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Pucho Educational Consultancy

Pucho Educational Consultancy


Project Supervisor
Ms. Faiza Tariq

Submitted by

Syeda Damiya Kafait BSF1800254

Sana Shahid BSF1800576
Fatima Jeelani BSF1800454
Anoosha Tanseer BSF1800630

Division of Science & Technology University of Education


University of Education, Lahore.

Pucho Educational Consultancy

CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................. 3
1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Project Title ................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Problem statement......................................................................................... 4
1.3.1. Problems ................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2. Solutions ...................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Project Overview Statement ......................................................................... 4
1.5. Goals and Objectives ..................................................................................... 5
1.5.1. Project goal ............................................................................................. 5
1.5.2. Project objectives ................................................................................... 5
1.6. Research Questions ....................................................................................... 5
1.7. High-level system components ..................................................................... 6
1.8. List of optional functional units ................................................................... 6
1.9. Exclusion ........................................................................................................ 7
1.10. Application Architecture .......................................................................... 7
1.11. Methodology ............................................................................................... 8
1.11.1. Available Methodology ...................................................................... 8
1.11.2. Chosen Methodology .......................................................................... 9
1.11.3. Reasons for chosen methodology ...................................................... 9
1.12. Work break down structure and Gantt chart......................................... 9
1.12.1. Work Break Down Structure: ........................................................... 9
1.13. Gantt Chart .............................................................................................. 10
1.14. Hardware and Software Specification ................................................... 10
1.14.1. Hardware Components .................................................................... 10
1.14.2. Software Component........................................................................ 10
1.15. Tools & Technology ................................................................................. 11

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Pucho Educational Consultancy


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Pucho Educational Consultancy

1.1. Introduction
For a very long time, people have been trying to make some improvements to ease
down the communications between human beings and technology. Chabot’s and virtual
assistants alleviate this interaction. A Chabot is basically just an interactive platform
which will be able to simulate a real-life conversation on the chat with user.
Our project is based on educational consultancy, where it provides educational
guidance and information regarding universities and degree programs depending on
their interest and score, for the students who want to get a right direction in selecting
their career studies.

1.2. Project Title

Pucho (Educational Consultancy Chatbot).
 As our project reflects the Chabot is interacting with users through answers of
the questions and suggestion inquired by them so we named it Pucho.
 As our scope reflects that it is for the students of Lahore, the city of Pakistan,
whose national language is Urdu, that’s why we name it Pucho.

1.3. Problem statement

1.3.1. Problems
Over 25,000 students pass Higher Secondary Examination every year in Lahore. Most
students get confused while choosing a field and university suitable to their marks,
interests, budget, location and courses offered. Another hardship faced by the students,
is how to calculate merit and get details of admission process.

1.3.2. Solutions
To ease this process, “Pucho”, an educational consultancy Chabot, is a proposed
solution to this problem. User will simply need to ask the query to the bot and it provide
quick resolution to queries, helps the students, find the perfect university by easily
matching their preferences based on marks, budget and location and assist students
through enrolment procedures and campus info.

1.4. Project Overview Statement

Pucho is a web based Chatbot, will be developed and tested using dialog flow. The data
provided to it will be extracted through techniques of data mining, done by using
Django framework of python. It will be bilingual i.e. Urdu and English, and having two
formats for interaction i.e. audio and text. User will simply need to ask the query to the
bot and it provide quick resolution to queries, helps the students, find the perfect
university by easily matching their preferences based on marks, budget and location
and assist students through enrolment procedures and campus info.

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Pucho Educational Consultancy

1.5. Goals and Objectives

1.5.1. Project goal

The primary goal of our project is to provide students with interactive and responsive
Chabot that will help them to identify the desire degree program offered by available
best universities depending on their interests and scores.

1.5.2. Project objectives

1. The main objectives of the project are as follows:

2. To minimize the overall effort done in visiting and searching different

universities and degree programs.

3. To facilitate the students and parents with educational consultant and guide.

4. To reduce hassle and anxiety created by not getting admitted to desire


5. To give one stop info and guidance of every university including previous
merit lists, merit calculators, application forms.

Table 1. Project Objectives

1.6. Research Questions

RQ Research Questions

RQ1 Which university and degree program to select as per students’ desires?

RQ2 How to get knowledge of merits and admission criteria of each university
and degree program?

RQ3 How to reduce number of physical visits to each institution?

RQ4 How to get admitted to reputed and HEC recognized university?

RQ5 How to get all academic info at one stop shop?

Table 2. Research Questions

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Pucho Educational Consultancy

1.7. High-level system components

a. Chatting:
 The system should allow users to chat.
 The system shall inform the user if an answer is not available.
 The system shall inform the user about spelling mistakes through
possible options.

b. Searching:
 The system should allow users to search for information according
to their interests and grades.
 The system should allow users to search for information about
admissions details.
 The system should allow users to search for information about
academic details.

c. Logs:
 The system should maintain a log of the current question and

d. Feedback:
 The user should be able to leave feedback, which is comprised of a
text message and a rating.

e. Administrative system:
 Information management: The administrator should be able to add,
update and delete Questions, answers and keywords.
 Log management: The administrator should be able to view and
delete logs.
 Feedback management: The administrator should be able to view
and delete feedbacks.

