Pure Maths Guide From Love of Maths
Pure Maths Guide From Love of Maths
Pure Maths Guide From Love of Maths
"The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more
than man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to
be found in Mathematics as surely as in poetry."
Bertrand Russell
John Waterman
I am hugely grateful for numerous helpful comments and suggestions from
Ian Christie and Mike Fairbank, Abbey College London, Alan Gregory MBE,
Prof Alastair McDonald, Barry Ainge, Sam Waterman, Steve Gooch, Ilona
Hurrell, Joe Waterman and Mike McGuire.
I particularly want to thank Matt Joy who, as a seasoned journalist, patiently
pointed the need for simplicity and succinct brevity. And Victor
Lunn-Rockliffe, with whom I spent many hours exploring how best to make
the layout and presentation as inviting as possible.
I want to thank Dan Balis and two of my grandchildren, Ethan and Sekai,
who road-tested some of it in the latter stages of development.
Most importantly, I need to acknowledge the hundreds of other students
whom I have had the privilege to teach, and who have contributed
immeasurably, albeit unwittingly, to this book.
Finally to my wife Anne who, despite having not the slightest interest in
Mathematics, patiently encouraged me over the many times it looked like it
would never get finished.
John Waterman, May 2019
Love of Maths Pure Maths Guide First edition published by Love of Maths Ltd
June 2021.
0.1 Is this book for you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-1
0.2 Navigating your way around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2
0.3 Solving problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-6
12.1 SOHCAHTOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3
12.2 Two important trig relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6
12.3 Re-defining the trig functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
12.4 Angles outside the range 0◦ to 360◦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
12.5 Trig values for 0◦ and 90◦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-19
12.6 The sine, cosine and tan curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-22
12.7 The Sine Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-26
12.8 The Cosine Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-34
12.9 More trigonometrical equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-49
12.9.1 The sine, cosine and tangent curves . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-49
13 VECTORS 13-1
13.1 What are vectors? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
13.2 Column vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7
13.3 i, j notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9
13.4 Magnitude of a vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11
13.5 Direction of a vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12
13.6 Position Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15
13.7 Solving geometry problems using vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18
13.8 Modelling with vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20
• Directed numbers.
• Indices (e.g. x 5 × x 2 = x 7 ).
If this looks like quite a low baseline it is because most students have some
blind-spots, so it does no harm to recap important ideas — not least because
an understanding which may be perfectly adequate for GCSE is frequently
too flimsy for AS level. A good example of this would be fractions: doing
them in arithmetic, and understanding them sufficiently to apply the
principles algebraically, are two different things!
Importantly the book assumes that the reader is a mere mortal and would
like to have things explained in some detail. Here we part company with
many textbooks.
Chapter 1 is ideal painless post-exam reading before starting the course. It
covers the basic concepts you will need. The first few chapter after that are
very much about getting your algebra up to speed. They are particularly
aimed at UK student—the GCSE Maths syllabuses do not prepare students
sufficiently for A Level, a fact that comes as a great shock to many.
• rules, formulae and key ideas are emphasised using a bold typeface
and sometimes using a box A
• particularly important stuff has this motif alongside it. A
The body of text covers the essentials. For those aiming for a top grade, or if
you want a bit more detail, there is a lot of optional extra material:
• Tacked onto the exercises, problems designed to test the depth of your
understanding. You will find them harder, but more stimulating and
• Proofs that won’t be examined on, but you may want to see;
Where this optional material is extensive it is shown in blue, so you can skip
it if you wish, or come back to it later. Exercises
The link will show as a question mark if you have opted to download a single chapter
and the reference is to another chapter. The ability to jump to another part of the book via a
hyperlink will depend on the platform you are using.
Quick Quizes
From time to time you’ll come across a few questions, topped and tailed...
If you’ve understood what went before they’ll mostly be quick to do. None of
them are designed to trick you. They are there to help you check whether
you have understood what you have just read.
When you get stuck on one, which you inevitably will, go back over the
previous pages to see what you missed. If necessary refer back to earlier
parts of the chapter or to other chapters. There will be references to help
Sometimes you will find yourself going round this loop a number of times!
This is good because it means you are the boundary of your understanding;
you are breaking new ground. If you find it too easy you are probably not
learning anything very new.
The process work like this because you are training your brain to think in
ways that don’t come naturally—to any of us! Stick with it and be patient
with yourself.
For most of the Maths you have met so far the journey from problem to
solution has been a short one, and generally speaking either you know how
to find the answer or you don’t. At A Level the journey will almost always be a
longer one: you will have to think more, there will be more steps in the
reasoning and you may need to try some alternative approaches, or string
together several techniques. The upshot is you will often get stuck. In this
section we will be giving you some pointers to help you understand what is
going on.
Let’s “rewind the tape" and see if we can peer into her brain. To her the
process of solving the problem might have looked something like this:
“What does this problem remind me of? Have I seen one like it before?"
If it fits a familiar pattern (and usually it will), the solution follows easily. If it
doesn’t, she might study the question more carefully: "have I missed
something?" Or she may decide to draw a diagram to help her see what’s
going on. If it’s an algebraic expression she’s stuck on: “how could I write it in
a different way? Hmm? Now does that remind me of anything?"
Sometimes she will need a piece of paper; often it will just be in her head.
The important thing to recognise is that she is not just scratching her head
and hoping for inspiration, it’s a practical thing. She is doing stuff to explore
what she has in front of her. She doesn’t know for sure if any of it’s going to
help—and sometimes it doesn’t, although sooner or later if it’s a topic she’s
very familiar with she will almost certainly hit on a way through. It’s
impressive watching her performance in real time because the
thinking-about-it phase seems to be pretty much instantaneous. It’s all the
more impressive because she rounds it off by writing out the solution in a
beautifully logical and organised way. What a mind!
What can we learn from this? First of all it tells us that the process of solving
a mathematical problem is likely to involve one or more of these:
• drawing a diagram ;
Sometimes it’s a case of suck-it-and-see, of trial and error, and the concise
way the solution is written out often belies the element of randomness in the
process of getting there. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise!
But there is more to it than that. Maybe you did try different things when you
were attempting the problem, and you are wondering: how come what she
tried worked and what I tried didn’t? Well experience has taught her that
some alternatives are more likely to be fruitful that others; it’s much less of a
random process for her than it is for a newcomer like you. But hey, how did
your teacher get that experience? By trying things that didn’t work. A major
part of the learning process for us humans is getting our fingers burnt—in
the case of Maths that means going up time consuming blind alleys that we
then learn to avoid.
One final very practical point: use a pencil2 —one with a rubber on the end.
This is because you will make many mistakes, and crossings out distract the
eye from spotting patterns. If there’s a lot to correct, it may be better to put a
line through it and write it out again neatly. This is not for the benefit of your
teacher, (although she won’t complain); it’s for your benefit. Try it, you’ll be
surprised how helpful it is.
Up until the exams, when for obvious reason you are required to write in ink.
Each chapter begins with a detailed description of its contents like the one
below, so you can skip any part you don’t need. If you are not sure what you
need the exercises will tell you.
1.1 Some of the terminology and notation you’ll need around number
systems: integers, prime numbers, rational & irrational numbers, Real
numbers. Converting a recurring decimal into a fraction.
Also a fascinating glimpse into a special type of number with mind-blowing
1.2 ∞ (infinity).
1.3 Commutativity and Associativity, two very important principles.
1.4 The language and notation of sets. The symbols ∈, ⊆, ∩ and ∪.
Subsets, union and intersection of sets
1.5 Equations, some language and an important principle.
Polynomial equations. The quadratic formula.
1.6 Inequalities. Basic principles.
1.7 Identities and the notion of equivalence (≡).
Difference between an equation and an identity.
1.8 A reminder about function notation. For example:
If f (x) = 1 + x2 , find f (−1) and solve the equation f (x) = x.
1.9 Introduction to mathematical reasoning and proof.
The symbols ⇐, ⇒, ⇐⇒ and ∴ An example of using elegant reasoning to
effortlessly solve a very difficult problem.
1.10 A review of directed numbers. For example:
Why is −4 − 6 = −10 when a rule says “two minuses make a plus"?
Simplifying an expression like b 2 − 4ac, if a = k, b = −k and c = −2k.
1.1 Numbers
First some definitions, and a bit of background on number systems. Most of
this will be very straight forward, but behind the obvious all is not as simple
as it first appears, and you will get a glimpse of this here.
N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .
The row of dots at the end is our way of saying that the list goes on for ever.
For many thousand of years these were the only numbers humans used, so
there could be no notion of subtracting a bigger number from a smaller one,
and doing calculations with fractions would be out of the question. It would
only be in relatively recent times that a symbol for nothing (i.e. zero) was
introduced, without which even simple arithmetic is extremely difficult. This
was a crucial breakthrough1 .
The first recorded zero is attributed to the Babylonians in the 3rd century BC. A long
period followed when no one else used a zero place holder, until the Mayans independently
invented zero in the fourth century AD. The final independent invention of zero in India was
long debated by scholars, but seems to be set around the middle of the fifth century. It spread
to Cambodia around the end of the 7th century. From India it moved into China and then to
the Islamic countries. Zero finally reached western Europe in the 12th century (see Kristen
McQuillin, January 2004). The West got there in the end.
You are most likely to meet prime numbers in the context of finding the
prime factorisation of a number. For example 2400 = 3 × 25 × 52 .
If this is a new idea to you, find the prime factorisation of 504 (the answer is
in the footnote3 .)
The four factors we just listed plus 1 and 50
504 = 2 × 252 = 22 × 126 = 23 × 63 = 23 × 7 × 9 = 23 × 32 × 7
We can break the number down in any order, but it’s obviously easiest to start with
low numbers like 2, 3 etc.
1.1.3 Integers
The Integers are all the Natural Numbers, together with their negative
counterparts and 0. We use the symbol Z for these:
The dots at each end mean that the list extends indefinitely in both directions.
Without the negative numbers and zero, all but the most basic arithmetic is
very difficult (try multiplying Roman numerals). Once they were included,
whole new branches of mathematics started to blossom (excuse the pun).
Sometimes you will see the symbols Z+ and Z− . These stand respectively for
the positive integers and the negative integers, excluding zero:
2 376 1 1
, , − , 4 and 13
5 2117 3047 2
1 −1 4 1 27
because − 3047 = 3047 , 4 = 1 and 13 2 = 2 .
4 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
This gives you a clue as to how it can be done: 2 , 3 , 3 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 5 , 5 , 5 ...
x = 0.1̇035̇ = 0.10351035 . . .
10, 000x = 1035.1̇035̇ = 1035.10351035 . . .
We have chosen to multiply x by 10, 000 because that gives us a new number
with exactly the same digits after the decimal point, and which therefore
differs from x by a whole number.
9, 999x = 1035
hence 1035
x= .
Cancelling6 this gives:
0.1̇035̇ = .
If this technique is new to you, try it out for yourself using the number
0.297297 . . .. The answer is in the footnote7 .
For the answer turn to page A-4 of Appendix A, or click on the page number.
A recurring decimal has the property that after a certain point the same digit, or
sequence of digits, is constantly repeated, e.g. 0.7777 . . . or 0.061137419419419 . . ..
You may recall that a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible
by 3. Similarly, a number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.
These are the only two numbers for which this simple “sum of digits” test works.
7 11
0.2̇97̇ =
You might expect that the irrational numbers are very much the
exception, i.e. most numbers are rational. In fact you couldn’t
be more wrong. There is an infinite number of rationals and
an infinite number of irrationals. But it doesn’t end there: it
turns out that there are so many more irrationals, the only way
we can describe the difference is to say that the kind of infinity
involved is of a higher order. So there we have it: not only does
the answer turn our intuition on its head, we discover that
some infinities are bigger than others!
When you see the term Real number, you can (for now) just think of it as any
So why add the word “Real" at all? It’s because there are numbers that are not
real. The story of how they came to be discovered (or you might say invented)
is a fascinating one. Such numbers are called Complex numbers and to find
out what these peculiar numbers are you’ll find a brief description if you turn
to Appendix A page A-6, or click on the page number.
What’s the answer? Does it have an answer? Strictly speaking no—because
it is the answer to the question: “how many 0’s do we need to add together
to get 1?"! However many 0’s we add together we would never get there, so
we could say the answer is an infinite number. If this isn’t clear, look at these
1 1 1 1
= 10, = 100, = 1, 000, = 10, 000 and so on.
0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001
As the denominator gets smaller, the answer gets bigger.
More succinctly we say that as the denominator → 0 the fraction → ∞. Or,
in shorthand = ∞.
Treating ∞ as a number, what about this fraction?
It’s asking the question “how many infinities are there in 1?" We can make
sense of his question if we use the same approach as before:
1 1 1 1
= 0.1, = 0.01, = 0.001, = 0.0001 and so on.
10 100 1000 100000
This time as the denominator → ∞ the fraction → 0. Summarising (and
using a shorthand that is strictly speaking illegal)
1 1
=∞ and = 0.
0 ∞ A
Exercises 1
p p p p p
(g) 7 (h) 2+ 3 (i) 2( 2 + 1) − 2
(j) 0.6̇ (k) 0.1̇
Solutions 1
1. (a) 1 (b) 1 59 = 14
9 (c) 31 ÷ 10 = 30
p p p
(g) 16 = 4 (h) Irrational (i) 2 + 2 − 2 = 2
(j) 1 ÷ 23 = 32 (k) 19 = 13
3,267,654 544,609
2. (a) 99,900 (b) 166,500
It easy to see that 2 and 3 divide into numerator and denominator. To look
for other possible factors find the prime factors of the denominator. We
could use the numerator but factorising the denominator is much easier.
None of its factors divide into the numerator. (Notice we don’t need the
complete prime factorisation of the denominator, just which primes divide
into it.)
4a × 3 × 2a = 4 × 3 × 2 × a × a = 24a 2
8 × 13y × 0.125 = 13y [because 8 × 0.125 = 1]
1 1
10x × x 2 = 10 × × x × x 2 = 5x 3
2 2
1 2 2
× y × 42 = 6y
It’s not difficult to see that, like multiplication, addition is also associative and
commutative. For example
(2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4) (associativity); 1 + 5 = 5 + 1 (commutativity).
Can you see that the same is not true of subtraction or division? For example
(7 − 1) − 3 6= 7 − (1 − 3); 6 − 2 6= 2 − 6.
Check for yourself that the same applies to division.
(d ) 1.25 × 7 × 16 (e) 3a × 5 × 2a 2 ( f ) 12 y × 8
(a) 7980 (b) 3 × 11 = 99 (c) 42 (d) 1.25 × 8 × 2 × 7 = 140
(e) 30a (f) 4y (g) 2x(x + 1) (h) 2 × 43p = 86p
We might, for example, have a set called K that consists of the numbers −7.5,
0, 4 and 99, or it might be a collection of numbers we already have a name for,
like N. We use curly brackets when listing what’s in the set.
K = {−7.5, 0, 4, 99}
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .}
In the case of N, we can’t list them all but we can see how they are generated
and the dots tell us the sequence goes on indefinitely. Sometimes it’s
impossible to write what’s in the set in the form of a list—even an infinite
one, for example
R = {Real numbers}
and we have a shorthand way of writing this using the symbol ∈. For example,
using the sets we talked about in the previous section
99 ∈ K , 99 ∈ N and 0.146 ∈ R.
We would say “99 belongs to K " or “99 is a member of K ", and ‘5 belongs to
the set of Natural numbers", or better “5 is a Natural number" and “0.146 is a
Real number". We occasionally come across the symbol 6∈, meaning “is not a
member of", for example −1 6∈ N and π 6∈ Q.
Set language provides a powerful tool for precise thinking.
If you want to know more about this, and enjoy a bit of mental gymnastics,
Google “Russell’s paradox".
1.4.2 Subsets
A subset, as the name suggests, is a set within a set. Consider the set of
integers A = {4, 5, 6}, for example. One subset of these might be the set {4, 6};
let’s label this B . Another would be the set consisting of the single number
C = {4}. The symbol for “is a subset of" is ⊆, and the statement
5 HH
This hasn’t told us anything new, it just adds a bit of clarity. For example
where do the irrationals fit into this picture? They are the in the region inside
R, but outside Q.
A simple non-numerical example of a subset might be P ⊆ T , where
T = {Triangles}
P = {Polygons}
You can no doubt think of many other examples, mathematical and
Why are we going to all this trouble to use fancy language and invent new
symbols to convey dead simple ideas? The answer is to avoid ambiguity. If
someone asked you to “pick a number between 1 and 10", they would
probably be surprised if you said “6 14 ", or “π". This is because all spoken
languages rely heavily on context to convey additional information (in this
case that the number should be a whole number). Even if the question says
“pick a whole number. . . ", it’s still not entirely clear whether the numbers 1
and 10 are allowed—the word “between" is used in both ways. If we rely on
spoken language we can’t avoid running into this kind of problem: that’s why
in mathematics we have to invent a certain amount of new language, and
define mathematical terms precisely.
If we were asking a mathematician to select the number we could ask her to
select an element of the set
{x ∈ Z : 1 ≤ x ≤ 10}.
We include a variable simply to avoid having to say “a number" (we’ve
chosen x here but we could have chosen any variable). The colon sign : is
read “given that" or “such that". The whole thing we therefore read as “the
set of integers greater than or equal zero and less than or equal to 10".
Naturally we alter the detail to convey exactly what we mean. Suppose the
solution to an inequality problem is “any number greater than 7.5" (i.e. not
including 7.5 itself), we would describe the solution as
{x ∈ R : x > 7.5}.
In this case we specify R rather than Z because there’s nothing to say we are
restricted to whole numbers. It’s not that we must always use set language,
but it is beautifully concise and precise.
For a mathematician, there’s an altogether more compelling reason: it is a
powerful tool for thinking deeply. Set language plays an absolutely central
role in Bertrand Russell’s famous book Principia Mathematica, which
established for the first time a rigorous foundation for the whole of
The following section introduces two of the key concepts upon which set
theory is built.
K = {−7.5, 0, 4, 99}
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .}
would be K ∩ N = {4, 99}.
But the answer may not be quite so obvious. The way two sets overlap will
always happen in one of three ways. We can show the possible
configurations using Venn diagrams:
Let’s take a simple example. Suppose the sets D, E and F are defined by
Starting with D ∩ E = {2, 4}, the Venn would look like this
0 E
D 6 2 1
8 4 3
E 1 2 F
3 6
D 2 6
4 8
X = {x ∈ R : x > 2} and Y = {x ∈ R : x ≤ 5}
X ∩ Y = {x ∈ R : 2 < x ≤ 5}
Let’s see what this looks like on a number line diagram. X and Y are shown
by the lines with blobs and X ∩ Y is where they both cover the number line.
X ◦ H
H •
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The blobs on the ends of the lines are a neat device for indicating whether
the end point is included or not. For example the top line has an empty blob
at the end because is represents the interval x > 2, so 2 is not included; the
line below it, representing x ≤ 5, has a solid blob at the end because 5 is
included. The absence of a blob at the end of a line signifies that it extends
indefinitely at that end (i.e. to +∞ or −∞).
X ∩Y ◦ •
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The union of two sets A and B is the aggregation of all the elements in both
sets. To be more precise: the elements that belong either to A, or to B or to
both A and B .
It is written A ∪ B and once again there are three ways the union of two sets
can be formed.
(a) The sets have no elements in common.
A ∪ B is the whole of A plus the whole of B .
before let’s see what this looks like for the sets D, E and F , defined by
0 E
D 6 2 1
8 4 3
E 1 2 F
3 6
D 2 6
4 8
Can you see that for the sets X and Y defined on the previous page,
X ∪ Y = R?
Does the notion of sets and set language stills seems a bit pointless to you?
Well, you’ll need to have a working knowledge of it because it will be used in
exam questions. As for using it yourself, the area where you’ll definitely need
it is in probability theory.
We’ll come across some other applications of the union and intersection of
sets later in this book. We end with a puzzle that illustrates in a light-hearted
way the issue of muddled thinking around sets.
A boy taken to see a doctor turns out to be the doctor’s son. But the
doctor is not the boy’s father. How is this possible?
It’s not a trick question in the sense that there are no step-relationships,
adoptions or IVF treatments involved, and there is only one doctor in the
consulting room. If you can’t work it out, the explanation is in the footnote11 .
Say whether each of these statements is true or false. (The answers are in the
footnote12 .)
(a) N ⊆ Z+ (b) 3
∈Q (c) Q ⊆ R
( f ) {all real numbers less than 1} ⊆ {all real numbers less than 2}
(g ) If x ∈ R, then x 2 ∈ Q
If you want to explore sets a little further or try some questions turn to
Appendix B page A-26, or click on the page number.
11 The doctor is the boy’s mother. The set of doctors is not a subset of the set of men.
(a) T (The two sets are identical.) (b) F (π is not a rational number.) (c) T. (d ) F.
12 (e) T (φ is the empty set and an element of every set.) ( f ) T. (g ) T (Z− ⊆ Z ⊆ Q)
p p
(h) F (Sometimes true e.g. x = 51 , x = 2, but not always e.g. x = 1 + 2.)
1.5 Equations
It’s extraordinary to think that the = sign was not invented until the 16th
Century, when today equations lie at the heart of Mathematics. Designing an
aircraft wing or forecasting the weather both involve solving equations.
Sophisticated equations underpin the so-called “financial engineering" that
underpins some aspects of the modern global economy. Sometimes the
equation is so complicated that we can only solve it by trial and error
(generally using a computer), but here we’ll be studying equations that we
can solve directly using some kind of algorithm13 .
In this section we are just reminding you of the basics. You’ll find more
through explanations later on: Chapter 5 for linear equations, Chapter 7 for
quadratic equations, you’ll meet polynomial equations again in Chapters 4
and 8, and Chapter 12 for trigonometrical equations.
3(1 − 5x) = x + 7 or = 12 − x 2 .
x −1
That’s when we need to learn some techniques.
The solutions of an equation are often called its roots;
Sometimers an equation will only have one root, sometimes it will have
more than one. Occasionally it will have an infinite number.
A series of steps that lead to the answer.
? × ? =0
5x = 0.
One of the two numbers must be zero. The left hand one clearly isn’t, so
x = 0.
A common application of the zero product principle is with quadratic
equations. For example if
x(x − 7) = 0
we can think of his as the two numbers x and x − 7 multiplied together14 . So
x =0 or x − 7 = 0
i.e. x =0 or x = 7.
(x − 10)(x + 2) = 0 ⇒ x − 10 = 0 or x + 2 = 0
⇒ x = 10 or x = −2.
Being adjacent to each other means they are multiplied. For example 5a means 5 × a.
⇒ means “implies"
It is not difficult to see that the zero product principle applies however many
numbers are multiplied together: the product of the numbers can’t be zero
unless at least one of the numbers is zero.
For example
x(x − 2)(x − 4) = 0.
This is a cubic equation: when we multiply it out we get
x 3 − 6x 2 + 8x = 0
but we can easily solve it. The zero product principle tells us that
x = 0, x − 2 = 0, or x − 4 = 0
Equations like
2x = 32, sin x = 0.5, x+
+1 = 0
are therefore not polynomial equations.
x 2 (1 − x 2 ) = 7
The answer17 is in the footnote.
Multiplying the bracket out gives x 2 − x 4 so the order is 4.
where the a, b and c in the formula refer to the coefficients of the quadratic
equation when it is written in the form
ax 2 + bx + c = 0
i.e. with zero on one side of the equation.
For example
2x 2 − 4x − 3 = 0.
a = 2, b = −4, c = −3, so
−b ± b 2 − 4ac
x =
4 ± (−4)2 − 4(2)(−3)
4 ± 16 + 24
p p
4 + 40 4 − 40
= or
4 4
We could reach for our calculator at this point, and get the answers to as
many decimal points as we wish.
Alternatively we could keep the answer exact but simplify it:
p p p p p
40 = 4 × 10 = 4 10 = 2 10
so p
4 ± 2 10
x =
p p
2 + 10 2 − 10
= or
2 2
If you are unsure about how we rewrote 40, this is covered in Chapter 2.
1.6 Inequalities
An inequality18 is the same as an equation except the equals sign is replaced
by the sign
<, ≤, >, or ≥ .
Typical wording used to describe these relationships are:
Notice that the phrase “at least" includes the value itself. So for example a
score of “at least 10" means a score of 10 or above. Similarly a distance of at
most 50 miles means 50 miles or less.
Almost always inequalities have more solutions than equations do— usually
an infinite number. For example the solution of the inequality
2x + 1 < 7
i.e. x <3
Or in set notation {x : x < 3}.
Every single value of x smaller than 3 satisfies this inequality. And of course
there is an infinite number of such values.
We could represent the solution using a number line, where the empty circle
indicates that the value x = 3 is not included.
H ◦
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
H ◦
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
You may occasionally see it referred to as an inequation.
x +1 = 7 and 2(x + 1) = 2x + 3.
We say that the two sides of an identity are equivalent, and when we want to
make this explicit we use the sign ≡, rather than the = sign:
2(x + 3) ≡ 2x + 6
You have already met this concept in arithmetic: an equivalent fraction is the
same fraction just written a different way, so strictly speaking we should use
the ≡ sign when we write:
2 4
≡ .
3 6
The term identity is related to the word “identical"— a stronger term than
“equal". It is not essential to use the ≡ notation every time, in fact we usually
don’t. The key thing is to recognise the difference: with an equation we are
looking for the value (or values) of the variable that satisfies it. An identity
gives us an alternative way of writing something. Therein lies it’s power: it
provides a different way of looking at something.
10 − 5x = x
3y − 9 = 3(y − 3)
x2 = 9
x(x + 1) − (x − 1) = x 2 + 1
There is one important identity that crops up again and again in different
contexts. We will look at it now and remind you about it from time to time.
First and third are equations, the other two are identities.
x(x + 1) − (x − 1) = x 2 + x − x + 1 = x 2 + 1. If this is rusty don’t worry for now.
The difference of two squares identity is a simple but very valuable algebtraic
tool. It can also be used in some arithmetic situations. Of course we don’t
need to use it for arithmetic calculations since we can use a calculator. Our
main purpose here is to help you embed the relationship in your mind.
It turns the original calculation into one we can do in our head. The identity
can also be used in reverse.
sin2 x + cos2 x ≡ 1
It says that if we take the sine of an angle and the cosine of the same angle and
square each of them, the two numbers add up to 1—regardless of the angle
we choose.
For example if x = 30◦ , sin x = 0.5 and cos x = 0.866025 (to 6 DP), so we have
Try an example for yourself. It’s powerful because it’s far from obvious,
although as it happens it is easy to prove.
Notice that
when we write sin2 x and cos2 x, we mean (sin x)2 and (cos x)2 .
This is the convention that is adopted. It is certainly better than sin x 2 and
cos x 2 , which would mean that it is the quantity x that is being squared.
If you are very familiar with the function notation you may be able to skip this
section. The questions at the end of the chapter will tell you if you can safely
do this.
The concept of a function is very important in Maths. A simple example20
would be:
f (x) = x + 5.
We use a formula to describe the function. For example, if we start with the
number 2, f turns it into 7.
We would write f (2) = 7, f (−4) = 1 or f (−5) = 0.
For a reason that is about to become clear, it is actually better to think of a
function as a process rather than a formula: the process in this case is that of
“adding 5" to a number.
Imagine a magic box: a number is fed in at one end (the input) and a new
number (the output) comes out at the other end.
2 - f - 7
We could make the process notion even clearer in this case by labelling the
box like this:
−4 - +5 - 1
Because brackets can be used to indicate multiplication, f (x) could mean f × x.
The context will always tell you which it is.
a2 - f - a2 + 5
Or f (y − 3) = (y − 3) + 5 = y + 2
y −3 - f - y +2
The important thing to notice here is that the x in f (x) simply stands for
whatever number (arithmetic or algebraic) the function is going to operate
on. It’s like a place keeper; we input whatever value we want and f operates
on it to give an output.
Bearing this in mind an expression like f ( f (2)) makes sense. The function f
is going to operate on the number f (2). We know f (2) = 7, so
Another way you will see the same function described is like this:
f : x → x + 5.
We shall use both notations.
By the way since the x in the formula is just a “place keeper"; we could use
any algebraic symbol we like. We could equally well describe f by saying, for
f (t ) = t + 5 or f : t → t + 5.
f (z) = z + 5 or f : z → z + 5.
It is this that separates functions from formulae. A formula describes the
relationship between certain variables, whereas
? - f - 12
We can extend this idea to a less obvious question, for example to solve the
f (x) = 3x.
In plain English what number would we have to start with if the effect of
adding 5 to it is the same as trebling it? A little bit of algebra will tell us.
Since f (x) = x + 5, the statement f (x) = 3x is equivalent to saying
x + 5 = 3x
Subtracting x from both sides of the equation, we have 2x = 5, so x = 2.5.
We can verify this is correct: f (2.5) = 2.5 + 5 = 7.5 = 3 × 2.5.
Solve the equations g (x) = 1, where
g (x) = 2x − 5
You won’t need to know any more about inverse functions at this stage, but if
want to delve a bit deeper go to page A-23 in Appendix A (or click on the page
Who could fail to be impressed by, and hugely grateful for, the monumental
advances brought to us by scientists. From microelectronics to DNA testing
to Black Holes the history of science reflects man’s ingenuity and dogged
dedication. But none of it is fact. For thousands of years some of the truly
great minds thought the Sun went around the Earth. Then Newton came
along and gave us his beautiful Laws of Motions. Along with numerous other
developments, they enabled humans to travel to the Moon.
Then Einstein came along and told us his Laws are not quite correct—and in
some cases far from correct. We find the same story in all branches of
science. What we understand today to be “scientific truth" is simply the
latest view. We see this very clearly in the field of cosmology where new
observations are routinely causing scientists to re-think their theories.
Mathematics is different. Once a mathematical
p fact has been established, it
is immutable. The Greeks established that 2 cannot be written as a fraction
using whole numbers. If you could find a way of doing it you’d become
famous, but it isn’t going to happen, because there is a mathematical proof
that it can never be done. It’s the absolute, timeless nature of Maths that
makes it unique,and what makes the notion of “proof" so important. A
proven mathematical statement we call a Theorem, which in turn can be
used as a building block for a further Theorem, and so on. The development
of Mathematics has been largely about doing this again and again, building
ever more sophisticated bodies of mathematical knowledge that now stretch
into almost every area of our lives. The whole edifice would be vulnerable to
collapse if we had a single doubt about any one of the building blocks.
Hence the need for rigour21 .
What makes mathematicians highly sought after is their ability to bring
rigorous, clear thinking to very complex problems. Calculations may be
needed too, but in real life situations that is often the easy bit. So an essential
part of mathematical training is developing an ability to think
rigorously—that means not jumping to invalid conclusions.
For a fascinating example of how something can looks true but turns
out to be wrong, see Appendix A page A-3 (or click on the p page
number). You’ll also find a beautiful proof, on page A-7, that 2 is an
irrational number.
Mathematicians haven’t always regarded it necessary; it would be well into the 19th
Century, after some serious blunders, before they woke up to the fact.
Direct proof
This is the commonest type: using a series of logical steps, building on
previously proved results. For example the proof that the angles of a triangle
add up to 180◦ . Or indeed Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Proof by exhaustion
We can sometimes show that somethings is true for all possible cases. An
example would be that if n is an integer either n 4 or n 4 − 1 is divisible by 56.
This seemingly impossible task is easily cracked when we see that the last
digit of the fourth power comes from raising the final digit of the original
number to the power 4. So for example if the number n ends in 3, then the
last digit of n 4 is 34 = 81, i.e. it ends in 1. All we have to do is check this for all
the integers 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . 9. When we do this we find n 4 always ends in 0, 1, 5 or
6, and the result follows.
Proof by contradiction
This can sometimes be used if we can show that the opposite is not true. If
you ask a young child what the largest number is they will often say a billion,
or a trillion, or a trillion trillion. We know of course that there is no largest
number and don’t need to prove it. But it is easy to prove, by assuming that
there is a largest number, call it N . But then N + 1 is a larger one, which
contradicts our assumption that N is the largest number. Our assumption
must have been wrong: there is no largest number.
Disproof by counterexample
Sometimes we want prove that a statement is not true. This usually when it
seems to be true, or is evidently true in most cases. We want to know if it is
always true. For example the statement “3x = kx implies that k = 3". The
counterexample would be x = 0.
Proof by induction
This is another method, which you are likely to meet if you continue to study
maths to a higher level. Conceptually it is more difficult to understand than
other methods so we won’t attempt to illustrate it here.
x =3 ⇒ x2 = 9
Implicit in the use of the symbols is the word “definitely" or “always". The
statement on the right is definitely true if the statement on the left is true.
The symbol ⇐ means “is implied by",
x2 = 9 ⇐ x =3
However it clearly wouldn’t be correct to say
x2 = 9 ⇒ x =3
because neither follows for certain. “This month" could equally well be April,
September or November, and x could be −3.
The ⇐⇒ symbol is for when the implication does apply both ways, e.g.
x +1 = 5 ⇒ x =4
x +1 = 5 ⇐ x =4
in which case we can replace the two statements by the single statement
x +1 = 5 ⇐⇒ x =4
For each of these statements fill in the appropriate sign: ⇒,⇐, ⇐⇒ or none
of them.
Similarly, when the implication goes the other way, we can use the the
symbol ∵ meaning “because", rather than ⇐, and write:
(a) ⇐ (b) ⇐⇒ (c) none apply.
Exercises 2
In each case see if you think the statement is true. If so, try to prove it; if not
try to disprove it.
3. a 2 = ax ⇒ x = a
4. b x = 1 ⇒ x = 0
7. Today did Monday. My birthday is in 100 days. Show that it will fall on
a Wednesday this year.
10. Their exit a pair of prime numbers other than 2 and 3 that differ by 1.
11. The difference between any two prime numbers greater than 2 is an
even number.
1 1
12. x > y ⇒ x < y .
13. If n is an integer 2 n(n + 1) is also an integer.
15. The 100th term of the Fibonacci sequence is an odd number. [This is
the sequence formed by string with two 1’s and adding the previous two
terms to get the next. So it starts 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, . . . .]
16. If m and n are even numbers, then n is even.
20. In a class of 28 students at least two have a surname starting with the
same letter.
Solutions 2
5. True. Let the number be n, n +1 and n +2. Their sum is 3n +3 = 3(n +1).
8. True. An odd number can be written 2n +1 for some integer n. The next
odd number is 2n + 3. Their sum is therefore 4n + 4 = 4(n + 1).
10. Not true. For any two consecutive numbers one his odd, the other even.
But all prime numbers greater than 2 are odd numbers.
12. Not true. Counterexample: any values for which x > 0 and y < 0.
15. True. Look at the parity of each term (whether it is odd or even). It goes
O, O, E, O, O, E, O, O, E etc. Every third term is even, so the 99th term is
even and the 100th is odd.
17. True. Since a and b are rational there will be integers p, q, r, and s such
p r pr
that a = q and b = s . Therefore ab = q s so ab is rational.
18. Not true. Counterexample a = 2.
20. True. Proof by contradiction. Suppose all the surnames start with a
different letter. We would need 28 letters in the alphabet.
23. True. p 1 and p 2 are odd, so their product will be odd and p 1 p 2 + 1 is
even, so is not a prime.
An elegant proof
The following problem illustrates the power of simple reasoning.
At first sight it seems impossibly hard. Take a chessboard, which has
8 × 8 = 64 squares. Now suppose we have 32 dominoes, each of which covers
two squares of the chessboard exactly. So all 32 dominoes could cover the
entire chessboard. There are, of course, a great many ways of doing this.
What if we now cut away a square from two opposite corners, and discard
one of the dominoes. The question is can we cover the (mutilated)
chessboard with the 31 dominoes? Spend a few minutes thinking about the
I can tell you that any attempt is bound to fail. For a beautifully simple
reason why, turn to Appendix A (page A-8), or click on the page number.
Apart from the sheer joy of a powerful proof, there is another point to
describing it. It’s about elegance and creativity. It has been said that a good
mathematician is a lazy one—because she will always look for an easy
method. You can start straight away to look for quick methods for yourself.
−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
The number − 5 is less than the number 1 because it is to the left of 1 on the number
If you don’t readily remember that < means "less than" and > means "greater than”,
just remember that the thin end of the sign is always next to the smaller number, and the
fat end is always next to the larger number.
The same applies when the calculation is algebraic; the number line principle
tells us what the relationship is between the two quantities even though we
don’t mark them on an actual line, e.g.
3a − 7a = −4a
−71x + 50x = −21x
−10 + 700
29x − 31x
−100y − 90y
We are now in a position to home in on some of the common errors that arise
with directed numbers. We can avoid them all if we use what I call the box
690, −2x, −190y
To someone new to directed numbers this might look like one subtraction
and one addition. Or is it two subtractions?
It’s best to think of it as a series of steps, moving up and down the number
−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
−2: we start at − 2;
−3: we move 3 to the left, bringing us to − 5;
+9: we move 9 to the right, which brings us to 4.
2 − 3 + 9 = 4.
It would be quite nice if we could rearrange the order of the numbers if we
wanted to, but it’s not obvious where the minus signs would go.
−2 −3 +9
In this form we can rearrange the boxes in any way we like. e.g.
−2 +9 −3 or +9 −2 −3
Notice that it doesn’t matter which sort of minus sign it is. This is why we say
they are interchangeable.
We don’t need to physically put the boxes in. The important thing is to “see"
the numbers in this way—with the signs in front of them super-glued to them.
After a while it becomes so instinctive it’s impossible to think in any other
way. The benefit of being able to rearrange the numbers is very apparent in
the following example, where we can combine the numbers in convenient
• Think: number line. A
2y − x − 5y + 8x
−3y + 7x or 7x − 3y
−5 − 2 ?
The answer is −7. But what about the rule that says “two minuses make a
plus"? That suggests the answer is +7, or is it +10? In the following sections
we’ll see exactly when that “rule" applies.
++ 5 = +5.
If the signs are different, it’s equivalent to having a single minus sign.
+− 5 = -5 −+ 5 = -5 .
how come −− 5 = +5 ?
Similarly −− 3 = +3
−− 7 = +7
−− 3x 2 = +3x 2 etc
6 −− 4 = 6 + 4 = 10.
Let’s put all this together: the box principle plus combining adjacent signs.
We have used the box principle, thinking of the calculation as four numbers
added together, two of which happen to be negative. And we’ve rearranged
them to make the mental arithmetic a bit easier.
(i) −7 (ii) a
3a = 3 ×− 5
You probably know the answer to this is − 15, which we can easily verify:
3 ×− 5 =− 5 +− 5 +− 5 = -5 -5 -5 =− 15
Similarly − 3 × 5 = 5 ×− 3 =− 15.
It remains to deal with − 3 ×− 5. The answer can’t also be − 15, since changing
the sign of one of the numbers must make a difference to the answer. So the
answer has27 to be
3 ×− 5 =+ 15.
The rules for dividing directed numbers come from the same rules. For
example, from relationships like 3 ×− 5 =− 15, we can see that
− −
15 − 15 − 15
= 5, −3
= 5 and −3
=+ 5.
Or if you are not persuaded by this:
3 ×− 5 = −(− 5) − (− 5) − (− 5) = +5 + 5 + 5 = +15.
Summarising, the sign rules for multiplying and dividing directed numbers
3 × 5 = 15
− −
3 × 5 = 15
− −
3 × 5 = 15
− − +
3 × 5 = 15
15 +
= 5
15 −
= 5
15 −
= 5
15 +
= 5
• two directed numbers are multiplied or divided. A
For example
2.3.5 means 2 × 3 × 5 = 30.
Depending on how you write your x’s the notation avoids possible confusion
between x and ×.
But it may also strike you as odd: how do we know that the multiplication 5.2
doesn’t mean the decimal 5.2? In practice this is never an issue: we only adopt
the notation where the meaning is unambiguous.
In the expression
1 + 1.2 + 1.2.3 +
the terms follow a pattern which clearly relates to integers. Anyway we can
see from the later terms that the dots can’t be decimal points. The dots in
this context signify multiplication.
With negative integers, we can still use a dot, for example 7.− 2, meaning 7 ×−
2, but the dot could be overlooked—and the expression misread as 7 − 2. It
would be better to use a bracket28 —and write
7(− 2).
Similarly we would use bracket writing things like this:
− 12 − 32 .
¢¡ ¢
(−6)(−8) and 2
The meaning of y(−2) is clear because in algebra being adjacent to means multiply.
But most important of all, whatever notation you use make sure it’s
unambiguous. Not just for another reader (like an examiner), but for
The more algebraic our work, the more helpful all of this is, as we shall see next.
Measured in kilograms, the first number is about half the the mass of a bus;
the second is about half the mass of the earth.
Example 1
However sure you are of the directed number rules—and brilliant at mental
arithmetic—doing all this entirely in your head would be risky.
Example 2
2a 2 −5b−c
Substitute a = −3, b = 5 and c = −1 into the expression .
Example 3
Example 4
Simplify b 2 − 4ac, given that a = k, b = −k and c = −2k.
p p
b 2 − 4ac = (−k)2 − 4k(−2k)
= k 2 + 8k 2
= 9k 2 = 3k
You will find some examples to try for yourself in the Exercises that follow.
A cautionary tale
While on the subject of combining directed numbers we take some time out
for a diversion that we think you will find intriguing.
S = 1−2+3−4+5−6+7−8+9...
Exercises 3
1. Evaluate the following entirely in your head (use the box principle)
(a) − 4 + 7 (b) 2 − 6 + 11 (c) −1 − 2 − 3 − 4 + 10
(d) −1 − 5 (e) −12 − 27 + 50 (f) −9 + 11 − 1
(g) 26 − 73 + 44 − 1 (h) −150 − 90 + 310 − 20
(i) 2.3 − 18.9 + 11.6 − 10 (j) 1.4 − 1.5 + 1.6 − 1.7 + 1.8 − 1.9
(d) 4 +− 3 −− 6 (e) −7 −− 5 (f ) 1 −− 3 +− 9
(e) −8x y + 4y x + 4x y (f ) 6a − 8b − a + 2b
(i) −4p 3 − 3p 2 − 2p
(c) x 2 + y 2 , y = −x
(d) x 3 + y 3 , y = −x
Solutions 3
(p) + 80
4 = 20 (q)1 − 16 = −15 (r) −4 + 5 = 1 (s) 200
(t) (−2)2 (−2)2 (−2) = (+4)(+4)(−2) = −32
4. (a) 13a (b) −5y (c) 14b (d) 13x 2 [Box principle.]
7. (a) (−3x)2 = 9x 2
1 1
• Infinity is an undefined number but we write 0 = ∞ and ∞ = 0
2.1 The basic rules of indices. Brackets used with indices. Simplifying
expressions like
¡ x ¢4
10a × 12 a 2 , 6 3
25 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
a3 = a × a × a
In the first example 2 is the base and 5 is the index (plural indices). The
index is sometimes called the exponent and it tells us how many times the
base must be multiplied by itself. (We’ll need a different way of looking at it
later but for now this works.)
Expressions like 72 and 73 we read as “7 squared" and “7 cubed". There are
no corresponding words for 74 , 75 , etc.; we simply say “7 to the power 4", and
“7 to the power 5" (or just “7 to the 5").
3a = 3 × a = a + a + a whereas a3 = a × a × a
(3 lots of a)
We have also met the idea of a root, for example this square root
16 = 4.
In this chapter we will see that roots can be expressed as indices in the same
way that powers can.
24 × 23 = (2 × 2 × 2 × 2) × (2 × 2 × 2) = 27
When the bases are the same we simply add the powers.
24 × 23 = 27 .
25 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
= = 22
23 2 × 2 × 2
When dividing we subtract the powers (the top power minus the bottom
= 22 .
In general
a m × a n = a m+n
= a m−n
k4 × k2 × k = k7 (because k = k 1 )
37 × 32
= 35
2x × 24x = 25x
107 × 102
= 104
10 × 104
a 0 = 1.
This follows directly from the rule for division. For example1
25 25
= 25−5 = 20 but =1
25 25
so 20 = 1.
We can see that a 0 = 1 for any a 6= 02 .
In words:
any number to the power of 0 is 1.
More generally
an an
= a n−n = a 0 but =1
an an
so a 0 = 1.
The “number" 00 is meaningless; mathematicians say it is “undefined".
Take the calculation 3 × 5 × 2. We know that the answer can be worked out in
a number of ways. For example:
3 × 5 × 2 = (3 × 5) × 2 = 15 × 2 = 30
= 3 × (5 × 2) = 3 × 10 = 30
= 5 × (2 × 3) = 5 × 6 = 30 etc...
3 + 5 + 2 = (3 + 5) + 2 = 8 + 2 = 10
= 3 + (5 + 2) = 3 + 7 = 10
= 5 + (2 + 3) = 5 + 5 = 10 etc...
7y × 2 = 7 × y × 2 = y × 7 × 2 = 14y
4a × 3 × 2a = 4 × 3 × 2 × a × a = 24a 2
1 1
10x × x 2 = 10 × × x × x 2 = 5x 3
2 2
1 4
ab × 24ba = 3a 2 b 5
You will have met this idea when multiplying out brackets. For example
2x y(y 2 − 3x) = 2x y 3 − 6x 2 y
By all means write the × sign if it helps, but try to get used to omitting it; it
will make life easier in the long run. Not least because the variable will often
by x, and ×x can look a bit confusing.
It’s not difficult to see that, like multiplication, addition is also associative and
commutative. For example:
(2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4) (associativity); 1 + 5 = 5 + 1 (commutativity).
Can you see that the same is not true of subtraction or division? For example:
(7 − 1) − 3 6= 7 − (1 − 3); 6 − 2 6= 2 − 6.
Make sure you are thoroughly familiar with these rules before moving on.
(ab)4 = ab × ab × ab × ab = (a × a × a × a) × (b × b × b × b) = a 4 b 4
³ a ´3 a a a a3
= × × = 3
b b b b b
You’ll see we are using the ideas of commutativity and associativity, in other
words when we have lots of numbers multiplied together we can jumble
them up in any order to do the calculation.
In general
(ab)n = anbn A
¡ a ¢n n
= A
b bn A
(5y)2 = 52 y 2 = 25y 2
¡ 1 ¢3 13 1
= =
2 23 8
¡ x ¢4 x4 x4
= =
3 34 81
Pitfall: don’t be tempted to apply a rule like this if the bases are added or
(y − 1)2 6= y 2 − 1 (x + 3)2 6= x 2 + 9 A
(a + b)n 6= a n + b n (a − b)n 6= a n − b n .
This is not to say they won’t sometimes be equal. For example if a and b
happen to be equal, (a − b)2 and a 2 − b 2 will also be equal.
Spend a few minutes mulling over these, substituting in your own numbers,
maybe trying to find values for which they are the same.
(24 )3 = 24 × 24 × 24 = 212
In general
(a m )n = a mn
For example:
(x 2 )5 = x 10 and (3a )2 = 32a
Here are some more examples. Make sure they make sense to you. You may
want to write down examples of your own, until they start to “look" right.
(35 )2 = 310 (b 2 )4 = b 8
The key thing is not to confuse this with multiplying powers of the same base:
b 2 × b 5 = (b × b) × (b × b × b × b × b) = b 7
(b 2 )5 = b 2 × b 2 × b 2 × b 2 × b 2 = b 10 .
(i) 38 (ii) x 14 (iii) x 9 (iv) a 3b .
A common pitfall
The mistake hinges on the principle that
an index applies to what it’s attached to. A
Or looked at another way, the index applies to everything inside the bracket:
(2x 2 y)3 = 23 × (x 2 )3 × y 3
= 8 × x2 × x2 × x2 × y 3
= 8x 6 y 3
4a 3 × (3a)2 = 4a 3 × 9a 2 = 36a 5
(x y)4 × x 3 y = x4 y 4 × x3 y = x7 y 5
(pq 2 )3 = p 3 (q 2 )3 = p3q6
¡ t ¢3 t3 t3
= =
2s 23 s 3 8s 3
52 x 2 25x 2
³ ´2
= =
y4 y8 y8
(x 3 )3 x9
= = x5
x4 x4
24(n 3 )2 24n 6
= = 3n 3
(2n)3 8n 3
¡ a ¢2 a 2 3a 4 a6
× 3a 4 = × =
3 9 1 3
You might want to test yourself by covering up all but the left hand column.
58 x9 3x a 3 ×a 5
(e) 52
(f ) x4
(g ) 32
(h) a4
12x 2 (y 2 )6
(m) y 3 (3y)2 (n) (4a)2 2a (o) (2x)2
(p) y4
(4y)4 × x y 3
(2x y)6
(a) 37 (b) 29 (c) x 4+a (d) 42x (e) 56 (f ) x 5 (g) 3x−2 (h) a 4
(i) 212 (j) a 6 (k) 43x (l) b 2y (m) 9y 5 (n) 32a 3 (o) 3 (p) y 8
Seeing that 4 = 22 helps with the cancelling: 44 = (22 )4 = 28 ,
(4y)4 ×x y 3 44 ×y 4 ×x y 3 28 x y 7 2y
so 6 = 6 6 6 = 6 6 6 = 5
(2x y) 2 ×x y 2 x y x
n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2n 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
3n 1 3 9 27 81 243 729
5n 1 5 25 125 625
2x = 1024.
Being familiar with the common powers of 2 tells us immediately that x must
be 10.
And it is extremely useful to be able to spot immediately the solution to an
equation like
x 5 = 243.
Exercises 4
1. Simplify these.
(e) (pq)2x ( f ) (pq)x q 2 (g ) (pq)x q x (h) px
4. In each case calculate the value in your head. (The purpose is not just
to find the answer but to practice exploiting the commutativity and
associativity properties of multiplication in the process.)
6. (a) Find the area of this triangle, expressing your answer in its simplest
h hhhh
2 hhhh
h hhh
(b) Find the volume of this cuboid, whose sides are of length 4y, 12 y
and 32 y. Express each answer in its simplest form. (The diagram is not
to scale.)
y H
y HH
(g ) 2x × 3 y = 6x+y
10. If 2a+b = 1, and b 6= 0, find the value of b .
Solutions 4
(p) 5(x+2)−(x−1) = 53
3. (a) and (b) from the rules on page 2-10. (c) Because q 2x = (q x )2
(c) 897 [e.g. 0.897 × (10)3 ] (d) 490 [e.g. (0.625 × 4) × 40]
(i) x y 2 × 9x 2 y 2 4 = 9x 3 y 4
1 1 1 5
6. (a) Area = 2 × 2 ×4x = x 2 . (b) Volume = 3 × 2 ×12 × y 3 = 10y 3 .
7. (b) From the rule on page 2-10. (c) Because 32x = (32 )x = 9x .
24 am
using the rule = a m−n
27 an
The answer would be 2−3 . Is this complete nonsense? How can we multiply 2
by itself − 3 times? We are going to explore this conundrum in two ways. First
by drawing up a table of powers of 2.
n -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2n 1 2 4 8 16 32
n=0: 20 = 1
because saw on page 2-4 that any 8 number to the power 0 is equal to 1. In
fact this gives us a clue about completing the rest of the table. Going from
left to right the next number is obtained by multiplying the previous number
by 2. Going from right to left, therefore, we need to divide by 2 to get the next
number. That means we can fill in the blanks:
n -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
2n 32 16 8 4 2 1 2 4 8 16 32
Of all the index rules this is probably the least intuitive, so there is another
way we can look at it.
The only exception to this rule being when the base is 0.
a m × a n = a m+n
23 × 2−3 = 20 = 1
It follows that
1 1
2−3 = 3
2 8
just as before.
Some more examples:
1 1
7−2 = 49 , 10−2 = 0.01, a −3 =
1 1 1
x −1 =
, 3−2y = 32y , (b + 3)−2 = (b+3) 2
Now do a few for yourself. Write each of these in a form that doesn’t use a
negative index:
9 1 1 1 1
(i) 16 (ii) 32 (iii) y2
(iv) 3x .
a3 a ×
a ×a 1
= =
a5 a × a × a × a a2
a ×
And taking it a step further, all the index rules we learned apply equally to
negative indices. For example
x 2 × x −7 = x −5 =
a −1 × a −3 = a −4 =
x −2
= x −2−6 = x −8
x −2
= x −2+6 = x4
x −6
(y −2 )4 = y −8 =
(2x )−3 = 2−3x =
x −1
(i) y −2 × y −7 (ii) 2−5 × 26 (iii) (iv) (y 4 )−2 (v) (3−a )−2
x −7
The answers10 are in the footnote.
We are now going to learn a very useful trick. This will be particularly useful
when dealing with rather more complicated expressions involving negative
10 1
(i) y −9 (ii) 2 (iii) x 6 (iv) (v) 32a .
There is a very easy way of dealing with this situation, provided we think of
it in a slightly different way. We’ll illustrate how using 5−2 , by writing it as a
fraction (with denominator 1):
5−2 1
= 2.
1 5
We see that
The beauty of this is simple rule is that it doesn’t matter if the negative index
is initially on the top or the bottom 11 :
1 52
= .
5−2 1
We can use this principle to effortlessly simplify the example we started with:
8−2 × 23 22 × 23 32 1
= = = .
2−2 82 64 2
This process doesn’t have a name. I will call it the switch rule.
3 2−3 x −4 ×y 3
(i) (ii) (iii) .
4−2 −2
5 ×7 y −2 ×x
The answers 12 are in the footnote.
11 5−2 1
Turn both fractions upside down in = 2.
1 5
1 1 52
Or −2 = 1 ÷ 5−2 = 1÷ 2 = 1× .
5 5 1
12 25 y5
(i) 48 (ii) (iii) 5
56 x
5−2 1 1 23 3 3×7 3 3 × 42
= , = , = , =
2 2 × 52 2−3 1 7 −1 1 5 × 4−2 5
µ ¶−5 µ ¶5 µ ¶−2 µ ¶2
1 2 5 3
= , =
2 1 3 5
The quotient rule works all indices, whether positive or negative:
³ a ´−m 1 ³ a ´m am b m b m a −m
= ¡ a ¢m = 1 ÷ = 1 ÷ m = 1 × m = m = −m .
b b
b b a a b
Exercises 5
2. Using negative indices, write each of these in a way that doesn’t require
the use of a fraction. Simplify the answer where possible.
1 1 1 1 1
(a) 34 (b) 210 (c) x 5 (d ) y 2 (e) 10x
1 1 1 43 2×27
( f ) 5y (g ) 62a (h) 7 (i ) 49 ( j ) 211
3x ay 1 16
(k) 35x (l ) a 2y (m) (2 y )3 (n) (2x)4
1 1
(d ) 16 = 2x (e) 0.5 = 2x+1 ( f ) 9− 2 = 3 x
1 1
(g ) 85 = 23x (h) 256 = 5x (i ) 0.125 = 2x
4. Write each of these in a form that doesn’t use any negative indices.
Simplify your answer where possible.
1 1 6
(e) 10−3 × 7 ( f ) 5−2 (g ) 4−3 (h) 3−1
10 2 5 4
(i ) 2−3 ( j ) 3×4−2 (k) 7−1 ×2 (l ) 3−2 ×2−1
¡ 5x ¢2 ³ ´−2
1 −1 6
¡ ¢
(g ) 3
(h) 2x
(i ) x2
¡1 ¢−1 ¡ x ¢−2 ³ ´2
(j) 3
x −1 (k) 7
(l ) x −2
32 6−1 6−1
(g ) 3−4 (h) 64 (i ) 6−4
x −3 1 2−1 ×2−5
( j ) x −1 (k) a 3 ×a −5 (l ) 23
(p −2 )2 ×p −1
(m) p
1 x4
(a) (x 3 )3 (b) x −6 (c) x −2
1 (2x)6
(d ) (x −2 )3 (e) 2
(ii) What about the statement: “x > 1 ⇒ x n > 1 for any value of n".
Is this true or false?
Solutions 5
1 1 1 1 1 1
1. (a) 9 (b) 5 (c) 10000 (d) a 5 (e) y 2 (f) x
1 1 1 1 1
(g) 4n (h) 72n (i) 3a (j) 10n−1 (k) 10−(n+1) = 10n+1
1 1 1 1 1
(l) 2x−3 (m) t n (n) p a (o) q y+3 (p) q y−3
(f) 5−y (g) 6−2a (h) 7−1 (i) 4−6 (j) 2−3
1 24
(k) 3−4x (l) a −y (m) 23y = 2−3y (n) 24 x 4 = x −4
1 1
(i) 0.125 = 8 = 2−3 , so x = −3 (j) 0.04 = 25 = 5−2 , so x = −2
(k) 0.3̇ = 3 = 3−1 , so x = −1
1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1
4. (a) 23 ×5 = 40 (b) 3×2 = 6 (c) 75 (d) 2 × 9 = 18
(e) 1000 (f) 25 (g) 64 (h) 18
32 35
(i) 10 × 8 = 80 (j) 3 (k) 2 (l) 72
3 16 8 25 ¡ 5 ¢2
(m) 50 (n) 14 = 7 (o) 9 (p) 3
= 25
¡ ¢4
(q) 23 = 81
9 1
5. (a) 16x 4 (b) 2x 3 (c) 2 x 3 (d) 16 x 2 (e) 7x −2
25 1
(f) 64x −3 (g) 9 x 2 (h) 2x (i) 36 x −4 (j) 3x
(k) 49x −2 (l) x 4 (m) 2x −1 (n) 6 x (o) 1
7. (b) Because we can invert the fraction and change the sign.
(c) Because x 4−(−2) = x 6
(d) Because (x −2 )3 = x −6 . Not (e) because (2x)6 = 26 x 6 .
It’s not too difficult to work what it must mean. By the multiplication rule
1 1
9 2 × 9 2 = 91 = 9.
1 1 1
8 3 × 8 3 × 8 3 = 81 = 8.
so since 2 × 2 × 2 = 8, 1 p
83 = 8=2
In general
1 p
an = a
What if the index is a fraction with a numerator other than 1? That’s what
we’ll be looking at next.
(i) 5 (ii) 2 (iii) 10
We are now in a position to work out what the meaning must be with any
fraction as the index. Using the rule (a m )n = a mn
4 1 p
8 3 = (8 3 )4 = ( 8)4 = (2)4 = 16
m p m
In general a = ( a)
or am
m power
a n root
When raising to a fractional index we can do the root first, and then the power,
or the other way round, e.g.
2 p
5 2
5 p
32 5 = ( 32)2 = 22 = 4 or 32 5 = 322 = 1024 = 4
15 9
(i) 27 (ii) 8 (iii) 32 (iv) 2
N 1 1 1
16− 2 = = 1
2 (16 )N 2 4N
All these examples are merely applications of the basics index rules.
Sometimes we will want to go the other way: an expression that contains roots
needs to be expressed in fractional index form.
16 1 1 1 2
(i) 10 (ii) 32 (iii) a2
(iv) 5
3 1 1 3
(i) 81 (ii) 2 2 (iii) 5− 2 (iv) y 2 (v) (23 ) 2 = 2 2
One of the commonest mistakes students make (even very able ones) is to to
confuse multiplication with equivalent fractions:
2 12
6× 3 6= 18
We are after a fraction that is 6 times bigger, not one the same size written a
different way.
To divide fractions, turn the right hand one upside down and multiply.
Add or subtract fractions by making the denominators the same—using
equivalent fractions:
+ 56 = 4
+ 56 = 9
5 6
3− 2 = 2
− 52 = 1
125 53 6 5 1 p
5 = 5 = 52−2 = 52 = 5
52 52
p 1
26 = (26 ) 2 = 23 = 8
p 3 1 4
3× 3 = 31 × 3 3 = 33
1 1 1 1 1
(7 2 × 4 4 )2 = (7 2 )2 × (4 4 )2 = 7 × 4 2 = 14
There is one more level of difficulty to go. But first some practice, bringing
together what we have covered so far.
1 5 2 2
18 1
(i) 9 2 = 3 (ii) 5 2 (iii) 32 × 22 = 36 (iv) (2− 5 )10 = 2−4 = 16 (v) 7 3
¡4¢1 ¡ 27 ¢ 1 ¡ 16 ¢ 3 1
(i ) 9
(j) 8
(k) 81
(l ) 16− 4
1 7 3 1
(m) 9− 2 (n) 4− 2 (o) 100− 2 (p) 900− 2
3 ¡ 25 ¢− 1 ¢ 2
1 −3
(q) 81− 4
(r ) 36
(s) 27
3. Write these in fractional index form (i.e. without using any roots).
p p
3 p 1
(a) 7 (b) 112 (c) ( x)3 (d ) 53
q q
(e) a5 (f ) p1 (g ) 5
(h) p1
3 y
3 7
p p p
(i ) 3 a (j) 3a (k) 2y 2 (l ) k
3 1
3 1
(m) t2 (n) p
3 2 (o) t (p) ax 2
6. Write each of these in the form k 3, where k in an integer.
p p 1 3
(a) 12 (b) 75 (d ) 27 2 (c) 27 2
3 p p
7. Write the number 8 2 + 18 in the form k 2, where k ∈ Z.
8. Simplify each of these expressions and leave your answer in index form.
1 p 1 1 p
(a) 23 × 2 2 (b) 3 × 3 (c) x 3 × x 6 (d ) a × 3a
p p 5 1 1 1 1
(e) ( y)5 × y (f ) 52 ×52 (g ) 11 × 11 2 × 11 2 (h) x 2 × x − 2
3 1 p 1 1 3
(i ) (7 2 )4 × 72 ( j ) t 6 × ( 3 t )2 (k) b 4 × b − 2 (l ) 3− 2 × 3− 2
− − 1 2
1 1 1 1 4 3 ×4 3
(m) (x 3 )2 × (x 2 )3 (n) (y −2 )− 2 (o) (a − 3 )−6 (p) 42
1 1 µ p ¶1
26 x 2 ×x 2 1 a 2
(q) 1 5 (r ) 3 (s) 1 5 3 (t ) 3
(2 3 )−2 ×2 6 x− 2 x − 4 ×x − 4 ×x − 2 a− 2
p p
p p
3 1 p k
y 2 a a
(f ) 6 a k (g ) (a ) (h) (x ) (i ) t (j) k
10. Determine which of these statements is true. Correct those that are
false by rewriting the left hand side in a simpler form.
