impedance match between the absorbing layer and free space by the
interposition of a transition layer. It is then assumed that the attenu-
ation of the absorbing layer is great enough to completely attenuate the
power of the wave in the available thickness. In the tuned layer, the
imperfect match at the interface and the inadequate attenuation of the




rWPEfJ wVE Zo zz X2

Fig 3.3 A matching layer interposed between the air and the absorbing
med ium



Fig 3.4 The tuned layer Fig 3.5 The Salisbury screen
absorber absorber
_Z... - _---- 41 -..- 1 -6

layer are combined in such a way that their adverse effects cancel, while
at the same time, the overall thickness is kept to an absolute minimum.
These features make this type of absorber very popular despite the limited
bandwidth which inevitably results from a tuned system. It is frequently
referred to as a quarter-wave absorber, although this is, in fact, a
misnomer as will become apparent. It consists, as shown in Figure 3.4, of
a thin layer of lossy material, of thickness, d2 meacZ2 n
propagation factor, ywith a conductive backing. The effective impedance
of this system is found, by equation (2.13), to be

ZL Z tanh (3.5)
L 2 hY 2d 2

and it is evident from equation (2.11a) that, for zero reflection

coefficient, we require

ZL Z (3.6)

Unfortunately, ZLis complex whereas Z0is, of course, real. Thus, for

the perfect matching condition, it is necessary that the sum of the phase
angles of the complex terms, Z2 and tanh yd, is zero while, at the same
time the product of their magnitudes is equal to Z . In principle, this
is possible, but it requires that 5 parameters, E', E", Pi, i andd
simultaneously combine to satisfy both conditions. This is further
complicated by the fact that all but d2arfeqncdpnet.Aslio
to tbis problem can, in principle, be found by optimisation techniques,
but it can rarely be implemented using real materials. It is generally
more useful to design a tuned layer for a known material using, for
example, the method described in section 6.

The frequent but inappropriate use of the term "quarter-wave absorber"

for this tuned layer arrangement stems from a simplistic view of its method
of operation. According to this view, if the layer is a quarter wavelength
thick, the portion of the incident wave that is transmitted at the front
face re-emerges having undergone a phase-reversal due to reflection at the
metal backing and an additional phase change of Tr due to its propagation
along the half wavelength path through the layer and back again. Meanwhile,
the directly reflected component has suffered only a phase-reversal on
reflection and so is in antiphase with the re-emergent component. These
are then supposed to interfere destructively and, if the amplitudesof the
two components are equal, complete cancellation occurs. There are two
flaws in this argument. Firstly, the transmitted component, on re-
emerging at the front face, undergoes partial reflection and partial%
transmission at the boundary so that a further partial wave is reflected
back into the layer to emerge again at the front face (after a further

phase reversal) in phase with the directly reflected component. This

process, which is fully described in Appendix A3, repeats indefinitely.-
as progressively smaller parts of the wave bounce within the layer. The
total emergent wave, therefore, is composed of a sum of waves of decreasing
* amplitude, some of which are in phase and some phase-inverted, and all of
* these must add to zero if reflection is to be avoided. If the layer is
lossy, then it may turn out that only the first re-emergent component is
* significant, but this leads into the second flaw. The argument given
above has failed to take account of the phase changes that occur to both
components when they are reflected at the front face and metal respectively.
It is assumed that this is wTin both cases, but it is apparent from
section 2.2 that this will not be true for a lossy layer. The correct
phase shifts for minimum reflection are therefore provided by a layer of
thickness other than a quarter-wavelength. Understanding these inconsis-
tencies in the simplistic view explains the apparent paradox which follows
from it - namely that it is possible to achieve complete cancellation by .

using a lossless layer with suitable values of pi' and E' where energy
* conservation considerations would prohibit this.r r

The approximate quarter wavelength condition refers, of course, to

the reduced wavelength in the medium, X2 which is given in terms of X
20 0
by (see Appendix A2).

2 = a( 2 1/4 -1 a (.)
(a+b ) cos(itan -)


a E j'-"j
rr rr

b c
E10 CVW'
rr rr

Thus, the larger the electromagnetic parameters are, the thiniter can the
absorber be made for a specified frequency provided, of course, that theirP
values are also compatible with the requirements for impedance matching.
Tuned, or narrowband absorbers of this type are commercially available ~
and typically achieve a peak absorption in excess of 25 dB (see Appendix
AO), and a bandwidth over which 10 dB absorption is achieved (10% power
reflection) of 10-20% of the tuned frequency (Figure 3.6c). This perfor-
I. ance at a tuned frequency in the region of 10 GI-z (for which X =30 mm) V
* can typically be provided by a sheet of 1.5-2 mm thickness. .

* 3.6 Salisbury Screen

The Salisbury screen, patented in 1952 by W W Salisbury (4) is, like

the tuned layer, a type of resonant absorber, but it is not reliant on
*the bulk permittivity and permeability of materials, and is therefore
*much easier to design. It consists of a resistive sheet parallel to and
* separated from a conducting plane by a quarter wavelength (Figure 3.5).
The 1/4-wavelength air spaced conductor forms an open circuit (section 2.3)
which appears in parallel with the resistive sheet. The effective impedance
of the complete assembly, therefore, is simply the sheet resistance, which
can be readily controlled and is generally frequency independent. If this
is chosen to be 377 02per square, a good match to free space is achieved
over the narrow frequency band for which the spacing is close to one
quarter of the wavelength (Figure 3.6d). The main advantages of the
Salisbury screen are its simplicity of design and production and its '4

extremely light weight.

The spacing layer may be an air-filled foam with relative permittivity

very close to 1, in which case the overall thickness will be X /4. (The
.4 0
resistive layer itself must be very thin and its thickness can be neglected.)
Alternatively, it is possible to reduce the overall thickness by using a
lossless dielectric with a permittivity greater than 1, so that the
* wavelength in the spacing layer is reduced according to equation (3.7).
Unfortunately, however, this carries with it the disadvantage of reduced
* bandwidth compared to the air spaced version.



a --


Ln M C1
0 0

Fig .6 ometypcalreflctiityspetrafor he aintyps o RA

Figd3.6 Somestypicalreenvt
aspecrafor the macnistypes of aM37

c)Aqunred layster 2.3 eethc degnd

7.5 fo Gmz opraio andce
Alternatively, the Salisbury screen can be understood in terms of
the standing wave pattern that is set up in the space in front of the
metal reflector due to the interaction of the incident and reflected
travelling waves (1). The maximum of the electric field standing wave
occurs at a plane one quarter of a wavelength in front of the metal, and
this is where the lossy dielectric element is located. The maximum of
the magnetic field standing wave occurs at the metal boundary, and it
might be expected that a magnetic analogue of the Salisbury screen could
be constructed by locating a thin lossy magnetic element on the metal.
This arrangement, if it could be realised, would be small, light-weight,
convenient and would not rely on a frequency-sensitive spacing layer.
Unfortunately, the corresponding magnetic property requirements cannot
be met by available materials. The requirements are:

i. ;" >> p' at all frequencies of interest.

ii. " I1w (without violating i).

The equivalent dielectric conditions are satisfied in the case of the

resistive sheet because the dielectric loss of the sheet is furnished by
its conductivity according to equation (2.3).

