Callahans Legion Logistics Training Doc

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Callahan’s Legion Logistics Training Doc

“The amateurs discuss tactics, the professionals discuss logistics”-

Napoleon Bonaparte
Table of contents

Introduction Page 2

Stockpiles Page 6

Scrooping Page 9

Mines Page 13

Refinery Page 15

Factory Crafting Page 18

Mass Production Factories Page 24

Moving supplies Page 27

Frontlines Logistics Page 30

Logistics Tips and Etiquette Page 32

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This document is designed to give new and developing players the information and skills they
need to be an effective part of the Callahan’s Legion (CL) logistics team. It is written not as a
general guide for all players, but with the specific goal that you will put these skills to use
as part of Callahan’s Legion logistics team. It will show how to do logistics, but also how
Callahan’s Legion does logistics as a group, what our procedures are and how you can be part
of the team.

Logistics in Foxhole is a multi stage process to get raw materials turned into weapons, and
transported to the private at the frontline, so they can run into machine gun fire, die and waste
those weapons..

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First we will look at the big picture of how logistics works. Look at the map above, in this
example, our area of operations is in Farranac Coast, so our logistics effort is concentrated in
the backline directly north of that area.On the map you can see three distinct areas. The
Backline (circled in red), the Midline (circled in black) and the frontline (the blue line).

The Backline-
These are the hexes that contain the major logistics towns (In this example the towns are
Callums Keep and Tine). Logistics towns contain refineries, factories, garages and mass
production factories. This is where the majority of mining/refining/production occurs. We
make weapons/equipment/vehicles on a large scale and then transport them (green line) via
freighters to a midline logistics hub (A seaport).

The Midline-
The midline seaport (sometimes storage depot), is where our major clan stockpiles are
located (In this example it is the seaport at Buckler Sound). It is where our major equipment for
operations is stored, as well as our day to day equipment for the front line.We also usually have
a clan base in this area, which our engineering section builds up to halt any colonial offensives.
When our base or the frontline needs equipment we use a truck or a flatbed to transport (the
purple line) the materials to the appropriate frontline Bunker Base/Town Hall/Relic.

The frontline-
This is where the fighting is. Every base needs a basic minimum of
weapons/ammo/equipment to support its defence, while areas of active fighting will need
extra supplies. Try to provide only what is needed and don’t overstock bases with
unnecessary equipment. If we lose that base you are just providing free weapons to the

As you can see, logistics is a multistage process and requires large groups of people working
together to be effective. The best way to operate is to work together with fellow clan
members in an appropriate division of labour. As we go forward, you will see this in action and
how effective it can be. First let's familiarise ourselves with the map and a backline logi region.

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Above is a map of Callums Cape (press M in game to open map), a backline logistics region.
Circled in red is the main logistics town, Callums Keep. It contains:

Building Map icon Description

Refinery Used to refine raw materials

into refined materials.

Factories Used to make


Mass production Factory Used to make large quantities

(MPF) of equipment cheaply.

Garage Used to make vehicles

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Construction Yard Used to make
pallets/containers/heavy guns

Shipyard Used to make ships

Seaport Used as storage and

loading/unloading for ships

Engineering center Used to advance in the tech


On the map we can see Salvage fields (circled in blue), component fields (circled in black) and
Salvage/component mines (circled in green).Hover your mouse over the mine and it will tell you
which mine it is.

Below is a broad visual outline of the logistics process, in the rest of this guide we will go into
detail about each step pictured here.

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Before we go into the specifics of how to mine/refine/make/transport items, we will cover where
all our equipment/raw materials/transport is stored.
Every war Callahan’s Legion officers will decide on an area of operations and the
corresponding backline logistics town to support that frontline. Officers will then create
stockpiles at the backline logistics town seaport, and the clan operating stockpiles at the
midline town. There will be multiple stockpiles at each seaport, generally following this outline.

Backline Seaport stockpiles:

CLStock-This is where we store raw materials and equipment that we need for mining and
other logistics work such as trucks,flatbeds,shipping containers, freighters etc.
CL2(insert midline town name)- This is the moving stockpile, completed
weapons/ammo/vehicles that need to be moved to our midline stockpile via freighter should be
put in here. From the map example we saw earlier, this stockpile would be called ‘CL2Buckler’.
CLRes- This is a reserve stockpile for overflow items and more expensive items that we want to
safeguard. This is accessible by officers and trusted logistics members, but any member can put
items into it.

