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1 Forward Mails directly from MBox Viewer

1.1 Overview
Users can forward single or selected group of emails directly from MBox Viewer. MBox Viewer
connects to one of the preconfigured SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) Servers to forward
emails. Emails can be forwarded via Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook Live mail service or user configured Mail
MBox Viewer relies on a separate standalone process, ForwardEmlFile.exe, to connect to SMTP Server
and to send emails using the TLS encrypted communication. MBox Viewer links proven MailKit
software library to communicate with the SMTP server. Note that ForwardEmlFile.exe can’t access
user mail account data since SMTP Server can send data only.
Be aware that all Mail Services impose limits on the rate, size of sending mails and other factors, see
chapter 1.3. For regular users, Gmail seems to offer better more predictable service than Yahoo or
Outlook. However, Yahoo supports mails up to 39MB in size vs 35MB by Outlook and vs 25MB by
Note that even so Yahoo can send large mails of 39MB, Outlook may ignore mails larger than
35MB. When forwarding important emails, it is good idea to ask recipient for confirmation.

1.2 User Accounts and Passwords

Mail Service providers usually require third-party applications to follow special authentication
requirements in order to gain access to their services, i.e. to SMTP Server in this case.
If for whatever reasons you would rather not make changes to your main mail account, you can always
create additional mail account on another mail service just to be able forward emails directly from
MBox Viewer.

1.2.1 Yahoo Mail Service

In order for third-party SMTP client applications such as ForwardEmlFile.exe to access Yahoo SMTP
Server, user must login to Yahoo mail account first and generate one time App Password that can later
be used to authenticate ForwardEmlFile application to SMTP Server.
App Password is long string of 16 random characters. Using App Password is very safe since it
practically can’t be guessed by hackers using brute force.
Select the below link and click on + sign next to “Generate an App Password” and follow all steps to
generate globally unique password for application named ForwardEmlFile. You will need App
Password and Yahoo mail user name to communicate with Yahoo SMTP Server.
1.2.2 Gmail Mail Service
Third-party SMTP client application such as ForwardEmlFile.exe can connect to Gmail SMTP Server
and be authenticated using either 1) Gmail user name and Gmail user password, or 2) Gmail user
name and Gmail App Password.
Note (Nov 2022). Authentication by user name and password is no longer supported by Gmail. Gmail user didn’t enable 2-step verification to sign up into Gmail
In order to use Gmail user name and Gmail user password, user must login to the Gmail account and
enable “Less secure app access” option, see the link:
If you are concerned about this change, you can disable “Less secure app access” option after you are
done forwarding emails. Gmail user did enable 2-step verification to sign up into Gmail
User must login to Google account and generate App Password for Gmail Account. App Password is
long string of 16 random characters. Using App Password is very safe since it practically can’t be
guessed by hackers using brute force.
Use the link below to generate App Password:
Alternatively, user can login to Gmail account and the select “Manage your Google Account” by
clicking Google Account icon at the top right corner. Select Security option to generate 16-character
long App Password. See also helpful links below.

1.2.3 Outlook Live Mail Service

Testing was done using Outlook Live free mail account. Microsoft also offers payable Premium
Outlook mail service under Office 365 and Microsoft 365 plans. These plans offer much higher sending
limits but no evaluation was performed.
If a user did enable 2-step versification, user needs to generate App Password to be properly
authenticated, see chapter App Password is long string of 16 random characters. Using App
Password is very safe since it practically can’t be guessed by hackers using brute force.
If a user didn’t enable 2-step versification, there is no requirement to change any security setting for
Outlook Live account to be able to send mails via Outlook SMTP Server.
Creating User name and Password to gain access to Outlook SMTP is not exactly clear and can be
confusing to set up. Create Outlook Account, User Name and Password
I suggest the following steps to create valid user names and password. For more information, examine
the following link.
Everything you need to know about Microsoft accounts | Windows Community
In my case I already had Microsoft and Outlook accounts but had to perform additional configuration. You don’t have Microsoft Account (know as MSA) and you don’t have
Outlook Live account
Use the following link to create Microsoft account page:
Select “Sign in”, then select “Create one!”, then select “Get a new email address” and create your new
[email protected] email address.
The below link has more details.
Use your new Outlook User name and Password to open SMTP Server Configuration dialog and
configure user name and password. Attempt to forward one of the mails and check if all works. You already have both Microsoft Account and Outlook Live Account
This is the case I faced. Forwarding of emails was not working properly until I created email alias and
make this alias primary as described in following link:
For some reason, Outlook Account User Name and Password did not work for me but Microsoft
Account User name and Password did work. Generate App Password for Outlook