3.7 Techniques for Improving Bandwidth

It has been shown that broadband absorbers tend to be thick in order

to accommodate the impedance graduation necessary to reduce surface
reflections, while thin absorbers are generally narrowband because they
rely on a thickness-related resonance. There is, however, considerable
demand for improvements in bandwidth without incurring excessive thickness
penalties. The standard method of extending the bandwidth of narrowband
absorbers is by the use of multiple resonant layers. A carefully designed
two-layer absorber can exhibit two loss peaks which can be arranged either
to overlap, giving a single wider absorption band, or to cover two
entirely separate narrow frequency bands. Further improvements can be
gained with three or more layers, but with each new layer, the overall

thickness is further increased. In the limit, as the number of layers

16 'w-1
increases, the tapered loading wideband absorber is approached. In fact
it is common practice to approximate a defined impedance taper (eg expo-%
nential) by means of a properly designed triple layer structure. The -

design of multilayer absorbers is considered in section 6, but it will be -

apparent that reliable information about the permittivity and permeability

* of the constituent materials is of fundamental importance. This multiple
* layer approach is also applicable to the Salisbury screen type of absorber,
* with the advantage that design is less difficult, but the disadvantage
* that the thickness build-up with increasing number of layers is more
severe. Nevertheless, such an absorber is described in reference (3).

A much neater solution to the problem of the thin broadband absorber

would make use of a single layer of a material whose electromagnetic
properties varied with frequency in such a way as to reduce the reflection
coefficient over a broader bandwidth. If such a material could be found,
not only would overall size be minimised, but the reflectivity would also
* be less critically dependent on thickness. This material would need to
- contain a lossy filler whose permittivity and permeability spectra were
carefully controlled, and might be realised by a suitable mixture of
available fillers. The Japanese have experimented with various combina-
- tions of iron, ferrites, carbon and other materials on an empirical basis
(4), but a systematic approach would be heavily dependent on reliable
electromagnetic parameter data. Clearly this isa promising topic for
* research. One further point concerning mixed loading is that the total
* concentration of each component is less than would be the case if that
component were present alone. Consequently, the quantitative contribution
to the loss by each component will be reduced with the effect that band-
width improvement is achieved only at the expense of maximum loss - a high
narrow loss peak may be broadened, but it will also be flattened in the
process. Such a compromise, however, is probably quite acceptable in the
majority of applications, provided a reasonable reflectivity reduction
(say 10-13 dB) is maintained over this band.

It may also be possible to effect bandwidth improvements without
unacceptable side effects by bringing into play entirely different concepts.
For instance a rough front surface texture will tend to scatter incident
radiation in all directions (if the dimensions of the surface texture are
significant compared to the wavelength). This does not, of course,
constitute absorption but it does reduce the specularly reflected signal.

It may also prove advantageous to gain some measure of control over the
effective impedance of a multilayer structure by judicious use of circuit
analogue techniques. A periodic plan3r array of conducting elements,
such as short narrow strips, crosses or discs present to an incident wave
a complex impedance which depends upon the spacing and dimensions of these
elements and the wavelength, and can be regarded as a circuit element in
an electrical network model of the absorber (see section 6). The simplest
example of this technique is, in fact, the Salisbury screen, for which the
lumped impedance associated with the resistive sheet is real and frequency
independent, but arrays of conductive elements permit frequency selective
surfaces to be realised. The main advantages of this technique are that . •
such frequency selective surfaces are easy to produce by metallic deposi-
tion through an appropriate mask and their size and weight are negligible.


4.1 Composite RAM

In order for a microwave absorber to absorb electromagnetic energy

in the frequency region of interest, it must contain a material which
possesses an imaginary part to either or both of its permittivity and
permeability. For most practical absorbers, however, it is nearly always
necessary to make use of the electromagnetically lossy material in powder
form dispersed in a suitable dielectric matrix, either because this is
the only form in which the required properties are exhibited, or because
the bulk form is inconvenient. To a first approximation, this matrix
simply plays a mechanical and environmental role while the electromagnetic
loss is furn.ished solely by the lossy filler. Nevertheless, in practice,
the filler will modify the mechanical properties of the matrix and the
matrix will dilute the electrical properties of the filler. The first of
* these effects is the province of the materials technologist while the
second requires the expertise of an electromagnetic specialist.

There are various mixing laws which relate the effective electrical
parameters of a composite material to those of its constituents. For
particles which can be regarded as spherical - which includes most lossy
fillers used in RAM - the dilution of permittivity is governed by a
logarithmic law (5)

knlc c I v tnlcfI + (1-v) xnlcEbl

6 v6 + (1v
c F b-v

where jEj is the magnitude of the complex permittivity and 6 is the phase
angle. Here, the subscripts c, f and b refer to the composite, the filler "e

and the binder respectively and v is the volume fraction of the filler in
the final mixture. A similar pair of equations holds for the complex
permeability. It is important to note that the electrical properties of
a composite material, and consequently its electromagnetic response when
deployed as an absorber, depend upon the volume composition and not, as

.. *%

is often mistakenly assumed, on the composition by weight.

4.2 Binder Materials

The choice of binder material is determined by the intended applica-

tion of the absorber. It is usually required that its electromagnetic
material constants are small and frequency independent in the operating
frequency range, so as to minimise the modification of the properties of
the filler.

One of the simplest matrix materials, which is suitable for benign

environmental conditions, is polyurethane foam. This is usually loaded
with carbon black or fine graphite powder and, because carbon is non-
magnetic, it is necessary to employ one of the impedance matching
strategies described in chapter 3 in order to reduce surface reflectivity.
Absorbers for microwave anechoic chambers are generally made from carbon-
loaded polyurethane foam with a pyramidally shaped front face, because of
its excellent wide band, wide angle electrical performance - the large
size and poor environmental properties being comparatively unimportant
in this application."L.

Where a strong radar echo must be reduced because a metal .structure

has been unavoidably located close to the transmitter (a coummon situation
on ships), a thinner, more robust material is required. In these cases,
however, the operating frequency is generally known and the usual solution
is to coat the offending structure with a tuned absorber in the form of a
magnetically loaded rubber or epoxy sheet. The selection of the exact
polymer to be used as the matrix will depend on the environmental speci-
fications, such as adhesion, temperature, rain erosion, deterioration due
to sunlight, contaminants, abrasion or impact resistance. There is,
current ly, a considerable interest in liquid binders that can be applied
by painting techniques, as this would greatly facilitate the application
and maintenance of RAM coatings, especially on complex curved structures.
Such a layer, however, would need to be at least 1-2 mmthick, which is
enormous by conventional paint technology standards, and poses serious
problems of composition, application and thickness control, which need to
be solved before a practical RAM 'paint' can be developed.

Another area towards which current research efforts are directed is
the development of structu'ral RAM. The tuned layer is designed as a%
coating to be applied to a metallic structure, but an inherently absorbing
structural material would be able to displace the metal, thereby elimina-
ting the need for the coating and its associated maintenance. This places
the additional requirement of mechanical strength on the material. Where
only a lightweight panel is called for, capable of supporting its own %
weight or very light loads, a rigid plastic foam or a honeycomb structure,
loaded with a suitable lossy material, might suffice. On the other hand, 4

*1 the member may be asked to support loads for which metal parts are normally
used, and, for these situations, there is an interest in incorporating
lossy fillers in fibre-reinforced composites.

It is thus evident that there is a wide range of mechanical and

environmental requirements for RAM, and this leads to a wide range of
matrix materials. Some examples have been mentioned in the preceding
paragraphs, but many different specific situations could be envisaged
* whose special demands would necessitate special materials.

