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Revised Syllabus
Question Paper Pattern
of Courses of
B.Com. Programme
First Year
Semester I and II
Faculty of Commerce
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2016-2017)
No. of No. of
Semester I Credits Semester II Credits
Courses Courses
1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE)Courses 1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE)Courses
1 Accountancy and Financial 03 1 Accountancy and Financial 03
Management I Management II
1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE)Courses 1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE)Courses
2 Commerce I 03 2 Commerce II 03
3 Business Economics I 03 3 Business Economics II 03
*List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) **List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
for Semester I (Any One) for Semester II (Any One)
1 Foundation Course - I 1 Foundation Course - II
2 Foundation Course in NSS - I 2 Foundation Course in NSS - II
3 Foundation Course in NCC - I 3 Foundation Course in NCC - II
4 Foundation Course in Physical Education - I 4 Foundation Course in Physical Education - II
Note: Course selected in Semester I will continue in Semester II
Semester I
No. of
Semester I Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE)Courses
1 Accountancy and Financial Management I 03
Total Credits 20
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
2 Final Accounts 15
3 Departmental Accounts 15
Total 60
Inventory Valuation
Meaning of inventories Cost for inventory valuation
Inventory systems : Periodic Inventory system and Perpetual Inventory System
Valuation: Meaning and importance
Methods of Stock Valuation as per AS – 2 :
FIFO and Weighted Average Method Computation of valuation of inventory as
on balance sheet date:If inventory is taken on a date after the balance sheet or
before the balance sheet
2 Final Accounts
Expenditure: Capital, Revenue
Receipts: Capital, Revenue
Adjustment and Closing Entries
Final accounts of Manufacturing concerns (Proprietary Firm)
3 Departmental Accounts
Basis of Allocation of Expenses and Incomes/Receipts
Inter Departmental Transfer : at Cost Price and Invoice Price Stock Reserve
Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet
4 Accounting for Hire Purchase
Meaning Calculation of interest
Accounting for hire purchase transactions by asset purchase method based on full
cash price
Journal entries, ledger accounts and disclosure in balance sheet for hirer and
vendor(excluding default, repossession and calculation of cash price)
2.Commerce I
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Business 12
2 Business Environment 11
3 Project Planning 12
4 Entrepreneurship 10
Total 45
3.Business Economics I
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Introduction 10
2 Demand Analysis 15
4 Cost of Production 10
Total 45
4. Business Communication I
Modules at a Glance
1 Theory of Communication 10
3 Business Correspondence 12
Total 45
One tutorial per batch per week in addition to number of lectures stated above
(Batch size as per the University norms)
5.Environmental Studies I
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Total 60
6. Foundation Course - I
Modules at a Glance
2 Concept of Disparity- 1 10
3 Concept of Disparity-2 10
Total 45
Out of the 45 lectures allotted for 5 units for Semester I, about 15 lectures may be allotted
for project guidance
Modules at a Glance
3 Summarization Measures 15
5 Decision Theory 15
Total 75
One tutorial per batch per week in addition to number of lectures stated above
(Batch size as per the University norms)
Semester II
No. of
Semester II Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE)Courses
1 Accountancy and Financial Management II 03
Total Credits 20
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Accounting from Incomplete Records 15
2 Consignment Accounts 15
3 Branch Accounts 15
Total 60
2. Commerce II
Modules at a Glance
Sr. No. of
No. Lectures
1 Concept of Services 12
2 Retailing 12
4 E-Commerce 11
Total 45
3. Business Economics II
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Market structure: Perfect competition and
1 10
Pricing and Output Decisions under Imperfect
2 15
3 Pricing Practices 10
Total 45
4.Business Communication II
Modules at a Glance
2 Group Communication 15
3 Business Correspondence 10
Total 45
One tutorial per batch per week in addition to number of lectures stated above
(Batch size as per the University norms)
Tutorial Activities:
Presentations, Group Discussion, Mock Interviews, Mock Meetings / Conferences, Book
Reviews/Summarization, Reading Comprehension: Analysis of texts from the field of
[Suggested Books for Book Reviews: Books from the fields of Management, Finance, and
Literature Like – Sun Tzu :The Art of War, Eliyahu M. Goldratt : The Goal , Eliyahu M.
