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1. (a) FIGURE 1(a) shows an inverted pyramid of biomass in the English channel.
The small standing crop of phytoplanktons supports the large standing crop of



Explain why phytoplanktons can never develop a larger biomass than
zooplanktons. [2 marks]

(The phytoplanktons)
● are smaller-sized
● have short life cycle
● and rapidly consumed by the zooplankton. Any 2

(b) FIGURE 1(b) shows a type of grazing food chain.

Grass Grasshopper Toad

Assume that the light energy trapped by grass is 9,800 kJ m-2 day-1. Only 2% of
the energy is converted into biomass production of grass. Then, 9% of the
biomass production is transferred to grasshopper. What is the total energy
transferred to the grasshopper? Show your calculation. [2 marks]
Biomass production in grass = 2 / 100 x 9,800 kJ m-2 day-1
= 196 kJ m-2 day-1 1m
Total energy transfer to grasshopper = 9 / 100 x 196 kJ m-2 day-1
= 17.64 196 kJ m-2 day-1 1m

(c) FIGURE 1(c) shows prey-predator relationship between two organism, A and


(i) Based on FIGURE 1(c), which organism is the prey? Give reason to
your answer relating to the population size of organism A and B.
[2 marks]

● Organism A.
● the population size of organism B (predator) increase because
they are lots of organism A (prey) available (for them to eat) //
population A higher than population B.

(ii) Predict what happen if a new predator migrated to the same habitat as
the organism A and organism B. [1 mark]

● Population A decrease.
● Competition will exist between organism B and new predator.
● If the new predator may be better adapted than the organism B,
so the new predator would then out-compete the organism B,
and the organism B population would decrease.
● If the new predator may not be as well adapted as the organism
B, so it may not be an effective competitor for the organism B.
Any 1

2. (a) FIGURE 2(a) below shows the two phenotypes that exist in a black peppered
moth population in England that undergo natural selection during the industrial

Speckled phenotype Melanic phenotype


i. In 1984 the number of melanic phenotype is far exceeding speckled

phenotype. State the type of natural selection that caused this
phenomenon. [1 mark]
Directional selection

ii. Why did the melanic phenotype become dominant form during the
industrial revolution? [1 mark]
● The melanic moths have closer colour to the bark in the
polluted environment.
● They are not eaten by predators (easily) // they will survive
against predators// speckled phenotype easily seen by
● They reproduce successfully and increase in number, more
than speckled phenotype.
Any 1
(b) FIGURE 2(b) shows different modes of speciation among a population of
freshwater fishes.

Speciation A Speciation B

i. State ONE difference between Speciation A and B. [1 mark]

Speciation A Speciation B
Speciation occurs when Speciation occurs without
geographical barrier separates geographical isolation.
part of the population.
Population undergo evolutionary Radical change in genome of
change and a subpopulation will
reproductive isolation is reproductively isolate it from
established// gene flow is the parent population.
Any 1

ii. Suggest ONE main factor that enables subpopulation in Speciation A

to undergo the speciation process. [1 mark]

No gene flow/ no interbreeding

(c) Give ONE advantage of natural selection. [1 mark]

● Advantageous genes/ alleles can be passed to the next generation.
● Survival of the fittest.
● Responsive to the changes in environment.
● Resistance to disease.
Any 1
3. (a) GRAPH 3(a) shows energy changes during a reaction.

GRAPH 3(a)
(i) Label A and B.
[1 mark]
A: Activation energy without enzyme
B: Activation energy with enzyme

(ii) Explain how the active site of an enzyme can reduce the activation energy.
[2 marks]
● When substrate bind with enzyme at active site, it bring substrate
together into correct orientation/closer to each other/substrate collide
with enzyme at its active site.
● Facilitate breaking or formation of bond in substrate to form product.
(b ) FIGURE 3(b) shows three different enzyme reaction, P and Q represent two
types of inhibitor.