Midline Seaport Stockpiles:

ClFront- This is our main frontline stockpile, where most items will be put. It can be used for
operations and for day to day supply of the frontline in our area of operations.
ClStock- This is a reserve stockpile for overflow items and more expensive items that we want
to safeguard for operations (such as tanks/artillery). This is accessible by officers and trusted
logistics members, but any member can put items into it.
CLArty/Arty1- Each stockpile can only hold 100 crates of artillery shells, and so as the war
progresses we need extra stockpiles for shells and some other items.These will be called
CLArty, ClArty1 etc.

Minor/temporary stockpiles:
As our logistics needs change we sometimes need to create stockpiles at various storage
depots/seaports across the map for specific purposes e.g. we will sometimes create a small
frontline stockpile at a storage depot/seaport near the frontline to be able to supply the front

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How to access stockpiles?

To access a stockpile you need to go to the Seaport/Storage Depot where it is located. Go up

to it and press ‘e’, the above menu will open.
In every Seaport/Storage Depot there is a public stockpile, accessible by anyone.
To gain access to our clan stockpiles click on the button circled in red, enter the code and you
will now have access.
To go into the stockpile click on the drop down bar circled in blue and go to the stockpile, you
can now deposit/pull out crates of materials.
Note that even if you do not have the code for a stockpile, if it is visible you can still deposit
crates in there i.e. CLRes.
Every stockpile has a two day activity timer, (circled in green) which releases all items into the
public stockpile when it reaches zero. This means a CL member must interact with that stockpile
once every 2 days to keep it active.

The codes for our various stockpiles can be found in the discord channel #Stockpiles and
Spreadsheets. The main codes will be in a comment in that channel, while further codes are in
the spreadsheet (circled in blue).If you have to create a temporary stockpile for some reason,
make sure you enter the name/location/code into the spreadsheet.

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Scrooping is the gathering of raw materials and is the first step in the logistics chain. There are
three types of resources in foxhole:

Ressource Icon Description

Refined into basic materials (the most common resource and

Salvage used in the production/construction of almost everything in game)
and explosive materials. Can be gathered using any tool.

Refined into refined materials (more expensive and timely to

make, used in the production of vehicles/larger weapons. Can
only be gathered using a sledgehammer and a harvester.

Refined into high explosives (very expensive and timely to make,

Sulfur used to make larger artillery shells etc). Can only be gathered
using a sledgehammer and a harvester.

There are two ways to gather these resources. Scrooping from a field, or gathering them from
a mine. We will begin with scrooping from a field, the most common way. There are three
transport options for your scrooping operation:

Vehicule Picture Description

Regular The regular truck holds 1500 raw materials. Good for
Truck early war and can carry other materials as well. Only
use it if you are going to be doing other tasks as well.

Loadlugger The loadlugger is designed purely for scrooping. It is

faster than a truck and holds 2000 raw materials.Great
for early/mid war or if you are scrooping alone.

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Flatbed The flatbed is slow and is harder to come by in early
war, as it costs refined materials, but the resource
container it holds on the back can carry 5000 raw
materials. It requires a crane at the field to unload the
container, but all fields should have a crane a few
days into the war. This is the best way to scroop,
especially in a group.

Fuel tanker You can fill your vehicle from fuel tankers that oil
barons (players who organise fuel supplies) will place
at strategic points on the map

You can find these vehicles in CL stockpiles. If there are none of your chosen vehicle look in
the public stockpile, then try looking around the logi town for parked unused vehicles. If you
cannot find one then grab some bmats and make one at the garage.
Once you have a vehicle make sure it has diesel fuel in it. The white bar at the top left will
indicate how full it is.

To fuel your vehicle, park near the fuel tanker, get out and press ‘e’, there will be a button at
the bottom that says ‘refuel diesel’. Click it and it will fill your vehicle.

If the tanker is empty or you cannot find one you can fill your vehicle manually using a
fuel can.

Check nearby town halls/relic bases/bunker bases for a fuel can, grab one, put it into your
third inventory slot and equip it. Stand near your vehicle, hold down the right mouse button over
your vehicle and then left click.