1 p 1 1 1 1
(a) a 2 × a = a (b) x 2 × x 2 × x 2 = x 8
1 1
(c) 8 (2y)3 = y 3 (d ) 1 = x −2
(e) ((y a )a )a = y 3a (f ) a9 = a3
q ³ ´−1 1
1 p1
(g ) 3
= t −1 (h) x
= x− 2
a2b p 3
(i ) (ab)−1 = a 3 b 2 (j) x + 1(x + 1)3 = (x + 1) 2
¡ a ¢− 1 2
(k) 4
2 = pa
1 1
12. (a) Without using a calculator determine which is larger: 2 2 or 3 3 .
¡ ¢1 ¡ ¢1
(b) Deduce which is the larger of 12 2 and 31 3 .
13. The volume of a cube is 6 cm3 . Show that its total surface area is 6 3 cm2 .
14. (a) The volume of a cube is V. Find an expression for its total surface
area, giving your answer in index form.
(b) The area of a circle is A. Find, in index form, expressions for (i ) its
radius, and (i i ) its circumference.
(c) A square has half the area of the circle in part (b). How long is each
side? Give your answer in the form k A n , where k and n are constants.
Solutions 6
1 1 1 4 1 2
1. In order: (a), (e), (c), (d ), (b), ( f ). i.e. 10 < 8 < 3 < 9 < 2 < 3 .
1 2 2 1
3. (a) 7 2 (b) 11 3 (c) 11 3 (d) 5 6
2 1 1 1 1 1
(e) a 5 (f) 3− 2 (g) ( 57 ) 2 or 5 2 7− 2 (h) y − 3
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
(i) 3a 2 (j) (3a) 2 or 3 2 a 2 (k) 2 5 y 5 (l) k n
2 2 1 2 13 2 1 2
(m) t 3 (n) t − 3 (o) ( t ) 3 = 2 = t−3 (p) a n x n
3 1 1
4. (a) a 10 (b) 4 2 × y 3 = 8y 3 (c) (9y 8 ) 2 = 3y 4 (d) (x 3 )6 = x 2
1 1
(e) (3 × 2 2 × y 2 )4 = 81 × 22 × y 2 = 324y 2
x 1 1 1 1
(f) (26 ) 2 = 23x (g) = (h) y =
(25y 4 ) 2 5y 2 1000 3 10 y
1 3 1 1 4
5. (a) 3x 2 (b) 2x 2 (c) 3x 3 (d) 4 x − 3 (e) 15x −3
1 1 1 1 1
(f) 2x −1 (g) 2 x −1 (h) 5 x 2 (i) 7x − 2 (j) 3− 2 x − 2
1 3
(k) 4x − 5 (l) 8x − 2
p p p p 3 1
6. (a) 2 3 (b) 5 3 (c) 3 3 (c) 81 3 [27 2 = 27 × 27 2 ]
p 3 9 1
p p p p p
7. 19 2. [(23 ) 2 = 2 2 = 24 × 2 2 =16 and 18 = 9 2 = 3 2]
7 3 1 3
8. (a) 2 2 (b) 3 2 (c) x 2 (d) 3a 2 (e) y 3
3 5
(f) 53 (g) 112 (h) x 2 (i) 78 (j) t 6
7 13
(k) b 2 (l) 3−2 (m) x 6 (n) y (o) a 2
p 1
9. (a) 2 4 (b) 22 3
(c) 100 (d) 4 (e) 11 2n
1 p 1 1
(f) a 3k (g) a 2 (h) x a (i) t 8 (j) k k
3 3 9
10. (a) T. (b) F. x 2 (c) T. (d) F. x 2 (e) F. y a (f) F. a 2
1 7
(g) T. (h) F. x 2 (i) T. (j) F. (x + 1) 2 (k) T.
11. (a) 9 (b) 3 24 = 9
³¡ ¢ 1 ´ 12 ¡4¢1 p
1 16 1 1
(c) 1 + 9
= p
+ 3
+ p23 = p3 = 3
12. (a) 3 3 is the larger.
1 1 1 1
Let x = 2 2 and y = 3 3 . Now x 6 = (2 2 )6 = 8 and y 6 = (3 3 )6 = 32 = 9.
x 6 < y 6 and we know x and y are both positive numbers, so x < y.
[The importance of x and y both being positive is demonstrated by the example
x = 1, y = −2.]
(b) 2
is the larger.
¡1¢1 12 1 ¡1¢1 1
2 3
2 = 1 = 1 . Similarly 3 = 1 .
22 22
33 1 1 1 1
Both 3 3 and 2 2 are positive numbers and 3 3 > 2 2 , so 1 < 1 .
33 22
¡1¢1 ¡1¢1
3 2
That is 3 < 2 .
[If we divide by a negative number within an inequality, its direction will be reversed.]
1 1 2
13. The length of each edge is 6 3 , so each side has an area (6 3 )2 = 6 3 .
2 5
Total SA = 6.6 3 = 6 3 .
14. (a) Let x be the length of each side. Then V = x 3 , so x = V 3 .
Total surface area = 6x 2 = 6V 32 .
(b) Let r be the radius.
¡ A ¢ 12
(i) Since A = πr 2 , r = π
¡ A ¢ 12 1 1 1 1
(ii) Circumference = 2π = 2πA 2 π− 2 = 2π 2 A 2
¡ ¢1 1 1
(c) Let y be the length of each side. A2 = y 2 . So y = A2 2 = 2− 2 A 2 .
Example 1 Express p in the form 3n .
There is a clue in the question, which points us in the right direction: 27 = 33 ,
and that is our starting point.
4 3 3
27 3 34 1
p = p = 1 = 34 .
3 3 32
It was factorising that did the trick.
Example 2 Evaluate 625
Recognising that both bases are exact powers:
¶1 1 1
(36 ) 2 33
r µ
729 729 2 729 2 27
= = 1
= 1
= 2
625 625 625 2 (54 ) 2 5 25
1 5 1 5 1 4 11 1 1
1. (i) 32 × 3 2 = 3 2 (ii) (25 ) 2 = 2 2 (iii) 2 2 × 2 3 = 2 6 (iv) 5 3 (v) a 2
3 2 1
2. (i) (34 × 104 ) 4 = 27000 (ii) (29 ) 3 = 26 = 64 (iii) (9 × 49 × 100) 2 = 210.
Example 3 Evaluate 64000 3 .
The base 64000 is not the power of a single number but it can be factorised.
So let’s see if its factors can.
2 2 2
64000 3 = (64 × 1000) 3 = (26 × 103 ) 3
2 2
= (26 ) 3 × (103 ) 3
= 24 × 102 = 1600.
Notice that we didn’t need to find the prime20 factorisation of the base; any
factorisation that works is fine.
Example 4 Simplify the expression
In Example 1 we were able to write one base in terms of the other (27 = 33 ).
We could do that here, but a simpler approach would be to write both of them
as a power of 2:
4x+1 22x+2
= 6x = 22−4x .
82x 2
2 3
It’s perfectly fine to do so: 64000 = 29 53 , so (6400) 3 = (29 53 ) 2 = 26 52 = 1600.
Both sides can be expressed as powers of 10:
So 2
3x = −2 ⇒ x = − .
Using the same technique
so 1
3 − 6x = 3x ⇒ x = .
1. Simplify these:
a a 27 y−1 169
(i) 900 2 (ii) 81 × 27 (iii) 9 y (iv) 256
(i) 8x = 2 (ii) 7 y = 49 (iii) 16x = 41−x
(iv) 9a = 3 (v) 125x = 0.2
13 1 1
1. (i) 2700 (ii) 37a (iii) 3 y−3 (iv) 2. (i) x = (ii) y = −2 (iii) x =
16 3 3
(iv) x = − 12 (v) x = − 31
Irrational indices
We now know how to deal with rational indices, i.e. ones that can be
expressed as a fraction. The fraction can be anything, of course. For example
5 p
7 9 = ( 7)5
85 p 85
230.85 = 23 100 = ( 23)
640.333....... = 64 3 = 4
You may have been wondering if it’s possible to have an irrational22 index.
For example p
7 3 or 10−π ?
If you want to know, turn to page A-10 in Appendix A (or click on the page
An irrational number is one that can’t be written as a fraction (using integers).
Exercises 7
(a) 23 × 45 (b) 25 (c) 1007 × 104 (d ) 3x × 9
y N ×y 2N +1 3t ×32t (2x)a ×x 4a
(a) (b) (c)
y 27t −1 4x 2a
Solutions 7
1. (a) 23 × 210 = 213 (b) 52
= 59 (c) 1014 × 104 = 1018
(g) 24t × 23t = 25t (h) 52x+2 × 5x = 53x+2 (i) 72b+3−b = 7b+3
36 ×a 3 9 22k
(j) 212x−3x = 29x (k) = (l) = 2−k
34 ×a 4 a 23k
52x 32y+2
(m) = 5−2x (n) = 3(2y+2)−(3y−3) = 35−y
54x 33y−3
(o) 38a−(2a+3a) = 33a (p) 52y+1−2y = 5
2a x 5a
2. (a) y 3N (b) 33t −3(t −1) = 33 = 27 (c) = 2a−2 x 3a
22 x 2a
103 x 5 215 x 3 y 3
(d) = 10x (e) 312 y 4 × 32 y 2 = 314 y 6 (f) 4 3 3 = 211
102 x 4 2 x y
1 5 8
3. (a) (23 ) 4 × 2 4 = 2 4 = 4
1 1 3
(b) (102 ) 3 × 10 3 = 10 3 = 10
1 1
or, by the bracket rule, (100 × 10) 3 = 1000 3 = 10
2 5 4 5 5
(c) (32 ) 3 × (3 × 23 ) 3 = 3 3 + 3 × (23 ) 3 = 33 × 25 = 864
3 1 1
(d) 10 2 × 10 2 × 4 2 = 200
3 1 1 3
(e) 2 2 × (22 ) 4 × 3 4 × 3 4 = 22 × 3 = 12
3 4 4
22 1 7 3 ×2 3
(f) 3 3 3 = 27 (g) 1 1 = 14
3 2 ×2 2 ×3 2 2 3 ×7 3
1 3 7 1 p
(h) (3 × 24 ) 2 × (3 × 2) 2 = 32 × 2 2 = 9 × 23 × 2 2 = 72 2
1 1 1 p
3 3 1
2 3 ×5 3 2 5 1
= 25 or 2 4 ×2 2 ×3
(i) 4 5
(j) 1 = 24 32
53 32
1 1 1 p p p
4. (a) 4 2 5 2 + 5 × 5 2 = 2 5 + 5 5 = 7 5
1 1 1 p p p
(b) 9 2 3 2 − 3 2 = 3 3 − 3 = 2 3
1 1 1 1 p
(c) 2 × 36 2 × 2 2 + 3 × 4 2 × 2 2 = 18 2
1 1 1 1 p
(d) 8 3 2 3 + 2 3 = 3 3 or 2
1 1 1
(e) 3 × 4 2 3 2 − 6 × 3 2 = 0
1 5 3
(f) 2 2 (2 2 − 2 2 ) = 23 − 22 = 4
1 1 p
(g) 32 3 2 − 2 × 3 2 = 7 3
6. 2x+1 = 2(2x ). Similarly 2 y+1 = 2(2 y ). So each side is equal to 2(2x )(2 y ).
(ab)n = a n b n
(a + b)n 6= a n + b n
(a − b)n 6= a n − b n
For example:
(x + 3)2 6= x 2 + 32 , (y − 2)2 6= y 2 − 22 .
To see what’s going on, and why it doesn’t work, let’s look at the algebra:
a b
The area of the whole square is (a + b)2 .
It’s also equal to a 2 + ab + ba + b 2 .
In the case of (a − b)2 , not only do we get a −2ab term, the sign of b 2 is wrong
(35 )2 6= 37 24 × 35 6= 69
24 + 25 6= 29 (x + 2)3 6= x 3 + 8
3(2a)3 6= 6a 3 (1 − x)2 6= 1 − x 2
3 1 1
3a −2 = not or
a2 3a 2 (3a)2
4 1
4(x + 1)−1 = x+1
not 4(x+1)
p2 1
p 2 q −1 = q
not p2q
If all these mistakes leap out of the page at you, then you have a good
understanding of the rules. If they don’t, spend some time mulling over
them. There are more examples on pages 2-2, 2-18 and 2-26. It helps to write
down your own examples—until the rules start to look intuitively right.
Until then, the only answer is to slavishly follow the rules.
a m × a n = a m+n
= a m−n
(ab)n = a n b n
¡ a ¢n a n
= n
b b
(a m )n = a mn
a −n =
m p p
a n = ( n a)m or n a m
(m) 43 × 43 = 49 (n) (x − y)2 = x 2 − y 2 (o) x 3 = 4x −3
(p) a x × a x = a x (q) 5 y × 5−y = 1 (r) 23 + 24 = 27
1 1
(s) 2x −3 = 2x 3 (t) 10x = 10−x (u) (3a 2 )2 = 9a 4
³ 2 ´2
2 3 5 a4 a 1
(v) (5y ) = 125y (w) y 2 = y
(x) 6−2 = − 36
1 1 1 1
2. (a) 2(y + 4)−1 = 2(y+4) (b) p = 3− 2 (c) (4y)−2 = 4y 2
11 1 1 3
(d) (1 − x)− 2 = p (e) ppq = (pq) 2 (f) 100 2 = 150
¡ a ¢− 1 q
5 1 1
(g) 6 −2
= −36 (h) 5 2
= a
(i) (2x)− 3 = (2x)3
(j) (y x ) y = y x y (k) a 2 b −1 = a 2 b
Answers to self-test.
2 1
2. (a) F. y+4
(b) T. (c) F. 16y 2
(d) T.
1 1
(e) F. (pq)− 2 (f ) F. 1000 (g) F. 36
(h) T.
1 a2
(i) F. 1 (j) T. (k) F. b
(2x) 3
2.8 Surds
2.8.1 What is a surd?
Sometimes when we take the root of a number the result happens to be a
whole number, or some other rational23 number. For example
p 4 2 p
25 = 5 or = or 0.01 = 0.1
9 3
When the answer isn’t rational (and in general it won’t be) we call the result a
surd. Some examples of surds would be
p 7 p
2, 5, and 0.1.
So if a surd is an irrational number, what’s the difference? It’s a historical
thing. The word surd originates from the study of roots (square roots, cube
roots, fourth roots etc), so it’s only used if there is a root involved. So
although π is irrational it’s not a surd.
In the language of sets, surds are a subset of the irrational numbers.
For us the study of surds will be all about learning to manipulate expressions
involving square roots24 .
A fraction in which the numerator and denominator are both integers. See page 1-5
24 p
A term you will occasionally see is radical: it refers to the square root sign itself (i.e. ).
For example we might say we are going to square an expression to get rid of the radical.
Why would we take the trouble to develop specialist skills just for
manipulating square roots? Why not just get a calculator out? And if it’s
algebraic we could use fractional indices—we already know how to
manipulate those.
It’s true, we could always use fractional indices in place of roots. However it’s
often quicker and easier to use roots. And it’s those kinds of manipulations
we are going to be studying here.
The reason we try to avoid using a calculator is because mathematicians
want to be able to distinguish between an exact value and an approximate
one—and prefer to use an exact value if possible.
If we work with numbers in surd form we are preserving exact values.
Suppose we do a calculation and get the result x = 2, that is the exact
answer. It’s not a very useful answer if you are an engineer or a cabinet
maker; you would probably prefer something like x = 1.41. If you need
greater precision, you can go to more decimal places, say 1.4142. But it still
won’t be exact. From a mathematician’s perspective, any approximation is
losing something, however many decimal places we include.
By Pythagoras’ Theorem
x 2 + x 2 = 22
2x 2 = 4
p 2 x
x = 2
or x = 1.4142 (4 DP)
Surds in trigonometry
The triangle we just considered we can think of as a square cut in half, so its
angles are 45◦ , 45◦ and 90◦ . We can use such a triangle to find an exact form
for the trig ratios of 45◦ .
The trig ratios depend on the shape of the triangle only, not its dimensions,
so we may as wellp choose a triangle in which x = 1. Now by Pythagoras the
hypoteneuse is 2.
sin 45◦ = p
1 p
cos 45◦ = p 2 1
tan 45◦ = 1
sin 60◦ = T
2 T
1 2 p T
cos 60◦ = 3 T
2 T
p T
tan 60◦ = 3 T
P 1 N Q
1 p
y= when x= 10.
(x − 3.15)2
If you evaluate this using your calculator (inserting 10 into the calculation),
you will find that the answer (to 3 SF) is
y= p = 6, 630.
( 10 − 3.15)2
If we make the same, 3 SF approximation for x at the outset, i.e. x = 3.16, we
y= = 10, 000.
This is something like a 50% error!
We have picked an artificial example to make the point; the error is rarely
going to be this big, but the principle remains the same: use the exact value if
you can.
Where an answer can’t be expressed exactly, you will generally be told the level
of precision to use; if not, assume 3 significant figures (SF). You’ll find more
about SF and DP precision on page A-17.
From this (or from the index rules) we can see that
( 2)12 = 26 = 64
p p
( x)9 = x 4 x
( 10)2k = 10k
(If we raise a square root to an even power, the result contains no square roots;
if we raise it to an odd power, a single root remains.
p p
From the basic definition of a square root a × a = a, we can multiply out
and simplify expressions like these:
p p p
5( 5 + 2) = 5 + 2 5
p p p p
3( 3 − 1) + 3( 3 + 1) = 4 3
p p p p p
( 2 + 3)( 2 − 1) = 2 + 3 2 − 2 − 3 = 2 2 − 1
p p p p
(2 6 + 1)( 6 − 3) = 12 − 5 6 − 3 = 9−5 6
Check these for yourself. In the last two examples it is just like multiplying
out any pair of brackets: each term in the left hand one is multiplied by each
term in the right hand one. (You may be familiar with the “happy face” rule
for doing this quickly. If not go to page 3-10 in Chapter 3.)
1 1
In index notation: a 2 × a 2 = a 1 .
p p
Suppose we have something like ( 2−1)3 or 2−1)4 ? All we do is build up to
them, step by step27 .
p p p p p
( 2 − 1)2 = ( 2 − 1)( 2 − 1) = 2 − 2 2 + 1 = 3 − 2 2
p p p p
∴ ( 2 − 1)3 = ( 2 − 1)(3 − 2 2) = 5 2 − 7
p p p p
∴ ( 2 − 1)4 = ( 2 − 1)(5 2 − 7) = 17 − 12 2
p p
We could also obtain ( 2 − 1)4 by squaring 3 − 2 2. Can you see why?
You may recognise in these the ubiquitous difference of two squares pattern:
(X + Y )(X − Y ) = X 2 − Y 2
We shall pick this idea up again and use it to great effect a little later.
This gets rather tedious if the index is higher than about 4.
You’ll learn a more more direct (and very ingenious) method later.
p p p
(a) 4 3 + 1 (b) 17 + 3 5 (c) 5 (d) 2(1 + 3)
p p p
(e)34 = 81 (f ) 53 5 = 125 5 (g) y 5 (h) 256 2
But first what do we mean by decomposing surds? It’s best explained with a
few simple illustrations. Suppose we have the surds
p p p
ab = a b
So p p p p p
98 = 49 × 2 = 49 2 = 7 2.
i.e. it can’t be written as a rational number
There are some cases of embedded squares that crop up a lot. You’ll find it
useful to familiarise yourself with them:
p p
8 = 2 2
p p
27 = 3 3
p p
75 = 5 5
p p
1000 = 10 10
We can use the same approach when dividing surds. The index rule tells us
³ a ´ 1 a 12
= 1
b b2
q p
a pa
b b
A simple application of this principle you will probably have seen before,
something like: r p
4 4 2
=p = .
9 9 3
This is consistent with what we mean by a square root, because
2 2 4
× = .
3 3 9
p p p1 p1 p p
3 + 21 3 +
3 7 1+ 7
p = p p p = p
42 7 2 3 14
There is nothing new here but the presence of square roots in a fraction just
adds another level of difficulty.
Now we are going to see how decomposing square roots can sometimes help
when adding or subtracting surds. In each case
the key is to spot the presence of a square embedded within the surd.
Some examples
p p p p p
3 5 + 2 20 = 3 5 + 2 4 5
p p
= 3 5+4 5
= 7 5
p p p p
27 − 12 = 32 × 3 − 22 × 3
p p
= 3 3−2 3
= 3
p p p p p p
8(3 2 + 50) = 2 2(3 2 + 5 2)
= 12 + 20 = 32
There are often several ways we could do the simplification. For example in
the last example we could multiply the surds rather than decompose them:
p p p p p p p
8(3 2 + 50) = 3 8 2 + 8 50
p p
= 3 16 + 400
= 12 + 20 = 32
Everything we have done in this section has been based on the principles
(derived from index rules) that:
p p p
ab =
a× b
q p A
a pa !
b b A
p p p p p
(a) 4 2 (b) 30 (c) 6 5 (d) 3
4 (e) 5 4 2 (f ) 8 6 (g) 5 2 (h) 0 (i) 1
Now both fractions in our sum have the same rational denominator, i.e. 3.
8 2 21
(a) p (b) p (c) p
2 8 7
10 12 4 p
(d) p p (e) p (f) p + 2
2 5 3 2 2
2. Simplify and rationalise this expression (we hope you enjoy this one)
à p !
p 2 3
( 6 + 2) 3 − p .
p p p p p
31 2 sqr t 3
1. (a) 4 2 (b) 2 (c) 3 7 (d) 3 (e)2 2 (f ) 3 2
2. 6
So it seems that rationalising is a pretty simple process. To get rid of a a
from the denominator, multiply top and bottom by a. Well not quite. Look
at this fraction:
If we multiply top and bottom by 3 we get
p p
6 3 6 3
p p = p .
3( 3 − 1) 3 − 3
It hasn’t rationalised it, in fact we’ve now got square roots in the numerator
and the denominator.
The impasse is overcome by using the difference of two squares pattern:
p p p
( 3 − 1)( 3 + 1) = ( 3)2 − 12 = 2.
p p
Multiplying the top and bottom by 3 + 1 (rather than 3) we have
p p
6 6( 3 + 1) 6( 3 + 1) p
p = p p = = 3( 3 + 1)
3−1 ( 3 − 1)( 3 + 1) 2
A few examples of conjugate pairs. Notice that there will only ever be two
terms but both may contain square roots:
p p
3+ 2 3− 2
p p
3 5−1 3 5+1
p p
8+ 3 8− 3
p p p p
3 2+ 7 3 2− 7
For the difference of two squares to work, the pair must be identical except
for the sign.
And an example in which there are two square roots in the denominator:
p p .
3 2+ 7
p p
Multiplying top and bottom by the conjugate surd 3 2 − 7, we have
p p p p p
2(3 2 − 7) 6 − 14 6 − 14
p p p p = =
(3 2 + 7)(3 2 − 7) 18 − 7 11
It may have crossed your mind that we might be able to get rid of square
roots from a denominator by squaring top and bottom? There are two very
good reasons why this would not work.
Firstly, squaring a fraction alters its value! Multiplying top and bottom by the
same number doesn’t—it’s the principle of equivalent fractions.
Secondly, even if squaring were appropriate, there’s another problem.
Suppose we wanted to square the fraction
p p
2+ 5
¡ a ¢n
We know from the index rule b = b n that
µ ¶2
3 9
p p = p p
2+ 5 ( 2 + 5)2
p p
but ( 2 + 5)2 6= 2 + 5. We have a bracket to multiply out:
p p p p p p p
( 2 + 5)( 2 + 5) = 2 + 2 2 5 + 5 = 7 + 2 10.
It’s a timely reminder that the bracket rule for indices applies to
multiplication and division, but not to addition or subtraction:
(a + b)n 6= a n + b n
(a − b)n 6= a n − b n .
We end this section with a few more examples of rationalising surds that bring
out different aspects.
Example 7
p p p
3−1 ( 3 − 1)2 3−2 3+1 p
p = p = = 2− 3
3 + 1 ( 3)2 − 12 2
If you are tempted to consider cancelling 3, remember we can only cancel
if we can find something that divides into every term in the numerator and
every term in the denominator. Only then do the numerator and
denominator share a common factor.
Example 8
p p p p p p p p
6 6( 6 − 3) 6− 2 3 3 6−3 2 p
p p = = = = 2− 2
6+ 3 6−3 3 3
p p p
Seeing the 2 and the 3 “wrapped up" in the 6 is the key here. Another
way to do this would be to write:
p p p p p
6 2 3 2ZZ
p p =p p p =p p
6+ 3 2 3 + 3 ZZ 3( 2 + 1)
giving p p p
2 2( 2 − 1) p
p = = 2− 2
2+1 1
Example 9
p p p p
1 1 3+1 3−1 3 + 1 − ( 3 − 1) 2
p −p = − = = = 1
3−1 3+1 2 2 2 2
Notice how introducing a bracket helps us deal correctly with the signs—we
need to subtract the whole of the right hand fraction.
If you are intrigued and want to see some wonderful, more challenging
examples see page A-25 in Appendix A (or click on the page number).
p p p p p p
(a) 5(2 − 3) (b) 6( 6−4
= 3( 6 + 2) (c) 2( 2 − 1) = 2 − 2
p p p p p p
21(2 3+ 5)
(d) 12−5 = 3(2 3 + 5) (e) 3(5− 6)
25−6 =
3(5− 6)
in a book. Yes it is perhaps sad that I would be reading a Maths book rather
than a good novel.
p p p2
We know 2 is an irrational number. We wouldn’t be surprised if 2 were
as well, but that’s not the same as knowing it is for sure. So I Googled it.
Apparently mathematicians couldn’t say either way, until 1934, when
Alexandr Gelfond and Theodor Scheider proved that it is indeed irrational.
(Actually they proved something more general but that’s another story.)
We are into the realms of extremely esoteric stuff here, but with what we
already know, we can prove that an irrational number raised to the power of
another irrational number could be rational.
To do it we are going to look at two numbers:
µ p ¶p2
p p2 p 2
2 and 2
and we are going to show that one of these numbers is definitely rational.
The reasoning goes like this:
p p p2
We know 2 is irrational so if 2 is rational we have proved the result.
(Actually we know it isn’t but we are trying to prove it without using a fancy
p p2
theorem.) OK, so the only alternative is that 2 is irrational.
But—and here comes the good bit
p p2 p p p p
2 = ( 2) 2× 2 = ( 2)2 = 2
You’ll know if you’ve got it: the answer is an integer.
Exercises 8
p p p p 18
(g) 4( 2)3 − 2 (h) 8( 2)6 − ( 2)12 (i) p 4
( 3)
p 8 12 3
(j) (k) p 3 p (l) p p
2( 5)3 ( 2) +3 2 6 3−( 3)3
p p 3
3( 5)
(m) p
6. Show that
p p p p
2+1 2− 3 8+ 2
(a) p
2+ 3
= 0 (b) p p = 3
8− 2
p p p p
r r
2−p3 3+p5 1
(c) = 2− 3 (d) = 2
(3 + 5)
2+ 3 3− 5
p p 1− p 1 p
(e) p6−2 = 3− 2 (f ) 1 = 3
6+2 p −1
7. A sphere of radius 3 cm is inscribed in a cylinder (as shown in the
diagram). [Inscribed here means touching at all surfaces.]
(a) Show
p that the volume of the sphere is
4 3 π m and find the volume of the
[Leave your answer in terms of π.] p
3 cm -
(b) Show also that the surface area of
the sphere is the same as the
curved surface area of the cylinder.
p p1
a a
259 p
11. (a) Evaluate ( π − 1) on your calculator.
Explain why its exact value cannot be 1.
(b) Explain why 69, 343, 950 cannot be exactly 37.
p p p
12. (a) Expand (2 + 3)2 . Hence find, in surd form 7 + 4 3.
p p
(b) Use the same method to find, in surd form 3 + 2 2.
15. Find the exact length of the hypoteneuse in a 30◦ , 60◦ , 90◦ triangle that
has a total perimeter of 20 cm.
(This problem is solved approximately on page 6-16. The exact trig
ratios you will need for sin, cos and tan are derived on page 12-7.)
2 2 1
16. Rationalise (a) p p , and (b) p p p .
3+ 2−1 2+ 3+ 5
Solutions 8
1. (a) 9 (b) 32 (c) 125 5
p p p p p p p
(d) 8 8 or 16 2 (e) 16 2 2 = 32 (f ) 9 3 + 2 3 = 11 3
p p p
(g) 8 2 − 2 = 7 2 (h) 64 − 64 = 0 (i) 2
p p p
50 10 8 8 4 2 12
(j) p = p = 2 5 (k) p p = p = 5
(l) p= 4
5 5 5 2 2+3 2 5 2 63−33
p p
3×5× 5
(m) p p = 5
5× 3
p p p
2. (a) 3 + 2 3 (b) 2 7 + 2 (c) 4 11 − 1
p p p p
(d) 6 2 + 6 or 6( 2 + 1) (e) 1 − 8 5 (f) 6
p p p
(g) 2×10
p = 2 10 (h) 3 − 3 (i) 3 + 5 3
p p p p p p p
(j) 6 + 2 6 = 3 6 (k) 14 5 − 5 5 = 9 5 (l) 2 2 − 1
p p p
(m) 5 3 − 3 (n) 41 + 24 2 (o) 7 − 2 6
p p p p
(p) 4 + 2 3 or 2(2 + 3) (q) 2(5 + 3 3) (r) 2 + p9 = 2 + 3 3
p p p
(s) 5 + 2 (t) 4 + 8 (u) 11 + 22 5
33 p p p
(v) 2 +4 2 (w) 22 (x) 6 × 2 2 = 12 2
[In part (x) the quickest method is to use the difference of two squares.]
p p p p
3. (a) 2 2 (b) 2 5 (c) 10 2 (d) 3
p p
(e) 3 7 (f ) 16 (g) 12 (h) 7 3
p 5 p p
(i) 10 2 (j) 2 (k) 2 (l) 3 3
(m) 12 (n) 60 (o) 14 (p) 12
(q) 5
2 (r) 66 (s) 1
5 (t)
6 2
= 32
1 3 10
(u) 4 (v) 4 (w) 7
q p q
9 1
= 8
= 0.8 (y) p
= 3
(z) p 4
= 100
= 5
p p p p
4. (a) 4 2 (b) 3 (c) 2 or 21 2
q p p p p
= p3 = 6 16 3
(e) p p = 8 2 (f) 2
10 2 2 3 2
p p p
3 5 7
(g) 9 (h) 14 (i) 4 14
p p p p p
3 6( 6−1) 3(6− 6)
(j) 2( 3 − 2) (k) 4( 5 + 1) (l) 5
= 5
p p p p p
3 6(2 2+ 3) 3− 5
(m) 3(3 3 + 5) (n) 10
(o) 2
p p p
(p) 7 + 4 3 (q) 7 + 4 3 (r) − 12 8
p p p p
(s) 22 − 9 5 (t) 7 + 2 14 (u) 2
p p
2 10
(v) 4 (w) 2 3 (x) 3
p p p p
5. (a) y + 4 y + 4 (b) 1 + a (c) 4 − x (d) 9x + 6 x + 1
4 p 3 p
(e) k
−4+k (f ) p + 1 (g) 3x because x x = x 2 (h) 2y − 3 y − 2
p p
(i) −4 − t (j) x + 2 + x1 (k) 2(x + 9) (l) (2 x)(6) = 12 x
[Part (l) by the difference of two squares.]
p p p p
( 2+1)( 2−1)−(2− 3)(2+ 3)
6. (a) p p . The numerator is 0.
(2+ 3)( 2−1)
p p
(b) We could rationalise it as it stands. A quicker way is to notice that 8 = 2 2,
p p
2 2+ 2 2+1
so the l.h.s. could be written p p = 2−1 .
2 2− 2
In the next two questions we rationalise the fraction.
q p p
(c) (2−4−33) = 2 − 3
q p p
(d) (3+9−55) = 3+p 5
³p ´2 p 1
(a) Area of outer circle is π a + p1a = π a + 2 + a1 , because a× p = 1.
¡ ¢
p 2 1
Area of inner circle is π( a) = πa. The difference is π 2 + a .
¡ ¢
(b) As a gets bigger, a gets smaller, so the area gets smaller.
[The inner radius gets bigger but the ring gets narrower—to such an extent that the net effect
is a reduction in the area of the ring.]
1 1 1
• Factorising the base e.g. 64000 3 = (26 ) 3 × (103 ) 3 = 22 × 10 = 40
• Equations e.g. 7x = 49 ⇒ x = −2, and 271−x = 92x ⇒ 33−3x = 34x ⇒
x =7
p p p p
6 6 3
• Surds e.g. p = 3 = 2, (4 2 + 1)( 2 − 3) = 5( 2 + 1)
p p p p
2 3−1 (2 3−1)(p 3−1) 7−3 3
Rationalising the denominator e.g. p = p = 2
3+1 ( 3+1)( 3−1)
p p p p p p
Decomposing e.g. 75 × 48 = 3 × 25 × 3 × 16 = 3 × 5 × 4 = 60
If you don’t need this chapter and are looking for solving quadratic equations,
go straight to Chapter 7.
3.1 Expressions, terms and coefficients. Terminology.
3.2 Multiplying out brackets. For example
3pq − p(1 − 2q), 4(x + 2)(x − 3), (2x + y)2 , (a + b − 2c)3
A proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem.
3.3 Polynomials. Adding subtracting and multiplying them. For example
To find 2g (x) − f (x), where f (x) = x 2 − 2 and g (x) = 2 + 3x + x 4 .
Finding the coefficient of x 4 in the polynomial (x 3 + x 2 + 1)(2x 2 − 5)2 .
3.4 Factorising and the Highest Common Factor in algebraic expressions.
3.5 One-bracket factorising, i.e. taking out a common factor. The factor
could be a bracket and we may need to form the bracket. For example
8x 2 y + 16x y 2 − 12x 4 , 4(1 − 2x) − (1 − 2x)2 , 2x y − 3y − 4x 2 + 6x
3.6 Two-bracket factorising.
Quadratics of the form ax 2 + bx + c. Various cases. For example:
8x 2 − 18x, x 2 − 8x + 15, x 2 − 3x − 10, 7x 2 − 29x + 4, 2x 2 − 7x y − 9y 2
The difference of two squares. For example 4x 2 − 9, 5 − 80y 2
Perfect squares. For example x 2 + 6x + 9 = (x + 3)2 , 4x 2 − 4x + 1 = (2x − 1)2
Disguised quadratics. For example
x 3 + 2x 2 + x, x 4 + 4x 2 + 3, x + 6 x − 7
Within each term there is typically some multiplication going on, although
not always.
Actually the notion of a coefficient is slightly more subtle than this. Here is a
variation on the quadratic expression we started with:
2x 2 + ax − 5.
In this case we would not describe the second term as an ax term with
coefficient 1. We would say it is still an x term with coefficient a. This is
because the variable is clearly x, and a is a constant (a fixed number), even if
we don’t know what that number is yet.
To help distinguish variables from constants you will find that variables are
often labelled using the letters towards the end of the alphabet e.g.
x, y, z, t , u, v etc, and constants using letters near the beginning, e.g. a, b, c, d ,
although this is not a hard and fast rule. When we run out of letters
mathematicians tend to call on the letters of the Greek alphabet e.g. α, β, γ, δ
etc, pronounced alpha, beta, gamma, delta1 . Greek letters usually stand for
A clue to where the English word alphabet comes from.
Each of the expressions below have like terms, which can be combined:
9x + 4x + x = 14x
y 3 + 7y 3 = 8y 3
10pq 2 − 4q 2 p = 6pq 2
In the examples below there are no like terms, so we can’t combine any of
2x 2 + 3x
2p 2 q + 7pq 2
a 2 − 3ab + 4b 2
y4 + y3
(d ) 12 x 2 + 12 x 2 − x 2 (e) a 2 b + 2ab − b 3 ( f ) 2p 2 qr 2 + 3r 2 p 2 q
(g ) 3x 4 y + x 2 y − x y 4 + 7y x 2
In fact it’s a bit more subtle than this. To see why, turn to Annex A page A-11
(or click on the page number).
(a) 7x 2 (b) None possible. (c) 4pq (d) 0 (e) None possible. (f) 5p 2 qr 2
4 2 4
(g) 3x y + 8x y − x y
Within it we see more than one occurrence of x and also some numbers. It
would be good to combine like terms, but as it stands the like terms are
“wrapped up" within the brackets; to release them we need to write the
expression without brackets. Expanding the first bracket is straight forward:
4(x + 2) = 4x + 8.
x 2
For the second bracket, we use the box principle we met in Chapter 1 (see
page 1-45), which says we should see every sign as being attached to the
number that follows it. So in this case we don’t think of the expression as
“subtract 5(3 − 2x) from 4(x + 2)"; instead we see the minus sign in the
middle as part of the directed number −5, which must be multiplied by
everything inside the (3 − 2x) bracket.
We’ve put the boxes in here to underline the thinking process. In practice you
won’t need to, not once the process has become second nature.
So far so good. Now let’s see how the box principle applies to an example like
6a − (2a − 5).
This looks like a common or garden subtraction? The simplest way to tackle
this is to insert an imaginary −1 in front of the bracket. Then we can apply
the box principle:
6a − (2a − 5) = 6a −1 ( 2a −5 )
= 6a −2a +5
= 4a + 5
Tackling it this way means we sidestep the issue of which are additions and
which are subtractions.
Notice that −1 × −5 = +5. If you need a reminder about what happens when
we multiply directed numbers together see page 1-47.
Another way to understand the last example is to think about what the
bracket means: it tells us we need to subtract the 2a and subtract the −5. But
subtracting −5 means −− 5 = +5. So
−(2a − 5) = −2a + 5
Look at the start of this expression: it appears to begin with −6y + 2y, which
would combine into −4y. The reason we can’t do this is the BIDMAS (or
BODMAS)4 rule, which tells us we must do any multiplication or division
before any addition or subtraction. That means any brackets have to be
multiplied out before we can start collecting terms; only after we have
multiplied out +2y(4 − y) can we look for like terms to combine them with.
B=Brackets, I=Indices (O=Of ), D=Divide, M=Multiply, A=Add, S=Subtract.
For example: 7(23 − 5). We must work out what’s in the Bracket before Multiplying
by 7, and in the bracket we must apply the Index 3 in 23 before Subtracting the 5.
The answer is therefore 7(8 − 5) = 21.
Since “Of" means multiply, as in 4 of 12 = 14 × 12
1 = 3, we can dispense with
x 2 (x 2 + y 2 ) − (x 4 − y 4 ) = x 4 + x 2 y 2 − 1(x 4 − y 4 )
= x4 + x2 y 2 − x4 + y 4
= x2 y 2 + y 4
Try these examples for yourself (the answers are in the footnote5 ).
(a) 13x + 14 (b) y + 7 (c) −11x + 2 (d) −2p − 1.
Now we come to the case of two brackets multiplied6 together. This means
everything in the left hand bracket has to be multiplied by everything in the
right hand bracket. For example
(x + 3)(x + 2)
A simple diagram helps us to see how we can write the expression without
brackets. We can think of the the problem as that of finding the area of a
rectangle measuring x + 3 by x + 2. This breaks down into four smaller
rectangles (whose areas are shown in circles).
3 3x 6
x x2 2x
x 2
This shows us that
(x + 3)(x + 2) = x 2 + 3x + 2x + 6 = x 2 + 5x + 6
In practice we just need to make sure we multiply every term in one bracket
by every term in the other, which we could set out like this:
Here are two more interesting examples. They follow exactly the same
princple but in each case there is an added layer of complexity. In the second
example we have to be very vigilant about the signs. To ensure we subtract
all the terms that arise when we multiply the two brackets, we have
introduced an extra pair of brackets (we’ve used square ones).
In algebra being adjacent means “multiply", which is why we write 3y to mean 3 × y.
We are not confined to two terms in a bracket, of course. We can have as many
as we like as long as we multiply all the terms in one by all the terms in the
other. For example:
Try these examples for yourself (the answers are in the footnote7 ).
(a) x 2 + 11x + 28 (b) 6x 2 + 7x − 5 (c) 25x 2 + 10y + y 2
(d) 3a 2 − 2b 2 − 12a + 4b − 8 .
(x + 3)(x + 2) = x 2 + 3x + 2x + 6 = x 2 + 5x + 6
Where there are negative numbers remember the box principle:
(x -6 )(x + 4) = x 2 − 24 − 6x + 4x = x 2 − 2x − 24
We only use the happy face method when there are two terms in each
bracket. Repeate examples (a) and (b) on the previous page using this
The happy face method speeds things up a bit. And it can be used whenever
we have two brackets each containing two terms—whatever the terms are, for
We have
For the product of two brackets, we multiply all possible pairs of terms,
taking one from each bracket. Then we add together all the answers.
We never multiply terms from the same bracket.
So far so good.
Multiply these expressions out and collect the terms completely in your head.
The answers are in the footnote9 .
The exercises at the end of this section will provide you with more practice at
See Section 6.
(a) x 2 + 7x + 10 (b) x 2 − 4x − 21 (c) 12x 2 + 10x + 2
(d) −2x 2 + 19x − 24 (e) x 2 − 2x + 1
When the multiplying out is part of a bigger simplification, there can be a lot
to think about and plenty of scope for making mistakes. Take an expression
like this, where minus signs abound (this is definitely not one to attempt
completely in your head!)
Don’t forget the order of simplifying needs to follow the BIDMAS rule, and
for that reason we can’t combine the 2x with the 6x (because that would
mean doing a subtraction before doing all the multiplying).
We’ll start with −(4x − 7)(x − 1). One approach10 would be to expand (4x −
7)(x − 1) and multiply the answer by −1,
i.e. −(4x 2 − 11x + 7) = −4x 2 + 11x − 7 .
Combining this with the rest of the expression:
The thing to notice is that none of the steps here were difficult: each one you
can do in your head quite reliably, but mistakes can creep in simply because
of the number of steps—the scenario you are most likely to meet in an exam.
Or we could regard it as (−1)(4x − 7)(x − 1), and multiply the −1 by the first bracket, to
give (−4x + 7)(x − 1).
11 2
a − 9a + 6 .
10(1 − x) − (x + 3)2 .
10 − 10x − x 2 + 6x + 9.
Can you see what it should be? The answer is in the footnote12 .
Try simplifying the following juicy expression. See if you can get it right first
7y + y(y − 2) − 3(1 + y)(2y − 1)
The answer is in the footnote13 .
If your first attempt is wrong, see if you can diagnose the problem for yourself.
Get used to the idea that your first answer will sometimes be wrong: it’s par for
the course.
The whole of the expression (x + 3)2 is to be subtracted, so first we need to introduce
a bracket: 10 − 10x − (x 2 + 6x + 9) = 10 − 10x − x 2 − 6x − 9 = 1 − 16x − x 2 .
Answer: −5y 2 + 2y + 3
First expand (1 + y)(2y − 1) = (y + 1)(2y − 1) = 2y 2 + y − 1, then
We end this section with a problem that can be solved simply by multiplying
out some brackets.
First, don’t be put off by the words “if x is real". For us it simply means “for
any value of x" (see Section 1.2). Multiplying out the brackets on the left hand
(2x − 3)2 + 6(2x + 1) = 4x 2 − 12x + 9 + 12x + 6
= 4x 2 + 15
The reason is now clear: 4x 2 ≥ 0, so 4x 2 + 15 ≥ 15.
b X a
a c
c a
a b
Now the area of the larger square is (a + b)2 and the area of the smaller
square is c 2 . The four triangles each have an area 21 ab, so all four have a total
area of 2ab.
By writing the area of the larger square in two different ways, we have
(a + b)2 = c 2 + 2ab
a 2 + + b 2 = c 2 + 2ab
a2 + b2 = c 2
We have proved Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Exercises 9
7. Show that
(a) 2(a + b)2 − (2a + b)2 + (2a 2 − b 2 ) = 0
(b) (2x + y + z)2 + (x + 2y + z)2 + (x + y + 2z)2 = 5(x + y + z)2 + x 2 + y 2 + z 2
by writing 2x + y + z = x + (x + y + z), etc.
(c) (2x + y + z)2 + (x + 2y + z)2 + (x + y + 2z)2 can also be written
6(x 2 + y 2 + z 2 ) + 10(x y + y z + zx).
(d) (a + b − c)2 + (b + c − a)2 + (c + a − b)2 = 4(a 2 + b 2 + c 2 ) − (a + b + c)2
[Hint in footnote14 .]
8. Expand (3x + 1)(x + 1). By choosing a value for x, use the identity to
factorise 30, 401 completely.
9. Expand (2x + 1)2 . Use the resulting identity to find 4, 004, 001 without
using a calculator.
10. Using the identity x 2 − 1 ≡ (x + 1)(x − 1), factorise 999, 999 completely.
11. N = (1 + x 2 )(2 + x 4 ). Multiply the bracket and hence express N as a
decimal when x = 10−2 .
12. A garden is exactly square in shape, each side being x m in length.
Around the edge of the garden is a path y m wide. Find the area covered by
the path.
- x
13. Find in its simplest form an expression for the surface area of a solid
rectangular cuboid15 whose sides are of length x, x + 1 and x + 2.
14.∗ A function is defined by f (x) = 2x(x − 1).
(a) Show that f (x + 1) = 2x(x + 1).
(b) Find and simplify an expression for (i) f (x) + f (x + 1),
and (ii) f (3x) − 3 f (x).
You may find it helpful to write a + b − c = (a + b + c) − 2c, etc.
A rectangular cuboid is like a cube except the faces are rectangles rather than
Solutions 9
4. (a) 10a+b − 10b + 10a − 1 (b) 3x+1 + 3 y+1 (c) 22x + 2x+1 + 1
(d) 42y − 1 (e) 1 − x (f) x 2 + 2 + x −2
5. Let the length of the unknown side be x. By Pythagoras
x 2 = (a + b)2 − (a − b)2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2 − (a a − 2ab + b 2 ) = 4ab.
Length of the third side is 2 ab.
7. (b) (2x + y +z)2 = [(x + y +z)+x]2 = (x + y +z)2 +2x(x + y +z)+x 2 . From this
we can see that (x +2y +z)2 = (x + y +z)2 +2y(x + y +z)+ y 2 , and (x + y +2z)2 =
(x + y + z)2 + 2z(x + y + z) + z 2 .
So the whole expression is 3(x + y + z)2 + 2(x + y + z)(x + y + z) + x 2 + y 2 + z 2 .
(c) Derive it from the answer to part (b) by expanding (x + y + z)2 .
(d) (a + b − c)2 = [(a + b + c) − 2c]2 = (a + b + c)2 − 4c(a + b + c) + 4c 2 .
By symmetry we can see that the whole expression is
3(a + b + c)2 − 4(a + b + c)(a + b + c) + 4(a 2 + b 2 + c 2 ). The result follows.
9. (2x +1)2 = 4x 2 +4x +1. Substituting x = 1, 000, we have 2, 0012 = 4, 004, 001,
so 4, 004, 001 = 2, 001.
10. Putting x = 1, 000 we have 999, 999 = 1001 × 999. 1001 = 7 × 11 × 13 and
999 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 37. The complete prime factorisation is 33 × 7 × 11 × 13 × 37.
11. N = 2 + 2x 2 + x 4 + x 6 , so
N = 2 + 0.0002 + 0.00000001 + 0.000000000001 = 2.000200010001.
12. We can find the area covered by the path either by breaking the area into
rectangles, or by subtracting the area of the inner square from the area of the
outer square. Using the second method:
x 2 − (x − 2y)2 = x 2 − (x 2 − 4x y + 4y 2 ) = 4x y − 4y 2 or 4y(x − y).
3.3 Polynomials
All these expressions we call polynomials:
1 2
2x 4 + 7x − 11, 9 − x 3, (x + 4)2 , t − 3.
To be a polynomial expression (in the variable x), it must be possible to write
it down using a finite 16 number of terms, each of which is of the form ax n ,
where a is a constant and each index n is a non-negative integer (i.e. positive
or zero). Including the case n = 0 is important because without it we couldn’t
have constant terms, like −11 = −11x 0 . The variable need not be x of course.
The expression (x + 4)2 qualifies because the bracket can be expanded to
give x 2 + 8x + 16, which ticks all the boxes. This we recognise as a quadratic
6x 3 − 4x 2 + 11x + 1 (order 3)
y2 − y6 (order 6)
5 2 4
1− 3x −x (order 4)
1 + x + x + x + . . . x n (where n is a positive integer)
2 3
(order n)
Later you will come across expressions containing an infinite number of such terms.
A polynomial of order zero is a constant.
2x(x 3 + 3) = 2x 5 + 6x (order 4)
2 2
(7x − 2) = 49x − 28x + 4 (order 2)
x 4 −6x 2 x 4 6x 2 x 3 1 3
= − = − 3x = x − 3x (order 3)
2x 2x 2x 2 2
This would be very tedious. Fortunately you will learn a much simpler way
to do it.
These expressions are not polynomials, because it’s impossible to write any
of them as a collection of terms of the form ax n (where each n is a
non-negative integer):
5x 2 + 3− x 2 = 6x 2 + 3 − x −2 (the last power is negative)
p 1
4 x + x3 = 4x − x 3
2 (the first power is not an integer)
These aren’t polynomials either:
x +1
, 2x 2 − 3x + 7, x 3 sin x, 2x
1 + x + x2 + x3 + x4 + . . .
because the dots at the end mean the list of terms goes on for ever. We say it
has an infinite number of terms.
1 x 3 +5x 2
(a) 12 x − x 7 (b) 3 + 2x 2 (c) y(y 2 − 5) (d ) x2
x 3 +5x 1
(e) x2
( f ) x 3 +3 (g ) (x + 1)(x − 9) (h) (2x − 3)2
p 1 p p
(i ) 1 + 3 x ( j ) x2
(k) − 7 (l ) ( x − 1)( x + 1)
Example 1
Add the two polynomials 3 − x 2 and x 2 + 6x − 11.
(3 − x 2 ) + (x 2 + 6x − 11) = 3 − x 2 + x 2 + 6x − 11
= 6x − 8
Exam questions will often adopt the function notation when describing
polynomials (see Section 1.7 on page 1-31), as in the examples below.
Example 2.
The polynomials f (x) and g (x) are defined by
f (x) − 4g (x) = x + 3 − 4(1 − 2x − x 2 )
= x + 3 − 4 + 8x − 4x 2
= −4x 2 + 9x − 1
Notice how important it was to put brackets round the 1 − 2x − x 2 . It’s not a
bad idea to default to putting in brackets as a matter of habit.
Using the functions f (x) and g (x) as defined in Example 2, find and simplify
the expressions
2 f (x) + g (x) and f (x) − g (x).
The answers are in the footnote19 .
2 f (x) + g (x) = −x 2 + 7.
f (x) − g (x) = x + 3 − (1 − 2x − x 2 ) = x + 3 − 1 + 2x + x 2 = x 2 + 3x + 2
Example 3.
Suppose two polynomials are defined by:
p(x) = x 2 − 2 and q(x) = 2 − 3x 2 + x 4
(a) Evaluate p(3) and q(−2).
(b) Solve the equation p(x) = 23.
(c) Show that x = −1 is a solution of the equation q(x) = 0.
(d) Write in its simplest form the polynomial p(x)q(x).
(a) p(3) = 32 − 2 = 7 and q(−2) = 2 − 3(−2)2 + (−2)4 = 2 − 12 + 16 = 8.
3x 3 − 6x 2 − x + 1
3 2
x +x − 10x − 5
and subtract each power of x in turn. It’s conventional—but by no means
essential—to put them in order of descending 20 powers of x. Here is the
answer; see if you agree with it.
2x 3 − 7x 2 + 9x + 6.
The problem consists of simple enough steps, but the prevalence of negative
numbers means it is remarkably easy to make mistakes, for example
−x − (−10x) = +9x.
From an examination point of view, a slip-up in a question like this can be
very costly. The whole subtraction is likely to be worth 2 marks, every error
carrying a 1 mark penalty. So one mistake and you lose half the available
marks; two mistakes and you lose all of them—even though you got a lot
right. This may seem harsh, but it is a very effective way of getting students
to prize accuracy!
Lining up powers of x above each other may mean leaving gaps. For example
to subtract 2x 3 − 7x + 5 from 1 − x 2 :
−x 2 +1
2x − 7x + 5
Do this subtraction for yourself (the answer is in the footnote21 ).
There in an arithmetic parallel: the place value notation we use in our arabic number
system assumes each column corresponds to a power of 10, written in descending
powers: 2734 = 2(103 ) + 7(102 ) + 3(10) + 4.
2x 3 − x 2 + 7x − 4.
(2x 2 + x − 4)(3x 2 − 5x − 2)
Remember we need to multiply every term in the first bracket by every term
in the second, so the calculation starts
If both polynomials are long ones, a neat method is to use a table. Take the
(x 3 + 2x 2 − x − 5)(x 2 − 7x − 1).
It doesn’t matter which of the polynomials we put across the top, and which
down the side:
× −1 −7x x2
−5 +5 +35x −5x 2
−x +x +7x 2 −x 3
2x 2 −2x 2 −14x 3 +2x 4
x3 −x 3 −7x 4 +x 5
The example highlighted in red boxes shows how we complete the table: e.g.
multiplying 2x 2 × −7x = −14x 3 . When we have done this for every pair of
terms (one from each polynomial), we collect up all the terms in the body of
the table. This gives:
x 5 − 5x 4 − 16x 3 + 36x + 5.
Notice that all the terms involving the same23 power of x will lie along a
single (forward sloping) diagonal. For example one such diagonal holds all
the x 3 terms: −x 3 , −14x 3 and −x 3 , giving −16x 3 . Not only does this make it
easy to collect the terms, it also provides an error-check: if the powers of x
are not identical along one of these diagonals you know you have made a
6x 4 − 7x 3 − 21x 2 + 18x + 8.
This works provided we enter the initial two polynomials in strictly ascending or strictly
descending powers of x. In our example we have chosen ascending order.
× −1 −7x x2
−5 +5 +35x −5x 2
−x +x +7x 2 −x 3
2x 2 −2x 2 −14x 3 +2x 4
x3 −x 3 −7x 4 +x 5
5 +36x −16x 3 −5x 4 +x 5
Each column in the body of the table now contains terms in the same power
of x.
Use the tabular approach to multiply (2x 2 + x − 4)(3x 2 − 5x − 2). The answer
is in the footnote at the bottom of the previous page.
Although you won’t need to adopt this approach in any of the problems you
meet in Core 1 or Core 2, you may want to. The next example illustrates why.
4x 4 + 11x 3 − 17x 2 − 16x + 12.
Example 4
Find the coefficient of x 4 in the polynomial
(x 3 + x 2 + 1)(2x 2 − 5)2
Expanding the right hand bracket using the happy face rule:
from which we get two x 4 terms: (x 2 ) × (−20x 2 ) and (1) × (4x 4 ), so the answer
is −16.
Exercises 10
1. Establish which of these is a polynomial. If it is, express it in its simplest
³ ´
(a) 4x x − 12 (b) 4x x − x1 (c) 4x x − x12
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
p ³p 1
´ 1
(d ) 4 x x − x p (e) (x 2 + 1)3 ( f ) (x 2 + 1) 2
¢2 ¡ ¢2 1 1
(g ) x + x1 − x − x1 (h) 3 (12x 2 − 1) (i ) 3x (12x 2 − 1)
(a) 3x + 2 × x 2 + 7x − 3
(b) 2x 2 − x + 5 × 1 + x − 3x 2
(c) x 3 + 4x − 1 × x −2
4. Repeat Question 4,
Solutions 10
3. (a) × x 2 + 7x −3 (b) × − 3x 2 + x +1
+3x 3x 3 + 21x 2 − 9x +2x 2 − 6x 4 + 2x 3 + 2x 2
+2 2x 2 + 14x − 6 −x + 3x 3 − x 2 − x
+5 − 15x 2 + 5x + 5
(c) × x3 + 4x −1
+x x4 + 4x 2 − x
−2 − 2x 3 − 8x + 2
Ans: x 4 − 2x 3 + 4x 2 − 9x + 2
6. (a) −x 3 + 5x 2 − x + 9 (b) x 3 + 5x 2 − x + 5
(c) −x 3 − 10x 2 + 2x − 12 (d) −5x 5 + x 4 − 7x 3 + 10x 2 − 2x − 14
(e) 25x 4 − 10x 3 + 71x 2 − 14x + 49
(f) −5x 5 + 26x 4 − 17x 3 + 81x 2 − 16x + 35
30 2
45 3
(the HCF is 15). If it’s not so obvious we’ll need to look more closely at the
factors of the two numbers. A systematic way of doing this is to find the prime
factorisation 27 of each of them. For example:
72 23 .32 2.3 6
= 2 = = .
420 2 .3.5.7 5.7 35
The HCF is the largest number we can divide into both the top and the
bottom, i.e. 22 .3 = 12. (Notice the use of the “dot" notation for
In the USA they call it the Greatest Common Divider (GCD).
Used in this context we mean “divides without a remainder".
Breaking a number into factors and continuing the process until all the numbers are
prime numbers.
e.g. 132 = 2 × 66 = 2 × 2 × 33 = 22 × 3 × 11.
72x + 420y.
The algebraic parts of each term may also share a factor, and for a complete
factorisation it is once again the HCF we are interested in. For example
because 5b 2 is the largest expression that divides into both 20b 3 and 15ab 2 .
All this takes us into the main theme for rest of this chapter: factorisation
algebraic expressions.
6x + 9 = 3(2x + 3)
y + 5y 2 − 2y = y(y 3 + 5y − 2)
In essence the process is a simple one: look at all the terms and see if there is
anything we can take out of every one of them—in other words do they have
any common factors? If we can take out everything they have in common in
one fell swoop, great. But it’s fine to do it step by step, for example
Often the HCF will be obvious; if it isn’t it can be built up step by step like in
the example above. If there are a number of terms and the HCF is not
obvious we can use set theory to find it quickly and easily. For a description
of how this works see Appendix A, page A-26. It is something a
mathematician would find interesting; it is not a technique you need to
know at this stage.
after factorising, multiply the result out in your head to check it.
To see exactly what we have, we’ll multiply out the bracket that’s already
there first:
2x(1 + y) + x y + 7x = 2x + 2x y + x y + 7x
= 3x y + 9x
= 3x(y + 3)
You might have spotted that every term has a factot x, suggesting a slightly
different approach:
x[2(1 + y) + y + 7] = x[2 + 2y + y + 7] = x[3y + 9] = 3x(y + 3).
We could multiply out the brackets and look for factors, but there is a much
better way.
We have put (x + 3) in a red box to highlight the fact that the whole bracket is
a factor.
Although we have ended up with two brackets, we still regard this as
one-bracket factorising, because the process was that of finding common
factors. It just so happens in this instance that one of the common factors
was itself a bracket.
We use the phrase “take out" but it’s not anything to do with subtraction; it’s
(a) 2x(3x 2 + 6x y − 2y 2 ) (b) 5(2x + 1) (c) (x − 1)(x + 3)
“Taking out" a minus sign from the second bracket has the effect of reversing
the order of the subtraction. Then we have a common factor:
In the next two examples the common factor is not quite so obvious
So if there is no obvious factor, maybe it’s worth seeing if we can find one by
writing part of the expression in a different way.
Example 9
(a) 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 = (1 + x) + x 2 (1 + x)
= (1 + x)(1 + x 2 )
(a) (1 + x 2 )(1 + 3x) (b) 2(x − y) (c) (1 − 2b)(4a + 3b)
After factorising, check your answer by multiplying it out.
Where next?
You will have met a rather different kind of factorising in the context of
quadratic expressions like this:
x 2 + 7x + 10 = (x + 2)(x + 5).
But the three terms have no factor common, nor there is an obvious way of
constructing one. How is this factorising?
It is factorising because we are converting a sum (of three terms) into a
product of the two expressions (x + 2) and (x + 5).
In the next section we shall explore this kind of two-bracket factorising.
Some of it may be familiar territory; some of it may not be.
Exercises 11
Solutions 11
3.6.1 When c = 0
We can quickly dispense with this special case. Take the expression
x 2 + 5x.
x 2 + 5x = x(x + 5).
6y − 3y 2 = 3y(2 − y).
3.6.2 When a = ±1
a =1
(We are assuming here that neither b nor c is zero. We deal with those special
cases elsewhere. )
There is no factor common to all the terms in the quadratic expression
x 2 + 5x + 6
If this is familiar territory for you, you’ll sometimes be able to spot the
factors. You may have done so in the example above. When you can’t, you’ll
need a systematic way of finding them. That’s what we’re going to look at
next, using the following example:
x 2 + 12x + 32 = (· · · + . . .)(. . . + . . .)
The "anatomy" of the expression on the left is that the x 2 term comes from
multiplying together the first term in each bracket. So no problem here: both
brackets must start with x.
x 2 + 12x + 32 = (x + . . .)(x + . . .)
Turning to the constant term 32, that comes from multiplying the two
numbers—where the dots are. So the dots must be replaced by two factors of
32. The options are 1 × 32, 2 × 16, 4 × 8. A quick check (either in your head or
on paper) tells us it’s the last pair that works:
x 2 − 8x + 12.
Once again each bracket must start with x and we are looking for factor pairs
for 12. This time the options are 1×12, 2×6, 3×4. To make sure we don’t miss
any it’s a good idea to write the list systematically, starting with the inevitable
factor of 1, then 2 etc. We stop as soon as the factors start repeating: if we
were to continue with the list: 4 × 3, 6 × 2, 12 × 1, we get the same three factor
pairs but written in reverse order 31 .