4.3 Lossy Fillers

Carbon powder is one of the most readily obtainable lossy fillers

*that is in common use. A carbon-loaded composite material acts by
resistively dissipating the currents induced in it by the incident wave
and thus provides a purely dielectric loss. As was mentioned in the last
section, such a material, having no magnetic properties, inevitably
presents an impedance mismatch to free space which must be countered by
means of a suitable impedance transition layer. in a magnetically loaded
matrix, however, such as the majority of commercially available tuned

layers, these limitations are less severe. The addition of magnetic loss
confers three main advantages. Firstly, the additional loss mechanism
increases the attenuation constant, a, (equation (3.3)) compared to the
dielectric only material. Secondly, the factor by which the free space
wavelength is reduced in the material (equation (3.7)) is greater than it
otherwise would be, so that a given wavelength is supported by a physically
thinner layer. It is true that these objectives would also be served by a

non-magnetic dielectric with very large values of permittivity and
dielectric loss, such as a ferroelectric, but this would magnify the
impedance mismatch problem which is the substance of the third advantage
of a magnetic dielectric. The combined magnetic and dielectric properties
allow a much closer approach to the matching condition of equation (3.2),
thereby considerably alleviating this problem. Thus the concept of a
broadband absorber of reasonable thickness and without any transition
regions, such as was suggested in section 3.1, assumes the possibility
of a physical realisation. This is approached by solid sintered ferrite,
which is commercially available in the form of ceramic tiles, 5-10 mm
thick, that provide a reflectivity reduction of about 10 dB (10% power
reflection) from below 100 MHz to 1-2 GHz, with a peak at a frequency
between 200 and 800 MHz depending on composition and thickness. These
tiles do, in fact, retain some resonant character, which serves to enhance
their absorption over part of their operating bandwidth. Their high
frequency performance is degraded because the magnetic constants of the
ferrites decrease with increasing frequency in this region. Tuned layers
for frequencies in the range 2-40 GHz generally use a dispersed powdered .a

filler, such as carbonyl iron or a ferrite, in a polymer matrix. Although

the magnetic parameters are reduced by the dilution, it is found that the
optimum operating frequency range tends to increase, allowing ferrites,
which in bulk form operate below 1 0Hz, to be used in the microwave
region. This type of absorber makes special use of the wavelength reduc-
tion property, and layers resonating in the region of 10 GHz can be
produced in a thickness of only 1.5-2 mm, whereas the corresponding air-
spaced Salisbury screen would have to be 7.5 mm thick.

The two major classes of magnetic fillers are metallic powders and
the ferrites. The only metal powder in common use is carbonyl iron, which
has been for many years the most widely used magnetic filler. It is
produced by the pyrolysis of iron carbonyl and is readily available.
There are other magnetic metal and alloy powders, such as cobalt and
nickel, but these have not been widely explored for use in RA1M. The 'e
other major class of magnetic filler, the ferrites, is considered in
the following section.

4.4 Ferrites

The ferrites cover a very wide range of substituted iron oxides

having a wide range of electrical and magnetic properties. The commonest

class, the spinel ferrites, have a cubic crystal structure and can be
represented by the general formula, MFe 2 04 , where M is usually a divalent
transition metal ion, a combination of two or more such ions or alterna-
tively a combination of mono- and tri-valent ions that maintains overall
electrical neutrality. MnFe0 Ni Zn 1 xFe 0 and Li Cr Fe 0 are
examples of spinel ferrites. There is another class, usually containing
large divalent metal ions such as Ba, Sr, Ca, or Pb, which crystallises
into a hexagonal structure and these, too, may contain combinations of
divalent or bi- and tetra-valent ions. Not only does the wide variety of
compositions lead to a wide variation in the electromagnetic material
constants of ferrites, but, even for a given composition, these properties
are also dependent upon the microstructure of the material and hence on
the precise details of its manufacture.

The general form of the relative permittivity and permeability spectra

for iron and ferrites have the same general form and the characteristic
features are illustrated in Figure 4.1.

The real part of the permeability, which has a constant low frequency
value, p if, falls to unity over a frequency band extending over approxi-
mately two decades, half of this reduction being achieved at the mid-point
of this band, f The magnetic loss rises to a peak, also at the frequency,

fr but is small at frequencies above and below this band. This magnetic
dispersion behaviour is very similar to the ideal dielectric relaxation
described by Debye (6), and is the result of the progressive failure of
the magnetisation (or polarisation in Debye theory) to follow the oscil-
lations of the driving field as frequency is increased. Figure 4.1, however,
shows that typical ferrites also exhibit a slight rise in the real part of
*the permeability at the low frequency end of the dispersion region and a
corresponding dip at the high frequency end, which is indicative of a
magnetic resonance phenomenon in addition to the relaxation (la,7).

Mat erialI
r r

*r r




ci 1 f f0 0 0

Fi .1
Tegeea fr f h letomgeicmtrilpraee

4.1 sTecr
genr forrftheeetoagei aeia aaee
.-. - vr~'g ~ *- - r -° - .,--

Moreover, the magnetic loss often displays a small secondary peak or, at
least, a broadening, on the high frequency side of the relaxation disper-
sion which can lead to a small upper frequency extension of the useful
operating band of absorbers in which they are incorporated. The real
and imaginary parts of the complex permeability are in fact related to
each other by a pair of transform relations known as the Kramers-Kronig
relations, which are a fundamental result of the Causality Principle
relating the magnetic response of a material to the field causing it (la,8).

For spinel ferrites, jIf may typically lie in the range 10 to 1000
and f between 5 and 500 MHz. However, these two parameters are found
not to be independent but are inversely related according to Snoek's
empirical formula

PIf x f ; constant (4.2)

where the constant has a value of 5600 MHz. The occurrence of the
dispersion region for spinel ferrites below 1 GHz accounts for their
direct use, in the form of sintered tiles, as absorbers in this frequency
region. For hexagonal ferrites, p1f is usually found to be somewhat
lower (less than 30) and f somewhat higher (greater than I GHz) than the
spinels, but the constant in equation (4.2) is found to be several times
larger (typically 15-30 GHz). The microwave properties of some ferrites
have been collected by von Aulock (7).

The permittivity, which is wholly independent of permeability, is

found to vary with frequency much more slowly than the ideal Debye theory
would predict. This is, in fact, typical of the dielectric behaviour of
solids in general and is due to the greater variety of possible relaxation
mechanisms and the greater degree of interaction between them. Neverthe-
less, the real and imaginary parts are also related by the Kramers-Kronig
relationships. This general lack of correlation between the dielectric
and magnetic spectra for ferrites, and indeed other magnetic-dielectric
materials, is one reason why good thin broadband absorbers cannot be
produced without recourse to impedance matching techniques.


It is essential to be able to measure the absorbing properties of anA

*absorber over the frequency band of interest. The usual approach is to use%
free space methods and these are discussed in the first section of this chapter.
However, the reflection coefficient of an absorber is dependent upon the pertnit-
tivity and permeability of its constituent materials, so, in order to be able
* to design absorbers, it is essential also to have the means of measuring these
parameters. In fact, because the same materials might be used in a range of
different frequency bands, the material parameter measurements are required to
* span the whole of the microwave range. This problem is considered in the final
* three sections of this chapter.

5.1 Reflectivity Measurement

It is obviously essential for the designer and his customer to be able

to assess the performance of an absorber. -his is usually done by observing
the effect of the absorber on the propagation of microwave radiation in
free space, and the principle of the method is straightforward. The
performance of an absorber is defined in terms of the reduction in
reflected signal power compared to a perfectly conducting target of the .
same size and shape. This implies that a two-part measurement is required-
first of all the return from the metal reference must be measured, followed
by the return from the absorber. .

The basic arrangement is illustrated in Figure 5.1. The target is

usually chosen to be a flat square plate of side length equivalent to at
least several wavelengths, because this approximates most close v to the
infinite planar structure assumed by the theory (see chapters 2 and 3).
This is illuminated normally be means of a horn antenna, which is driven
by a microwave source via a reflectometer comprising a pair of back-to-
back directional couplers. A power sensor connected to the forward coupler
monitors the incident power and provides a reference signal. The reflected
signal is collected by the horn and measured by a second power sensor
connected to the take-off port of the reverse coupler. Assuming perfect
apparatus, the procedure is as follows. Firstly, the magnitude of the
reflection coefficient of the metal reference plate, Fo is determined.