So you and your other CL members are at a salvage field, here are the tools you can use to get
that sweet salvage.

Tool Picture Description

Hammer. All players spawn with one and

Hammer it’s the only option until other items

Sledgehammer. This is unlocked via the

Sledgehammer tech tree, usually about a week into the
war. Better than a hammer.

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The harvester is a late war item that is
unlocked via the tech tree. The most
efficient way to scroop.

To scroop take your vehicle to one of the salvage/component/sulfur fields near a town with a
Use the hammer/sledgehammer to hit the nodes in the field to gather the resources or hold
down the left mouse button whilst using the harvester.
Fill up your vehicle/resource container with the raw material and then take it to a refinery.
The most efficient way to scroop is to have a few people gather materials and put them
into resource containers, while one person drives it to the refinery.
Note that the nodes with a glowing star above them will give you a bonus amount of raw
material, so always try to get them first. Once a field is fully scrooped a reset timer will begin
before the field will refill (this can range from 2 hours for salvage, 4-6 for components and 4-8
for sulfur). Make sure you fully deplete a field or the reset timer will not activate. To see how
many nodes a field has, hover your mouse over the icon whilst in map.

While scrooping at salvage fields you will gather small amounts of aluminium, copper and iron,
which are technology materials (Tmats), used to advance our tech tree. There is a dedicated
Warden group who run our technology upgrades, they are called Tech maids. All you need to do
is take the iron and aluminium to the refinery and place it in the refinery stockpile. A Tech maid
will pick it up when they can. If there is a large amount of Tmats in a refinery, put a message into
global chat letting them know.

Component fields can only be scrooped using sledgehammers, so when sledgehammers are
unlocked there is always a rush on the component fields (components are used for concrete
and to turn into refined materials for vehicles). The best way to get components is to go as a
group with all your equipment ready when a field respawns.

Scrooping etiquette:
-Always park your vehicle/place resource container so that other players can also
park/access the field
-If another player is hitting a node with a gold star above it, go to another node, do not try to
steal the bonus resources.
-NEVER take raw materials out of another players vehicle or resource container unless they
offer it to you.
-If another player has done any of the above, talk to them politely (always assume it is a
mistake, not malicious intent), if they ignore you or are rude feel free to be more assertive. If
they continue to be rude, record their name and clan and inform one of the CL officers, they will

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take it up with the other players' clan officers. Follow this procedure for any disputes with other
players in game, remember you are a CL member and how you act reflects on the clan as a

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Mines are buildings that produce ressources passively as long as they are fueled. Mines are
really useful especially early-mid war since they allow the production of every raw ressources
from the start of the war. Meaning they are the only source of component and sulfur until
sledgehammers are unlocked.

How to use :
- To gather resources from a mine, simply access it’s inventory and right click on the
- Refuel the mine every time you use it
- If the fuel truck next to mine is empty signal it in logi chat
- You can use a resource container, when placing it with a crane “a white double gear”
icon will indicate that you will access the mine with your container if you place it here.
- Mines hold a maximum of 5000 raw materials, so if a mine is full, make sure to empty
- Driving between different mines and the refinery in an area can be an effective way to
gain resources early war
- Before sledgehammers unlock, camping at a component mine is the only way to get
components. It takes a long time but is worth it, and your CL comrades will highly
appreciate it. Read a book or listen to a podcast to pass the time while you wait.

Mines etiquette:
- First arrived first served, always wait for the people that came before you to finish their
resource mining

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- Prefer the use of petrol as much as possible when using components, sulfur mines and
oil wells.
- If you see petrol in a mine, it is most likely that someone is using it even though he is not
present at the moment.
- If anyone is breaking these rules, talk to them politely (always assume it is a mistake,
not malicious intent), if they ignore you or are rude feel free to be more assertive. If they
continue to be rude, record their name and clan and inform one of the CL officers, they
will take it up with the other players' clan officers. Follow this procedure for any disputes
with other players in game, remember you are a CL member and how you act reflects
on the clan as a whole.

Mines consume 1 L of fuel every cycle; the duration of said cycle varies depending on the type
of mine.