I have glossed over something: it’s not strictly true to say that the only factor
pairs of 12 are 1 × 12, 2 × 6 and 3 × 4. We would also get +12 if both numbers
were negative. Bearing that in mind we now have all the options. There are
six of them, all of which generate the correct x 2 term and the correct constant
(x + 1)(x + 12) (x − 1)(x − 12)
(x + 2)(x + 6) (x − 2)(x − 6)
(x + 3)(x + 4) (x − 3)(x − 4)
It remains to find the one that gives the right x term. And you can now see
why it’s so useful to be able to work out the middle term in your head. The
correct factorisation is
x 2 − 8x + 12 = (x − 2)(x − 6)
Can you see that if we change both the signs in the brackets, we still get +12;
the only thing that changes is the sign of the x-term.
(x − 2)(x − 6) = x 2 − 8x + 12
(x + 2)(x + 6) = x 2 + 8x + 12
In these both these examples we needed to find a pair of factors of c whose
sum corresponded to the number in front of x (i.e. ignoring its sign).
We say “matches" not “equals" because at this stage we ignore it’s sign.
You may be able to see that factors pairs we will start repeating when the first
p of
the two factors exceeds the square root of the constant term—in this case 10.
The logic is that beyond that point the second factor will be smaller than the first
and since they are still valid factor pairs we must be repeating ones we had earlier
in the list.
(a) (x + 2)(x + 6) (b) (x + 8)(x + 9) (c) (x − 4)(x − 6) (d) (x − 2)(x − 36)
(e) x(x + 12).
x 2 + x − 20.
The factor pairs for 20 are 1 × 20, 2 × 10 and 4 × 5. But since the constant term
is −20 one factor must be positive and the other negative. So the options are:
A mental check through the x terms tells us that the correct answer is
x 2 + x − 20 = (x − 4)(x + 5)
If we swap over the two signs in the brackets on the right, the only thing that
changes on the left is the sign of the x-term.
x 2 − x − 20 = (x + 4)(x − 5).
What we see is that when c is negative, it’s the difference of its factors we are
looking for.
(a) (x − 2)(x + 6) (b) (x − 2)(x + 9) (c) (x + 4)(x − 5).
When a = 1
This simple method is particularly helpful if the constant terms has a lot of
factors, for example
x 2 − 9x − 36
the factor pairs are 1×36, 2×18, 3×12, 4×9, 6×6. The coefficient of x 2 is 1 and
we have a negative constant term, so we are looking for a factor pair whose
difference is 9. That leads us straight to the pair 3 and 12, and the two options
are (x − 3)(x + 12) and (x + 3)(x − 12)
A mental check of the x terms points to the second one.
a = −1
Before going on to look at quadratics for which a 6= 1, there is one special case
that we can deal with easily. That is when a = −1. For example
20 + x − x 2
All we need to do is write it as −(x 2 − x − 20).
Factorising x 2 − x − 20 = (x + 4)(x − 5), we have
20 + x − x 2 = − (x − 5)(x + 4)
−(x + 3)(x − 5) or (x + 3)(5 − x).
3.6.3 When a 6= 1 or −1
(As before we assume here that neither b nor c is zero.)
If a 6= 1or −1 spotting the factors is seldom easy—and there are no simple
rules to help us.
That only leaves one alternative: systematically going through all the options.
Take this example:
3x 2 − 13x + 14.
As before, we first check to see if the three terms have any common factors. In
this case they don’t, so we go straight into the process of forming two brackets.
(. . . x ± . . .)(. . . x ± . . .)
The numbers in front of the two x’s must multiply to give 3 and the two
constant terms must multiply to give 14. The coefficient 3 can only arise
from the product of 1 × 3, and the coefficient 14 can arise in two different
ways: 1 × 14 and 2 × 7.
We set out the options in rows and columns, as before. The rows correspond
to the factor pairs; the columns show the sign options.
In this case the constant term is positive so we need either two pluses or two
minuses. By the way you don’t have to put all the stuff in the columns at the
sides and along the top; we’ve put it in to show the structure of the table.
a + + − − c
1×3 (x + 1)(3x + 14) (x − 1)(3x − 14) 1 × 14
(x + 14)(3x + 1) (x − 14)(3x − 1) 14 × 1
(x + 2)(3x + 7) (x − 2)(3x − 7) 2×7
(x + 7)(3x + 2) (x − 7)(3x − 2) 7×2
Or we could make the choice the other way round, i.e. include the factor pairs for a in
reverse order, but not those for c. If we do it for both we will duplicate options.
6x 2 − 11x − 10
We first check to see if the three terms have any common factors. In this case
they don’t, so we go straight into the process of forming two brackets.
(. . . x ± . . .)(. . . x ± . . .)
The numbers in front of the two x’s must multiply to give 6 and the two
constant terms must multiply to give 10. So this time there are two sets of
factor pairs to consider: those that multiply to give 6 (i.e. 1 × 6, 2 × 3) and
those that multiply to give 10 (i.e. 1 × 10, 2 × 5).
As before we need to include the factor pairs for c written in reverse order,
i.e. 1 × 10, 10 × 1, 2 × 5 and 5 × 2. We’ll set out the options in the same way as
before: the different factor pairs for a and c running down the page and the
alternative signs options alongside them.
a + − − + c
1×6 (x + 1)(6x − 10) (x − 1)(6x + 10) 1 × 10
(x + 10)(6x − 1) (x − 10)(6x + 1) 10 × 1
(x + 2)(6x − 5) (x − 2)(6x + 5) 2×5
(x + 5)(6x − 2) (x − 5)(6x + 2) 5×2
2×3 (2x + 1)(3x − 10) (2x − 1)(3x + 10) 1 × 10
(2x + 10)(3x − 1) (2x − 10)(3x + 1) 10 × 1
(2x + 2)(3x − 5) (2x − 2)(3x + 5) 2×5
(2x + 5)(3x − 2) (2x − 5)(3x + 2) 5×2
We have sixteen candidates. They all generate the correct x 2 -term and the
correct constant term. At this stage we can go through them, checking the x
coefficients until we find −11. The answer is
21x 2 + 22x − 8.
When a and c have lots of factors the whole process can get very long-
winded. To an extent this is unavoidable, but in harder cases there is
often a neat way of dismissing some of the options by inspection i.e
just by looking at them. If you want to know how it works turn to page
A-12 in Appendix A (or click on the page number).
(3x + 4)(7x − 2). The table should contain 16 options.
When a < 0
We can deal with the case of a being negative in much the same way we dealt
with the special case a = −1. Take the example
8 − 22x − 21x 2 .
Rather than try to form brackets straight away, the simplest approach is to
first write the expression like this:
The expression inside the bracket is the one you factorised on the previous
page, so we have
−(3x + 4)(7x − 2).
This is the same as −(7x − 2)(3x + 4) which we may want to write as
(2 − 7x)(3x + 4).
−(x + 3)(x − 2) or (2 − x)(x + 3).
The first thing we notice is that c has lots of factors, and because a 6= 1, the list
of options is starting to look very long—on the face of it 32. Very tedious!
Can you see what we could do to massively reduce this number?
The answer is in remembering that factorising can be of the one-bracket or
the two-bracket variety. In this case there is a common factor of 3:
−3(7x 2 + x − 8).
Finish this for yourself. You should find that there are now only 8 options to
consider. The answer is in the footnote38 .
We could have factorised the expression without taking out the factor 3, but
it would have involved looking at four times as many options. So remember:
always check for possible one-bracket factorising
before embarking on two-bracket factorising. A
−3(x − 1)(7x + 8) or 3(1 − x)(7x + 8).
x 2 − 9 = (x + 3)(x − 3).
The difference of two squares often appears in disguise. Here are some
examples. In the first one substitute: X = 3y and Y = 5.
Mull over these examples and try to absorb the underlying structure. That
will help you see the pattern when it occurs:
ä2 − ∆2 = ( ä − ∆ ) ( ä − ∆ )
39 y y
(a) (x + 4)(x − 4) (b) (p + q)(p − q) (c) (10x + 1)(10x − 1) (d) (3 + 2 )(3 − 2 )
The difference of two squares pattern can be in disguise in various other ways.
Look at this example:
49 − y 6 .
49 − y 6 = 72 − (y 3 )2 = (7 + y 3 )(7 − y 3 ).
49 − y 6 = 72 − Y 2 .
In this next example the fact that all the powers of x are odd could put us off
the scent:
x 5 − 16x.
The trick is to see that there is a common factor we can take out:
Did you notice too that we can go one step further in this case: we can
factorise the x 2 − 4, so
You may be wondering what happens if the constant term is negative but is not
an exact square.
Here is an example
x 2 − 5.
Is it possible to factorize this? Yes it is:
p p p
x 2 − 5 = x 2 − ( 5)2 = (x + 5)(x − 5)
and similarly p p p
3x 2 − 1 = ( 3x)2 − 12 = ( 3x + 1)( 3x − 1)
(a) (x 2 + y)(x 2 − y)(b) (x 3 + 5)(x 3 − 5) (c) x 2 (x + 3)(x − 3)
p p
(d) 3(a + 2)(a − 2) (e) (y + 2)(y − 2).
You may have seen this pattern (the difference of two squares) used in
arithmetic calculations. For example to find the values of
(b) 99.9 × 100.1 = (100 − 0.1)(100 + 0.1) = 1002 − 0.12 = 10, 000 − 0.01 = 9, 999.99
(a) 1022 − 982 (b) 50.12 − 49.92 (c) 201 × 199 (d) 0.72 × 0.68
This is all you need for now, but there is a lot more juice in the difference of
two squares. For example as a simple way to simplify an expression like this
without multiplying out the brackets
If you want see how, turn to page A-13 of Appendix A (or click on the page
X 2 − Y 2 = (X + Y )(X − Y )
(a) 200 × 4 = 800 (b) 100 × 0.2 = 20 (c) 2002 − 12 = 39, 999
(d) 0.72 − 0.22 = 0.49 − 0.04 = 0.45
With a > 0.
At least not using Real numbers. In Chapter 1 we briefly introduced the idea of
Complex numbers, and develop the ideas further in Chapter 14. If we allow
such numbers, then the sum of two squares can be factorised.
(X + Y )2 = (X + Y )(X + Y ) = X 2 + 2X Y + Y 2 A
(X − Y )2 = (X − Y )(X − Y ) = X 2 − 2X Y + Y 2 A
Here are some examples. Check them by multiplying out the brackets (in your
head if you can).
y 2 + 10y + 25 = (y + 5)2
t 2 − 8x + 16 = (t − 4)2
a 2 + 6a + 9 = (a + 3)2
x 2 + 2x + 1 = (x + 1)2
x 2 − 2x + 1 = (x − 1)2
Look at the last two examples. Changing the sign on the right hand side from
+ to − only changes the middle term on the left hand side (from + to −).
We see this in the two identities at the top of the page. We derive the second
one by replacing Y with −Y . But (−Y )2 = Y 2 , so only the middle term
Un the same way that difference of two squares pattern can be disguised, so
can a perfect square. Take this expression:
9x 2 + 6x + 1.
(a) Putting X = 2x, X 2 + 10X + 25 = (X + 5)2 = (2x + 5)2 . (b) (6x − 1)2
(c) (7y + 2)2 (d) (x + 1)2
A word of caution. In each of the examples we have looked at, the clue to
the expression being a perfect squares is that it has 2 terms that are exact
squares, e.g. 9x 2 = (3x)2 and 25 = 52 . But that doesn’t automatically make the
expression a perfect square. For example
9x 2 + 20x + 25.
To be a perfect square, it would have to be (3x + 5)2 , making the middle term
30x. So it isn’t a perfect square.
It’s a small step from where we have reached to factorising an expression like
9p 2 − 24pq + 16q 2 .
(3p − 4q)2 .
X 2 + Y 2 6= (X + Y )2 .
We only have to take the example x = 3 and y = 4 to see that this is wrong.
X 2 + 2X Y + Y 2 = (X + Y )2
X 2 − 2X Y + Y 2 = (X − Y )2
(a) No. (b) Yes. (x + 2y)2 (c) Yes. (10a + 3b)2
x 4 + 14x 2 + 49.
This next example takes exactly the same idea a bit further:
x − 2 x − 3.
Can you see that this next example is actually very similar?
2 1
x 3 − 2x 3 − 8.
The secret here is to write the terms using powers and roots47 :
p p
( 3 x)2 − 2 3 x − 8.
The quadratic structure is now clear. Putting X = x, we have
X 2 − 2X − 8 = (X − 4)(X + 2)
p p 1 1
and the answer is ( 3 x − 4)( 3 x + 2) or (x 3 − 4)(x 3 + 2).
46 p
Any variable name will do e.g. t = x or whatever.
If you want a reminder of how we do this turn to page 2-26 (or click on the page
Moving onto the idea of taking out a common factor, look at this expression:
x 4 + 14x 3 + 49x 2 .
x 2 (x 2 + 14x + 49)
If this seems like a lot to take in, we’ll be re-capping when we cover quadratic
equations in Chapter 7.
Here are some disguised quadratics for you to factorise for yourself:
(a) x 8 + 2x 4 + 1 (b) y 5 − 6y 4 + 9y 3 (c) y + y −6
7 4 1
(d) a 4 − a 2 b 2 (e) x + 5x + x .
3 3 3
48 p p
(a) (x 4 + 1)2 (b) y 3 (y − 3)2 (c) ( y + 3)( y − 2) (d) a 2 (a + b)(a − b)
c =0 @ c 6= 0
Common @
a =0 @ a 6= 0
factors @
@ R
Common @
b=0 @
@b 6= 0
Common a <0 @ a >0
c <0 @ c >0 Take out - Common
@ factor −1 factors
Difference No factors @
of two
@a 6= 1
a =1
squares @
Factor Factor
pairs of pairs of
coefft c a and c
c <0 @ c >0
@ List the
@ options
Difference Sum ?
of factors of factors Inspect
=b =b and
Imagine there are two boxes. In each one there is a card with a number
written on it. We don’t know either number, but we are told their product is
? × ? =0
(x − 10)(x + 2) = 0 ⇒ x − 10 = 0 or x + 2 = 0
⇒ x = 10 or x = −2.
This will apply however many elements there are in the product, for example
Either x = 0, x + 1 = 0, x − 2 = 0 or x − 7 = 0.
The roots or solutions are x = −1, 0, 2 and 7.
This is the approach we will often use to find the roots of a quadratic or
polynomial equation. But rather than develop the ideas here, we will pick
them up again when we deal with quadratics and polynomials in Chapters 7
and 8.
Exercises 12
8. Find the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle in which the
lengths of the other two sides are 2t and 1 − t 2 .
13. Write down an expression for the area between two concentric circles
of radii 51.2 cm and 48.8 cm. Calculate the area in your head, leaving your
answer in terms of π.
14. Show that, for any even integer N
(N + 1)2 − (N − 1)2
is always a multiple of 8.
49 p
(j) Set y 3 = Y . (m) Set x = y. (s) First try factorizing x 4 − 2x 2 − 8.
A = x 2 + 2x y + y 2 − 4
16∗ . Expand
(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2
Hence or otherwise show that, for all values of x and y,
x 2 + y 2 ≥ 2(x + y − 1)
x 2 + y 2 ≥ 2x y.
24. Show that the sum of the cubes of three consecutive integers is a multiple
of 3.
Hint: Any number squared ≥ 0.
Expand (x − y)2 and use the previous hint.
Solutions 12
10. (a) (x + 4)2 (b) (6t + 1)2 (c) (x + y)2 (d) (x + 3)2
¢2 ¡ p q ¢2
(e) (a − 2)2 (f) (x 2 + 5)2 (g) y + 21
(h) 3 + 2
¢2 ¢2
(i) x + x1 (j) X1 + Y3
¡ ¡
It follows that x 2 + y 2 ≥ 2x + 2y − 2.
x 3 + 6x 2 + ax − 2 ≡ (x + 1)(x 2 + 5x − 2)
Comparing x terms, a = 3.
20. Since the product of the brackets must start x 2 +. . ., the factorisation must
look like
x 2 + x + λ ≡ (x + 4)(x + ?)
To get an x term with coefficient +1 on the right hand side the factors must
be (x + 4)(x − 3). λ = −12.
22. (x − y)2 ≥ 0, so x 2 − 2x y + y 2 ≥ 0, or x 2 + y 2 ≥ 2x y.
x 2 −8x+16
¡ x−4 ¢2
23. Expression under the root is = , so the answer is x − 4.
x2 x
25. n(n 2 − 1) = (n − 1)n(n + 1). These three consecutive integers must contain
at least one. Even number and at least one multiple of 3.
• Multiplying out brackets e.g. 3pq −p(1−2q), (2x + y)2 , (a +b)(a −2b)2 .
A proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem.
4.1 Introduction. From arithmetic fractions to algebraic fractions.
4.2 A notation issue. This clarifies a small but important notation issue:
that fractions like
2 2a 1 x+1
a and 3 are equivalent, as are 2 (x + 1) and 2 .
4.3 Cancelling algebraic fractions. For example
3a 2 b 18y 3 x 2 +5x+6 x−1
, , ,
9b 3 6x y−9y 2 4x+12 x 2 −1
Common mistakes. One of them is illustrated with a “proof" that 2 = 1.
4.4 Multiplying algebraic fractions. This builds on 4.2. For example
1 3 a 1 2 1−a 1 y−1 ¢2
2a 2 × a , x + x1
9x × 4, × b ,
4b 2 y 2 −y
× y ,
with a reminder that 3× 3 6= 69 , and that 8× 3x
= 81 × 3x
= 12x.
4.5 Dividing algebraic fractions: the “hammer and boot" rule.
3 x2
x y 4 2 x−3x+4
, 4 , ,
2 2+ x3 1
4 x−1
4.6 Adding/subtracting algebraic fractions. For example
4 3a 2 2 x(x−1) x−3 4
+ 2, 3
x + 6 , x
+ x+1 .
It may surprise you to know that every Maths student I have ever taught has
at some point had problems with fractions—including those who have gone
on to study Maths degrees at the top universities. So if it applies to you too,
you are in good company.
5 3 5 3
× or −
6 10 6 10
but less so with something like
5 x 5 x
× or − .
2x 10 2x 10
If the algebraic ones don’t look any harder to you than the arithmetic ones,
great: you can probably skip a lot of this chapter. If they do, it’s time for a
quick trip back to basics. All will then become clear. (If you are not sure see
answers in the footnote1 at the bottom of the page.)
But first an important notation issue that arises in the world of algebraic
15 3 x x 25−x 2
6 × 10 = 41 , 5
− 10 = 15 , 5
2x × 10 = 1
2x − 10 = 10x .
Generalising this:
dividing by n is the same as multiplying by .
2 2 a 2a
a= × = .
3 3 1 3
The point of writing a as is to make it crystal clear that the a is not “on the
line"; it’s very definitely in the numerator.
1 1 (x + 1) x + 1
(x + 1) = × =
2 2 1 2
3 3 (2y 2 ) 3 × 2y 2 6y 2
(2y 2 ) = × = =
5 5 1 5 5
The key is to make it clear what’s in the numerator and what’s in the
denominator, so when it come to combining fractions we know what to do.
For example
2 a 2a a 2a + a 3a
a+ = + = = = a,
3 3 3 3 3 3
Or µ ¶
2 1 2 1
a+ a = a + = a
3 3 3 3
(taking out the common factor of a).
This next example brings out two key issues. The first is the usefulness of
regarding the 2y as 1 . Then a reminder that to add or subtract fractions
they must have identical denominators:
5 2y 5y 14y 5y 9y
2y − y = − = − = .
7 1 7 7 7 7
We have multiplied the top and the bottom of 1
by 7 (using the principle of
equivalent fractions) .
The idea of writing every term as a fraction will crop up a lot. For example
3x 1 2 x2 a 5a
3x = , x = , 5 =
1 2 2 b b
makes crystal clear what belongs in a numerator and what belongs in a
denominator—essential when adding or subtracting expressions involving
x y 14x 2
(a) 3 or 13 x (b) 5 or 51 y (c) 3 (d) − x4 or − 14 x.
39 3 ×13
= = .
1001 7 × 11 ×
15ab 2 3 × 5 × a × b ×
b 3a
= = .
20b 4 × 5 × b × b 4b
b ×
If it’s immediately clear that the HCF is 5b 2 , we don’t need the middle step.
3a + 10 or 15a + 2.
The mistake in each case was to divide the denominator—but only part of
it—by 5.
Since we are looking for common factors it makes sense to factorise:
15a + 10 5 (3a + 2)
= = 3a + 2.
5 5
Alternatively3 we could divide every term in the numerator and every term in
the denominator by 5:
3a 2
15a + 10 15a
+ 10
= = 3a + 2
5 5
This amounts to the same thing as taking out a factor of 5 from top and
bottom. The important things is that the whole of the top and the whole of
the bottom must be divided.
Or we could split it into two fractions added together, and cancel each one separately:
15a + 10 15a 10
= + = 3a + 2.
5 5 5
We are just applying the reverse process to adding fractions. Obviously this method
doesn’t work if it’s the denominator that contains more than one term.
In this rather more interesting example every term has a factor 3y:
6y 2
18y 3 18y
6y 2
6x y − 9y 2 y −
9y 2x − 3y
2x 3y
18y 3 . 6y 2
3y 6y 2
= =
6x y − 9y 2 3y(2x
− 3y) 2x − 3y
We can turn this into a simple rule: to cancel a fraction with more than one
term in its numerator or its denominator,
• cancel by dividing into every term. A
4 2x 2x 2(a+5b) x+y
(a) (b) (c) (d) .
3y 2 1+3x a−3b x−y
2x 2 + 6x
3x + 9
There’s nothing that divides into every term, so factorising is the only way to
2x(x + 3) 2xX(xX+X3)
X 2x
= X = .
3(x + 3) 3(xX+X3)
X 3
In this case the common factor was a bracket.
x 2 + 5x + 6 (x + 2)X
(xX+XX x +2
= =
4x + 12 4(xX
X +X3)
X 4
y −1 (yX
X −X1)
X 1
= = .
y − 1 (y + 1)(yX
X −XX y +1
Cancel these fractions as far as possible. (Be careful: some may not cancel at
10x 4 x 2 +y 2 x 2 +x y x+4 x 2 −9
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) .
3x 3 y−2x 4 x+y x+y 2
x +5x+4 x−3
The answers are in the footnote5 .
5 10x 2 x(x+y)
(a) (b) No cancelling possible (c) =x
3x y−2x 2 x+y
x+4 1 (x+3)(x−3)
= x+1 (e)
= x + 3.
Exercises 13
3 1 1 1 7x
(d) 4 p− 4 p (e) 6 (a + 1)+ 6 (a + 1) (f ) 2 − 12 x
(g) x+ 3 x
(h) 2 − 31 (k + 1) (i) 2
− x4
2 a y2 y2 1 3
(j) 3 a− 6 (k) 2 + 8
(l) 2 x− 4 x
1 1 1
(m) 2 x y+ 3 x y+ 4 x y
2. In each case find the prime factors of the numerator and the
denominator, and hence cancel as far as possible.
128 28 51 121 35
(a) 144 (b) 180 (c) 340 (d) 1001 (e) 98
Solutions 13
3a 3a 3 1 p
1. (a) 5 (b) 5 or 5 a (c) x (d) 2 p or 2
(e) 3 (a + 1) or 3
(f) 3x
(g) 3 x or 3
(h) 6
− 2(k+1)
= k+1
9x a 5y 2 1
(i) 4 (j) 2 (k) 8 (l) − 2 x
(m) 12 x y
8 7 3 11 5
2. (a) 9 (b) 45 (c) 20 (d) 91 (e) 14
a 1 r2 3x 2 y
3. (a) 3b (b) 9x (c) p 2 (d) 4z (e) x(2x + 5y)
a−3 y+4x 2pq
(f) 2 (g) None possible. (h) y
(i) 3p−q (j) None possible.
t +3
(k) 4x (l) t +1
4. (a) 3x (b) x − 2 (c) x−1
x+5 y
(d) x−3 (e) 2+y (f ) x + 3
(g) 2 (h) 2x 2 (i) a + b
1 (x 2 −1)(x 2 +1)
(j) 7x+4 (k) x 2 −1
= x2 + 1 (l) k(2 − y)
x(x+3)(x−2) (x+1)(x−1) x+1 (x+1)(x−1) x+1
(m) x(x−2) = x + 3 (n) x(x−1) = x (o) (x−1)2
= x−1
x 2 +1 1 (3x+y)(4x+3) 4x+3 (x+2)(x−4)
(p) 2x 2 +2 = 2 (q) 2(3x+y)
= 2 (r) x+2
= x −4
x 2 −2x+8 (a+b+1)(a+b−1) (1+x)(1+x 2 )
(s) x+2
= x −4 (t) a+b−1
= a +b +1 (u) 1+x
= 1 + x2
(2y+3)(2y−3) 2y−3 2(a+7)2 2(a+7)
(v) (2y+3)(y−3) = y−3 (w) (a+7)(a−1) = a−1
We have
1 6 6
× =
3 7 21
which we can simplify, by dividing top and bottom by 3, to give .
The most direct way to get to this answer is to cancel right at the start:
1 6A 2
× = .
3A 7 7
7 × 12 × 3 252 126 63 9
= = = = .
8 × 5 × 14 560 280 140 20
Remember, the cancelling must involve one number from the top and one
from the bottom—so not the 12 and the 3 for example.
2×5 + 2
For example 2 25 = 21 + 25 = 10
+ 52 = 12
2 . Or more directly
5 5
whol e number × d enomi nat or + numer at or
This can be encapsulated into a simple rule:
d enomi nat or
3 5×4 + 3 23
Another example: 5 4 = = .
4 4
Here too, it’s often easier to cancel before doing any multiplying:
2 3
4 9a 4A 9A aA2
× = × = 6a
3a 2 3AZa 2A
Another example:
3x yx 3A x S y x2 x3
× = × =
5y 2 12 5y A2 Z 12
Z 20y
In section 4.1 we saw that it may not be immediately obvious what is in the
numerator and what is in the denominator:
3 1 3x 1 x
x× = × =
4 6 4 6 8
8 1 3 8 a2 4a
3× × a2 = × × =
15ab 2 1 15ab 2 5b
In this next example (where the dots stand for all the fractions in between)
we don’t have the option of multiplying before cancelling:
1 2 3 4 5 N −1
× × × × ×......×
2 3 4 5 6 N
There are lots of pairs that cancel: the pair of 2’s, the pair of 3’s, the pair of 4’s
etc, running up to a pair of N − 1’s (there must be an N − 1 on the bottom of
the penultimate fraction). This just leaves a 1 at the start and an N at the end:
the answer is
If this isn’t completely clear to you, try it with a particular number e.g. N = 8,
and you should see how it works.
7 3 3x b2 1
(a) (b) (c) (d) .
5 4y 2a 50
We end this section with one of the commonest mistakes students make with
fractions. It also leads on to a very simple but useful little principle. First the
2 24
12 × 6= .
3 36
The confusion is with equivalent fractions, where were we are multiplying
the top and the bottom by 12, leaving the fraction the same size—the same
number expressed in a different way:
12 × 2 24
= .
12 × 3 36
No, what we are trying to do here is make the fraction twelve times bigger:
2 Z 12
Z 2
12 × = × = 8.
3 1 3A
As soon as we see the 12 in front as , the mistake is avoided.
Some more examples, this time involving algebraic fractions:
3x 8 3x
8× = × = 12x
2 1 2
1 3p 2 1 p
3p 2 × = × =
9p 1 9p 3
As you get more used to expressions like this, you’ll be able to do some of the
cancelling in your head.
somet hi ng
× = somet hi ng .
The right hand is, in effect, on the top of the fraction , so it cancels with
the left hand .
2a 3
×5 = 2a 3
a× = 11
2x + y
× 6x y = 2x + y
6x y
(y − 1) × = y
y −1
by inserting a denominator of 1 if necessary. A
This makes it crystal clear what’s on the top and what’s on the bottom.
8 5x
(a) 14 (b) (c) 9x (d) 13 (e) x + y.
Exercises 14
2x 2 1 2x 2 4x
(j) 3y × 6x y (k) 3y × 6x y (l) 7 × 7
2 x+1 6
(m) 5 × 5 y (n) 3 × 3 (o) y × y
4 1−a 3
(p) 5t 2 × 5t 2 (q) 2a × 2a (r) k 2 × 4k 2
Solutions 14
7 1 5a 2 x 1
1. (a) 30 (b) 21 (c) 18 (d) 12 or 12
4a 4 1 ab
(e) 15 or 15
a (f) 12 y (g) 4 (h) 8
x3 x
(i) 4 (j) 9y 2 (k) 4x 3 (l) 4x
3x 1
2. (a) 8 (b) t+6 (c) 2 (d) y 2
5ab y−1
(e) 3x(x + 1) (f ) −1 (g) 2 (h) y+1
Let’s jump straight in with a hard one. What do we mean by this division?
1 1 3 12
3 ÷1 or .
2 6 1 16
We are asking how many 1 16 ’s must we add together to make 3 21 ?
The answer is 3 (satisfy yourself that this is right).
dividing by the fraction b
is the same as multiplying by a
This is the familiar rule: to divide by a fraction we turn it upside down and
4 2 4 3 12 6
÷ = × = = .
5 3 5 2 10 5
If it’s a mixed fraction we’ll need to convert9 it into an improper
(“top-heavy") fraction first:
1 1 7 7 7 6
3 ÷ 1 = ÷ = × = 3.
2 6 2 6 2 7
4 4y y 2 4y 1 4
y ÷ y2 = ÷ = × 2=
3 3 1 3 y 3y
3×2 + 1
For example 3 12 = 31 + 12 = 62 + 21 = 72 . Or more directly
whol e number × d enomi nat or + numer at or
This can be encapsulated into a simple rule:
d enomi nat or
3 5×4 + 3 23
Another example: 5 4 = = .
4 4
There is a more direct technique„ which is usually quicker and easier. I call
it the hammer and boot rule. It’s for whenever we have a fraction within a
fraction, like in the example
3 12
1 16
We’ll explain the hammer and boot technique using arithmetic fractions, but
of course it applies equally to algebraic ones. We start with this example:
5 3 3 1 3
= ÷2 = × =
2 5 5 2 5×2
We’ve deliberately not finished the calculation because it’s the pattern we are
after, not the answer. What has happened? We imagine hitting the top
fraction 53 with a hammer, and think of it pushing the 5 down to join (and
multiply) the 2 underneath, like this:
5 3 3
↓ = =
2 5 × 2 10
Here are some more examples:
1 3 a 5
3 1 1 3
8 1 a
7 2x 5
↓ = = , ↓ = = , ↓ = , ↓ = .
2 3×2 6 9 8 × 9 24 b 7b 3x 6x 2
Can you see that the first answer makes sense? (Half of 3
is 16 .) It’s not so easy
to see why the others are correct.
Now let’s see what happens if the fraction within the fraction is on the bottom.
As before:
2 5 2 7 2×7
= 2÷ = × =
7 1 5 5
-2 14
5 = 15
Some more examples
-4 -2
1 = 12
= 12 6 = 2×7
= 73
3 7
- 2y 8y 3 - 5x
3 = 3 x = 10x
= 10
4y 2 2
10 10 2 a 10 5b
(a) (b) (c) (d) 4y (e) 2x 2 (f) (g) (h) x 2
3 7 15 21 6
Get into the habit of seeing the hammer and boot in action whenever you
find yourself with a fraction within a fraction. After a while you will be
simplifying and doing any easy cancelling in a single step, in your head. For
example take this expression
10x 2 y
You may be able to see that, having applied the hammer and boot rule, the
2 will divide into the 10, the 3 multiplies with the 2 and there is an x that
cancels, leaving the fraction
5x y
Doing a simplification in your head carries risks of course, but if you can do
it reliably it is preferable. Why? you may ask. It is not because it saves a
minute or two; it’s because the simplifying the fraction will be just one step
in a bigger problem, and having to work it out on paper inevitably sidetracks
you from thinking about the wider problem. It’s like a car driver who can’t
change gear without consciously thinking about it; she can’t also maintain
the required focus when negotiating complicated traffic conditions.
Some more examples. They look a little more complex but the hammer and
boot principle applies in exactly the same way:
5x 5x(y − 1)
x = = 5(y − 1).
In the last example we had to introduce a bracket to make sure the whole of
1 − y was multiplied by 3x. If we don’t put in the bracket we’ll find ourselves
5x y−1
writing x
Exercises 15
3 a 1 x2
x 2 y y 1
2. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ÷b
2 5 2y 4x ab
5p 2
q 3 2y 5b 8
(f) (g) a (h) x (i) 10 (j)2
10p 2 y b x
2x a y2
1 3t 3 3 2
(k) a (l)9t 2
(m) y (n) 2 (o) 3y
b 2 5 b 5
1 4 3
3x 3y ax 2
(p) 2 (q) 3 (r) a
x y2 2
π p 1
2 πr 2 x 4 y
3. (a) (b) r (c) (d)
3 3 p1 1
x y
2 2
( 12 )(− 21 ) ( 52 )( 23 )( 12 ) x−1 x−1
(e) (f) (g) 1 (h) 1
32 3×2
(x−1)2 x 2 −1
rs r +1 p− r1 1 1
(f) 4q (g) s (h) (i) 1+ s (j)
p+ r1 p+ q1
6( 32 ) 1 ( 12 )( a1 ) 6x −3
5. (a) (b) (c) (d)
4 3( x6 ) 1 1
4a 2 2x
³ ´ ³ ´2
xy 2 5p x+1 3
( ) 3 2 2y 2x
(e) x2
(f) q 2 (g) 3 (h) 1
6 ( )
2 x+1 24x
Solutions 15
4 1 1 7 2
1. (a) 27 (b) 10 (c) 32 (d) 24 (e) 11
8 5 2
(f) 3 (g) 20 (h) 6 (i) 3 (j) 9
14 8 3 2 5
(k) 15 (l) 9 (m) 2 (n) 3 (o) 4
3 a 1 x 1
2. (a) 2x (b) 10 (c) 2y 2 (d) 4y (e) ab 2
p 6 2y 2 b2
(f) 2q (g) a (h) x (i) 2 (j) 4x
b 2 10x ab 5y
(k) a (l) 3t (m) 3y (n) 2 (o) 6
3 4y 6
(p) 2 (q) 9 (r) x 2
π y
3. (a) 6 (b) 3πr (c) x (d) 4
1 5
(e) − 36 (f) 16 (g) 2(x − 1) (h) 2(x + 1).
7 1 4 25
4. (a) 4 (b) 7
(c) 49
(d) 2 (e) 7
35 3 1 1
(f) − 12 (g) −6 (h) 5 (i) − 5 (j) 4
2 12
5. (a) 1 (b) x (c) 2a (d) x 2
10p (x+1)3
(e) 2y 2 (f) q 2 (g) 12y 2 (h) 3(23x ).
We are going to start by putting the cat among the pigeons with a story.
It’s the end of their holiday, Cain and Pete have enjoyed their final meal and
they want to tip the waitress out of the foreign currency they have
left—which isn’t much. Cain has $3 left, and contributes $1, i.e. 13 of what he
has left; Peter has $5 left and chips in with $3, i.e. 35 of what he has left. They
will be giving the waitress a total of $4 out of the $8 they have between them,
or 48 of the total they have left. In other words
“ "
1 3 4 1
+ = =
3 5 8 2
Except that this can’t be right, because the result is less than !
The flaw is that they are fractions of different amounts. Fractions can only be
added or subtracted if they represent fractions of the same whole11 .
NB. This does not apply when we’re multiplying or dividing fractions.
Suppose we divide a cake into 8 equal sized portions. The size of each
portion is 18 of the whole cake and we’ll take 5 of these portions. These
represent a fraction (or proportion) equal to 58 of one whole cake.
We then cut up a second cake, identical to the first, and add a quarter of this
cake to what we have taken from the first one. Because the whole is the same
size in each case, it makes sense to describe the total amount of cake as the
result of the addition
5 1
+ .
8 4
The question is: how does it makes sense to add these fractions? (As to
opposed to: what do we do?)
If we cut the 14 in half, to give 2 pieces each the size of an 81 of a whole cake,
we can combine these with the other 5 pieces that are the same size:
5 2 7
+ = .
8 8 8
The total is 8 of a whole cake.
Arithmetically what we’ve done is make the two denominators the same, using
the notion of equivalent fractions. The key point is that
Whatever the context, fractions that have the same denominator represent
portion sizes that are the same, and can therefore be added or subtracted.
x 3x 2x 3x 2x + 3x 5x 5
+ = + = = or x
2 4 4 4 4 4 4
2a 1 2a a 6a 5a a 1
− a= − = − = or a.
5 3 5 3 15 15 15 15
Before going any further, a reminder about a couple of issues, including the
notation issue we talked about on page 4-2.
An expression like
1 1
(y − 3) + (2y − 1)
2 5
can be written
y − 3 2y − 1
+ ,
2 5
which we can combine into single fraction in the same way12 :
5(y − 3) 2(2y + 1) 5y − 15 + 4y + 2
+ =
10 10 10
7y − 13
Notice the brackets we need to introduce in this case.
If one of the terms is not a fraction, we apply the usual trick of giving it a
denominator of 1:
x −2 3x x − 2
3x + = +
4 1 4
12x + x − 2
13x − 2
By using equivalent fractions to give them both the same denominator.
With algebraic fractions there is scope for sign errors in a way that there isn’t
with arithmetic ones. Suppose the two fractions we just added had been
subtracted instead; we start off as before:
x − 2 12x x − 2
3x − = −
4 4 4
The thing to notice is that at some point we will be subtracting x − 2. But it is
the whole of it we need to subtract, so it makes sense to put a bracket in:
2 2 x(x − 1)
x + .
3 6
Writing each expression as a fraction, and giving them both the same
4x 2 x(x − 1) 4x 2 + x(x − 1)
+ = .
6 6 6
Now simplifying the numerator:
4x 2 + x 2 − x 5x 2 − x x(5x − 1)
= =
6 6 6
We have written the numerator in factorised form. In general
We can combine the fractions provided they have the same denominator. It
doesn’t matter what that is. In the last example we could have put them both
over 18, for example. We used 6 because that’s smallest denominator we
could have chosen, i.e. the lowest common denominator (LCD).
It’s not always obvious what the lowest common denominator is. We are
looking for the smallest number each denominator will divide 13 into, in
other words their Lowest Common Multiple. In this example
a 2a 1
+ −
6 9 4
the LCM is 36, because it’s the smallest number that 6, 9 and 4 all divide into,
so we have
6a 8a 9 14a − 9
+ − =
36 36 36 36
(a) 5 + 3x
(b) 2y− 3 y
1 7x
(c) 12 + x+6
(d) 12 − x+6
In this context we mean divide exactly.
14 x 5y 5x+9 2x−9
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 3 6 6
8 3a 2 8 + 3a 2
+ = .
2a 2a 2a
In exams at this level15 , you’ll probably find you will quickly spot what the
lowest common denominator must be—from your understanding of what it
For trickier examples (you will meet these later on), there is a neat systematic way of
deriving the LCM, using the concept of the union of sets (see Appendix A page A-26 or click
on the page number).
In this next example finding the lowest common denominator is not the
problem; it’s the manipulation that follows that is more demanding:
x +6 4
− .
x x −1
2 5 y x+4 x
(a) x + 3x (b) 4 + 4y 1
(c) x−2 + 5 (d) x−3 − x
We end this chapter by bringing together what we learned about adding and
subtracting algebraic fractions with the hammer and boot technique we saw
If this isn’t completely clear, think of an arithmetic parallel, like 3 and 4. They have no
common factor so their LCM must be 3×4. Compare this with, say, 6 and 10. They have a
common factor of 2 so the LCM is 3 × 2 × 5 = 30.
x y 2 +16 (x+3)(x−1) x2 (x−3) 2
− x(x−3) = xx(x−3)
3 5x + 6
4x 12x
t 2 +5t +4
3 6(t 2 + 5t + 4) 2X
(t X
X + 1)
= t +4
= = = 2(t + 1).
3(t + 4) (t X
X +X4)
You will have an opportunity to practise examples like this in the exercises.
The principle is: whenever you have fractions within fractions
This is all you need for now, but if you want to go a bit deeper with algebraic
fractions, and see a lovely example from a C4 exam paper, turn to page A-15 in
Appendix A (or click on the page number).
3 1 2(2−a) 2(2−a) 2
(a) x 2 + 2 (b) 4y 4 + y− 3
+2 (d)
4−a 2
= (2+a)(2−a) = 2+a
x3 1
µ ¶
x 4 − 2 = 4x 3 − . 2 = 4x 3 − x.
x 1 x
Now some examples in which two brackets are multiplied together (we can
use the happy face rule19 ):
1 a 4a 2
µ ¶µ ¶
1 2 1 2
4a − a+ 2 = 4a 2 − + 2
a a a1 1 a a a2
8 2
= 4a 2 − 1 + − 3
a a
µ ¶2 µ ¶µ ¶
and 1 1 1
x+ = x+ x+
x x x
x 1 1
= x2 + 2 + 2
1x x
= x2 + 2 + 2
We could also do these two using negative indices to describe the fractions20 :
(4a − a −1 )(a + 2a −2 ) = 4a 2 − a 0 + 8a −1 − 2a −3
1 1
= 4a 2 − 1 + 8 − 2 3
a a
8 2
= 4a 2 − 1 + − 3
a a
and (x + x −1 )(x + x −1 ) = x 2 + 2x 0 + x −2
= x2 + 2 + 2
See section 3.2 on page 3-4
Negative indices are described on page 2-18, and fractional indices on page 2-26.
The results are the same of course; the root notation is probably the easier
route. When manipulating expressions it is normally easier to use powers
and roots rather than index form.
Exercises 16
(a) 1 1
2 (x + 3) + 4 (x − 1) (b)
+ x+1
(c) 3a + 13 (6a − 1) (d) 1
y + 2y − 5
(e) x− 4 (f) 2x − 32 (x + 1) − 12 (x − 1)
(g) 2
+ 14 x 2 (h) 83 (a − 1) + 21 (a + 1) + 18 (a − 1)
2. In each case find the LCD and combine into a single fraction.
4 2 2 1 3b a
(a) +3 (b) a+ (c) − 2b
x 5 a a
6 1 3x 1 1+x 1
(d) x
+ x+2 (e) x+2
− x+1 (f) x2
+ 2x
t −1 t x+1 x−1
(g) − (h) − x+1
t t +1 x−1
(e) X = 2a 2 − ab + 3b 2 , where b = − 32 a
(f) z = 2x+y , where y = x
(g) y = 3 , where b = − 12 a
y 2 −x 2
(h) T = y 2 +x 2 , where y = 34 x
x 2 + 12 x 3a− 12 x 2 −4
(g) (h) (i)
4x+2 a+ 14 1 2
x −x
1 2 3 1 2 7
x + 5 x−2 (x+1)2 3
y − 3 y+ 38
(j) 1 (k) 3 2 (l) 1
x+1 4
(x −1) 2
6. In each case multiply out the brackets and simplify as far as possible.
³ ´
(a) y 1 + 1y (b) 6x 2 1 − x3
¡ ¢ ¡1 ¢
(c) 2ab ab + 4 − ab
³ ´
(d) x 2 2y + x3y (e) 5a b − b2 (f) xy 3 + x
¡ ¢ ¡
¢2 ¢³ ´ ³ ´2
(g) 1 + x2 (h) y − 3 1 + 1y 3
¡ ¡
(i) a2
¢2 ¡p ¢ ¡p
(j) 3 + x2 (1 + x) (k) x + x1 x + x1 x − x1
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
³ ´³ ´ ³ ´¡
(m) p1 − 1 p1 + 3 (n) x + x12 x 2 − x1 (o) 1 + x1 x − 1 + x1
¢ ¡ ¢¡ ¢
t t
(p) 1 − x1 x + 1 + x1
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
8. Choose any number and cube it. Subtract the number you started with.
Divide the result by one more than the number you started with. Now
add back the number you started with and take the square root of the
result. What is the answer?
1−x 1−4x −2 1− x2 − 3
(d) −4 (e) (f)
2x 2+x (1+ x1 )2
1 1 3 1 2 1
x 2 −x − 2 (1+y) 2 −(1+y)− 2 a 3 −a − 3
(g) 1 (h) 1 (i) 5 1
x2 (1+y)− 2 a 3 −a − 3
Convert each of the terms with a negative index into fraction.
Solutions 16
6+x 10y
4. (a) 12 (b) y−2
8 5b
(c) 9a (d) 12
2y−x 3x+4
(e) 3y (f) 3x+1
x 2 2(6a−1)
(g) 4 (h) 4a+1 = 4a+1
2(x+2) (x+5)(x−2)
(i) x =
(x−2) x
(j) x+5
= x −2
x 2 −1
x 2 −1 x (x+1)(x−1)
5. (a) x − 1. Numerator: x
. Hence fraction is x+1 = x+1
1 1 1 x(x+1)
(b) x . Numerator: x(x+1)
; denominator: x+1 . Hence 1 .
1 x+1 x 2 +2x+1 (x+1)2
(c) 1−x 2 . Numerator: x(1−x) ; denominator: x = x
x(1−x) x (x+1)
Hence (x+1)2
(p) x − x −2
a 2 +1
8. (a) . [a −2 = a12 . Multiply top and bottom by a 2 .]
1 x+y
(b) . [Num is x1 + 1y = x y . Then hammer.]
1−p 2 x 4 (1−x)
(c) 2 (d) . [Denominator is x24 .]
1+p 2
x−2 2
(e) . [Num is x 4−4 = (x+2)(x−2) ]
4 4
x−3 2 (x−3)(x+1)
¡ x+1 ¢2 (x+1)2
(f) . [Num is x −2x−3 2 = 2 . Den is = x 2 .]
x+1 x x x
x+1 1 1
(g) or 1+ . [Multiply top and bottom by x 2 .]
x x
3 1
(1+y) 2 − 1
(1+y) 2 (1+y)2 −1
(h) 1 = = y 2 + 2y
(1+y) 2
[Multiply top and bottom by (1 + y) 2 .]
2 1
a3− 1
a3 a−1 1
(i) 5 = = [Because a 2 − 1 = (a + 1)(a − 1)]
a 3 − 11 a 2 −1 a+1
x 2 + 2x − 8 (x − 2)X
(xX 4)
= = x −2
x +4 x+
4x 2 − 1 (2x
X+X1)(2x − 1) 2x − 1
= =
4x + 2 2(2x +
X1) 2
Be careful not to cancel inappropriately. For example we can’t cancel the two
4’s in the second example. If this is not entirely clear to you see page 4-5.
1 3 9 1 ← QUOTIENT
DIVISOR → 7 9 7 4 2 ← DIVIDEND
− 7
2 7
− 2 1
6 4
− 6 3
1 2
− 7
The task is to find the number (the quotient) which when multiplied by 7 (the
divisor) gives 9, 742 (the dividend).
We start with the thousands column and generate as much of the 9, 000 as
we can by picking the number which, when multipled by 7, gives the largest
number that doesn’t exceed 9. That number is obviously 1, generating 7, 000
of the 9, 000 we need.
That leaves 2, 000 still to generate, so we must treat this as 20 hundreds. This is
combined with the 7 hundred in the dividend to give 27 hundreds. Repeating
the process 3 × 7 = 21 (meaning 300 × 7 = 2100) generates 21 hundreds from
our target of 27 hundreds. This leaves 6 hundreds, which we must treat at 60
tens and combine with the 4 tens to make 64 tens, and so on. At the end of
the process there is 5 left over, the remainder.
One way to express what we have found is to say
8, 270 2
= 2, 756 +
3 3
8, 270 = 3 × 2, 756 + 2.
These forms tend to be more helpful than using the notion of a remainder.
You may have met the term dividend in the context of investments. There
it describes the part of a company’s annual profit that is divided among its
divide 3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29 by x + 2.
In the numerical example we kept the 1000’s in one column, the 100’s in the
next column, and so on. Here we keep all the x 3 s in one column, all the x 2 s
in the next column, and so on.
In the arithmetic example we started by trying to generate 9, 000. Here we
start by generating the term with the highest power of x, i.e. the 3x 3 . We
need a term in the quotient which, when multiplied by x + 2, will generate
3x 3 . That has to be 3x 2 , which we put in the x 2 column. Then as before, we
multiply the 3x 3 by the x + 2 to give 3x 3 + 6x 2 .
Putting 3x 2 in the quotient has generated 3x 3 + 6x 2 towards the dividend
3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29.
3x 2
x +2 3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29
3x 3 + 6x 2
5x 2
We can now tick off the 3x 3 term and turn our attention to generating the
11x 2 term. We have already generated 6x 2 so we need a further 5x 2 . The
mechanics of this is that we subtract 3x 3 + 6x 2 from 3x 3 + 11x.
To generate this 5x 2 we need to put 5x in the quotient. But when we do this
we will also generate an x term, so in anticipation we “bring down” the −7x.
Then multiplying +5x by x + 2 we have 5x 2 + 10x. Subtracting this from
5x 2 − 7x gives −17x.
3x 2 + 5x
x +2 3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29
3x 3 + 6x 2
5x − 7x
5x 2 + 10x
We can tick off the 11x 2 term and move on to the −7x term. The process is
the same as before and we are left with a remainder of 5. Notice that
−29 − (−34) = −29 + 34 = +5.
3x 2 + 5x − 17
x +2 3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29
3x 3 + 6x 2
5x 2 − 7x
5x 2 + 10x
−17x − 29
−17x − 34
You will simply be asked to perform the division, stating what the reminder
is (if any).
But what does this mean? It is not like arithmetic division where the
meaning is clear. For example 20 ÷ 3 = 6 reminder 2.
To say x + 2 divides 3x 2 + 5x − 17 times into 3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29, with a
remainder 5, may not be particularly helpful.
In the arithmetic example we could write the result like this:
20 2
= 6+
3 3
or 20 = 3 × 6 + 2
In the same way we can express the result of the algebraic division as
3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29 5
= 3x 2 + 5x − 17 +
x +2 x +2
2x 3
4x − 3 8x 4 + 6x 3 − 13x 2 + 23x − 12
8x 4 − 6x 3
+ 12x 3 − 13x 2
The answer to Question 1 is over the page. The other answers are in the
footnote22 .
2. 4x 2 + 2x + 3 rem 10 3. 3x 2 − 7x + 1 rem 4 4. 3x 3 + x 2 − 5x + 2 rem −5.
Answer to Question 1.
2x 3 + 3x 2 − x + 5
4x − 3 8x 4 + 6x 3 − 13x 2 + 23x − 12
8x 4 − 6x 3
+ 12x 3 − 13x 2
+ 12x 3 − 9x 2
− 4x 2 + 23x
− 4x 2 + 3x
+ 20x − 12
+ 20x − 15
+ 3
i.e. 2x 3 + 3x 2 − x + 5 remainder 3.
There is another, slicker method. The underlying process is the same for
both methods: constructing each coefficient in turn, starting with the
highest power. With this method we do it by inspection, working out in our
head what each coefficient must be. It is the quicker method but it is
inevitably more prone to errors, so always check your answer by multiplying
out at the end.
We start by writing
Multiplying this out gives us 3x 3 +11x 2 −7x −34. We are almost there. We just
need a +5 to make the constant term −29. We can’t correct this from inside
the bracket; +5 is the remainder.
3x 3 + 11x 2 − 7x − 29 5
or = 3x 2 + 5x − 17 + .
x +2 x +2
The first method is more “mechanical”. It is less prone to error, too, because
we do less in our heads. The advantage with this second method is that we
can see what is going on; it is more obvious why we are doing what we do.
Repeat the four questions on page 4-44 using the inspection method.
Example 1
2x 3 + x − 3
x +5 2x 4 + 10x 3 + x 2 + 2x − 15
2x 4 + 10x 3
+ x 2 + 2x
x 2 + 5x
− 3x − 15
− 3x − 15
This differs from the example we have just looked at in two ways. First the 2x 3
in the quotient happens to generate the x 3 we need as well as the x 4 term. We
therefore go straight to the x 2 terms, and bring down the 2x term as well,
anticipating that we will also be generating an x term.
Although it’s not strictly necessary, it is much easier if we to keep the integrity
of the columns: all the x 4 s under each other, all the x 3 s under each other
etc. This means leaving a space in the quotient where an x 2 term would have
The other difference is that there is no remainder, i.e.
We can write
2x 4 + 10x 3 + x 2 + 2x − 15
= 2x 3 + x − 3
x +5
(a) We won’t assume it is a factor; at this stage we will allow for there to be a
This deals with the x 2 term. But multiplying x by x + 5 also generates 5x. We
need a total of 2x so we must produce an extra −3x. We can do this with a −3
in the right hand bracket:
2x 4 + 10x 3 + x 2 + 2x − 15 = (x + 5)(2x 3 + x − 3) + ?
Multiplying −3 by x + 5 deals with the x term, and also produces the correct
constant term −15, as we expected. There is no remainder.
2x 4 + 10x 3 + x 2 + 2x − 15 = (x + 5)(2x 3 + x − 3)
2x 4 + 10x 3 + x 2 + 2x − 15
or = 2x 3 + x − 3.
x +5
(b) We could check that x +1 is also a factor by repeating the process. There is
a slightly quicker way. We want to show that x + 1 is a factor of (x + 5)(2x 3 +
x −3). We know x +1 is not a factor of x +5, so it must be factor of (2x 3 +x −3).
So yes, we can repeat the process but with this cubic. We leave you to check
2x 3 + x − 3 = (x + 1)(2x 2 + 2x + 3).
Later we shall learn a simple rule for checking whether a linear expression is a
factor of a polynomial—without having to do the division.
Example 2
4x 2 + x − 7
2x − 3 8x 3 − 10x 2 − 17x + 21
8x 3 − 12x 2
+ 2x 2 − 17x
2x 2 − 3x
− 14x + 21
− 14x + 21
8x 3 − 10x 2 − 17x + 21
= 4x 2 + x − 7.
2x − 3
Putting x = 2a.
Missing terms
Divisions can be a little trickier if there are terms missing. In the next
example there is no x term in the dividend (its coefficient is zero).
dividing 2x 3 + 7x 2 + 2 by 2x − 1.
The process is no different, but we strongly advise that you keep the different
powers of x in strict columns. In this case it means leaving a space between
7x 2 and −2 in the dividend.
Check through each step to make sure you understand it. Or try it for
yourself first.
x 2 + 4x + 2
2x − 1 2x 3 + 7x 2 −2
2x 3 − x 2
+ 8x 2
+ 8x 2 − 4x
+ 4x − 2
+ 4x − 2
dividing 4x 4 − 5x 3 − 6x 2 − 6x − 12 by 4x + 3.
x 3 − 2x 2 − 4
4x + 3 4x 4 − 5x 3 − 6x 2 − 16x − 12
4x 4 + 3x 3
− 8x 3 − 6x 2
− 8x 3 − 6x 2
? ?
− 16x − 12
− 16x − 12
At the second subtraction the difference is zero. That tells us that the x 2 term
is correct and we don’t need to generate any more. We can therefore move
straight on to the −16x term in the dividend. So we bring that down, and
bring down the −12 at the same time.
Whenever this happens during a long division, i.e. a subtraction yeilds zero,
we bring down the next two terms.
(a) 4x 3 − 11x + 5 by 2x − 1
(b) 3x 4 + 7x 2 − x − 2 by x + 2
(c) 6x 3 + x − 7 by x − 1
(d) x 4 + x 3 − 12x 2 − 8x + 20 by x − 3.
(e) 6x 4 + 4x 3 − 9x 2 − 3x + 2 by 3x + 2
(f) x 4 − x 2 by x − 1
(a) 2x 2 + x − 5 (b) 3x 3 − 6x 2 + 5x − 1 (c) 6x 2 + 6x − 7
(d) x 3 +4x 2 −8 rem 4 (e) 2x 3 −3x +1 (f ) x 2 (x +1) [x 4 −x 2 = x 2 (x 2 −1) = x 2 (x +1)(x −1)]
Example 3
This looks harder than it is because the question is expressed in a very formal
way. We can see what’s going on if we divide both sides by x + 1:
f (x) r
= g (x) + .
x +1 x +1
In other words when we divide f (x) by x + 1 the quotient is g (x) and the
remainder is r . So let’s do the division:
2x 2 + x + 1
x +1 2x 3 + 3x 2 + 2x + 6
2x 3 + 2x 2
x 2 + 2x
x2 + x
x +6
x +1
i.e. g (x) = 2x + x + 1 and r = 5.
f (x) = (x + 1)(2x 2 + x + 1) + 5.
Example 4
(a) & (b). Using the Inspection Method, f (x) can be written
f (x) = (x + 3)(2x 2 − 7x − 4)
= (x + 3)(2x + 1)(x − 4)
Example 5
N is an integer.
(i) Explain why N (N − 1) is an even number.
(ii) Divide N 3 + 1 by N + 1.
N 3 +1
(iii) Hence or otherwise show that is always an odd integer.
N +1
(iv) By writing 8, 001 in the form N 3 + 1, factorise 8, 001 completely.
(i) One of the integers N and N − 1 will be an even number, so their product
will be even.
N2 − N + 1
N +1 N3 +1
N3 + N2
− N2
− N2 − N
+N + 1
+N + 1
Notice that there is nothing to “bring down” until the last step when we bring
down the +1.
N 3 +1
(iii) = N 2 − N + 1 = N (N − 1) + 1.
N +1
We know from part (i) that N (N − 1) is an even number so N (N − 1) + 1 is an
odd number.
(iv) 8, 001 = 203 + 1.
We also know that N 3 + 1 = (N + 1)(N 2 − N + 1), so factorising we have24
203 + 1 = 21 × (202 − 20 + 1) = 21 × 381
= 3 × 7 × 3 × 127
There is a rule that says n is divisible by 3 if the sum of n ’s digits is divisible by 3. In this
case 3 + 8 + 1 = 12, which is a divisible by 3.
Then to check for factors of 127 we only need to check for factors up to 127, i.e. we can stop
at 11. We can also speed up the checking process by realising that if, for example, 3 is not a
factor, 6 or 9 can’t be factors either. Similarly no even number can be a factor is n is not even.
f (x) = (x − 1)(x 2 − x − 6) = x 3 − 2x 2 − 5x + 6.
Writing it this way shows that
The symbol ⇐⇒ we read as “implies and is implied by”, or “if and only if”.
We’ve shown there is a link between the factors of a polynomial function f (x)
and the roots of the equation f (x) = 0. This is the Factor Theorem.
Returning to the function f (x), having one factor of f (x) we can easily
complete the factorisation:
f (x) = x 3 − 2x 2 − 5x + 6
= (x − 1)(x 2 − x − 6)
= (x − 1)(x − 3)(x + 2)
In this example we had a “foot in the door”; we knew one of the factors up
front. Suppose we don’t?
We can use the Factor Theorem to hunt for factors. This may seem rather hit
and miss. Of course it is, but in an exam you wouldn’t be expected to look
further than these factors:
(x ± 1) (x ± 2) (x ± 3),
(i) f (2) = 8 + 24 − 18 − 14 = 0 (ii) f (−1) = −1 + 6 + 9 − 14 = 0
(iii) f (1) = 1 + 6 − 9 − 14 6= 0
(x − 2)(x + 1)(x + 7)
We can divide f (x) by x − 2 or x + 1 and proceed in the usual way. But since we have
two factors, we can identify the third by inspection:
f (x) = x 3 + 6x 2 − 9x − 14 = (x − 2)(x + 1)(ax + b)
The coeff of x 3 is 1, so a must be 1. The constant coeff is −14 so b must be 7.
1. If x + 1 is a factor of
q(x) = x n + 1, where n is a positive integer
what can we say about n?
1. n is odd.
2. x − 2. If we call the function f (x), f (2) = 0
Example 6
We used the Inspection Method to complete the factorisation. In part (b) we’ll
use the Long Division Method.
so we have
x 3 + 3x 2 − 13x − 15
x −1 x 4 + 2x 3 − 16x 2 − 2x + 15
x4 − x3
+ 3x 3 − 16x 2
+ 3x 3 − 3x 2
− 13x 2 − 2x
− 13x 2 + 13x
− 15x + 15
− 15x + 15
Now we need to find a factor of the cubic h(x). That will give us a quadratic
and we can complete the factorisation from there.
We can show, for example, that h(3) = 0, so one factor of h(x) is x − 3, and
4x 2 + x − 7
x −3 8x 3 − 10x 2 − 17x + 21
8x 3 − 12x 2
+ 2x 2 − 17x
+ 2x 2 − 3x
− 14x + 21
− 14x + 21
h(x) = x 3 + 3x 2 − 13x − 15
= (x − 3)(x 2 + 6x + 5)
= (x − 3)(x + 1)(x + 5)
g (x) = (x − 1)(x − 3)(x + 1)(x + 5)
(i) f (x) = x 3 − 4x 2 + x + 6
(ii) f (x) = 2x 3 + 3x 2 − 17x − 30
(iii) f (x) = 3x 3 − 19x 2 − 15x + 7
(iv) f (x) = x 4 + 7x 3 + 10x 2
(i) (x − 2)(x + 1)(x − 3) (ii) (x − 3)(x + 2)(2x + 5) (iii) (x + 1)(x − 7)(3x − 1)
(iv) x 2 (x + 2)(x + 5)
so f (− ba )= 0.
For example we saw (in Example 5) that
f − ba = 0
¡ ¢
(ax + b) is a factor of f (x) and
f − ba = 0.
¡ ¢
(ax + b) is a factor of f (x) ⇐⇒
Example 7
(a) Show that 2x + 3 is a factor of the function f (x) = 6x 3 − 13x 2 − 41x − 12.
(b) Write f (x) as the product of linear factors.
