Q3W1 Feb 13-17
Q3W1 Feb 13-17
Q3W1 Feb 13-17
II. CONTENT The Modern The Modern The Modern The Modern The Modern
Axiomatic Axiomatic Axiomatic Axiomatic Axiomatic
System System System System System
(a) Undefined Terms (b) Defined Terms (c) postulates (d) theorems (a) Undefined
(b) (b) Defined
(c) Postulates
(d) theorems
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic
pages Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum
page 190 page 190 page 190 Guide page 190
2. Learner’s Materials Geometry III. 2009 p. 3 - Geometry III. 2009 p. 3 - Geometry III. 2009 p. 3 - Geometry III. 2009 p. 3 -
pages 4 4 4 4
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning HTTP://
A. Reviewing previous Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of Review on the past lessons
lesson or presenting the new lesson to the the new lesson to the the new lesson to the the new lesson to the
the new lesson students. students. students. students.
Topic: Mathematical Topic: Three undefined Topic: Defined Terms in Topic: Postulates and
System terms in Geometry Geometry Theorems
B. Establishing a purpose To describe a To represents point, line Enumerate some Define postulates and To describe a
for the lesson Mathematical System and plane using defined terms in theorem. Mathematical System;
concrete and pictora Geometry represents point, line and
models. plane using concrete and
pictora models.;
Enumerate some defined
terms in Geometry;
Define postulates and
C. Presenting examples/ Show a flow chart in Present the lesson by Present the lesson by Review the meaning of
instances of the the class. showcasing models of line showcasing models of line Theorems and
lesson point and plane. point and plane. Postulates.
D. Discussing new Using flow chart, relate Based on the Define Collinear, Distinguish theorem Activity Proper
concepts and it in the lesson. presentation of point, Coplanar and Subset of and Postulate. Explain
practicing new skills #1 Describe the line and plane. Ask a line. each difference and
Mathematical System. students their own give examples of it.
Identify each and give definition of each.
its definition or field of Discuss and illustrates
specification. more example of each.
E. Discussing new Let the students do the Let the students do the Let the students do the Let the students do the
concepts and activity. Test the activity. Test the activity. Test the activity. Test the
practicing new skills knowledge acquire by knowledge acquire by knowledge acquire by knowledge acquire by
#2 the students with the the students with the the students with the the students with the
lesson by giving Board lesson by giving Board lesson by giving Board lesson by giving Board
activity activity activity activity
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Workbook
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical
applications of
Cite real application of System in our real life.
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalizations What are the system What are the three What are the three Different Theorems and
and abstractions about the under Mathematics? undefined terms? defined terms that we Postulates
lesson discussed?
I. Evaluating Quiz Proper
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
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