(i) Label inhibitors P and Q. [1 mark]

P : non-competitive inhibitor
Q: competitive inhibitor

(ii) Malonate is an inhibitor of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase. How would

you determine whether malonate is a competitive or non-competitive
inhibitor? [1 mark]
● In the presence of malonate, increase the concentration of the
substrate/ succinate
● observe whether the rate of reaction increases or not. If it increase,
malonate is a competitive inhibitor.
4. (a) FIGURE 4(a) shows steps occur in muscle cell during glycolysis process.


i. Identify which steps that produce NADH and ATP in FIGURE 4(a) [ 2 mark]
NADH : Step 1
ATP : Step 2 and step 5

ii. Predict what will happen to NADH in the absence of oxygen? [3 marks]
● NADH will not transfer its electrons to ETC
● NADH is oxidize to release hydrogen ion
● To reduce pyruvate to lactate

b) Explain the steps in Krebs cycle that produce high energy molecules using one
molecule of pyruvate [9 marks]
i. GTP is produced during conversion of succinyl-CoA into succinate. 1
ii. FADH is produced during oxidation of succinate into fumarate.
2 1
iii. NADH is produced during oxidation of isocitrate into α-ketoglutarate. 1
iv. NADH is produced during oxidation of α-ketoglutarate into succinyl-CoA. 1
v. NADH is produced during oxidation of malate into oxaloacetate. 1
vi. One GTP is transformed into one molecule of ATP through substrate-
level phosphorylation. 1
vii. NADH and FADH enter the electron transport chain.
2 1
viii. To produce ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. 1
ix. One FADH generates/produces two molecules of ATP.
2 1
x. One NADH generates/produces three molecules of ATP. 1
Max 9

5. (a). FIGURE 5(a) shows a reaction that occurs in the thylakoid membrane.

H2 O 2H + + ½ O2


i. Explain process K. [2 marks]

● Photon is absorbed by chlorophyll a P680 will undergoes photoactivation
● The energy level of the electron in P680 raise to a higher level
● (Photo)excited electron (from P680) pass to primary electron acceptor
Any 2
ii. Differentiate between the reaction in FIGURE 1 and cyclic electron flow based on
photosystem and products formed. [2 marks]

Reaction in FIGURE 1 Cyclic photophosphorylation

Involve PS I and PS II / P700 and Involve PS I / P700
Produce ATP and NADPH (+H+) Only produce ATP

5. (b). FIGURE 5(b) shows a process that occurs in corn plants.


i. State the function of enzyme K. [1 mark]

Catalyzes the fixation of CO2 to RuBP.

ii. What is X and explain how X is converted to Y. [2 marks]

● X is Oxaloacetate
● X /Oxaloacetate is reduced to malate/Y by NADPH

iii. Why PEP carboxylase is considered more efficient than K? [2 marks]

● PEP carboxylase has a higher affinity to CO2 compared to K/RuBP

carboxylase even at a low concentration of CO2
● Therefore, it can fix CO2 even at a low concentration of CO2
6. FIGURE 6 below shows the human breathing control mechanism.


(a) Identify X and what happen to it during inhalation. [2 marks]
 Diaphragm.
 X contract and move downward.
(b) Explain how the central chemoreceptor is stimulated during inhalation
[4 marks]
 Vigorous exercise increases the concentration of CO2 in blood.
 Some CO2 diffuse into the cerebrospinal fluid of the brain and increase
the concentration of H+ ion in cerebrospinal fluid.
 The changes are detected by central chemoreceptor.
 Central chemoreceptor transmit impulse to inspiratory centre at medulla
7. FIGURE 7 shows the impulse conducting system in human heart.


(a) Name X, Y and Z in FIGURE 7.

[3 marks]
X: AV node
Y: Bundle of His
Z: Purkinje fiber

(b) What is the function of structure labelled W in FIGURE 7? [1 mark]

Initiate heartbeat// Generate impulse (and spread to both atria)

(d) Why is it important to delay electrical impulse for 0.1 seconds at X?