Goldratt: It’s Not Luck , Spencer Johnson: Who Moved My Cheese, Stephen Lundin, Ph.D,
Harry Paul, John Christen: Fish, ChetanBhagat One Night At A Call Center, ChetanBhagat My
Three Mistakes , ArindamChoudhary: Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch ,Stephen Covey
:Seven Habits of Successful People, George Orwell: Animal Farm, Dr. Abdul Kalam: Wings of
Fire ]
[N.B.: The above list is only indicative and not prescriptive.]
4.Environmental Studies II
Modules at a Glance
5 Map Filling
Total 60
6. Foundation Course - II
Modules at a Glance
2 Human Rights 10
3 Ecology 10
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Functions, Derivatives and Their Applications 15
Total 75
One tutorial per batch per week in addition to number of lectures stated above
(Batch size as per the University norms)
Two tutorials to be conducted on each unit i.e. 10 tutorials per semester. At the end of each
semester one Tutorial assignment of 10 marks should be given.
Revised Syllabus
Question Paper Pattern
of Courses of
Bachelor of Commerce Programme
Second Year
Semester III and IV
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System
To be implemented from Academic Year 2017-2018
Faculty of Commerce
IDOL is offering only those elective courses which are highlighted.
The elective courses which are strike off are not offered.
1Ab *List of Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) 1Ab *List of Discipline Specific Elective(DSE)
Courses for Semester III (Any One) Courses for Semester IV (Any One)
1 Financial Accounting and Auditing - 1 Financial Accounting and Auditing - Auditing
Introduction to Management Accounting
2 Business Management - Marketing 2 Business Management- Marketing
Management Management
3 Banking & Finance- Introduction to Banking in 3 Banking & Finance- Introduction to Banking
India in India
4 Commerce- International Business Relations 4 Commerce- International Business Relations
*List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Group B ** List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Group B
for Semester III (Any One) for Semester IV (Any One)
1 Foundation Course- Contemporary Issues - III 1 Foundation Course- Contemporary Issues - IV
2 Foundation Course in NSS - III 2 Foundation Course in NSS - IV
3 Foundation Course in NCC - III 3 Foundation Course in NCC - IV
4 Foundation Course in Physical Education - III 4 Foundation Course in Physical Education - IV
Note: Course selected in Semester III will continue in Semester IV
*List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Group B ** List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Group B
for Semester III (Any One) for Semester IV (Any One)
1 Foundation Course- Contemporary Issues - III 1 Foundation Course- Contemporary Issues - IV
2 Foundation Course in NSS - III 2 Foundation Course in NSS - IV
3 Foundation Course in NCC - III 3 Foundation Course in NCC - IV
4 Foundation Course in Physical Education - III 4 Foundation Course in Physical Education - IV
Note: Course selected in Semester III will continue in Semester IV
Semester III
No. of Courses Semester III Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
1Aa Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
1 Accountancy and Financial Management III 03
1Ab Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
2 *Any one course from the following list of the courses 03
1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3 Commerce III 03
4 Business Economics III 03
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
2A *Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
Group A
5 *Any one course from the following list of the courses 03
2B *Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
Group B
6 Any one course from the following list of the courses 02
3 Core Courses (CC)
7 Business Law I 03
Total Credits 20
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Partnership Final Accounts based on Adjustment of
1 15
Admission or Retirement/Death of a Partner during the year
2 Piecemeal Distribution of Cash 15
3 Amalgamation of Firms 15
Total 60
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Introduction to Management Accounting 10
4 Capital Budgeting 10
Total 45
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Marketing Management and Marketing Environment 10
3 Product 10
4 Pricing 10
Total 45
Reference Books:
1. Philip Kotler (2003). Marketing Management : Eleventh Edition. New Delhi :
Pearson Education
2. V. S. Ramaswani and S Namakumari (2002). Marketing : Planning,
Implementation and Control (3rd Edition) New Delhi, Macmillan India
3. Michael Porter – Competitive Advantage
4. Theodore Levitt – Marketing Management
5. Fundamentals of Marketing – William Stanton
6. Customer Driven Services Management (1999) Response Books
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.
