Open Hole Reference
Open Hole Reference
Open Hole Reference
Thin-Walled Structures
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Keywords: For 3D woven composites used in the structural applications, the open-hole mechanical performance is of critical
3D woven composites concern for the components in service. In the present study, the circular notched 3D woven composite (N-3DWC)
Open-hole tensile properties plates with three different apertures were prepared, and the effects of notch size on the tensile properties were
Macro-meso coupling model
investigated by experimental and numerical methods. Digital image correlation technique was used to record the
Damage propagation
CT scanning
full-field strain distributions, and the micro computed tomography was applied to evaluate the failure fractures.
Based on the developed macro-meso coupling model of N-3DWC, the open-hole tensile strength and failure
mechanisms were predicted and analyzed, and the model was validated with the experimental results. The results
showed that the stress-strain curves of all N-3DWC specimens were basically linear in the initial loading stage.
The notch size had little effect on the tensile stiffness of notched plates, while the tensile strength decreased with
the increasing aperture. The stress concentration mostly occurred at the hole edge, and the distribution width
was approximately equal to the notch diameter. As the aperture increased, the main failure mode of weft yarn
changed from fiber pull-out to breakage, and the contour of damaged region changed from to convex to concave.
* Corresponding author. Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Composite Materials, Ministry of Education, TianGong University, Tianjin, 300387, China.
** Corresponding author. Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Composite Materials, Ministry of Education, TianGong University, Tianjin, 300387, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Zhang), [email protected] (L. Chen).
Received 18 October 2020; Received in revised form 15 December 2020; Accepted 9 January 2021
Available online 25 January 2021
0263-8231/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Fig. 1. 3D woven composites: (a) weave pattern, (b) surface morphology, reconstructed 3D model of (c) 6 mm, (d) 10 mm, and (e) 14 mm notches, (f) schematic of
notched specimens.
Table 1
Mechanical properties of component yarn and matrix.
Components Modulus Poisson’s ratio Strength Density
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Table 2 lathe machine (She Hong Industrial Co. Ltd), as shown in Fig. 2(a).
Specific parameters of 3D woven composites. The specially developed drill bits made of cemented carbide were
Parameter Value applied for the hole-drilling with the nominal diameters of 6 mm, 10 mm
and 14 mm respectively. The drill bit of 6 mm with a point angle of 110◦
Number of weft layers 5
Warp density (ends/cm) 4 was depicted in Fig. 2(b and c), and the diameter and length of first step
Weft density (picks/cm) 4 were 4.3 mm and 6 mm respectively. For the case of drill bits of 10 mm
Binder density (tows/cm) 4 and 14 mm, the first step diameters were 7.3 mm and 9.8 mm respec
Thickness (mm) 4 tively, while the first step lengths were 12 mm and 16 mm respectively.
Fiber volume fraction (%) 55
Dry drilling with vacuum cleaning was adopted in the drilling process.
The spindle speed of 5000 rpm and feed rate of 100 mm/min were
2. Materials and experimental details chosen based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, which were
collected from their internal tests for the balance between drilling effi
2.1. Materials and specimen preparation ciency and hole quality. During the drilling process, two small glass/
epoxy plates were used to sandwich the samples to minimize the damage
The preforms were made of 3D angle-interlock woven reinforcement induced by machining process around the hole rims. The ultimate holes
with a warp-reinforced woven characteristic, which consists of three were inspected, and only minor fiber splitting and short matrix cracks
yarn systems, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The warp and the weft yarns were were observed on the outermost interfaces near the hole edge, as shown
respectively orientated along the X-axis and Y-axis, while the binder in Fig. 1(c)–(e). The rest of the interfaces did not exhibit any noticeable
yarns passed through the in-plane layers and interlaced with the weft damage. It could be assumed that the hole-drilling damage had little
yarns in the Z-axis. The fibers used in this paper was supplied by the effect on the following tests and analysis. Afterwards, aluminum grips of
Shanxi Gangke Carbon Materials Co. Ltd, among which the warp and 80 mm in length were attached to the clamped ends of each specimen.
weft yarns were carbon TG800X–12K × 2 (1000tex), and the binder Fig. 1(f) displays the configurations of N-3DWC specimens.