Microwav ..:

r .0

P ref network

P test analyser

* 4*

Fig 5.1 The reflectometer arrangement for making reflectivity measurements

Microwav network

Sorc ptest analyser

, /\-

Fig 5.2 The two-horn arrangement for making reflectivity measurements

in the transmission mode
-%- IV, 14 . 4- 77 4--W- .... *

If the incident and reflected power levels are P. and Pm respectively,


_ m (5.1)

Secondly, the reflection coefficient of the absorber, ra' is determined

in the same way and, if the reflected power in this case is a then

raa P.
a •,..

The reflectivity of the absorber, L, is then defined as the ratio of

these two reflection coefficients C

L = a


which is more usually expressed in decibels (see Appendix A4) as

m o

L- log-
a dB (5.4)

This is measured as a function of frequency over the band of interest and

plotted as a reflectivity spectrum.

A number of experimental difficulties conspire to make the practical

realisation of this measurement more complicated than the simplistic view

above would indicate. Imperfect impedance matching between the microwave .
components gives rise to unwanted reflections whose phase relationships to

the desired signal are not readily predictable and vary with frequency.

The imperfect directional properties of the couplers degrade their ability
to isolate the return signal from the incident one. Non-ideal power
detector characteristics lead to measurement errors which depend on power".'
level and temperature. Fortunately, these problems can be overcome by

using one of the commercially available network analysers. Scalar network

analysers are automatic swept frequency systems which compensate for
detector nonlinearities and mismatch and directivity errors by means of
calibration and by averaging out the phase errors over the frequency
sweep (9). Vector network analysers have the capability of measuring not
only the relative amplitude, but also the phase difference between the
two signals. This allows the error signals to be determined separately
and then subtracted vectorially from the required measurements.

An alternative arrangement operates in the transmission mode making

use of two separate horns (Figure 5.2), for illumination of the target

and collection of the reflected power. This is often employed in conjunc-

tion with scalar network analysers as it reduces the directivity and

mismatch errors, although it does suffer from direct horn-to-horn coupling.

Another major advantage of this method is that the two horns can be
separated in order to measure absorber performance at oblique angles of
incidence, non-specular scattering, and, by independently rotating them,

cross-polarisation effects.

5.2 Material Constant Measurement

The permittivity and permeability of materials are best measured by

using samples mounted in a guided wave system, such as rectangular wave-

guide or co-axial line. Many methods are described in the literature but,
because relatively few classes of materials are magnetic, most yield the

permittivity only. It is usually feasible, however, to adapt these

methods to take into account permeabilities other than unity. Nearly all

of these methods can be divided into three categories: resonant, trans-

mission line and time domain techniques.

_ , - _- . -' - _ -. -. , / " , .- - - - - " - . . " . ' " . • • - .... ...- o ' i

A resonant cavity has a resonant frequency which is determined by its

dimensions. If some dielectric material is inserted into this cavity, the
resonant frequency will change by an amount depending on the properties
and dimensions of the sample. It is possible to infer the electromagnetic

properties of a material by observing the shift in resonant frequency of

the cavity when an appropriately shaped sample is inserted. This technique
has always been the main choice for precision measurements but suffers from

the disadvantage that it is a spot frequency method. Parameter data for

RAM design, on the other hand, is required to span a wide frequency range,
and would therefore call for a large number of cavities, each tuned to a
different frequency. It is for this reason that one of the other two
techniques is usually chosen for the purpose of material characterisation
for RAM.

5.3 Transmission Line Methods

These methods all rely on the measurement, in the frequency domain,

of the reflection and/or transmission properties of a slab of material
mounted in a transmission line. A transmission line is a guided wave
system, usually of constant cross-section, which constrains electro-

magnetic waves to propagate along its length and inhibits any tendency to
radiate outside its walls. These walls may comprise a boundary between
two suitable dielectric materials, as is the case in optical fibres, but
at microwave frequencies, and in the context of this chapter, they more
usually take the form of metallic walls - either a single conductor such
as circular or rectangular waveguide or a pair of conductors such as a

co-axial line (Figure 5.3).

The properties of transmission lines are very similar to the properties

of unbounded media developed in chapter 2, and, in fact, those unbounded
systems can be treated as transmission lines without any walls as is done
in chapter 6. In particular, reflection and transmission at an impedance
discontinuity such as the junction between dielectrically filled and unfilled
sections of line, are governed by very similar equations. Just as an
unbounded medium has an intrinsic impedance dependent on the permittivity
and permeability, so a transmission line has a characteristic impedance
which depends additionally on its cross-sectional dimensions and the type


a) b)

Fig 5.3 Cross-sections of a) a rectangular waveguide and

b) a co-axial transmission line

Medium 2

b) Zoc

Fig 5.4 A section of material filled transmission line with

a) a short circuit termination and b) an open circuit
terminat ion

medium 2

To 4 ~- To
Microwave Matched
Source _____________________________ Load

Fig 5.5 A dielectric sample mounted in a section of transmission line

for the measurement of both reflection and transmission
of mode propagating. Similarly, the propagation constant and the wavelength %

are modified by mode-dependent dimensional factors. In the case of the

co-axial line, these factors become unity and the quantities have the

same values as the corresponding unbounded case. For simplicity, it will

be assumed for the remainder of this discussion that the transmission line
is co-axial - the treatment of single conductor waveguides can be pursued
in the references (1) if required.

It follows from this that the reflection coefficient at the junction

between a section of line and a load, ZL, which may or may not include
another section of line, is given by equation (2.11c)

z -z
zL 1
FL + Z1

Also, the effective impedance of a section of material filled line of

length, 1, and terminated with a short circuit (Figure 5.4a) is

Z - Ztanh y 1 (5.5)
sc 2 nh 2

where Z and y are the characteristic impedance and propagation constant

of the line respectively. Similarly, with an open circuit termination,
(Figure 5.4b) the effective impedance is given by

Z = Z2 coth y 2 1 (5.6)

and the open circuit is achieved, just as in the unbounded case of

section 2.3, by displacing the short circuit by a quarter wavelength of
lossless line.

Birks (10) in 1946, first described an experimental technique for the

measurement of both the dielectric and magnetic material parameters from

measurements of the open and short circuit impedance, and it became the
standard method for many years. It will be evident that equations (5.5)
and (5.6) together constitute a pair of complex simultaneous equations
which can be solved for the two complex quantities Z and from which,
2 from2hi
in turn, the complex permittivity and permeability may be derived. By
multiplying and dividing (5.5) and (5.6) we find

z = (Zse. Z oc) (5.7)

tanh y 2 1 = (Zsc/Z )2 (5.8)

from which Z is readily calculated. However, y 2 must be deduced with

2 Y
the assistance of charts (11) and because the tanh function is periodic, -

there exists a series of solutions for y. In order to resolve the

ambiguity, it is necessary either to have some advance knowledge of the
approximate values of p r and Er, or to repeat the measurement for a sample
of different thickness and extract the only common solution. If a
material is known to be non-magnetic (pr' = 1, i"r = 0), then the complex
permittivity can be determined from either the short or the open circuit
measurement alone, or alternatively, the ambiguity inherent in the tanh
function can be avoided by using only equation (5.7).