[1 mark]
To ensure blood from atria completely emptied (into ventricle) before
ventricles contract

(e) Explain the effect on the two types of valves in heart and pressure in ventricle when
the electrical impulse spread to Z. [2 marks]

 AV valve will close and semilunar valve will open

 Pressure in (both) ventricle will increase

(f) Explain the event occur in cardiac cycle that leads to the heart sound ‘dup’.
[2 marks]
 During atria and ventricular diastole, pressure in aorta and pulmonary
artery is higher than (both) ventricle.
 Semilunar valve close (causing the heart sound ‘dup’ to prevent the backflow
of blood into ventricle)
8. FIGURE 8 shows a cross section of the distal convoluted tubule wall in kidney.


(a) Name type of cell X. [1 mark]

Simple cuboidal epithelial cell

(b) Describe how structure P and Q facilitate cell X to function efficiently.

[2 marks]
 Structure P/ mitochondria provide energy for active transport of
substances/ K+/ H+/ NaCl/ HCO3- during reabsorption and secretion
 Structure Q/ microvilli increase surface area for reabsorption.

(c) Explain how sodium chloride are transported from cell X to blood capillaries.
[1 mark]
 Sodium chloride/ NaCl are reabsorbed into peritubular capillaries by
active transport

(d) Alcohol consumption will make the epithelium of the collecting duct less
permeable to water which will affect kidney output. Explain briefly this
condition. [2 marks]
 Alcohol inhibits the release of antidiuretic hormone/ ADH
 causing an increase in urinary water loss/ more diluted and large
volume of urine is produced.
9. FIGURE 9 shows a section of synapse in a sympathetic nervous system.

(a) Name structure E and F. [2 marks]
E: Presynaptic membrane/synaptic knob/axon terminal
F: Postsynaptic membrane

(b) Name and give ONE example of molecule G if F is an effector cell. [2 marks]
G: Neurotransmitter
Example: Norepinephrine/noradrenaline

(c) What will happen when molecule G is released into synaptic cleft by
exocytosis? [2 marks]
 G/neurotransmitter binds to the receptor of the ligand gated Na+
channel (on the postsynaptic membrane)
 Ligand gated Na+ channel will be open// Na+ diffuse into postsynaptic
neuron Any 1
 Depolarization of postsynaptic membrane occur

(d) How impulse transmission affected if all the Ca2+ surrounding the synapse
were removed? [2 marks]
 Impulse transmission will be blocked// impulse cannot be transmitted
 Synaptic vesicle unable to move and fuse with presynaptic membrane
 Neurotransmitter unable to be released into synaptic cleft. Any 1

(e) Give TWO reasons why impulse can only travel in one direction across a
synapse. [2 marks]
 Neurotransmitter only released from synaptic knob/ presynaptic
neuron// Synaptic vesicle are only found in presynaptic neuron
 Receptor of ligand gated Na+ channel is only found on postsynaptic
(f) How impulse transmission across synapse differ from along the axon?
[3 marks]
 Impulse across synapse is chemically transmitted while impulse along
axon is electrically transmitted.
 Impulse transmission across synapse require neurotransmitter while
impulse transmission along axon does not require neurotransmitter.
 Impulse transmission across synapse is slower while impulse
transmission along axon is faster
 At synapse, impulse from presynaptic cell cross the synaptic cleft to
postsynaptic cell while in axon, impulse travel along it.

(Any 3)
10. FIGURE 10 shows part of mechanism of an immune response.


(a) Name the cell Q and structure R. [2 marks]

Q: Plasma cell
R: Antigen binding site

(b) Name the class of antibody secreted by cell Q when a person is exposed to a
pathogen for the first time. [1 mark]


(c) Substance X is secreted by macrophage to trigger the immune response. Name

the substance X and explain the effect of substance X on immune response T.
[3 marks]
- Substance X is Interleukin -1/ IL-1
- Substance X activate the Helper T cell to secrete interleukin -2/ IL-2 to
activate cytotoxic T/ Tc cell
- The activated Tc cell bind to infected cell and destroy /kills it.

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