Tabela Verbos Irregulares - Preencher Traducao

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VERBS P PP PP Translate

to be be was/ were been

to beat beat beat beaten

to become become became become
to begin begin began begun
to bite bite bit bit -

to blow blow blew blown -

to break break broke broken

to bring bring brought brought

to build build built built

to buy buy bought bought

to catch catch caught caught

to choose choose chose chosen

to come come came come -
to cost cost cost cost
to cut cut cut cut
to do do did done
to draw draw drew drawn
to drink drink drank drunk
to drive drive drove driven
to eat eat ate eaten
to fall fall fell fallen
to feel feel felt felt
to fight fight fought fought
to find find found found
to fly fly flew flown
to forget forget forgot forgotten

to get get got gotten -

to give give gave given -
to go go went gone
to grow grow grew grown
to hang hang hung hung -
to have have had had
to hear hear heard heard
to hide hide hid hiden
to hit hit hit hit

to hold hold held held

to hurt hurt hurt hurt

to keep keep kept kept
to know know knew known
to leave leave left left
to lend lend lent lent
to let let let let
to lie lie lay lain

to light light lit lit

to lose lose lost lost

to make make made made
to mean mean meant meant -
to meet meet met met
to pay pay paid paid
to put put put put
to read read read read
to ride ride ride ride
to ring ring rang rung
to rise rise rose risen
to run run run run
to say say said said
to see see saw seen
to sell sell sold sold
to send send sent sent

to shine shine shone shone

to shoot shoot shot shot

to show show showed shown
to shut shut shut shut
to sing sing sang sung
to sit sit sit sit
to sleep sleep slept slept
to speak speak spoke spoken
To spend spend spent spent
to stand stand stood stood
to steal steal stole stolen
to swim swim swam swum
to take take took taken
to teach teach taught taught
to tear tear tore torn

to tell tell told told

to think think thought thought

to throw throw threw thrown -
to understand understand understood understood

to wake wake woke woken

to wear wear wore worn
to win win won won
to write write wrote written
VERBS Translate
to add adicionar, incluir, acrescentar, somar para sentimentos, amigos, ideias etc
to answer responder, atender , dar feedback, posicionar
to arrive chegar, aparecer, vir, voltar, aguardar quando estava viajando
to ask perguntar, cobrar, pedir, chamar, requerer, requisitar, solicitar (informal)
to borrow emprestar, pedir emprestado, suicidar
to call from chamar, convocar, denominar, ligar
cancelar, suprimir, rescindir, interromper, romper, invalidar, terminar,
to cancel
anular quando a ação já começou.
to change mudar, transformar, trocar, alterar, modificar (informal e físico)
to close aproximar, fechar, finalizar, encerrar, terminar (físico)
to compare comparar, confrontar aferir quando é funcional
to continue continuar, manter, permanecer, seguir quando é Formal
to cook cozinhar, preparar
to correct corrigir, ensinar, preparar, retificar,revisar
to count contar, contabilizar, valer, importar, incluir
to dance dançar, chacolar movimentar, se mexer, remexer
decidir, optar, definir, escolher quando conheço tenho conhecimento da
to decide
to describe descrever, relatar, detalhar (físico)
to earn ganhar, receber, merecer
to emphasize enfatizar, destacar, realçar, quando afeta o resultado
to enjoy divertir, gostar, aprecisar, dispor, gozar, usufruir, desfrutar, aproveitar
explicar, orientar, mostrar, expor, justificar, esclarecer quando não tenho
to explain,
to fill in completar, preencher, encher, suprir
finalizar, terminar, concluir, romper, cancelar quando a ação não volta
to finish
fixar, juntar, colar, arranjar, dar um jeito, consertar, arrumar, reparar
to fix
(físico e informal)
to follow seguir, acompanhar, entender, resultar, perseguir (físico)
to happen acontecer, ocorrer (físico e informar)
to help ajudar, contribuir, apoiar, evitar socorrer desde que não seja emergência
to include incluir, contemplar, somar
to invite convitar, pedir, chamar (Formal)
to jogg sacudir, correr levemente
aprender, estudar, entender, compreender, descobrir quando tem algum
to learn
com mais conhecimento
to like gostar, querer, apreciar quando envolve os 5 sentidos.
to listen to ouvir, escutar quando há musicalidade.
to live viver, levar, morar, habitar, residir
to look olhar, procurar, parecer, ver
to mark marcar, destacar, assinalar, guardar, indicar, corrigir, celebrar, demarcar
to match combinar, ter a mesma ideia, estar a altura, coincidir,corresponder
to mind observar, prestar atenção, cuidar, se importar
to miss perder, errar, não entender, sentir falta.
to number numerar, totalizar, quando há números
to need necessitar, precisar
to occur ocorrer, existir (formal)
to offer oferecer, dar, ofertar, proporcionar (formal)
to open abrir, inaugurar, mostrar, desobstruir (físico e informal)
to paint pintar, colorir, tingir, "maquear um doc pex"
to park guardar, estacionar, manobrar
iniciar, participar, divertir, jogar, brincar, executar, performar,
to play
desempenhar, interpretar, tocar, reproduzir
to practice praticar, treinar, exercitar, exercer
to receive receber, apanhar, captar, colher
relatar, relacionar, detalhar, associar, descrever, avisar, dizer, falar
to relate
to remember lembrar, relembrar, ter em mente
to rent alugar, arrendar, fretar
to replace substituir, por, repor, trocar, devolver quando há algo de ruim
to rest descansar, jazer-se, apoiar-se, basear-se, repousar
to save salvar, guardar, poupar, evitar, economizar, armazenar
to sign assinar, firmar, comprometer, gesticular, retificar.
to smoke fumar, defumar, tragar
to sneeze espirrar
to spell soletrar, significar
to stay ficar, permancer, hospdar-se, pousar, manter-se
to stop parar, encerrar, deter, abandonar frear,
to study estudar, investigar, examinar
to substitute substituir, trocar, cobrir
to suggest sugerir, indicar, aconselhar, propor, dizer, indiciar
to suppose supor, presupor, pensar, achar, imaginar.
to talk falar, conversar, bater papo
to translate traduzir, explicar
to travel viajar, passear, circular, deslocar-se
to treat tratar, lidar, medicar
to try tentar, experimentar, provar, julgar
to type digitar, datilografar
to reordenar
to use usar, utilizar, empregar, aproveitar
to visit visitar, ir ver, inspecionar, acessar.
to wait esperar, aguardar
to walk caminhar, andar, circular, ir a pé
to want querer, procurar, desejar, necessitar
to wash lavar, esfregar, limpar
to watch assistir, visualizar, acompanhar, cuidar, observar.
to work trabalhar, fazer, funcionar, dar certo
WORDS Translate Examples
able adj: capaz, capacitado, hábil, apto
The internet enables me work at home.
enable vb: permitir, habilitar, possibilitar
I enable subtitles to watch foreign movies.
after prep.: depois, mais tarde, logo a seguir. Let's eat now and we can have some ice cream after.

