Config 2 Exe
Config 2 Exe
Config 2 Exe
// Current User: noskills
// User Profile Directory: config.ini
// Notes:
// The user settings found in players/config.ini will be applied on
boot and will be overridden.
// by the config.ini settings found in the user profile directory once the user is
logged in
// to Battle.Net. Any manual edition of the user settings in this file should be
followed by
// a copy of the config.ini file in the proper user profile directory.
//Version info
//This file's version
config_version = "7" // 0 or bigger
//Frame rate cap in the frontend (0 for none, should be smaller than com_maxfps)
max_fps_menu = "190" // 0 to 1000
//Frame rate cap when game is out of focus (should be smaller than com_maxfps)
maxfps_inactive = "190" // 15 to 1000
// 0 - Windowed, 1 - Fullscreen, 2 - Fullscreen Window, 3 - Fullscreen Extended
fullscreen_mode = "1" // 0 to 3
//Window X position
window_x = "12" // -8192 to 8192
//Window Y position
window_y = "59" // -8192 to 8192
//Window width
window_width = "1914" // 0 to 16384
//Window height
window_height = "996" // 0 to 16384
//Fullscreen resolution
fullscreen_resolution = "1920x1080" // any text
//Percentage of window resolution that the 3D scene renders at. value set by the
user. can be smaller than the actual.
resolution_percent = "100" // 20 to 200
//Number of mips to drop on streamed textures, lower numbers are higher quality
texture_quality = "3" // 0 to 7
disable_dynamic_light_shadows = "0" // 0 or 1
disable_dynamic_sun_shadows = "0" // 0 or 1
//Anti-aliasing technique
aa_technique = "Filmic SMAA 1x" // None, FXAA, SMAA 1x, Filmic SMAA 1x, SMAA T2x,
//Set to 3 to enable triple buffering, useful to prevent large framerate drop when
vsync is on
backbuffer_count = "2" // 2 to 3
//SSR gloss threshold (0 uses only SSR, 1 uses only static reflections)
ssr_gloss_threshold = "0" // 0 to 1
//Number of pixel in screen required to be culled, lower numbers are higher quality
auto_cull_radius = "0.25" // 0 to 10
//0.5 for half sample count volumetric lighting, 1 for normal sample count and 2 to
double sample count
volumetric_light_sample_mult = "2" // 0.5 to 2
//Terrain tile generation update count : higher filter quality needs higher tile
count to prevent popping but is also more expensive
terrain_tile_update_qty = "16" // 8 to 16
//Raytraced AO
rtx_ao = "Off" // Off, Auto, or On
//Raytraced AO quality
rtx_ao_quality = "Normal" // Normal, High, Ultra, or Use DVARs
//Enable or disable Nvidia Reflex mode, enabling to lower input latency when
nv_reflex_enabled = "0" // 0 or 1
//Enable or disable boost mode for Nvidia Reflex, boost mode will keep gpu clock
maxed out to make sure gpu is running at full speed at all time.
nv_reflex_boost_mode = "0" // 0 or 1
//Adjusts the overall volume when someone is speaking in chat, 1 for complete audio
audio_scale_when_speaking = "0.5" // 0 to 1
//Enable the adjustment of the overall volume when someone is speaking in chat
enable_scale_when_speaking = "0" // 0 or 1
// Notes:
// These settings are specific to this system's hardware, and are only applied at
boot time.
//Number of jobqueue worker threads that will NOT do background compilation of PSOs
pso_excluded_workers = "1" // 0 to 15
//Frame rate cap in the frontend while precompiling shaders (0 for unlimited)
pso_preload_max_fps = "0" // 0 or bigger