(c) Solve the equation
6x 3 − 13x 2 − 41x − 12 = 0.
(a) When substituting x =− 2 into f (x) we recommend you break done the
simplifying into modest steps:
µ ¶ µ ¶3 µ ¶2 µ ¶
3 3 3 3
f − = 6 − − 13 − − 41 − − 12
2 2 2 2
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
27 9 3
= −6 − 13 + 41 − 12
8 4 2
1 1 13
= + − +6
4 4 2
81 117 123
= − − + − 12
4 4 2
−198 + 246 − 48
= 0
So 2x + 3 is a factor of f (x).
3x 2 − 11x − 4
2x + 3 6x 3 − 13x 2 − 41x − 12
6x 3 + 9x 2
− 22x 2 − 41x
− 22x 2 − 33x
− 8x − 12
− 8x − 12
(c) If you want a quick reminder about solving equations, see Chapter 1 page
Example 8
(i) Find the values of a and b if f (1) = f ( 3 )= 0, where
f (x) = ax 3 + 7x 2 + bx + 5.
(ii) For these values of a and b, factorise f (x) completely.
f (1) = a + 7 + b + 5 = 0
⇒ a + b = −12
µ ¶ µ ¶3 µ ¶2 µ ¶
1 1 1 1
f = a +7 +b +5
3 3 3 3
a 7 b
= + + +5
27 9 3
a + 21 + 9b + 135
= =0
a + 21 + 9b + 135 = 0
⇒ a + 9b = −156
f (x) = 6x 3 + 7x 2 − 18x + 5.
(ii) The factor theorem tells us that f (x) has two factors x − 1 and 3x − 1 , i.e.
f (x) = (x − 1)(3x − 1) × a linear expression.
We would normally divide to complete the factorisation, and we can do so
here, but since we already have two of the three factors there is a more direct
Suppose the linear expression is c x + d , then
We don’t need to multiply out the three brackets but we can see what some
of the terms would be if we did. The coefficient of x 3 would be 3c. But we
know it is 6, so c = 2.
Similarly the constant coefficient would be +d , so d = 5.
Example 9
We are not given any clues. (Actually there is a formula for solving cubic
equations just like there is for quadratic equations, but it is complicated so
almost never used.)
This is just one step on from what we did in Example 6. We’ll find a factor of
the expression using the Factor Theorem. That will allow us to factorise it
completely and give us the roots.
We’ll call the function f (x).
f (x) = 2x 3 − 9x 2 + 4x + 15
f (1) = 2 − 9 + 4 + 15 6= 0 ⇒ x − 1 is not a factor
f (2) = 16 − 36 + 8 + 15 6= 0 ⇒ x − 2 is not a factor
f (3) = 54 − 81 + 12 + 15 = 0 ⇒ x − 3 is a factor
f (x) = (x − 3)(2x 2 − 3x − 5)
= (x − 3)(x + 1)(2x − 5).
(x − 3)(x + 1)(2x − 5) = 0
⇒ x −3 = 0 or x +1 = 0 or 2x − 5 = 0
⇒ x = 3 or x = −1 or x = 2
Exercises 17
9. In this question use the Long Division Method described in the text.
(a) Divide x 3 + 5x 2 + 7x + 3 by x + 3
(b) Divide x 3 + 10x 2 + 19x + 6 by x + 2
(c) Divide x 3 + 3x 2 − 12x + 4 by x − 2
(d) Divide 2x 3 + x 2 − 7x + 4 by x − 1
(e) Divide 3x 3 + 8x 2 + 19x + 10 by 3x + 2
(f) Divide 2x 3 − 15x − 9 by x − 3
(g) Divide x 3 − 11x + 20 by x + 4
(h) Divide x 4 + 2x 3 + 4x − 40 by x − 2
(i) Divide 4x 4 − x 2 + 6x + 3 by 2x + 1
x 3 − 8x 2 + 19x − 14 = 0.
Give the two non-integer roots in the form p ± q, where p and q are
x 6 + 2x 4 − x 2 − 2.
Hence or otherwise factorise the polynomial completely.
27. Use the Factor Theorem to factorise x 3 − x −6. Hence, or otherwise find
all the roots of the equation x 6 − x 2 − 6 = 0.
Solutions 17
1. x =1
2. x =2
3. a = − 4 [8 + 4a − 7 = 0]
17. f ( 23 ) = 89 + 40
− 88
+ 24 = 48−264+216
(3x − 2)(x − 2)(x + 6)
p p
18. x = 2, 3 + 2 and 3 − 2 [Equation is (x − 2)(x 2 − 6x + 7) = 0]
23. −3 [Coefft of x 3 is −4 + 1]
f (x) = (x + 2)(x − 1), g (x) = (x − 3)(x − 1) [Each side is (x + 2)(x − 1)(x − 3)]
In part (b) let x = 13 ⇒ 10 f (13) = 15g (15).
Strictly speaking we haven’t quite finished. We’ve only shown the theorems
hold in one direction. We haven’t shown, for example, that if f (a) = 0, x − a
must be a factor of f (x).
To fill in this last piece of the jigsaw we can use proof by contradiction.
We shall assume for a moment that f (a) = 0 but x − a is not a factor of f (x).
If x − a is not factor we get a (non-zero) remainder when we divide f (x) by
x − a, i.e.
f (x) = (x − a)g (x) + r where r 6= 0.
But that means f (a) 6= 0, which we know to be false.
Exercises 18
(i) f (0) (ii) f (1) (iii) f (−1) (iv) f (2) (v) f (−3)
(iv) Use this result to find all the linear factors f (x).
x 3 − 3x 2 − 6x + 8
x2 − 4
3x 3 − 4x 2 − 5x + 2
3x 2 + 2x − 1
20. When f (x) is divided by x − 3 the remainder is 4. Write down the value
of the constant k if
f (x) k
= x2 + 2 + .
x −3 x −3
Find the values of a, b and c if
f (x) = x 3 + ax 2 + bx 2 + c.
x 3 = 8 − 9x 2 .
(ii) Find the other two solutions, expressing them in the form a ± b 6,
where a and b are integers.
Solutions 18
17. f ( 13 ) = 0 [ 91 − 94 − 53 + 2]
x −2 [Numerator is (3x − 1)(x 2 − x − 2). Factorising: (3x−1)(x+1)
18. f ( 21 ) = 0 [ 82 − 54 − 26 + 4]
p p
2 , 1 + 5, 1 − 5 [ f (x) = (2x − 1)(x 2 − 2x − 4) = (2x − 1)((x − 1)2 − 5)]
19. (i) Substituting x = 1, left hand side is = 2 + 12 .
(ii) x 3 − 3x 2 + 4x + 5 = 0 [x 2 (3x − 1) + (x + 1) = (x + 1)(3x − 1)]
(iii) x = 1 (repeated), x = − 23 [(x − 1) is a factor, hence (x − 1)(3x + 2)(x − 1)]
20. k =4
a = −3, b = 2, c = −2 [ f (x) = (x − 3)(x 2 + 2) + 4]
22. (i) x = −1
(ii) −4 ± 2 6 [x + 1 is a factor of x 3 + 9x 2 − 8 = (x + 1)(x 2 + 8x − 8)]
Revision Exercise 1
5 1 9 7 5x 2 6y 3 3a+6b 10a
1. (a) 7 × 3 × 10 × 11 (b) 2y × x
(c) 5a
× a+2b
y 2 −4y 3y+3 5x 2
(d) y+1 × 2y−8 (e) 11× 11 (f) a× a
5 3y
(g) x 2 × 4x 2 (h) 4x ×2x 2 (i) 27
7 3
4 9 16
(j) 3 (k) 2 (l) 9
5 5 4
2y 3 6a
(m) 3x (n) y 4 (o) 4
1 x 13x 5 1
(p) x (q) 7 + 7 (r) 9 y − 9 y
1 7a 2 a+2 a−1
(s) 2 a − 2 (t) y + 5 y (u) 4 + 3
(v) 23 (a + 1) + 61 (2a − 1) (w) 6p − 21 (4p + 3) (x) a − 11
4p 2 +8pq t −4
2. (a) p+2q
(b) t 2 −3t −4
x x 2 −2x+1 x 2 +1
(c) x−1 × 2x 2
(d) x 2 −1
x+2 x 2 +x 1
(e) x+1 × x 2 +6x+8 (f) x 3 +x ×(3x 2 + 3)
× a(a+1)
a 2 −16
(h) (y − 1)× y 2 −2y+1
1+ a x
(i) 3 2 (j) 1
3 x−1
7 2y− 21
(k) a 5a (l)
4+ 8 y+ 43
x 2 + 13 x
(m) 2+6x (n) 4x + 12 (x − 1) − 21 (3x + 1)
y(y+2) 1 2
(o) 5
+ 10 y (p) 32 (t + 4) − 61 (t + 4) + 13 (t − 1)
3 4 y
(q) x + 5 (r) 4x − 3x
1 2 2y 3
(s) x+1 − x (t) y−1 − y+1
2x−1 3x
(u) x
− 2x+1
35 1 5 2 3a 2
(k) 18 (l) 12 (m) 3x (n) y (o) 2
y 4 7y
(p) x (q) 2x (r) 9 y (s) −3a (t) 5
7a+2 2a+1 8p−3 13a−3
(u) 12 (v) 2
(w) 2
(x) 11
1 x−1
2. (a) 4p (b) t +1 (c) 2x
x 3
(d) No simplification. (e) x+4 (f) x
a+1 a+1 2 2+a
(g) 2a+8 = 2(a+4) (h) y−1 (i) 6
3x 8 8y−2 2(4y−1)
(j) x−3 (k) a (l) 4y+3 = 4y+3
x 3y 2 +4y y(3y+4)
(m) 6 (n) 3x − 1 (o) 10
= 10
5x+10 5(x+2) 15−4x y 2 −12x 2
(p) 6
= 6 (q) 5x
(r) 4x y
(x+2) 2y−3 x 2 −1
(s) − x(x+1) (t) y−1 (u) x(2x+1)
3a 2 b a2 18y 3 3y 2
• Cancelling algebraic fractions e.g. 9b 3 = 3b 2 , 6x y−9y 2 = x−3y , where
we can cancel every term in numerator and denominator, or we may
x 2 +5x+6 x+2 x−1 1
need to factorise e.g. 4x+12 = 4 , x 2 −1 = x+1 .
5.1 Introduction. Representing algebraic relationships pictorially.
5.1 Introduction
Mathematics in real life often boils down to understanding the relationships
between quantities we can measure. To take a trivial example, suppose two
physical measurements can each vary but the two must always add up to 3.
If one distance is x and the other y, we can summarise this information by
writing the beautifully concise statement:
x + y = 3, where x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0.
We need algebra. But algebra lives in the abstract world, a world that the
human brain is ill-equipped to deal with. It’s hardly surprising therefore that
when René Descartes1 cooked up a simple way to express algebraic
relationships pictorially—what we now refer to as coordinate geometry, or
Cartesian geometry—mathematics took huge leaps forward and developed
in whole new areas.
This is not new to you; every time you draw a graph with axes, and plot
points on it you are using coordinate geometry. We’ll just be going deeper.
1 y −1
2x − 5y = 7, y = 1 − x, x = 0.3y, = 2,
2 x
because they can all be written in the form ax + b y + c = 0.
Examples of equations that can’t be written in this form, i.e. non-linear
relationships, would be:
sin x
y 2 = x + 1, x y = 3, y= p
Descartes was a French philosopher born at the very end of the 16th century.
y y
6 6
5 5
@ @
@ 4 @ 4
@ @
@ 3 • (0, 3)
@ @
2 @ 2 @• (1, 2)
@ @
1 @ 1 @
@ @
@ - x @• (3, 0) - x
−2 −1 0 1 2 3@ 4 5 −2 −1 0 1 2 3@ 4 5
−1 @ −1 @• (4, −1)
@ @
Another example of a straight 7
y = 2x + 1
line would be 6
y = 2x + 1 5 •(2, 5)
Here the relationship is that 4 3
•( , 4)
If the equation happens to include only one variable, its line will be parallel
to one of the coordinate axes (see the graph below).
On the blue vertical line all the points have an x-coordinate of 3, so its
equation is x = 3. Similarly the red horizontal line has equation y = 4. The
two lines cross where x = 3 and y = 4, i.e. at (3, 4).
8 x =0 x =3
y =4
(1, 4) (3, 4)
? 4 • •
y =0 (3, 1)
1 •
? - x
−2 −1 0 1 KAA2 3 4 5
@ A
@ A
@ A
@ A
@ A y = 0 is the x-axis
@ x = 0 is the y-axis
That is to say how steep the line is and where it crosses the y-axis. If we know
these, we can write down what its equation is; conversely, its equation will tell
us what the line looks like.
5.2.1 Gradient
You will have met the notion of gradient before, but it’s worth a refresher
because it is so central to the study of both linear and non-linear2
We’ll start with the graph of y = 2x + 1. To find its gradient we draw a right
angled triangle using any two points on the line (see the diagram below). We
imagine moving along the line, and see how far this takes us in the x and y
the gradient is how far up we go for every unit we move from left to right.
Then we need to move up 2 units
gradient 2.
We can choose any two point
3 B
• -
6 on the line, but it’s obviously
2 easiest to use points that have
1 -•
integer coordinates. We could, for
A example, go from B to C , which
- x
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 involves moving 2 to the right and
−1 4 up; for every unit we have moved
from left to right we have moved 2
It was the middle of the 17th Century when in England Isaac Newton, and Gottfried
Leibniz working independently in Germany, made the breakthrough that allowed
them to calculate the gradient at any point on a curve, and thus the field of Calculus
was born.
Put another way if we divide the distance moved “up" (the y-axis) by the
distance moved to the “right" (the x-axis) we get the gradient—which leads
us to a simple formula.
Let’s see how this works for some pairs of points, starting with the line y =
2x + 1, for which we know the gradient to be 2.
y y
6 6
8 8
7 • 7
(3, 7) (5, 7)
6 6
5 5
4 4
(1, 4)
3 • 3
(1, 3)
2 2
1 1
- x - x
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
−1 −1
y 2 −y 1 7−3 4 y 2 −y 1 7−4 3
grad = = = = 2 grad = = =
x 2 −x 1 3−1 2 x 2 −x 1 5−1 4
y y
6 A• 7 6
(−1, 7) A
5 A6
4 • 5A
(3, 4) A
3 4 A
2 3 A
1 2 A
- x 1 A
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 A
−1 A -
−2 −1 0 1 2 A3 4
−2 • −1 A• x
(1, −2) (3, −1) A
−3 −2 A
y 2 −y 1 4−− 2 6 y 2 −y 1 −1−7 8
grad = = = = 3 grad = = = = −2
x 2 −x 1 3−1 2 x 2 −x 1 3−− 1 4
The gradient in the last example came out negative. The line is precisely as
steep as the first one but it slopes “backwards". If we are using the formula
to work out the gradient, the formula will take care of whether the gradient is
positive or negative.
But what if we are using the triangle approach? How does that give us a
negative gradient? The answer is that in the last example, in moving along
the line (remember we always move from left to right) we go down not up.
Put another way, the movement in the y-direction is negative. We can think
of the gradient as “the change in y divided by the change in x”, provided we
remember to make it negative if the line is sloping backwards.
Below we find the gradients again using the triangle method—and add an
extra line for luck.
(3, 7) (5, 7) •
+4 (1, 4) •
(1, 3) +4
• -
+4 +3 3
grad = = 2 grad = =
+2 +4 4
A• -
(−1, 7) A e
A e• -
A (−2, 6) e
A e
A e
A e
A -8 e -6
A e
A e
A e
A e
A e
A e
A e•?
A (3, 0) e
A•? e
(3, −1) A
−8 −6 6
grad = = −2 grad = =−
+4 +5 5
To sum up: if we move downwards as we go from left to right along the line,
we translate this decrease in y as a negative increase in y, so the formula
y 2 −y 1
increase in y-coordinate
gradient = = A
increase in x-coordinate x 2 −x 1 A
Sometimes you will want to find a gradient using the formula and
sometimes using the triangle approach. This formula captures both.
for a line parallel to the x-axis, the gradient = 0
for a line parallel to the y-axis, the gradient = ∞ A
horizontal lines:
y gradient = 0
- x
y vertical lines:
6 gradient = ∞
- x
1. In each case find the gradient of the line joining the two points.
(a) (b)
(4, 9)
(5, 13) •
(2, 1) • (2, 6) •
(c) (d )
(−1, 2)
(4, 7) •
(−2, 4) •
(4, −3)
2. Find the gradient of each line using the endpoints marked A and B .
(a) (b)
6 B• 6
P• P
A• - -
(c) (d )
6 6
- -
3 7 1 1 3 5
1.(a) 4 (b) (c) (d) −1 2.(a) 1 (b) − (c) (d) −
3 2 3 2 3
Our starting point is the line y = x (drawn using a thick line in the diagram),
whose gradient is 1. Saying the equation is y = x is shorthand for saying that
at every point on the line “the y-coordinate = the x-coordinate".
Suppose we were to move every point on this line up 4 units. So for example
(2, 2) becomes (2, 6), and so on. Rather than being equal to it, the
y-coordinate of every point on the new line is now 4 units bigger then its
x-coordinate. In other words its equation is y = x + 4.
One particularly important point on a line is the y-intercept, which is where
it crosses the y-axis. For the line y = x it was (0, 0) For this new line it is (0, 4).
In exactly the same way we can see that the lowest line on the diagram has
equation y = x − 2. (Starting with the line y = x we have moved every point
down 2 units). For this line the y-intercept is at (0, −2).
Each of the lines has equation y = x + c, where c is the value of its
y 4
+4 ?
- x
Now we are going to look at lots of lines with different gradients, but this
time all passing through the origin. Use some of the the points marked to
satisfy yourself that their equations and their gradients are correct.
grad = 4
grad = −3 y
grad = 2
grad = 1
B 6
B 8 •
B 7
y =4
•B 6
B 5
grad = 21
4 • •
1 x
•B 3 y =2
B 2 • • •
Q B1 • •
QB - x
0 Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
−2 −1 B Q
−2 Q•
Q y=
Q −2
−3 B Q 3x
−4 Q
B •Q
grad = − 32
We can see that each line has equation y = mx, where m is its gradient.
Take the example of the line below. We can see that its gradient is 2, and that
its y-intercept is +3.
The equation must therefore be y = 2x + 3.
6 We can easily verify that
this is correct. The point
(1, 5) lies on the line because
6 its coordinates satisy the
equation, as does (0, 3) of
5 •(1, 5)
3 •
- x
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Another example: to find the equation L 5 6
of the line in the graph opposite. L
The y-intercept is 3, so c = 3. To find L
3 L•
The gradient, we look for two points on L
the line both of whose coordinates are 2 L
integers: (0, 3) is one; another is (2, −2). 1 L
To move between these points from left
L - x
to right we need to go along 2 and down −1 0 1 L 2 3 4 5
5 −1 L
5, so its gradient is − 2 . L
5 −2 L•
The equation is therefore y = − 2 x + 3. L
−3 L
−4 L
If we can know the gradient of a line and its y-intercept, we can write
down its equation.
We’re going to construct the line
whose equation is 5
y = 3x − 2. 4
All we need is two points on the
line. We already have one: the 2
y-intercept (0, −2). And since the
1 •
gradient is 3 we can find a second
- x
one by moving from it 1 units to
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5
the right and 3 units up. That −1
takes us to (1, 1).
−2 •
The two points are marked on the
graph, and they tell us where the
line sits.
Let’s look at a harder example: the
2 4•
y = 4 − 3 x.
or 3
y = − 3 x + 4.
2 •
As before we already have one 1
point: (0, 4). - x
Since the gradient is − 3 we can −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
find a second one by moving from −1
it 3 units to the right and 2 units −2
down. That takes us to (3, 2).
The two points marked give us our
y = mx +c
1. By identifying its gradient and intercept, write down the equation of each
of these lines, in the form y = mx + c. (The grid lines are at 1 unit intervals.)
(a) 6 (b)
- -
(c) (d )
6 6
- -
2. From the gradient and y-intercept of these straight lines, sketch them.
4 2 1
1. (a) y = x + 3 (b) y = 2x − 1 (c) y = x + 1 (d) y = − x + 4
3 2
2. For example (a)(0, −3), (3, 0) (b)(0, −2), (1, 1) (b)(0, 1), (3, 3) (b)(0, 5), (2, 4).
Example 1
(a) The equation needs rearranging into the form y = mx + c.
(+4x) 2y = 4x + 3
(÷2) y = 2x +
The gradient m = 2 and the y-intercept c = 2 .
(b) Rearranging
3y = x − 7
1 7
y = x−
3 3
1 7
m =3, c = −3.
(c) Rearranging
0.25y = −0.6x + 1
(×4) y = −2.4x + 4
m = −2.4 or − 5 , c = 4.
Now we can move on to the kinds of problems you could meet in an exam, each
of which can be solved using y = mx + c.
Example 2
Find the equation of the line that is parallel to the line 2y + 5x = 3 which
passes through the point (0, −4).
5 3
The equation 2y + 5x = 3 can be written y = − 2 x + 2 .
The line we are looking for has the same gradient, so its equation must be
y = − 2 x + c, for some value of c.
But we know its y-intercept is −4, so the equation is y = − 2 x − 4.
The answer is correct, but we’d normally tidy it up a bit. We can get rid of the
fractions (in this case by multiplying by 2). It’s also conventional to try and
avoid expressions beginning with a minus sign. So we might write it as
2y = −5x − 8
2y + 5x + 8 = 0
Example 3
The line 5y = 3x + k passes through the point (−1, 3). Find the value of k and
hence determine where the lines crosses both axes.
x = −1, y = 3 satisfy the equation, so 15 = −3 + k, i.e. k = 18.
The equation of the line is 5y = 3x + 18.
We could rearrange it into the form y = mx + c, but since we are after both
intercepts, it’s easier to substitute x = 0, and then y = 0 into the equation.
The y-intercept is y = (0, 5 ) and the x-intercept (−6, 0).
Example 4
Find the value of p for which the two lines are parallel.
px + 3y = 1
y = 2x + 4
p 1 p
Rearranging the first equation: y = − 3 x + 3 , so its gradient is − 3 .
But it is parallel to the second line, whose gradient is 2, therefore − 3 = 2, or
p = −6.
5 2
(a) m = , c = −4 (b) Gradient is 5, so y = 5x − 3
(c) Substituting x = −1 and y = 4 gives 4 = −a + 1 ⇒ a = −3.
Example 5.
Find the equation of the line with gradient 3 passing through the point (4,1).
Using the form y = mx + c, since the gradient is 3, it must be possible to write
the equation as y = 3x + c, for some value of c.
To find c, we know that the coordinates of (4, 1) must satisfy the equation so
1 = 12 + c or c = −11
The equation is y = 3x − 11.
Before showing you the second method we’re going to develop a new
Example 6
What is the equation of the line through (−4, 3) with gradient 2 ?
The equation must look like this:
y = x + c.
for some value of the constant c. Substituting x = −4 and y = 3 into the
equation we have
3 = × (−4) + c
3 = −2 + c ⇒ c = 5
2y = x + 10.
This is the first method. But it relies on us knowing the gradient up front. This
won’t always be the case. Very often what we know is two points the line
passes through. The easiest way to deal with this case is using the formula
that we are now going to develop.
Starting with two points that lie on the line, we want a formula that tells us
the equation of the line.
Suppose the two points are A(2, 1) and B (5, 7) on the graph below.
7−1 6 (5, 7)
= = 2.
5−2 3 P •(x, y)
Now here is the clever bit. This
formula will work for any pair
of points on the line, so we
imagine any point at all—we’ll
call it P and give it coordinates
(x, y). In the diagram we have A•
put P on the line but for the (2, 1)
- x
moment imagine it could be 0
The reasoning goes like this: if the gradient of AP is also 2, then P is on the
line; if the gradient is not 2, P is not on the line.
That means the statement “P is on the line" can be expressed
mathematically by turning the statement “the gradient of AP = 2" into
algebra using the coordinates of P .
which simplifies to y = 2x − 3.
We can turn this into a formula that works for any two point (x 1 , y 1 ) and
(x 2 , y 2 ). The gradient of the line between the two points is
y2 − y1
x2 − x1
and the equation of the line passing through the two points(x 1 , y 1 ) and
(x 2 , y 2 ) is
y − y1 y2 − y1
= .
x − x1 x2 − x1
Earlier we saw how to construct the equation of a line given its gradient and
one point on it, using y = mx + c. At the time we also said there is an
alternative way to find the equation. It’s this.
Example 5. (Alternative method)
Find the equation of the line with gradient 3 passing through the point (4,1).
We now know that the gradient of a line we can write as
y − y1 y −1
or in this case .
x − x1 x −4
y −1
= 3 or y − 1 = 3(x − 4),
x −4
which simplifies to y = 3x − 11, the same result as before.
y − y1
=m or y − y 1 = m(x − x 1 ).
x − x1
y−y 1 y 2 −y 1
(x 1 , y 1 ), (x 2 , y 2 ) = Substitute and simplify
x−x 1 x 2 −x 1
In each case find the equation, given either two points on the line, or one
point and the gradient. Express your answer in a form that doesn’t involve
any fractions.
1 3
(a) (0, −4); gradient = − 3 (b) (1, −2); gradient = 2
(a) 3y + x + 12 = 0 (b) 2y = 3x − 7 (c) 7y = 2x + 23 (d) 5y + 10x = 1
y k
(e) = = −1 ⇒ x + y = k.
x−k −k
Example 7.
Find where the line joining the points P (−1, −2) and Q(3, 1) cut the
coordinate axes.
y The equation of PQ is
6 y − (−2) 1 − (−2)
x − (−1) 3 − (−1)
y +2 3
3 =
x +1 4
4(y + 2) = 3(x + 1)
1 • Q(3, 1)
4y + 5 = 3x
- x 5
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 When x = 0, y = − 4 ,
P (−1, −2) −2
when y = 0, x = 3 .
−3 The line cuts the axes at
(0, − 54 ) and ( 53 , 0).
From the sketch these are the kinds of answers we would expect. It doesn’t
tell us they are correct, but had we made a mistake it might have told us.
Since ABC D is a
parallelogram AB //C D
and AD//BC , and the
parallel sides are also the
y same length. We can use
6 D this to work out where D
5 •
is, starting either from A or
4 from C .
A(−1, 3) • 3 To get from B to A we must
2 move 2 units to the right and
5 units up.
C (1, 0) The same must therefore
• - x
apply from C to D,
−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
so D is (3, 5).
−2 Check this answer for
B (−3, −2)
yourself by finding D again,
but this time starting from
Notice that we didn’t need to find the equation of any of the lines. We didn’t
even use the notion of gradient—not explicitly at least. It was the idea of a
translation, or a vector, that solved the problem. The concept of vectors is
simple but very powerful. You will meet them again later.
5.2.4 The equation of a straight line x + = 1
a b
AA 6 y
A 6
A (0, 6)
(4, 0)
A (0, −2)
A (3, 0)
- x
Conversely we can easily sketch the line if we have the equation in this form.
2x + 5y = 8.
2x 5y
+ =1 (0, 1.6)
8 8
Now the coefficients of x and y in
each numerator must also be 1, so aa
we divide top and bottom of each aa
a - x
fraction by the appropriate number:
(4, 0) aa
x y
+ =1
4 1.6
and the intercepts are now clear.
Write down the x- and y-intercepts for these lines. The answers are in the
footnote7 .
x 2y x y y
(a) 5 + 7
=1 (b) 2 − 8=1 (c) 3x + 5y = 30 (d) 3 − 7x
+1 = 0.
(a) x = 5, y = 3.5 (b) x = 2, y = −8 (c) x = 10, y = 6
7x y
− 3 = 1 ⇒ x = 27 , y = −3
This next example is for anyone who is finding it all too easy so far. You are
free to skip it if you wish, or come back to it later
Example 9.
x y
A line has equation + = 1 (k 6= 0)
2k k
Solution 8 .
(a) The intercepts are (2k, 0) and (0, k). 6
A quick sketch shows us that the HA
k HH
gradient of the line is t
k 1 d HH
− =− H
2k 2
(negative because the line slopes 2k HH x
Notice we don’t necessarily need to have numerical values to sketch a graph.
To see how the solution to part (a) ties up with the y = mx + c approach, we can
rearrange the equation:
(×2k) x + 2y = 2k
2y = 2k − x
y = − +k
from which we can read off the gradient − 12 and y-intercept (0, k).
original triangle:
L !! ! OP 0 ⊥ OP, OQ 0 ⊥ OQ.
!L t
P ! !
2 !! L
But more importantly (for our
d = 5
! L
gra !!!
L purposes)
! ! L
P 0Q 0 ⊥ PQ,
! L
• L
Q0 O P
so let’s compare their gradients:
5 2
The gradient of PQ is − and the gradient of P 0Q 0 is .
2 5
The product of these gradients is − 52 × 52 = −1, a result that applies to any pair
of perpendicular lines:
m 1 m 2 = −1. A
gradient gradient
Another way to look at it is this: to get from one of l 1 of l 2
gradient to the other, all we have to do is turn it 7 4
upside down and change the sign. 4 7
3 −
The table opposite gives examples of the gradients 1
of pairs of perpendicular lines (l 1 and l 2 ). −9
The rule works both ways, of course, because if we −0.8 1.25
repeat the process we get back to the gradient we 1
m −
started with. m
a b
b a
1 3 a 1
(a) 4 (b) −1 (c) − 5 (d) 0.5 (e) 2 (f) k−1
2. For each pair of lines, say if they are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
9 5 2
1.(a) −4 (b) 1 (c) (d) −2 (e) − (f) −(k − 1) = 1 − k
3 a
2.(a) parallel (b) perpendicular (c) perpendicular (d) neither
Example 10
Find the equation of the line perpendicular to 2y = 4 − 3x that passes
through the point (−5, 0).
In y = mx + c form, the equation of the line 2y = 4 − 3x is: y = − x + 2.
The gradient of the perpendicular line is therefore 3 and its equation is
y −0 2
x − (−5) 3
3y = 2x + 10
Example 11
The point P (4, 7) lies on the circumference of a circle, and at P the tangent to
the circle has gradient equal to −2. The centre of the circle C lies on the line
x = −3. Find the coordinates of C .
The tangent to a circle and the radius through the same point on its
circumference are at right angles. So the line through P with gradient 12 is a
diameter (i.e. it passes through the centre of the circle). Its equation is
y −7 1
x −4 2
2(y − 7) = x − 4
2y − 14 = x − 4
2y = x + 10.
The centre also lies on the line x = −3, so substituting this into the equation
of the line gives y = 2 .
The last three examples bring us up to the standard of the most demanding
exam questions you are likely to meet.
Example 12
4x + k y = 3 (5.1)
x − 9k y + 1 = 0 (5.2)
Example 13
Taken in order anticlockwise, A, B , C and D are the vertices of a square. The
coordinates of A and B are (2, −1) and (4, 3) respectively.
(a) Show that AD passes through the origin and C lies on the y-axis.
(b) Where does the line DB cross the x-axis?
(b) Now we know where D is, we can use the formulae to find the equation of
DB . Its gradient DB is:
3−1 1 y−1 1
= , so its equation is =
4+2 3 x+2 3
Example 14
The vertices of a triangle are A(1, 0), B (6, 0) and C (4, 4). The altitude 10 that
passes through C meets the x-axis at N , and the altitude through B meets
AC at M . Find where the altitudes meet.
C N is the line x = 4.
y The gradient of AC is 3 , and
B M ⊥ AC so the equation of
6 C (4, 4) B M is
A y 3
A = −
M A x −6 4
P or 4y = −3x + 18.
Z A P lies on this line x = 4.
A AB - x
Z So we have
0 1 N 6 3
4y = 6 or y = .
Incidentally, we can verify that the latitude from A also passes through P .
The gradient of AP is 2
3 = 12 ; the gradient of BC is − 24 = −2.
AP is perpendicular to BC , so the altitude through A passes through P .
a )
perpendicular to the opposite side is called an aa
altitude. The three altitudes of any triangle all
aa Q
t aa
meet at the same point, which is known as the
orthocentre of the triangle.
To find where these cross we shall have to use one of the methods of solving
linear simultaneous equations in Section 6.5 of Chapter 5 (see page 6-41).
The answer is x = 3, y = 4 (verify that these satisfy both equations).
To interpret this y
graphically, let’s write 6
the first equation as 5 PP
x y
+ =1
15 5 PP
1 PP
which intersects the P PP - x
axes at (15, 0) and −1 15P
(0, 5).
The second line is easy to sketch and the point on the graph where they
cross, (3, 4), looks about right.
We’ve been able to solve all the examples we’ve seen so far. Does that mean
any pair can be solved? The answer is no, because the lines they represent
could be parallel, in which case there is no point that lies on both of them.
Although it’s not immediately obvious, the equations
x+y =4 and 2y = 3 − 2x
correspond to a pair of parallel lines. Let’s see what happens if we try to find
where they cross.
Substituting y = 4 − x from the first
equation into the second, we have
2(4 − x) = 3 − 2x y
8 − 2x = 3 − 2x
@ 6
which seems to imply that 8 = 3!! This @
nonsensical conclusion tells us the @
lines must be parallel.
Writing the second equation as @
x @
3 +
y @
x+y = , =
2 @ 2
@ -
0 1.5@ 4@
we can see that both lines have @ @@
gradient −1.
1. In each case the gradient of a line is given. Find the gradient of a line
perpendicular to it. (The answers are in the footnote11 )
1 3 a 1
(a) 4 (b) −1 (c) − 5 (d) 0.5 (e) 2 (f) k−1
2. For each pair of lines, say if they are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
11 5 2
1.(a) −4 (b) 1 (c) (d) −2 (e) − (f) −(k − 1) = 1 − k
3 a
2.(a) parallel (b) perpendicular (c) perpendicular (d) neither
Now we assemble them together, in two different ways. In the first case we
get a triangle whose base is 13 units and height 5 units.
It appears that we get the same in the second case, except there is a square
missing. What’s going on?
The shapes haven’t been doctored in any way; there is a perfectly sensible
There is a good reason for the puzzle to be placed in this chapter.
AB 2 = 32 + 42 = 25, ∴ AB = 5.
We can turn this into a general formula.
y y
6 6
B (x 2 , y 2 ) B
6 6
y2 − y1
6 A(x 1 , y 1 ) A
y1 x2 − x1
- x - x
By Pythagoras: AB 2 = (x 2 − x 1 )2 + (y 2 − y 1 )2
A reminder
Before doing an example, a reminder of something we met in Chapter 2.
When using Pythagoras we will often be finding the square root of a number,
and it will pay off to get used to writing square roots in their simplest form.
p 1
For example 20 = 20 2 . We can write this
1 1 1 1 1
20 2 = (4 × 5) 2 = 4 2 × 5 2 = 2 × 5 2 .
Or, in root notation
p p p p p
20 = 4 × 5 = 4 × 5 = 2 5.
One other point. Try to avoid using a calculator—whether it be dealing with
square roots or subtracting negative numbers; do as much as you can in
your head. You will get to know how far you can go with this by the number
of mistakes you make.
In each case find the distance between the two points, expressing your
answer as simply as possible.
(a) (2, 0) and (5, 4) (b) (−2, 1) and (3, 13) (c) (0, 9) and (2, 3)
(d) (5, −11) and (−2, 13) (e) (1, 1 − a) and (a + 1, 1)
Before we leave this topic, an example of the kind of question you could be set
in an exam.
p p p p
(a) 5. (b) 13. (c) 40 = 2 10. (d) 25 (e) 2a 2 = a 2.
Example 15
The vertices of a triangle are P (−4, 1), Q(4, 7) and R(−1, −3).
(a) Find the lengths of PQ, QR and RP .
(b) Hence, or otherwise, show that the triangle is right-angled.
(a) Let’s start with a quick sketch (it doesn’t need to be accurate). Since we are
only interested in distances and angles we don’t even need to include axes.
Q(4, 7)
P (−4,1)
R(−1, −3)
QR 2 = PQ 2 + RP 2
7−1 3 −3 − 1 4
gradient of PQ = = , gradient of P R = =− .
4+4 4 −1 + 4 3
The product of their gradients is −1, so the lines are perpendicular.
N.B. Had we not been asked to find the lengths (i.e. part (a)), the alternative
method definitely provides an easier solution to (b).
If you had wondered about finding the distance from a point to a line, you may
be intereted in the next couple of pages; if not, feel free to move straight to the
next section.
Example 16
Find the distance between the point M (2, 8) and the line 2y = x − 1.
Suppose the the foot of the perpendicular from M on to the line is at N . The
distance from M to the line is the length of M N , which we will call d . To find
this we shall need the coordinates of N .
In an exam, unless the question says otherwise, it is always better to give the
exact answer.
The simplest case is where both lines are parallel to one of the axes— for
example the lines y = 3 and y = 7, which are clearly 4 units apart. You won’t
need any more than this at the moment.
y y
6 6
B (4, 6) (4, 6)
M • •
6 A(1, 2) (1, 2)
- x - x
- -
1 5
- 2
6 A(x 1 , y 1 ) (x 1 , y 1 )
- x - x
- -
x1 1
- 2 (x 1 + x 2 )
(x + x 2 ), 12 (y 1 + y 2 )
The midpoint of (x 1 , y 1 ) and (x 2 , y 2 ) is 2 1
Strictly speaking we should say the mean or the mean average.
Try these examples. They start off quite simply but we have included some
algebraic examples, to make it a little harder.
For each pair of points, find the coordinates of the midpoint (the answers are
in the footnote15 ).
(a) (2, 5) and (6, 11) (b) (−3, −1) and (5, −11) (c) (0, −1) and (1, −2)
(d) ( 13 , − 12 ) and ( 73 , 23 ) (e) (a, 3b) and (5a, −b) (f) (2, 14 y) and (2x, y)
(a) (4, 8) (b) (1, −6) (c) ( 12 , − 32 ) (d) ( 43 , 21 ) (e) (3a, b) (f ) (x + 1, 85 y)
Example 17
The vertices of a triangle are P (2, −3), Q(10, 3) and R(0, 9).
Find the coordinates of the point where the medians16 of the triangle meet.
6 The midpoints of the sides are
at L(5, 6), M (1, 3) and N (6, 0).
R(0, 9)
We can choose any two
EJ b
EJ b
E J bb medians. MQ is an obvious
E J bL choice for one, as its equation
E bb
b is simple: y = 3.
G b Q(10, 3)
E b
We’ll make R N the other: with
a gradient of − 32 its equation
must be
J - x
E y = − x + 9.
E 2
P (2, −3)
There is no need to simplify this as we are going to solve it with y = 3.
3 = − x + 9 or x = 4.
The medians meet at G(4, 3).
= 3 which simplifies to y = 3x − 9.
Solve this with the equation of R N to show we get the same result as before.
Tackling the next example will be very illuminating; we’ll see how different
approaches are possible. They all arrive at the same result of course, but
you’ll be able to see what they each offer in terms of insight and
computational simplicity. (We all like things to be as simple as possible.)
C@ centroid
C @
C @
The line joining the vertex of a triangle to the midpoint aa C @
of the opposite side is called a median. The three
C aa @
16 medians of any triangle meet at the same point—called C aa@
the centroid of the triangle.
C aa @
Example 18
The points A(−2, 6), B (1, 4) and C (µ, −2) lie on a straight line. Find the value
of µ.
We are going to solve it in four ways. This is not masochism. Seeing the same
problem from different viewpoints helps to deepen our understanding,
which boosts our confidence.
A(−2, 6)
? -Q• B (1, 4)
+3 Q
−6 ...
? -Q• C (µ, −2)
It may seem like overkill to consider four different methods. It is certainly true
that you will only use one on a particular problem, but there are good reasons
to be familiar with a range of approaches.
First, different methods lend themselves more easily to different types of
problem: one approach may be quite tedious to apply and another very
simple. The second reason is that each one provides a slightly different
perspective on the underlying principles; understanding different approaches
gives you deeper insight into them, and that means you can answer harder
@• C of a circle and its perpendicular bisector (the
@ line through its midpoint, at right angles to it).
@ The theorem is that
the perpendicular bisector of a
chord passes through the centre
of the circle.
Tangent properties
@• C
Example 19 The vertices of a triangle are P (−2, −2), Q(7, 1) and R(5, 5). A
circle passes through all three vertices.
Find the coordinates of the centre of the circle, and its radius.
The perpendicular bisectors of the sides meet at the centre of the circle.
First we draw a diagram showing the key lines. I hope you agree it is a
beautiful one.
R(5, 5)
@ A
@ A•L(6, 3)
@ A
@ M(3, 3) A
2 2
@• A
Q(7, 1)
- x
P (−2, −2)
For the radius of the circle we need to pick one of the vertices, say R, and
the radius r is the distance between (2, 1) and (5, 5).
That is r 2 = (5 − 2)2 + (5 − 1)2 = 25. The radius of the circle is 5.
You might have spotted that in this instance Q would have been a better
vertex to choose for finding the radius, as its y-coordinate happens to be
1—the same as C ’s. This confirms that the radius is 5.
(×2) 2y − 3 = −2 x − 23 = −2x + 3.
¡ ¢
The final example in this section takes us into the real world.
Example 20
A solid cylinder rests with its axis horizontal on two stiff wires 40 cm apart
running parallel to its axis. The cylinder supports a horizontal sheet of wood
60 cm above the level of the wires. Find the radius of the cylinder.
The diagram is a cross section view. We have chosen to run the x-axis
through the level of the wires, and the y-axis through the centre of the
sphere. This puts the wires at (20, 0) and (−20, 0) and the sheet of wood
resting on the line y = 60.
To find the radius of the circle
we need to find where its centre
6 is. By symmetry it lies on the
B It also lies on the perpendicular
B bisector of any chord—we have
B chosen the one through (10, 30),
B whose gradient is 13 (satisfy
B (10, 30) yourself this is correct).
B Its equation is
B 1
B y − 30 = (x − 10),
BB 3
• •
−20 0 20 or 3y − x = 80,
80 100
The radius of the circle is therefore 60 − 3 = 3 cm.
This is far beyond the A Level syllabus but is so extraordinary that I cannot
resist telling you about it. We have seen how, for any triangle, there are two
“special" points on each of the sides:
(a) the feet of the three altitudes from opposite vertices (L, M , N );
(b) the midpoints of the sides (P , Q, R).
Now a reminder about the three “centres" created using these points:
C @
C @
C @
C @ Q
R a
aa C @
@ aa C
@ M
a•C a G @
a @
@ C aa
a @
@ C aa@
H H @
CC a@
HH @ P
H @
H@ @
t H@ @
L @
@ Q
HH @
H @
•HC @
HH @
t @
N • @
R • •Q
• • @
But we haven’t finished yet. In fact we have barely begun. Now we are going
to put in the altitudes and mark on the diagram the midpoints of the lines
that join H to the vertices.
As you can see, these further three points also lie on the same circle.
For this reason it is known as the 9-point circle18 .
• @• M
N •HH @
HH @ Q
R • HH •
HH @
HH @
H @
• •
HH @
HH @
• • H
There is more. Look at the diagram below. The three centres of the triangle
H , G and C will always lie on a straight line; moreover G always divides this
line in the same ratio: HG : GC = 2 : 1.
• @• M
N • @
R •
• H @ Q
@ @
@• O @
@• G @
@@• C • @
• • @
Finally, how is this line connected with the 9-point circle? Well, the centre of
the 9-point circle also lies on the line, and is in fact at the mid-point of H and
C . We’ve marked it O.
It has many other names, mostly honouring the numerous mathematicians who
claim to have been the first to discover it.
Exercises 19
1. Find the gradient of each of these lines. Where possible work the
answer out in your head.
(a) y = 6x + 2 (b) y = 7 − 2x (c) 5y = 2x + 1
(d) x = 4y + 5 (e) 2y + 8x = 1 (f) 6x = 2 − 5y
x y
(g) 2x − 2y + 11 = 0 (h) 2x + 2y + 11 = 0 (i) =
3 2
x y x 2y
(j) 3(x + y) = 2 (k) − = 1 (l) + =1
5 10 9 3
2. Put these lines in ascending order, according to their gradients.
(a) y = 21 x (b) y = 1 − 2x
(c) 5y = 1 + 2x (d) 5y + 2x = 1
(e) x = 3y + 6 (f ) 5x + 3y = 2
4. Find the equation of each line, given the information about the point(s)
is passes through and its gradient. Express the answer in a way that does
not include any fractions.
(a) Through (0, 1), gradient 4. (b) Through (0, 3), gradient − .
(c) Through (1, 5) and (4, 8). (d) Through (2, 4), gradient .
(e) Through (0, −2), parallel to the line y = 3x − 1.
(f) Through (−2, 0), parallel to the line y = 3x − 1.
(g) Through (2, 2) and (−1, −3).
(h) Through (−2, 7), perpendicular to the line 2x + 3y = 1.
5. Find the distance between each pair of points P 1 and P 2 . Write your
answer as simply as possible. (Do not use a calculator.)
P1 P2 P1 P2
(a) (1, 0) (4, 4) (g) (3, 2) (−2, 1)
(b) (−5, 2) (3, 8) (h) ( 41 , − 41 ) (− 34 , 34 )
(c) (− 12 , −1) (2, 5) (i) (−2, 1) (4, 4)
(d) (2, −12) (9, 12) (j) (30, −60) (80, 60)
p p
(e) (−0.1, 0) (−0.5, 0.3) (k) ( 11, 0) (0, 5)
(f) (1, 1) (5, 5) (l) ( 32 , 2) (1, 0)
6. Find the distance between each pair of points A and B . Write your
answer as simply as possible.
(a) (a, 1) (a + 4, 4)
(b) (5p, p) (p, 4p)
(c) (k − 1, 2k − 1) (k + 1, 2k + 1)
(d) (t , 3t ) (6t , 15t )
(e) (q, −p) (−2q, 2p)
(f) −( λ , 0) ( λ3 , λ3 )
7. For each pair of points P and Q, find
(i) the coordinates of the midpoint of PQ,
(ii) the gradient of PQ, and
(iii) the equation of the perpendicular bisector of PQ.
In part (ii) your answer should be in a form that does not contain any
(a) (2, 3) (6, 7) (f) (0, 1) (3, 5)
(b) (4, 0) (−2, 2) (g) (2, −3) (6, −2)
(c) (−1, 2) (1, 6) (h) (−1, 1) (−2, 6)
(d) (−5, −4) (−1, 2) (i) (0.2, 0.1) (0.6, 0.3)
(e) (11, 2) (3, 6) (j) (3, 12 ) (1, 2)
(a) (2, 1) (4, 5)
(b) (7, −2) (8, −2)
(c) (−3, 12 ) (0, 0)
(d) (1, 1) (3, 32 )
(e) (a, b) (a + 1, b + 2)
9. The three points P (1, 3), Q(3, 7),R(6, k) lie on a straight line.
(i) Find the gradient of the line.
(ii) Write down an expression, in terms of k, for the gradient of QR.
(iii) Hence, or otherwise, find the value of k.
10. Find the perpendicular distance from the origin to the line
4y + 3x = 20.
12. A triangle is formed by three points R(3, 1), S(−1, 1) and T (4, 6).
(i) Find the area of the triangle.
(ii) Show that the length of RT is 26.
(iii) Use your answer to part (ii) to
find the perpendicular distance from
the point S to the linea RT .
That is to say the line segment RT
extended infinitely in both directions.
6 T (4, 6)
S(−1, 1) R(3, 1)
13. P and Q are the points (1, 0) and (3, 4) respectively. The lines through P
and Q perpendicular to PQ meet the line x = 0 at R and S.
Show that the length of RS is 5.
15. From the point C (7, 4), a straight line is drawn perpendicular to
x y
+ =1 y
4 8 A
meeting it at N . Find BAl
A l
(a) the coordinates of N , A l
(b) the lengths of C N and AB , A l
l C (7, 4)
(c) the area of the triangle ABC , A
(d) the length of AC , and A
- x
B on to the line AC .
16. Show the the triangle formed by the origin O and the points A(10, 0) and
B (6, 8) is isosceles.
(i) Write down the equation of the altitude 19 through B .
(ii) Find the the equation of the altitude from O to AB .
(ii) Find where the altitudes of the triangle meet20 .
17. Show that there is a circle that passes through the fours points (1, 0),
(5, 0), (5, 8) and (−1, 6).
18. Find the centroid of the triangle with vertices (0, 4), (2, −2) and (4, 10).
The line through B perpendicular to O A.
The orthocentre.
19. Find the centre of the circle that passes through (−2, 0), (0, 4) and (2, 6).
21. Show that the triangle PQR is right angled, where P , Q and R are (0, −2),
(2, 2) and (0, 3) respectively.
Hence write down the coordinates of the centre of the circle that passes
through the vertices of the triangle.
26. Find the centroid of the triangle joining the points P (−1, 2), Q(7, 0) and
R(9, 10).
27. The three points R, S and T lie on a straight line, with S. between R
and T . The coordinates of R and S are (1, 3) and (7, 7) respectively and
RS : ST = 1 : 2. Find
31. A lamp shade is in the form of a right circular frustum22 . The diagram
shows a vertical cross-section, and gives its dimensions.
The shade will be fixed to a lamp
20 cm
- stand holding the light bulb. The
6 B
B designer has specified that the middle
B of the bulb should be at the centre of
B the sphere that touches both of the
60 cmB
B circular openings.
B Find the correct position for middle of
B the bulb.
80 cm
32. A sphere rests in a groove formed from two sheets of metal, one
vertical and the other at 45◦ to it. The diagram shows a vertical cross
section view.
A frustum is a cone with the top “sawn off". The plane created by the “cut" must
be parallel to the plan containing the base. In this case the planes are both
horizontal. The axis of symmetry need not be perpendicular to these planes; the
fact that is a right circular frustum means that it is.
33. The vertices of a triangle are O(0, 0), H (4, 0) and K (2, 2 3). M is the
midpoint of OH . The perpendicular from M to H K meets the line at
6 K
"" T
" T- x
(a) Prove that ∆OH K is equilateral.
(b) Show that the equation of H K is
y = 3(4 − x).
(c) Find the coordinates of N .
(d) Hence, or otherwise, show that
the length of H N is 1.
34. Show that the distance between the points (1, −k) and (k 2 , k) is k 2 + 1.
Solutions 19
2 1
1. (a) 6 (b) −2 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) −4 (f ) − 65
(g) 1 (h) −1 (i) 3
(j) −1 (k) 2 (l) − 23
3. β = 2.
4. (a) y = 4x + 1 (b) 2y + x = 6 [y = − 12 x + 3]
(c) y = x + 4 (d) 3y = x + 10 [y − 4 = 13 (x − 2)]
(e) y = 3x − 2 (f) y = 3x + 6 [y − 0 = 3(x + 2)]
−3−2 5
(g) 3y = 5x − 4 [gradient is −1−2 = 3 ⇒ y − 2 = 53 (x − 2)]
(h) 2y = 3x + 20 [y − 7 = 23 (x + 2)]
13 5 169
5. (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 2 [( 2 )2 +62 = 4 ]
p p p p
(d) 25 (e) 0.5 (f ) 4 2 [ 32 = 16 2]
p p p p p p
(g) 26 (h) 2 (i) 3 5 [ 45 = 9 5]
(j) 130 (k) 4 (l) 2
(i) (0.4, 0.2) 2 y + 2x = 1 y − 0.2 = −2(x − 0.4)
(j) (2, 54 ) − 34 12y = 16x − 17 y − 54 = 43 (x − 2) = 34 x − 83
8. (a) (6, 9) (b) (9, −2) (c) (3, − 21 ) (d) (5, 2) (e) (a + 2, b + 4)
k−7 k−7
9. (i) gradient = 42 = 2 (ii) 3
(iii) 3
=2 ⇒ k −7 = 6
⇒ k = 13.
10. Distance d = 4.
Gradient of the line 4y + 3x = 20 is − 4 .
Perpendicular line through the origin is y = 3 x or 3y = 4x.
Solving simultaneously (by any method), for example
12y + 9x = 60 and 12y = 16x ⇒ 16x + 9x = 60.
12 4 12 16
Hence x = 5 and y = 3 . 5 = 5 .
12 16 42 32 4 2 42 32 42
d 2 = ( 5 )2 + ( 5 )2 = 52 + 52 = 42 ( 52 + 52 ) = 42 .
11. (a) 4 2.
Gradient of the line is −1, perpendicular line from (6, 5) is
y = x + 1. The two lines intersect at x = 2, y = 1.
p p p
Distance between (6, 5) and (2, 1) is 42 + 42 = 16 2.
(b) 2 5.
Gradient of perpendicular line is −2, and its equation is
y = −2x + 10. The lines intersect at (2, 4).
p p
Distance is 22 + 42 = 20.
12. (i) Area = 12 × 4 × 5 = 10. [Height of T above SR is 5.]
(ii) RT = 26. [RT 2 = 12 + 52 .]
20 p
(iii) p or 3.92 (3 S.F.) [ 21 26 × h = 10.]
13. Gradient of PQ is 42 = 2.
Lines through P is:
y = − 12 (x − 1), i.e. 2y + x = 1, SHHH
which cuts the y-axis at (0, 21 ).
Lines through Q is:
H t Q(3, 4)
y − 4 = − 12 (x − 3), i.e. 2y + x = 11,
• B (4, 3)
−3 B
• B
(5, 0)
0 +1 x
?- • D
AB and BC are perpendicular as expected (gradients 3
and −3).
(a) D is at (−1, −2).
The simplest method is to think of moving from B to C : this involves
going down 3 and 1 to the right. The same must apply from A to D.
(b) Area of rectangle = 20.
p p
AB 2 = 62 + 22 , so AB = 2 10. BC 2 = 12 + 32 , so BC = 10.
16. OB 2 = 62 + 82 = 100, so
O A = OB = 10. ∆O AB is isosceles. y
(i) x = 6. 6
B (6, 8)
(ii) y = 12 x. AA
Since the triangle is isosceles with A• N
O A = OB , ON is a line of symmetry, A
where N is the midpoint of AB , A
i.e. (8, 4). A -x
O A(10, 0)
(iii) Orthocentre is at (6, 3).
6.1 Linear equations. For example
7x 1 25.9 3y−2 1
7y − 1 = 3(y + 5), 8
+ 12 = 3x, x
= 0.88, 8
= 10 y.
6.6 Combining linear inequalities. One variable and two variable case.
For example In the two variable case, solving using a graph.
A linear equation (in the variable x) is one involving x terms and constant
terms only, like the ones on the previous page. It can’t contain, for example,
terms in x 2 , x1 , x or sin x.
This section is about making sure you can to solve any linear equation you
come across. If you are wondering whether you can skip this section, look at
the Exercises at the end. If you’re comfortable with all of them, go straight to
Section 5.2.
move every term that includes the variable onto one side;
move everything else onto the other side.
To be precise, we do this
We’ll see how this works in practice—and clarify what we mean by an inverse
operation—using examples. Don’t be put off by the fact that the first
example is trivially simple—it’s easy to work the answer out in your head. It’s
purpose is to spell out what our strategy will be, which we can then apply to
any linear equation. After that the examples get progressively harder.
Non-linear relationships are sometimes considered.
Think of the equation like a set of weighing scales that are in balance. On the
left we have three boxes each weighing a kg and a box weighing 7 kg. They
are in exact balance with a box weighing 19 kg on the right.
a a a 7
Since we want to end with the statement “a =something", we need to get any
terms involving a onto the left hand side and anything not involving a on
the other side. We can do this by taking 7 kg from both sides.
When we do this the scales will still be balance, looking like this:
a a a
Mathematically we can describe what we’ve done like this. We have put in
the bracket on the left what we are doing to each side of the equation:
(−7) 3a + 7 − 7 = 19 − 7
3a = 12.
The answer is now obvious: a = 4. But as it won’t always be obvious, so we
need to articulate the process for getting there. The two sides will still be in
balance if we reduce what’s on each side by the same fraction. In this case we
divide each side by 3, leaving a kg on one side and 4 kg on the other.
(÷3) 3a ÷ 3 = 12 ÷ 3
a = 4.
a 4
Using the scales analogy helps to get us thinking in the right way. In practice
we’ll simply apply the steps mechanically. The first step is to get rid of the +7
on the left hand side. We do this by applying the operation −7 to both sides of
the equation, because this is the inverse (or opposite) operation to +7, it
“unwinds" it. Put another way, adding +7 and then adding −7 is equivalent
to doing nothing.
Next we want to get rid of the 3 in front of the a. Subtracting 3 wouldn’t work
this time because our starting point was a × 3 not a + 3. The operation that
‘unwinds" ×3 is ÷3, so we divide both sides of the equation by 3.
Once we understand what’s going on, we can abandon the scales analogy
and write the complete solution:
3a + 7 = 19
(−7) 3a = 12
(÷3) a = 4.
Writing in the steps—the (−7) and the (÷3)—is not essential, but experience
suggests it is a very good idea until you are quite fluent with the method.
There is a y term on r.h.s. which we will want to combine with the one on the
l.h.s., but it is “wrapped up" in a bracket, so the first thing we need to do is
multiply out the bracket.
7y − 4 = 2y + 16
Let’s start with the numbers. On the l.h.s. we have a −4. The inverse operation
to this is +4, so adding 4 to both sides we have
(+4) 7y = 2y + 20
Now we want to collect the y terms on the l.h.s. For this we need to get rid of
the 2y on the right hand side: we do this by applying the operation −2y, i.e.
by subtracting 2y from both sides.
(−2y) 5y = 20
(÷5) y = 4
We end with a division as the last step (the inverse operation to multiplying
by 5).
Example 3. Solve the equation = 2x − 5.
The fun starts when we introduce fractions. The good news is that
we can always turn an equation that contains fractions into one that
doesn’t, by multiplying both sides by some number.
4x 3 4x
3× = × = 4x
3 1 3
4x = 6x − 15
(−4x) 0 = 2x − 15
(+15) 15 = 2x
(÷2) = x
A brief diversion: suppose you had collected the x terms on the left?
Beginning as before:
4x = 6x − 15
(−6x) − 2x = −15
−15 15
(÷− 2) x = =
−2 2
We ended up with a negative coefficient of x in our penultimate line. Here
we divided by that negative number to get the answer. Instead we could have
multiplied both sides by − 1:
−2x = −15
(× 1) 2x = 15 etc.
3x x
Example 4. Solve the equation = 2− .
10 15
We could, of course, multiply through by 10 and then by 15, or simply
multiply by 150. A better choice would be 30, the LCM of 10 and 15. Notice
that we need to multiply every term by 30, not just the fractions.
30 3x 30 x
(×30) × = 30 × 2 − ×
1 10 1 15
9x = 60 − 2x
To “move" the −2x term over to the left hand side, we apply the inverse
operation, i.e. we add 2x to both sides.
(+2x) 9x + 2x = 60 − 2x + 2x
11x = 60
(÷11) x =
(a) 8x = 5(x + 3) (b) 2x = 4 + 5 (c) 17 − 3y = 2(y + 1)
2x x
(d) − = 1.
3 4
So far all the fractions have had arithmetic denominators. It’s just as easy to
deal with algebraic ones.
2 20 12
(a) x = 5 (b) 8x = x + 20 ⇒ x = (c) y = 3 (d) 8x − 3x = 12 ⇒ x = .
7 5
Example 5. Solve the equation 4 = .
Multiplying both sides by the number y:
(×y) 4y = 5
(÷4) y = or 1.25
3 1
Example 6. Solve the equation +4 = .
2x x
The LCM of x and 2x (the smallest number they both divide into) is 2x, so
(×2x) 3 + 8x = 2
(−3) 8x = −1
(÷8) x = −
When there is more than one algebraic denominator in an equation, the LCM
is very often simply their product. Look at the next example.
Example 7. Solve the equation = 5.
Multiplying both sides by 1 − 3x (and remembering to put it in a bracket on
the right hand side):
(1 − 3x) 4
= 5(1 − 3x)
1 1−
4 = 5(1 − 3x)
4 = 5 − 15x
which quickly leads to the solution x = 15 .
2x x+1
Example 8. Solve the equation = .
6x−5 3x
We start by multiplying both sides by 3x and by 6x − 5. This is sometimes
called “cross-multiplying".
It appears to give a quadratic equation:
6x 2 = (6x − 5)(x + 1)
but multiplying out the brackets we see that the x 2 terms cancel each other
6x 2 = 6x 2 + x − 5
(−6x 2 ) 0 = x −5
(+5) 5 = x
h × 0.866 = 12.
This is no different from an equation like 3a = 12, except that the answer is
not obvious. In both cases we just need to
In the case of the equation 3x = 12 it was the 3, in the current example it’s the
(÷0.866) x= = 13.86 (4 SF)
Don’t be put off by the fact that, despite dividing, we get an answer that’s
bigger than 12. Can you see that we will always get an answer bigger than the
number we started with if we divide by a number less than 1? For example
had we divided 12 by 0.5, we would be asking how many halves are there in
12. The answer is 24.
This example reminds us of a slip that is very easy to make. It’s incorrectly
solving an equation like this:
6x = 2.
Can you see what we are getting at? (See the footnote3 )
Then answer is x = 13 , not x = 3. We divide by the number in front of the variable.
There are lots of ways to skin a cat (as they say). This applies to solving
equations: the order we do things in can be changed. But only up to a point.
Take this example:
4x = 3 − 5x
Since we are aiming to get to an equation starting x = . . ., we might be tempted
to begin by dividing by 4. This isn’t going to get us very far because it still
leaves an x term on the right hand side:
3 − 5x
Happily there is an order which always works (see below). It’s the order we
have used in all the examples. (An algorithm is an ordered sequence of steps
for solving a problem—like the instructions for putting together a piece of
self-assembly furniture.)