Birks measured the open and short circuit impe>-_.es by observing

the electric field standing wave pattern that is set up in the region in
front of the sample due to the interference of the incident and reflected
travelling waves (1). To do this, he used a slotted line. This is a
section of transmission line with a longitudinal slot cut in its outer

wall along which a probe may be moved in order to sense the electric field
as a function of position (12). The two properties of the pattern that
are of particular relevance are the ratio of the maximum to minimum
amplitudes, known as the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), S, and the
distance from the boundary of the first voltage minimum, x. The effective
impedance, ZL, seen at the boundary is then given by (1)

Z -j tanB x
L S lo L- 0
1 tan lx.
1j S

where B = 21T/A and Xl is the wavelength in the section of line in front

of the sample. It is apparent that material parameters can be measured by

.... .-.

this method over a wide range of frequencies using the same apparatus,
but a large amount of adjustment of the slotted line and the open circuit
is necessary, making it a very time-consuming and painstaking exercise.
Another potential hazard, which is common to all transmission line methods, 14

is the error due to an imperfect fit of the sample into the guide. Any
air gaps between the sample and the guide walls can seriously affect the
reflection and transmission properties of that section of the guide and

extreme care is required in sample preparation. Despite these drawbacks,

the open and short circuit method can, with sufficient care, yield accurate
values of both permittivity and permeability over a broad range of micro-
wave frequencies.

The open circuit adjustment necessary in the open and short circuit
method can be avoided if the transmission coefficient can be accurately
measured. The filled section of line is inserted between two unfilled
sections with matched terminations to eliminate any unwanted reflections
(Figure 5.5). The reflection coefficient of this arrangement is shown
in Appendix A3 to be given by

-2y 2 d
r 1(1-e
r = (5.10)
2 -2y 2 d
1-r e

and the transmission coefficient by

-Y 2 d 2
e (1-r)
2 =2Y2 d
I-r e (5.11)

where r is the reflection coefficient of the front interface, given by

- Z°
1 -
2 + 00

-z , --

.. ,

and Z is the characteristic impedance of the empty line. These two

equations can be solved simultaneously to yield y2 and r1 from which pr
and E may then be calculated. Once again, there is an ambiguity due to
r J
the periodicity of the complex log function which must be resolved either
by means of a prior estimate or a second measurement with a different -

sample thickness. Also, care must be exercised during sample preparation

to ensure a good fit in the guide.

Since Birks first devised his method, advances in microwave instru-

mentation have led to the development of the network analyser, which is
able to measure the reflection and transmission coefficients of an unknown
network without the need to make physical adjustments. The addition of a
computer, an analogue-to-digital converter and a programmable frequency
source then allows wide-band material parameter measurements to be made
automatically. This is a vast improvement on Birks' original method and
provides a rapid, wide-band measurement facility, capable of generating
a comprehensive material data-base for absorber design.

5.4 Time Domain Methods

In the frequency domain, the response function, R(jw), from a linear

network excited by an input function, V(jw), is given by .

R(jw) H1 (jW) x V(jW) (5.13)

where H1 (jw) is the frequency response of the network. In the present

case the network consists of the sample in a transmission line, the input
* function is the incident wave and the response function is either the
reflected or the transmitted wave. The frequency response is the reflec-
tion or transmission coefficient spectrum and is determined, as described
in the previous section, by applying sinusoidal input signals at a range
of frequencies, w, and measuring the resulting responses. It is also
possible to deduce this information by time domain methods. In this case,
the input is a fast rising step waveform V(t), which, according to Fourier
analysis, may be regarded as the sum of an infinite series of continuous
sine waves of appropriate amplitude and phase, covering a very wide range
of frequencies. (The ideal step waveform with zero rise-time would contain


all frequencies from 0 to ). The response r(t), then takes the form of
a transient waveform with a gradual decay, and this can be analysed as a
similar infinite series of sine-waves each of which represents the 0.
response of the network to the corresponding input. In fact, the fre-
quency domain functions, V and R, are related to their time domain
counterparts, v and r, by the Fourier transform, F, thus (13):

V(jw) = F(v(t)) = v(t) eJ t dt

and (5.14)

R(jw) = F(r(t)) = r(t) ej t dt

Thus, it is possible to derive the frequency response directly from

measurements of the input waveform and its response waveform

F(r(t)) (5.15)

The permittivity and permeability can then be found by the same means as
described in the previous section.

A typical reflection arrangement is shown in Figure 5.6a which shows

a sample-filled section of transmission line terminated by a short circuit.
This is excited by a fast pulse generator and the line is monitored by a
sampling gate connected to some form of recording device (oscilloscope,
XY recorder or computer). Because the pulse propagates down the line at
a finite velocity, the sampler is able to resolve in time the incident
and the various reflected wavefronts. The form of the response that
would be seen by the sampler is shown in Figure 5.6b, where the features
are correlated with the sequence of reflection events giving rise to them
(Figure 5.6c). (This phenomenon of diminishing part-waves bouncing from
end to end within the sample is also described with reference to the
frequency domain in Appendix A3.) The first event to be seen (A) is the
incident step, followed by its reflection (B) from the front face of the

33 -
%AfNP;.jIG GA'rc


Vi 4



*Fig 5.6 a) The basic experimental arrangement for TDS measurements

with a short-circuited sample
b) The form of the voltage response seen at the sampling gate,
showing the time window isolating the front face reflection
c) The sequence of reflection events giving rise to the response
shown in b)
sample after a delay corresponding to the transit time from sampling gate .

to sample and back again. The magnitude of this reflection is determined

by the front boundary reflection coefficient which is given by equation
(5.12). Because insertions of a dielectric medium into a line reduces
its characteristic impedance below that of the empty line, Z2 is less
than unity so that the reflection coefficient, and consequently the
reflected step, is negative. After a further delay, while the step
propagates along the length of the sample in both directions, the
ref lection from the back face of the boundary (also negative) (C) is
seen. In fact, when this particular wavefront reaches the front face,
part of it is transmitted back towards the sampling gate, while the
remainder is re-reflected back into the sample, where progressively
diminishing part waves are reflected between the two end faces, giving
rise to all the subsequent reflections (D) until it has completely decayed
away. This example made use of a short circuit termination but an open
circuit or matched load could equally well have been connected. In these
cases, the rear face reflection coefficient would have been either +1 or
0 respectively, rather than -1. This would affect reflections C and D,
causing the measured voltage to tend towards 2V. or V. respectively, rather
1 1
than 0, where V. is the amplitude of the incident step. Note, however,
that the steps A and B are independent of termination.

Time Domain Spectroscopy (TDS) is the generic name by which these

time domain methods of measuring electromagnetic material parameters are
known, and the topic has been reviewed by van Gemert (13), Cole (14) and .~

Mishra et al (15). Two basic approaches can be distinguished depending

upon whether the sample relaxation time is long or short compared to the
transit time within the sample. It is the second of these that is illus-
trated in Figure 5.6b. It will be noticed that, although the input step
waveform has been assumed to have a negligible rise-time, the steps
reflected from the sample each exhibit a significant decay - this is due
to the variation with frequency of the reflection coefficient, and hence
of the dielectric and magnetic properties of the material. The figure
4- shows that these decays are essentially complete before the next reflected
wavefront arrives at the sampling gate, which is the case if the sample is
sufficiently long to delay its arrival for several decay time-constants.


In this case, known as the single reflection case, the time window of the
sampling gate can be restricted so that it includes only this decay, as
shown in Figure 5.6b, and the rear face can then be ignored. The network ,

then being investigated is the front boundary of the sample only and the N
observed response is the step response of the front boundary reflection A
coefficient given by equation (5.12). In the alternative approach, the
sample length is short so that the response decay is far from complete
before the arrival of the next reflection. It is now necessary to open
out the time window to include the whole response, which is that resulting
from the total reflection coefficient of a finite sample and includes all
the re-reflected part-waves as described in Appendix A3.

