Name of Student
Rationale: (Short description why you will conduct this study, stating
the problem you need to address; why conduct this study)
The demand for livestock products has increased over the years; thus, a
huge quantity of feed resources for livestock production is needed [1],
leading to feedstuff scarcity and higher feed costs [2,3]. The use of
alternative feed resources [1] and sustainable feed formulations,
defined as nutritional and economic feed optimization [4], could play an
important role in overcoming this challenge. Accordingly, the use of the
total mixed ration (TMR) in feeding systems, which can reduce feed
costs by utilizing cheap feedstuff from agricultural by-products, is an
alternative to the existing production system [5] and also reduce
environmental pollution [6]. By-products are also beneficial in
alleviating fermentation in the rumen while providing high energy levels
to the rations by means of their special chemical properties that are not
acquired in ordinary feed grains or forages [1,6].
The study will help livestock farmers to have solution on the problem of
feed scarcity by having kimchi cabbage as substitutional feedstuff for
ruminants. Also, the study will help waste disposal of agricultural by-
products by utilizing kimchi cabbage by-product as animal feed
ingredient, which may also lead to reduction of feed cost.
Council (NRC) [17] for beef cattle and was prepared by mixing timothy hay,
alfalfa hay, lupine seed, corn, corn gluten feed, whole cottonseed, tall fescue,
molasses, salt, vitamin-mineral mix, protected fat, and limestone (Table 1). By-
vitro and in situ experiments include: TMR only (CON), TMR + 30% Kimchi
CaO (TCC), and TMR + 30% Kimchi cabbage by-products + 5% CaO + 3.22%
AHP (TCCA), fresh matter basis. The inclusion rate of alkali agents were based
South Korea, was used for the in vitro and in situ experiments.
Mesa, CA, USA) was used to measure the total gas (TG). The pH was
determined using the Schott ® Instrumets Lab 860 (SI Analytics GmbH; D-
bottle. Volatile fatty acids were analyzed using high performance liquid
Minnetonka, MN, USA) column using 0.0085 N H2SO4 as a buffer at a flow rate
NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF) analysis, ANKOM 220 Fiber Analyzer
(AnkomTechnology, USA) based on the Van Soest et al. [20] method was used.
experimental animals in this study for 150 d; animals were housed in the farm
randomly and equally distributed into two groups (CON and TC). The steers
pen. The animals were fed twice a day (08:00 and 18:00) and water was made
available ad libitum. The in vivo data included the body weight, average daily
gain (ADG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR). We offered the same amount of
TMR as group feeding (10 Kg fresh matter basis/steer/d) for all steers
throughout the feeding trial and no orts were observed. The ADG was
calculated by subtracting the initial weight to the final weight and divided by
the experimental period. The FCR was calculated by dividing the total input of
Statistical Analysis
All the data obtained in this experiment were collected for each
incubation period, and statistical analysis was performed using the standard
statistical analysis system (SAS) version 9.1 statistical package (2004). Using
the general linear model (GLM), data were analyzed by analysis of variance
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