1. If there are any fractions, to get rid of them by multiplying (by the
• Fractions
• Brackets
• Collect Terms
• Divide
4 2 5
(a) x = (b) x = (c) x = −7 (d) x 2 = x 2 + 2x − 8 ⇒ x = 4 (e) y = 16.
5 3
A word about precision before we go on. This is the number of decimal points
or significant figures we use when writing down a number. It is different from
accuracy: an inaccurate answer is deficient in some way. The distance from
the earth to the moon is 240, 000 miles, a figure that is perfectly good enough
for me, but not for anyone planning a lunar landing! The distance varies of
course as it’s orbit is elliptical, and it depends on exactly where we measure
from and to; the precision needed depends on the context.
For our purposes if an answer comes out as a fraction we generally leave it as
a fraction, rather than convert it to a decimal. And there’s rarely anything to
be gained by converting a top-heavy (improper) fraction to a mixed fraction.
If an exact answer isn’t possible the question will normally state the level of
precision required e.g. “give your answer correct 5 to 2 SF" or “to 1 DP". If the
question doesn’t specify a level of precision, use you common sense, but it’s
generally safe to give the answer correct to 3 SF.
However—and this is important—whatever the precision required for the
answer, don’t round until the end, otherwise you risk introducing A
rounding errors. How much extra precision to keep in? There is no A
simple rule, but 2 or 3 extra figures is usually sufficient6 . A
For a reminder of the meaning of SF and DP turn to page A-17 in Appendix A
(or click on the page number).
This tells an examiner that you recognise the need for extra precision in working.
finding two expressions for the same quantity—and making them equal
Sometimes we only need to find one expression because we know the value
of one of them already.
Bear in mind this is what we are trying to do when looking at the following
Example 10
There are two alternative tariffs available for a mobile phone. Under tariff A
there is a fixed monthly charge of £5 plus 2p per minute for all calls. Under
tariff B there is no fixed change, but all calls cost 4.5p per minute. At what
level of monthly calls does it becomes cheaper to go for tariff A?
This is the same as saying at what level of usage is the cost the same on both
tariffs. We’ll call that level N minutes per month. Now we can write down a
formula for what the cost would be under tariff A, and what it would cost
under tariff B. The two formula will give the same result, i.e. the same cost,
when the two expressions are equal. We call this the break-even point.
Under tariff A the total monthly cost will be (in pence) 500 + 2N . Under B it
will be 4.5N . The two tariffs will cost the same if
500 + 2N = 4.5N
This is easily solved to give N = 200 minutes per month. Above this level A is
cheaper; below it B is cheaper.
Sometimes we need to form, and solve, more than one equation.
For now we’ll confine ourselves to a single equation.
Example 11
Find two positive numbers whose difference and quotient are both equal
to 3.
The quotient of two numbers is the result of dividing one by the other. At first
sight, it appears we have two numbers to find. But we can easily reduce it to
one by calling the smaller one x and the larger one x + 3— incorporating one
of the pieces of information about the two numbers right at the outset. (We
could of course assign them the other way round, i.e. make the two numbers
x and x − 3.)
Now since the quotient is a number > 1 and both numbers are positive 8 , the
larger of the two must be in the numerator of the division, i.e.
x +3
You might like to try and solve the same problem but this time with both numbers
Hint: does it still make sense to divide the larger number by the smaller?
Example 12
The problem is to find length of the hypoteneuse in a 30◦ , 60◦ , 90◦ triangle
that has a total perimeter of 20 cm. We are looking for an answer that is
correct to 3 SF.
We start by defining a variable: the obvious one to choose is the thing we are
trying to find, the length of the hypoteneuse, b. As with Example 1 we find
two expressions that must be equal. In this case there are two ways of
expressing the perimeter: one as a formula based on b, the other the value
we know it must have i.e. 20. (We always drop any units during the course of
a calculation, and re-introduce them into our final answer.)
B a C
We have assumed9 that B = 30◦ and A = 60◦ , and adopt the usual
convention: BC = a and C A = B .
a b
= cos 30◦ and = sin 30◦
c c
a = c cos 30◦ = 0.86603c and b = c sin 30◦ = 0.5c
We now have two expressions for the perimeter:
so we can write
0.86603c + 0.5c + c = 20
2.36603c = 20
c = = 8.45298
The length of the hypoteneuse is 8.45 cm (3 SF).
For a juicier example, turn to Appendix A, page A-18 (or click on the page
The result would be the same if we made B = 60◦ and A = 30◦ .
All these examples illustrates the three steps in formulating and solving an
2. Find two expressions involving that variable and make them equal.
Later in the chapter we will meet problems in which there are two quantities
we don’t know (so we’ll need two variables). In that case the information
we’re given will lead to two equations, each involving both variables. We call
these simultaneous equations, because we need to find values for the
variables that satisfy both equations simultaneously.
Real life problems may require a great many variables and as many
equations. There are some techniques for solving such equations, but
sometimes a (computer based) numerical solution is needed.
Exercises 20
4. In the table below the sum of the numbers in each row is given in the
right hand column. Find the values of the variables a to e.
2 a 1 7
b −1 a 8
3a −b 3 c
c −2a −b d
1 ad e −4
5. Find the ages of Teddy and Harry by formulating and solving equations.
(a) In 11 years Teddy will be four times as old as he was last year.
(b) In twenty years time Harry’s age will be twice what it’s going
to be in 3 years.
6. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 78. Find the smallest of the
7. When I divide a certain number into 10 the answer is one more than the
answer I get when I divide the same number into 6. Find the number.
8. Electricians Douggie and Elsa charge differently for the work they do.
Douggie charges a £50 call-out fee and then £35 per hour; Elsa’s
call-out charge is only £30 but her hourly rate is £45.
(a) Write down formulae for how much Douggie and Elsa would
charge (in pounds) for a job that takes h hours.
(b) They both estimated the same time for a job and quoted the same
charge. How much did they quote for the job?
9. Amira is taken to school by car and walks home, along the same route.
Her average walking speed is 4 km h−1 and the car travels at an average
speed of 12 km h−1 . The total time she spends travelling to and from
school each day is 40 mins.
(a) How far is the journey to school?
(b) On a particular day they leave for school at the usual time but
Amira wants to get there 5 mins earlier than usual. What would the
average speed of the car need to be in order to achieve this?
10. What is the earliest time after 3 pm that the hour hand and the minute
hand of a (12 hour analogue) clock are aligned?
Solutions 20
3 12 1 10
3. (a) x = (b) y = (c) z = (d) y =
7 13 7 11
5 1 7
(e) x = 1 (f) x = (g) y = (h) x =
3 4 8
7 1 11 4
(i) x = (j) x = (k) x = − (l) y = −
8 6 9 13
(m) x = 7.5 (n) a = 2 (o) x = 5 (p) x =
5 1 2
(q) x = (r) y = (s) x =
7 9 3
4 30
In (k) multiply (both numerators) by 10, to give =
y y−2
4. a =4 since a + 3 = 7,
b=5 since b − 1 + 4 = 8,
c = 10 since 12 − 5 + 3 = c,
d = −3 since 10 − 8 − 5 = d ,
e =7 since 1 − 12 + e = −4.
7. The number is 4.
10 6
If x is the number then = +1 ⇒ 10 = 6 + x.
x x
8. (a) Douggie: 50 + 35h; Elsa: 30 + 45h.
(b) £120. 50 + 35h = 30 + 45h ⇒ h = 2.
9. (a) 2 km.
40 mins = 32 hour. Let distance between home and school be d km.
d d 2
+ = ⇒ d =2
4 12 3
(b) 24 km h−1 .
2 1
Normal journey time to school is = hour = 5 mins.
12 6
So need to halve the journey time, i.e. double the speed.
2 1
Or set up an equation. = , where v = new car speed.
v 12
10. minutes after 3.
We work out how many degrees each hand has moves in t minutes:
minute hand hour hand
360◦ in 60 mins 30◦ in 60 mins
6◦ in 1 min in 1 min
6t ◦ in t mins in t mins
(At each step, we either multiply or divide by our chosen number.)
If the hands are aligned at t mins past 3, then
6t = 90 +
which we solve in the usual way (12t = 180 + t , etc).
25 = 7 + 3t
(−7) 18 = 3t
(÷3) 6 = t
The steps are the same ones we use for solving equations (see page 6-12):
• Fractions
• Brackets
• Collect Terms
• Divide
It’s a small step from here to the completely algebraic version. We treat all
the variables as if they were numbers, expect t , the variable we are trying to
v = u + at
(−u) v − u = at
v −u
(÷a) = t
It describes the velocity of an object, initially traveling with velocity u, after
accelerating steadily at a rate a for a length of time t .
You may have met it if you are taking M1, or in Physics.
Example 14 Make x the subject of the formula y = .
Now a and y we regard as numbers and we treat the formula as an equation
in x.
× (a + x) y(a + x) = 2a [Fractions]
y a + y x = 2a [Brackets]
(−a y) y x = 2a − y a [Collect Terms]
(÷y) x = y [Divide]
Notice that we factorised the numerator in the last line; this is not essential
but it is good practice.
(a) y = k(1 + x), [x] (b) v 2 = u 2 + 2as, [a] (c) L = , [x]
1 3
(d) ax + b y = c, [y] (e) +y = , [t ]
2t t
The next example looks quite similar to these, but there is a crucial difference:
the subject variable appears more than once. We’ll see that this means we
have to introduce a new step.
y−k v 2 −u 2 π c−ax
(a) x = (b) a = (c) x = (d) y =
k 2s 2L b
(e) Multiply by 2t to give 1 + 2t y = 6 ⇒ t =
Example 15 Rearrange the formula y = to make x the subject.
We start in the usual way.
y(2k + x) = k + 3x [Fractions]
2yk + y x = k + 3x [Brackets]
y x − 3x = k − 2yk [Collect Terms]
This is the stage where we would normally divide, leaving x on the left hand
side. Because there are now two x terms we can’t do this.
The problem is solved by factorising the left hand side. Because we have
collected terms, it will always factorise.
The factorising step we can think of as combining the two terms on the left
hand side into a single term, in this case an x term with coefficient (y − 3).
• Roots
• Fractions
• Brackets A
• Collect Terms A
• Factorise
• Divide
• Roots
1 1 1
Example 16 Make v the subject of the formula + = .
u v f
This is a formula from optics. The subject variable only seems to appear
once, so it looks as if we won’t need to do any factorising. What we’ll see is
that after we’ve got rid of fractions v does appear more than once.
We start by multiplying every term by the LCM of u, v and f , which is uv f .
(We don’t know the values of these variables, so they have no known
common factor. The smallest number we can be sure they all divide into is
uv f .) Remember: treat u and f as if they are numbers12 .
v f +uf = uv [Fractions]
uf = uv − v f [Collect Terms]
uf = v(u − f ) [Factorise]
= v [Divide]
Notice that we have chosen to collect the v terms on to the right hand side,
to avoid having a negative term , −u f , on the right hand side13 .
2 p px
(a) y = , [x] (b) y = , [x] (c) y = , [x]
1−x p+q x p+q x
1 1 a+x b
(d) + = a, [y] (e) = , [x]
x y b−x a
It’s time to see where the Roots steps at the start and finish of the algorithm
come in.
If you can’t immediately see what to do, try putting in some values for u and f ,
1 1 1
e.g. + = . Multiplying by the LCD 12v we have 3v + 12 = 4v.
4 v 3
This is not a must; it just makes life a bit simpler. See the Example on page 6-5
for a fuller discussion of this.
y−2 p(1−y) py x
(a) x = (b) x = (c) x = (d) y =
y qy p−q y ax−1
b 2 −a 2 (b+a)(b−a)
(e) x = b − a. Because a(a − x) = b(b − x) ⇒ x = = .
b+a b+a
Example 17 Make l the subject of the formula T = 2π g
The formula gives the period of oscillation T of a simple pendulum of length
l , where g is gravitational acceleration 15 .
We start by squaring (everything on) both sides to get rid of the square root.
³ ´
T 2 = 4π2 gl [Roots]
T 2g = 4π2 l [Fractions]
= l [Divide]
³ ´
A very common mistake is to write the first line: T 2 = 2π2 gl . It’s one of
those mistakes that, in isolation few student would make, but with so much
else to think about, easily slips under the radar.
So the Roots step at the beginning generally means get rid of any roots
(usually square roots). Now let’s look at an example where we need to use the
Roots step at the end.
2+t 2
Example 18 Make t the subject of the formula y= .
1+t 2
We want the last line of our rearrangement to start t = . . ., but the formula is
in t 2 . That’s not a problem: we’ll rearrange it making t 2 the subject and then
take the square root. (Or we could substitute t 2 = T , make T the subject and
then replace T with t 2 . It amounts to the same thing.) Notice in the first line
we need to put the 1 + t 2 in a bracket.
y(1 + t 2 ) = 2 + t 2 [Fractions]
y + yt2 = 2+ t2 [Brackets]
yt2 − t2 = 2− y [Collect Terms]
t 2 (y − 1) = 2 − y [Factorise]
2− y
t2 = [Divide]
y −1
2− y
t = ± [Roots]
y −1
A constant that is approximately 9.8 m s −2 . “Simple" means a mathematical
pendulum in which the “string" is weightless and the thing hanging on the end
has no size.
That’s all you need at the moment. But if you want something to get your teeth
into before doing some exercises, read on.
(a) y = L 2 − x (b) A = πr 2 h (c) x = ±
p x
(d) x = ± a 2 − y 2 [Note that this is not a − y] (e) y = ±
Example 19 Make x the subject of the formula y = a x 2 + b2.
p p p
To start with, don’t be tempted to write x 2 + b 2 as x 2 + b 2 , i.e. x + b. If
you are not sure why this is wrong, see page 2-45.
The presence of the square root means that as it stands we can’t separate out
the x term. Remembering that we can do what we like to an equation as long
as we do the same to both sides, we can squaring both sides. This gets rid of
the square root.
We’re going to take this slowly, because there are some pitfalls to look out for.
First it’s important to remember that the whole of the left hand side and the
whole of the right hand side must be squared.
y 2 = [a x 2 + b 2 ]2 [Roots]
= a 2 ( x 2 + b 2 )2
y2 = a 2 (x 2 + b 2 )
y2 = a2 x 2 + a2b2 [Brackets]
y 2 − a2b2 = a2x2 [Collect Terms]
y 2 −a 2 b 2
= x2 [Divide]
a2 q
y 2 −a 2 b 2
x = ± a2
y 2 −a 2 b 2
x = ± a
Example 20 Make x the subject of the formula y =p .
m(k 2 −x 2 )
y2 = m(k 2 −x 2 )
y 2 m(k 2 − x 2 ) = k x 2 2
m y 2k 2 − m y 2 x 2 = k 2 x 2 [Brackets]
2 2 2 2 2 2
my k = k x +my x [Collect Terms]
m y 2 k 2 = x 2 (k 2 + m y 2 ) [Factorise]
2 2
my k
= x2
k 2 +m y 2
m y 2k2
x = ± k 2 +m y 2 [Roots]
or x = ±k y k 2 +m y2
Example 21
(a) Find the surface area S of a solid cylinder of radius r and height h.
(b) Find a formula for h in terms of S and r .
(c) Find a formula for the volume of the cylinder in terms of S and r only.
Try not to be put off by all the symbols; remember they are just numbers
(whose values we don’t yet know). One other thing to mention: when doing
work involving π, we tend to leave it as the symbol π rather than give it a
numerical value.
Exercises 21
3. Rearrange the formula y = 1+ 1 to make x the subject.
1+ 1+x
Check your answer by putting the value x = 0 into the above formula,
and substituting the resulting value of y into the rearranged formula.
6. The surface area and volume of a sphere are given by the formulae
S = 4πr 2 and V = πr 3 respectively.
Find a formula for V in terms of S.
Solutions 21
2. (a) x = 2(2y − 1) (b) x = y (c) c = ± m
q q q
(d) r = ± 3 3V
(e) r = ± 3Vπh
(f) x = ± ky
2I −mu 2 y−b 2 g T 2 −4π2 l
³ ´
(g) v = ± m
(h) x = a (i) x = 4π2
(j) R = ± A−πr
π (k) y = ± W +1
W −1 (l) x = y−a
q q
(m) X = Y −A (n) X = 3 Y B−A (o) t = ± 1−x
y 2 −k 2
(p) x = a y 2 +k 2
3. x = y−2
1 2+x 2+x 3+2x
Numerator 1+ 1+x = 1+x , so y = 1+ 1+x = 2+x .
When x = 0, y = 2 .
3−2y 3
x = y−2 . When y = 2 , x = 0.
4. s = v t − 12 at 2 .
u = v − at , s = (v − at )t + 21 at 2 = v t − at 2 + 21 at 2 .
5. x = 1+y .
1− x1 x−1
y = = x+1 [Multiplying top and bottom by x.]
1+ x1
3 q
S2 1 S3
6. V = 1 or 3 4π . [No ± needed as V is a physical quantity.]
3(4π) 2
¢ 12 S
¢ 23
r3 =
¡ ¡
r= 4π = 4π so 4π
3 3
¢ 32 4π S 2 S2
V = 43 π
4π = 3 3 = 1.
(4π) 2 3(4π) 2
We don’t need a formal method in this case: by inspection 7x must be less
than 21, so x must be less than 3. The solution is x < 3.
We’ll solve it using the formal method nevertheless, to prepare us for
examples where the answer is far from obvious.
7x + 1 < 22
(−1) 7x < 21
(÷7) x < 3
H ◦
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Notice that we use an empty circle to indicate that the value x = 3 is not
They are occasionally referred to as inequations.
If you don’t automatically know the difference between < and >, just remember
that the bigger number is at the “fat" end of the sign, and the smaller number
at the “thin" end.
We can’t see just by looking at it which values of x satisfy this inequality.
Multiplying out the bracket we have:
2x ≥ 30 − 3x
(+3x) 5x ≥ 30
(÷5) x ≥ 6
Let’s pause for a moment. We are saying that for every number bigger than 6,
it is also true to say that 2x ≥ 3(10 − x). Take x = 8 for example: 2x = 8 and
3(10 − 8) = 6; the l.h.s. is indeed bigger than the r.h.s. We are also saying that
if x = 6 the inequality also works: the l.h.s. is 12 and so is the r.h.s. It all
makes sense.
Now an example involving fractions. And after that, what is this exception we
referred to at the start of the section?
Example 24 Solve the inequality ≤ 2x − 5.
(×3) 4x ≤ 3(2x − 5)
4x ≤ 6x − 15
(−4x) 0 ≤ 2x − 15
(+15) 15 ≤ 2x
(÷2) ≤ x
Compare this with Example 3. But for the sign in the middle every line is
So far everything we have done with linear inequalities carries over directly
from our work with linear equations.
So when does it not? What works for equations that doesn’t work for
inequalities? To see what the problem is, we’ll take an extremely simple
−x = 6
There are two ways to solve it. (Please bear with me, there is a point to it.)
(a) By adding and subtracting:
−x = 6
(+x) 0 = 6+x
(−6) −6 = x
(b) By multiplying
−x = 6
(× 1) x = −6
The two answers are the same, which is exactly what we’d expect to find.
Now let’s see what happens if we do the same with the inequality
−x ≥ 6
(b) By multiplying:
−x ≥ 6
(× 1) x ≥ −6 ???
Try this out for your self. Write a down an inequality you know to be correct,
−3 < 7 or − 2 < −1.
Multiply each side by −1 (or by any negative number). It only remains
correct if we also reverse the sign.
≤ 2x − 5
(×3) 4x ≤ 3(2x − 5)
4x ≤ 6x − 15
(−6x) − 2x ≤ −15
(×− 1) 2x ≥ 15 (reversing the sign)
(÷2) x ≥
The answer agrees with the one we got before, on page 6-34.
It’s important to stress that the sign doesn’t need to change if all we are doing
is adding or subtracting negative numbers, nor if we multiplying or dividing
by positive numbers—only if we are multiplying or dividing by negative
We appear to have a method for solving any linear inequality. Well not quite,
as you will see in a later module. But we have everything we need for now.
(a) 8x < 5(x + 3) (b) 2x > 4 + 5
x 2x
(c) 17 − 3y ≥ 2(y + 1) (d) 4 − 3 ≤ 1
19 20
(a) x < 5 (b) 8x > x + 20 ⇒ x > (c) y < 3
(d) −5x ≤ 12 ⇒ 5x ≥ −12 ⇒ x ≥ −
Exercises 22
3. In 14 years time Myra will be more than 3 times as old as she is now.
Write this statement in the form of an inequality and simplify it. Start
by assuming Myra’s current age to be x years.
Solutions 22
2 7 1
1. (a) x < 2 (b) y < 3 (c) x ≥ 2 (d) a > 7
2 7
(e) x ≤ − 11 (f) y > 3
2 5 2
2. (a) x ≥ 5 (b) y > 1 (c) y ≥ − 8 (d) x > − 5
1 5 1
(e) y < 6 (f) x < −0.04 (g) t > 4 (h) z ≤ 7
1 5 6
(i) y > 14 (j) y > 7 (k) x ≥ 7
What about an equation with more than one variable? For example x + y = 9.
There isn’t just one solution to this. We could have x = 2 and y = 7, x = 15 and
y = −6, and so on. There are infinitely many solutions, each one consisting
of an x,y pair. The pair could be represented by a point on a graph.
If we plot all the solutions of x + y = 9 what do we get? The line x + y = 9, of
course. The equation is linear so we get a straight line.
Now suppose x and y need to satisfy two equations at the same time. For
x+y = 9
and y = 2x.
Each equation taken on its own has an infinite number of possible solutions,
but typically a solution to one will not be a solution to the other. For example
x = 4, y = 5 fits the first but not the second; x = 12, y = 24 fits the second but
not the first. Solving them simultaneously means finding a value of x and a
value of y that fits both equations.
In our example we are looking for two numbers, one of which is twice as big
as the other, and which add up to 9. The answer is x = 3, y = 6. If we can see
what answer is without doing any work, we call this solving by inspection.
If we can’t see the solution, we could try a few numbers, in other words use
trial and error. In an exam we are unlikely to be able to find the solution this
way. We need a systematic method.
You are going to see three methods. Which one you use will depend on the
problem. 20 .
Real life is usually a complicated affair, so when we use mathematical models to
solve problems we typically find ourselves with equations involving a great many
variables—sometimes hundreds. If this interests you and you want to see some
practical applications, turn to page A-19 in Appendix A (or click on the page number).
Actually the first method is just a particular case of the second, as you will
see, but we tend to think of them as different. The objective of each method
is the same: to eliminate one of the variables. That will take us from two
equations in two variables to one equation in one variable 21 . In this chapter
that equation will be linear (which we know we can solve), so it will give us a
strategy for solving any pair of linear simultaneous equations. (In Chapter 7
we’ll meet simultaneous equations that are non-linear.)
If we have more than two variables the approach is the same. For example if we
have three equations in three unknowns we eliminate one of them to give two
equations in two unknowns; we then eliminate another variable to give one equation
in one unknown. Once we are down to one equation in one variable we know we can
solve it. This strategy works for any number of variables.
Example 25
Solve these simultaneous equations:
y = 5−x
y = 2x − 1
(i) We start with the first method: equating expressions for y. To satisfy the
first equation y must be 5 minus the value of x; to satisfy the second y must
be one less than twice the value of x. The only way y can satisfy both
equations, therefore, is if
5 − x = 2x − 1
or 6 = 3x
x = 2
Now we know that x has to be 2, we can substituting this value into either
equation (written in any form) to tells us that y must be. The answer is y = 3.
We say the solution is x = 2, y = 3.
(ii) The substitution method means finding an expression for one of the
variables—using one of the equations—and substituting this into the other
equation. In fact this is what we just did, substituting y. But we could have
chosen x.
To substitute x we need to re-write the first equation:
y +x = 5
x = 5− y
and where we see x in the second equation, replace it with this expression:
y = 2(5 − y) − 1
y = 10 − 2y − 1
3y = 9
y = 3
Once again putting this value back into either equation, we get x = 2.
(iii) We can also use this example to describe the third method, which is
combining equations. We start by writing each equation with the constant
term on the right and the variable terms on the left—in the same order22 .
One way to do this would be:
x+y = 5
2x − y = 1
Now we are going to add these two equations. Why can we do this? We will
explain shortly.
x + y + 2x − y = 6
3x = 6
x = 2
Because we have we have a +y in one equation and a −y in the other, adding
the equations makes the y’s disappear; it leaves an equation in only one
variable. We say we have eliminated y.
It remains to find x, which is easily done by substituting in any of the
So that the x’s and he y’s line up vertically.
All becomes clear if we see what happens with these two (extremely simple)
A = 4
B = 1
y +x = 5
y − 2x = −1
Now adding them isn’t going to help: we’d get 2y − x = 4. (Neither variable
disappears and we are no further forward.)
Because we have +y in both equations,subtracting them does the trick:
y + x − (y − 2x) = 5 − (−1)
y + x − y + 2x = 6
3y = 6
x = 2
y +x = 5
y = 2x − 1.
@ 6
4 @
@ • (2, 3)
1 @
@ -
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5@ 6
−1 @
Example 26
2x + 3y = 5
x − 2y = 6
First by substitution (Method (ii)). We can use either variable but it’s much
easier to substitute x in this case, because using y will immediately
introduce fractions. (For this reason Method (i) would not be the most
sensible way to go.) From the second equation
x = 6 + 2y
2(6 + 2y) + 2y = 5
12 + 4y + 3y = 5
7y = −7
y = −1
Substituting y = −1 back into x = 6 + 2y
x = 6 + 2(−1) = 4.
We could have substituted in any of the equations, but since we have already
taken the trouble to find an expression for x in terms of y, we may as well use
that version.
The solution is x = 4, y = −1.
We could also use Method (iii), combining equations, although in this case
simply adding or subtracting the equations isn’t going to work. But we can
make them match if we do some multiplying first (as we described on page
Doubling the second equation would mean both equations having a 2x
2x + 3y = 5
2x − 4y = 12
Example 27
7q = 6p + 5
4(p + q) = 1
With no easy way of finding an expression for p in terms of q (or vice versa)
we’ll use Method (iii) (combining the equations). We start by getting rid of
the brackets:
7q − 6p = 5
4q + 4p = 1
Solve these simultaneous equations using any method. The answers are in
the footnote23 .
(d) 7x − 2y = 1
3x + 4y = 15
(a) x = 3, y = 5 (b) x = 1.5, y = 5.5 (c) a = 6, b = −1 (d) x = 1, y = 3
Example 28 3y
x+ +1 = 0
17 − 2y
= 5
The issue here is that both equations include fractions, however as we saw in
Section 6.1, we can always get rid of fractions from an equation by
multiplying by a suitable number, in this case 2 and x respectively. This gives
2x + 3y + 2 = 0
17 − 2y = 5x
rearranging into the standard format
2x + 3y = −2
5x + 2y = 17.
Example 29
A drive belt passes over two cylindrical drums,
r each of radius r m. The axes of the drums are
6 parallel and a distance L m apart.
L The total length of the belt is 3 m, and for
'$optimum efficiency the distance between the
centres of the two drums must be four times
? their radius.
What is the ideal radius of the drums?
The belt can be thought of comprising the complete circumference of a
circle radius r m plus two straight sections each of length L m, so
2L + 2πr = 3
The other relationship is L = 4r .
By substituting L into the first equation (and remembering that π is just a
8r + 2πr = 3
2r (4 + π) = 3
r =
2(4 + π)
= 0.210 m (3SF).
x = 5, y = −4. With no variable having a coefficient 1 anywhere use method (iii).
Example 30
A function f is defined by the formula
f (x) = ax + b.
Given that f (1) = 3 and f (3) = −1. Find the value of f (4).
f (1) = a + b and f (3) = 3a + b, so we have simultaneous equations:
a +b = 3
3a + b = −1
−2 + b = 3
b = 5.
The function is
f (x) = −2x + 5,
so f (4) = −3.
Exercises 23
1. In each case determine which of the points represent possible
solutions to the equation.
(a) y = 4x
(0, 0), (4, 1), (1, 4), ( 12 , 4 21 ), ( 12 , 2)
(b) x + y = 6
(0, 0), (5, 1), (−3, 9), (2a, 4a), (4b, 6 − 4b)
(c) 5x + 3y = 1
(3, −5), (2, −3), (0, 13 ), ( 15 , 0), ( 21 , − 12 )
y x
(d) − =1
5 2
(0, 5), (−2, 0), (2, 10), (2, 5), (−1, 2.5)
(c) 5y − x = 38 (d) y −x +8 = 0
x = 1 − 2y 5x + 4y + 5 = 0
(e) 2(p − q) = 1 (f ) 3x − 2y = 11
4p − 5 = q 2x + 3y = 0
(c) y − 2x = 3 (d) 4s − 3t = 5
3y + x = 16 8t − 3s = 7
(e) 3(x + y) = 2 (f ) 2x = 5y
5x + 7y = 2 8y − 7x = 38
The diagram shows a rectangular pane of
glass measuring x m wide by y m high.
The perimeter of the pane is 7.0 m. and the
ratio of its height to its width is 3 : 2.
" J
" J
" J
" J
" J
" J
" 30◦ 60◦ J B
A "
9. In this question, p(x) and q(x) are polynomial function, a and b are
11. A healthy breakfast cereal only has two ingredients, rolled oats and
freeze dried berries. The oats cost the manufacturer 0.15 p per gram
and the berries 5.0 p per gram. A typical pack contains 250 g of cereal,
costing the manufacturer 86 p.
Find the breakdown by weight of oats and berries in a typical pack, and
hence find the percentage (by weight) of berries in the cereal.
2x + y = 5
5x − 2y = 1
2x + y = a
ax − 2y = 1
(c) Explain why the solution you found in (b) is only valid if a 6= −4.
2px + q y = 7r
px − 2q y = r.
px = 3q y.
2x + y − z = 6
4x + 2y + z = 9
x − y + 3z = −2
6x + 3y = 15
7x + 2y = 16
(c) Solve these two equations simultaneously and hence find the
solution to the three simultaneous equations.
(d) Verify that this is the correct solution by substituting the values
into all three equations.
16. Find the ages of all the children by formulating and solving equations.
(a) In seven years time Sekai will be three times as old as she was five
years ago.
(b) Ethan is 7 years older than Fred and the sum of their ages is 12
(c) Ralphie is three times as old as Sam and their ages differ by 12
(d) In two years Toby will be twice as old as Zoe is now, and their ages
will add up to 35 years.
Solutions 23
5 3
3. (a) x = 2, y = 10 (b) x =2, y =2 (c) a = 3, b = −2
(d) x = − 3 , y = −2 (e) x = 4, y = 3 (f) x = −2, y = −1
3 7 3 3
5. (a) x = −1, y = 2 (b) x = − 10 , y = 10 (c) x =2, y =2
6. x = 1.4 m, y = 2.1 m.
y 3
= , so 2y = 3x and the other equation is 2x + 2y = 7.
x 2
Substituting 2y = 3x into the second equation, 5x = 7.
7. 2 small, 10 large.
Assume delivery of x small components, y large components.
Two equations are: x + y = 12 and 3x + 4y = 46.
8. Height 4.1 m.
Let AC = x and BC = y. Then AB = x cos 30◦ + y cos 60◦ .
Two equations are: x + y = 13 and 0.866x + 0.5y = 9.5.
Doubling the second equation and subtracting: 0.732x = 6.
Height of pole = x sin 30◦ = 4.098 m.
9. (a) a = 2, b = 3.
p(0) = 3 ⇒ b = 3. p(x) = 6x 3 + ax + 3, so p(1) = 11.
(b) a = −1, b = 4
q(2) = 5 ⇒ 4a + 2b + 1 = 5, which simplifies to 2a + b = 2.
Similarly a − b = −5.
11. 4% berries.
Assume x g of berries and y g of oats in a 250 g pack.
Cost (in pence) of ingredients in a pack = 5x + 0.15y.
5x + 0.15y = 86
x + y = 250
10 1
Proportion of berries = = .
250 25
11 23
12. (a) x = ,y=
9 9
2a+1 a 2 −2
(b) x = ,y=
a+4 a+4
2x + y = a
ax − 2y = 1
Hence 4x + ax = 2a + 1 ⇒ x(4 + a) = 2a + 1
(remember a is a constant)
Hence a y + 4y = a 2 − 2 ⇒ y(a + 4) = a 2 − 2
13. x = 53 , y = 10.
The equations become X − Y = 12 and X = 6Y ,
which solve to give X = 53 , Y = 10
3r r
14. (a) x = ,y=
p q
2px + q y = 7r
px − 2q y = r
px = 3(q y)
15. (a) z = 2x + y − 6.
16. We use the first letter of the name to denote the age.
(a) S = 11. S + 7 = 3(s − 5)
1 1
(b) E = 2 2 , F = 9 2 . E = F + 7, E + F = 12
X ◦ H
H •
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
X ∩Y ◦ •
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
When we discussed pairs of sets in Chapter 1 we saw that there are three
possible configurations: one set could be entirely inside the other (one is a
subset of the other), they could partially overlap or they could not overlap at
all. The example above is the middle case; here are example of the other two
X = {x : x > 3} ◦ H
Y = {x : x ≥ 5} • H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
X ∩Y = Y • H
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(c) The third case is where there is no overlap. For example x < 3 and x ≥ 5.
X = {x : x < 3}
H ◦
Y = {x : x ≥ 5} • H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Alternatively there may be more more than one inequality but it is sufficient
for x to obey only one of them.
(a) For example x < 3 or x ≥ 5.
In set language x belongs to the union of the two sets: X = {x : x < 3} and
Y = {x : x ≥ 5}. On the number line it looks like this:
X = {x : x < 3}
H ◦
Y = {x : x ≥ 5} • H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x ∈ X ∪ Y = {x : x < 3 or x ≥ 5}.
Unlike example (a) in the previous section it is not possible to combine these
two conditions into a single statement (in that case 2 < x ≤ 5).
As with the intersection of sets there are two other cases to consider.
X = {x : x > 3} ◦ H
Y = {x : x ≥ 5} • H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
X ∪Y = X ◦ H
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(c) The third case is where there is a partial overlap, for example x > 2 or
x ≤ 5.
X = {x : x > 2} ◦ H
Y = {x : x ≤ 5}
H •
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
X ∪Y = R H
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The union of these two sets is the entire number line, i.e. every real number.
Any number we choose will obey one of these inequalities; some will obey
both. For example x = 3.5, because 3.5 ∈ X ∩ Y .
We say that x ∈ X ∪ Y if x belongs to X , Y or both X and Y .
25 3
(a) x > 10 (b) −1 ≤ x < (c) x ≤ 6 (d) 1 ≤ x < 4 (e) x < −3 or x > 6 (f ) x < 2 (g) R
At every point
6 above the line: y > 2x + 1
5 on the line: y = 2x + 1
4 •(1, 4) below the line: y < 2x + 1
It is not hard too see why
this simple rule of “above,
1 •(3, 1) on and below" works,
- x because y tells us the
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 height of the line above the
−1 x-axis.
So if the inequality is expressed in the for y < ......, or y > ..... we can easily
determine where all the solutions are: above the line > applies; below it <
If the inequality signs are ≤ or ≥ we simply include the points on line as well.
So for example y ≥ 2x + 1 corresponds to all the point on or above the line
y = 2x + 1.
So far so good, but if the inquality is not in this form, the simple “above" or
“below" rule won’t necessarily apply. Look at this example.
In this case, at every point
y = above the line: 2x −3y < 12
12 −3
3 y< 2x on the line: 2x − 3y = 12
2 below the line: 2x −3y > 12
• •
- x
(6, 0)
(0, −4)•
So how can we tell which inequality applies on which side of the line?
We pick a point that we know for sure to be one side of the line and check to
see which inequality it satisfies. Since every point on that side of the line will
satisfy the same inequality, we have our answer.
We call this a test point and the best one to use is undoubtedly (0, 0). (Unless
the line passes through the origin.)
In our example (0, 0) satisfies27 the inequality 2x − 3y < 12, so every point on
that side of the line satisfies that inequality.
Another example. Consider the line y = 3 − 2x. AA 6
(0, 0) satisfies the inequality y < 3 − 2x A
So the origin lies in the region y < 3 − 2x A
But we only chose the origin to keep the •
calculations simple. We could equally A
well have chosen any point we know for
• A - x
certain to be one side of the line or the 0 A
(6, 0) and (−4, 0) both satisfy the equation.
Because 0 − 0 < 12.
Now suppose more than one inequality applies (where we have two
Example 31
4 y = 2x
x+y =5
y =1
0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6
Example 32
Show on a graph the region which satisfies all these inequalities:
x +1
y ≥ −2, y ≤ x, 2x + y ≤ 8 and y≤
Hence find the point in this region for which y takes its largest possible
There is no easy way of answering the question algebraically, but a graph
makes it clear. First we draw the boundary lines. A simple way to do this is to
identify a pair of points on each of them.
For y = x we could use, say, (0, 0) and (4, 4), for 2x + y = 8, the points (4, 0) and
(0, 8) and for y = 2 the points (−1, 0) and (0, 12 ). It doesn’t matter which
points we choose but if we pick values of x or y that are simple to work with,
arithmetic errors are less likely.
5 2x + y = 8
4 y =x
3 x+1
y= 2
0 x
−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
Using a test point for each inequality, they are all satisfied in the shaded area
(including its entire boundary). The largest value y can take within this region
is where y = 2 meets 2x + y = 8. Reading from the graph the point is (3, 2).
We can check this by substituting (3, 2) into both equations28
If we were to find they don’t satisfy both equations we can find the correct values by
solving the two equations simultaneously.
Not all inequalities are linear of course. In the next chapter we will be
exploring quadratic functions, including quadratic inequalities such as
y < x 2 − 3x + 2 or y + x 2 ≥ 4.
As a taster we will look at a simple example here.
Example 33
The graph shows the curve y = (x − 1)2 and a straight line that passes
through (0, 3) and (3, 0).
(a) Find the equation of the straight line.
(b) Write down the inequalities satisfied by the points in the shaded region.
(c) Write down the inequality in y satisfied by all the points in the shaded
region for which x = 1.
y = (x − 1)2
0 x
−1 1 2 3
(a) The equation of the line is x + y = 3.
(b) Using (0, 0) as the test point, in the shaded region x + y < 3.
In the same way as with linear boundaries, points on one side of the curve
will satisfy y < (x − 1)2 , points on the other side y > (x − 1)2 and point on the
curve y = (x − 1)2 .
The test point (0.0) satisfies y < (x − 1)2 , so in the shaded region y ≥ (x − 1)2 .
It is ≥ not > because the solid curve tells us that points on the line are to be
The answer is x + y < 3 and y ≥ (x − 1)2 .
(c) Within the shaded region, if x = 1, y must lie between 0 and 2, where 0 is
included but 2 is not. The inequality is therefore 0 ≤ y < 2.
We may need to make some simplifying assumptions, for example that every item sells,
or that the machines don’t break down, but even these can often be expressed a further
Or Operations Research. These days it may be grouped together with the related field
of Data Analytics, which is about finding patterns and relationships in large datasets.
Both involve the use of cutting edge mathematical and statistical techniques.
Exercises 24
(1, −2) (7, −2)
B 6 A
−4 −2 0 2 4
(a) By finding the gradient of AC show that the coordinates of P are
(0, 2).
(b) Find the area of the quadrilateral O AP B .
(c) Find the inequalities that describe the region inside or on the
perimeter of the triangle O AP .
(d) Hence describe the region inside or on the edges of the
quadrilateral O AP B .
Solutions 24
6. (a) y = −2, y = 2x − 4, x + y = 5
[Gradients are 2 and −1, so (y −− 2) = 2(x − 1) and (y −− 2) = −(x − 7)]
(b) y ≥ −2, y ≤ 2x − 4, x + y ≤ 5 .
[The lines intersect at
(2, 6), (7.5, 0.5) and (2, − 43 )]
0 x
2 4 6 8 10
C pence
m mins
0 50 100 150
The first tariff would be better for someone who makes fewer than 50
minutes of calls each month; above this it is better to be on the second
With the first tariff we say the marginal cost of calls is 12p per minute (the
additional cost for each extra minute); with the second tariff the marginal
cost is 2p. The marginal cost is represented by the gradient of the
corresponding straight line.
A fixed marginal cost means a constant gradient which means the
relationship is a linear one.
In practice the fixed monthly fee is likely to be higher and include text messages and data,
but the principle is the same.
With gas and electricity charges the situation is similar: there is normally a
standing charge (the fixed cost) and a marginal cost i.e. the cost per unit of
energy consumed (usually expressed in Kilowatt hours32 ).
Directly proportional tariffs are available but most have a fixed cost element.
What this is, and the corresponding marginal cost, for each tariff is readily
available on suppliers’ websites. These can be used to to find the best tariff.
Alternatively a price comparison website like USwitch will do the calculation
for you based on your anticipated annual consumption.
1 KWh is the energy consumed by a 1 Kilowatt appliance left running for 1 hour.
Example 34
The table gives the speed of a car as it accelerates away from its starting
point over a period of 5 seconds.
Time t secs 0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed v m/s 0 3.2 6.4 9.6 12.8 16.0
(a) Draw a graph to show that during this time the speed increases at a linear
(b) Find the formula for the speed of the car v after t seconds.
(c) Write down the acceleration of the car over this period.
(d) If the car continues to accelerate at the same rate, find how long it takes
to reach a speed of 24 m/s.
(a) y
0 1 2 3 4 5
This example is very artificial because there is a straight line that passes
exactly through every data point. The graph was not strictly necessary to
answer all the questions. The next example is more realistic because the data
points only lie approximately in a straight line. We call this a regression line.
There are techniques for determining statistically the line that fits the
points“best". For now we shall simply plot the point on a graph—called a
scatter graph— and fit a line by eye. That means when you do the examples
below your line may not have exactly the same equations as mine. That is
fine provided the coefficients are not too different.
We can use a regression line to estimate values within the range of values we
have already observed. This is called linear interpolation. Estimating values
outside this range is called linear extrapolation.
Example 35
The table shows the average fuel consumption (measured in miles per
gallon) for a number of saloon cars with different engine capacities
(measured in litres).
Car model A B C D E F
Engine capacity E (l ) 1.5 1.2 2.0 2.4 1.5 1.8
Ave. fuel consumption F (mpg) 34.3 36.0 27.1 23.3 35.1 31.7
(a) By drawing a scatter graph show that the relationship between average
fuel consumption and engine size is approximately linear.
(b) If the formula for F in terms of E is F = aE + b, use the graph to estimate
the values of a and b.
(c) Describe in words what the gradient represents physically.
(d) Estimate the fuel consumption for a car with an engine capacity of 2.2 l .
(e) Give one reason why it would be unwise to use the formula for values of E
too far outside the range 1.2 l litres to 2.4 l .
(a) F mpg
40 (1, 39.5)
(2.5, 21.0)
E litres
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
The points lie approximately on a straight line, so for the relationship for
these data points is approximately linear.
(b) If we could read off where the line crosses the F -axis, the intercept would
give us the value of b. In this case we can’t see that point, but it passes
through (1, 39) and (2.5, 21), so we can find a and b by solving the
simultaneous equations:
9.5 = a + b
21.0 = 2.5a + b
⇒ a = −12.33 and b = 51.83 (2 DP)
We could have chosen any two points on the line, but to keep the calculation
as simple as possible, we have picked easy values for E .
(c) The estimated change in average fuel consumption for a 1 l increase in
engine capacity.
(d) F = −12.33(2.2) + 51.83 = 24.7 mpg (to 1DP).
(e) The relationship cannot be linear for all vales of E otherwise it would be
possible to estimate the fuel consumption for a car with zero engine capacity.
Exercises 25
1. A tour guide charges a flat fee of $20 plus $4 per person. A second guide
charges $8 euros per person and no flat fee.
(a) Write down a formula for how much each would charge for a group
of N people.
(b) For what size group would each guide group charge the same?
(c) In a particular week each guide operates 12 tours and they take the
same total number of people on a tour. However the first guide earns
twice as much. How many people did they take on a tour during that
2. A lady buys a new car costing £20, 000 on 1st Jan 2018. While she has the
car its value will depreciate at the rate of £2, 500 per year. She decides
she will sell it when it has depreciated by 60%.
(a) With down a formula for its value after t years.
(b) When does she plan to sell the car?
6. The table below shows annual sales figures for a product and what the
company that makes it spent advertising that product during the
corresponding years. Plot the figures for sales S against advertising
spend A on a scatter graph and draw a straight line that fits the points
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Sales (£ m) 36.4 38.0 41.8 42.4 55.0 48.1 59.1
Advertising (£ m) 1.52 1.25 1.75 1.60 2.35 2.10 3.06
(a) Write down the coordinates of the point where the line crosses the
(b) Find the gradient of the line by reading off the value of S when
A = 3.5. Hence, or otherwise, find the equation of the line.
(c) Say what the gradient of the line represents in terms of sales and
advertising expenditure.
(d) The company is relocating as as a result output will be limited to
sales of £50m. What would the recommended advertising spend be?
(e) Give one reason why it would it be unwise to assume the
relationship between advertising expenditure and sales is
approximately linear for all values of A?
Solutions 25
2. (a) 20, 000 − 2, 500t (b) May 2024 [20 − 2.5t = 8 ⇒ t = 6 yrs 4.8 months]
0 B (×£1, 000)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(b) £4, 000 [x × 0.015 = 12 × 5] (d) £15, 000 [x × 0.015 − 60 = x × 0.011]
6. S (£m)
(3.5, 68)
(0, 18)
0 A (£m)
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
(a) (0, 18) (b) 14.3 (to 3 SF) S = 14.3A + 18 [gradient = 3.5
(c) The extra sales generated by every additional £m spent on advertising.
(d) £2.24m [50 = 14.3A + 18] This is an example of linear interpolation.
(e) If it were linear there would be in principle no limit to the sales that could
be generated. In practice there is a so-called saturation point when all the
consumers in the market bought as much as they could use. (Extrapolating
beyond the range of existing data in invariably subject to a lot of uncertainty.)
7.1 Completing the square. For example
x 2 + 6x − 5 ≡ (x + 3)2 − 4, 3x 2 + 4x − 7 ≡ 3 x + 23 − 25
7.2 Maximum or minimum values of a quadratic expression.
7.3 Solving quadratic equations. Three methods:
−b± b 2 −4ac
(a) Factorising, (b) Completing the square, (c) the Formula x = 2a
7.4 The discriminant. Determining the number of roots.
Applications to problems.
7.5 Disguised quadratic equations. For example
x 4 − 2x 2 − 8 = 0, x −2 x −3 = 0
7.6 Sketching quadratic functions. Which way up is it? Intersection with
the axes. No roots, distinct roots, multiple roots.
7.7 Quadratic inequalities. Reminder about linear inequalities. Solving by
curve sketching. Modulus notation, for example |x| < 3 meaning −3 < x < 3.
7.8 Inequalities with an algebraic denominator. If an inequality includes a
term with an algebraic denominator, multiplying through by that
denominator is not possible because it may be negative.
1 x+1
For example x−4 < 3 or x ≥ 2.
7.9 Non-linear simultaneous equations. For example
y = x 2 − 2x + 1 and x(y − 1) = 18
y = x +3 2x = 3y
7.10 Non-linear simultaneous inequalities in two variables.
For example using a sketch to show where the values of x and y are for which
y > x(x − 2) and y < x + 4.
7.11 Circles. Theorems and properties.
7.12 Equation of a circle with centre (a, b) and radius r :
(x − a)2 + (y − b)2 = r 2
For any quadratic function there are three ways we can write it. Each one
tells us something different about it.
Here’s an example:
x 2 + 6x + 5
(x + 1)(x + 5)
(x + 3)2 − 4.
If we expand the two that involve brackets we can see they are equivalent1 :
(x + 1)(x + 5) = x 2 + x + 5x + 5 = x 2 + 6x + 5
(x + 3)2 − 4 = x 2 + 6x + 9 − 4 = x 2 + 6x + 5
Of the three versions the form (x + 3)2 − 4 is probably the least familiar, but
it tells us something vital about the function that is completely opaque in the
other two.
In this section we’ll be concentrating on this version, and what it tells us.
We’ll be returning to the other two versions later in the chapter.
First we’ll be loooking at how any quadratic expression can be written in this
form, using a process called completing the square.
For more on multiplying out brackets see Section 3.2 on page 3-4.
7.1.1 x 2 coefficient = 1
We start with the simplest case, where the coefficient of x 2 is 1—like in the
example above. The process involves three steps.
Step 1.
Starting with the expression x 2 + 6x + 5 we construct the perfect square2
which, when multiplied out, generates the x 2 term and the x term.
In this case it is:
(x + 3)2 = x 2 + 6x + 9.
Don’t worry that the constant terms are different—we’ll come to that.
The perfect square will always be of the form (x + ?)2 . Can you see3 how to
work out the missing number (in this case +3)?
Step 2.
We replace the two terms involving x, using the perfect square but adding or
subtracting a number. In this case
x 2 + 6x = (x + 3)2 − 9
Step 3.
We finish by adding back in the correct constant term:
x 2 + 6x + 5 = (x + 3)2 − 9 + 5
= (x + 3)2 − 4.
For a reminder about perfect squares see page 3-58.
(x + 3)2 = x 2 + 6 x + 9.
(x − 7)2 = x 2 − 14 x + 49, etc.
Notice the way the question is posed: it just means complete the square.
N.B. Every line above is an identity, i.e. it holds for all values of x, so strictly
speaking the sign in each case should be ≡ not =. It’s conventional to use the
= sign unless we want to emphasis the fact that the relationship is an
(a) (x + 4)2 − 5 (b) (x + 1)2 − 8 (c) (x − 3)2 + 1 (d) (x + 6)2 − 44 (e) (x + 2)2 − 4
So far so good. The fun starts when we find fractions creeping in.
Forming the perfect square bracket has been quite straightforward. But that is
because the coefficient of x 2 was 1.
What if it is not 1? That’s what we are going to look at next.
To remind yourself about manipulating fractions see pages 4-11 and 4-26.
7.1.2 x 2 coefficient 6= 1
This puts the cat among the pigeons when it comes to forming the perfect
In the example below you’ll see how we cunningly sidestep the problem. It
needs two extra steps—one at the beginning and one at the end.
2 2
µ ¶
4 4
x+ = x2 + x +
3 3 9
2 2 4
µ ¶
2 4
x + x= x+ −
3 3 9
2 2 4 21
µ ¶
24 7
x + x− = x+ − −
3 3 3 9 9
µ ¶2
5 9
= x− −
8 64
2 2 25
·µ¶ ¸
3x + 4x − 7 = 3 x + −
3 9
µ ¶2
2 25
=3 x+ −
3 3
µ ¶2
2 2 25
Answer: 3x + 4x − 7 ≡ 3 x + −
3 3
In Step 1, we have to divide the fraction 3 by 2.
First we’ll verify that the answer is 3 by applying the hammer and boot rule
(see page 4-20):
3 4 2
= = .
2 6 3
Now see how this can be achieved by either halving the numerator:
4 4÷2 2
→ = ,
3 3 3
or doubling the denominator.
4 2 4 2
→ = = .
3 3×2 6 3
This makes sense, if you think about it6 .
Exam questions will sometimes be written in a way that obscures the nature of
the problem. It makes it look harder than it is. Next we are going to see an
example of this.
In the first case we have 2 thirds instead of 4; in the second we are dividing 4
into 6 equal parts rather than 3
What’s inside the bracket is squared but the 3 isn’t squared. To be correct the
original expression would need to have been 3(x + 32 ) .
Example 5 Write the expression 9x − (2x + 1)2 in the form a(x + b)2 + c.
5 2
µ ¶
5 25
x− = x2 − x +
8 4 64
5 2 25
µ ¶
2 5
x − x= x− −
4 8 64
5 2 25 16
µ ¶
25 1
x − x+ = x− − +
4 4 8 64 64
5 2 9
µ ¶
= x− −
8 64
5 2 9
·µ¶ ¸
−4x + 5x − 1 = −4 x − −
8 64
µ ¶2
5 9
= −4 x − +
8 16
5 9
Answer: a = −4, b = − 8 , c = 16 .
Now you are familiar with the technique, you may want a slicker way to set it
out. Next we are going to illustrate one such layout.
The red box highlights how we capture both x terms using a perfect square.
Of course you don’t need to put that in yourself.
x 2 − 10x −3
= (x − 5)2 − 25 −3
= (x − 5)2 − 28.
x 2 − 3x +4
= (x − 32 )2 − 94 + 16
= (x − 32 )2 + 74 .
3x 2 + 4x − 7
= 3 x 2 + 34 x − 73
= 3 (x + 23 )2 − 49 − 21
= 3 (x + 23 )2 − 25
£ ¤
= 3 (x + 32 )2 − 25
For each of these quadratic expressions, complete the square (the answers
are in the footnote8 ).
(a) x 2 + 5x − 2 (b) x 2 + x + 7 (c) 2x 2 + 8x − 5 (d ) 2 − 5x − x 2
(e) 3x 2 − 2x + 1
¢2 ¢2 ¢2
(a) x + 52 − 33 (b) x + 12 + 27 (c) 2(x + 2)2 − 13 33
− x + 52
¡ ¡ ¡
8 4 4 (d) 4
(e) 3 x − 31 + 23
What exactly do we mean by this statement? We’ll explain using the function
y = x 2 − 4x + 5.
x −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
x 1 0 1 4 9 16 25
−4x 4 0 −4 −8 −12 −16 −20
+5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
y 10 5 2 1 2 5 10
Look at the top line and the bottom line, and think about what’s happening
to the value of y as x takes different values. As we go from left to right, x gets
bigger. At the same time the value of x 2 − 4x + 5 (i.e. y) falls—as far as 1—and
then it starts to go up again.
It looks as if the function never takes a value less than 1 (which it hits when
x = 2).
But how can we be sure it doesn’t go lower at some point, perhaps just to the
left or right of x = 2, or for some value of x outside the range of the table
Completing the squares removes all doubt. That’s what we are going to do
(x − 2)2 + 1.
Therefore the lowest value (x − 2)2 + 1 can possibly have is 1, which it does
when x = 2.
x 2 − 4x + 5 ≥ 1
and that the function takes its minimum value of 1 when x = 2.
All this is leading very naturally into the notion of using a graph to show the
relationship visually.
C 6
y = x 2 − 4x + 5
= (x − 2)2 + 1
1 •
- x
Multiply the bracket out in your head to satisfy yourself this is correct.
Because the square of any number, positive or negative, is positive or zero.
In this next example we’ll get a maximum point, because the curve is the
other way up. This corresponds to a negative x 2 coefficient.
y = 3 + 10x − x 2 .
28 •
y = 3 − 10x − x 2
= 28 − (x + 5)2
E - x
The next example contains nothing new. But it will look more complicated,
because we have to introduce fractions. It is fairly typical of the sort of
problem you could get in an exam.
Example 7 Find the value of x for which the function x 2 + 4x − 7 takes its
least value, and find what that least value is.
(− 32 , −8 13 )
Notice that in sketching the curve we let the position of the key points
dictate how we draw the axes.
In this case we are most interested in the bit of the curve where x and y are
both negative. And we used a different scale on each axis, to bring out the
fact that the minimum point is close to the y-axis but not on it.
Taking a step back for a moment, why might we be interested in a maximum
or minimum value? The answer is simple: in real life the function describes
something. It might be a stress force on an aircraft wing or the flow of gas
through a pipeline or the cost of a major building project. Whatever it is,
understanding its maximum value or minimum value can be critically
To that end we complete this section with a practical illustration. It’s a little
bit artificial, but it does show how quadratic functions can pop up in
unexpected places.
Example 8
A company making widgets needs to decide how much to sell them for. The
higher the selling price the greater the profit on each one, but the fewer it
sells. Based on past sales data, the company finds that the following
approximate relationship applies:
N = 400(10 − x),
where x is the unit price and N is the number it sells each month. Each
widget costs £2 to make.
What is the optimum selling price?
If £p is the profit on each one (called the marginal profit) then p = x − 2.
It’s important to get a feel for what’s going on, so we start by drawing the
graph corresponding to each of the formulae. They are both straight lines.
£p N
6 6
4, 000
-x J -x
The graphs reflect the fact that the break-even 11 price of a widget is £2, and
that the company would never 12 sell more than 4, 000 per month. Nobody
buys the widgets unless they are priced under £10.
Suppose we let the profit per month be £Y . Since Y = N p,
Y = 400(10 − x)(x − 2) = −400[x 2 − 12x + 20]
= −400[(x − 6)2 − 16] = 6400 − 400(x − 6)2
The optimum13 price is £6, delivering a profit of £6, 400 per month.
The profit function Y looks like this:
6, 400
2 6 10
p < 0 if x < 2. We make a loss if we sell them for less than £2.
It is what the demand would be even if the price were zero.
In reality Y will depend on many variables and relationships may not be linear.
Exercises 26
In these exercises, feel free to use either the short or the longer layout when
completing the square. Eventually you will find the shorter preferable.
2. For each of the function in the left hand column of Question 1, sketch
its curve, marking the y-intercept and the position of its maximum or
minimum point.
3. Write each function in completed square form, and hence write down
the coordinates of its maximum or minimum point.
(a) 37 + x(x − 12) (b) 1 − 6x + x 2 (c) t 2 + 10t + 3
(d) w(w − 16) (e) 12 − 7x + x 2 (f) (x − 1)2 − x
(g) 4x + (x + 3)2 (h) 8 + y(y + 1) (i) (x + 32 )2 + (x + 32 ).
x x
He has 20 m of fencing and all the necessary posts. (Assume that the
entrance to the enclosure will be through an opening in the wall.)
(a) Assuming the width of the enclosure to be x m, find its length L in
terms of x.
(b) Show that its area is 20x − 2x 2 square metres.
(c) What dimensions provide for the largest possible enclosed area?
A = 32 + 16x − 2x 2
x cm
(c) Find the largest possible outside surface area of the box.
11. Repeat Question 10 but with the right hand end open.
The calculation ignores air resistance, and the formula assumes gravitational
acceleration is 10 m s−2 . A more accurate value would be 9.81 m s−2 .
12. What is the smallest value that each of these functions can take:
(a) f (x) = (x + 1)2 + (x 2 + 1)
(b) f (x) = (x − 1)2 + (x 2 − 1)
(c) f (x) = (x + 1)2 − (x 2 − 1)
(d) f (x) = (x 2 + 1)2 + (x 2 − 1)2
14. A small direct marketing company finds that the profits made in
previous years followed a pattern, described quite closely by the
P = 10s(8 − s) − 20,
where P is the annual profit figure (in thousands of pounds), and s is
the number of sales staff it employed that year.
Based on this model, what is the maximum profit the company can
expect to make, and how many sales staff should it employ to achieve
Solutions 26
7 1
-x -x
6. p = 6, q = 2, r = 2. [y = 6 − (x + 2)2 = 6 − (x 2 + 4x + 4)].
(a) 23 2[x 2 + x + 1] = 2 (x + 21 )2 + 34
£ ¤
(b) − 12 2[x 2 − x] = 2 (x − 21 )2 − 14
£ ¤
(c) No minimum 2x + 2
(d) 2 2x 4 + 2 (x 4 ≥ 0)
= 2 (x − 1)2 + 32
£ ¤
= 3 + 2(x − 1)2
x = 1.
We can write the equation as x 2 (x + 6) − x(x + 2)2 + 5 = 3
i.e. f (x)=3, its minimum value, which it takes when x = 1.
8x + 20
x= .
It certainly gives us a single x on the left had side, but it gets us nowhere
because we still have an x on the right hand side 15 . If we think about it,
solving a quadratic equation by rearranging it is doomed to failure, because
it normally has two solutions: if we were able to solve it this way we would
only get one solution.
In an act of desperation, some students “cancel" the x’s on the right hand side and
conclude that x = 28. We can’t do that because cancelling a fraction means dividing
the (whole of the) top and the (whole of the) bottom by the same number.
(See section 4.3 on page 4-5).
? × ? =0
5x = 0.
One of the two numbers must be zero. The left hand one clearly isn’t, so x
must be zero.
In an equation like
x(x − 7) = 0
we can think of his as the two numbers x and x − 7 multiplied together16 . So
x =0 or x − 7 = 0
i.e. x =0 or x = 7.
(x − 10)(x + 2) = 0 ⇒ x − 10 = 0 or x + 2 = 0
⇒ x = 10 or x = −2.
Actually we have just solved the quadratic equation we began the section
with, because
x 2 = 8x + 20
⇒ x 2 − 8x − 20 = 0
⇒ (x − 10)(x + 2) = 0
Being adjacent to each other means they are multiplied.
It is not difficult to see that the zero product principle applies however many
numbers are multiplied together: the product of the numbers can’t be zero
unless at least one of the numbers is zero.
For example
x(x − 2)(x − 4) = 0.
This is a cubic equation: when we multiply it out we get
x 3 − 6x 2 + 8x = 0
but we can easily solve it. The zero product principle tells us that
x = 0, x − 2 = 0, or x − 4 = 0
We will return to equations like this later. For now we’ll go more deeply into
solving quadratic equations.
It is certainly true that x = 8 satisfies the original equation. But the notion of
solving means finding all possible answers. We can see that in this instance
another possible solution is x = 0; that satisfies the equation as well.
If this were an exam question there might be one mark for each solution, so
if we didn’t “spot" the zero solution we’d lose half the marks for that part of
the question.
The answer is always to write the quadratic with a zero on one side of the
x2 = 8x
x 2 − 8x = 0
x(x − 8) = 0
⇒ x = 8 or x −8 = 0
⇒ x = 8 or x =8
What was wrong with the cancelling method? The answer is that
“Proof" that 2 = 1
There is wonderful, quite simple, piece of algebraic reasoning that appears to
conclude that 2 = 1.
Of course it’s not a valid proof: it exploits the cancelling pitfall we just looked
at. But it’s an interesting bit of fun that contains a valuable message. To see
the “proof", turn to page A-14 of Appendix A (or click on the page number).