Although conceptually simpler, the single reflection method suffers

from the disadvantage that very long samples are required in order to
delay subsequent reflections as much as possible. Clearly, cutting off
the observed decay limits the information available at long times and
hence at low frequencies. Howeverit is often found, in practice, that
the low frequency limit is determined by the transit time, on the length
of line in front of the sample, of unwanted reflections due to the impe-
dance mismatch between line and sampling gate. The practical lower limit
for the single reflection method is found to be about 100 MHz, although
the total reflection approach, which is generally easier to use, remains
valid down to about 1 MHz. The upper frequency limit in both methods is,
in principle, limited by the high frequency content of the input waveform,
which depends upon how fast a rise-time can be achieved. Current tunnel
diode pulse generations are capable of producing a pulse with a rise time
of 30-40 ps, which should be sufficient to yield results up to 20 GHz.
In practice, however, high frequency performance is limited to much lower
frequencies by timing errors. When equation (5.15) is applied, it is
important to ensure that the two waveforms both have the same time
reference. However, because these two waveforms are recorded separately,
(once with the sample in place and once with a short circuit located at ..
the position of the front face), it is difficult to achieve this to better %
than an error of 2 ps, which limits the maximum useful frequency to about
3 GHz. Special time referencing procedures can be employed to reduce this
error to about 0.4 ps, allowing useful measurements to be made up to 10 to
15 GHz, but the accuracy of results for high permittivity/permeability 0

mtrasis better in the sigl reflection method (16)...-

The fortunes of the time domain and frequency domain approaches have
changed over the years with the development of microwave technology. The
original advantage of time domain techniques was that a wide frequency
range could be covered in a single rapid measurement, so that results
could be obtained much faster than in the frequency domain, where separate
measurements must be made at a series of discrete frequencies. This was
particularly attractive when automatic network analysers were expensive
and slotted lines were the standard technique. However, the Fourier
transformation of the time domain data into the frequency domain adds some
delay in the presentation of results and degrades their accuracy due to -
the uncertainties in time origin for the two integrations, especially at
the higher frequencies. Reduction of these timing errors can extend the
high frequency limit of time domain measurements to about 15 GHz, but this
adds considerably to the equipment cost which becomes comparable to that
of some of the automatic network analysers (ANAs) available nowadays. A
less sophisticated time domain system, however, might prove to be cost
effective at frequencies below a few GHz, and might complement an ANA
operating between 2 and 18 GHz. For the highest precision in ANAs, the
* recently introduced Hewlett Packard 8510 can be used over the entire
frequency range from 50 MHz to 26 C!4z, but at double the capital cost.
Unfortunately, there is no cheap way of making the wide-band material
parameter measurements necessary for a systematic approach to RAM design.

36 _

The design of even a simple type of electromagnetic absorber cannot,

unfortunately, be reduced to a straightforward set of equations, yielding a
4set of values for the material parameters and layer dimensions, given a parti-
cular performance requirement. Even if this were possible, the limited range
*of material parameters offered by real materials would make it extremely
* unlikely that such a solution could be realised. In order to design an
* absorber systematically, therefore, the converse approach must be adopted-
its performance must be predicted for a given set of material parameters and
* layer dimensions, and these must be refined by iteration. This chapter
* describes one general model for this purpose, although others could be devised. .-

6.1 Transmission Line Model

The most general absorber configuration that can be envisaged consists

* of multiple planar layers of different homogeneous isotropic materials.
By a suitable choice of the total number, material properties and thick-
* nesses of the layers, most of the types described in chapter 3 can be
* represented. Furthermore, this configuration can also readily be modelled
- by a series of unbounded transmission line segments connected in cascade
- (Figure 6.1). Each segment has a characteristic impedance and propagation
* constant defined by the intrinsic impedance and propagation constant of
the medium of the corresponding layer, and the segment length is given by
* the layer thickness.

The model may be further simplified by treating each transmission

line segment as a 4-terminal network and the electric and magnetic fields
at each interface as voltages and currents, as shown in Figure 6.2.
According to network theory, the voltages and currents at the input and
output terminals are uniquely related by a set of coefficients character-
* istic of the particular network (17), thus

v, A 1 1v2 + A 12 (-i2)61

A2 1 v2 + A2 2 (-i 2

-% --. -. - -. -.-' .6-1 W- -M
VV. I I . - W- L- - I 7%


Z1 1 Z2 2 Z3 Y3

It-- d1 It- d2 1< '3

Z 1Y1 Z2 Y2 Z3 Y3

Fig 6.1 An arbitrary multilayer absorber and its transmission line analogue

iv i A '2

Fig 6.2 A 4-terminal network showing the sign convention used for the input
and output voltages and currents

1 2 3 i-.
V T A1 v2 v3 A24

Fig 6.3 A pair of 4-terminal networksconnected in cascade

i |

Fig 6.4 A 4-terminal network with a load connected to its output terminals
and a section of transmission line connected to its input

Y - ".

ig 6.5 A 4-terminal network consisting of a lumped admittance connected

across the line

V. ,

This may be rewritten in matrix form

AI (6.2)


A A1
A 1 (6.3)

A2 1 A 2 2J

is the cascading matrix of the network (also called the transformation,

general circuit parameter, A or ABCD matrix).

If two such networks, A and A 2 , are connected in cascade as shown

in Figure 6.3, equation (6.2) may be applied independently to each. This


,[] v2




However, it is apparent by inspection that

v v and i3 = -.

from which it follows that

= (A x A2 ) (6.4)

The same procedure may be repeated for three or more networks in cascade.

This demonstrates the important principle that a series of n cascaded

4-terminal networks can be reduced to a single equivalent network, simply

T- TV.

by multiplying together (in the correct order) the individual cascading

* matrices

A AxA xAx......A
A (6.5)
1 2 3 n

If a network, A, is terminated by an impedance, Zt, as shown in

Figure 6.4, the output voltage and current must satisfy


The effective input impedance of this arrangement, looking into the input
terminals of the network, can similarly be written as


Expanding this using equation (6.1) and substituting equation (6.6), the
input impedance can be expressed as

A Z +A
zi 11 t 12 (6.8)
21 t 2

If this terminated network is now cascaded with a section of transmission *

line of characteristic impedance Zo the reflection coefficient, r',is

given by

z. -z
in o

Thus, if the cascading matrix elements are known as functions of

frequency for each layer of a general multilayer absorber, and if it has a
known termination, Zt the reflection loss spectrum can be calculated with
the aid of equations (6.9), (6.8) and (6.5). In practical absorbers, the
termination usually consists of either an intimate metal backing plane or

no backing at all, which can be represented as a short circuit (Zt = 0)
or a matched load (Zt =t Z0 ) respectively.

6.2 Matrix Elements

It is a well-known result of network theory, that the cascading

matrix for a length, d, of transmission line having characteristic

impedance, Z, and propagation constant, y, is

jZ sn
A= (6.10)
Lj/Z sina cos j-


a jyd (6.11)

Here, Z is simply the intrinsic impedance of the medium given by equation

(2.7) and y is the propagation constant given by equation (2.5). These
matrix elements are therefore readily calculated if the complex permit-
tivity and permeability and the thickness of the layer are known.

A further advantage of this model is that the 4-terminal networks of

which it is composed are not restricted to transmission line segments.
It is therefore possible to incorporate any absorber structure which can
be represented by a 4-terminal equivalent network whose cascading matrix
elements can be determined. An important practical example of this is
the resistive sheet used in the Salisbury screen absorber, which can be
expressed as a lumped admittance, Y, connected across the line as shown
in Figure 6.5. The cascading matrix for this network is

A 01 (6.12) '


y (6.13)

and R is the sheet resistance of the resistive layer.

As was mentioned in chapter 3, it is possible to exercise some

additional control over absorber properties by incorporating one or more
frequency selective surfaces, each consisting of a planar array of conduc-
tive elements of suitably chosen shape, dimensions and spacing. There
exists in the literature equivalent circuit representations for many of
these, including arrays of strips, crosses, circular and square rings and
Jerusalem crosses (18). The equivalent circuit allows the effective
lumped admittance of the frequency selective surface, Y f), to be
expressed as a function of frequency, whereupon it may be treated as a
4-terminal network of the type shown in Figure 6.5 and described by
equation (6.12).