1.8. List of optional functional units

a. User Interface:
 The system shall maintain an easy to use interface across all
functionality and for all users
 The clients’ user interface should be compatible with all commonly
used browsers, such as Internet explorer, Firefox, Google chrome
and Safari.

b. Scalability:
 The system shall be able to scale based on the number of users using
the system.

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Pucho Educational Consultancy

c. Security:
 The administrative system should be protected from unauthorized
 The database should protect from attacks and unauthorized access.
 The interface should be protected from attacks.
 All passwords should be stored as a secure hash of the administrator

d. Third party interactions:

 The system should be able to interact with the Google spelling
server, which handles the spelling.
 The system should be able to interact with the Google search server,
which is used for the customized search on the admissions website.

e. Portability:
 The system should run on a variety of operating systems that
support the Java language.
 The system should run on a variety of hardware.

f. Maintainability:
 The system should be easy to maintain.
 There should be a clear separation of HTML and Java interface
 There should be a clear separation between the interface and the
business logic code.
 There should be a clear separation between the data access objects
that map the database and the business logic code.

1.9. Exclusion
In future Pucho will be upgraded as Nano robot virtual consultant like Siri and
Alexa and will be available as portable device.

1.10. Application Architecture

Figure 1: Application Architecture

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Pucho Educational Consultancy

1.11. Methodology

1.11.1. Available Methodology

A web-based software development methodology or system development methodology
in software engineering is a framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the
process of development of an information system.
Python based frameworks available for web development are quite easy to use.

Methodologies Framework
• Agile method • Bottle
• Crystal Methods • CherryPy
• Dynamic Systems • AIOHTTP
• Dash
Development Model
• Falcon
• Extreme programming • Flask
• Feature Driven Development • Giotto
• Joint Application • Django
Development • Growler
• Learn Development • Uvloop
• Rapid Application • Sanic
• MorePath
• Picnic
• Rational Unified Process • Pylons Framework
• Scrum • Pyramid
• Spiral • TurboGears
• System Development Life • Web2py
Cycle • Hug
• Waterfall • CubicWeb

Table 3: Methodologies & Framework

There are following methodologies:
• Agile method
• Crystal Methods
• Dynamic Systems Development Model
• Extreme programming
• Feature Driven Development
• Joint Application Development
• Learn Development
• Rapid Application Development
• Rational Unified Process
• Scrum
• Spiral
• System Development Life Cycle
• Waterfall

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1.11.2. Chosen Methodology

 Iterative Process model
 Python Django Framework

1.11.3. Reasons for chosen methodology

This project demands research for its complete features, so Iterative Process model
will be applied on it for making changes and adding functionalities at every phase of
development. In addition to it we will use Python Django Framework with data mining
classification technique.
As data mining, Chabot both are done and built in python hence, we have chosen python
so that the full stack remains in python and easy to integrate smoothly.

1.12. Work break down structure and Gantt chart

1.12.1. Work Break Down Structure:

A work plan is an important tool that helps a project to assign tasks, manage workflow
and track the various components and milestone deadlines. A work plan often has
duration of six to 12 months, but it can be adjusted, based on a specific need within the
company. Implementing work plans helps articulate strategies to employees in a way
to improve team member focus and drive. Review these key components when
developing working plans to ensure you are not overlooking important details

Work Breakdown

Front End Back End

Documentation Deployment
Development Development

Gathering and
Choosing the Creating Database Avail Web
color schema schema Services

Software Choosing the

Writing Server Configuring web
requirement appropriate
side code storage
Specification theme

Development of Connecting the

Planing the Configuring web
Designed Front software
project database
End databasee

Testing the
Designing the Chatbot
developed front Chatbot Testing
project Development

Deploying front
end interfacce

Testing the
deployed system


Figure 2: Work Break Down Structure

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Pucho Educational Consultancy

1.13. Gantt Chart

Figure 3: Gantt Chart

1.14. Hardware and Software Specification

1.14.1. Hardware Components

• Processor: Minimum 1 GHz; Recommended 2GHz or more, i5 & i7

• Ethernet connection (LAN) or a wireless adapter (Wi-Fi)
• Hard Drive: Minimum 32 GB; Recommended 64 GB or more. (For Pc’s
• Memory (RAM): Minimum 4 GB Recommended 16 GB or above
• Sound card with speakers
• Camera and Microphone

1.14.2. Software Component

Since Chatbot is interactive, responsive and easy to use therefore it can be used on any
browser. Following operating systems are recommended.

• Windows: 7 or advance
• MAC: OS X v10.7 or higher
• Linux: Ubuntu

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1.15. Tools & Technology

a. Design pattern
i. UML Tools:
 Star UML
 Microsoft Visio

a. Testing
i. Testing tools and frameworks:
 DialogFlow

b. UI/UX design
i. UX Tool:
 Figma

c. Programming language
i. Front End:
ii. Backend:
 Python, APIs and Dialog Flow Integration

d. IDE
 Visual studio

e. Building tool
 Microsoft Azure.

f. Database/data storage

g. Framework
 Django

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