Revisi Inggris 3 Asrullah
Revisi Inggris 3 Asrullah
Revisi Inggris 3 Asrullah
MOVIE (2017)
Reg.No :40300118021
A. Background
B. Research Question
E. Research Scope
A. Previous Studies
B. Theoretical Framework
C. Synopsis of Split
A. Research Method
B. Source Of Data
A. Background
stories, this is in accordance with what was stated by Gultom (2020) who argues
between two forces, a conflict within one character. , the conflict between the two
According to Wellek and Warren (Lisnasari et al., 2017) states that conflict is
between one desire and another. In literature, it means that conflict is a tension or
(Lisnasari et al., 2017). This usually happens in real life where most people often
avoid it, while in a literary work, especially a film, conflict is really needed and is
the most important part of building a plot so that the story in the film is more
Conflict is divided into two, namely internal conflict and external conflict.
Internal conflict is an inner conflict related to the heart and mind in the soul of a
this study, the researcher focused on the conflict under study, namely the internal
conflict of the main character, because the film to be studied tells about multiple
accordance with what was explained by Veronika (2022) that internal conflict is
related to lust, namely the conflict between good lust and conflict with bad lust.
Good lust is always willing to accept reality, because it is blessed by Allah SWT,
actions and attitudes in dealing with various problems. Thus, the person is not
easily disappointed and will remain strong in facing the problems that befall him.
In contrast to a person who is defeated by his bad lust, that person will be easily
fragile and if not helped, that person will easily fall to the lowest point in his life.
This has been explained in the Qur'an surah Yusuf Verse 53 which reads:
ِ ارةٌ ۢ بِالس ُّۤوْ ِء اِاَّل َما َر ِح َم َرب ۗ ِّْي اِ َّن َرب ِّْي َغفُوْ ٌر ر
َّح ْي َ َو َمٓا اُبَرُِّئ نَ ْف ِس ۚ ْي اِ َّن النَّ ْف
َ س اَل َ َّم
It means:
And I do not (declare) myself free (from mistakes), because actually lust
always leads to evil, except (lust) which is blessed by my Lord. Verily, my Lord
to do evil unless given grace and protection from Allah SWT. Thus, lust that is
blessed by Allah SWT encourages a person to act and be positive in dealing with
problems, including accepting the reality that is happening in his life. Included in
a film that will be examined by researchers which tells the story of the main
character who has more than one personality because it was caused by a past
trauma that gave rise to a split personality consisting of good and evil
Film is a live image which is also often called a movie. Films are
collectively referred to as cinema. Cinema itself comes from the word kinematics
comes from Cinema + tho = phytos (light) + graphie = grhap (writing = image =
flexible, coated with sheets with an anti-halo layer, used for photographic
purposes, film is also a mass media tool that has auditory and visual (audio-
visual) properties and can reach large audiences. big. In general, films are divided
and basic elements in film fiction are characters, conflicts, and goals. There are
characters who learn how to analyze internal conflicts in films (Gultom, 2020).
The film examined in this study is a split film. This film premiered in
2017 and was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. This film stars James McAvoy as
Kevin. This film tells about someone who has multiple personalities or
The reason the researcher chose the Split 2017 film was because he
wanted to review more about the conflict of the main character, Kevin, who has
and identity and one of the causes is childhood trauma. In this film, the main
character (Kevin) is often tortured by his mother because of his childish behavior.
Kevin grew up to be a weak human who shaped him into a man with multiple
one another. Thus the conflict of the main character Kevin in the 2017 film Split
With this research, a film analysis was made of the conflicts contained in
the film. By choosing this title, it can add to the experience of many people,
especially researchers. As the times progress, the higher the technology as well as
a film.
B. Research Question
1. How is the internal conflict and the resolution of the main character of the 2017
split film?
1. To find out the internal conflict and resolution of the main character of the film
Split 2017
the terms of literary works and characters through the film and to depict the
2. Practically
E. Research Scope
is limited to internal conflict and the types of internal conflict that the researcher
A. Previous Studies
to the topic. As a reference and comparison of the research conducted, the authors
University Vol 14.3” with the title “Main Character Conflict in The Curious Case
main character, Benjamin Button. The results of the research explain that the
writer identifies the type of conflict by using Myers' theory (1992) and how the
main character overcomes the conflict using Deets and Stevenson's theory (1986).