3. Commerce –III
(Management: Functions and Challenges)
Course Objectives:
To make the learners aware about conceptual knowledge and evolution of
To familiarize the learners with the functions in Management.
1 Introduction To Management 11
3 Organising 12
Total 45
3 Organising (12)
1. Management Today Principles& Practice- Gene Burton, ManabThakur, Tata McGraw-
Hill,Publishing Co.Ltd.
2. Management – JamesA.F.Stoner, Prentice Hall, Inc .U.S.A.
3. Management : Global Prospective –Heinz Weihrich& Harold Koontz, Tata McGraw- Hill,
Publishing Co.Ltd.
4. Essential of Database Management Systems -AlexisLeon ,MathewsLeon
Vijay Nicole, Imprints Pvt Ltd.
5. Management –Task ,Resp, Practices – PetaDruche “willian Heinemann LTD.
W.E.F. 2017-2018
(A) Select the most appropriate answer from the option given below 10
Q.2 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - I 15
Q.3 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - II 15
Q.4 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - III 15
Q.5 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - IV 15
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No.of
No. Lectures
1 Overview of Macroeconomics 10
Total 45
5. Advertising - I
Course Objective:
1. To highlight the role of advertising for the success of brands and its importance within
the marketing function of a company.
2. It aims to orient learners towards the practical aspects and techniques of advertising.
3. It is expected that this course will prepare learners to lay down a foundation for
advanced post-graduate courses in advertising
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Introduction to Advertising 12
2 Advertising Agency 11
Total 45
Reference Books
1. Advertising and Promotion : An Integrated Marketing Communications
Perspective George Belch and Michael Belch, 2015, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Contemporary Advertising, 2017, 15th Edition, William Arens, Michael Weigold
and Christian Arens, Hill Higher Education
3. Strategic Brand Management – Kevin Lane Keller, 4th Edition, 2013 – Pearson
Education Limited
4. Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure – Ron Lane and Karen King, 18th edition, 2011
– Pearson
a. Education Limited
W.E.F. 2017-2018
(A) Select the most appropriate answer from the option given below 10
Q.2 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - I 15
Q.3 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - II 15
Q.4 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - III 15
Q.5 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - IV 15
1 Introduction to Company 12
4 Secretarial Correspondence 10
Total 45
Secretarial Correspondence
Correspondence– Shareholders, Debenture Holders, Registrar of
Companies, Stock Exchange & penalties thereon
Correspondence with SEBI, Company Law Board and penalties thereon, Role
of technology in Secretarial Correspondence
Letter to shareholders - Rights Issue, Bonus Issue,
Letter toROC-Alteration of MOA/AoA,
Letter to Stock Exchange –Listing of shares,
Letters to Government- Reconversion/Conversion,
Letter to Bank – Overdraft Facility
W.E.F. 2017-2018
(A) Select the most appropriate answer from the option given below 10
Q.2 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - I 15
Q.3 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - II 15
Q.4 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - III 15
Q.5 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - IV 15
Modules at a Glance
Total 45
The Question Paper Pattern for Semester End Examination shall be as follows:
1 i. Question 1 A will be asked on the meaning / a) Total marks: 15
definition of concepts / terms from all b) For 1 A, there
Modules. will be 3 marks
for each sub-
ii. Question 1 B will be asked on the topic of the question.
Project / Assignment done by the student c) For 1 B there will
during the Semester be 15 marks
without any
iii. In all 8 Questions will be asked out of which 5 break-up.
have to be attempted.
2 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B) 15
on Module 1
7. Business Law - I
Course Objective:
3 Special Contracts 12
Total 60
1. Law of Contract: Avatar Singh, Eastern Book Company.
5. Law of Sale of Goods and Partnership: A Concise Study by Dr. Nilima Chandiramani,
Shroff Publishers.