yarns were TG800HXC-6K (250tex). The preforms were fabricated on
the weaving loom in the Institute of Composite Materials, Tiangong 2.2. Mechanical characterization
University. Afterwards, the preforms were impregnated with TDE-86
epoxy resin following the resin transfer molding (RTM) process. Fig. 3 shows the experimental setup for the tensile tests. The static
Detailed information of the fiber and matrix is listed in Table 1. The final tensile tests in the weft direction were performed on a SHIMADZU AG-
composite plate is shown in Fig. 1(b), and the specific parameters are 250KNE universal testing machine with a 250 kN load cell. The constant
summarized in Table 2. loading rate applied to all specimens was 2 mm/min, and five specimens
Tensile specimens were cut from the moulded composite plates along were tested for each data family. The full-field strain distributions were
the weft direction with the dimension of 300 mm × 36 mm, following recorded using the ARAMIS (GOM, Germany) digital image correlation
ASTM D5766. The thickness for both unnotched 3DWC (UN-3DWC) and (DIC) system (see Fig. 3(a)), and all specimens were painted with the
centrally notched 3DWC (N-3DWC) specimens were 4 mm. random speckle pattern (see Fig. 3(b)).
The drilling operation was performed on a Hartford CNC-500LG
Fig. 2. (a) Drilling lathe machine, (b) physical photo for the drill bit of 6.0 mm, (c) specifications of the drill bit.
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Fig. 3. Experimental setup: (a) testing machine, and (b) tensile specimens.
exposure time for each radiograph was 2s, and the images were collected
from 1600 radiographs over 360◦ . The damage in the reconstructed
volumes was qualitatively analyzed.
Table 3
Statistical results of characterizing different cross-sections.
No. Height (mm) Width (mm) No. Height (mm) Width (mm) No. Angle ( )
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Fig. 5. Geometric model of (a) full thickness unit cell of 3DWC, (b) matrix, (c) yarn system, (d) warp yarn, (e) weft yarn, and (f) binder yarn.
Fig. 6. FE-model of (a) quarter of full-thickness unit cell, (b) matrix, (c) warp yarn, (d) weft yarn, and (e) binder yarn.
weft yarns (Fig. 5(e)) and 8 binder yarns (Fig. 5(f)). Additionally, the 3.2. Finite element model of RUC
full-thickness unit cell model exhibited periodic geometric characteris
tics in the plane. On the basis of the symmetrical characteristic of the The model was generated in the ANSYS environment. Based on the
unit cell, a quarter of geometric model was chosen in the simulation. aforementioned RUC model, a swept method was used to generate the
FE-model of 3DWC. For the sake of clarity, a brief description of the
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Fig. 7. FE-model of (a) quarter of N-3DWC plate, (b) meso-structured part of D6mm sample, (c) meso-structured part of D10mm sample, and (d) meso-structured
part of D14mm sample.
Table 4
Statistics in the FE-models of the unit cell and different notched specimens.
Number Diameter (mm) Yarn Matrix Homogenized mesh Total
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
effectively improve the convergence and accuracy of the calculation, Yarn compressive and shear failure in direction 2 and 3 (σ2 + σ 3 < 0),
and precisely analyze the mechanical behaviors of N-3DWC specimens. [( )2 ] ( )
Table 4 gives the numbers of elements and nodes for the unnotched and 1 F2C σ2 + σ3 2
φ2(3)C = C − 1 (σ 2 + σ3 ) +
notched specimens of 6 mm, 10 mm and 14 mm. It could be noted that
F2 2F23 2F23
the total numbers of both elements and nodes decreased with the in ( 2 ) ( )2 ( )2 (4)
crease of aperture. + (
σ23 − σ2 σ3
)2 +
σ 31
FS F12 F31
3.4. Boundary conditions
where σij (i, j = 1, 2, 3) are the stress components in the material co
As shown in Fig.8, in view of the symmetric characteristics, the FE- ordinate system, FiT and FiC (i = 1, 2, 3) denote the tensile and
model was imposed four boundary conditions throughout the simula compressive strengths in the 1, 2 and 3 direction of yarn, respectively.
