5 Hill-Roads
5 Hill-Roads
5 Hill-Roads
A hill road may be defined as the one which passes through a terrain with a cross slope of 25% or
more. There may be sections along hill roads with the cross slope less than 25%, especially when
the road follows a river route. Even then these sections are also referred to as hill roads. Hence, to
establish a hill road overall terrain must be taken into account.
The hilly regions generally have extremes of climatic conditions, difficult and hazardous terrains,
topography and vast high altitude areas. The region is sparsely populated and basic infrastructural
facilities available in plain terrain are absent. Hence, a strong stable and feasible road must be
present in hilly areas for overall development of other sectors as well.
Design and Construction of roads in hills and mountain are more complex than in plain terrain. It
is due to several factors associated in the region. They are:
A hilly or mountainous area is characterized by highly broken relief with vastly differing
elevations and steep slopes, deep gorges etc. which may unnecessarily increase road length.
The geological condition varies from place to place.
Hill slopes stable before construction may not be as stable due to increased human
There may be variation in hydro-geological conditions which may easily be overlooked
during design and construction
Due to highly broken relief construction of special structures should be done at different
places. This increases the cost of the construction.
Variation in the climatic condition such as the change in temperature due to altitude
difference, pressure variation, precipitation increases at greater height etc.
High-speed runoff occurs due to the presence of high cross slopes.
Filling may overload the weak soil underneath which may trigger new slides.
The need of design of hairpin bends to attain heights.
Selecting an alignment in the hilly region is a complex task. The designer should attempt to choose
a short, easy, economical and safe comforting route.
General considerations
When designing hill roads the route is located along valleys, hill sides and if required over
mountain passes. Due to complex topography, the length of the route is automatically increased.
Due to harsh geological conditions, special structures also have to be provided.
Apart from the highly broken relief which has a fixed role in determining the alignment and
location of special structures, climatic and geological conditions are also important. In locating the
alignment special consideration should be made in respect to the variations in:
1. Temperature
2. Rainfall
3. Atmospheric pressure and winds
4. Geological conditions
Air temperature is in the hills is lower than in the valley. The temperature drop being
approximately 0.5° per 100 m of rising.
On slopes facing south and southwest snow disappears rapidly and rain water evaporates
quickly while on slopes facing north and northeast rain water or snow may remain for the
longer time.
Unequal warming of slopes, sharp temperature variations and erosion by water are the
causes of slope facing south and southwest.
Geological conditions
The inclination of folds may vary from horizontal to vertical stratification of rock. These
folds often have faults. Limestone or sandstone folds may be interleaved with layers of
clay which when wetted may cause fracturing along their surface. This may result in shear
or slip fold.
The degree of stability of hill slopes depends on types of rock, degree of strata inclination
or dip, occurrence of clay seams, the hardness of the rocks and presence of ground water.
River route
The first alternative runs through alluvial making a bridge. However, it may not be feasible unless
there are strong foundations which may increase construction cost greatly.
The second alternative is located above the alluvial fan through which the bridge length is greatly
Similarly, other options like route III or IV may also be chosen depending upon the economic
Hill Road | Pradeep pd bhatt
Ridge route
In hill roads, a heavy amount of earthwork is required. So to reduce the earthwork for reducing
construction cost the gradients selected are close to maximum. Although steep gradients help in
reducing earthwork and length of road, it also causes increased fuel consumption and reduction in
operating speed as the vehicles will be on low gears which will use more energy. So both these
factors must be taken into account and a suitable solution should be chosen.
The cumulative rise or fall in elevation should not exceed 100 m in mountainous terrain and 120
m in steep terrains. Vertical curves are designed as the square parabola. The curves should be
provided at all grade change exceeding those indicated in the table below:
When inscribing a curve inside a turning angle the length of the route will be substantially reduced,
which result in steep gradients. In such circumstances, it is preferred to round off the route by
circumscribing the curve rather than inscribing the curve around the turning point. Such compound
curves are called hairpin bends or reverse loops. A hairpin bend is located on the hill section having
the minimum cross slope and maximum stability. It must be safe against landslide and ground
water seepage.
According to NRS-2070 the design criteria is as follows:
The figure shows two different kinds of symmetrical hair pin bends consisting of main curve ‘C’
reverse curves ‘Cr; and tangents ‘m’. The acute angle of the bend is α. The main curve with radius
R has a total length C and subtends and angle γ at the center. Points A and B are located at the
apices of reverse curves. Between the ends of reverse curves and main curve of the bend, tangents
must be introduced for the transitions of super-elevation and extra-width of the curve.
For the design and layout of hairpin bends, elements such as radii of the main and reverse curves
(R and r), the length of tangents m are selected. The design of hairpin bends then basically consists
of establishing the value of turning angle β at point A and B which satisfies the preselected
parameters of the bend.
Hill Road | Pradeep pd bhatt
T = r Tan β/2
β - Deflection Angle
When roadbed
slope has a
gradient 2% or
more a cut and
fills road bed is
cheaper and
friendly as well.
The fill mass is
balanced by the
cut mass. For
stability, benches
are made on the surface of the hill side with a height of 0.5 m and length varying from 1.5 to 3.0
m depending upon the slope.
Hill Road | Pradeep pd bhatt
Bench type
Box cutting
If the road is located on a hill slope the retaining wall needs to be at a substantial height. In such
cases, to reduce quantities of work, road bed with a semi-bridge type of structure may be
Semi tunnel
Fig: With Accommodating Road-Way Only and With Retaining and Breast Walls
When inscribing is to be cut into steep hills in stable rock faces, the rock may be permitted to
overhang the road to reduce rock works. Such a cross section is called a semi-tunnel.
