Frank Hauser Biography and Resume

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Frank Hauser

“The Anchorage School District was my home for over two

decades, and I care deeply about the students, parents,
families, and staff in the district. I have strong ties to ASD
and would be honored to serve as superintendent and work
collaboratively with the community to fulfill the vital mission of
“educating all students for success in life.”

Frank Hauser currently serves as superintendent of the Sitka School District in
Southeast Alaska. Superintendent Hauser is dedicated to supporting students,
families, staff, and the community. He believes in collaborative leadership, open
communication, and a student-centered approach. From his days teaching Adaptive
Aquatics as a high school lifeguard in Palmer and throughout his career, Mr. Hauser
has had one principle that guides all his decisions as an educator: What’s best for

Mr. Hauser came to his chosen profession not because school was always easy for
him but because it wasn’t. He has devoted his career to making sure that each and
every student has the supports they need, access to challenging curriculum, and
opportunities for success. In his 24 years in public education in Alaska, Mr. Hauser has
worked in nearly every type of school, including elementary, middle, and high schools,
and a K-12 optional school. Mr. Hauser served as a music teacher, director of fine
arts, assistant principal, and principal of Robert Service High School in the Anchorage
School District before becoming superintendent of the Sitka School District. He is
honored to have been selected as Alaska Principal of the Year and, by colleagues
statewide, as president-elect of the Alaska Association of Secondary School Principals.
As superintendent, Mr. Hauser works in close partnership with superintendents across
Alaska and serves on the board of the Southeast Regional Resource Center (SERRC).
Superintendent Hauser is a long-time advocate for Alaska’s public schools and a proud
champion of Alaska’s students. He is a graduate of the Mat-Su School District and the
University of Alaska system.

A community-oriented, student-focused, innovative educational leader with 24 years of public education
experience in Alaska. Experience in elementary, secondary (middle and high school), and optional
schools, and in district-wide leadership positions. Public education advocate at state and national levels.
Alaska Principal of the Year (2019). Committed to collaborative leadership, transparency and open
communication, expanding educational opportunities, and increasing all students’ success and
Professional Experience
Superintendent, Sitka School District (SSD) 2021-Present
• Responsible for the leadership and management of SSD, including all schools and staff, and for all
aspects of school district operations, including instructor qualification, program evaluation,
curriculum development, student progression, professional learning, and compliance with state
• Develop and oversee the SSD budget, including local, state, and federal grants
• Manage fiscal, facilities, equipment, and human resources to ensure optimization in all areas and
efficient organizational goal accomplishment
• Oversee the capital improvement and planning process for all SSD facilities, including elementary,
middle, alternative, and high schools
• Foster positive, collaborative district-staff, district-community, and district-government relations,
including with Sitka Tribe of Alaska, the Sitka Assembly, local and state community leaders, and the
University of Alaska Southeast
• Work with Sitka Sound Science Center, US Forest Service, and community partners to increase
hands-on, experiential learning opportunities for students
• Led a community-wide effort to develop and implement a new SSD Strategic Plan to fulfill school
board- and community-established goals
• Lead negotiator for all collective bargaining agreements in SSD, including teachers and
• Returned all SSD schools to full-day, in-person education during the height of the COVID-19
pandemic in Sitka, with no subsequent school closures. Successfully addressing pandemic-related
learning loss, with data points on par with previous years.
• In partnership with Sitka Tribe of Alaska, received new Sealaska Heritage Grant to weave traditional
ecological knowledge (TEK) STEAM pathways into science curriculum

Principal, Robert Service High School, Anchorage School District (ASD) 2016-2021
• Responsible for leadership of one of the largest comprehensive high schools in Alaska, with over
1,500 students (9-12) and 145 staff members. Programs included Life Skills, Structured Learning,
Advanced Placement, Immersion, Biomedical Career Academy, CTE and Computer Science, JROTC,
Fine Arts, and ELL
• Launched and implemented new programs, including Equal Opportunity Schools, State of Alaska
Literacy Grant ($1.5 million), Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), PASS, AP Capstone, Pre-
AP, and SpringBoard
• Managed staffing, hiring, and personnel matters; and ensured fair and accurate staff evaluations and
maintained accountability
• Responsible for school finance; developed and oversaw budget of over $10 million
• Led staff training, professional development, and in-services, including implementation of social-
emotional learning and trauma-informed practices
Hauser 2

• Administered state and district assessments; interpreted data to inform curricular decisions and
student MTSS
• Oversaw all aspects of school class scheduling; student athletics, activities, and clubs (in compliance
with ASAA guidelines); and Student Services
• Facilities upkeep, remodel, and construction
• Ensured staff and student safety, ALICE training and federal- and state-compliant safety drills
• Worked collaboratively with parents, PTSA, and school business partners, and supported student
groups, such as a new Indigenous Student Union and Peer Mentors

Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Dimond High School, ASD 2014-2016

• Supervised counseling staff and ensured student graduation requirements and needs met
• Developed the building schedule
• Provided academic guidance for students, including credit checks, college and career resources, and
scholarship opportunities
• Facilitated credit remediation programs, including APEX, Extended Semester/Year, and Credit by
• Coordinated and supervised testing: SBA, AMP, ACCESS 2.0, SAT, PSAT, ACT, and AP
• Assisted with hiring, staffing, training, and recruiting quality teachers
• Assisted with Student Services, staff evaluations, building safety, and student monitoring
• Supervised sporting events and activities
• Worked collaboratively with the community to support student growth and progress through the
PTSA, Student Improvement Plan committees, and school business partnerships

Director, Music and Fine Arts Department, ASD 2012-2014

• Directed, implemented, and supervised the district's K-12 music and art programs
• Provided professional leadership for approximately 200 K-12 music and art teachers
• Supervised and evaluated 41 instrumental and choir teachers for grades 6-12
• Hired, staffed, and recruited music teachers for the district K-12 music program
• Developed, balanced, and implemented the district-wide Music and Fine Arts Department budget
• Supervised, scheduled, and supported over 40 music and art festivals, concerts, and events
• Served as point of contact for administrators, teachers, parents, students, and community members
regarding ASD music and art programs

Music Supervisor, ASD 2008-2012

• Staffed, scheduled, and oversaw the District’s K-12 music program
• Supervised and evaluated 42 instrumental and choir teachers for grades 6-12
• Hired, staffed, trained, and recruited music teachers for the K-12 music program
• Developed, balanced, and implemented the Music Department budget
• Supervised, scheduled, and supported over 30 ASD music festivals, concerts, and programs
• Served as point of contact for administrators, teachers, parents, students, and community members
regarding the ASD music program

Assistant Principal, Wendler Middle School, ASD 2006-2008

• Responsible for Student Services, staff evaluations, building safety, and student monitoring
• Worked collaboratively with the Wendler community to support student achievement and success
• Oversaw Activities budget and intramural and interscholastic sports
• Assisted with training for and management of Apple Technology One-to-One Grant
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Assistant Principal, Polaris K-12 School, ASD 2004-2006

• Responsible for Student Services, staff evaluations, building safety, and student monitoring
• Provided academic guidance for Polaris seniors, including credit checks, HSGQE, and AP testing
• Assisted with hiring, staffing, training, and recruiting teachers for the K-12 program
• Worked collaboratively with the Polaris community
• Served as the building 504 and IDEA compliance coordinator
• Transition committee member for the integration of sixth-grade students into the secondary division

Music Teacher, ASD 1998-2004

• Taught orchestra and band to approximately 130 students yearly (grades 6-8). Responsible for
curriculum development for students of beginning to intermediate ability levels
• Taught classroom music to elementary students in grades K-6
State of Alaska Superintendent Endorsement (June 2022)
State of Alaska Type B Administrative Certificate
State of Alaska Professional Teacher Certificate K-12
Superintendent Endorsement (June 2022) University of Alaska Southeast
Graduate Certificate in Education Leadership University of Alaska Anchorage
Master of Arts in Music University of Alaska Fairbanks
Bachelor of Arts in Music University of Alaska Anchorage
Professional Service
Sitka School District
• Southeast Regional Resource Center, Board of Directors (2021-present)
• Community-wide Sitka School District Strategic Planning (2021-present)
• City and Borough of Sitka Emergency Operations Center (2021-present)
• Sitka Community Advisory Group, Pardee RAND Graduate School (2021-present)
• Alaska Superintendents Association (2021-present)
• Alaska Council of School Administrators (2016-present)

Anchorage School District

• Anchorage Principals’ Association, vice president (2016-2021)
• Anchorage Principals’ Association and ASD-AEA negotiation committees
• New principal and teacher mentoring; principal interview and selection committees
• Numerous curricula, sports, technology, teacher evaluation, and student growth data and student
learning objectives workgroups and committees
• “Increase Access for ALL to Core Curriculum and Graduation Accommodations Training”

• Legislative Fly-In, Alaska Council of School Administrators (2016-present)
• Alaska Secondary Principal of the Year (2019)
• Alaska Association of Secondary School Principals, president-elect (2019-2021)
• Alaska Council of School Administrators Joint Position Statement Development Committee (2020)
• Alaska Arts Education Consortium Board of Directors/Advisor (2007-2014)
• Alaska Junior Theatre Board of Directors (2007-2010)

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