Map Raw Refined Diesel Petrol

Name Cycle duration
icon resource resource production production

Salvage Emat/ 1.5 6 1 sec

Oil well Crude Oil 1-2 3-4 960 sec

Sulfur mine Sulfur Hemats 2 3 4 sec

Component Compon
Rmats 1 4 4 sec
mine ent

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The refinery is where you take your raw materials to be refined into basic/explosive/refined/high
explosive materials and diesel fuel. To access the refinery simply drive up to the front of it and
press ‘e’, if you are in a truck or a load lugger. Make sure you park perpendicular to the
building so that other people can access it.

Park like this:

Do not park like this:

If you are in a flatbed with a resource container, park to the side near the crane. Press ‘Q’ to
jump into the crane. Hold down the right mouse button over the spot you want the crane to
move, move the crane over the resource container, “a white double gear” icon will indicate
that you can pick it up, left click to do so.

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Move the container over the pad next to the refinery, “a white double gear” icon will again
indicate that it can be dropped on the pad, left click to do so.

When the resource container drops onto the pad, the refinery menu will open up.
When you have used the refinery, there is a button at the bottom that says ‘package loading
area equipment’. Click this and it will package your crate so it can be lifted off platform.

When you open the refinery this screen will appear. The area circled in blue shows where you
submit your materials. You can shift click to submit all the materials in your vehicle/resource
Salvage can be made into Basic Materials, Explosive Materials and Diesel Fuel. Components
can be made into Refined Materials. Oil can be made into petrol. Sulfur can be made into high
explosive materials.
Each different material has its own timer, so always try to make multiple things at once e.g.
make basic materials and explosive materials at the same time. Some items, like explosive
materials (emats), take a long time to refine so be aware of this.

The area circled in purple shows the ratio of how much you put in will be made into. For
example, 500 salvage will make 250 bmats.

The drop down bar circled in red is where you set your pickup to public or personal. Always
have this set to personal. It is far quicker to pull from your personal queue than the public
There is a maximum amount of material that you can make at any one time. For bmats it is
10,000 (four resource containers sof salvage), for emats it is 3,000 (60,000 salvage).

Once your materials are finished you will have 2 days to pick them up before they go into the
public stockpile. Always remember to pick up your materials.

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The area circled in green is where you pick up your finished materials. To pull your finished
materials right click on them and click ‘Retrieve as crates’. You must do this, if you simply left
click you will receive your materials as public and will be unable to put them into the clan

Once you have picked up your crates of materials, put them into ‘CL Stock’ at the seaport. If it
is full, put the overflow into ‘CLRes’.

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Factory Crafting
Factories are where we turn our basic/explosive/refined/high explosive materials into
weapons/ammo/equipment. Each war the factories we use will be in the backline logistics
towns that we have our backline stockpiles in.
Factory work takes time, and so it is best done in a large block at lower player hours, as
there will be more space at factories with fewer players around.

What do I make?

Callahan's Legion uses a spreadsheet to track what we have in stock and what we need. The
spreadsheet is located in our discord, in the channel stockpiles and spreadsheets. You can
see the channel below, click on the spreadsheet link to open it.

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Below is what the spreadsheet looks like. It may appear complicated at first, but as a regular
logistics player there are only certain parts that you need to focus on:

Circled in purple is when the spreadsheet was last updated. If it is a few days out of date
contact a logistics officer about updating it.
Circled in green is the overall demand for an item. This is the full amount of crates we want to
have in our stockpile of a specific item. For an example, look near the bottom at AT Rifle, our
demand is 40 crates.
Circled in blue is how many crates we have in stock currently. So again looking at the AT Rifle,
we have 0 crates in stock.
Circled in red is how many crates we need to make to meet our demand. This is the important
column for production, as the number here is what you need to make to fill our stockpile to an
appropriate amount. Following our example, in this case we need to make 40 crates of AT Rifles
to meet our demand.

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The colours within the table refer to the items priority; white is normal, red is high priority, green
with the word complete means we have met the target or exceeded it.

If you wish to update the spreadsheet to reflect what is currently in our stockpile all you need to
do is click in the relevant item row in the ‘In Stock’ column and type in the new total amount
that is in the stockpile. The ‘Missing’ column will update automatically.
Once you have updated the spreadsheet to reflect our current stockpile, write in who you are
and when you updated it in the circled purple area.
This allows logistics players and officers to see how up to date the spreadsheet is.

