Esl Week1

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憎恶 abhor 删节 abridge 深奥 abstruse 紧靠 abut 深渊 abyss 便利设施 amenity 复杂的 complex 能力 capacity

演示 demonstrate 百科全书 encyclopedia


he was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation


racial discrimination is abhorrent to our staff.

这部长篇小说的简写版大概有 200 字

the abridged version of the novel is about 200 words.


the abstruse passage makes several interpertations.


his land abuts onto the road


ahead of them was a gap abyss.


he has been in abyss of despair.


many houses lacked even of basic amenities such as hot water.


the demonstrate of they hold ask free high level of education


this encyclopedia is a mine of information


cyber bullying

1.Access to New Cultures.Globalization makes it

easier than ever to access foreign culture, including 

food, movies, music, and art.

2.lower Costs for Products. Globalization allows companies to find lower-

costways to produce their product.

Feature 地方或者人重要的特征 n


Indicate 表明 show sign

Leaflet 小册子(广告)n 分发小册子 v

Millennium 每一千年

Optician 验光师;找到验光师的商店

Patent 证书




adj. made or sold by a particular company

Prototype 原型模型 prototypical adj.

Panel 木板木片

a group of specialists who give advices

Sumptuous 很正式的;很贵的

Supersede 替代


olive oil and garlic feature prominently in her recipes


teamwork is a key feature of the trainning programme


research indicates that eating habits are changing fast


there is every indication that the price will rise


he patented the idea that atom could be splited


the government patented the idea that atom could be spoted

he has built a prototype of a machine called the wave.

Aftermath 一个重要的事情的结果 N. the situation that exists as a result of an important event

Alleviate 减轻身体上的痛苦 V. to make sth less severe, ease;soothe

Allure 吸引 N. the quality of being attractive and exciting;

有吸引人的特质 V.

Aloof 冷漠高傲 keep /hold (yourself) aloof remain/stand aloof

A. not friendly or interested in other people, distant, remote

Character 指一个人或一整个群体的特征 N. all the qualities and features of a person, groups, and places



Congestion 交通堵塞 N. the state of being crowded and full of traffic


Ecstatic 很开心 A. very happy, excited and enthusiastic

ecstasy N.

Flaunt 显摆,显示自己 V. to show sth you are proud of to other people, in order to impress them

Flourish V. to develop quickly and be successful; to grow well

Genre N. A particular type or style of literature, art, film or music

地震后常常有瘟疫的危险 pestilence 鼠疫 epidemic 致死率高

There is always a danger of plague in the aftermath of an earthquake


Tranquillizers help to alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety.


Even in his fifties, he has lost none of his allure


generous rewards allure one to heroism

He loves to remain aloof


I couldn’t believe that she lie to me. It was so out of character .


He was greeted by an ecstatic welcome from thousands who find the street.


In New York, the rich flaunt their wealth while the poor starve on the streets.


This plant flourish pardichlarly well in slightly harsher climates favourable climates.


My favorite genre of music is blues

Glue V.把东西粘在一起 to join two things together

N. 胶水

be glue to sth; give all your attention to

glued to the spot 因为太震惊而不能动了

Intact remian~A.完整无损的 complete and not damaged

Intriguing A.有趣的迷人的 very interesting because of being unusually

V. intrigue

A. intrigued

Omnivore N. 杂食动物 an animal or a person that eats all types of food

insectivore 只吃虫的动物

Overwhelming A. 难以抗拒的 very great or very strong; so powerful that you cannot resist it

V. overwhelm

Palatable A. 非常好吃 having a pleasant taste

make it more palatable to chinese audience

Shrivel V.叶子变得枯燥起皱纹了 to become or make sth dry and wrinkled as a result to heat, cold or being old

Simultaneous A. happening or done at the same time

Thrive V. to become and continue to be successful, strong, healthy…

Unfathomable A. too strange or difficult to be understood


Those kids are glued to the TV all day.


Somehow his reputation survived the scandal intact.


This intriguing book is both thoughtful and informative.


He was intriguing with his younger brother against their mother.


He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry.


We need to find a compromise that is more palatable to voters.


Chinese dishes are exquisitely made ,delicious and very palatable.


Grapes are left out in the sun to shrivel and become raisons.


I wouldn’t want that much pressure, but she seems to thrive on it.


The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane's take off. 


Spring festival,

amnesty turkey

Poverty is one of the main reasons for crime. Countries with high rates

of economic deprivation tend to witness higher crime rates than other

countries. Since people do not have the means to secure a living in the

right ways, they invest their time in criminal activities since they are

not only an easy means to get what they want but also do not require

any other prerequisite talents. The ever-increasing divide we are

witnessing between the rich and the poor can also be attributed to

more and more of the poor looking to crime as a means for living. Not

being able to earn and sustain themselves leaves people so frustrated

that they resort to illegal means to sustain themselves and their

families.All in all, the wealth inequality and insufficient means to

acquire a living in an honest way is driving the poor in India towards a

life of crime.
well,we all know that there are many functions of the government such like boosting the

economic development, Maintain social order and whatever but after thinking about it for a

bit just now, I’ve decided to talk about protecting the environment and natural resources.

Because the environment has a big impact on people's health, it has a big impact on people's

quality of life, it has an impact on the economy. Reducing all kinds of pollution, such as air

pollution, water pollution and garbage pollution, can avoid some diseases. In addition, the

environment is well protected, I mean the woods, lakes and oceans are well protected, which

can attract tourists to go sightseeing and enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities

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