You may want to challenge your friends to spot the error in the logic.
A word of warning
The zero product principle is exactly what it says on the tin: it applies if the
product is zero. We could (perfectly correctly) write the equation above as
x 2 − 8x = 20
or x(x − 8) = 20
But there is nothing we can deduce from this. Can you see why?
There are lots
p of pairs
p of numbers that multiply together to give 20 (4 and 5,
8 and 2.5, 20 and 20 to name just a few.), so it’s fruitless to try and infer
something about the value of x from this form of the equation.
Only if there is a zero on one side can we infer anything useful.
2x 2 − x − 3 = 0
(2x − 3)(x + 1) = 0
⇒ 2x − 3 = 0 or x + 1 = 0
⇒ x = or x = −1
Next we are going to look at three examples At first sight they seem very similar,
but the subtle differences affect how we tackle them.
x2 − 9 = 0
(x + 3)(x − 3) = 0 (the difference of two squares)
⇒ x + 3 = 0 or x − 3 = 0
⇒ x = −3 or x = +3
Look out for the difference of two squares pattern (see Section 3.6.4).
We might meet this equation as: x2 = 9
which we could solve by by taking the quare root of each side:
x = ± 3.
This is fine, of course. It is just as good as the factorising method—provided
we don’t forget the negative solution. It’s another example of the value of
always writing a quadratic equation with a zero on one side.
x 2 − 9x = 0
x(x − 9) = 0
⇒ x = 0 or x − 9 = 0
⇒ x = 0 or x = 9
We are still using factorisation in this example, but in this case one-bracket
factorising not two-bracket factorising.
Notice how similar this example looks to Example 10.
Solution x 3 − 9x = 0
x(x 2 − 9) = 0
x(x + 3)(x − 3) = 0
⇒ x = 0 or x + 3 = 0 or x − 3 = 0
⇒ x = 0 or x = −3 or x = 3
Here we applied the zero product principle with more than two factors17
Alternatively we could view x(x 2 − 9) = 0 as two factors ⇒ x = 0 or x 2 − 9 = 0
(the equation in Example 14).
Example 14 Solve the equation x− = 1
Solution 12
x− = 1
(× x) x 2 − 12 = x
(−x) x 2 − x − 12 = 0
(x − 4)(x + 3) = 0
⇒ x − 4 = 0 or x + 3 = 0
⇒ x = 4 or x = −3
Example 15 Solve the equation = 3−x
Solution 4x
= 3−x
(× (1 + x)) 4x = (1 + x)(3 − x)
4x = 3 + 2x − x 2
x 2 + 2x − 3 = 0
(x + 3)(x − 1) = 0
⇒ x +3 = 0 or x − 1 = 0
⇒ x = −3 or x = 1
(a) x = 2 or x = −8 (b) x = 0 or x = −6 (c) x = ±4
(d) x = 3 or x = −2 (e) x = −1 or x = 2
But first we will solve the quadratic equation we met at the beginning of the
last section (which won’t need square roots):
x 2 = 8x + 20
First we rearrange it so that one side is zero (as always, then we complete the
x 2 − 8x − 20 = 0
(x − 4)2 − 36 = 0
(x − 4)2 = 36
x −4 = ±6
⇒ x = +6 + 4 or x = −6 + 4
⇒ x = 10 or x = −2
x2 = 9
x = 3 or x = −3
But there is a risk we will forget the possible negative root. The factorising
route is safer.
However here we seem to have introduced the same risk when solving:
(x − 4)2 = 36.
Usually we just try to remember! But if you’d like a “safer" way we could
substitute X = x − 4.
Then the equation (x − 4)2 − 36 = 0 becomes
X 2 − 36 = 0
(X + 6)(X − 6) = 0 (the difference of two squares)
⇒ X +6 = 0 or X −6 = 0
⇒ X = −6 or X = +6
⇒ x − 4 = −6 or x − 4 = +6
⇒ x = −2 or x = +10
x 2 + 6x + 2 = 0
(x + 3)2 − 7 = 0
(x + 3)2 = 7
x +3 = ± 7
p p
⇒ x = + 7 − 3 or x = − 7 − 3
By the way, it’s conventional to write the solutions with the square root last:
p p
x = −3 + 7 or x = −3 − 7.
This is to avoid the risk of the square root sign inadvertently “creeping" over
the −3 like this p
7 −3
which you may then misread. (Mathematicians are not known for their great
Completing the square is more involved when the coefficient of x 2 is not 1.
The good news, with quadratic equations, is that we can always avoid
this—by dividing every term by that coefficient (in this case 3).
3x 2 + 6x + 2 = 0
(÷3) x 2 + 2x + = 0 [0 ÷ 3 = 0]
(x + 1)2 − 1 + = 0
(x + 1)2 =
1 1 1
x +1 = ± = ±p = ±p
3 3 3
x = −1 ± p
At first sight this looks as if it might be in completed square form already. It
isn’t because the term on the left hand side is not a constant.
9x = 4x 2 + 4x + 1
0 = 4x 2 − 5x + 1
5 1
(÷4) 0 = x2 − x +
4 4
µ ¶2
5 25 16
0 = x− − +
8 64 64
5 2
µ ¶
= x−
64 8
5 3
x− = ±
8 8
3 5 3 5
x = + or − +
8 8 8 8
x = 1 or .
By the way, the absence of any square roots in the answer tells us we could
have solved it by factorising:
4x 2 − 5x + 1 = (x − 1)(4x − 1) = 0.
Sometime we don’t spot this until after we have solved it. Later we will learn
a neat little calculation we can do to tell if a quadratic can be factorised.
2. Verify, by sustitution, that x = −1 + p is a solution of the equaition we met
in Example 16:
3x 2 + 6x + 2 = 0.
The answers (and a hint for Question 2, if you get bogged down with it) are in
the footnote19 .
1. (a) (x + 3)2 = 25 ⇒ x = 2 or x = −8 (b) (x + 2)2 = 3 ⇒ x = −2 ± 3
¢2 ¢2 p
(c) x − 52 = 14 ⇒ x = 2 or x = 3 (d) x − 41 = 39 1
¡ ¡
16 ⇒ x = 4 ± 4
(e) (x − 2)2 = 11 ⇒ x = 2 ± 11
p p p
p3 3 3
2. Hint: = p = 3
3 3
p p
19 x2 = 1 − p2 + 1 = 4 − p2 . Now 3x 2 . Since p3 = 3, 3x 2 = 4 − 2 3.
3 3 3 3 3
p p p
Similarly 6x = −6 + 2 3 and we have 4 − 2 3 + −6 + 2 3 + 2 = 0
While I have been writing this chapter, my wife and I have been planning an
orangery (a posh name for a building or extension with lots of glass).
Imagine my surprise when I found that in order to solve a particular design
problem I needed to solve a quadratic equation. (I promise I am not making
this up!)
The problem was this. We were told that if at least 75% of the roof is glass,
the building is deemed to be a conservatory for Building Regulation
purposes20 , making life simpler in relation to planning permission. In
practice this means having a large opening in the ceiling above which there
is some kind of glass structure (known as a roof lantern).
The orangery is to be 6 m long by 3.5 m wide, and for aesthetic reasons it
seemed sensible to have the non-glass part of the roof the same width all the
way round; call this distance x.
6 6
x - GLASS x - 3.5 m
? ?
The area of glass in the roof is
(3.5 − 2x)(6 − 2x) m 2 .
For the smallest lantern possible consistent with the 75% rule
(3.5 − 2x)(6 − 2x) = (3.5 × 6)
which simplifies to 4x 2 − 19x + = 0.
Solving this:
19 21
x2 − x+ = 0
4 16
19 2 361 84
µ ¶
x− − + = 0
8 64 64
19 2
µ ¶
x− =
8 64
19 277
x = ± = 4.46 or 0.295.
8 8
The solution x = 4.46 m makes no sense practically (it is greater than the
width of the room), leaving the solution x = 0.295 m.
The width of the unglazed part of the roof can be no wider than about 30 cm.
Whereas we would normally prefer the exact answer (involving a square root),
in practical problems such as this we want an actual measurement.
After I had done the calculation we learned that this rule doesn’t apply where we
where the a, b and c in the formula refer to the coefficients of the quadratic
equation when it is written in the form
ax 2 + bx + c = 0
i.e. with zero on one side of the equation. It doesn’t matter which side 21 .
a = 1, b = −4, c = −3, so substituting into the formula:
+4 ± (−4)2 − 4(1)(−3)
x = [take care with the signs]
p p
4 ± 16 + 12 4 ± 28
= =
2 2
This is the correct answer, but you would be expected to exploit any
opportunity for simplifying.
In this case there is factor of 2 embedded within 28, so we can simplify 22 it
in this way: p p p p
28 = 4 × 7 = 2 7.
So the best way to express the answer is
4±2 7 p
x= = 2 ± 7.
If we swap everything to the other side, all three signs change but the answer remains
the same. If this seems puzzling replace a with −a, b with −b and c with −c
in the formula; you’ll see that all the changes cancel each other out.
Using the rules of indices in Chapter 2 (see page 2-48). In particular the rule that
says (ab)n = a n b n , with n = 21 .
3x 2 + 7x − 1 = 0
Solve these equations using the quadratic formula (the answers are in the
footnote23 ).
23 p p p
(a) x = 2 or −8 (b) x = −2 ± 3 (c) x = 14 ± 4 (d) x = 0 or −6 (e) x = 2 ± 11
Do you like a challenge? If so you might like to have a crack at solving this
equation using the formula:
x 2 + k(k + 1)x + k 2 = 0.
The algebraic coefficients raise the game somewhat. But it doesn’t require
anything we haven’t covered: it’s all about multiplying out brackets and
factorising, with a bit of fraction work thrown in.
You will almost certainly know if you have been successful because, although
the algebra is fairly lengthy, the solutions boil down to beautifully simple
If you get stuck, the solution is in Appendix A, on page A-22. (Click on the
page number.)
You don’t need to know how this is done; you won’t be examined on the proof.
But if you are interested, and like a challenge, try deriving it for your self. It
starts like this:
We begin by making the coefficient of x 2 equal to 1:
ax 2 + bx + c = 0
b c
x2 + x + = 0.
a a
x 2 − 6x + 11 = 0.
If ∆ > 0 it has two (distinct) roots, because the ± in the formula gives two
possible answers;
If ∆ = 0 it only has one root, because the square root term in the formula
disappears altogether.
If ∆ < 0 it has no roots (no square root of a negative number);
The “no root" and “two root" cases speak for themselves. In the one root case
there is something interesting going on, which, as you will se later, ties up
beautifully with what the graph of the function looks like.
But here we just need to be clear about the language you may meet in the one
root case.
p on page A-6 that in the world of Complex Numbers they do exist. In that world,
We saw
replacing −1 with the letter i we could write the solutions of this equation as
p p p p
6 ± −1 8 6 ± i 8 6 ± i 2 2 p
x= = = = 3 ± i 2.
2 2 2
We say they are complex roots, each comprising
p p the same real part (the number 3) and a
different imaginary part (the number i 2 or −i 2).
Why might we might use this language, rather than just say “one root"? To see
why let’s solve an equation in which ∆ = 0, for example
x 2 − 6x + 9 = 0.
(x − 3)(x − 3) = (x − 3)2 = 0 ⇒ x = 3.
As usual we have two brackets, each yielding a root. It just so happens that in
this instance the two roots are the same. Hence “one repeated root" or “two
equal roots".
This explains why we have said two (distinct) roots in the case ∆ > 0. We are
underlining the fact that the two roots are different.
Mathematically we can use the phrase “if and only if" to signify this. So for
example, we could say
Many exam questions make use of this fact, as do the following examples.
x 2 + 10x + k = 0,
This is a direct application of what we have just learnt about the
discriminant, and vice versa (this is the “if and only if" bit).
For the equation to have real roots the discriminant must be ≥ 0. (They don’t
have to be distinct roots, so we must include the case ∆ = 0.)
Since a = 1, b = 10 and c = k, that means
b 2 − 4ac ≥ 0
100 − 4k ≥ 0
100 ≥ 4k
25 ≥ k
x 2 + 10x + k = 0
(x + 5)2 − 25 + k = 0
(x + 5)2 = 25 − k.
Now we can see why k can’t be more than 25. If it were, (x + 5)2 would be a
negative number!
In this case the discriminant must be zero. Since a = 1, b = 2λ and c = λ + 2
p(x + 1)2 = x 2 + 3
This is an outline solution; the detail of the algebra has been left out. Make
sure you are happy with each step.
First we have to write in the usual ax 2 +bx+c = 0 form. Expanding the bracket
and writing it in the form f (x) = 0:
(p − 1)x 2 + 2px + (p − 3) = 0.
4A p 2 − 4A (p − 1)(p − 3) ≥ 0
which simplifies to
4p − 3 ≥ 0.
The equation has real roots if p ≥ 4 .
0 = x2 + 3
has no solutions.
Another obvious value to choose would be p = 1, because then there is an x 2
term on each side, so the equation reduces to a linear one:
2x + 1 = 3.
We don’t have to solve it; we just have to recognise that it does have a
solution, as we expected.
This approach won’t prove we haven’t made any mistakes, but it may reveal
it if we have.
In exams you will be expected to see through the way a question is described
and understand what the nature of the problem is. The next example is like
There will be no real roots (solutions) if the discriminant is negative,
whatever the value of α.
Writing the equation in a form suitable for extracting the discriminant:
x 2 − αx + α2 = 0.
a = 1, b = −α, c = α2 , so
There is often more than one way to solve a problem. in this case, if we
complete the square the quadratic equation becomes25
1 2 3 2
µ ¶
x− α + α =0
2 4
In this form we have two terms. Both are ≥ 0 , and yet their sum is zero. This
is impossible so the equation has no solutions.
You may (or may not) have wondered what the α 6= 0 was doing in the
question. This might seem pedantic, but to a mathematician it is just being
precise. If α = 0 the original equation becomes x 2 = 0, which does have real
You don’t need to be overly concerned with such details at this stage.
However it does underline an important idea: mathematics is the only area
of knowledge where we are able to state absolutely immutable truths. But for
this to be the case we need scrupulous rigour in our reasoning.
You may want to check that this multiples out to give the correct equation.
1. For each equation find the value of the discriminant and say whether the
equation has two (distinct) roots, one root or no roots.
4. Show that if k > 2 , the equation (k − 1)x 2 + 2kx + (k + 3) = 0 has no real
1. (a) ∆ = 1. 2 distinct roots. (b) ∆ = −8. No roots. (c) ∆ = 0. 1 root.
(d) ∆ = 41. 2 distinct roots (e) ∆ = −7. No roots.
2. (a) k < 9 (b) k = 9 (c) k > 9.
3. α − 4α = α(α − 4) = 0 ⇒ α = 0, or α = 4.
4. No roots ⇒ 4k 2 − 4(k − 1)(k + 3) < 0, which simplifies to −2k + 3 < 0.
• rearrange it;
• make a substitution.
Apparently a cubic equation (for which we don’t know a formula 27 ), taking
out the common factor x, we have
x(x 2 − 7x + 10) = x(x − 2)(x − 5)
and the equation is
x(x − 2)(x − 5) = 0.
Using the zero product principle (with three numbers multiplied together)
x = 0, x − 2 = 0 or x − 5 = 0.
⇒ x = 0, x = 2 or x = 5.
x 2 − 7x − 10 = 0.
This only gives the solutions x = 2 and x = 5. The solution x = 0 has
disappeared, and since the equation is cubic we should expect to see three
Two out of three is not bad. Unfortunately examiners don’t see it that way.
It’s a question of being rigorous: the omission would always lose you marks
in an exam.
The way to avoid falling into this trap is to remember that we can
never divide by a variable, or cancel a variable A
unless we can be certain its value isn’t zero.
There is a formula for solving a cubic equation. It is quite complicated and rarely
used today.
The following two examples bring out the power of substitution in solving
equations. (Here it is applied to quadratic equations but it’s also useful with
other types of equation).
There is no common factor, but the fact that we only have even powers of y
gives us a clue. It means we can replace y 2 with, say Y , giving:
Y 2 − 2Y − 8 = 0
because y 4 = (y 2 )2 = Y 2 .
y2 = 4 and y 2 = −2.
Example 27. Solve the equation x − 2 x − 3 = 0
Looking like anything but a quadratic, this equation is another that yields to
substitution. If we put y = x we can write x = y 2 , and we have
x − 2 x − 3 = y 2 − 2y − 3
= (y − 3)(y + 1)
p p
= ( x − 3)( x + 1)
Now we solve 28 the equation
p p
( x − 3)( x + 1) = 0
p p
⇒ x −3 = 0 or x +1 =0
p p
⇒ x = 3 or x = −1
⇒ x = 9 or x =1
Look back at the original equation. With the benefit of hindsight you may be
able to see it in your mind’s eye as a quadratic in x:
p p
( x)2 − 2( x) − 8 = 0
This time we substituted back to x before solving; it doesn’t matter which way
round we do it.
We could have said: (y − 3)(y + 1) = 0 ⇒ y = 3 or y = 1, so x = 9 or x = 1.
Remember we can’t divide by x (see Example 24 above). Instead we move
everything on to one side and factorise:
x 5 − 16x = 0
x(x 4 − 16) = 0
⇒ x = 0 or x 4 − 16 = 0
X 2 − 16 = 0
(X + 4)(X − 4) = 0
⇒ X = x 2 = −4, (no solutions) or X = x 2 = 4
x2 = 4
⇒ x = 2 or − 2.
This is perfectly fine. Where the factorising approach has the slight edge is
that it makes it impossible to forget the negative root.
But this raises another issue. If we want to make a habit of factorising rather
than taking the square root, where does that leave us with an equation like
x 2 = 5.
Can we factorise x 2 − 5 = 0?
The answer is yes: p p
(x + 5)(x − 5) = 0
p p
which lead to the solutions we expect: x = − 5 and x = + 5.
At the start of the chapter we said there are three ways to write a quadratic
function, each one telling us something different about it. Here we shall use
this example:
y = x 2 − 4x − 5
y = (x + 1)(x − 5)
y = (x − 2)2 − 9.
We will find that all the information these three different perspectives tell us
about the function are captured succinctly in a simple graph.
This young down-to-earth lecturer would go on to develop ground-breaking ideas
connecting geometry and algebra which “had a profound impact on developments in
Quantum Physics". (Wikipedia: Sir Michael Atiyah F.R.S.)
Using this example let’s summarise what each of the three versions of the
expression tells us about its graph:
y = x 2 − 4x − 5 y-intercept y = −5
y = (x + 1)(x − 5) roots x = −1 and x = 5
y = (x − 2)2 − 9 minimum value y = −9, when x = 2
From the three versions of the equation, we can read off the coordinates of
the key points (we have marked them with a red dot) and hence sketch the
6 x =2
B• • - x
−1 5
−5 •
y = −9
Notice that its axis of symmetry, in this case at x = 2, is also exactly midway
between the two roots:
x = (−1 + 5) = 2.
This will always be the case for a quadratic curve.
In fact before we have begun to find out any of the details, the first version,
y = x 2 − 4x − 5, tells us something else important:
the sign of the x 2 term tells us which way up the curve is:
The y-intercept is at (0, 11).
Completing the square with a view to finding the roots we have
y = (x − 3)2 + 2.
This tells us that y has a minimum point at (3, 2) so the curve must looks like
AA 6
2 •
- x
Let’s take stock for a moment, and see how this ties up with the other ideas
we have met.
(1) We knew the curve had to be this way up because the x 2 coefficient is
(2) The curve clearly never reaches the x-axis, so the equation
x 2 − 6x + 11 = 0
has no roots. We can also see this from the completed square form:
(x − 3)2 + 2 can never be = 0.
(3) This is the function we met on page 7-40, whose discriminant is
(−6)2 − 44 < 0, confirming again that that the equation has no roots.
We’ll tackle it in stages: first we’ll just see what the curve looks like, then
gradually fill in the detail.
• or
We will know which it is when we we either find the roots or we find the x-
coordinate of the maximum point (is it positive or negative?).
The quadratic doesn’t factorise, so finding the roots is not quick and easy.
We’ll complete the square.
y = −[x 2 − 2x − 4]
= −[(x − 1)2 − 5]
= 5 − (x − 1)2
⇒ y ≤ 5
confirming that the vertex is indeed a maximum point, and that is has
coordinates (1, 5).
The graph looks like the one on the left.
We know the y-intercept is at y = 4 and the vertex at (1, 5). It remains to find
the roots. Then we’ll have a complete picture of what the curve looks like.
5 − (x − 1)2 = 0
(x − 1)2 = 5
x −1 = ± 5
x = 1± 5
x = −1.24 or 3.24 (to 3 SF)
The reason we have gone into decimals in the last line is to show us roughly
where the roots are on the x-axis. This could be particularly important if
there are other lines or curves on the same graph.
We end up with this beautiful picture.
y =5
5 •
x =1
p p
1− 5 1+ 5
• •
p - p -
5 5
y = (x − 3)2 + 2.
It has a minimum point at (3, 2) and the curve can only look like the graph
AA 6
11 A•
2 •
- x
y = (x − 3)2 ,
9 A•
• - x
The effect on the curve is to move it down31 2 units, so that it is touching the
And where before there were no roots, now there is one, x = 3.
What we call a translation.
So why do we sometimes use the term repeated root when this happens? Or
two equal roots?
All will become clear.
Imagine the curve starting slightly lower (the top graph), and step by step
moving up until it corresponds to the function y = (x − 3)2 .
As the curve gets closer to y = (x − 3)2 the roots get closer together.
• • -x
Two distinct roots
• • -x
Two distinct roots - but
y = (x − 3)2 -
• -x
Two equal roots
We can think of the equation (x − 3)2 = 0 as having one root, x = 3. But, as the
graphs show, it is rather more meaningful to think if it has having two roots,
both equal to 3.
To summarise, we have seen that there are three versions of the quadratic
function available to us:
y = x 2 − 6x + 5
y = (x − 1)(x − 5)
y = (x − 3)2 − 4.
Sketch these quadratic functions. In each case mark the position of the
vertex and where the curve crosses the axes.
The working is shown in the footnote32 and the sketches on the next page.
Notice that the scale need not be the same on the two axes. What is important
is the overall configuration (which way up the curve is and where it sits in
relation to the axes) and the coordinates of the key points.
y y
(a) 6 (b) 6
- x
- x −4 0
1 5 •
• (−2, −4)
(3, −4)
(c) y (d) y
6 6
4• - x
−2 2
- x −4 •
(e) y (f) y
6 6
(−2, 16)
• 12
- x
−6 2
- x
p • @ p
3−2 3 (3, −12) 3+2 3
(g) y (h) y
6 6 ( 32 , 94 )
25 - x
0 3
• - x
A method of finding maximum and minimum values for all types of function
eluded mathematicians for many hundreds of year, until Calculus was
Not all problems involving quadratic curves involve sketching them. The
following examples are primarily algebraic.
Example 31 Find the equation of the quadratic curve that passes through
P (−4, 0), Q(2, 0) and R(1, −15).
The roots are x = −4 and x = 2, so the quadratic function must have factors
(x + 4) and (x − 2).
We also know that the curve passes through (1, −15), i.e x = 1, y = −15 must
satisfy the equation, so substituting these values into the equation we have
y = 3(x + 4)(x − 2)
or y = 3x 2 + 6x − 24.
(If none of the points are roots it is trickier still. Solving problems like this
points the way into the fascinating field of matrices. But that’s an adventure
for much later.)
Example 32 Find the equation of the quadratic quadratic curve that passes
through (1, 0), (3, 18) and (−1, −2).
Because x = 1 is a root, one of the factors must be (x − 1).
We don’t know where the other root is so we can’t say anything about the
other linear factor. We will have to assume it is the most general linear factor
possible, i.e. (ax + b).
We can safely say that its equation is
y = (x − 1)(ax + b).
All that remains is to find a and b, which we can do because we know two
other points that the curve passes through. Substituting the coordinates in
we have the simultaneous equations:
18 = (2)(3a + b)
−2 = (−2)(−a + b)
or more simply
3a + b = 9
−a + b = 1
Find the equation of the quadratic curve that touches the x-axis at (−2, 0)
and passes through (1, 27).
For example subtracting them gives 4a = 8 ⇒ a = 2, so b must be 3.
If you need to remind yourself about solving linear simultaneous equations
see page 6-39.
y = 3(x + 2)2 . The equation must be of the form y = k(x + 2)2 .
Substituting gives 18 = 9k ⇒ k = 3.
Exercises 27
7. Solve these equations using the quadratic formula. Leave any square
roots in your answer. Simplify where possible.
9. Tamsin is eight years older that Sara. The product of their ages is three
times the sum of their ages. How old are they?
17. The function f (x) = .
(a) Find the values of f (2) and f ( 13 ).
(b) Solve the equations
(i) f (x) = 5, (ii) f (x) = x, (iii) f (x) = x1 .
21. Solve these equations. Substitute each solutions back into its equation
to check that it is correct. (There is a reason you have been asked to do
(a) x = x + 12.
(b) x + x1 = 4
Solutions 27
1. (a) x − 2 = 0 or x + 5 = 0 ⇒ x = 2 or −5
(b) 3x − 2 = 0 or x + 1 = 0 ⇒ x = 23 or −1
(c) x = 0 or x − 6 = 0 ⇒ x = 0 or −6
(d) w − 7 = 0 or 3 − w = 0 ⇒ w = 7 or 3
(e) x + 1 = 0, x + 2 = 0 or x + 3 = 0 ⇒ x = −1, −2 or −3
2 1
(f) x = 0 or 1 − 5x = 0 ⇒ x = 0 or 5
(g) 4y = 0 or y − 3 = 0 ⇒ y = 7 or 3
(h) x
= 0 (not possible) or x − 4 = 0 ⇒ x =4
4. (a) 3, −1 x 2 + 2x − 3 = (x − 3)(x + 1) = 0
(b) 2, 7 x 2 − 9x + 14 = (x − 2)(x − 7) = 0
(c) 3, −2 x 2 − x − 6 = (x − 3)(x + 2) = 0
(d) 5, −2 x 2 − 3x − 10 = (x − 5)(x + 2) = 0
(e) −1, 34 3x 2 − x − 4 = (x + 1)(3x − 4) = 0
(f) −4, 6 x 2 − 2x − 24 = (x + 4)(x − 6) = 0
(g) 2, 4 x 2 − 6x − 8 = (x − 2)(x − 4) = 0
(h) −3, 2 x 2 − x − 6 = (x + 3)(x − 2) = 0
(i) 43 , −1 3x 2 − x + 4 = (3x − 4)(x + 1) = 0
p p
6. (a) 1 ± 2 (x − 1)2 − 2 = 0 (b) −2 ± 3 (x + 2)2 − 3 = 0
p p
(c) 3 ± 5 (x − 3)2 − 5 = 0 (d) − 32 ± 2
(x + 3 2
) − 13
p p
(e) 21 ± 3 2 5 (x − 12 )2 − 45
=0 (f ) − 12 ± 2
(x + 1 2
) − 49 =0
(g) − 23 ± 213 (x − 32 )2 − 54 = 0
(h) −1 ± 25 [÷2] (x + 1)2 − 54 = 0
(i) 1, − 23 [÷3] (x − 16 )2 − 25
= 0 ⇒ x = 16 ± 65
p p p
7. (a) 14 (−1 ± 41) (b) 21 (−2 ± 32) = −1 ± 2 2
p p p p
(c) 21 (3 ± 45) = 32 (1 ± 5) (d) 12 (8 ± 60) = 4 ± 15
p p p
(e) 10 (−1 ± 81) = 1 or − 45 (f) 12 (7 ± 45) = 12 (7 ± 3 5)
(g) 40 (−1 ± 81) = − 14 or 15 (h) No solution (discriminant < 0)
(i) 12 (6 ± 0) = 3 (one solution)
10. x = −2.
x+x 2
= 1 ⇒ x 2 + x − 2 = (x + 2)(x − 1) = 0.
11. x = 1 or x = − 16 .
= 2x 2 ⇒ 6x 2 − 5x − 1 = (6x + 1)(x − 1) = 0.
12. (a) Hypoteneuse is x + 2.
(b) x 2 + (x + 1)2 = (x + 2)2 ⇒ x 2 − 2x − 3 = (x + 1)(x − 3) = 0
Length must be positive, so x = 3.
This is the familiar 3, 4, 5 triangle, and we have proved that this is
the only right angled triangle whose sides are consecutive integers.
14. x = −1 or 2.
2x = 22 .2x = 22+x ⇒ x 2 = x + 2 ⇒ x 2 − x − 2 = (x + 1)(x − 2) = 0
15. x = −1 or 3.
3x = 27(32x ) = 33 .32x = 33+2x ⇒ x 2 = 3 + 2x
x 2 − 2x − 3 = (x + 1)(x − 3) = 0
16. Multiplying top and bottom by x: f (x) = .
1 1
1 2 −1 − 2
(a) f (1) = 0, f (2) = 1 = 3 = − 31 ,
2 +1 2
1− x1
or more simply x = 12 ⇒ 1
= 2, so f (x) = = 1−2 = − 13
1+ x1
x 1+2
1 1
3− 31 83
17. (a) f (2) = 3
, f (3) = 1 = 4 = 2.
+1 3
(b) (i) x+1 = 5 ⇒ 5(x + 1) = 3 − x ⇒ x = − 13
(ii) 3−x
x+1 = x ⇒ x(x + 1) = 3 − x
⇒ x + 2x − 3 = (x + 3)(x − 1) = 0 ⇒ x = −3 or 1.
3−x 1
(iii) x+1
= x
⇒ 3 − x = x(x + 1)
⇒ x − 2x + 1 = (x − 1)2 = 0 ⇒ x = 1.
18. 12 m
2y + x > 4.
What happens is that the line divides the plane into three distinct regions:
the points on the line, the point on one side of the line and the points on the
other side of the line.
In the case of the line 2y + x = 4, these regions are shown on the graph
HH 6
H 2y
HH +x
2 H >4
2y HH
+x H
<4 HH
0 4 HH
y = x 2 − 4x + 3 = (x − 1)(x − 3).
on the x + 3
C 6
y = x2−
3 above the curve
y > x 2 − 4x + 3
- x
1 3
y < x 2 − 4x + 3
We said that solving quadratic inequalities is very unlike solving linear ones.
Let’s see why.
Suppose we are trying to find the values of x for which
4x > x 2 + 3.
If we imagine x taking lots of different values, from −∞ to +∞, 4x goes from
large negative values to large positive ones. The expression x 2 + 3 starts off
large and positive, gets smaller and then gets bigger again. It’s not obvious for
which values of x the l.h.s. is greater than the r.h.s. We can’t solve the problem
by rearranging, in the way that we did with linear inequalities, because of the
square term, so how do we do it?
In other words: where is the curve below the x-axis. We’ve marked it in red.
C 6
y = x 2 − 4x + 3
C @
y >0
y >0 H
- x
1 3
y <0
Make sure you are comfortable with this. We have moved everything over on to
the right: 0 > x 2 − 4x + 3, then swapped sides and reversed the inequality.
We can check this by putting some some values into the inequality. For
example when x = 2 we have 4 × 2 > 22 + 3: the inequality holds; when x = 0
we have 0 > 3: it doesn’t hold.
To solve the same inequality but with the sign the other way round, i.e.
4x < x 2 + 3
the reasoning is exactly the same as before, except now we are looking for the
values of x for which
x 2 − 4x + 3 > 0,
that is to say where the curve y = x 2 − 4x + 3 is above the x-axis.
y = x 2 − 4x + 3
C 6
- x
1 3
These are the values to the left of 1 and to the right of 3, that is:
x < 1 or x > 3.
When the inequality was the other way round, we were able to combine the
two inequalities x > 1 and x < 3 into the single statement 1 < x < 3. That isn’t
possible when the solution is two separate regions of the number line.
Notice that in neither case are the values x = 1 and x = 3 included. When
these “end points" are not included we say it is a strict inequality.
x ≤ 1 or x ≥ 3.
Notice that whereas the solution of a linear equation is a single number, the
solution of an inequality is (in most cases) a range of values 36 .
Depending on the type of equation, it may have a number of solutions; inequalities
typically have an infinite number.
y = x +3
- x
1 3
y = 4x
4x > x 2 + 3
now corresponds to the values of x where the line y = 4x is above the curve
y = x 2 + 3, i.e. when
1 < x < 3.
Although you won’t meet them at this level, there are occasions when a purely
algebraic approach has advantages, so next we are going to solve the same
problem without a graph.
x 2 − 4x + 3 < 0
(x − 1)(x − 3) < 0
Since their product is negative, one bracket must be positive and the other
1 < x < 3.
(x − 1)(x − 3) > 0
Case (a) boils down to saying x > 3 and case (b) to x < 1. Both are perfectly
valid and therefore the the solution is
x < 1 or x > 3.
The inequality can be written: x 2 − 4x + 1 ≤ 0.
Notice by choosing which way round to have the inequality sign we can
always write the inequality with a positive x 2 coefficient.
For the sketch we need the roots, and in this case the quadratic doesn’t
factorise. We’ll find the roots by completing the square:
(x − 2)2 − 3 = 0
x −2 = ± 3
x = 2± 3
(We could have used the formula, of course.)
The curve looks like this:
y = x 2 − 4x + 1
- x
2− 3 2+ 3
The solution is the values of x for which the curve is either below or on the
x-axis, i.e. p p
2 − 3 ≤ x ≤ 2 + 3.
Notice that the sketch doesn’t need to be at all accurate. Even if wephadn’t
looked closely at the values of the roots and thought that 2 − 3 was
negative, the solution would still be correct. Of course it’s better to make the
sketch reasonably accurate.
x 2 > 9.
−3 0 3
x >3 ⇒ x2 > 9
x2 > 9 6⇒ x >3
Modulus notation
In situations like the one we just described there is a very useful new
notation. It’s called the modulus function, written |x|.
|x| is the magnitude of a number: how big is the number, regardless of its sign.
So for example
| − 7| = 7, |3| = 3, | − x 2 | = x 2 .
Put another way
on the number line |x| is the distance of the number x from zero.
Notice that
|1 − 5| = | − 4| = 4 = |5 − 1|
which we can generalise to
|x − y| = |y − x|
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Needless to say we can use the modulus notation with ≤ and ≥, for example
|x| ≤ 1 means −1 ≤ x ≤ 1
|x| ≥ 1 means x ≤ −1 or x ≥ 1.
r -
10 cm
The restriction on the surface area (it has two ends) implies that
2 ≤ r ≤ 3.
37 (a) 2 < x < 4 (b) x ≤ 2 or x ≥ 4 (c) −2 < x < 1 (d) 1 < x < 2
(e) |x| ≤ 2 (f) |x| > 3
We established that
p 2 − 4p + 3 < 0 ⇒ 1 < p < 3,
and so on. We could substitute any variable we like. Now look at this next
Trivial and obvious though this seems, you’ll see how this simple insight can
unlock some tricky looking problems.
It has no roots if the discriminant is negative, i.e. if
1<k <3
Or we could say the equation is (x + 2)2 + 1 = 0 which doesn’t cross the x-axis.
(4p)2 − 16(p + 6) ≥ 0
16p 2 − 16(p + 6) ≥ 0
p2 − p − 6 ≥ 0
or (p + 2)(p − 3) ≥ 0
Y = (p + 2)(p − 3) ≥ 0.
y = p2 − p − 6
- p
−2 3
The values of p for which Y ≥ 0 are shown on the p-axis with red lines, i.e.
where p ≤ −2 or p ≥ 3.
x 2 − 8x + 16 = 0 i.e. (x − 4)2 = 0.
Check for yourself that p = 3 also leads to an equal roots quadratic equation.
x 2 − 6x + k = 0
have (real) roots?
We can look at this purely algebraically (without appealing to a graph at all).
36 − 4k ≥ 0 ⇒ k ≤ 9.
This is a very simply solution. But it doesn’t give us any idea why! A sketch
shows us what’s going on.
We are going to draw y = x 2 − 6x + k. Don’t be put off by the fact that we don’t
know k. After all it’s a sketch—we are not plotting points.
y = (x − 3)2 + (k − 9).
The minimum value the function takes is at its vertex, i.e. at (3, k − 9).
The number of roots the equation x 2 − 6x + k = 0 has (if any), will depend on
whether the vertex is above, on or below the axis. That in turn depends on
whether k is greater than, equal to or less than 9.
y k >9 y k =9 y k <9
C 6 6 6
-x -x -x
x 2 + kx + 9 = 0
have (a) no roots, (b) one root, and (c) two roots?
a = 1, b = k and c = 9 so the discriminant is k 2 − 36.
The problem is solved. To understand fully what’s going on here we are going
to draw some graphs—one for each case.
A k =8 J k =6 @ k =4
• -x
−3 0
1. (a) 0 < k < 8 (b) −9 ≤ k ≤ 1 (c) k < −5 or k > 1 (d) |k| > 2
2. Discriminant is p 2 − 4(p − 1) = p 2 − 4p + 4 = (p − 2)2 ≥ 0 for all values of p.
Exercises 28
5. In each case find the values of the constant k for which the equation
has (i) no (real) roots, (ii) one root, (iii) two roots.
6. In each case find the values of the constant λ for which the equation
has at least one real root.
(a) x 2 + λx + 1 = 0 (b) λx 2 + 2x + λ = 0
(c) λx 2 + 2λx + 3 = 0 (d ) x 2 + λx + λ − 1 = 0
(e) (2λ + 3)x 2 + 2λx + 1 = 0 ( f ) 3x 2 + λx − λ = 0
m 1−x
x m
have real roots, where m is a constant?
x 4 − 14x 2 − 32 < 0.
12. (i) Find the values of the constant k for which the equation
x2 + =k
has real solutions.
(ii) Show that the equation
x2 −
has real solutions whatever the value of k.
14. A storage tank is in the shape of a solid right circular cylinder 2 m high.
Find the range of values that its radius can take if its volume is to be less
than than 98π m 3 and its surface area is to be at least 70π m 2 .
15. A coin has been tampered with so that when tossed it is more likely to
show a head than a tail. Suppose that probability is p (i.e. p > 21 ).
The coin is tossed twice. Write down, in terms of p, the probability that
the result is (a) two heads, (b) a head followed by a tail, (c) a head and a
tail (in either order).
As part of a game the coin is tossed twice many times. At the end of the
game two heads have come up more often than a head and a tail. Show
that if this is generally the case, then p must be greater than 23 .
16. (i) Show that it is impossible to find three consecutive integers for which
the square of the middle one is less than the product of the other two.
(Let the middle number be n.)
(ii) Is it possible for the square of the largest of the three integers to be
less than the product of the other two? If not, explain why not. If so,
give an example of three such numbers.
17. The area between two concentric circles is more than three times the
area of the inner circle. The radius of the outer circle is 2 units greater
than the radius of the inner circle. What can we say about the radius of
the inner circle?
Solutions 28
The quadratic curve from which the solution is derived is given in brackets.
We use the Greek letter ∆ (capital “D") to stand for the discriminant.
1. (a) 2 < x < 4 [y = (x − 2)(x − 4) < 0]
(b) −3 < x < 1 [y = (x + 3)(x − 1) < 0]
(c) x < 1 or x > 2 [y = (x − 1)(x − 2) > 0]
(d) x ≤ 0 or x ≥ 7 [y = x(x − 7) ≥ 0]
(e) −2 < x < 6 [y = (x + 2)(x − 6) < 0]
(f) 2 ≤x ≤4 [y = (2x − 3)(x − 4) ≤ 0]
p p p
7. (a) x < 3 − 2 or x > 3 + 2 [Roots: 3 ± 2]
p p p
(b) − 12 − 23 ≤ x ≤ − 12 + 23 [2x 2 + 2x − 1 ≤ 0. Roots: − 12 ± 23 ]
p p p
(c) − 2 − 5 < x < −2 + 5 [x 2 + 4x − 1 ≤ 0. Roots: −2 ± 5]
9. |m| ≤ 12 . [x 2 − x + m 2 = 0. ∆ = 1 − 4m 2 ≥ 0]
11. |x| < 4. [(y + 2)(y − 16) < 0 ⇒ −2 < x 2 < 16. But x 2 ≥ 0.]
16. (i) Would need n 2 > (n − 1)(n + 1) i.e. n 2 > n 2 − 1 ⇒ 0 > −1.
(ii) Now we need (n + 1)2 < n(n − 1). Common sense may suggest
this is impossible, but it simplifies to 3n + 1 < 0 ⇒ n < − 31 .
It works for any integer n ≤ −1. For example −4, −3, −2.
0 7
The solution x > 37 that we came up with initially is valid. But any negative
number is also a possible. Only by using a correct method do we get all the
4 3
Example 39 Find the values of x for which > 1+ 2
2x x
Multiplying both sides by x 2
2x > x2 + 3
x 2 − 2x + 3 < 0
(x − 3)(x + 1) < 0
y = (x − 3)(x + 1)
- x
−1 3
We are looking the values of x for which y < 0, where y = (x − 3)(x + 1).
The sketch tells us that −1 < x < 3.
Example 40 Solve the inequality ≥1
Multiplying both sides by (x − 1)2
4(x − 1) ≥ (x − 1)2
4x − 4 ≥ x 2 − 2x + 1
0 ≥ x 2 − 6x + 5
0 ≥ (x − 5)(x − 1)
y = (x − 5)(x − 1)
- x
1 5
The solution: x ≤ 1 or x ≥ 5.
Example 41
(a) Find the roots of the equation f (x) = 0, where f (x) = x 4 − 5x 2 + 6.
(b)Sketch the curve y = f (x).
(c) Find the values of x for which > 1.
x 2 −2
(a) Substituting X = x 2 we have
X 2 − 5X + 6 = 0
(X − 2)(X − 3) = 0
x 2 = 2 or x 2 = 3
p p
x = ± 2 or x = ± 3
(b) y
p p p p -
− 3 − 2 2 3
(a) x
> 5.
(b) x ≤ 2.
1 3
(c) 5x > x .
(d) x
+ x22 ≤ 1.
4 3
(e) x2
< x
− 12 .
(f) 3−x
> 2.
(g) x−2
< 4.
41 9 5
(a) 0 < x < 4 (b) x ≤ 0 or x ≥ 4 (c) x < 0 (d) x ≤ −1 or x ≥ 2 (e) 2 < x < 4 (f) 2 <x <3
(g) x < 2 or x > 9.
y = x 2 − 2x − 1
y = x + 3.
We are looking for a pair of numbers (a value for x and a value for y) that
satisfy both these equations. In fact we will find there are two possible pairs.
x 2 − 2x − 1 = x + 3
x 2 − 3x − 4 = 0
(x + 1)(x − 4) = 0
⇒ x = −1 or x = 4
Each of these values for x gives a value for y, which can find using either
equation. Obviously it easiest to use y = x + 3, i.e. y = 2 or y = 7.
•(4, 7)
y = x 2 − 2x − 1
(−1, 2) •
- x
The values of x and y are the same in both equations, so where we see y in one
equation we can replace it with the y from the other equation.
Satisfy yourself that the sketch looks like this.
xy = 2
x + y − 3 = 0.
Since neither equation is in the form y = . . ., we can’t simply equate them like
we did in the last example. But the substitution method works. In fact this is
the the method we frequently adopt when one of the equations is not linear.
In case you have forgotten, substitution works like this: we use one of the
equations to find an expression for y, and then substitute that into the other
x(3 − x) = 2
0 = x 2 − 3x + 2
0 = (x − 1)(x − 2)
⇒ x = 1 or x = 2
The solutions can also be expressed as coordinates, i.e. (1, 2) and (2, 1).
A quick check tells us that both these solutions satisfy both equations.
In this case we could equally well have started by finding an expression for x
(i.e. x = 3 − y ) and substituted that.
We don’t have this luxury in the next example.
x(y − 1) = 18
2x = 3y.
The linear equation doesn’t allow a nice simple expression, either for x or y.
We could launch into fractions, e.g. substitute y = 2x
into the first equation.
(A solution using this approach is shown in the footnote44 .)
Alternatively we could use the fist equation to find an expression for x or y; in
this case it’s obviously easier to find x:
x =
y −1
= 3y
y −1
12 = y(y − 1)
0 = y 2 − y − 12
0 = (y − 4)(y + 3)
x = 6, y = 4 and x = − , y = −3.
In exam questions the solutions to equations are very often whole numbers or
simple fractions.
But not always...
µ ¶
x −1 = 18
x 2x − 3
µ ¶
= 18
1 3
x(2x − 3) = 54
2x − 3x − 54 = 0
(x − 6)(2x + 9) = 0
x = 6 or x = −
3x 2 − y 2 = 3
2x − y = 1.
We are going to substitute y = 2x − 1, from the second equation.
This is obviously a lot easier than substituting x = 2 .
3x 2 − (2x − 1)2 = 3
3x 2 − (4x 2 − 4x + 1) = 0
3x 2 − 4x 2 + 4x − 1 = 0
x 2 − 4x + 1 = 0
(x − 2)2 − 5 = 0
p p
⇒ x = 2 + 5 or x = 2 − 5
or p p
y = 2(2 − 5) − 1 = 3 − 2 5.
p p p p
Solution: x = 2 + 5, y = 3 + 2 5 or x = 2 − 5, y = 3 − 2 5.
It would definitely not be a good idea p to use2the 2first equation to find the
values of y, i.e. to substitute x = 2 ± 5 into 3x − y = 3!
4y 2 − x 2 = 16
2y − x = 2.
Using the principle of the difference of two squares:
4y 2 − x 2 = (2y − x)(2y + x) = 16
2y + x = 8
2y − x = 2.
This is easily solved, e.g. by adding and then subtracting, to give
x = , y = 3.
Example 47 Find the coordinates of the points A and B where the curves
y = x2 and y = (x − 3)2 intersect.
If the two curves meet the x-axis at C and D respectively, show that the line
joining A and B bisects the line C D.
First let’s find out where the points A and B are. Equating expressions for y,
the curves intersect where
x 2 − 6x + 9 =
4x 2 − 24x + 36 = x 2
3x 2 − 24x + 36 = 0
3(x − 2)(x − 6) = 0
⇒ x = 2 or x = 6
⇒ y = 1 or y = 9,
by substitution into either of the original equations.
The points where the curves cross are A(2, 1) and B (6, 9).
Both curves touch the x-axis,
y = x 2 at C (0, 0) and y = (x − 3)2 at D(3, 0).
We are now ready to address the question about AB bisecting C D. Let’s sketch
the curves.
y = x 2 − 4x + 1 #
•#B (6, 9)
y = 14 x 2 #
A(2, 1) •#
• # • - x
C (0, 0) #
# D(3, 0)
The gradient of the joining A and B is 6−2 = 2 , so its equation (using the
formula) is
y − 1 = 2(x − 2) or y = 2x − 3
which crosses the x-axis at x = 23 , midway between C and D.
Example 48 Find the values of k for which these two curves meet:
y = 9 − x2 and y = x 2 − 4x + k + 4.
Writing the equations as
we can easily sketch the curves. We’ll choose to draw them not intersecting:
(2, k)
- x
−3 0 3
The vertex of the curve y = (x − 2)2 + k is at (2, k). Its line of symmetry is x = 2.
Because this curve sits to the right of y = 9 − x 2 , the value of k can be less
than 9 with the curves still not meeting—as shown in the diagram.
If we progressively lower the right hand curve (by reducing the value of k)
the two will eventually touch. Can you see that they won’t touch at (2, k)?
Lower it further and they will cross.
9 − x 2 = (x − 2)2 + k
2x 2 − 4x + k − 5 = 0
y = 9 − x2 and y = x 2 − 4x + k + 4
(d) x2 = y2 + 3 (e) y = 2x 2 (f ) 4x + 3y = 5
y = x −1 y = x(6 − x) 2x y = 1
1. k = 7. (1, 8, ).
2. (a) (2, 3), (−3, −2) (b) (0, 0), (7, 14) (c) (3, 5), (−4, 12) (d) (2, 1)
(e) (0, 0), (2, 8) (f ) ( 21 , 1), ( 34 , 23 )
x + 2y < 6, y ≥x and x ≥ 1
2 R
0 x
−1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The only issue here is to decide which side of the line x + 2y = 6 corresponds
to the inequality x + 2y < 6. To determine this we can use any test point. The
origin is the easiest one to pick in this case. Substituting we have 0 + 2(0) < 6
which tells us that the origin lies the right side of the line, so every point on
that side of the line lies in the region.
Where the inequality includes equality (i.e. ≤ or ≥) points on the line are
In this case we have marked the region with R.
Notice that we use a solid line to show that points on the line are to be
included and a dotted line when they are not.
0 x
−1 1 2 3 4
In the following examples show by shading or labelling the region for which
both the inequalities apply.
(a) y > x 2 − 1 and x + y ≤ 3 (b) y < 3 + 2x − x 2 and y > x + 1
(c) y ≤ 1 − x 2 and y > x(x − 1) (d) y < 4 − x 2 and y ≥ 1−
The answers are in the next page.
0 x
−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4
0 x
−2 −1 1 2 3
0 x
−1 1
0 x
−1 1
Exercises 29
A - x
5. Find the pair of integers that differ by 6 and whose squares differ by 24.
6. Find all the possible pairs of integers that differ by 6 and whose squares
add up to 68.
then a − b = 6.
Hence or otherwise find the values of a and b.
10. In each case, show on a separate coordinate grid the region that satisfies
the inequalities
(a) y < (x + 2)(3 − x) and y ≥ 2x
(b) y < 9 − x 2 and y ≥ x 2 − 4
(c) y ≥ (x − 2)2 and x + y ≤ 4
(d) y ≤ (x + 6)(2 − x) and y + 3x > 10
11. Find the coordinates of the points where the curves y = x(4 − x) and
y = x 2 (x − 1) intersect.
Sketch the curves and show the region where
12. Use the factor theorem to find all the roots of the equation f (x) = 0,
f (x) = x 3 − 2x 2 − x + 2
Sketch the curve y = x 2 (2−x) and the line x+y = 2. Find the coordinates
of the points where they intersect.
On a coordinate grid shade the region where y > x 2 (2 − x) and x + y ≤ 2.
State with your reason whether the point (1, 1) lies within the region.
13. Show that the perimeter pof a triangle whose hypoteneuse is 5 units
long, cannot exceed 5(1 + 2) units. [There is a hint in the footnote46 .]
If the radius of the of the cylinder is R and its height H , write down two
simultaneous equations connecting R and H . Hence find the diameter
of the tank.
[The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4πr 2 .]
Let the sides containing the right angle be x and y and start by assuming x + y = k.
17. The diagram shows the curve of the function y = x 2 and where it
meets curve y = 4 − x 2 .
(a) Find the coordinates of the points A, B , C and D.
(b) Show that the gradient of the line C D is −(1 + 3).
- x
8x = 4 y−1 and x y = y + 4.
Substitute X = x 2 .
Solutions 29
1. (a) 0 < x < 4 (b) 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 (c) x < 1 or x > 5 (d) x < − 32 or x > 0 (e) 2 ≤ x ≤ 3
2. (a) (0, 1), (−1, 3) (b) (4, 12 ), (−3, − 32 ) (c) (−1, 2), ( 47 , − 72 )
p p p p
(d) (2, 3), ( 21 , −3) (e) (−1 + 2, 1 + 2 2), (−1 − 2, 1 − 2 2)
(f) (1, −1), (−3, − 37 )
3. (i) A(−2, 0), B (1, 3), C (4, 6)
(ii) B is 3 units to the right of A, and C is 3 units to the right of B .
Or we could compare vertical distances. Or use Pythagoras.
3 11
4. 4 units by 2 units. x + y = 2 , x y = 6.
5. −1 and 5. x − y = 6, x 2 − y 2 = 24.
6. 2 and 8, or −8 and −2. x − y = 6, x 2 + y 2 = 68.
7. 5 cm and 12 cm. x + y = 17, x 2 + y 2 = 132 .
p p
8. (4 − 2) mm and (4 + 2) mm. x + y = 8, x 2 + y 2 = 62 .
9. (a) Multiply out the brackets. (This is the difference of two squares relationship.)
(b) (a + b)(a − b) = 2(a − b) = 12.
Now we have linear simultaneous equation. a = 4, b = −2
10. (a) y (b)
6 8
0 x
−2 3
−3 0 x
−3 −2 −1 1 2 3
0 x
2 4
(−2, 16)
(1, 7)
0 x
−6 −4 −2 2 4
In this example we need to know where the line crosses the curve to be able
to draw the sketch.
This is where
12 − 4x − x 2 = 10 − 3x
0 = x2 + x − 2
0 = (x + 2)(x − 1)
i.e. x = −2 or x = 1
0 x
−2 −1 1 2 3 4
0 x
−1 1 2
The point (1, 1) does not lie within the region, because it’s coordinates do not
satisfy the inequality y > x 2 (2 − x).
13. Let the sides be of length x and y, and let x + y = k. By Pythagoras x 2 + y 2 = 25.
Substituting: 2x 2 − 2kx + k 2 − 25 = 0. Seen as an equation in x, this must have
real solutions, so the discriminant must be ≥ 0,
i.e. 4k 2 − 8(k 2 − 25) ≥ 0 ⇒ k 2 ≤ 50 ⇒ 0 < k ≤ 5 2. (k can’t be negative.)
The hypoteneuse is 5 so the maximum possible perimeter = 5 + 5 2.
14. (−1, 2) and (−3, 32 ).
Substitute y = − x into 3y − 2x = 8.
15. Substituting y = k − x into 3x 2 + 2y 2 = 30 gives 5x 2 − 4kx + 2k 2 − 30 = 0 .
The discriminant = 16k 2 − 20(2k 2 − 30) ≥ 0 ⇒ k 2 ≤ 25.
k = 5. Touch at (2, 3). [Equal roots. k = 5 ⇒ 5x 2 − 20x + 20 = 0.]
16. R + H = 8, 2πR 2 + 2πR H = 80π, i.e. R 2 + R H = 40 ⇒ R = 5, H = 3,
so the diameter is 10 m.
17. (a) A(2, 0), B (0, 4), C ( 3, 1), D(1, 3)
Substituting y = x 2 gives x 4 − 4x 2 + 3 = 0.
With X = x 2 : X 2 − 4X + 3 = (X − 1)(X − 3) = 0 ⇒ x 2 = 1 or x 2 = 3.
1−3 2( 3+1)
(b) Gradient of C D = p =− 2
(rationalising the surd).
5 3
18. (2, 4) and (− 3 , − 2 )
8x = (23 )x = 23x , and 4 y−1 = (22 ) y−1 = 22y−2 , so 3x = 2y − 2
y+4 3(y+4)
Substitute x = y into 3x = 2y − 2, giving y = 2y − 2,
which simplifies to 2y 2 − 5y − 12 = (2y + 3)(y − 4) = 0
@• C of a circle and its perpendicular bisector (the
@ line through its midpoint, at right angles to it).
@ The theorem is that
the perpendicular bisector of a
chord passes through the centre
of the circle.
Tangent properties
@• C
x 2 + y 2 = 25
and we can see that the coordinates of all points marked fit this equation.
(3, 4)
(− 24, 1) •
- x
• (4, −3)
(0, −5)
This is hardly surprising: all the points are 5 units from the origin O. The
circle has a radius of 5 units.
x2 + y2 = r 2
Example 49
P and Q are the points where the line x = 2 intersects a circle of radius 7
whose centre is the origin. R is the point (7, 0).
(a) Write down the equation of the circle.
(b) Find the coordinates of P and Q.
(c) Show that the equation of the line joining P and R is 3x + 5y = 21.
(d) Find where the line RP crosses the y-axis.
(a) The equation of the circle
P is
x 2 + y 2 = 49.
(b) This meets the line x = 2
where y 2 = 45, i.e. at
p p
- x y = ± 45 = ±3 5.
The points of intersection are
p p
P (2, 3 5) and Q(2, −3 5).
the equation of P R is p p
y 3 5 3 5
= =
x −7 2−7 −5
−5y = 3 5(x − 7)
p = 3(x − 7)
− 5y = 3x − 21
21 = 3x + 5y
y=p .
This is correct, however it is usual to rationalise surds (i.e. write them so there
is no square root in the denominator). The best way to express the answer
would therfore be à p !
21 5
0, .
Most points in the plane are either inside or outside the circle. A point P will
only lie on the circle if P is exactly 3 units from C .
P (p, q)
q − 5
3 9
C (8, 5) @ I
@ p −8
- x
P is p units to the right of the Y -axis and C is 8 units to the right of it.
So P is p − 8 units to the right of C .
Similarly q − 5 is units above C .
(p − 8)2 + (q − 5)2 = 32 .
Rather than leave the equation in this form we will generally expand the
brackets and simplify:
(x − 8)2 + (y − 5)2 = 32
x 2 − 16x + 64 + y 2 − 10y + 25 = 9
x 2 + y 2 − 16x − 10y + 80 = 0
P (x, y)
y − b
C (a, b) @
x −a
- x
2 2 2
the circle centre (a, b) and radius r is (x − a) + (y − b) = r
x 2 − 2ax + a 2 + y 2 − 2b y + b 2 = r 2
x 2 + y 2 − 2ax − 2b y + a 2 + b 2 − r 2 = 0
Every circle must have an equation like this, and the values of a, b and r will
determine its position and radius.
(a) The equation is:
(x − 4)2 + (y + 3)2 = 22
x 2 − 8x + 16 + y 2 + 6y + 9 = 4
x 2 + y 2 − 8x + 6y + 21 = 0
Say if the equation represents a circle? (Be careful. Some are designed to try
and trip you up.)
Example 51
Write down the equation of the circle centre (−3, 2) with radius 5.
(i) Find where the circle crosses the y-axis.
(ii) The circle cuts the x-axis at P and Q. Write down the coordinates of the
mid-point of PQ.
The equation of the circle is
(x + 3)2 + (y − 2)2 = 25
x 2 + 6x + 9 + y 2 − 4y + 4 = 25
x 2 + y 2 + 6x − 4y − 12 = 0.
Although the question didn’t require a sketch, drawing one can help to weed
out errors. Does my answer look about right?
• (0, 6)
(−3, 2)
- x
• (0, −2)
(b) The perpendicular bisector of a chord, in this case PQ passes through the
centre of the circle. The mid-point of PQ must therefore be immediately
below the centre of the circle.
The mid-point of PQ is (−3, 0).
The natural next step is to work backwards: from the equation of a circle to to
its centre and radius.
Suppose we had been given the equation as
x 2 + y 2 + 6x − 4y − 12 = 0.
When we met completing the square before (see page 7-2) we saw that the
working is slightly more tricky if the x-coefficient is an odd number, or if the
x 2 -coefficient is not 1. So next we’ll look at two example that remind us what
we have to do in this case.
Example 52
Find the centre and radius of the circles
(a) x 2 + y 2 − 3x + 7y + 2 = 0
(b) 3x 2 + 3y 2 − 12x + 9y − 2 = 0
(a) x 2 − 3x + y 2 + 7y − 2 = 0
3 2 9 7 2 49 8
µ ¶ µ ¶
x− − + y+ − + = 0
2 4 2 4 4
3 2 7 2 50
µ ¶ µ ¶
x− + y+ − = 0
2 2 4
¶2 µ Ã p !2
7 2
µ ¶
3 50
x− + y+ =
2 2 2
p p
3 7
The centre is ( 2 , − 2 ), and the radius 2
= 522.
(b) 3x 2 + 3y 2 − 6x + 9y + 7 = 0
x 2 − 2x + y 2 + 3y + = 0
µ ¶2
3 9 7
(x − 1)2 − 1 + y + − + = 0
2 4 3
µ ¶2
3 13 7
(x − 1)2 + y + − + = 0
2 4 3
3 2
µ ¶
2 11
(x − 2) + y + =
2 12
3 11
The centre is (1, − 2 ), and the radius 12
Example 53
(a) Find the centre and radius of theses circle:
x 2 + y 2 − 2x + 8y + 7 = 0.
(b) Without solving any equations, state whether the circle intersect the x-
(c) For which values of k does the equation
x 2 + y 2 − 2x + 8y + k = 0
intersect the x-axis?
(a) The equation can be written
x 2 − 2x + y 2 + 8y + 7 = 0
(x − 1)2 − 1 + (y + 4)2 − 16 + 7 = 0
(x − 1)2 + (y + 4)2 = 10.
The centre of the circle is at (1, −4) and its radius is 10.
(b) The centre of the circle is 4 units below the x-axis.
Its radius = 10 < 4, so it does not cross the x-axis.
(c) For the circle to cross the x-axis we must get real roots when we put y = 0.
The equation is
x 2 − 2x + k = 0
and the discriminant 4 − 4k, so the circle crosses the x-axis when
4 − 4k ≥ 0 i.e. k ≤ 1.
This is consistent with what we concluded in part (b), namely that there are
no roots when k = 7.
Example 54
In each case find where the two circles meet.
(i) x 2 + y 2 + 2x − y − 10 = 0 and x 2 + y 2 + 3x − 3y − 14 = 0
(ii) x 2 + y 2 + 4x − 5y + 3 = 0 and 2x 2 + 2y 2 + 12x − 12y + 7 = 0
Part (i) is easily solved—because the numbers have been rigged to make sure
it is. Part (ii) is more difficult than you would be expected to tackle at this
level, so you can skip it if you wish. Needless to say, though, it is more
interesting and brings out a couple of neat little tricks.
(i) It isn’t possible to find an expression, either for x or for y that we can use
to substitute, and so eliminate one of the variables. We need to be a little
cunning: we do it in two stages. The first stage is to find an expression for
x 2 + y 2 , and substitute that.
From the first equation,
x 2 + y 2 = −2x + y + 10.
Substituting this into the second equation, we have
−2x + y + 10 + 3x − 3y − 14 = 0
which simplifies to
x = 2y + 4.