20.1” with the title “Conflict Analysis in the LUCY Film”. The results of the
study conclude the internal conflict of the main character named Lucy. The
University Vol 17.2" with the title "Conflict Of The Main Character in Poe's The
resolution through the theory of Deets and Stevenson (1986) in a book entitled
The similarity of previous studies is that they both discuss conflict, but the
differences in some of these studies lie in the formulation of the problem and
research approach. Meanwhile, the similarity of this research with the first and
third studies previously both discussed conflict with using the Deets and
Stevenson approach, and the difference between this research and the second and
third studies was the formulation of the problem and its approach.
B. Theoretical Framework
theoretical framework is drawn here to have a deep understanding for this study.
1. Literary conflict
from Sanskrit which is a combination of the words sas which means to direct,
teach and give instructions. The word literature gets the ending tra which is
usually used to indicate a tool or means. Thus, literature means a tool for
teaching, a guide or teaching. Another word that is also taken from Sanskrit is the
of life. Literary works appear with a combination of reality and the author's
creativity. Literary works are the result of human imagination that takes human
(Muflikhah & Suhita, 2014) which states that literary works are expressions of
human life that cannot be separated from the roots of society. Literary work as a
portrait of life that contains a reflection of real life that gives rise to social
society that are interesting to put into creative and imaginative writing. Although
in essence literary works are fiction, literary works are constructed on the basis of
the path of truth because good literature is literature that is written with honesty,
clarity, sincerity, wisdom, and the nobility of human conscience. Good literature
is able to remind, awaken, and return people to the right path, namely the path of
which is directly related to the norms and customs of that era and the author of
the media used by authors to convey their ideas and experiences. Literary works
can also reflect the author's views on various problems observed in his
convey the author's ideas. Therefore, literary works are often used as a medium to
convey the experiences of other people and the experiences of the author himself.
b. Conflict
happens in the story. Readers as story connoisseurs do not just read, but are able
to deeply feel each story and relate it to the events that occur around them.
regular arrangement between one desire and another. Conflict can also occur if
there is no agreement between one ego and another. This usually happens in real
life which most people often avoid. However, in the world of literature, conflict
is really needed and can even be said to be important in order to support the
contents of the story. If there is no conflict in a story, then it is certain that the
story will not live and attract readers to read it because there are no events that
can be felt. It's not even an exaggeration if writing literary works is building and
developing conflicts because the more and more interesting the conflicts that
Events in a literary work are closely related to conflict. Events can create
conflict and conflict can trigger other events. The form of events in a story can be
events involve physical activity, there is interaction between story characters and
description it can be seen that conflict can occur in all aspects of human life.
question are people's feelings about what they really want, where these feelings
tend to be central in people's thoughts and actions which form the core of many
groups. In this conflict over land, there was conflict between groups and groups,
Sayuti (Lisnasari et al., 2017) divides conflict into three types. First, the
overcome and determine what he will do. Second, the conflict between people or
a person and society. This type of conflict is often referred to as social conflict or
social conflict. Conflicts like this usually occur between characters and their
surroundings. This conflict arises from individual attitudes towards the social
environment regarding various problems that occur in society. Third, the conflict
between humans and nature. Conflicts like this are often referred to as physical or
element conflicts or natural conflicts. This type of conflict usually occurs when a
character cannot master and/or utilize and cultivate the natural surroundings as
they should. If the relationship between humans and nature is not harmonious,
The three types of conflict above can be grouped into two groups of types
of conflict, namely external conflict and internal conflict (Amna, 2019). External
himself. Thus it can be said that external conflict includes two categories of
conflict, namely conflict between social humans (social conflict) and conflict
conflict that occurs in the heart or soul of a character in a story. Conflicts like this
Conflicts like the one above can occur simultaneously because they are closely
Events in a literary work are closely related to conflict. Events can create
conflict and conflict can trigger other events. The form of events in a story can be
the environment. Inner events are something that happens in the mind, heart, of a
character's struggle against himself, so that he can overcome and determine what
he will do.
b. Conflict between people or a person and society.
conflict. Conflicts like this usually occur between characters and their
surroundings. This conflict arises from individual attitudes towards the social
natural conflicts. This type of conflict usually occurs when a character cannot
master and/or utilize and cultivate the natural surroundings as they should. If the
in a story. Conflicts like this are usually experienced by humans with themselves.
(psychological conflict). Conflicts like the one above can occur simultaneously
because they are closely related to humans who are called figures in literary
between a character and something outside himself. Thus it can be said that
social humans (social conflict) and conflict between humans and nature (physical
or element conflict).
that occur in the heart, soul of a character or the characters in the story. Stanton
internal conflict or psychological conflict is a conflict that occurs in the heart,
internal conflict is anything that has resistance that causes a discrepancy between
inner ideals and reality. So, inner conflict is a conflict experienced by humans by
2013: 124). Usually occurs due to conflict between two desires, beliefs, different
inner conflict or upheaval will affect their behavior in the future. This inner
conflict is a conflict that humans experience with themselves and only themselves
can overcome and determine the steps to be taken to resolve the inner conflict.