tion: symmetry constraints, a fixed constraint at one vertex of X-axis and S
F12 S
, F23 S
and F31 express 12, 23 and 31 shear strength, respectively. α is
Z-axis, node coupling at the contact face between the remote-zone ho the contribution factor. In this paper, α is taken as 1, being consistent
mogenized part and hole-edge meso-structured part, and normal tensile with that in Ref. [47].
load at end face. The criteria of matrix damage initiation based on von Mises criterion
are given by:
( )2 ( )2 ( )2 ( )
σm,11 − σm,22 + σ m,22 − σ m,33 + σ m,11 − σm,33 + 6 σ 2m,12 + σ2m,13 + σ2m,23
φm,T = ≥ 1,
2Xm,T (5)
( )2 ( )2 ( )2 ( )
σm,11 − σm,22 + σm,22 − σ m,33 + σ m,11 − σ m,33 + 6 σ 2m,12 + σ2m,13 + σ2m,23
φm,C = ≥ 1,
2Xm,C (6)
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Fig. 10. Loading stress-strain response of different specimens: (a) unnotched specimen, (b) D6mm specimen, (c) D10mm specimen, and (d) D14mm specimen.
1 If
εI,f σ I,f l3 = GI l2 (7) Ii
where Xeq and Xeq are the equivalent displacement of the initiation and
full damage, respectively. Moreover, according to the crack band theory,
where GI ,εI,f , σ I,f are the fracture energy density, equivalent peak stress the energy dissipated per unit volume gM can be determined by Refs.
and equivalent peak strain of failure mode I, respectively. [50,51]:
Then, the element equivalent displacement can be defined by
gM = GlM
√ ∫ ∞ ∂G
˙ (10)
√ ∑ 3 = ∂dM d M dt
Xeq = l√ε2ii + αi,k
ε2ij (i = 1, 2, 3; k = T, C) (M=1T, 1C, 2T, 2C, 3T, 3C;m,T;mC)
where GM and G are the energy release rate and Helmholtz free energy,
Here, the value of αi,k is equal to that of Eq. (1). respectively. The Helmholtz free energy for yarn and matrix can be
The damage evolution law of damage variable dI is then expressed by written as:
the following equation:
1 n!
(XeqI − XeqIi )
Gyarn = σ : ε
dI = XeqI 2 r!(n − r)!
eq (Xeq − Xeq )
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
contributions, respectively. well with the experimental curves. The catastrophically abrupt failure
was also obtained in the curves of N-3DWC specimens, as shown in
Fig. 10(b)–(d), indicating the brittle failure mode. As the aperture
4.3. Damage model
increased, the peak values and the nonlinear characteristics of N-3DWC
specimens decreased, and the deviation of the experimental curves
Since the yarn and resin matrix are regarded as transversal isotropic
reduced as well. This was because that the more serious stress concen
and isotropic, respectively, the constitutive equation for yarn can be
tration emerged in the notched specimens of smaller aperture, which
characterized by:
involved much more critical damage.
σ = C(D)ε (13) Comparing the stress-strain curves of UN-3DWC and N-3DWC spec
imens, it could be found that the curves of unnotched specimen
where C(D) is the stiffness matrix of damaged configuration, and can be exhibited smoother characteristic and smaller deviation near the peak
expressed as follows: point, which were marked by the blue dotted line in Fig.10. With respect
⎡ ⎤ to the curves of different notched specimens, they were all basically
⎢ b21 Q11 b1 b2 Q12 b1 b3 Q13 0 0 0 ⎥ linear in the initial loading stage. Afterwards, the experimental stress-
⎥ strain response followed the nonlinear increase, which was also
⎢ b22 Q22 b2 b3 Q23 0 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ observed from simulated results. This was due to the fiber and matrix
⎢ b23 Q33 0 0 0 ⎥
C(D) = ⎢ ⎥ (14) damages emerged in the loading process. Besides, the nonlinear char
⎢ ⎥
sym b12 Q44 0 0 ⎥
⎥ acteristics of UN-3DWC specimens were not clear in comparison to the
⎢ b13 Q55 0 ⎥
⎥ N-3DWC ones, which also proved the instantaneous fracture mentioned
⎣ b23 Q66 ⎦ above.