Now we do have an expression for x, and we can substitute it into either
circle equation to eliminate the variable x.
(2y + 4)2 + y 2 + 2(2y + 4) − y − 10 = 0
4y 2 + 16y + 16 + y 2 + 4y + 8 − y − 10 = 0
5y 2 + 19y + 14 = 0
(y + 1)(5y + 14) = 0 ⇒ y = −1 or y = −
Apart from the fact that the coefficients of x 2 and y 2 in the second equation
are 2 rather than 1, this appears to very similar to part (i).
So let’s see why it isn’t.
The coefficient problem is easily overcome: we can substitute
x 2 + y 2 = −4x + 5y − 3
from the first equation into the second, giving
1. Find the equation of each of these circles. Express your answer in the form
ax 2 + a y 2 + bx + c y + d = 0, where a, b, c and d are integers.
(a) Centre (4, 2), radius 3 (b) Centre (2, −1), radius 5.
(c) Centre (0, 21 ), radius 32 . (d) Centre (5, −1) passing through (1, 1).
(e) Centre (1, 23 ), radius 31 . (f ) The points (2, 1) and (6, 1) lie at the
ends of a diameter.
We’ll first show you how it works for an equation whose centre is the origin:
the tangent to the circle x 2 + y 2 = 20 at the point P (4, 2).
By substituting x = 4 and y = 2 into the equation we see that P lies on the
To find the equation of the tangent we use what’s called “semi-substitution".
What this means is best explained by showing you. Where we have
x 2 = x × x, we replace only one of the x’s with x = 4, to give 4x. Similarly we
replace only one of the y’s in y 2 , to give 2y.
The circle equation has been changed to 4x + 2y = 20. That’s it. This is the
equation of the tangent at (4, 2).
It is very easy to show that this is correct.
6 A g r ad i ent = −2
g r ad i ent =
2 A P (4, 2)
A - x
First we can see that P lies on this line (its coordinates satisfy the equation
4x + 2y = 20).
Then the gradient of the line is −2 and the gradient of OP is 21 , so the radius
to P is perpendicular to this line which passes through P . The line must be
the tangent at P .
If you think so, turn to the next page for something even more extraordinary.
x 2 + y 2 + 8x + 10y − 11 = 0.
2x − y + 4x + 8 + 5y − 5 − 11 = 0 which simplifies to 3x + 2y = 4.
You may like to check for yourself that this is indeed the tangent to the circle
at (2, −1), in the same way that we did in the previous example.
Conic sections
Now something wonderful. We have looked in some detail at the parabola
(the curve associated with a quadratic function) and also at the circle. In fact
they both belong to a family of curves called conic sections, or “conics" for
The complete family of conics consists of circles, ellipses, parabolas and
They are referred to as a family because they are connected in an exquisitely
elegant way50 that we are about to discover.
Circles appear in all manner of places. Parabolas are not so ubiquitous. A
parabola is the shape used to make a satellite dish or the lens of a reflecting
telescope, since it focusses electromagnetic waves onto a single point.
Although we occasionally see hyperbolic shapes too, it is the function (its
formula if you like) that is so important. For example the curve produced by
is a type of hyperbola. We’ll be studying this function in a later chapter.
To see how all these conic sections are related we start by imagining a
vertical straight line (the dotted line in the diagram) and a second straight
line moving round it and maintaining a constant angle with it. This second
line, called a generator, traces out a mathematical cone, which looks like
two physical cones one on top of the other. Since mathematical “lines" are
infinitely long these are very large cones!
Now we are going to imagine slicing through this infinitely large object with
different planes. Where it cuts through the cone we get a curve. Any curve
produced in this way is, by definition, a conic section. Depending on the
angle of the plane, we get a different member of the family.
If the angle is shallow, i.e. the plane is not far off being horizontal,we get a
closed curve. Progressively steepen the angle and it starts producing curves
that are not closed. Eventually, if the angle is steep enough, the plane cuts the
cone twice.
These “cuts" or “sections" are illustrated on the next page.
Identified by Menaechmus, born around 380 BC in what is now Turkey.
J !!
! J!
! ! J
! J
@ @
Exercises 30
1. Find the equation of the circle centre (1, −2) that passes through (4, 1).
2. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is (6, 2) and which touches
the y-axis.
3. A circle passes through (0, 1) and (0, 7) and its centre lies on the line
y = 2x.
Find the coordinates of its centre and its radius. Hence determine its
x 2 + y 2 + 6x + 2y + 1 = 0 and x 2 + y 2 − 6y + 5 = 0.
5. A circle touches the positive x-axis and the positive y-axis. Its centre
lies on the line 3x + y = 8.
Find the centre of the circle.
6. A circle passes through the points P (4, 0), Q(9, 1) and R(3, 5). Show that
the triangle is right angled and hence, or otherwise, find the equation
of circle.
11. The radius of the circle x 2 + y 2 +10x −8y +c = 0 is 8. Find the value of c.
12. Find the centre of the circle that touches the line 2y + x = 7 at A(1, 3)
and passes through the point B (−1, 5).
13. Show that the line y = 2x + 5 touches the circle x 2 + y 2 = 5 at (−2, 1).
If the line intersects the y-axis at P ,write down the equation of the
other tangent to the circle that passes through P . [There is a hint in the
footnote52 .]
14. The point T (p, q) lies on the circle x 2 + y 2 = a 2 . Show that the tangent
to the circle at T is px + q y = a 2 .
Draw a sketch.
18. Find the two points wherep the line 3x + y = 4 crosses the circle with
centre (1, −4) and radius 5.
22. The line y = x is a tangent to a circle whose centre is (4, 0). Find its
Hence determine the equation of the circle.
23. A circle passes through the points A(1, 0), B (5, 0) and C (3, 4).
(a) Using a diagram to explain why C lies on the perpendicular bisector
of AB .
(b) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AC .
(c) Hence, or otherwise, find the position of the centre of the circle.
(d) Write down the radius of the circle.
(e) Find the equation of the circle.
24. A parabolic bowl sits on a horizontal table. Referred to axes along the
table and vertically upwards the equation of the bowl’s cross section is
2y = x 2 .
A spherical ball of radius 2 units is dropped inside the bowl. When the
ball comes to rest, how far is its centre above the level of the table?
[The diagram is not drawn to scale.]
- x
25. By sketching the curve, show that the y-coordinate of every point on
the circle
x 2 + y 2 − 2x − 4y + 1 = 0
satisfies the condition 0 ≤ y ≤ 4.
Write down a similar condition for the x-coordinate of every point on
the circle.
26. (a) Determine the two values of k for which the line y = 2x + k is a
tangent to the circle
x 2 + y 2 − 12x − 2y + 17 = 0.
(b) Find the equation of the line through the centre of the circle
perpendicular to the two tangents.
(c) Hence, or otherwise, find the points of contact of each tangent.
27. The diagram shows two circles with centres (−2, −1) and (2, 1), each
touching the line y = 0. The other common tangent is the line y = mx.
Find the value of m.
(2, 1)
- x
(−2, −1)
28. The curve x y = 3 crosses the
circle x 2 + y 2 = 10 at the points 6
A, B , C and D, taken in order
Show that ABC D is a rectangle
and find its area. O
29. (a) Show that the points P (−1, 0), Q(1, 4) and R(5, 2) form a right angled
triangle, stating which side is the hypoteneuse.
(b) Write down the coordinates of the centre of the circle that passes
through P , Q and R.
(c) Find the coordinates of the other point on the x-axis through which
the circle passes.
[Hint: it is not necessary to find the equation of the circle.]
Solutions 30
1. x 2 + y 2 − 2x + 4y − 13 = 0.
Substitute x = 4, y = 1 into (x − 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = r 2 .
4. The circles are (x + 3)2 + (y + 1)2 = 9 and x 2 + (y − 3)2 = 4. The radii are 3 and 2.
The centres are at (−3, −1) and (0, 3) so the distance between them is 32 + 42 = 5.
Since this distance is the sum of their radii the circles must touch.
5. (2, 2).
The centre lies on 3x + y = 8, and it also lies on y = x (by symmetry), so 3x + x = 8.
7. (3, 1).
The equation of the circle is (x + 2)2 + (y − 1)2 = 25. Now there are a couple of methods.
One way is to solve this equation simultaneously with x = 3, which gives
y 2 − 2y + 1 = (y + 1)2 = 0. Repeated root so the line touches the circle.
A neater way is simply to notice that, since the tangent is vertical, the centre must be
on the same "horizontal" level as the centre.
10. For the line to be a tangent, x 2 + (mx + c)2 = a 2 must yield equal roots,
i.e. discriminant = 0. Writing as (1 + m 2 )x 2 + 2mc x + (c 2 − a 2 ) = 0, discriminant is
4m 2 c 2 − 4(1 + m 2 )(c 2 − a 2 ) = 0, which simplifies to the required relationship.
11. c = −23. The equation of the circle must be (x + 5)2 + (y − 4)2 = 64.
13. y = −2x + 5
The line y = 2x + 5 has gradient 2.
From the sketch, the other tangent must have the same y-intercept,
but gradient −2 (by symmetry).
g r ad i ent = 2 A g r ad i ent = −2
@ A
@ A
@ A
A - x
14. The centre of the circle C is the origin, so the gradient of C T is p .
The gradient of the tangent at T is therefore − q .
Since p 2 + q 2 = a 2 , T lies on this line px + q y = a 2 .
But this line also has gradient − q so it must be the tangent at T .
Or we could simply construct the equation of the tangent.
It is y − q = − q (x − p), which simplifies to px + q y = p 2 + q 2 .
But p 2 + q 2 = a 2 because (p, q) lies on the circle.
17. (− 12 , 52 ). Radius 2.
The equation is x 2 + y 2 + x − 5y + 25 = 0, which can be written
(x + 12 )2 + (y − 52 )2 = 4.
- x
3 HH
H r ad i us = 32
6 C (3, 4)
M (2, 2)
- x
A(1, 0) B (5, 0)
(b) 2y + x = 6
The mid-point of AC is M (2, 2) and its gradient 2, so its perpendicular bisector is
y − 2 = − 21 (x − 2).
(c) (3, 32 ).
The centre is where x = 3 on 2y + x = 6, i.e. where y = 32 .
(d) Radius is 52 .
By symmetry C is the highest point on the circle, so radius is 4 − 32 = 25 .
(e) x 2 + y 2 − 6x − 3y + 5 = 0.
Equation is (x − 3)2 + (y − 23 )2 = 25
24. 5 units.
Suppose the centre of the ball is at (0, h). The equation of its cross-section is
x 2 + (y − h)2 = 9.
We need to solve this simultaneously with the equation of the cross-section of the bowl.
The easiest way to do this is to substitute x 2 = 2y, rather than y = 2 .
The curves will touch if the resulting equation has equal roots.
We have 2y + (y − h)2 = 9, or y 2 + 2y(1 − h) + h 2 − 9 = 0.
The discriminant must be zero, so 4(1 − h)2 − 4(h 2 − 9) = 0,
which simplifies to 1 − 2h = −9.
Had you substituted y rather than x 2 , it would have led to x 2 + ( x2 − h)2 = 9.
Although technically a quartic equation we can think of it as a quadratic in x 2 ,
which suggests we substitute X = x 2 and first solve the equation X + ( X2 − h)2 = 9.
This simplifies to
+ X (1 − h) + h 2 − 9 = 0 and the zero discriminant condition
⇒ (1 − h)2 − (h 2 − 9) = 0.
Notice we didn’t need to revert to back to the variable x.
−1 0 1 2 3
27. By symmetry if the line touches one circle it touches the other.
We will use the right hand circle, which is (x − 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = 22 .
Solving the equations simultaneously we have (x − 2)2 + (mx + 1)2 = 4,
which simplifies to (1 + m 2 )x 2 − 2(2 + m)x + 4 = 0. The line touches the circle
where the discriminant is 0, i.e. 4(2 + m)2 = 16(1 + m 2 ) ⇒ m(3m − 4) = 0.
The solution m = 0 is the x-axis tangent that we already know about;
the answer is m = 3 .
There is a much quicker method, in fact it only takes two lines of working.
However it uses a trigonometry formula you haven’t met yet. A treat you can
look forward to.
28. The points A, B , C and D are (3, 1), (1, 3), (−3, −1), (−1, −3).
Area is 16 square units.
Substituting y = x into x 2 + y 2 = 10 gives x 2 + x92 = 10.
Putting x 2 = X , we have X + X9 = 10.
Multiplying every term by X gives X 2 − 10X + 9 = (X − 1)(x − 9) = 0.
Now reverting to x we have x 2 = 1 or x 2 = 9. Then, for example, if x = −1, y = −1 = −3.
Now we need to show that quadrilateral ABC D is a rectangle.
We’ll label the points A(3, 1), B (1, 3), C (−3, −1), D(−1, −3).
You may have labelled them starting in a different place. It won’t matter.
First we show that opposite sides are parallel (it is a parallelogram).
3−1 −3+1
Gradient of AB is 1−3 = −1 and gradient of C D is −1+3 = −1.
Similarly the gradient of BC and D A is 1.
We can see that BC and D A are perpendicular to AB and C D, so ABC D is a rectangle.
For the area of the rectangle.
p p p
AB 2 = (3 − 1)2 + (1 − 3)2 = 8, so AB = 8 = 2 2. Similarly C D = 4 2.
p p
Area of the rectangle = 2 2 × 4 2 = 16.
p p p p p p
Or, from AB = 8 and C D = 32, area = 8 × 32 = 8 × 32 = 256 = 16.
We’ll find out how to sketch the curve x y = 3 in a later chapter.
R(5, 2)
- x
P (−1, 0) S
8.1 Sketching polynomials. What does “sketching" mean? Roots and the
zero product principle.
Multiple roots. Higher order polynomials. Which way up is the curve?
1 1
8.2 The reciprocal functions. y = x and y = x 2 . Asymptotes.
8.3 Transforming functions.
Translations y = f (x) + a and y = f (x + a)
Stretches y = a f (x) and y = f (ax)
Reflections (in the coordinate axes) y = − f (x) and y = f (−x)
8.4 Periodic functions. Definition. Amplitude and period. Transforming the
sine, cosine and tan curves.
8.5 An elegant way of thinking about transformations. (Optional.)
Imagine there are two boxes. In each one there is a card with a number
written on it. We don’t know either number, but we are told their product is
? × ? =0
(x − 10)(x + 2) = 0 ⇒ x − 10 = 0 or x + 2 = 0
⇒ x = 10 or x = −2.
This will apply however many elements there are in the product, for example
Either x = 0, x + 1 = 0, x − 2 = 0 or x − 7 = 0.
The roots are x = −1, 0, 2 and 7.
What is sketching?
We talked about the idea of sketching graphs, and why it is such a vital skill,
in the Chapter 7. It is because the brain is far better at dealing with pictures
than it is with abstract concepts.
By sketching a curve, as opposed to plotting it, we mean making a drawing
of it that captures the key features, for example where it crosses the
coordinate axes. It doesn’t need to be particulary neat, but if it’s too small or
untidy it will be difficult to use. Always draw a sketch in pencil, so you can
correct or improve it if you need to.
Strictly speaking a straight line is a polynomial of order 1.
We can identify
• which way up the curve is, from the sign of the x 2 coefficient;
6 x =2
B• • - x
−1 5
−5 •
y = −9
We’ll pick up the story from here. The maximum/minimum issue only
applies to quadratics; we are going to need calculus to find maximum and
minimum points for polynomials (see Chapter 10). We’ll be seeing how the
others apply—to polynomials in general.
It’s a cubic and its roots, i.e. where y = 0, are at x = −1, 2 and 4.
To find the y-intercept we don’t need to multiply out the brackets—just put
x = 0 into the formula: y = (1)(−2)(−4) = 8.
The function looks like this (notice the axes use different scales):
- x
−1 2 4
It’s a beautiful curve. More interesting than a quadratic curve. For example
the maximum and points do not lie midway between the roots. You can see
why this is: the curve at x = −1, for example, is noticeably steeper than it is at
x = 2, so the shape of the curve between these points is skewed to the left.
Similarly the curve between 2 and 4 is skewed to the right.
The cubic curve below has exactly the same roots, but it’s the other way up.
- x
−1 2 4
All we need to do is find the sign of the highest power of x. We think of it like
this: if we make x big enough the highest power will always dominate. Take
this function, for example
y = 50x + 10x 2 − x 3 .
We say “as x tends to infinity, y tend to minus infinity", writing it like this:
as x → ∞, y → −∞.
In our example the diagram below on the right applies.
Armed with the sign of the highest power of a function we can see which way
up the curve is. Check this for yourself with the curves on the previous page.
y y
6 6
-x -x
You may have spotted that this is a generalisation of what we found for
quadratics, where the highest power of x is 2.
positive x 2 coefficient ⇒ curve up this way up
Example 1
- x
−2 0 2
- x
− 21 3 5
We have made no attempt to keep to the scale on each axis. Imagine how
odd the graph would look if we did! It means we can’t use the sketch to infer
anything intuitive about distances or gradients. Rather like the map of the
London Underground, it’s purpose is to show key points and the relationships
between them, not the actual physical layout.
Example 2
−3 0 2 3
The highest power of x when the polynomial is multiplied out.
and so on. . .
• • -x
Two distinct roots
• • -x
Two distinct roots
- but getting closer to each other
• -x
Two equal roots
We can think of the equation (x − 3)2 = 0 as having one root, x = 3. But, as the
graphs show, it is rather more meaningful to think if it has having two roots,
both equal to 3.
We shall see that a polynomial can have any number of roots: a cubic can
have three, a quartic four etc. That means the scope for repeated, or multiple
roots is much greater.
In the top graph the function has three distinct roots.
In the middle graph we imagine the curve “straightening out" a bit, forcing
the three roots closer together.
In the bottom graph they concur. The curve approaches from the left with
negative values, levels out, and then switches to positive values.
• • • - x
Three distinct roots
• • • - x
Three distinct roots
- but getting closer together
• - x
Three equal roots
A triple root like this looks like a single root, except that the curve flattens out
at the root, i.e. it has zero gradient at that point.
Of course we could go on forever with this, but we’ll end with a quick look
quadruple roots.
• • • •
Four distinct roots
Four equal roots
Yes, you guessed it, it ends up looking very much like a double root. The
curve is flatter than at a double root, but it’s not possible to show this clearly
on a sketch.
Sketch these functions, in each case marking where the curve crosses the
y = x 2, y = x 3, y = x 4, y = x 5.
y = x2 y = x3
6 6
-x -x
y = x4 y = x5
6 6
-x -x
Example 3
(a) This polynomial is a cubic,
which when multiplied out
would start 6
y = 4x 3 . . .
which tells us which way up it is.
It has a single root at x = 0 and a
double one at 32 . - x
0 3
So the function must looks like
(b) The coefficient of x 4 is −1
and the function factorises to 6
y = x 2 (4 + x)(4 − x)
so it has single roots at ±4 and a
double root at the origin.
The function must look like this: −4 0 4
(c) The coefficient of x is 3. 6
So far in this chapter our quadratic function had two roots; our cubic
functions have all had three roots and our quartic functions four roots. We
know from our study of quadratics that this is not necessarily the case. The
order of the polynomial corresponds to the maximum number of roots.
Take this cubic function
y = (x − 2)(x 2 + 1).
Since the second bracket doesn’t have any solutions, the curve only has one
root. The coefficient of x 3 is positive (and the y-intercept is negative) so the
curve must look something like this
- x
0 2
We can’t tell at this stage exactly where the “humps" are: they may both be to
the right of the y-axis, or both to the left. Calculus will allow us to pin this
down. (So we’ll return to this function in Chapter 10 to find out.)
Another example:
y = (x + 3)2 (2x 2 + 1).
Because 2x 2 + 1 = 0 has no roots this quartic has only two roots, both at
x = −3. You can probably pick out the coefficient of x 4 in your head if we see
the function as
y = (x + 3)(x + 3)(2x 2 + 1).
It is +2. In the same way we can pick out the y-intercept:
y = (x + 3)(x + 3)(2x 2 + 1).
It is +9. So the curve look like this
- x
A cubic curve will always have to cross the x-axis somewhere: it has at least
one root.
Not so a quartic curve—it can escape altogether, just as quadratic curve can.
Two examples:
- x
Example 4
The graphs below show the curves of two cubic functions. Find their
(a) y
- x
−2 1
(b) y
- x
− 32 0 2
(1, −10)
(a) With a single root at −2 and a double root at 1 the equation of the curve
must be of the form
−6 = k(2)(−1)2 or − 6 = 2k,
so k = −3 and the equation is
y = −3(x + 2)(x − 1)2 .
Exercises 31
(a) y (b) y
6 6
-x - x
−2 1 −1 1 2
(c) y
6 (d )
(−1, 2) 6
-x −2 0 3
(c) For a polynomial of order 2n, what are the possible number of roots it can
have? For this polynomial, how many possibilities does this represent?
Solutions 31
1.(a) y (b) y
6 6
−2 4 -x
−2 4
2.(a) (b)
y y
6 6
-x -x
−3 −2 1 −3 −2 1
3.(a) y (b) y
6 6
- x
−1 0 1 - x
0 1
4.(a) y (b) y
6 6
- x - x
−3 0 1 −3 0 1
5.(a) y (b) y
6 6
-x -x
2 2
6.(a) (b) y
-x 0 6
0 6
7.(a) (b)
-x 3
−3 −1 0 1
8.(a) y (b) y
6 6
-x -x
0 1 0 1
10. Comparing brackets, (7 − 2x) = −(2x − 7) and (3 − x)3 = −(x − 3)3 , so the
functions are identical.
The curve of this function has three properties that set it apart from every
function we have met so far. Firstly it has two distinct parts or branches to
it; secondly it has two asymptotes (we’ll explain what these are later); thirdly
there is a value of x for which there is no corresponding value of y.
Here’s what the graph of y = looks like.
• ( 41 , 4)
• (1, 1)
• (2, 2 )
(−5, −0.2)
(−1, −1) •
In the formula for y, the bigger the value of x, the smaller the value of y—
because we are dividing 1 by a bigger and bigger number.
In the right hand branch the shape of the curve is consistent with this: points
further to the right have smaller y-coordinates. (In the left hand branch the
values of x with larger magnitude are further to the left.)
Another example. This is the graph of y =
• (1, 4)
• (2, 2)
• (4, 1)
(−8, − 21 )
(−2, −2) •
Can you see what the symmetries are? (See the footnote3 .)
The lines of symmetry are y = x and y = −x. The function also has rotational
symmetry of order 2 about the origin. (When rotating the curve about the origin
there are 2 two positions it could in that look identical.)
1 1
The curve of y = has many the features of y = .
x2 x
It differs in that the function is positive for all values of x and the curve
approach the x-axis more rapidly as x gets larger (although it is hard to show
this clearly on a sketch).
• ( 21 , 4)
(−1, 1) • • (1, 1)
• (2, 4 )
• -x
(−5, 0.04)
Example 5
The curve y = passes through the point (4, 32 ).
Find the value of k and determine where the curve crosses the line y = x − 1.
By substitution 3 k
= ⇒ k = 6.
2 4
The curve is y = , and this crosses the line y = x − 1 where
x −1 =
x2 − x − 6 = 0
(x − 3)(x + 2) = 0.
Example 6
Show that the line y + 2x = 8 is a tangent to the curve x y = 8 and find the
point where it touches.
Use a symmetry argument to determine the equation of the other tangent to
the curve which has the same gradient.
To find where they meet we can substitute y = 8 − 2x into the equation of the
x(8 − 2x) = 8
0 = 2x 2 − 8x + 8
0 = x 2 − 4x + 4
(x − 2)2 = 0.
The equation has equal roots so the line is a tangent, touching where x = 2,
i.e. at. (2, 4).
(2, 4)
(−2, −4)
By symmetry the other tangent will touch at (−2, −4), and since its gradient
is −2, its equation must be
y + 4 = −2(x + 2)
y + 4 = −2x − 4
y = −2x − 8
or y + 2x + 8 = 0.
Example 7 [Ignore this example if you haven’t yet met the equation of a circle.]
x4 − a2x2 + 1 = 0
But finding where the curves meet corresponds to solving the equations
Substituting y = into the equation of the circle we have
x2 + = a2
which can be written
x 4 − a 2 x 2 + 1 = 0.
So this equation must have 0, 2 or 4
The easiest way to find when there are y
no roots is to look at a borderline case. 6
The middle circle
touches both branches of the curve
y= . (1, 1)
By symmetry we can see that it does so
at (1, 1) and (−1, −1). Any circle smaller
won’t cut the curve so won’t yield any (−1, −1)
p Pythagoras the points of contact are
2 units from the origin, so the equation
has no roots when the radius ap< 2, or
to be more precise when |a| < 2.
There is a language issue to clarify. Strictly speaking when the circle touches
the curve there are still 4 roots—split into two equal pairs. This is why the
question says “distinct roots": depending on the value of r the equation has
0, 2 or 4 distinct, i.e. numerically different, roots.
An asymptote in the graph of a function is a line4 that the curve gets closer
and closer to, but never reaches.
The curve y = x has two asymptotes: the coordinate axes.
If we imagine extending the x-axis, say as far as x = 100, the the point on the
curve with this x-coordinate has y-coordinate equal to 0.01.
(100, 0.01)
• -x
No matter how far we go the curve will never cross the x-axis. Because the
same thing happens whether we make x a very large positive number or a
very large negative number, we simply say: as x tends to infinity, y tends to
zero. Or more concisely
as x → ∞, y → 0.
The other asymptote is the y-axis. Let’s make the value of x close to zero. For
example x = 0.001, the value of y would be 1000, and so on. In this case
as x → 0, y → ∞.
For our purpose here it will be a straight line; an asymptote can be a curve.
y y
y y
Can you see that all except one of the curves has two asymptotes?
By drawing two sketches on the same graph, say how many solutions (roots)
there are to each of these equations.
1 1 1 1 1
(a) x − 1 = x 2 (b) x = x 2 + 3 (c) x 2 = 10 − x (d) 100 x +1 = x
The answers are on the next page. If you are not sure where to start, there is a
hint in the footnote5 .
5 1 1
The solutions of the equation x − 1 = are where y = x − 1 and y = meet.
x x
y y
(c) 3 solutions
(d) 2 solutions.
y 1
The line y = 100 x +1
Will eventually meet the
curve again (at a point just
below the x-axis).
The best way to describe the transformations is to see what effect they have
on a simple function like
y f (x) = x 2 − 4.
6 This is a quadratic function; its
curve is a parabola, which has an
axis of symmetry—in this case the
line x = 0.
When we have done that we’ll look in detail at how it applies to a whole
range of different functions, including ones that have asymptotes.
Two translations
(i) y = f (x) + a Translation a distance +a parallel to the y-axis
(ii) y = f (x + a) Translation a distance −a parallel to the x-axis
Two stretches
(iii) y = a f (x) Stretch scale factor a parallel to the y-axis
(iv) y = f (ax) Stretch scale factor a parallel to the x-axis
Two reflections
(v) y = − f (x) Reflection in the x-axis
(vi) y = f (−x) Reflection in the y-axis
We shall see that transforming a curve is best seen as moving all the points
on the curve, rather than moving the curve as a whole. The “destination" for
each point we call its image.
Actually two of them are just special cases of two of the others. But they have a
different name and it’s simplest to treat them separately.
Starting with a function y = f (x) we add some constant value a to it. The
effect is to increase every y value by a.
y = f (x) → y = f (x) + 3.
y = f (x) y = f (x) + 3
6= x 2 − 4 6= x 2 − 1
-x -x
−2 2 −1 1
Notice how the y-intercept has move up 3. At the same time the roots have
moved closer to the origin, to exactly where we expect them to be: at the
solutions of x 2 − 1 = 0.
y = f (x) → y = f (x) − 5.
y = f (x) y = f (x) − 5
6= x 2 − 4 6= x 2 − 9
-x -x
−2 2 −3 3
We have marked the new y-intercepts in each case, and the new roots. Satisfy
yourself that they are correct.
8.3.2 Translation y = f (x + a)
This moves the curve a units to the left (parallel to the x-axis).
In the formula for f (x), we replace every occurrence of x with x + a.
How come the translation is in the opposite direction to the one we’d expect?
It seems to be inconsistent with translation in the y direction. When we’ve
finished describing how all the transformations work, we’ll exlain why there
is actually no inconsistency at all.
y = f (x) → y = f (x + 2).
y = f (x)
6= x 2 − 4
−2 2
C 2
y = f (x + 2)
6 = (x + 2)2 − 4
= x 2 + 4x
−4 0
Moving the function y = f (x) to the left 2 units will move the two roots to −4
and 0.
This is consistent with the fact that the roots of y = f (x +2) = x(x +4) are x = 0
and x = −4.
y = f (x) → y = f (x − 1).
y = f (x)
6= x 2 − 4
−2 2
1 B
y = f (x − 1)
6= (x − 1)2 − 4
= x 2 − 2x − 3
−1 3
f (x) = x 2 − 4.
y = f (x) → y = 2 f (x).
y = f (x) y = 2 f (x)
6= x − 4 2
6= 2(x − 4)
• (3, 10)
• (3, 5)
-x ×2 -x
−2 2 −2 2
y = f (x) → y = 15 f (x).
y = f (x) y = 15 f (x)
6= x − 4 1
6= 5 (x 2 − 4)
• (3, 5)
• (3, 1)
-x × 15 -x
−2 2 −2 2
5 − 45
The roots remain at 2 and −2. for example the image of (3, 5) is (3, 1) and the
y-intercept moves to (0, − 45 ).
y = f (x) → y = f (3x).
y = f (x)
6= x − 4
• (3, 5)
−2 2
× 31
y = f (3 x)
6= (3x) − 4
= 9x 2 − 4
• (1, 5)
− 23 2
y = 9x 2 − 4.
¡1 ¢
y = f (x) → y=f 2x .
y = f (x)
6= x − 4
• (3, 5)
−2 2
y = f 12 x
¡ ¢
6= x 2 − 4
¡ ¢
= 4 −4
• (6, 5)
−4 4
y= − 4.
Let’s look at y = − f (x) first. Starting with a function y = f (x) we change the
sign of every y value. The effect is to reflect the curve in the x-axis. Points on
the x-axis, i.e. any roots, remain unchanged.
To show reflections graphically we’e going to use the function
y = f (x) = x(x − 4)
y = f (x) → y = − f (x).
y = f (x) y = − f (x)
6= x(x − 4) 6= −x(x − 4)
(2, 4)
-x -x
0 4 0 4
(2, −4)
The roots are unchanged but the vertex moves from (2, −4) to its reflection in
the x-axis, i.e. (2, 4).
y = f (x) → y = f (−x).
y = f (x)
6= x(x − 4) = x 2 − 4x
0 4
(2, −4)
4 5
y = f (− x)
6 = (−x)2 − 4(−x)
= x 2 + 4x
−4 0
(−2, −4)
y = 0 ⇒ x(x + 4) = 0 ⇒ x = 0 or x = −4.
(i) y = f (x) + a Translation +a parallel to the y-axis
(ii) y = f (x + a) Translation −a parallel to the x-axis
(iii) y = a f (x) Stretch scale factor a parallel to the y-axis A
(iv) y = f (ax) Stretch scale factor a parallel to the x-axis
Reflections A
At GCSE level you will have met the enlargement transformation. This is
equivalent to two stretches with the same scale factor—one in the x
direction and one in the y direction.
In each case describe the effect of the transformation on the graph of the
(a) y = x 2 − 5 → y = x2 − 3
(b) y = x 2 → y = (x + 6)2
(c) y = x 2 + 1 → y = 4x 2 + 4
(d) y = x 2 → y = 25
(e) y = 3x 2 − 1 → y = 1 − 3x 2
(f) y = x 2 (1 + x) → y = x 2 (1 − x)
The answers are in the footnote8 .
Example 8
P (2, 3)
−2 0 6
In each case decide what transformation is involved, and work out what that
transformation does to the points marked on the graph. (For the sake of
clarity we have shown the original curve y = f (x) together with the
transformed curve. You won’t need to do this.)
y = f (x − 2)
(4, 3)
−2 0 6 8
y = 3 f (x)
6 (2, 9)
−2 0 6
(−2, 3)
−6 −2 0 2 6
(d) Stretch scale factor 2
parallel to the x-axis.
y = f (2x)
(1, 3)
−2 −1 0 3 6
Example 9
x(x + 2)(x − 2) = 0,
- x
−2 0 2
- x
0 2 4
Although the question hasn’t asked us to, we can verify the positions of these
roots algebraically:
Example 10
First let’s translate the vertex from the origin to (2, 1).
y = f (x) = x 2 y
6 6
(2, 1)
- x - x
The curve has been translated +2 unit parallel to the x-axis and +1units
parallel to the y-axis, so the transformed function is
y = f (x − 2) + 1
= (x − 2)2 + 1
= x 2 − 4x + 5
We can see from this that the curve passes through (0, 5) as required.
(b) The curve looks like this:
• (1, 1)
- x
the resultof a stretch scale factor 2 parallel to the x-axis.
This corresponds to the transformation x → 2x, and the new function is
y = (2x)2 − 4(2x) + 5 = 4x 2 − 8x + 5.
Example 11
(i) We can start with the curve y = , which has the axes as asymptotes.
If we translate this curve “down" 1 unit, we have y = −1 .
The “horizontal" asymptote, formerly y = 0, is now y = −1. We can think of
the asymptote as moving with the curve.
y y
6 6
- x - x
1 1
(ii) The only difference between y = −1 and y = −1 is that the
x x+3
x has been replaced by x + 3.
1 1
Using function notation, if f (x) = −1, f (x + 3) = −1.
x x+3
So the next step is to translate the curve we found in (i) 3 units to the left,
which moves the “vertical" asymptote from x = 0 to x = −3. .
You may want to see if you can complete this for yourself before turning the
page. That includes pinning down where the curve crosses the axes.
5 C 3
−3 −2
− 23
1 2
Putting x = 0 into y = −1 gives y = − .
x+3 3
Putting y = 0 we have
0 = −1
x +3
0 = 1 − (x + 3)
x +3 = 1
x = −2
You will have noticed that positions of the key points in our diagram are not
particularly accurate. It’s a sketch: all we need is for the overall configuration
to be right (the relationship between the points), and for the coordinates of
key points to be marked. That includes the position of any asymptotes.
Example 12
0 Q R
(2, −3)
[You may recall that the vertex of the curve y = (x − a)2 + b is at (a, b)
confirming that the vertex is at (2, −3).]
It remains to find the positions of P , Q and R.
For the y-intercept we need g (0), where g (x) = x 2 − 4x + 1. P is (0, 1).
We can find Q and R from g (x) = 0 using the completed square:
(x − 2)2 = 3
x −2 = ± 3
x = 2± 3
p p
P is 2 − 3, Q is 2 + 3.
p p
Do these look about right? Well, 3 ≈ 1.732, so 2 − 3 is a small positive
number— which is consistent with the sketch.
We have line symmetry too: the axis of the parabola should be exactly
midway between the roots, which it is.
Example 13
The graph shows the function y = x.
- x
(i) Sketch the curve y = − x.
(ii) On a separate graph, sketch the two curves
p p
y = x + 1 and y = 2 x + 1.
Notice that the curve only exists to the right of the y-axis. This makes sense
because we can’t take the square root of a negative number.
The curve is also unusual in another way. Look at the way it behaves at the
origin: the gradient there is infinite. None of this affects how we treat the
function when transforming it.
(i) This is the reflection of y = x in the x-axis.
- x
p p
(ii) If f (x) = x, y = x + 1 = f (x + 1), i.e. f (x) translated −1 unit parallel to
the x-axis. It crosses axes at (−1, 0) and (0, 1).
y = 2 x + 1 is this curve strteched by a scale factor 2 parallel to the y-axis.
- x
−1 0
y = sin x
per i od -
ampl i t ud e
BB ? - x
−180◦ 0 ◦
180 ◦
360 ◦
540 ◦ 6 720◦
ampl i t ud e
−1 ?
−4 −2 2 4 6 8
First we will look at the trig functions, and the effect of transforming them.
After that we will return to consider other periodic functions.
Not all periodic functions have an amplitude. An example would be the tan function.
The period is 6.
Example 14
- x
−180◦ −90 ◦
0 ◦
90 ◦
180 ◦
270 ◦
J 1
- x
−180◦ −90◦ 0 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦
x = 270◦ + 360n ◦ , where n is an integer (which can be positive, negative or zero).
y = 3 sin x = 3 f (x)
- x
−180◦ −90◦ 0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦
The y-coordinate of each point on the curve has been trebled, so the function
takes values between −3 and +3, leaving the roots unchanged.
We can imagine the graph drawn on sheet of rubber, which is stretched in
both directions (parallel to the y-axis), while leaving the x-axis in the same
The period remains at 360◦ .
The amplitude is 3 units.
(iii) sin 2x = f (2x), so we need to stretch f (x) by a scale factor 2
parallel to
the x-axis.
This is much less intuitive than parts (i) and (ii). Rather than thinking of
transforming the curve as a whole, it is safer to
To do this you need to start with a careful sketch of y = sin x, with some of
the key points labelled, like the ones marked below. (If the sketch is too
rough you won’t be able to see what’s going on.)
y = f (x) = sin x
1 •
J• • •
- x
−180◦ −90 ◦
0◦ 90 ◦
180◦ 270 ◦
−1 •
Under the transformation, the distance of each dot from the y-axis is halved.
y = f (x) = sin x
1 •
J • • • •
- x
−180◦ −90◦ 0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270 ◦
•−1 •
y = f (2x) = sin 2x
1 •
B• • • • - x
−180 −90◦ 0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦
−1 •
Copy this sketch and complete the curve, so it goes from −180◦ to +360◦ .
The formula for the position of all the roots is very simple: 90n ◦ where n is
an integer.
The effect of the transformation has been to halve the period from 360◦ to
180◦ . The amplitude remains unchanged at 1.
- x
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
−180 −90 0 30 90 180 270 360
Example 15
Method 1
Start with the function y = f (x) = cos x. Apply the transformation
x → x + 45◦ , giving the function g (x) = f (x + 45◦ ) = cos(x + 45◦ ).
Now apply the transformation x → 2x to g (x), giving the final function
h(x) = g ( 21 x) = cos( 12 x + 45◦ ).
In other words a translation of −45◦ parallel to the x-axis, followed by a
stretch scale factor 2 in the x-direction.
Under the translation (90◦ , 0) moves to (45◦ , 0), and (0, 1) moves to (−45◦ , 1).
Under the stretch (45◦ , 0) goes back to (90◦ , 0), (225◦ , 0) moves to (450◦ , 0) and
(−45◦ , 1) moves to (−90◦ , 1).
y = cos(x + 45◦ ) y = cos x
• 1• @
• • - x
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
−270 −180 −90 0 90◦ 180 ◦
270 ◦
360 ◦
450 ◦
y = cos( 21 x + 45◦ ) 6
y = cos(x + 45◦ )
@ • • 1
• • • •
- x
−270 −180◦ −90◦ 0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦ 450◦
Method 2
Suppose we choose to do the stretch first, i.e.x → 21 x, and we have
g (x) = f ( 12 x) = cos( 21 x).
So far so good—or so it seems.
Now we apply the transformation x → x + 45◦ , giving
h(x) = g (x + 45◦ ) = cos( 12 (x + 45◦ )) = cos( 12 x + 22.5◦ ).
To correct this the translation needs to be x → x + 90◦ —hardly the most
obvious transformation. Then
h(x) = g (x + 90◦ ) = cos( 12 (x + 90◦ )) = cos( 12 x + 45◦ ).
With the sin and cos functions stretch before translating.
Construct the curve for yourself, using Method 2. The solution is on the next
y = cos( 12 x) y = cos x
• • • • • •
- x
−180 −90◦ 0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦ B ◦
450 540◦
Under the stretch (−90◦ , 0) moves to (−180◦ , 0), (90◦ , 0) moves to (180◦ , 0) and
(270◦ , 0) moves to (540◦ , 0).
y = cos( 21 x + 45◦ ) 6
@ • 1 •
• • •
- x
◦ −180
◦ −90◦ 0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦ 450◦ 540◦
Under the translation (0, 1) moves to (−45◦ , 1), (180◦ , 0) moves to (90◦ , 0) and
(540◦ , 0) moves to (450◦ , 0).
x-direction y-direction
x-direction y-direction
Starting with y = f (x) Starting with y = f (x)
x → 13 x y → 31 y
giving giving
y = f 13 x
¡ ¢
y = f (x)
or y = 3 f (x)
This approach will always work, although you may prefer to stick with the one
you are used to.
In the next, and final, example it is the only possible approach .
Example 16
The circle C 0 is
2x 2 + 2y 2 + 7y − 1 = 0.
C 0 is translated a distance +3 parallel to the x-axis and −1 parallel to the
y-axis, to form a new circle C 1 .
(a) Find the equation of C 1 .
(b) Show that C 0 crosses the x-axis but C 1 does not.
(a) We could write the equation in the form (x − a)2 + (y − b)2 = r 2 , find the
position of the new centre, move that centre and hence find the new
equation. The coefficients in this case would make that a bit heavy going.
The much simpler approach is to apply the two transformations
x → x − 3 and y → y +1
to the equation of C 0 .
The equation of C 1 is
(b) If we knew where the centre of C 0 was, and its radius, we could easily find
the answer.
There is a much simpler way. Suppose we set about finding where each of
them crosses the axis, by putting y = 0 into their equations.
C0 : 2x 2 − 1 = 0 ⇒ x = ±p .
So C 0 does, and we have found where. Turning to C 1 ,
C1 : 2x 2 − 12x + 27 = 0.
For this circle to cross the x-axis this quadratic equation needs to have real
roots, in other words its discriminant must be positive or zero.
Exercises 32
1. In each case describe precisely the transformation that changes the curve
y = f (x) into y = g (x) (drawn in blue).
(a) y (b) y
6 6
3 3
-x -x
−5 −2 2 5
(c) y (d ) y
6 6
-x -x
5 10 5 10
(e) y (f ) y
6 6
4 4
-x -x
(iv) y = f (−x)
(v) y = f (x − 4)
y=x The diagram shows the curve
6 2
y =
Copy the graph and on the
same diagram sketch the curve
-x y =
x +3
Write down the equations of
the asymptotes.
Find the positions of any
points where the curve crosses
the coordinate axes.
The graph shows the function
6 y = f (x). The function has roots
at x = −2 and x = 8.
A(3, 4)
It has a maximum point at (3, 4).
In separate diagrams sketch the
-x curves
−2 8 (i) y = − f (x)
(ii) y = f (2x)
On each diagram mark the roots of f (x) = 0 and the image of A.
8. The graph show a function y = f (x), which takes the value 3 for all values of x
except those in the interval 2 < x < 6. The scale on each axis is the same.
y On separate graphs sketch
6 the functions
(a) y = 13 f (x)
(b) y = f (x + 4)
(c) y = f 12 x .
¡ ¢
9. L is the line y = . Show that the point (1, 2) lies on L.
Find the equation of the line parallel to L that passes through (−4, 2).
On separate diagrams,
sketch the curves
(a) y = x 2 −1
(b) y = x 2 −4x+4 .
- x
0 P
19. Find the equation of the ellipse that passes through the points
(6, 0), (0, 3), (−6, 0) and (0, −3).
[There is a hint in the footnote14 .]
Stretch a circle.
Solutions 32
1. (a) translation −6 // y−axis (b) reflection in y − axi s or translation +3 // x-axis
(c) stretch s.f. 2 // x-axis (d) translation +5 // x-axis
(e) reflection in x-axis or stretch s.f. −1 // y-axis
(f) stretch s.f. 2 // y-axis
(c) g (x) = f 21 x
¡ ¢
2. (a) g (x) = f (x) − 6 (b) g (x) = f (−x) or f (x − 3)
(d) g (x) = f (x − 5) (e) g (x) = − f (x) (f) g (x) = 2 f (x)
5. P Q R
(i) (−4, 5) (0, 2) (2, 0)
(ii) (−4, 9, ) (0, 0) (2, −6)
(iii) (−8, 3) (0, 0) (4, −2)
(iv) (4, 3) (0, 0) (−2, −2)
(v) (0, 3) (4, 0) (6, −2)
−3 - x
The curve y = x+3 is shown in blue.
The curve crosses the y-axis at (0, 32 ).
Asymptotes: y = 0 and x = −3.
-x -x
−2 8 −1 4
A(3, −4)
8. (a) (b)
y y
6 6
-x -x
(c) y
9. y= 5
The line through (−4, 2) is L translated −5 // x-axis. i.e. f (x) → f (x + 5).
10. (a) (b) y
x −1
y +2 = 6
(x − 3)2
= 4
(x − 3)2
(x − 3)2 =
2 1
x x −3 = ±
3 2
5 7
x =
2 2
Notice that it is easier to rearrange the equation this way than to multiply
through by (x − 3)2 .
1 1+x−1 x x (x−1)+1 1 1
12. +1 = = . Or = = +
x−1 x−1 x−1 x−1 x−1 x−1 x−1
13. (a) x = 4 [multiply both sides by x 2 ] (b) |k| ≤
1 4
The equation = + k can be written kx 2 − x + 4 = 0.
x x2
This has roots provided the discriminant is non-negative, i.e. 1 − 16k ≥ 0
- x - x
−1 1
y = x2 −1 Asymptotes: x = 0 and y = −1.
6 x = ±2.
[Crosses x-axis where x 2 − 1= 0]
4 4
y = (x−2)2 Let f (x) = x 2 .
6 Since x 2 − 4x + 4 = (x − 2)2
the curve is
y = g (x) = f (x − 2).
Asymptotes: y = 0, x = 2.
y = g (0) = 1.
17. There is no need to find a and b. We can simply transform the circle.
(i) reflection (in y-axis) x → −x, giving 3x 2 + 3y 2 − 5x − y + 2 = 0 .
(i) translation y → y − 2, giving 3x 2 + 3y 2 + 5x − 13y + 4 = 0 .
18. P is (2, 0). [The smallest value x can take for the square root to be possible.]
p p p
PQ = 90 = 3 10. [At Q, 3 = x − 2, or 9 = x − 2. So Q is (11, 3).]
p p
Let f (x) = x − 2, then 2x − 2 = f (2x). Stretch y = f (x) s.f. 21 // x-axis.
The image of Q is ( 11
, 3).
Q(11, 3)
- x
0 1 2
19. Start with the circle centre the origin radius 3, i.e. x 2 + y 2 = 9.
If we stretch this s.f. 2 // x-axis we get the required ellipse: x → 12 x.
+ y 2 = 9 which simplifies to x 2 + 4y 2 = 36.
We can check this is correct by finding where it crosses the axes.
• Transforming functions.
Translations y = f (x) + a and y = f (x + a)
Stretches y = a f (x) and y = f (ax)
Reflections (in the coordinate axes) y = − f (x) and y = f (−x)
The importance of focussing on the transformation of individual
points rather than broad changes.
The effect that transforming has on roots, intersections with the axes,
minimum and minimum points and asymptotes.
9.1 Binomial coefficients
Expanding expressions like (a + b)n for values of n > 2 without multiplying
out lots brackets. Pascal’s triangle.
(a + b)1 = 1
(a + b)2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2
(a + b)3 = a 3 + 3a 2 b + 3ab 2 + b 3
(a + b)4 = a 4 + 4a 3 b + 6a 2 b 2 + 4ab 3 + b 4
(a + b)5 = a 5 + 5a 4 b + 10a 3 b 2 + 10a 2 b 3 + 5ab 4 + b 5
We’ve highlighted the coefficients in red (apart from the implied 1’s at each
end). These are binomial coefficients.
As you go from one term to the next, the power of a decreases by 1 and the
power of b increases by 1. (This applies everywhere because a 0 = b 0 = 1.)
The way the coefficients are formed is less simple. There is a way of deriving
them from the row above. For example in the last row, each of the 10’s is the
sum of the 4 and the 6 above it; similarly with the 5’s (because the coefficients
of a 4 and b 4 are 1)1 .
It follows that the expansion of (a + b)6 is
But to get to an expansion of (a + b)n we would rather not have to write out
the previous n − 1 expansions.
The binomial coefficients form what is referred to as Pascal’s triangle after the
extraordinarily gifted French Mathematician, Physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal who
lived in the middle of the 17th century and died at the age of 39.
Before we simplify this look at the pattern2 . The powers of x increase from x 0
to x 5 , i.e. 6 terms altogether. The coefficients (ignoring the first term for the
moment) are fractions in which the numerator starts with 5 and is
progressively multiplied a number that is one less (5, 5.4, 5.4.3, etc).
Similarly the denominator starts with 1 and is progressivelty multiplied by a
number that is one more. The process ends when numerator and
denominator are the same. Simplifying, we have
2 2
5 5 5.4 2 5.4 .3 3 5.4 .3 .2 4 5 .4 .3 .2 .1 5
(1 + x) = 1+ x + x + x + x + x
1 1.2 1.2 .3 1.2 .3 .4 1.2 .3 .4 .5
= 1 + 5 x + 10 x 2 + 10 x 3 + 5 x 4 + x 5
You’ll see this is consistent with our expansion of (a + b)5 , with a = 1 and
b = x.
Remember when we have integers we can write 5.4 instead of 5 × 4.
Following this pattern will enable you be able to expand any bracket raised to
any power n 3 . You will even be able to have more than two terms inside the
bracket. But first a couple more examples.
3 3.2 2 3.2.1
(1 + x)3 = 1 + x+ x + x 3
1 1.2 1.2.3
= 1 + 3x + 3x 2 + x 3
Check the rest of the cancelling in the last example to see that you agree.
Secondly, we know that there are n + 1 terms in the expansion e.g. there are
7 terms in the expansion of (1 + x)6 . If n is even there are an odd number of
terms so we get a “middle” term, whose coefficient is different from all the
others (in the case n = 6 it is 20). If n is odd there is no “middle” term; every
coefficient has a “twin” (as in the case n = 3 or n = 3).
Look at the expansions of (a + b)n on the previous page and see this is always
the case.
We point these features out not just because it is interesting, but because we
can use them as quick and simple checks after we have done an expansion.
Do I have the right number of terms (i.e. n + 1)? Do they come in matching
pairs? If not, I must have slipped up somewhere.
Here we will confine ourselves to the case where n is a positive integer.
Example 1
(1 + X )5 = 1 + 5 X + 10 X 2 + 10 X 3 + 5 X 4 + X 5
so (1 + (−2x))5 = 1 + 5 (−2x) + 10 (−2x)2 + 10 (−2x)3 + 5 (−2x)4 + (−2x)5
= 1 − 10x + 10(4x 2 ) + 10(−8x 3 ) + 5(16x 4 ) + (−32x 5 )
= 1 − 10x + 40x 2 − 80x 3 + 80x 4 − 32x 5
Substituting x =
10 40 80 80 32
= 1− + 2 − 3 + 4 − 5
4 4 4 4 4
1 1
Writing 4 as 22 gives the required series.
¡ 1 ¢5
But we know that this is the expansion of (1 − 2x)5 with x = 4 , i.e. 2 .
Example 2
In the expansion of 1 + x2
It is good see that the general formula looks right. At this stage it is sufficient;
to answer exam questions you don’t need to know why this always gives the
correct coefficients.
For those of you who want to understand why, or are mystified as to why the
first term doesn’t appear to follow the same pattern, there is an explanation
on the next page. If you are content to take it all on trust you can safely skip
that page.
(1 + x)5 = 5
C 0 +5 C 1 x + 5C 2 x 2 +5 C 3 x 3 +5 C 4 x 4 +5 C 5 x 5
Notice that in this notation every coefficient follows the same pattern,
including the first term, which in the notation we have been using seems not
We shall tend not to use to use the first two notations, although it is the third
one that a calculator will use if it has a button for calculating binomial
7! =
n! = . . . . . . (n − 1)n
We have cheekily glossed over the first ¡5¢ and ¡5¢last terms of the binomial
expansion in this notation. How come = = 1, for example?
0 5
¡5¢ ¡5¢ 5!
According to the formula = = .
0 5 5! 0!
But for this to equal 1 we would need 0! = 1. Strange though it may seem it is:
0! = 1. The reason is that the definition for the factorial function that we gave
you only applies to integers ≥ 1.
If you are interested to know what the general definition is, and therefore
how 0! = 1, see the next section. It is an optional (blue) section. There is
nothing in it that you need to know.
¡n ¢
The formula for has an interesting feature. Look at the formula for
¡ n ¢ r
n−r à ! à !
n n! n! n
= = =
n −r (n − r )![n − (n − r )]! (n − r )!r ! r
In this case n is odd, so there are an even number of terms. If n is even there
are an odd number of terms and there is a “middle" term. For example
à ! à ! à ! à ! à ! à ! à !
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(1 + x)6 = + x+ x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x
0 1 2 3 2 1 0
(i) 0.230 (ii) 0.128 (iii) 0.001
We can clear up here the fact that in the expansion formula we described
earlier, the constant terms at the front doesn’t appear to follow the same
¡n ¢
It does, if you remember that 0 = 1, for any n.
¡n ¢
Why does 0 = 1? It is the number of what of selecing no x’s. And there is
only one way to do that, namely by only selecting 1’s.
¡5¢ 5.4
¡5¢ 5
But wait a minute, I hear you say, if 2 = 1.2 and 1 = 1 what on earth does
¡5¢ ¡n ¢
the fraction 0 look like? The answer lies in knowing where the r fraction
comes from.
¡n ¢ n!
¡5¢ 5!
= (n−r )!r ! , so for example 3 = 2!3! =
= 3.2.1 .
¡5¢ ¡5¢ 5!
That means 0 = 5 = 5!0! = 1, because 0! = 1.
But wait, I hear you say again, how can 0! be 1?
(n+1)! 1!
Because n! can defined as n+1 , which allows us to define 0! = 1 = 1, and
this keeps everything consistent.
The coefficients are the same in both cases, but in (y + x)5 there are
decreasing powers of y as well as the increasing powers of x. The result is
that the sum of the powers of x and y is always n (in this case 5):
y 5 x 0 , y 4 x 1 , y 3 x 2 etc.
Generalising for any n
Example 3
Method 1
4 44 3 4.3 2 2 4. 3.2
(2 + x) = 2 + 2 x+ 2 x + 2.x + x
1 1.2 1.
= 16 + 32x + 24x 2 + 8x 3 + x 4
= 16 + 32x + 24x 2 + 8x 3 + x 4
Method 2
= 16 + 32x + 24x 2 + 8x 3 + x 4
In line 2 it is easy to forget to raise the 2 to the power 4 when taking it out of
the square bracket.
Notice also, in the penultimate line, we have left the denominators as powers
of 2, rather than cancelling, anticipating that each term will have to be
multiplied by 24 .
Method 1 is quicker, but to use it you have to remember how to insert the
powers of 2.
Example 4
Method 1
3 3.2 3.2.1
(2a + 3b)3 = (2a)3 + (2a)2 (3b) + (2a)(3b)2 + (3b)3
1 1.2 1.2.3
= (2a)3 + 3 (2a)2 (3b) + 3 (2a)(3b)2 + (3b)3
Method 2
3b 3
· µ ¶¸
(2a + 3b) = 2a 1 +
· µ ¶¸3
3 3b
= (2a) 1 +
· µ ¶ µ ¶2 µ ¶3 ¸
3 3b 3b 3b
= (2a) 1 + 3 +3 +
2a 2a 2a
Again, notice that it is better not to simplify or cancel too early, because we
are going to have to multiply through by a power of (2a). Keeping it in the
form we have it on the third and fourth lines also means we can still see the
pattern with all its symmetries, helping us to spot errors. (There’s a lot to
think about so it’s easy to slip up.)
Example 5
We will use Method 1. You may want to try it for yourself using Method 2.
6 6.5 4 6 .5.4 3
[3 + (−2x)]6 = 36 + 35 (−2x) + 3 (−2x)2 + 2 (−2x)3 + . . .
1 1.2 1. 2.3
Strictly speaking we need not have written down the first 3 terms of the
expansion, but we normally do, even though we don’t have to simplify them.
1. (a) 1 + 8x + 28x 2 + 56x 3 (b) 1 + 10x + 45x 2 + 120x 3 (c) 1 − 6x + 15x 2 − 20x 3
(d) 1 + 10x + 40x 2 + 80x 3 (e) 1 + 3x + 15 2 5 3
4 x + 2x
2. (a) 64+192x+240x 2 +160x 3 (b) 256−256x+384x 2 −16x 3 (c) 32+240x+720x 2 +1080x 3
(d) a 8 − 8a 7 b + 28a 6 b 2 − 56a 5 b 3 (e) 16y 4 + 16y 3 x + 6y 2 x 2 + y x 3
Example 6
so (3 − x)(1 + 2x)6 = 3(1 + 12x + 60x 2 + 160x 3 . . .) − x(1 + 12x + 60x 2 + 160x 3 . . .)
= (3 + 36x + 180x 2 + 480x 3 . . .) − (x + 12x 2 + 60x 3 . . .)
= 3 + 35x + 168x 2 + 420x 3 . . .
Example 7
Going through them one by one, you’ll see we’ve used several shortcuts.
1. Having multiplied out (x + 2x 2 )2 , we use the result to find (x + 2x 2 )3 and
(x + 2x 2 )4 .
2. At every stage we ignore terms involving powers of x higher than 4. The
further down we go the more of these there are. When we get to (x + 2x 2 )4 , it
gives us single term: x 4 .
(x + 2x 2 )2 = x 2 + 4x 3 + 4x 4 = x 2 + 4x 3 + 4x 4
(x + 2x 2 )3 = (x + 2x 2 )(x 2 + 4x 3 + 4x 4 ) = x(x 2 + 4x 3 . . .) + 2x 2 (x 2 + . . .)
= x 3 + 4x 4 + 2x 4 + . . . = x 3 + 6x 4 + . . .
(x + 2x 2 )4 = (x 2 + 4x 3 + 4x 4 )(x 2 + 4x 3 + 4x 4 ) = x 4 + . . .
Example 8
Example 9
This time it is the Y 2 X 4 term that is constant. It save times time if you
identifying in advance the term in which the x’s disappear. Failing that write
down an expression for each one until you get the one you are after (there ‘s
no need to simplify them all).
¡ ¢4
2 2 1
2 4
That term is Y X = 15 (3x ) = 15 × 9 = 135.
In these two examples, we have inroduced new variables X and Y . It’s not
essential to do so. It’s main purpose is very simple: there is a lot going on and
breaking it down like this reduces the likelihood of making a mistake. It’s not
just for beginners; we all slip up in our working sometimes, so don’t be afraid
to take it slowly.
Example 10
Rather than expand each one starting from scratch, it is quicker to expand
(a + b)3 and then substitute values for a and b.
3 2 3.2 2
(a + b)3 = a 3 + a b+ ab + b 3
1 1.2
= a 3 + 3 a 2 b + 3 ab 2 + b 3
Example 11
(1 + kx)n = 1 + n(kx)+ 1.2
(kx)2 + . . .
n(n−1) 2 2
= 1 + nkx+ 2
k x +...
n(n−1) 2
so nk = 18 and 2
k = 135.
This will typically require the use of other types of expansion than the binomial.
sin x
For example the expression p can be approximated by 1 − x + 12 x 2 − 31 x 3 if x is small.
1−x 2
Example 12
Use the binomial theorem to find the value of (1.02)8 , correct to four decimal
Without using a calculator use this result to show that 300 is equal to
approximately 2.04.
8.7 8.7.6
(1 + x)8 = 1 + 8x+ 1.2 x 2 + 1.2.3 x 3 + x 3 . . .
(1.02)8 ≈ 1.1716592 (notice we use all the available figures at this stage).
(2.04)8 = 28 × (1.02)8
≈ 256 × 1.1716592
≈ 299.95 (to 2 DP)
≈ 300
Example 13
Use the binomial theorem to find the value of (0.997)10 , correct to four
decimal places.
solution In writing out the coefficients of (1 − x)10 below we are making use
of the fact that (1 − x)n is identical to (1 + x)n except that the signs alternate
between + and −. (We could equally well have expanded (1 + x)10 and
substituted x = −0.003.)
10.9 10.9.8
(1 − x)10 = 1 − 10x + 1.2 x 2 − 1.2.3 x 3 + x 4 . . .
Exercises 33
6. Use the binomial theorem to find the value of each of these, correct to
four decimal places.
(a) (1.001)7 (b) (1.002)10 (c) (0.96)8
7. (i) Find all of the terms of the expansion of (1+2x)6 in ascending powers
of x.
(ii) Write down the corresponding expansion of (1 − 2x)6 .
(iii) Find the value of (1.02)6 + (0.98)6 , correct to four decimal places.
8. Expand (1+2x)5 . Use the result to write down the expansion of (1−2x)5 .
Solve the equation (1 + 2x)5 + (1 − 2x)5 = 82.
14. Factorise 1 − x 4 .
Hence, or otherwise, find the expansion of (1 + x 2 )3 (1 + x)3 (1 − x)3 .
24. Show that the first three terms in the expansion of (1 + ax + bx 2 )3 are
1 + 3ax + 3(b + a 2 )x 2 . Find the coefficient of x 3 in terms of a and b.
Hence, or otherwise, find the first four terms of the expansion of
(1 + ax − a 2 x 2 )3 .
28. Given
p that n ≥ 4, show that the coefficient of x 2 in the expansion of
(1 + 2x)n is n(n − 1).
Find the value of n for which the coefficients of x 2 and x 4 are equal.
By writing the equation in the form (1 + 4x)3 = 1 + 19x, find the other
two solutions.
35. When a fair coins tossed N times the probability that it lands on a Head
¡ N ¢ ¡ 1 ¢10
exactly M times is .