6.3 Oblique Incidence

A practical absorber will generally be required to operate for angles

of incidence other than normal, which has been considered exclusively so
far. The model can be modified to take into account oblique incidence
simply by placing a slightly different interpretation on the cascading
matrix elements. In the case of the layer of homogeneous material, the
model assumes a guided wave propagating along the axis of the transmission
line, which can be directly related to the physical situation in which a
plane wave is propagating normal to the layer boundary. If the plane wave
is propagating at an angle, 8, to this direction, as shown in Figure 6.6,
then the guided wave in the model becomes the component of the plane wave
resolved in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the interface.
Thus a in equation (6. 10) becomes a cos e and the characteristic impedance
of the line, Z, which is given by the ratio of the parallel components of
the electric and magnetic fields becomes either Z/cose or Zcos8, depending .% ~
on whether the incident electric field is polarised perpendicular or '

parallel to the plane of incidence (Figure 6.6a and b respectively).


Plane of
Incidence )

,co b)s' 'i


Fig 6.6 A pair of waves obliquely incident on a material interface showing the
field components resolved parallel to the interface. In a), the
electric field is polarised perpendicular to the plane of incidence,
while in b) it is parallel

.. °*,%°

e ** * * * *

Dj P.I E jJ
1 1i 1i+1 i+1

Air Layer 1 Layer i Layer (i+1)

Fig 6.7 Oblique incidence in a multilayer absorber structure

In a multilayer structure (Figure 6.7), the angle of incidence, 6i,
at the boundary between layers i and (i+1) can be obtained by repeated
application of Snell's Law at each interface. Snell's Law states that

VFE sine. = i_ 1 sine. (6.14)

11 1 YE:+lJ1+1 i+1

where c and ;j are the relative complex permittivity and permeability of

each layer. It therefore follows that

cose. = 1 sin2) (6.15)

E: .'j

where e is the angle of incidence at the front face of the entire multi-
layer structure.

In the case of lumped admittance layers, it is also necessary to

resolve the incident plane wave into perpendicular and parallel components
for use in the transmission line model. However, care must be taken in
the treatment of frequency selective surfaces. Their equivalent circuits
are usually only strictly valid for normal incidence, but in many cases,
they may be approximately true over a limited range of incidence angles.
If the layer is buried in a medium having large values of E and pi, then,
according to equation (6.15), the incidence angle on the surface itself,
i, will be significantly less than the incidence angle at the front face
of the absorber, 60, and the equivalent circuit may be useful for most

incidence angles of practical interest.

6.4 Design of Absorbers

It is not difficult to implement the transmission line model described

in this chapter as a computer program to produce a versatile design aid
for electromagnetic absorbers. A configuration appropriate to any given
application may be selected from the basic types described in chapter 3,
from a simple single layer to a complex multilayer design. If the layer
thicknesses are specified and the properties of each layer are known over
the frequency range of interest, the reflectivity spectrum may be predicted. .'


For homogeneous layers, the materials Will be chosen on the basis of the
criteria of chapter 4 and their electromagnetic parameters can be measured
by the techniques of chapter 5. If frequency selective surfaces are to
be incorporated, their equivalent lumped admittance must be determined
as a function of frequency from the appropriate equivalent circuit,
taking into account the properties of the medium in which they are
embedded. Finally, individual properties may be varied at will in order
* to refine the performance of the design and to assess the effect of such
* variations that may occur as a result of manufacturing tolerances.



(1)a. A von Hippel, "Dielectrics and Waves", Wiley, 1954.

• ' V

b. J D Kraus and K R Carver, "Electromagnetics", McGraw-Hill (2nd ed), ,.,-


(2) W W Salisbury, US Patent 2 599 944 (1952).

(3) T M Connolly, E J Luoma, US Patent 4 038 660 (1977).

(4) US Patent 4 116 906 (1978); Japanese Patents 54 041 495 (1979),
54 110 497 (1979), 54 127 000 (1979), 54 152 402 (1978).
," ' " '..'.i

(5) P S Neelakantaswamy, B V R Chowdari, A Rajaratnam, J Phys D 16 1785-99


(6) P Debye, "Polar Molecules", Dover, 1945.

(7) W H von Aulock, "Handbook of Microwave Ferrite Materials",

Academic Press, 1965.

(8) G W Chantry, "Long Wave Optics, Vol I, Principles", Academic Press,

1984 (pp 214-221, 399-401).

(9)a. P Lacy, Microwave Journal, 25, (April 1982), p 57.

b. P Spenky, W Foster, ibid, p 83.

(10) J B Birks, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 60, 282-292, (1948).

(11) A E Kennelly, "Chart Atlas of Complex Hyperbolic and Circular ,

Functions", Harvard University Press, 1914.

(12) A B Giordano, "Measurement of Standing Wave Ratio", ch. 2 in M Sucher,

J Fox (Eds) "Handbook of Microwave Measurements, Vol 1", Polytechnic

Press of Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1963.

44 1
-1 W- 7- -T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

(13) M J C van Gemert, Philips Res. Repts. 28, 530-572 (1973).

(14) R H Cole, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 28 283-300 (1977).

(15) R K Mishra, S S Chaudhary, A Swarup, J. Sci. & Ind. Res: 42 548-556


(16) C Gabriel, A W J Dawkins, R J Sheppard, E H Grant, J. Phys. E 12

513-516 (1984).

(17) J L Altman, "Microwave Circuits", van Norstrand (1964).

" (18) I Anderson, Bell. Syst. Tech. J. 54 1725-31 (1975); lEE Colloq. on
"Multiband Techniques for Reflector Antennas", Oct 28, 1983;

R J Langley, E A Parker, Electronic Lett. 18 294-6 (1982).



- 45
!% dr- . V . - . ~ r w~r' r r r c . V. Ir ..,. *


In order to determine the effective impedance, Z of a layered structure

in terms of the parameters of the individual layers, the problem must be broken
down as illustrated in Figure Al.l. The overall layered structure is considered
as a 3-layer structure comprising medium 1, the layer of medium 2 of thickness,
d characteristic impedance, Z and propagation factor, y2, and the remaining
2' 2' Y
layers are regarded as a terminating impedance ZT.

The electric field in layer 2 may be considered to be the resultant of

two electric field waves, the incident wave E. travelling in the +x direction
and the reflected wave, E r2' travelling in the -x direction. If the electric
fields at the 2-3 interface (x= 0) are Ei2 (O) and E (0) (both of which are
i2 r2
understood to include the time variation term e implicitly), the two waves

can be described thus

E 2 (x) = Ei2 (O) e (Al.)

E r2 3 E (0) e (Al.2)
r2(X) i2

where the complex reflection coefficient at the 2-3 interface is given by

Z -z E (0)
T 2 _ r2
-- E(0)(Al.3)
T 2 i2

Thus the net electric field at an arbitrary point x in layer 2 is given by the

sum of the two waves:

x -.
Y2 X +Y 2
E2 = Ei2(0)(e + r2 3 e ) (Al.4)

An analogous line of argument can be applied to the magnetic fields, and

noting also that E and H are uniquely related by the characteristic impedance
of the medium, Z 2 , according to equation (2.6), this yields:

"I 7.4

Layer 1 Layer 2 Subsequent


" Z1' y1 y2
Z2 ' Y


- X

zL zT
* ..
." x =-d 2 x x=O
=0 - ..