User must login to Outlook account, enable 2-step verification and generate App Password for Outlook
Account. Follow the link below to generate App Password:

1.3 Mail Sending and Size Limits

The limits are listed here to the best of our knowledge and might be changed by the mail service
providers anytime without notice. For regular users, Gmail seems to offer better more predictable
service than Yahoo or Outlook. However, Yahoo supports mails up to 39MB in size vs 35MB by
Outlook and vs 25MB by Gmail.
Users are mainly responsible for observing sending limits. MBox Viewer will limit the sending rate to
30 mails/minute.

1.3.1 Gmail Mail Service

Sending can be rejected by Gmail for variety of reasons. If a user exceeds various limits, user account
can be locked for up to 24 hours. User can take manual steps to restore access.
Regular users are allowed to send up to 500 mails per day.
Mails can be rejected if they are being sent too fast or to many recipients.
Mails of up to 25MB are accepted.

1.3.2 Yahoo Mail Service

Sending can be rejected by Yahoo for variety of reasons. If a user exceeds various limits, user account
can be locked for up to 24 hours. User can take manual steps to restore access.
Yahoo does not disclose sending and size limits.
Mails of up to 39MB are accepted.

1.3.3 Outlook Mail Service

Sending can be rejected by Outlook for variety of reasons including suspicion of spamming. If a user
exceeds various limits, user account can be locked for up to 24 hours. User can take manual steps to
restore access.
Mails of up to 35MB are accepted. If you attempt to send larger mail, it will appear that the sending
was successful. However, Outlook will post rejection mail into your Outlook account.
The other sending limits are not known.

1.4 SMTP Server Configuration

Select “File → SMTP Mail Server Config” to open the configuration dialog. Select one of the listed
mail services, enter User Account and Password and click on the “Save” button to save the changes.
When you select “Close” button, the SMTP.ini file is created for the selected service in C:\Users\
%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\MBoxViewer\MailService and used by ForwardEmlFile.exe to
support forwarding of emails.
The “Cancel” button is used to clear unsaved changes made in the dialog. If you switch to different
mail service, the unsaved changes in the dialog are lost.
When you exit MBox Viewer, User Password is not saved in the system for safety reasons and must be
reentered before any mail can be forwarded again.
1.4.1 SMTP Servers Default Settings

SMTP Server Address

SMTP Server Port 587 587 587
SMTP Security StartTls StartTls StartTls

1.5 Forwarding Mails

MBox viewer supports forwarding of a single and multiple emails.
Note that From address can be specified by a user while in Custom SMTP Configuration option

1.5.1 Forwarding a single email

Right click on any email and select “Forward Mail” option to open the dialog to forward the selected
email. The dialog can be manually resized if needed.
The non-empty To field is required. Other fields are optional. When you open the dialog, To, CC, BCC
and User Text fields will show the values set in the last dialog. You can clear these fields by clicking on
the “Clear” button.
It is important to make sure all addresses are correct and valid. If any address is not valid, a rejection
email will be send by the mail service to the respective user’s mail account. MBox Viewer doesn’t have
access to user’s mail accounts.

1.5.2 Forwarding a list of selected emails

User can select multiple email, then right click on any of the selected emails and select “Forward
Mails” option to open the dialog to forward the selected email.
To avoid suspension of the user account, the user is warned if the user attempts to forward batch of
emails larger than 100. User is also warned when any of the select mails to forward is larger than
supported maximum size.
1.6 Error Reporting
If forwarding of a mail fails, MBox Viewer will create Message Box with relevant error text.

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