Hill Road | Pradeep pd bhatt
On the precipitous slopes, where shifting of the route into the hillside will lead to enormous rock
works which eventually increases the cost and where semi-tunnel cannot be constructed, platforms
are usually cantilevered out of the rock on which road way is partially located.
5.3 Special Structures in Hill Roads
When constructing hill roads a lot of special structures are required owing to harsh geological and
hydrological conditions as well as highly broken relief.
The following types of structures are mostly used in the hill roads for strength durability and
1. Retaining structures
2. Drainage structures
3. Slope protection structures
Retaining structures
1. Materials used: based on materials used in constructing retaining walls in hill road may
be made of dry stone masonry, stone filled gabion wire crates, stone masonry with cement
sand mortar, plain or reinforced concrete wall, steel or timber.
2. Structural location: based on where the walls are constructed, retaining walls may be:
3. Gravity wall
4. Semi-gravity wall
Cantilever wall
1. Counterfort wall
2. Buttressed wall
3. Crib wall
The main problems that hill roads face are the harmful effect of water. Water may come from
different sources to the parts of the road. This water must be drained using any means necessary.
Drainage of hill roads can be studied under following sub-topics:
1. Drainage of water
from hill slope
Side drains are provided all along the hill side of the road. Due to the limitation in the formation
width side drains are usually constructed to such a shape that at emergency the vehicles could
utilize this space for crossing. The shapes may be angular, saucer or kerb and channel drains.
Hill Road | Pradeep pd bhatt
3. Cross drainage
A cross drainage is always required on a hill road. The drainage must be taken under the road as
far as possible. At the heads of the small cross drains, catch pits must be provided to collect debris
and to prevent scouring.
4. Subsurface drainage
Seepage flow is one of the major problems in hill road. Ground water may seep across hillside
above or below the road level depending upon several factors such as nature and depth of hard
stratum, its inclination, the quantity of ground water etc. sub-surface drainage control may be done
by methods in the previous chapter.
In hill roads, landslides are very common due to steep slopes. The basic cause of landslide is the
development of shear stresses more than the shear strength of the soil. Fresh unturfed embankment
and cut slopes are the least stable part of the road bed since the soil on the surface of the slopes is
subjected to the direct action of sun, rain, and wind.
Causes of landslides
Increase in moisture content of the soil in hill slopes which increases the pore water
Alternate swelling and contracting of the soil mass.
Seepage pressure of percolating groundwater.
Steeper slopes.
Human activities like blasting and using heavy vehicles at unstable zones.
Preventive measures
This is a type of retaining wall of composite construction material in which strength of fill is
enhanced through the addition of inextensible tensile reinforcement in the form of strips, sheets,
grids, or geotextiles.
Hill Road | Pradeep pd bhatt
River training refers to the structural measures which are taken to improve a river and its banks.
River training is an important component in the prevention and mitigation of flash floods and
general flood control, as well as in other activities such as ensuring the safe passage of a flood
under a bridge. Hill roads along the river may also be in danger due to different problems created
by it.
Check dams, Spurs, Sills, Screen, bands, Porcupines, Bank protection as a bar.
Levees or earth fill embankments, Concrete embankments, Revetments and rock riprap, sheet
piles, etc
Gullies are a highly visible form of soil erosion, with steep-sided, incised, drainage lines greater
than 30 cm deep. In lay terms, the word ‘gully’ is often used to describe any drainage line flowing
towards a stream. These drainage lines may pass through hill roads and often destroys the layers
of the road.
Roads, fences, and firebreaks should be situated in locations that do not readily divert overland
runoff and concentrate it to areas that lead to gully erosion. The best place for a road is to follow
a ridge line. An examination of satellite imagery in seriously eroded paddocks in the Burdekin
catchment shows that graziers being aware of this consistently use ridge lines for access. Roads
that run directly up and down the slope will divert or concentrate less runoff than those diagonal
to the slope.
Hill Road | Pradeep pd bhatt
Roads should have a profile that does not concentrate overland runoff. Roads that are below normal
ground level through constant use or inappropriate maintenance should be re-profiled to a form
that does not concentrate overland runoff; alternatively, they should have drainage works
incorporated to ensure runoff is dispersed onto stable areas. Associated table drains and mitre
drains should have a trapezoidal shape with a flat bottom and not a triangular shape that is more
conducive to eroding.
The durability of a weir depends on the construction materials used. Weirs can be made from wire
netting, rock, gabions, logs, tyres, concrete, steel sheet piles or hay bales. Strips of suitable
vegetation can also be used to act like a pervious weir. Where the vegetation has a relatively short
life, the intention is that the weirs will retain some sediment and promote vegetative growth before
the weir decays.
Types of weirs
One option for controlling an advancing gully is to ‘drown’ the gully head by building a dam just
downstream. The dam submerges the gully head and the subsequent reservoir of water removes
the erosive force of water flowing over the head and prevents it from further erosion.
Due to the cost of building a dam, this option should only be considered if it is an asset other than
for gully head control purposes. If the dam spillway requires a chute to return runoff safely to the
gully floor then the more practical and lower cost option maybe to simply build the chute to control
the gully head.
Gully control chutes are formed by battering gully heads to an acceptable slope depending on the
method used to stabilize them. As well as for controlling gullies, chutes are used as by-washes in
farm dams. They are also used to convey water over steep road batters, to control bed erosion in
streams, and for urban developments such as sports fields.
Chutes require some form of energy dissipation at the outlet to help dissipate the energy gained
when runoff flows down the chute.
Chute failure often occurs when runoff fails to enter the chute properly. It is critical to control
potential leaks and flow bypassing, especially at the chute entrance, and also to ensure suitable
side walls contain the flows within the chute.