DIC Digital Image Correlation Method in The Resear PDF
DIC Digital Image Correlation Method in The Resear PDF
DIC Digital Image Correlation Method in The Resear PDF
1. Introduction
Strengthening of reinforced concrete structures with FRCM (Fabric-Reinforced
Cementitious Matrix) composite materials is an increasingly recognized way of repairing
existing structures. This system can be used in environments exposed to high temperatures
or fire, and in historical objects. It is related to the use of cement mortar as a matrix, This is
related to the use of cement mortar as a matrix, the task of which is to combine fibers with
each other and with concrete.
The main disadvantage of cement mortar is its granularity, due to which the mortar can
not connect all the fibers together, which results in the formation of slip between the fibers
and the premature debonding of the fiber mesh from the matrix. Due to the complex nature
of the work of this composite, it is difficult to clearly define the design guidelines.
Therefore, many researchers around the world were taking up the topic of strengthening
reinforced concrete elements for bending, shear and compression in order to thoroughly
investigate the mechanisms involved in this type of reinforcement [1-6].
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E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
3. Experimental research
Two 2300 mm long RC T-beams with 150×400 mm in cross section were subjected to tests.
One beam was a reference beam, without strengthening, and the second one was shear-
strengthened with a PBO (p-Phenylene Benzobis Oxazole) fibre mesh bedded in mineral
mortar (PBO-FRCM). Flexural reinforcement in the form of 5 bars 20 mm in diameter was
designed for prevent destruction due to bending before exhausting the shear strength.
Stirrups in the form of bars 8 mm in diameter were spaced at every 250 mm along the
whole length of the beam (Fig. 3).
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
Table 1. Mechanical and geometrical parameters of the FRCM strengthening materials [7].
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
increased, the crack reached the anchorage and then ran along the GFRP bar. On the PBO
mesh strips, the outer layer of cement mortar has also scratched due to the slip between the
fibers and the matrix. This phenomenon is characteristic for FRCM materials in which
mortar is used as a matrix and cannot be obtained such a good coverage of the all fibres by
the matrix.
Fig. 8. Image from DIC cameras showing the development of diagonal cracks in the beam during test.
On the PBO-FRCM strips the first deformations occur in the place of the diagonal crack
and then they are redistributed along the strip height. The maximum strains measured using
the DIC method reached a value of more than 5‰ both at the anchor point for strip with
number 13 and on the middle strip with number 14 (Fig. 9). On the basis of images from
DIC cameras, it can be concluded that the maximum deformations of the composite
occurred in other places than the strain gauges were glued, for example on the edge of the
central strip at the place of diagonal crack, and on the left side of the anchor on the strip
number 13. At the places where the strain gauges were glued, i.e. half the height and width
of each PBO strip, very small deformations were recorded. These results are consistent with
those of the strain gauges. In this case, the deformations obtained from strain gauges were
not adequate to the real effort of the composite. In the case of testing beam with shear
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
strengthening, the DIC method allows for a better and more accurate analysis of the work
of the composite, its effort and location of the most stressed places.
Fig. 9. Image from DIC cameras showing the deformation of PBO-FRCM composite strips with
increasing load.
E3S Web of Conferences 97, 03008 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199703008
along its length and height, and stress concentration occurs at the edges of the strips at the
intersection with the diagonal cracks.
The work was created as part of the research project PWr-RUDN 2017, carried out by the Wrocław
University of Science and Technology together with the Russian University of Friendship of Nations
in Moscow.
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9. https://www.ita-polska.com.pl