Every work of fiction has at least an internal conflict that exists through the
this study, the nature of inner conflict is used as an initial foundation for
understanding the theory of forms of inner conflict, causes of inner conflict, and
resolution of inner conflict. From the above theory it can be concluded that inner
conflict is conflict or resistance that occurs in one's heart, mind and soul caused
This resistance is caused by a discrepancy between inner desire and reality. Inner
in the future.
sincerity, introspection (correcting from one's own actions), and continuing to try
Someone becomes angry when they feel offended, hurt or irritated by the
past actions. These emotional reactions can take the form of sadness, shame,
subjective experiences that have their own strengths and are difficult to observe
of being threatened, afraid, and worried about losing something that someone
2. Film Analysis
a. Definition of film
and then projects it onto the screen. Law number 33 of 2009 concerning film in
chapter 1 article 1 states, what is meant by film is a work of cultural art which is a
(Indratmo, 2022).
that there are many of them, spread everywhere, the audience is heterogeneous
and anonymous, and has certain effects. Moving images (films) are the dominant
form of visual mass communication, in this part of the world more than hundreds
of millions of people watch movies in theatres, television films and laser video
films every week. Film is a medium of mass communication from a hearing point
the film shows the contents of the message implied in every scene in the film to
convey meaning and understanding to the audience or the public. In general, film
is seen as a separate medium and film is a means of expressing the creativity of
several branches of art at once and its products can be accepted and sought after
and sound recording, art, both visual arts and theatrical arts, literature and
Effendy (Sugianto et al., 2017) stated that film techniques, both the
equipment and the settings, have succeeded in displaying images that are closer
to reality. In a dark atmosphere in the cinema, the audience witnesses a story that
stories and images accompanied by words and music. So that the film is a multi-
dimensional and complex production. The presence of film in the midst of human
Film literary works are moving images in which there are scenes that
a certain place.
literary research can function for the advancement of literature itself and interests
outside literature. The interest for literature is to improve the quality of literary
such as religion, philosophy, morals, and so on, which are strongly influenced by
the content of literature as a document of the times. So that literary research has
pragmatic value that will benefit other relevant sciences. Literary research is not
only purely scientific or academic in nature, but must also be able to provide
explain matters related to it. So the function of literary research will be a medium
for readers to understand the contents of the story and the meaning in the text
structures, and artistic values, so that to analyze it requires structural and semiotic
of all elements and aspects of a literary work which together produce an overall
C. Synopsis of Split
The film Split tells the story of a young man named Kevin Wendell
Even though he was diagnosed with 23 multiple personalities, there were only a
few personalities that stood out, namely Kevin (original personality), Dennis
(smart and likes everything clean and tidy, Particia (a motherly woman), Hedwig
(a 9 year old boy who is nosy , Jade (a woman with diabetes), Orwell (a man with
Kevin has many personalities due to the abuse his mother used to abuse
him when he was little. Thanks to the help of therapy from a psychiatrist, Kevin's
23 personalities were initially able to walk in balance. Until one day, Kevin's
terrible and then formed a team within Kevin and named The Horde. The Horde
then launched their action by kidnapping three girls, namely Claire (Jessica Sula)
and Marcia (Haley Lu Richardson) and Cassie (Anya Taylor-Joy). These three
The three girls then realize that Kevin has multiple personalities because
his character often changes suddenly. The Horde's purpose in kidnapping the
three girls was to revive Kevin's 24th personality, The Beast. After The Beast
appears, these three girls will be sacrificed because The Best is a cannibal.
A. Research Method
Qualitative methods are always descriptive, meaning that the data analyzed is in
B. Source Of Data
a. Main data
In this study, data was taken from the film Split 2017. The film is the main
source in knowing the internal conflicts of the main characters of the film.
b. Secondary data
Taking from several previous studies related to the film under study, in addition
(1992: 268), internal conflict is one of the basic confrontations faced by the main
character in a literary work, and also has an impact on the character's decisions as
a result of the conflict. The main character is forced to face two or more choices
and must choose one of them in their mind. Usually, internal conflict concerns
what the main character wants, what the main character needs, what the main
character thinks, and what the main character really wants. to analyze the conflict
in the film "split" by syahmalan. Then the writer analyzes the film based on the
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