Obviously no single person will be able to produce all our required items, but you should use
this as a guide when trying to figure out what we need made.
If the spreadsheet is looking pretty complete, you can also ask our logistics officers what
needs to be made. They will usually be in the CL Logi squad in game, in the logistics voice
channel in discord, or you can ask in the logistics channel in discord. They will be happy to
help in whatever way they can.
This is especially important in mid-late war, as there will be a large amount of items to be made
and we may need to prioritise certain items.

There are two items that always need to be made and should always be prioritised if possible,
soldier supplies and garrison supplies.
Soldier Supplies (Shirts) are what are needed for players to respawn at bases.
Garrison Supplies (Gsupps) are required to maintain our buildings and fortifications, or they will
decay and be destroyed.

Preparing to produce

To begin production, grab a regular truck from our clan stockpiles at the seaport (Don’t forget
to fuel it). Pull out the materials you require (Bmats, Emats etc) from CLStock to make what you
want by Single left clicking to pull one crate or shift left clicking to pull three crates. Right click on
the crates in your truck inventory and click ‘Unpack Material Crates’. This will take the
materials out of their crates and allow you to use them at the factory.

Note that certain materials, such as explosive materials, come in crates of 20 not 100, so once
you have pulled them into your truck and uncrated them you will want to stack them into piles of
100, so you can carry more in your truck. You do this by shift-clicking each pile and they will
begin stacking in the seaport inventory. Once they are all in piles of 100 you can shift-click
them in the seaport inventory and they will go back into your truck inventory, giving you more
space for further materials.
Be aware that while you are doing this, other players will be able to grab those resources from
the seaport inventory, so try to do it when no other players are around, and do it quickly.

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Most logistics players will not take your materials, but if someone does ask them politely to
return them. If they do not do so, be more assertive. If they refuse/ignore you/are rude, note
their name and clan and inform one of the CL officers, and we will handle it.

Once you have all the materials you need, leave the seaport and head to the factory.

A few notes on seaport etiquette:

- Park so you take up as little space as possible, allow other players to access the seaport.
- Try to make your time at the seaport as quick as possible.
- Do not park on the pads, if you do so other players can’t use the pads to pull vehicles or
unload containers
- Do not leave your vehicle unattended at the seaport, it is not a long term parking zone.
Check the image below to see how you should park

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Using a factory

To use a factory drive up to the front of it and press ‘e’. Use the same parking etiquette as at the
refinery and the seaport.

When you press ‘e’ it will open the factory screen above.
The central part under production shows what can be crafted; if an item is greyed out it means
it is not unlocked yet.
The area circled in blue is the different sections: Weapons and ammo, explosives, engineering,
health supplies, bunker/garrison supplies, uniforms.
The right hand section titled Queue is where you place factory orders/see what other orders
are already ongoing.
Within each category you can place an order of up to 4 crates. E.g. you can order 4 crates of
guns, 4 rates of health supplies, and 4 crates of explosives at the same time.
The area circled in red shows how many other players have placed an order in that category.
Each category can only have 4 orders queued at a time. The more players that have orders in
a category, the longer your order will take (the explosives and garrison supplies categories tend
to be the most used).

To place an order, click on the items that you want to create e.g. 4 crates of shovels, click on the
shovel icon 4 times. 4 icons will appear on the right side under queue. Where the green circle
is, a play button will appear, click the play button to activate the order. You can cancel an order
by clicking in the same spot again, where a red cross now appears.

The area circled in black will show how long until your order is completed.
The drop down box circled in purple is where you decide who can pick up the order.
Public means it will immediately go into the factory inventory, never set to public.

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If you set to private, it means only you can pick up your order, but once your items are complete
a 30 minute timer begins, when it is complete all your order will go into the public inventory.
So make sure you are able to pick it up in time!
If you can’t pick the order up, for whatever reason, you can set the order to the squad you are
in (CL Logi) and someone else in the squad can pick them up for you if you ask them.

Once your items are completed, a green tick will appear in the green circled area. Click this tick
to retrieve your items.
Take your completed items back to the CL stockpiles at the seaport and submit them,
gather any new materials you need and head back to the factory.

By doing a constant back and forth between the seaport and the factory, with materials going to
the factory and finished crates going to the Cl stockpiles at the seaport, you can create a large
amount of materials in a short space of time.

