200 Most Used Verbs in Spanish
200 Most Used Verbs in Spanish
200 Most Used Verbs in Spanish
abrir to open
acabar to finish
acercar to zoom in
aconsejar to advise
acordar to agree
amar to to love
andar to walk
apoyar to support
aprender to to learn
armar to to assemble
asesinar to murder
atacar to attack
ayudar to help
bailar to dance
bajar to go down
bastar to be enough
bañar to bath
beber to to drink
buscar to search for
caer to fall
callar to shut up
calmar to to calm
cambiar to change
caminar to walk
cantar to to sing
cazar to hunt
cenar to dine
centrar to center
cercar to fence
cerrar to close
citar to quote
cocinar to Cook
coger to take
comenzar to start
comer to eat
comparar to compare
comprar to to buy
conducir to drive
conocer to know
conseguir to get
contar to tell
continuar to continue
correr to run
cortar to cut
coser to sew
costar to Cost
crear to create
creer to believe
cuidar to look after
culpar to blame
dar to give
dañar to to damage
deber to must
decidir to decide
decir to tell
dejar to leave
desayunar to eat breakfast
descansar to rest
describir to describe
desear to wish
destruir to destroy
disculpar to excuse
divertir to amuse
doler to hurt
dormir to sleep
durar to last
elegir to choose
empezar to start
empujar to Push
encantar to love/charm
encontrar to find
enseñar to teach
entender to understand
entrar to get in
equipar to equip
esconder to hide
escribir to write
escuchar to hear
esperar to wait
esposar to handcuff
estar to be
estrenar to wear for the first time
estudiar to study
existir to exist
explicar to explain
extrañar to miss
faltar to lack
forzar to force
funcionar to function
ganar to win
gritar to shout
gustar to like
haber to have/exist
hablar to talk
hacer to do
importar to import/care
intentar to try
ir to go
jugar to play
jurar to swear
lamentar to regret
lanzar to throw
largar to release
lavar to wash
leer to read
limpiar to clean
llamar to call
llegar to arrive
llenar to fill in
llevar to wear/carry
llorar to cry
luchar to struggle/fight
mandar to send
manchar to stain
matar to kill
mejorar to get better
mentir to lie
mirar to look
montar to ride
morir to die
mostrar to show
mover to move
necesitar to need
negociar to negotiate
nombrar to name
ocurrir to occur
odiar to hate
ofrecer to offer
olvidar to forget
oír to hear
pagar to pay
parar to stop
parecer to seem
partir to split
pasar to happen
pelar to peel
pelear to fight
peligrar to jeopardize
penar to punish
pensar to think
perder to lose
perdonar to forgive
permitir to allow
pisar to step
Planchar to Iron
Plantar to Plant
poder to power
poner to put
preferir to prefer
preguntar to ask
preocupar to worry
preparar to prepare
probar to try out
prometer to promise
pulsar to press
quedar to stay
quemar to burn
querer to want
recibir to receive
reconocer to recognize
recordar to remember
regalar to give away
regresar to return
repetir to repeat
responder to reply
reír to laugh
saber to know
sacar to take
salir to go out
saltar to skip
salvar to save
seguir to follow
sentar to sit
sentir to feel
ser to be
significar to mean
sonar to Sound
sonreír to smile
soñar to dream
suceder to happen
suponer to suppose
tardar to take (as in time)
temer to fear
tener to have
terminar to finish
tirar to throw
tocar to touch
tomar to drink
trabajar to work
traer to bring
tratar to try
usar to use
valer to worth
vender to sell
venir to come
ver to watch
viajar to travel
visitar to visit
vivir to live
volver to return