Tso Ispf SDSF
Tso Ispf SDSF
Tso Ispf SDSF
• Tab key - position into next unprotected field for data entry
Menu-driven panels
Program function (PF) keys available to simplify requests for common functions
When data does not fit on the screen, ISPF provides scrolling in all four directions
Result of 'enter'
Example of using primary and line commands at same time
Result of 'enter'
ISPF is a full screen panel driven interface used to edit data sets, edit unix files, and
execute system utilities
SDSF is a full screen panel drive interface used to view input queue, execution queue,
output queue, system log (syslog), and enter system commands when authorized.
Note: TSO, ISPF, and SDSF interactive functions can be executed using JCL (Batch)
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