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
3 Redemption of Debentures 15
Total 60
Reference Text :
1. Introduction to Accountancy T.S. Grewal S. Chand and Co. (P) Ltd., New Delhi
2. Advanced Accounts Shukla and Grewal S. Chand and Co. (P) Ltd., New Delhi
3. Advanced accountancy R.L. Gupta and M. Radhaswamy S. Chand and Co. (P) Ltd., New
4. Modern Accountancy Mukerjee and Hanif Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
5. Financial Accountancy LesileChandWichkPretice Hall of India AdinBakley (P) Ltd.
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Introduction to Auditing 10
Total 45
Note: The Law and Standards in force on 1st April immediately preceding the
commencement of Academic year will be applicable for ensuing Examinations
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Distribution 10
2 Promotion 15
Total 45
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.
3. Commerce – IV
(Management: Production & Finance)
Course Objectives: -
2 Quality Management 10
Total 45
2 Quality Management
Introduction to Quality: Dimensions of Quality,
Cost of Quality: Types – Internal Failure Cost, External Failure Cost, Appraisal
Cost, Prevention Cost, Quality Circle: Features.
Quality Management Tools: TQM – Importance, Six Sigma – Process, ISO 9000
– Certification Procedure, Kaizen – Process
Service Quality Management: Importance, SERVQUAL Model,Measures to
improve service quality.
1. Production and Operations Management –ProfL.C.Jhamb, Event Publishing House.
2. Production Planning & Control- ProfL.C.Jhamb, Event Publishing House
3. Production & Operation Management (Text & Cases)- K.Ashwathappa&G.Sudeshana
Reddy, Himalaya Publication.
4. Launching New Ventues : An EnterpreneurialApproach-KathleenR.Allen, Cengage
5. Essentials of Inventory Management-MaxMuller,Amacon Publishes
6. Indian Financial System—BharathiPathiak, Pearson Publication
7. Financial Institutions and Markets : Structure Growth& Innovations – L.M.Bhole , Jitendra
Mahakad, Tata McGraw Hill.
8.The IndianFinancial System and Financial Market Operator-VasantDesai, Himalaya Publishing
9. Indian Financial System – M.Y.Khan, Tata McGraw –Hill
10.Production and Operations Management –Anandkumar Sharma, Anmol Publication
11. Mutual Funds in India: Emerging Issues-NaliniPravaTripathy, Excel Books New Delhi.
12. Start up Stand up: A step by stepguide to Growing your Business,NandiniVaidyanathan,
Jaico Publishing House,Mumbai
13. A Trades Guide to Indian Commodities Market-Vijay L. Bhambwani, Network 18
Publication Ltd.
W.E.F. 2017-2018
(A) Select the most appropriate answer from the option given below 10
Q.2 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - I 15
Q.3 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - II 15
Q.4 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - III 15
Q.5 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - IV 15
4. Business Economics IV
Foundation of Public Finance
Modules at a Glance
2 Public revenue 10
Total 45
Public Finance Issues are central to economic and Political discourse
resources from its people to spend money for improving the lives of its
Musgrave, R.A and P.B. Musgrave (1976) : Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Tata
McGraw Hill, Kogakusha, Tokyo
Mithani, D.M (1998) : Modern Public Finance, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
5. Advertising - II
Course Objective:
1 Media in Advertising 11
Total 45
Reference Books
15. Advertising and Promotion : An Integrated Marketing Communications
Perspective George Belch and Michael Belch, 2015, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill
16. Contemporary Advertising, 2017, 15th Edition, William Arens, Michael Weigold
and Christian Arens, Hill Higher Education
17. Strategic Brand Management – Kevin Lane Keller, 4th Edition, 2013 – Pearson
Education Limited
18. Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure – Ron Lane and Karen King, 18th edition, 2011
– Pearson
a. Education Limited
W.E.F. 2017-2018
(A) Select the most appropriate answer from the option given below 10
Q.2 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - I 15
Q.3 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - II 15
Q.4 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - III 15
Q.5 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - IV 15
1 Management of Companies 11
2 Company Meetings 11
Total 45
2 Company Meetings
Types of Company meeting, Secretarial Duties – Before, During and after
company meeting – Annual General Meeting, Extra-Ordinary General
Meeting, Board Meeting.