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Mass Production Factories (MPF)
The mass production Factory (MPF) can only be found in certain towns. Callahan's Legion
officers will always set our backline logistics town as one that has an MPF in it.
The MPF can produce crates of small arms, explosives and uniforms like a Factory, but also
shippable crates of vehicles and structures (anything that can be made at a Garage,
Shipyard, or Construction Yard).

As you can see, the layout and way the MPF operates is the same as a regular factory, but with
a few key differences.

- You can place an order for 9 crates of weapons, explosives and uniforms.
- You cannot make garrison supplies, medical supplies or soldier supplies at the MPF
- Each category allows 25 players to place an order, compared to 4 for a regular factory
- You can create 5 crates of vehicles and structures (each crate has 3 items) i.e. the order of
5 tank crates in the picture contains 15 tanks in total
-The MPF overall produces much slower than a regular factory, but produces faster the more
players put an order in a category i.e. if only 5 players have an order of weapons, it may take
a full day for your order to finish. If 20 players have an order of weapons, your order may finish
in 5 hours.
-If you do a full order of crates, the cost of your items is halved! For every crate that is
submitted as part of an order, a 10% discount is applied, up to a maximum of 50%. This means
that if you do a full order in the explosives category (9 crates) you get a 50% discount.This is the
main advantage of the MPF.

Due to its long production times and ability to make items cheaper, the MPF is primarily used for
expensive items, especially those that require refined materials to make (tanks, wheeled guns,
half tracks, artillery etc).

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This is why we recommend that you never make an individual tank at a garage, as the MPF can
make a full order of 15 tanks for a much cheaper price overall. This shows clearly where
working together as a clan can provide more resources and items for the clan and the front as a

When should I do an MPF Order?

As a logistics player you should always be looking for opportunities to use the MPF, for not only
do you get equipment for cheaper, you help everyone else who has put in an order by
making the category produce faster. Here is a rough guide on what you should make and when:

Category What to make? When?

Weapons The most expensive small arms (rifles, Always have a queue of
fiddlers, assault rifles, sniper rifles, 8.5mm, weapons going, we always
7.92mm). Check spreadsheet to see what we need them.
need, try to plan ahead.

Explosives The most expensive explosives that we need Always. Explosives are
(RPG shells, 40mm, 68mm, cutler RPG), always needed.
check the spreadsheet.

Uniforms Check spreadsheet. If blizzards make winter Only when needed,


Vehicles If we need trucks or freighters for logistics As needed.

work, put an order in. Only make tanks with
an officer's permission.

Structures Check spreadsheet. If we need shipping As needed.

containers for logi make them, if not make
flak cannons or emplaced anti tank.

If Callahan's Legion has stockpiles in multiple backline logistics towns with MPF’s then you can
place multiple orders in both, doubling your production! Whenever you place an MPF order,
set it to CL Logi squad, as you may not be around to pick your items up when they are done
(some large orders can take 2 days to complete!). Once completed, MPF orders go public after
2days, so make sure they get picked up.

In the Callahan’s Legion discord, there is a channel called Logistics Request. In that channel
logistics officers will make requests for specific items they want made in an MPF, these orders
should be considered a priority.

An example is given below.

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The MPF is the backbone of our clans logistic effort and allows CL to create and use large
stockpiles of material in combat. Our ability to field large amounts of tanks and other items is
dependent on the efficient use of the MPF. If you are ever in doubt about what to order in the
MPF, ask a logistics officer, either in game or in the discord.

For those who want to do logistics on a regular basis, a good procedure is:
-When you log in, go check the MPF for completed orders.

The left bar is your personal orders, the middle one is squad orders, right is public.
-Always check for squad orders, you may need to scroll down to see them.
-Grab any squad orders out and put them in the relevant stockpile at the seaport (you will need
a flatbed to pick up vehicle/structure crates).
-Check the spreadsheet/requests channel to see what we need to make, put in MPF orders as
needed. You can then head off to do other logi or join the frontline knowing the MPF is running
full speed.