Fig A1.1 The effective input impedance, ZL, of a layer terminated

with a layer or combination of layers having an effective
input impedance, Z l r a ne c



4% as

E(0) -Y x
H Wx-Z Ce -r2 e )(A 1.5)
2 2 2

Now, the impedance at any point x in layer 2 is simply obtained by dividing

(A1.4) and (A1.5) thus

Y x " .
e +r e
Z(x) E (x) Z 23 -(A1.6)
2(x) 2 -Y
2 x Y
2 x
e -r 23 e

In particular, this can be evaluated at the 1-2 interface (x = -d2 )y at which

point Z(x) is equal to the effective impedance,
x 2 2 entire multilayer
ZL, of the
-22 ..
structures and substituting for r 2 3 from A1.3), this becomes

y2 d2 -y2 d2
Z Z) e +CZTZ2 e
L 2 y
2 d -
ZT+Z2 e ZT- Z2 e

(A1 .7)
zT +Z2 tan
anh y 2
+ Z an
T a y22

The terminating impedance Z can be determined in terms of its constituent

layers by repeating the same procedure for layer 3 and so on.

-. 7~ ~0T-W ~ ~~
TV j -tW




The propagation constant, y, can be expressed in terms of the relative

* an *;r
material constants of the medium, c and P

= j (A2.1)
r r 0 0

which can be rearranged to separate the magnitude and phase components:

y = jwu-'o (a2+b2)1/ 4 exp j(jtan- 1(-b/a)) (A2.2)

where a = ' - "r '"--

and b = E"j' + E 'jj"

r r r r-%,

The propagation constant can also be expressed in terms of the attenuation

constant, a, and phase constant, 8, of the medium:

y = a + jS (A2.3)

Equating the real and imaginary parts of (A2.2) and (A2.4) leads to

221/4 -1
a= -wvo- -(a2+b) sin(itan (-b/a)) (A2.4)
0 0

a2+b2)1// 4 -
= r 0 •0 (a2+b2) cos(Itan (-b/a)) (A2.5)


8l = T- , (A2.6)

it is possible, with the help of (A2.5) to express the wavelength in terms of

the frequency and the electromagnetic material parameters.

- - - *. F- N VT - 'C I- , . - 'W..

In free space, where E' 1 and E" = = 0, the free space wave-
r r r r
length, Ao9 of a wave of angular frequency, w, is found to be

A (A2.7)
0 0

(This also follows from the relationship vFP = 1/c where c is the velocity
0 0
of light.)

The same wave propagating in a lossy medium has a wavelength, Xm given


2r (A2.8)
m m

Thus the wavelength of a wave in a lossy medium is reduced below the free
space wavelength by the factor given by .

-- =
(A2.9) ' "
2 2
- (a +b ) /4cos(tan-1 (-b/a)) (.)

In the case of a lossless medium (E" = = 0 ) this simplifies to the familiar

r r

-4 .o.

I I (A2.10)
; =
o r r

4 -9°

,, , 49

In this appendix the behaviour of an electromagnetic wave is considered

in a slab of dielectric material, of impedance, Z, propagation constant Y and
thickness d, which is bounded at the front by an infinite extent of medium 1
(impedance Z ), and at the back, by an infinite extent of medium 3 (impedance6
Z ). This is illustrated in Figure A3.1 which shows the successive reflections
at the boundaries, and the signal amplitude and phase at each point. The
incident wave, E,$ is understood to include the time variant factor, e

When the incident beam strikes the front face, a fraction, r1 , of it is

reflected and a fraction, (0- r1 ) is transmitted, where r1 is the boundary
reflection coefficient given by

r 1=(A3.1)

The transmitted portion propagates to the second interface, suffering attenua-

tion and phase shift according to the propagation constant, y, which, as the
figure shows, is equivalent to muliplication by e-Y d it is again partly

reflected and partly transmitted, but this time the boundary reflection
coefficient is


The reflected portion then propagates back again to the front interface,
suffering further attenuation and phase shift, where another partial reflection
and partial transmission occurs. At this point the direction of propagation is
from medium 2 to medium 1, so the reflection coefficient is -r 1*This process
continues until the internally reflected wave has diminished to insignificant
levels and it is evident that the total reflected and transmitted waves each
comprise a series of partial beams. The reflected wave, Er therefore, is '
given by the sum of the reflected partial beams



* rj

/ e, d


* Fig A3.1 The sequence of reflection/refraction events occurring within the

finite layer of medium 2 when a wave is incident from medium 1.
The phase and amplitude of each part wave is also indicated.
. . . . . . . . .",3 2 . .

E E r * (l+r )(1-r )(r e- + (-r )r 2 e- 4d+ (-r2r e

ar 0ol 1 1 2 + - 1 2 - 1) r2e

+.... ) (A3.3)

Summing this and dividing by the incident wave, E, gives the reflection
coefficient, F,

-2yd ' '

J" r I + r2 e ]'
r = (A3.4)
+1 r 2 e -2yd

Two specific cases can be considered immediately. If medium 3 is the same as
medium 1, then r2 -r I and

r -e-2d)
= 2 -2yd (A3.5)
1-r e

Alternatively, if medium 3 is a metal, r2 = -1 and

1-r e-2yd

These equations express the reflection coefficient of the slab arrangement, F,

in terms of the boundary reflection coefficients r 1 and r 2 , and the exponential

of the slab material's propagation factor, (yd). There are occasions when this
formulation is more convenient than the alternative where r is expressed in

terms of the intrinsic impedance of the slab, Z, and the hyperbolic tangent of
(yd), which is obtained using equations (2.9) and (2.12).

A similar argument leads to the transmission coefficient, T,

(1r)(1-r -y
-22d (A3.7)
1 +r r e


which, for the case when medium 3 and medium 1 are the same, reduces to

2 -yd
(1-r ) e
T-1- r2 e-Zyd



The decibel or dB scale is a logarithmic scale used to express ratios when

wide dynamic ranges need to be expressed. The power ratio P /P expressed in
1 P2
* decibels, A, is given by

A 10 log 0 dB (A4.1)

Some often used values are listed in the table:

P1 0 1O 1 1
1000 200~~10 1000

A (dB) 20 10 3 0 -3 -10 -20 -30

*Thus, if the power output of a network is 10% of the power level at the input,
the signal has incurred a power loss of, or been attenuated by, 10 dB - or
alternatively, the network can be considered to have a power gain of -10 dB.
In the case of microwave absorbers, an absorbent coating on a metal plate is
said to have a reflection loss of 10 dB (sometimes written as -10 dB to enphasise
that the return signal is reduced) if the reflected power is 10% of that reflected
* by the same plate without the coating.

Sometimes ratios of voltages or electric fields are used to represent

power ratios. Because power is proportional to the square of the voltage,
* the power ratio in dB can be expressed as

A 20 lg1 1 dB(A4.2)

The reflection coefficient, r, was defined in equation (2.10) as the ratio ,.

of the incident to reflected electric field, bu. the reflection loss, Ldo of a
microwave absorber is expressed in terms of a power ratio. Therefore

L =20 1 d (A4.3)
d lo 10 r
Notice that the phase information inherent in r, which is a complex quniy
is lost when its magnitude only is taken in calculating reflection loss.


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8. Author 1 Surname, initials 9(a) Author 2 9(b) Authors 3,4... 10. Date pp. ref.
Lederer, P G ,P.T

11. Co tract Number 12. Period 13. Project 14. Other Reference

15. Distribution statement


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continue on separate piece of paper

The purpose of this Introduction is to present, in a straightforward way,
the electromagnetic principles of Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM) for the
benefit of the non-electromagnetic-specialist who finds himself involved in this '
field. The fundamental theory of electromagnetic wave propagation in media and
at the interfaces between different media is reviewed and the various approaches
to absorber design are described in the light of this. The types of materials
required and the techniques for measuring both their electromagnetic prperties
,, and the performance of the finished absorber are outlined. Finally a means
of designing absorbers from a knowledge of the properties of its constituent
materials is described.


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