Table 5 summarizes the results of stiffness and strength for different
specimens. The maximum coefficient of variation (C.V) of the experi
where mental values for stiffness and strength was 5.04% and 7.84% respec
⎧ tively, demonstrating excellent repeatability. The maximum prediction
⎨ bi = 1 − dik
( ( )) errors of stiffness and strength were 5.28% and 5.92% respectively,
2(1 − dik ) 1 − djk 2 (i ∕
= j; i, j = 1, 2, 3; k = T, C) (15)
⎩ bij = indicating that the proposed model could essentially predict the open-
2 − dik − djk
hole tensile properties.
Regarding the tensile stiffness of different notched specimens, it was
Qij (i, j = 1, 2, 3) is the component of undamaged stiffness matrix.
found that the hole size had little effect on the stiffness of N-3DWC, and
the difference between the maximum and minimum stiffness was less
5. Results and discussions than 5%. It could be concluded that the stiffness did not change with the
aperture. This was mainly because that the interlacing structure of the
5.1. Tensile stress-strain response material was not changed, so the stiffness remained unchanged after the
drilling operation. However, when the notch diameter increased from 6
Fig. 10 illustrates the tensile stress-strain response of different mm to 14 mm, the average tensile strength decreased nonlinearly from
specimens obtained by the experimental and predicted methods. It was
520.30 MPa to 461.87 MPa, reducing by 11.2%, which was a result of
clear from Fig. 10(a) that the tensile stress increased linearly to the peak the reduction in the effective load-bearing area of N-3DWC specimens.
point, and a sudden drop was observed when the maximum stress was
achieved. During the entire loading process, the simulated curve agreed
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
5.2. Variations of strain field concentration. Here, δx and δy were introduced to describe the hole-
edge damage before the final fracture. It could be seen from Figs. 12
Figs. 11–14 present the tensile strain distributions of the UN-3DWC (e), 13(e) and 14(e) that δx(D6) > δx(D10) > δx(D14), while δy(D6) < δy
and different N-3DWC specimens, and significant differences of the (D10) < δy(D14). Thus, it could be inferred that the stress concentration
strain distribution could be observed between them. As shown in Fig.11, area increased while the stress concentration degree decreased as the
the tensile strain field of unnotched specimen changed uniformly aperture size enlarged.
throughout the loading process, accompanied with some high-strain The UN-3DWC specimen broke suddenly under the continuous
spots at the weaving points due to the stress concentration. In loading, and the release of strain energy was manifested as the fiber
contrast, obvious stress concentration effect near the hole-edge could be fractured at the geometric boundary. It was noteworthy that the surface
clearly noted in Figs. 12–14. Furthermore, the strain at the weaving high-strain spots disappeared at the moment just before the specimen
points within the hole-edge meso-structured part were higher than those catastrophically fractured. Although the initial damage occurred at the
of the remote-zone part, and the low-strain spots sporadically distrib free edge, no obvious damage propagation process was observed on the
uted along the length-wise direction. specimen surface. For N-3DWC specimens (Figs. 12–14), the stress
As the aperture increased, the low-strain regions became wider and concentration effect always existed at the hole edge. During the loading
shorter (Figs. 12–14), and their distribution widths were approximately process, the damage initially happened on the left and right sides of the
equal to the hole diameters. This was because that the lager aperture central hole, and accumulated gradually near the hole edge up to the
induced the smaller geometric gradient, and resulted in the lower stress final failure.
gradient accordingly. The stress concentration for three N-3DWC spec
imens were vertically distributed at the left and right sides of the hole,
where the initial cracks happened. With the increase of tensile loads, 5.3. Initial equivalent stress field distribution
these cracks propagated further and finally broke at the points of stress
Fig.15 shows the initial equivalent stress field distribution of
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
different specimens subjected to the weft loading, wherein the loading direction due to the yarns’ interlacing structure, which induced the
strain was 0.1%. In Fig.15(a), it could be seen that the stress distribution stress concentration within a small region. It was inferred that the
of unit cell of 3DWC was not uniform. The weft yarn was the main load- centrally circular notch had an influence on the mechanical performance
bearing component, and the maximum equivalent stress was 193.01 of N-3DWC. Moreover, it could also be seen that the initial stress con
MPa. For the N-3DWC specimens shown in Fig. 15(b)–(d), the maximum centration points were distributed at the left and right sides of the holes
equivalent stress was about 1343.12 MPa of D6mm, which was nearly along the loading direction, being consistent with the DIC measurements
seven times that of unit cell of 3DWC. The maximum equivalent stresses shown in Figs. 12–14.