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Moving Supplies
As discussed in the previous sections, resources are made in crates in factories and MPF inside
backline logistics towns. However, the fight is happening at the front and can be several
hexagons away. This is why our main stockpiles are in the midline, where they are safe from
Colonial attack, but close enough to the front to provide support to operations and day-to-day

The most important part of moving our supplies from the backline logistics town to the
midline stockpile is efficiency. We want to move as many crates of supplies as possible with
as little effort as possible. The way to do this is using shipping containers, which can hold 60
crates of materials, but can only pull/deposit supplies directly from/into a storage depot or
seaport. For long distance travel between the backline and the midline this is not an issue.
There are two ways to carry shipping containers.


A freighter is a large slow ship, which can carry five shipping containers at a time (total 300
crates). A freighter can also carry crates of vehicles/artillery. The freighter is the most effective
means to move large amounts of cargo.

To use a freighter go to the seaport, access our CL stockpiles and pull a freighter. It will appear
at the dock on the opposite side of the seaport. If there are no freighters in CL stocks, check
public, if there are none there then grab 500 bmats and make one at the shipyard. Inform a
logistics officer if we are low or out of freighters.

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Enter it by pressing ‘Q’, press control one to jump into the driver's seat, open the storage doors
by pressing ‘f’ and the doors on top will begin to open. Make sure you lock the freighter by
pressing ‘L’, just in case.
Freighters are fuelled in the same way as trucks, by a fuel tanker (there will almost always be a
fuel tanker near the dock at the seaport) or a can of fuel. If there is no fuel tanker at the dock,
look around the town and there will be one you can grab a fuel can from (do not move the fuel

To load your freighter, jump into the crane closest to your freighter and then pull a shipping
container from CL storage (if none then check public).
When you pull the container, the container inventory screen will pop up. You can load crates
from CL Stocks into the container by clicking the items in the Cl Stock inventory and they will
transfer into the container.
When your container is full, package the container. There is a button at the bottom that says
‘package loading area equipment’, click this and it will package your container so it can be
lifted off platform.
Check the refinery section for how to use a crane.
Put the shipping container into your freighter and repeat until full. (remember the freighter
holds five shipping containers/vehicle crates).
Jump into the freighter, close the top by pressing ‘f’ then head to your destination.

When you do a freighter run you must be wary of pirates. Make sure you have a radio, a gas
mask and as many filters as you can carry. This may seem like a lot, but whole freighters and
their cargoes have been stolen before by the driver being gassed out.

When you reach your destination, park your freighter at the seaport dock, open the top and exit.
Note your character will always exit on the left side of the freighter, so you may land in the
water. If so, swim to a nearby ladder to get out (if no ladder nearby then reenter your
freighter and turn it around).

Use the crane to unload your freighter by dropping the shipping containers onto the seaport
pad, which will open the seaport inventory. Make sure you have the relevant CL stockpile open
by checking the drop down bar circled in red in the image below. To submit your materials click
the button circled in blue. You can then do the same to submit the shipping container itself.

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You can submit your freighter, or any other vehicle to a stockpile in the seaport, by pressing the
button circled in green.

Freighter/Seaport Information and Etiquette

-When your freighter reaches a bridge, press ‘e’ to open it and then go through. As you go
through spam ‘e’ to close it behind you.
-Always submit your freighter/shipping containers to storage when you are done, do not leave
sitting at seaport.
-Make sure you know what materials you are grabbing from storage before you start pulling
freighters/shipping containers
-Never AFK while in a crane. Jump in the crane, do what you need to do, then get out.


If the freighter route you wish to take is covered with pirates or if there is no viable freighter
route, then you can use a flatbed. A flatbed is faster but it only carries one shipping container or
crate of vehicles. Pull a flatbed from a CL stockpile, pull a shipping container, load it and then
put it onto the back of your flatbed. Drive to your destination and submit your supplies, your
shipping container and your flatbed.