afterwards adv.: depois, posteriormente, de um evento já mencionado I had a coffee and went for a walk afterwards.

among entre, no meio de, envolta

between entre dois
amount usado para uncount nouns, a quantity of sth, montante, valor I won a large amount of money in the lottery.
quantity quantidade de alguma coisa para C ou U
number quantidade para countable nouns,
aside de um lado, de lado, I chopped the carrots and left them aside.
beside ao lado de, junto a, próximo a Anybody looks short beside a basketball player.
besides na adição de, além de, fora de, a parte de Besides being a writer, she is also an attorney.
big grande em quantidade.
great muito maior que a média em tamanho ou quantidade There was a grea big pile of books on the table.
do performar, fazer
make fazer, construir algo curto, fazer em fases.
for prep.: para/ por / durante
since prep.; desde

good adj.: alta qualidade, agradável, favorável, forte/sensível,


well adv.: bem. Não é usado antes de subst.. Usado para falar de I don't fell very well.
sua saúde, ou perguntar da saúde de alguém
listen ouvir escutar com musicalidade
hear ouvir, escutar
live vb: viver, levar, morar, residir, habitar
life noun.: vida
alive adj.: vivo, com vida
people pessoas, povo (in general)
person pessoa, indivíduo
rather bastante, melhor, muito The boy is rather tall for his age.
rather than conj.: em vez de, ao invés de, no lugar de I took the car rather than going by bus.
dizer, falar diretamente sem ter uma pessoa como objeto. You
say The politician said harsh words against the opposition.
say sth or sth to sby
tell falar, contar quando alguém está dando info ou instruções. The landlord told me the rent is overdue
see ver, olhar
watch assistir, visualizar, apoiar
look at procurar.
separate separar
apart separado, a parte, separado por distancia de espaço ou tempo he scientist set some samples apart to test them later.
some alguns
somewhat um pouco, um tanto I felt somewhat tired after the journey.
The cat is somewhere in the house, but I do not know
somewhere am algum lugar

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