of D10mm and D14mm were 1067.73 MPa and 905.14 MPa respec As shown in Fig. 15(e), the maximum equivalent stress of N-3DWC
tively, proving that the stress intensity decreased with the increasing specimens decreased nonlinearly with the increasing aperture. This was
notch size. Besides, the hole-edge stress concentration was merely mainly because that as the aperture increased, the stress gradient in the
distributed on the weft yarn, and the stress level in the weft yarn was stress concentration region diminished, but the stress concentration area
clearly greater than the other components. This was because that the enlarged (see Fig. 15(f)).
weft yarn was the load-carrying component. The hole-edge stress con
centration was restricted within one weft’s width along the weft
Fig. 15. Initial equivalent stress field distribution with the loading strain of 0.1%: (a) unit cell of 3DWC without matrix, (b) D6mm, (c) D10mm, (d) D14mm, (e)
relationship between the aperture and maximum equivalent stress, and (f) schematic diagram of stress concentration degree and area.
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
5.4. Damage propagation process analysis transverse damage occurred at the edge of warp and binder yarns
simultaneously. The damage localization of each constituent yarn could
The progressive damage process of unit cell of 3DWC (remote-zone be divided into two regions: the intersections of three yarn systems and
as well) under the weft loading are presented in Fig. 16. As the primary the weaving points between binder and weft yarns. This was mainly
load-bearing component, weft yarn primarily experienced the longitu because that these zones were the stress concentration areas due to the
dinal damage, while that of warp and binder yarns mainly suffered from intrinsic characteristics of 3DWC architecture. Moreover, the damage in
the transverse damage. During the whole damage propagation process, matrix region was found mainly surrounding the yarn damage areas,
only a small amount of transverse damage occurred at the warp edge, rather than existed separately. This indicated that the damage of matrix
while the matrix around the warp was almost completely damaged. The and yarn were coupled. In other words, when one constituent material
interlacement of binder and weft yarns were responsible for the critical was damaged, the strain energy release within the region would transfer
transverse damage. This was because that the binder and weft yarns to another adjacent material, inducing the coupled damage.
were interwoven to form an integral interlock architecture, and were In the process of damage propagation, it could be clearly seen that all
less susceptible to debonding in comparison to the warp yarn. kinds of damage propagated along the weft and warp directions at the
At the beginning of loading, the damage initiated at the region of same time. After the damage reaching a certain level, the damaged el
high internal stress, and then propagated along the weft direction, being ements remained stable up to the final fracture.
independent of the macro geometry. It could be noted that slight lon When the final damage was achieved, the longitudinal damage
gitudinal damage appeared at the weft edge, while a small amount of penetrated all over the weft yarn, and the whole architecture completely
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Fig. 21. Schematic illustration of damage propagation path for different notched specimens.
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Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
Q. Guo et al. Thin-Walled Structures 161 (2021) 107455
the fracture surface became increasingly uniform, and the failure mode the work reported in this paper.
of weft yarn changed from fiber pull-out to breakage due to the
decreasing stress concentration degree. Acknowledgments
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cracks. As shown in Fig. 23, apart from the weft pull-out at the specimen ence and Technology Project of Shanxi Province (grant number
edge, fracture surface of UN-3DWC specimen was relatively smooth. In 20181102022), Tianjin Municipal Natural Science Foundation (grant
the simulated results, the weft longitudinal fracture was parallel to the numbers18JCQNJC73200, 18JCYBJC87300) and Program for Innova
loading direction. The warp yarn was barely damaged and merely tion Team in Colleges of Tianjin (grant number TD13-5043).
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