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Frontline Logistics
Frontline logistics is the final stage of logistics. It is moving material from our midline stockpiles
to the frontline in our area of operation, or supporting our clan during an operation with specific
supplies. To do frontline logistics, grab a truck and pick up what you need from our midline
stockpile, drive it to the part of the front that needs it and return.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4

x 2k bmats x 80 masks x 10 cutlers 68 mm

x 150 shirts x 120 filters x 75 RPG Shells 40 mm
x 120 rifles x 60 smg x 20 malone 120 mm
x 200 7.62mm x 120 9mm x5 mortar 150 mm
x 200 bandages x 60 alto x 50 mortar shells 300 mm
x 60 frag grenade x 120 7.92mm x 20 mortar flare Satchel charges
x 80 gas grenade x 20 ATR x 50 mortar frag
x 50 stickys x 60 20mm x 40 ATRG
x 100 HE grenade x 10 tripods x 10 bonesaw
x 20 medkits x 10 mounted MG x 10 radio backpacks
x 20 trauma kits x 40 12.7
x 80 plasma x 20 binos
x 20 shovels x 20 radios
x 40 bayonets x 10 wrench
x0 Foebreaker x 40 each uniform

Tier 1 Must always be present, on any active frontline.

Tier 2 To be supplied if Tier 1 is completed.

Tier 3 Tier 3 is situational, depending on our stocks. Supply if asked in logi/region chat or
by an officer

Tier 4 To be supplied only if necessary.

There are a few ways to check what is needed at the front:

- Map Post- sometimes players put a logi list map post over a base, check what they are
asking for.
- Logi Chat (the Yellow one)- Sometimes specific requests are made in logi chat, you
can also ask a front what they need most vitally.
- Discord- Check the logistics and requests channel to see if any specific requests have
been made.
- Officer- If there is a clan officer nearby or in your squad you can ask them. If you are in
an operation, officers will make specific requests for materials.

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- Hover over Base- Hover your mouse over the bunker base/relic/town hall and see what
is in it, look at what it is low on

Hints :
- Loadout : gas mask, 2-3 filters, radio, weapon, 20 bmats, hammer
- Check the map for partisan and map post on each run
- When in the inventory of the BB/TH/relic base, press right-click and “submit all” in
your truck inventory.
- When High velocity Field Cannons (HVFC) are unlocked, try to bring 1 at the frontline if
you see there is enough manpower to man it. (they are cheap and really powerful)
- Use a normal truck and bring it back to the stockpile when doing frontline logi. Do not
abandon your truck at the frontline.
- Do not use a truck to go to the frontline only to fight, go by foot; it is at most a 2 min
- Stay aware of the situation, if a base is about to fall, stop supplying it. Accordingly, if
allies are pushing hard, wait for them to capture a new base to supply.
- Do not oversupply a frontline, e.g : there is no point of having 200 12.7mm in a BB

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Logistics Tips and Etiquette
Having fun and hanging with the Legion

-Logistics officers will organise regular logistics operations for scrooping, transport or other
tasks. These will be announced in the discord operations announcement channel and you will
get a ping.
-Make sure you sign up to the logistics role in the Callahan’s Legion discord
-At other times logistics players will be hanging out in the CL Logi squad, the real vibe squad.
Sometimes people will also be in the logistics voice channel in discord.

Need help or have issues?

-If you need extra help or there is something you don’t know what to do; contact one of the
logistics officers or experienced logistics players. You can do this in game or in discord.
-In the Callahan’s Legion discord, there is a channel called Logistics Request. Logistics
officers will regularly place requests for tasks to be completed there. This may be submitting an
mpf order, doing a freighter run or any other logistics task they deem vital to CL. If you are able
to, please try to complete these, then mark in the discord that you have completed the task.


-Always drive on the right side of the road. When in a town try to follow the general flow of traffic
-When driving try to follow general road rules i.e. if someone is going past on a main road, don’t
pull out and cut them off
-People will build signs up around major logi towns with useful information/directions, in general
you should follow these.
-Always try to return your vehicle to a stockpile. If you have to park it somewhere, park it off the
road and out of the way.
-Do not steal other peoples vehicles.

Winter Blizzards

Periodically certain hexes will suffer from blizzards. These can be to different degrees of
severity. These are randomly generated events that can go from a few days to over a week.
Vehicles will freeze and if you are out in the open for too long without a winter coat you will
freeze to death.
-In winter a fire pit can be a saving grace.. To build one grab 35 bmats, take out your hammer,
press ‘b’ and in the options you can choose to build a fire pit. Place the firepit blueprint and then
hit it with your hammer until it is built. You will then need to pour fuel onto it using a fuel can, this
will create a fire that will unfreeze a vehicle and stop infantry from freezing to death.
-In a blizzard always grab a winter coat when you spawn so that you last longer in the cold.

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