Notices, agenda, Chairman, Quorum& Proxy – Concept and Statutory
Motion, Resolution, Minutes – Concept, Types
Voting, Minutes – Concept, Methods.
W.E.F. 2017-2018
(A) Select the most appropriate answer from the option given below 10
Q.2 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - I 15
Q.3 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - II 15
Q.4 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - III 15
Q.5 Answer Any Two of the following Out of Three questions - Module - IV 15
Modules at a Glance
Total 45
ii. Satellite Technology- various uses in satellite navigation systems, GPS, and
imprecise climate and weather analyses.
The Question Paper Pattern for Semester End Examination shall be as follows:
1 i. Question 1 A will be asked on the meaning / a) Total marks: 15
definition of concepts / terms from all b) For 1 A, there
Modules. will be 3 marks
for each sub-
ii. Question 1 B will be asked on the topic of the question.
Project / Assignment done by the student c) For 1 B there will
during the Semester be 15 marks
without any
iii. In all 8 Questions will be asked out of which 5 break-up.
have to be attempted.
2 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B) 15
on Module 1
7. Business Law II
Total 60
1. Guide to the Companies Act,2013 by A Ramaiya , Lexis Nexis.
7. Laws Relating to Intellectual Property, Universal Law Publishing Co. Dr. B.L.Wadhera
12. Laws Relating to Intellectual Property, Universal Law Publishing Co. Dr. B.L.Wadhera
Revised Syllabus
Question Paper Pattern
of Courses of
Bachelor of Commerce Programme
Third Year
Semester V and VI
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System
To be implemented from Academic Year 2018-2019
Faculty of Commerce
Semester V
No. of
Semester V Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
1& *Any one group of courses from the following list of the Groups 04+04
2 (A/B/C/D/E/F)
1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3 Commerce V 03
4 Business Economics V 03
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
5 & **Any two courses from the following list of the courses 03+03
Total Credits 20
2 Internal Reconstruction 15
Total 60
2 Material Cost 10
3 Labour Cost 10
4 Overheads 10
Total 60
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Introduction 15
2 Planning 15
4 Staffing 15
Total 60
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
3 Ratio Analysis 12
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Introduction to Marketing 12
2 Marketing Decisions I 11
3 Marketing Decisions 11
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
3 11
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
2 Planning Research 11
3 Data Collection 11
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
4 Bond Valuation 12
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Basic Terms 04
3 Heads of Income 24
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
3 Motivation Concepts 12
4 Leadership 11
Total 45
Semester VI
No. of
Semester VI Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
1& *Any one group of courses from the following list of the Groups 04+04
2 (A/B/C/D/E/F)
1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3 Commerce VI 03
4 Business Economics VI 03
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
5 & **Any two courses from the following list of the courses 03+03
Total Credits 20
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
AS 14 - Amalgamation, Absorption & External
1 15
3 Liquidation of Companies 10
Total 60
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
2 Contract Costing 10
3 Process Costing 10
Total 60
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Total 60
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
03 Human Relations 11
Total 45
Theory of Motivation)
Employees Morale- Concept, Factors affecting Morale, Measurement of
Employees Morale Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient- Concept,
Factors affecting EQ & SQ
Employee Grievance- Causes, Procedure for Grievance redressal
Employee welfare measures and Healthy & Safety Measures.
4 Trends In Human Resource Management
HR in changing environment:
Competencies- concept, classification
Learning organizations- Concept, Creating an innovative organization,
Innovation culture- Concept, Need, Managerial role.
Trends in Human Resource Management,:
Employee Engagement- Concept, Types
Human resource Information System (HRIS) Concept, Importance,
Changing patterns of employment.
Challenges in Human Resource Management: Employee Empowerment,
Workforce Diversity. Attrition, Downsizing, Employee Absenteeism, Work life
Balance, Sexual Harassment at work place, Domestic and International HR
Practices, Millennial (Gen Y)Competency Mapping
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
02 Commercial Policy 10
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
3 Export Finance 11
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Fundamental Analysis 12
2 Technical Analysis 11
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
1 Introduction 09
Total 45
Modules at a Glance
Sr. Modules No. of
No. Lectures
Total 45