M 2
Find the probability of obtaining exactly 3 Heads from 10 tosses of the
Solutions 33
8. 1 + 10x + 40x 2 + 80x 3 + 80x 4 + 32x 5 , 1 − 10x + 40x 2 − 80x 3 + 80x 4 − 32x 5
x = ±p [2x 4 + x 2 − 1 = (2x 2 − 1)(x 2 + 1) = 0, or substitute y = x 2 ]
6.5.4 ¡ 1 ¢3
17. 20 [ 1.2.3 x 3 x
³ ´2
4.3 3
18. Third term in the expansion is 1.2 (x 2 )2 x2
= 54
4.3 ¡ ¢2
19. 24x 2 [3rd term is 1.2 x 4 − x2 = 24x 2 ]
27. (x + y)4 = x 4 + 4x 3 y + 6x 2 y 2 + 4x y 3 + y 4
a 2 = (x + y)2 = x 2 + y 2 + 2b
x 4 + y 4 = a 4 + 2b 2 − 4a 2 b [(x + y)4 = x 4 + y 4 + 4x y(x 2 + y 2 ) + 6(x y)2 ]
n(n−1) p 2
28. Coefft of x 2 is 2
( 2) = n(n − 1).
n = 5 [n(n − 1) = n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3)
4x 4 ⇒ (n − 2)(n − 3) = n 2 − 5n + 6 = 6]
29. (1 + x)4 = 1 + 4x + 6x 2 + 4x 3 + x 4
p p p p
Therefore (1 + 2)4 = 1 + 4 2 + 6(2) + 4(2 2) + 4 = 17 + 12 2
p p p q p p
3 + 2 2 [ 17 + 12 2 = (1 + 2)4 = (1 + 2)2 ]
3 27 3
30. l.h.s = 8
= 2 = r.h.s.
Other solutions are x = 0 and x = − 8 [1 + 3(4x) + 3(16x 2 ) + 64x 3 =
1 + 19x ⇒ x(64x 2 + 48x − 7) = x(8x − 1)(8x + 7) = 0]
33. Ã !
n +1 (n + 1)! (n + 1)n(n − 1)! 1
= = = n(n + 1)
n −1 (n − 1)!2! (n − 1)!2 2
n = 8 [n(n + 1) = 72 ⇒ (n + 9)(n − 8) = 0]
34. Substitute x = 1.
Then substitute x = −1 so the sum is 0.
36. 0.104 (3SF)
• Expanding (1 + x)n
Formula and simple problems. For example finding the coefft of x 3 in
the expansion of (1 − 2x)5 .
Using substitution to simplify the expansion e.g. X = −2x.
• Expanding (y + x)n
Formula and problems. For example
finding the first 4 terms in the expansion of (4 + x)(2 − 3x)6 ,
or the x 3 coefficient in the expansion of (1 − x + 3x 2 )4 ,
1 6
or to find the constant term in the expansion of x 2 + 2x
¡ ¢
10.1 Introduction. What is calculus? The value of y versus how rapidly y is
changing. The gradient at a point on a curve.
10.1 Introduction
You are going to love this chapter. Developed in the 17th century, in England
by Isaac Newton and in Germany by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz at
around the same time, calculus is without doubt one of the richest and most
fascinating areas of Mathematics. Apart from being wonderfully elegant, it
also happens to be one of the most useful areas of Maths.
What makes it is it so useful? The answer is that it applies to just about any
situation in which quantities change: the speed of an accelerating car, the
temperature of the water in a tank, rising prices, the distance from the Sun of
a orbiting comet. The list of applications is endless. Later in the chapter we’ll
show you a couple of practical examples.
We can think of it this way: we know that a lot of Maths is about the
relationship between variables. For a certain value of x, what’s the value of
y? If we have a formula for this relationship we can plot a graph, and y will
be the height of the curve above a particular value of x.
Differential calculus, or differentiation, answers a different question: at
each point along the curve
For the gradient at a point P on a curve, imagine drawing the tangent to the
curve at P . Then
the gradient of the curve at P = the gradient of the tangent at P .
tangent at P
- x
Let’s get a feel for how the gradient changes at different points on the curve
gradient = −0.5
gradient = 1.2 H
@ H
R •
gradient = 0
- x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Moving along the curve, starting at x = 0, y increases and the gradient starts
off positive. As we move from x = 1 to x = 2, y is still increasing but more
slowly. In other words the gradient is still positive but its getting smaller.
In the vicinity of x = 3 the gradient is negative, i.e. y is decreasing. There will
have been a point somewhere between x = 2 and x = 3 where the gradient
was zero. The curve levelled off at that point, reaching a “high" point.
After a stretch where the gradient is negative, we pass through x = 5 where
the gradient switches to positive again, having been zero again at x = 5.
The important thing to appreciate is that the value of y and the value of the
gradient at the same point are quite separate: one can be high and the other
low, and vice versa. They can have the same sign or the opposite sign.
One is about “how big?" the other is about “how is it changing?"
if the equation of a function tells us the height of the curve at any point,
its derivative function tells us the gradient at that point.
For the function y = f (x), it’s conventional to write the derivative function as
f 0 (x).
y = f (x)
f 0 (3) = −0.5
H ?
f 0 (1) = 1.2
f 0 (5) = 0
f (1) = 6
f (3) = 9
f (5) = 2
- x
0 1 3 5
Notice how f (x) and f 0 (x) are not related in any simple way: for example we
could have a large f (x) and a small f 0 (x) or vice versa; one could be positive
the other negative, and so on.
We’ll need a range of different techniques if we are to differentiate any function.
10.2 Differentiation
How do we construct the derivative function f 0 (x) from f (x)? It’s
surprisingly simple. We’ll start by explaining how to construct it (for any
polynomial function). In the next section we’ll show you how Newton and
Lebniz derived the method.
For our purpose here each term of the function will be of the form ax n ,
where a and n are constants. All we do is convert each term into a new term,
using the transformation rule
ax n → nax n−1 A
In words we
The only exception to this rule is constant terms: they simply disappear.
c → 0
y = f (x) = x 2 − 4x + 7.
so f 0 (x) = 2x − 4.
y = f (x) = x 2 − 4x + 7
5 @
g r ad i ent = 2
- x
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5
We can turn this round and ask the question where on the curve is the
gradient equal to −3, for example?
It will be where 2x − 4 = −3, i.e. where x = 12 .
This answer doesn’t look unreasonable. We can see from the graph that the
gradient anywhere to the left of x = 2 is negative.
We can use calculus to find where the lowest point on the curve is. It’s where
is the gradient zero, or 2x − 4 = 0, i.e. at x = 2. We already knew this; it’s
something we can determine for any quadratic by completing the square.
The power of calculus is that it allows us to find maximum and minimum
points for any function.
1. Without doing any further calculations write down, for the function
f (x) = x 2 − 4x + 7
(a) the value of f 0 (2), and
(b) the values of f (1) and f 0 (1).
2. Where on the curve is the gradient equal to 6?
(The answers are in the footnote2 .
1. (a) At the minimum point the gradiet is zero so f 0 (2) = 0. (b) Being a quadratic the
curve is symmetrical about x = 2, so f (1) = f (3) = 4, and f 0 (3) = − f 0 (1) = −2.
2. Where 2x − 4 = 6, i.e. at x = 5.
Example 1
A function is defined by
y = 2x 3 + x 2 − 8x − 1.
(a) the gradient of the curve at (i) x = 2, (ii) x = −1 and (iii) x = 32 .
(b) the values of x for which the gradient of the curve is (i) zero, (ii) −8.
(c) the equation of the tangent to the curve at x = 0.
(a) The derivative function of y = f (x) is
f 0 (x) = 6x 2 + 2x − 8.
(i) f 0 (2) = 20
(ii) f 0 (−1) = −4
(iii) f 0 ( 32 ) = 6( 94 ) + 3 − 8 = 27
− 5 = 17
(c) The gradient f 0 (0) = −8. We can also see that f (0) = −1.
We want the equation of the line with gradient −8 that passes through
(0, −1), i.e.
y − (−1) = −8(x − 0)
y = −8x − 1
x 3 → 3x 2
−6x 2 → −12x 1 = −12x
f 0 (x) = 3x 2 − 12x.
We are going to sketch f (x), and f 0 (x), to see the relationship between the
two curves.
f (x) is a cubic, which we can write as y = x 2 (x − 6), so the curve cuts the
x-axis a x = 6 and touches it at the origin. The coefficient of x 3 is positive,
and that tells us which way up it is. SEE PAGE.
The gradient of f (x) is zero where f 0 (x) = 3x(x − 4) = 0. One solution of this
equation is x = 0. This is no surprise: there is a repeated root at x = 0, so the
curve touches the x-axis at the origin. The other point with zero gradient is
at x = 4.
y = f (x)
y = f 0 (x)
6 So y = f 0 (x) is above the
y-axis when x < 0
and when x > 4;
it is below the x-axis
when 0 < x < 4.
- x
0 4 6
The curve crosses the
axes at x = 0 and x = 4.
We can also see, for example, that as we approach x = 0 from the left, the
gradient of f (x) is positive but decreasing in value. That is reflected in the
f 0 (x) curve: for the same values of x the height of this curve is falling.
y = f (x) = x 2 − 4x + 7
4 = f (3)
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5
So grad of PQ = PR
= 0.0201
= 2.01.
P R Now let’s move Q even closer to P , to
say x = 3.001, the gradient of PQ now
f (3) = 4
turns out to be 2.001.
There’s no prize for quessing what
the gradient would be if Q were at
x = 3.0001. It’s 2.0001.
3 3.01
The gradient of PQ is 2 + the difference between the x-values of P and Q.
The final step is to say this: let that difference tend to zero, i.e. Q → P .
The chord PQ morphs into the tangent at P and its gradient is clearly 2.
Now we can see how to tackle the problem, the next step would be to work
out a formula for the gradient at any point on the curve. In fact what we’re
going to do is find the derivative function for
f (x) = x 2
and show how we can use this to differentiate any quadratic function.
Part of the fun of differential calculus will be extending this to polynomials
in general, and from there to any function at all. Some of this you will have to
take on trust for now.
The length of QR is
(x + h)2 − x 2 = 2xh + h 2 ,
so the gradient of PQ is
QR 2 2
= 2xh+h
= 2xh
+ hh = 2x + h.
What we have is a formula for the
gradient of any chord on the curve
y = x 2.
For example, if the chord is between
(x + h)2
x = 3 and x = 7, h = 4 and the
gradient of the chord is 2 × 3 + 4 = 10.
P R For our purposes we want Q to be
a point close to P . Then, as before,
we let Q get closer and closer, until
eventually h = 0.
When h = 0, P and Q are at the
same point and the gradient of 2x +
x x +h
h becomes 2x. The gradient of the
tangent at P is 2x.
We say that 2x is the limit of 2x + h as
h → 0 (h tends to zero).
But this is a formula for the gradient at any point on y = f (x) = x 2 , so it is the
derivative function of f (x):
f 0 (x) = 2x.
We say x 2 differentiates to 2x.
We said that we could use this as the basis for differentiating any quadratic
function. For that we need to be able to differentiate ax 2 , where a is any
constant. You may want to have a go at repeating what we have just done,
but with ax 2 instead of x 2 . You should get the answer 2ax. The calculation is
on the next page.
QR 2ahx + ah 2
PR h
2ahx ah 2
= +
h h
= 2ax + ah
If you want a challenge, find what ax 3 differentiates to. (Solution on the next
QR 3ahx 2 + 3ah 2 x + ah 3
PR h
3ahx 3ah 2 x ah 3
= + +
h h h
2 2
= 3ax + 3ahx + ah
ax 3 differentiates to 3ax 2 .
Derivative of ax n
We will show that its derivative is anx n−1 .
For this we will need the binomial expansion we learned about in Chapter 9.
n n−1 n(n−1) n−2 2 n(n−1)(n−1) n−3 3
(a + b)n = a n + a b+ a b + a b +...
1 1.2 1.2.3
If it hasn’t already occurred to you it will quickly be clear that we only need
the first few terms. (The a in this expansion is obviously different from the a
in ax n . We are simply using the expansion to remind us of the pattern.)
Using the same notation and labelling as before, for y = f (x) = ax n ,
QR = f (x + h) − f (x)
= a(x + h)n − ax n
n n−1 n(n − 1) n−2 2 n(n − 1)(n − 1) n−3 3
= a(x n + x h+ x h + x h + . . .) − ax n
1 1.2 1.2.3
1 1
= anx n−1 h + an(n − 1)x n−2 h 2 + an(n − 1)x n−3 h 3 . . .
2 6
When writing an expression for the gradient of PQ, knowing that we shall be
dividing by h and letting h → 0 we can safely ignore every term from the h 3
and beyond.
QR anx n−1 h + 21 an(n − 1)x n−2 h 2 + . . .
PR h
= anx n−1 + an(n − 1)x n−2 h + . . .
As before, we let h → 0, so Q → P .
lim [anx n−1 + an(n − 1)x n−2 h] = anx n−1
h→0 2
ax n differentiates to anx n−1 .
For the case n = 1 the rule works: ax differentiates to 1ax 0 = a. This makes
sense because the function y = f (x) = ax is straight line whose gradient at
every point is b, i.e. f 0 (x) = a. So ax differentiates to a.
What about differentiating a constant term like y = c? We could write it as
cx 0 giving a derivative of 0 × x −1 = 0. A simpler way to think of it is to
consider the function y = f (x) = c. This a a “horizontal" straight line, i.e. its
gradient its zero, that is
when we differentiate a constant term it disappears
We have taken it as read that we can differentiate a sum of terms by
differentiating each term individually.
For example if
f (x) = 5x 4 − 2x 3 + x 2 − x + 13
f 0 (x) = 20x 3 − 6x 2 + 3x − 1
Exercises 34
In each case find from first principles the gradient of the function f (x) at the
given point.
1. f (x) = x 2 + 5x at x = 2
2. f (x) = 1 − x 2 at x = −1
3. f (x) = 3x 2 − 4x + 11 at x = 3
4. f (x) = k(x 2 + 1) at x = 1
5. f (x) = (x − 1)2 at x = 1
1 1 1
6. f (x) = at x = 2, by writing − as a single fraction.
x 2+h 2
p p
7. f (x) = x at x = 9, given that the expansion of a + h begins
1 1 3
a 2 + 12 a − 2 h − 81 a − 2 h 2 + . . .
Solutions 34
1. 9
2. 2
3. 14
4. 2k
5. 0
6. − 41
7. 6
10.2.3 dx
This is a good place to introduce an alternative notation used in
If you haven’t been following the optional (blue) text, skip to where the text
turns to black.
When Q is close to P , we can think of the gradient PR
a small increase in y
a small increase in x
where the increase in y determined by how much x is increased by, and of
course what the function is. The shorthand notation3 for this is
It’s only a notation issue: δx = h.
But there is a good reason for using it. As Q → P , δx → 0 and δy → 0 and the
ratio δx → a specific value—the gradient of the tangent at P . We call this
This is a rather odd entity: it’s what δx becomes when numerator and
denominator both become zero.
It’s odd because we can’t have a fraction 00 , but the fraction can be
meaningful when both δx → 0 and δy → 0 in the way we have described.
Using this notation the explanation of how we differentiate x 2 looks like this
As before we let Q get closer and
closer to P so that δx eventually
becomes zero. The gradient becomes
2x and this is then the gradient of the
curve at P , which we write as d x .
x x + δx
3 ∆y
In some textbooks it is written ∆x .
(In the Greek alphabet δ is a small d and ∆ is a capital d .)
Just remember
y = f (x)
= f 0 (x).
f 0 (x) = 3x 2 + 5
or we can write it = 3x 2 + 5.
They are different notations for exactly the same thing; they are
For example,we can say: when x = 1, d x = 8.
It’s slightly more concise to say: f 0 (1) = 8.
A word of warning.
y = 4x 3 + 5x 2
which differentiates to
= 12x 2 + 10x,
which we may want to write as
= 2x(6x + 5).
For example, if
y = 2x 5 − 7x 4 + x 3 − 11x + 1
= 10x 4 − 28x 3 + 3x 2 − 11.
To differentiate an expression we will sometimes have to write it in a
different way.
Example 2
Differentiate each of these functions:
You may want to try differentiating these yourself before looking at the
answers on the next page.
(a) y = 3x 4 − 3x, so d x = 12x 3 − 3.
(b) Expanding the bracket, y = 4x 2 + 20x + 25, so d x = 8x + 20.
(c) 13 × 6 = 13 × 61 = 2, so d x = 2x 5 − 1.
(d) 21 (x + 1)2 = 21 (x 2 + 2x + 1) = 12 x 2 + x + 12 , so d x = x + 1.
(e) We need to write the function as the sum of terms of the form ax n .
3x 2 1
y = +
4 4
3 2 1
= x +
4 4
dy 3
= 2× x
dx 4
= x
3 3 2
If you are not sure why 2× 4 = 2 think of the 2 as 1 and multiply the two
fractions4 .
If you thought it should be 68 you are confusing it with equivalent fractions, which is
writing the same fraction in a different form. In this case by multiplying both top and
bottom by 2. What we want to do is double the size of 34 and should expect the answer to
be 1 21 .
1. (i) 9x 2 + 10x − 2 (ii) 1 + 2x (iii) 4x 3 + 6x (iv) 18x + 4 (v) 2x 3 − 4. (y = 21 x 4 − 4x)
(vi) 75 + 54 x
2. (a) f 0 (x) = 4x 3 − 4x. f 0 (2) = 24, f 0 (−1) = 0
(b) x = −1, 0, +1. f (x) = 4x(x 2 − 1) = 4x(x + 1)(x − 1).
dy dy
3. Tangent is y = 4x − 7. d x = 3x 2 − 8. On the curve, when x = 2, y = 1 and dx = 12 − 8 = 4.
Equation of tangent is y − 1 = 4(x − 2)
p 1
y =4 x + 3.
We won’t be covering all non-polynomial functions, far from it, but it’s an
important step towards it.
We said that
ax n differentiates to anx n−1 for any n ≥ 1.
In fact
ax n differentiates to anx n−1 for any value of n.
n can take values < 1, including negative ones, and it can be a fraction6 .
The principle remains the same but there is more manipulation involved, so
we need to spend a little time on it.
Negative indices
1 1 1
a −n = , so for example 2−3 = 3 = .
an 2 8
Fractional indices
m p p 4 p
a n = ( n a)m or
a m , so for example 8 3 = ( 8)4 = 24 = 16.
1 1 1
The index could be a negative fraction. For example 9− 2 = 1 = 3.
In fact it can be any real number, including irrational ones e.g. x 2 or x π .
We also know that n = 0 is a special case: constant terms differentiate to zero.
Example 3
Example 4
Find the gradient of the function y = px at x = 4.
dy 1 3
= −3. x − 2
dx 2
3 3
= − . x− 2
3 1
= − . 3
2 x2
= − 3
2x 2
3 p dy 3
When x = 4, x 2 = ( 4)3 = 8 and d x = − 16 .
Example 5
As you get more fluent you’ll find yourself missing out the middle stages. But
don’t hurry this; there’s a lot going on.
When y = 1, d x = 2 − 3 = −1.
Example 6
3x 3 2
y= + = 3x 2 + 2x −1 .
x x
= 6x − 2x −2
= 6x −
2 1
Notice that 2x −2 = x 2 , not 2x 2 . The index (−2) is only attached to the x.
f (x) → f 0 (x)
1 1
= x −1 → −x −2 =−
x x2
1 2
= x −2 → −2x −3 =−
x2 x3
p 1 1 1 1 1 1
x = x2 → 2
x−2 =
2 x 21
= p
2 x
p 1 1 2 1 1 1
x = x3 → x−3 =
3 x 32
= p
3 3 ( x)2
p1 1 1 p1
1 3
= x−2 → − 21 x − 2 =−
2 x 23
2 ( x)3
Example 7
dy 2 −1 5 3
= x 2 + x2
dx 3 6
2 5x 2
= p +
3 x 6
4 5x 2
= p + p
6 x 6 x
4 + 5x 2
= p
6 x
Exercises 35
1. Differentiate the following functions. Simplify your answers where
(a) y = x 5 + 2x 3 (b) y = 100x (c) y = 31 x 6
(j) y = −(3x 3 − x) (k) y = 3 (l) y = (2x + 5)2
p p
(m) y = x 2 (1 − x 3 ) (n) y = ( x + 2)( x − 2)
2. For these functions find d x . Simplify your answers and express them in
a form that does not include negative indices.
(a) y = 2x 4 (b) y = 5x −2 (c) y = 6x 3
(d) y = 3 (e) y = 3x (f) y = x
p 1
(g) y = 2x −1 (h) y = 8 x (i) y = x 3
4 3 1
(j) y = 6 x 3 (k) y = px (l) y = 2x 2
(m) y = x 2 + x −2 + x42 (o) y = x 2 x + x1
¡ ¢
(n) y = x
¢2 ¢2
x + x1
(p) y = x 2 (1 + x + x 2 ) (r) y = 2x − x1
(q) y =
p p p
3 4 1
(g) y = 3( x) (h) y = x(2 − x) (i) y = x3
4. In each case find d x .
x 2 +4x 3 3x 4 −x 2 x+5x 3
(a) y = (b) y = (c) y =
x x2 x2
2x 2 −4 6x+ x 8x 5 −6x 3
(d) y = (e) y = p (f) y =
x x 2x 2
3 2 5 3 p
2x 2 +x 3 x 4 −4x 4 x+x 2
(g) y = (h) y = 1 (i) y = p
x x2 x
p p
(j) y = 2x x+ p1 (k) ( x − 3)( x + 5) (l) y =(1 + px )2
5. In each case find the gradient of the curve at the point specified.
(a) y = x 3 + 2x at the point where x = 1.
(b) y = x at the point (2, 21 ).
(a) y = 2x 2 − 5x + 7 at the point (−1, 14).
Solutions 35
(m) 2x − 5x 4 (n) 1 [y = x − 4]
10 2
2. (a) 8x 3 (b) − x 3 (c) 2
(d) 0 (e) 3 (f ) − x 2
2 4 3
(g) − x 2 (h) px (i) − x 4
3 3 1
(j) y = 8 x (k) − 3 (l) − x 3
2x 2
2 3
(m) 2x− x 3 (n) − x 2 − x83 [y = 3x −1 + 4x −2 ]
(o) 3x 2 + 1 [y = x 3 + x] (p) − x 3 − x12 [y = x −2 + x −1 + 1]
2 2
(q) 2x− x 3 [y = x 2 + 2 + x −2 ] (r) 8x− x 3 [y = 4x 2 − 4 + x −2 ]
1 5
3. (a) − 3x 2 [y = 13 x −1 ] (b) − 2x 3 [y = 54 x −2 ]
3 5 1 1
(c) 5
2 x2 [y = x 2 ] (d) − 3 [y = 21 x − 2 ]
4x 2
1 1 3 1 3
(e) 1+ px [y = x + 2x 2 + 1] (f) − 5 [y = (x − 2 )3 = x − 2 ]
2x 2
p 4 1 1
(g) 4 3 x [y = 3x 3 ] (h) px −1 [y = 2x 2 − x]
(i) − 5 [same as part (f )]
2x 2
4. (a) 1 + 8x [y = x + 4x 2 ] (b) 6x [y = 3x 2 − 1]
1 1 4 4
(c) − x 2 + 5 [y = x + 5x] (d) 2 + x 2 [y = 2x − x ]
3 1
(e) px [y = 6x 2 + 1] (f ) 3(4x 2 − 1) [y = 4x 3 − 3x]
1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1
(g) 1 − 4 [y = 2x 2 + x − 3 ] (h) 1 − 3 [y = x 4 −4x 4 ]
x2 3x 3 4x 4 x4
1 2 1 5 p 1 3 1
(i) 5 + 53 x 3 [y = x 6 +x 3 ] (j) 3 x + px [y = 2x 2 + 2x 2 ]
6x 6
1 1 1 1 1
(k) 1 + px [y = x + 2x 2 − 15] (l) − 3 − x2 [y = 1 + 2x − 2 + x −1 ]
5. (a) gradient = 5. [ d x = 3x 2 + 2]
1 dy
(b) gradient = − 4 [ d x = − x12 ]
(c) gradient = −9 [ d x = 4x − 5 ]
y = x 2 (3 − x)
−1 0 1 2 3
5 - x
−4 0 4
(2, 1)
If a function is increasing but not strictly increasing it is sometimes referred to as being
Quadratic. Decreasing for x ≤ 2, increasing for x ≥ 2
Quartic. Decreasing for x ≤ −4, 0 ≤ x ≤ 4, increasing for −4 ≤ x ≤ 0, x ≥ 4.
Sometimes we have to a bit careful. The function y = may appear to
decreasing everywhere.
If anything it has an infinite
If we have a sketch of the function and know where its turning points are we
can simply write down where the function is increasing and where it is
decreasing. Suppose we don’t.
Example 8
Find where the function f (x) = x 3 − 3x 2 − 9x + 7 is increasing and where it is
f 0 (x) = 3x 2 − 6x − 9
= 3(x 2 − 2x − 3)
= 3(x − 3)(x + 1)
y = (x + 1)(x − 3)
1 In this case we want to know for
y = (x + 1)(x − 3) where y ≥ 0 and
−1 0 1 2 3 where y ≤ 0.
−1 From the sketch therefore
−2 f (x) = x 3 − 3x 2 − 9x + 7 is
increasing for x ≤ −1 and x ≥ 3.
−3 It is decreasing for −1 ≤ x ≤ 3.
Example 9
Find where the function f (x) = x + is increasing and where it is
We need to find where f 0 (x) ≥ 0 and where f 0 (x) ≤ 0
f (x) = x + 16x −1
f 0 (x) = 1 − 16x −2
= 1− 2
f 0 (x) ≥ 0 when x 2 ≥ 16 i.e. when x ≤ −4 and x ≥ 4.
f 0 (x) ≤ 0 when x 2 ≤ 16 i.e. when −4 ≤ x ≤ 4.
Example 10
Find in terms of the constant p the values of x for which the function
f (x) = x 3 (p − x) is decreasing.
f (x) = px 3 − x 4
f 0 (x) = 3px 2 − 4x 3
= x 2 (3p − 4x)
Since x 2 ≥ 0 f 0 (x) ≤ 0 when 3p − 4x ≤ 0, i.e. when x ≥
Example 11
Find the values of x for which the function f (x) = x 2 (x 2 + 6) is increasing.
f (x) = x 4 + 6x 2
f 0 (x) = 4x 3 + 12x
= 4x(x 2 + 3)
Example 12
1. Show that these function are increasing for all values of x
(a) f (x) = 2x 3 + 7x − 1 (b) f (x) = x 3 + 3x 2 + 3x − 5.
2. Show that this function f (x) = 10 − 5x − x 3 is decreasing for all values of x.
1. (a) f 0 (x) = 6x 2 + 7 ≥ 7 > 0 for all x.
(b) f 0 (x) = 3x 2 + 6x + 3 = 3(x + 1)2 ≥ 0 for all x.
2. f 0 (x) = −5 − 3x 2 ≤ −5 < 0 for all x
Example 13
Show that the function f (x) = x 3 − 4x 2 + 15x is increasing for all values of x.
f 0 (x) = 3x 2 − 8x + 15.
This quadratic doesn’t factorise. The positive coefficient of x tells us it is a u-
shaped curve and it intersects the y-axis at 15. So we need to know whether
or not it has any roots. If it does there will be values x for which f 0 (x) < 0, i.e.
it will be decreasing.
We can check this by calculating the discriminant9 .
The discriminant is (−8)2 −4(3)(15) = −116. Since this is negative the equation
has no roots. The curve of f 0 (x) does not cross the x-axis. f (x) is an increasing
function for all values of x.
For the equation ax 2 + bx + c, the discriminant is b 2 − 4ac.
Exercises 36
3. Find the values of x for which f (x) is an increasing function, if f (x) is:
4 1 p x 2 +1 p
(a) x + (b) x 2 − 2 (c) 6 x − x (x > 0) (d) (e) ( x − 1)2 (x > 0)
x x x
4. For the function f (x) = x 3 + 3x 2 + kx + 1 find the values of k such that
f (x) is increasing for all values of x.
Solutions 36
Example 8
Find the coordinates of the points on the curve y = f (x) at which the
gradient is −7, where
f (x) = x 3 − 4x 2 − 3x + 2.
Where is the gradient zero?
The y-coordinates are f (2) and f ( 23 ).
The y-coordinates are f (3) and f (− 13 ).
Example 9
Find the equation of the 6
y = 3x 2 − 5x + 1
= 6x − 5.
When x = 2, d x = 12 − 5 = 7. The gradient of the tangent is 7.
The line passes through (2, 3), so its equation is
y − 3 = 7(x − 2)
y − 3 = 7x − 14
y = 7x − 11.
This line crosses the y-axis at (0, −11) and the x-axis at ( 11
7 , 0).
In Chapter 5 we saw that if we have a line, it’s easy to find the gradient of any
line perpendicular to it: the product of their gradients is −1 (see page 5-34).
Example 10
Find the equation of the 6
normal to the curve @
y = x 3 − 4x 2 + 7x + 2
@• P
at the point P , whose x- @
coordinate is 1. @
or 2y + x = 13.
In a question like this we don’t really need a diagram at all. And if we draw
one it doesn’t have to be accurate.
Example 11
(b) d x = 6 − 2x, so the gradient at P is 6 − 4 = 2.
The tangent at P is y − 8 = 2(x − 2), which simplifies to y = 2x + 4,
which intersests the axes at (0, 4) and (−2, 0).
(c) The normal at P is perpendicular to the tangent so its gradient is − 2 , so
its equation is y − 8 = 2 (x − 2), which simplifies to 2y + x = 18.
(d) Solving the equation of the normal and the curve simultaneously:
2(6x − x 2 ) + x = 18
12x − 2x 2 + x = 18
0 = 2x 2 − 13x + 18
(x − 2)(2x − 9) = 0
x = 2 or x =
The solution x = 2 is hardly surprising!
Substituting x = 29 into the equation of the curve y = 27 9 27
4 , so Q is ( 2 , 4 ).
Example 12
x2 + 3
f (x) = p , where x > 0.
(i) First we need to write f (x)as two deperate terms in index form:
x2 3
f (x) = 1
+ 1
x 2 x2
3 1
= x 2 + 3x − 2
3 1 3 −3
f 0 (x) = x2 − x 2
2 2
3x 2 3
= − 1
2 2x 2
3x 2 3
= 1
− 1
2x 2 2x 2
3(x 2 − 1)
= 3
2x 2
3(8) 4
(ii) The gradient of the curve at A is f 0 (9) = 2(27) = 9 .
But this is the gradient of the line O A, so the tangent passes through the
origin. (We don’t need to find the equation of the tangent.)
Example 13
Example 14
(a) y = x + x −1 so d x = 1 − x −2 .
The gradient when x = 2 is 1 − 14 = 43 , so the gradient of the normal at A is − 43 ,
and its equation is
5 4
y− = − (x − 2)
2 3
6y − 15 = −8(x − 2)
6y = 31 − 8x
which crosses the curve where 6x+ x = 31 − 8x.
This simplifies to 14x 2 − 31x + 6 = 0.
We know one of the roots of this equation must be x = 2, so factorising is
easy: (x − 2)(14x − 3) = 0.
3 205
The coordinates of B are ( 14 , 42 ).
dy 1
(c) For values of x > 0, y is smallest when d x = 1− x 2 = 0, i.e. x = 1, and the
smallest value of y is 2.
• • •
Strictly speaking we should call the first two as a local maximum and a local
minimum, because there may be larger / smaller values elsewhere on the
What all three have in common is that
to find turning points we solve the equation f 0 (x) = d x = 0.
Later we’ll see that, while a turning point may be a point of inflexion, a point of inflexion
isn’t necessarily a turning point. To explain this clearly we’ll need a bit more calculus.
In real life the decision is likely to depend on a number of factors, in which case the
formula would contain more than one variable. At this level we confine ourselves to the
single variable case.
Example 15
y = 2x 3 − 3x 2 − 12x + 5.
Sketch the curve and use it to determine which turning point is a minimum
and which is a maximum. (It is not necessary to mark where the curve
crosses the x-axis.)
The turning point are where d x = 6x 2 − 6x − 12 = 0.
6(x 2 − x − 2) = 0
x2 − x − 2 = 0
(x + 1)(x − 2) = 0
x = −1 or x = 2
(−1, 11)
- x
(2, −15)
From the sketch (−1, 11) is a (local) maximum and (2, −15) is a (local)
Example 16
(i) Show that the line y + 6x + 2 = 0 intersects the curve y = x 3 − 9x at (−2, 10).
Show also that it touches the curve at (1, −8).
(ii) Draw a sketch showing where the curve cross the axes, and where the line
and curve meet.
(iii) Find the turning points of the curve and mark them on your sketch.
(i) Notice the question doesn’t say “find where the line intersects the curve”.
All we have to do is verify what we are told, which we can easily do:
x = −2, y = 10 satisfies both y + 6x + 2 = 0 and y = x 3 − 9x. So the line
intersects the curve at (−2, 10).
The values x = 1, y = −8 also satisify both equations. If the line is to touch
the curve at this point, the gradient of the line must be the same as the
gradient of the curve at (1, −8).
The equation of the line can be written y = −6x − 2, so its gradient is −6.
dy dy
For the curve d x = 3x 2 − 9, so when x = 1, d x = 3 − 9 = −6.
The line touches the curve at (1, −8).
(ii) Try sketching the curve for yourself. If you want a reminder about
sketching polynomials see the first section of Chapter 8.
A(−2, 10) •
- x
−3 0 3
B (1, −8)
3x 2 − 9 = 0
x2 − 3 = 0
x = ± 3
p p
When x = − 3, y = x(x 2 − 9) = −6 3 ≈ −10.39.
p p
When x = + 3, y = x(x 2 − 9) = +6 3 ≈ +10.39.
Notice that the maximum and minimum points are not midway between the
roots (they are not at x = ±1.5).
From the positions of the roots and turning points we can see that the curve
has 180◦ rotational symmetry14 about the origin.
Notice too that, although no sketch has to be very accurate, if it’s too rough it
will be hard to see what is going on. In this case B and the minimum point
are close but not together.
This is true for all cubic curves, although not generally about the origin.
10.2.10 Second derivative f 00 (x) or d x2
Calculus is beautiful. It provides such concise, elegant solutions to so many
otherwise intractable problems. We shall see about one here: deciding
whether a stationary points (where the gradient is zero) is a turning point (a
local minimum or a local maximum) or a point of inflexion. You may wonder
why that is a problem. That’s because for all the examples we have looked at
we’ve known what the curve looks like; our yes tell us. In practice we often
won’t so we need a way of deciding that doesn’t rely on a sketch of the curve.
Take the function f (x) = 31 − 18x 2 + 8x 3 − x 4
Attempting to see what the curve looks like would be very tedious because it
doesn’t factorise. We would have to plot points.
Lets see if we can find where the turning point are:
f 0 (x) = −36x + 24x 2 − 4x 3
= −4x(x 2 − 6x + 9)
= −4x(x − 3)2
Before we learn how to distinguish the type of stationary value simply, using
calculus, there is a crude numerical way of finding out.
If there is a local minimum at x = a, f 0 (a) = 0 but just to the left of a we
would expect to find that the gradient positive, and just to the right of a it
would be negative.
Similarly if there is a local minimum at x = a, f 0 (a) = 0 but just to the left of a
we would expect to find that the gradient negative, and just to the right of a
it would be positive.
At a point of inflection x = a, the gradient would be positive on both sides or
negative on both sides.
In our example we will see what the gradients are a distance 0.1 either side of
the stationary value, given that f 0 (x) = −4x(x − 3)2 .
Notice that we don’t have to find the values, just see what the sign will be.
This may seem a perfectly reasonable way of distinguishing stationary
values. Not to a mathematician. Always after absolute rigour, she would say
“how do we know the curve doesn’t do something unexpected within ±0.1 of
the stationary point?". In general we don’t of course. Remember we are not
just talking about nice smooth polynomial curves; we could be dealing with
any kind of function, for example ones with asymptotes.
In the sketches below, the top row shows a (local) maximum, minimum and
point of inflexion. On each of them we have marked where the gradient of
f (x) is positive and where it is negative (with a + sign or a − sign).
At a maximum f 0 (x) (the gradient) goes from + to 0 to −, at a minimum it
goes from − to 0 to + and at a point of inflexion it goes from + to 0 and back
to +. (A point of inflexion could equally go from − to 0 and back to −.)
The row below plots the behaviour of f 0 (x). For a maximum f 0 (x) goes from
so + to 0 to −, and so on.
No look at the gradient of the f 0 (x) function at the stationary value: for a
maximum it is negative, for a minimum it is positive and for a point of
inflection it is zero.
f (x)
f (x) f (x)
0 0
+ − − + +
dy d
The reason we write it like this is because we can think of as y.
dx dx
dy d d d 2
¡ ¢
Then the derivative of is y or y.
dx dx dx dx
Example 17
Find the position and nature of the stationary values on the curve
y= + 16x 3 (x 6= 0).
Sketch the curve,
We switch to f (x) notation.
f (x) = 3x −1 + 16x 3
f 0 (x) = −3x −2 + 48x 2
3(16x 4 − 1)
3(4x 2 + 1)(4x 2 − 1) 1
= stationary values at x = ±
x2 2
f 00 (x) = 6x −3 + 96x
6 + 96x 4
= the sign of which depends only on the denominator
µ ¶
00 1 1
f − < 0 ⇒ maximum at x = −
2 2
µ ¶
1 1
f 00 > 0 ⇒ minimum at x =
2 2
local minimum at 21 , 8 .
Plotting first the positions of the stationary values, we can also see that x = 0
is an asymptote and y → ∞ as x → ±∞.
3+16x 4
The curve does not cross the x axis anywhere because y = which
can never be zero since 3 + 16x can never be zero.
¡1 ¢
0 x
−1 −0.5 0.5 1
¡ 1 ¢
− 2 , −8
Example 18
A solid cylinder has a radius r m and volume 2000 m3 .
Show that its total surface area A is given by
A = 2πr 2 + .
Find the radius for which the cylinder has the minimum surface area.
We need to introduce a new variable. Let the height of the cylinder be h.
The volume is therefore: πr 2 h = 2000, i.e. h = .
πr 2
A = 2πr 2 + 2πr h
= 2πr 2 + 2πr ×
πr 2
= 2πr 2 +
In this case A is a function of r , so for the minimum surface area we need to
find where = 0
dr A = 2πr 2 + 4000r −1
= 4πr − 4000r −2
= 0 when r 3 =
i.e. r = p
You may be wondering how we could assume this gives the minimum value
not the maximum value for for the surface area. The answer is that there is
no upper limit the value of A. If we look at the formula for A, A → ∞ as
r → 0; we can make it as large as we wish.
d2A 8000
Alternatively we can find the second derivative: = 4π+ 3 > 0 for all
dr 2 r
values of r (because r > 0). The stationary value must therefore be a
minimum point.
Example 19
Sketch the gradient function for each of the curves below. The dotted lines
mark the positions of the stationary points. For the curve shown in (b) the
x-axis is an asymptote.
(a) (b)
f (x) f (x)
x x
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
(a) There are stationary points at (b) There are turning points at
x = −2 and x = 1, so the gradient x = −1 and x = 1, so the gradient
function meets the x-axis at these function meets the x-axis at these
values. values.
f 0 (x) f 0 (x)
x x
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Example 20
The function y = f (x) is defined by
µp ¶2
x −1
f (x) = (x > 0)
1 p
Show that f 0 (x) = − 3 (x − 3 x + 2)
Hence find the coordinates of the stationary points and determine their
Solution p
x −2 x +1
f (x) =
= x −1 − 2x − 2 + x −2
f 0 (x) = −x −2 + 3x − 2 − 2x −3
−x + 3x 2 − 2
−(x − 3 x + 2) −(X 2 − 3X + 2) p
= = where X = x
x3 X6
−(X − 2)(X − 1)
p p
−( x − 2)( x − 1)
= 0 when x = 1 or x = 4
µ ¶
i.e. at (1, 0) and 4,
15 − 7
f 00 (x) = 2x −3 − x 2 + 6x −4
f 00 (1) = ⇒ minimum at (1, 0)
µ ¶
00 1 1
f (4) = − ⇒ maximum at 4,
256 16
1. For the following curves find the coordinates of any point for which the
gradient is zero.
In each case establish whether the point is a local maximum, a local
minimum or a point of inflexion.
(a) y = 2x 2 + 6x (b) y = 11 + x − x 2 (c) y = x 3 − x 2 − x − 5
1 16
(d) y = x(x 2 − 3x + 3) (e) y = x + (f) y = x 2 +
x x
p x+1
(g) y = 4 x − x (h) y = x 4 − 8x 2 (i) p
The answers are in the footnote16
2. Sketch the gradient function for each of these curves, indicating any
points where the gradient is zero. The answers are over the page.
(a) (b)
f (x)
f (x)
−3 0 3
(c) (d)
f (x) f (x)
−1 1 x
(a) (− 32 , − 92 ) min (b) ( 12 , − 45 1 130
4 ) max (c) (− 3 , − 27 ) max, (1, −6) min
(d) (1, 1) pt of inflexion (e) (1, 2) min, (−1, −2) max (f ) (2, 12) min
(g) (4, 4) max (h) (0, 0) max, (−2, −16) min, (2, −16) min (i) (1, 2) min
(a) (b)
f 0 (x)
f 0 (x)
x x
−3 0 3
(c) (d)
f 0 (x) f 0 (x)
−1 1 x
The simple idea is this: for any number X , it must follow that X 2 ≥ 0.
Furthermore X 2 = 0 only if X = 0. Boring, eh? Too obvious? Well let’s look at
an example.
In fact the theorem extends to any set of positive numbers (although is not
so easily proved in the general case):
a1 + a2 p
≥ a1 a2
a1 + a2 + a3 p
≥ a1 a2 a3
a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 p
≥ a1 a2 a3 a4
and so on. The two sides are equal only when all the numbers are equal.
We said we’d use the theorem to find, without using calculus, the minimum
value for positive x, of the function
y =x+ .
(See Example 12.)
p 1
Putting X = x−p
x−p ≥ 0
x −2+ ≥ 0
x+ ≥ 2 for all values of x > 0.
“They say inflation is falling but it seems to me that prices are still
going up.”
- t
Another example, this time to do with physical motion. First some
We normally describe distance by saying how far something has moved from
its starting point, and in which direction. This is referred to as its
displacement, and is measured using the variable s. A variable that captures
an amount and a direction is called a vector.
We use the term velocity, rather than speed, when describing how fast
something is moving for the same reason: velocity is also a vector and to
describe it we need to know its direction as well as its size. We generally use
the variable v.
If the velocity is changing then it has an acceleration, denoted by a.
Even if something is moving in a straight line, direction is important,
because it can end up either to the right or the left of its starting point, and it
can be travelling from left to right or from right to left.
v= .
If the velocity is changing over time, its acceleration is the rate at which it is
a= .
By convention we normally regard displacement, velocity and acceleration
to the right as positive but it’s only a convention.
− +
Suppose an object P moves along a line in such a way that its displacement
in metres from the point O t seconds after the start of the motion is given by
s = 40t − 5t 2 = 5t (8 − t ).
@ - s
So for example, after 2 seconds it is 60 m to the right of O.
Differentiating s, we have:
v ms −1
v= = 40 − 10t
40 Q
the units of which would be Q
metres per second, which we Q
- t sec s
write as m s −1 .
0 4 QQ 8
This is consistent with the Q
object stopping when t = 4,
and moving in the opposite
direction (v < 0).
The velocity is changing uniformly (it reduces by the same amount every
second). In other words the acceleration is constant—and negative because
it is going down. We could call it a deceleration but that doesn’t really help.
Why? Well, after t = 4 the object moves at an increasing speed in the negative
direction. Is that a negative acceleration or a decceleration? It’s easiest just to
talk about positive or negative acceleration.
We said that acceleration is the rate of change of velocity:
a= = −10.
Once again the Maths confirms what we knew, a constant negative
acceleration. The units are metres per second per second, written m s −2 .
Every second the velocity reduces by 10 metres per second.
Initially it is travelling at 8 ms −1 . After 4 secs its velocity is zero and after a
further 4 seconds it is again traveling at 8 ms −1 but in the opposite direction.
Finding the cheapest, the most effective, the best in some clearly defined
way, is one way calculus can sometimes help us. Provided we can express
mathematically what we are trying to optimise in terms of the relevant
factors. Here is an example.
x x
60 − 2x
The length of the third side of the enclosure is 60 − 2x, so its area—let’s call it
A—is given by
A = x(60 − 2x).
When making statements like this it can confuse things if we put in the units:
we may have a variable called m. The units are implied; we re-introduce them
when stating the answer.
For a minimum or a maximum value for A, we must have d x = 0
A = 60x − 2x 2
= 60 − 4x
60 − 4x = 0
x = 15
- x
0 15 30
Of course x can’t be negative, nor can A, so the parts of the curve that lie below
the x-axis have not practical meaning.
Exercises 37
1. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = x 2 +3x −1 at the point
(2, 9).
2. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = x(4x − 1) at the point
(−1, 5).
3. (a) Find the equation of the normal to the curve y = x at the point (2, 4).
(b) Find where the normal crosses the two coordinate axes.
8. Find the equation of the tangent to each of the following curves at the
point indicated. Express your answer in a form that does not involve
any fractions.
(a) y = x 2 at (2, 2) (b) y = (x + 1)(x + 3) at (1, 8)
x 2 +2 p
(c) y = x at x = 1 (d) y = 8 x at (4, 16)
(e) y = x− px at x = 4 (f ) x y = 6 at x = 2
13. Find the equation of the normal to each of the following curves at the
point indicated. Express your answer in a form that does not involve
any fractions.
(a) y = 4x 3 − 3x 2 at (1, 1) (b) y = (2x − 3)2 at (2, 1)
4 p
(c) y = +x 2 at x = −2 (d) y = x at (4, 2)
27 2+x
(e) y = 2 at x = 3 (f ) y = p at x = 4
x x
14. Find the coordinates of the two points on the curve
y = x 3 − 3x 2 − 4x + 5 at which the gradient is +5.
Show that the gradient is −7 at exactly one point on the curve.
15. The gradient of the curve y = px 2 − 4 at (3, q) is 12. Find the values of p
and q.
18. Find the values of a and b such that the function f (x) = x 2 − 4x + 5 can
be expressed as f (x) = (x + a)2 + b. Sketch the curve y = f (x).
The line y = 2x crosses the curve y = f (x) at P and Q. Show that the
tangents to the curve at P and Q meet on the line x = 3.
p p
19. The curve y = x 4 − 8x 2 meets the x-axis at (0, 0), (a 2, 0) and (b 2, 0),
where a < b.
(a) Find the values of a and b.
(b) Find also the coordinates of the turning points and hence sketch
the curve.
20. The curve of the function y = ax 2 + bx + c passes through (1, 7) and has
a turning point at (3, 11). Find a, b and c.
21. Find the coordinates of the turning point on the curve y = x 2 + p .
Determine whether it is a maximum or a minimum.
22. Show that the function y = x 2 − 2 x 6= 0 is increasing for x > 0 and
decreasing for x < 0.
24. Find the coordinates of the turning points for the function y = x 4 −4x 3 −
8x 2 + 7. By finding or from a sketch distinguish the nature of each
d x2
turning point.
1 2
25. Show that the function f (x) = + 3 (x 6= 0) is decreasing for all non-
x x
zero values of x.
x 2 +8
26. Find the coordinates of the turning points on the curve y = ,
p p x
expressing you answers in the form (a 2, b 2).
Determine the nature of each turning point.
28. For what values of a is the function f (x) = x 3 + ax(x + 1) increasing for
all values of x.
p 1 dy 1
31. If y = x + p (x > 0) show that can be written x k (x − 1).
x d x 2
Find the value of k. Show that = 0 when x = 3.
d x2
32. If x and h are in the appropriate units sin(x +h) ≈ sin x +h cos x − h2 sin x
for small values of h. Show that the derivative of sin x is cos x.
33. For small values of h, e h ≈ 1 + h + h2 .
If f (x) = e x , by writing e x+h as e x e h show that f 0 (x) = e x .
Find from first principles the derivative of f (x) = e ax where a is a
34. A man has a piece of wood 8 m long with which he intends to make a
football goal for his small son. It will have two (equal) vertical pieces
and one piece across the top. To make it as easy as possible for his son
he wants the area of the goal to be as large as possible.
If the height of each vertical piece is x m and the area of the goal is
y m 2 , write down an expression for y in terms of x. (You may ignore
the thickness of the wood.)
What should the height of the goal be to maximise its area?
35. A company finds that its annual profit depends on how much it spends
on marketing. If it spends £x on marketing, it makes a profit £P (both
measured in thousands), where
P = 25x 2 (x − 15).
What should the company spend on marketing to maximise its annual
36. A rocket is fired from the ground vertically into the air. Its height y, after
t seconds, is given by
y = 60t − 5t 2 .
(a) What is the height of the rocket after 2 seconds?
(b) Find a formula for the velocity of the rocket after t seconds.
(c) After how long does the rocket reach its maximum height?
(d) What is the greatest height the rocket reaches?
38. When we buy goods they often lose their value over time. We call this
depreciation and the loss in value the depreciation cost.
A particular car costing £20, 000 is expected to depreciate by £ x in
year x. As the car gets older it also becomes more expensive to
maintain, costing £ 200x to maintain in year x.
Find the combined cost of depreciation and maintenance in years 1
and 2?
The owner wants to sell the car before the combined cost of
depreciation and maintenance starts rising. Use calculus to determine
in which year should she sell the car?
40. The curve y = x 2 (x + λ) crosses the x-axis at the origin and at P , where
λ is a positive constant.
(i) Sketch the curve.
(ii) Find, in terms of λ, the equation of the tangent to the curve at P .
The tangent meets the curve again at Q. Find, in terms of λ, the
coordinates of Q.
p k
41. (a) Show that the gradient of the curve y = k x at x = 1 is 2 .
(b) Hence show that the equation of the tangent to the curve at x = 1 is
2y = k(x + 1).
(c) Show that the tangent passes through (−1, 0) for all values of k.
(d) Find the value of k for which the tangent also passes through (3, −1).
42. (i) Show that the line y = x touches the curve y = x(x − 1)(3 − x) at the
point (2, 2).
(ii) On the same diagram sketch the line and the curve.
(iii) Hence explain why the curve has a stationary point at (a, b), where
2 < a < 3 and b > 2.
43. Find the x-coordinates of all the points where the line y = 5 meets the
curve 4
y = x2 + 2 .
Find also the coordinates of the turning points of the curve. Verify that
they are both local minima and sketch the curve.
Without any further differentiation find the coordinates of the turning
points of the curve
2 2
µ ¶
y = x+ .
(a) Find the coordinates of the two points where the curves y = f (x)
and y = g (x) intersect.
(b) Verify that both these points are stationary points on the curve
y = g (x). Hence sketch the two curves in the same graph.
(c) Solve the equation
f 0 (x) = g 0 (x).
Interpret the solution in terms of the gradients of the two curves.
Solutions 37
1. y = 7x − 5 [ d x = 2x + 3 = 7 when x = 2.]
2. y = −9x − 4 [ d x = 8x − 1 = −9 when x = −1.]
3. (a) 2y = x + 6 [dx = − x82 = −2 when x = 2.]
(b) (0, 3), (−6, 0)
4. y = x −4 [y = −4, d x = 2x + 1 = 1 when x = 0.]
5. x = 2, 4y = x − 2 [ d x = 4x − 3x 2 = −4. Grad of normal = 14 .]
6. x = 1 and 2. y = −2, y = −3 [ d x = 6(x 2 − 3x + 2).]
7. (a) y = 6(x − 3), y = −6(x + 3). [Cuts at x = ±3. d x = 2x = ±6.]
(b) (0, −18) [By symmetry they meet on the y-axis]
8. (a) y = 6 − 2x [dx = − 16
(b) y = 6x + 2 [ d x = 2x + 4]
dy 2
(c) y = 4 − x [ d x = 1− x 2 ]
(d) y = 2x + 8 [dx = p4x ]
dy 2
(e) 4y = 5x − 12 [ d x = 1+ 3 ]
dy 6
(f) 2y = 12 − 3x [ d x = − x2 ]
9. (i) (4, 0), (−2, 0) [(ii) d x = 2x − 2]
(iii) y = 6x − 24, y = −6x − 12 [(iv) e.g. add the two equations]
- x
−2 4
10. c =9 [The normal is y + 4 = − 2 (x + 1)]
(− 27 , − 11
) [They intersect where 2x 2 + 9x + 7 = 0.]
11. ( 32 , 13
) [Normal is y − 2 = − 2 (x − 4), 2x 2 − 11x + 12 = 0]
12. (a) y = 6x − 3 [(b) Normal is y − 3 = − 6 (x − 1)]
13. (a) 6y + x = 7 [ d x = 12x 2 − 6x]
(a) 4y + x = 6 [ d x = 8x − 12]
dy 4
(c) 5y = x + 12 [ d x = − x 2 +2x]
dy 1
(d) y + 4x = 18 [ d x = 2p x ]
dy 54
(e) 2y = x + 3 [ d x = − x3 ]
dy 1 1
(f) y = −8x − 35 [dx = − 3 + 1 ]
x2 2x 2
14. (−1, 5), (3, −7) [Two solutions of 3(x 2 − 2x − 3) = 0. Only one to (x − 1)2 = 0]
15. p = 2, q = 14 [ d x = 2px ⇒ 12 = 6p. y = 2x 2 − 4.]
16. a = −2, b = 4 [ d x = 3x 2 + a ⇒ 12 + a = 10. y = x 2 − 2x.]
dy 4 1 1
17. (a) 4y + x = 8, (0, 2) [ d x = − x 2 = − 4 . y − 2 = − 4 (x − 0)]
(b) y = 4x − 15, (0, −15) [y + 15 = 4(x − 0)]
(c) 34 sq units. [ 2 AB × 4]
(d) (− 41 , −16) [4x − 15 = x ⇒ 4x 2 − 15x − 4 = (x − 4)(4x + 1) = 0]
18. a = −2, b = 1
[x 2 − 4x + 5 = 2x ⇒ (x − 1)(x − 5) = 0. P (1, 2), Q(5, 10)]
y dy
[ d x = 2x − 4. y = 4 − 2x and y = 6x − 20]
(2, 1)
p p
19. (a) a = −2, b = 2 [x 2 (x 2 − 8) ⇒ x = 0 or x = ± 8 = ±2 2]
(b) (0, 0), (−2, −16), (2, −16) [ d x = 4x(x 2 − 4)]
p p - x
−2 2 −2 0 2 2 2
35. £10, 000 [ d x = 75x 2 − 750x ⇒ x = 10 (ignoring solution x = 0)] 36. (a) 100 m
(b) v = 60 − 10t [v = d t ]
(c) 6 secs. [Maximum height when v = 0, i.e. d t = 0]
(d) 180 m. [Value of y when t = 6]
37. (a) A = 60 − 16x + 2x 2 [Total area - area of 4 triangles = 60 − x(10 − x) − x(6 − x)]
(b) x = 4, Area = 28 sq units. [ d x = −16 + 4x = 0. Or by completing the square]
1 dA
(c) x = 4 (a + b) [A = ab − x(a + b) + 2x 2 . d x = 4x − (a + b)]
1 (a+b)2 (a+b)2 8ab−2(a+b)2 +(a+b)2
Area = 8 (6ab − a 2 − b 2 ) [A = ab− 4
+2 16 = 8
38. £3, 400, £2, 000 [ x + 200x]
dy 3200
Year 4 [ d x = − x 2 + 200 = 0]
40. (ii) y = λ2 (x + λ), (λ, 2λ3 ) [ d x = 3x 2 + 2λx = 3λ2 − 2λ2 = λ2 when x = −λ
then x 2 (x + λ) = λ2 (x + λ) ⇒ x = −λ or x = ±λ]
dy k k
41. (a) (b) (c) [(a) d x = 2px (b) y − k = 2 (x − 1) (c) y = 0 ⇒ (x − 1) = 0]
(d) k = − 2 [2(−1) = 4k]
42. (i) [y = −x 3 + 4x 2 − 3x, d x = −3x 2 + 8x − 3 = 1 when x = 2
and (2, 2) also lies on y = x, which has gradient 1.]
(2, 2)
- x
0 1 3
p 10 p
(− 2, 4) ( 2, 4)
0 x
−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
(2, 4)
- x
0 3
dy 1 1
47. (i) [ d x = px , so y − 4 = 2 (x − 4)]
(ii) y + 2x = 12 [y − 4 = −2(x − 4)]
(iii) 20 sq units. [B (−4, 0), C (6, 0). Area = 2 BC × 4]
p 3
48. (a) a = −2 [x = − 16 = − 8 × 2]
dy 16
(b) (2, 12) [ d x = 2x− x 2 = 0 when 2x 3 = 16]
(c) [when x = 4, d x = 7, so y − 20 = 7(x − 4)]
(d) 3 solutions [y = 7x − 6 is parallel to the tangent, but “above" it]
In case you are reading this not having done any differentiating for a while,
let’s remind ourselves of the differentiation process.
For our purpose here, each term of the function will be of the form ax n ,
where a and n are constants. To differentiate we convert each term into a
new term, using the transformation rule
ax n → nax n−1
In words we
The only exception to this rule is constant terms: they simply disappear.
c → 0
The notation for this process, the integration sign, is an elongated S symbol,
and we say “the integral of 6x 2 with the respect to x is 3x 3 + c”, and write it
6x 2 d x = 3x 2 + c.
The “dx” is the “respect to x” part. It tells us which variable to use. In this
case x is the only variable, but if the function contained more than one, we
would need to know which one to use. Why the “d ” in “d x”? We will see why
putting d x at the end makes sense when we come on to talk about areas. For
a reason that will also become clear when we talk about areas, what we have
just described is called an indefinite integral.
ax n+1
ax n → (n 6= −1)
In words we
Notice that the rule breaks down if n = −1, an issue that is addressed in later
We can see how to integrate a power of x but how do we integrate a constant
term a?
The answer is we can write it as ax 0 and then apply the same rule:
ax 1
a = ax 0 → → ax
So the integral of a is ax.
Using the integration notation:
ax n+1
ax n d x = +c (n 6= −1)
1 1 5
1 5
(x + 5) d x = x + d x = x2 + x + c
2 2 2 4 2
ax 2
(ax + b) d x = + bx + c (where a and b are constants)
3x 2 3 x 2 3x 2
3 2 3
3x d x = +c or x + c, since x 2 = × =
2 2 2 2 1 2
12x 3
12x 2 + 5 d x = 4x 3 + 5x + c since = 4x 3
2x(x − 1) d x = 2x 2 − 2x d x (multiplying out the bracket)
2x 3
= − x2 + c
(2x + 3)2 d x = 4x 2 + 12x + 9 d x
4x 3
= + 6x 2 + 9x + c
2x 3
= − x2 + c
2x 3 − 3 1 3 3
dx = x − dx
4 2 4
1 4 3 x4 − 6
= x − x + c or +c
8 4 8
In the last example we get the second version of the answer by putting two
fractions (in this case algebraic fractions) over a common denominator.
In neither case is one way of writing it “better” than the other but depending
on the context you may find one clearer than the other.
Find the following indefinite integrals (the answers are in the footnote17 .)
(a) 9x 2 d x (b) 4x + 5 d x (c) 7 d x
(d) x dx (e) 3x(x + 1) d x (f) (x − 1)2 d x
µ ¶2
1 3 1
2 2
(g) 3 − x dx (h) (x + 1) d x (i) x x + dx
2 x
x 2 + x2
(j) 2πx + 1 d x (k) 6x + d x (l) dx
4 3
(a) 3x 3 + c (b) 2x 2 + 5x + c (c) 7x + c (d) 51 x 5 + c
3x 2 x3 1
(e) x 3 + 2 +c (f ) 3 − x2 + x + c (g) 3x − 3 x3 + c (h) 81 x 4 + 1
2x +c
x5 2x 3
(i) 5 + 3 +x +c (j) πx 2 + x + c (k) 32 x + 1
9 x3 + c
x dx = x 2 dx
= 3 +c
2x 2 2 23
= + c or x +c
3 3
2 p 3 1
= x x +c since x 2 = x 1 × x 2
³ ´
x3 + 2
x + 2x −2 d x
¡ ¢
dx =
x 2 2x −1
= + +c
2 −1
x2 2
= − +c
2 x
-2 14
5 = 15
If we add indices into the mix it’s not hard to see how the manipulation can
quickly become less than trivial. Remember when integrating (or
differentiating) each term needs to be of the form ax n .
More examples:
2 2
x3 3x 3 3 2
2 = or x 3
2 2
k 2 6 k 3k 2
x ×6 = × x2 = x
4 1 4 2
1 1 1 1 1
p = . p = x− 2
3 x 3 x 3
1 2 p
µ ¶
1 1 5 1 3
x x + p = x2 + x2
2 x 2 2
µ ¶2
x − = x 2 − 8 + 16x −2
6− 3 x 1 2
= − = 3x − 3 − 12 x 3
23x x
3 2x
4 1 1 3 1
(a) 34 x 3 (b) −2x − 2 (c) 4x 2 (d) 34 x 3 (e) 4x −3 (f) 32 x − 2 (g) 2x 2 − 2x 2
3 5 1 1 5
(h) x 2 + 4 + 4x −2 (i) 31 x −2 + 1
3 (j) x 2 + x − 2 (k) x − 2 − 2x 2 (l) x −3 + 2x − 2 + x −2
Example 21
p p
(x x − 4)2 x 3 − 8x x + 16
(iii) dx = dx
x3 x3
= 1 − 8x − 2 + 16x −3 d x
= x + 16x − 2 − 8x −2 + c
16 8
= x + px − x 2 + c
19 p 2 2 8x − 2 3 −1 16x −2
In (iii) (x x) = x × x = x , − 1 = +16x 2 and = −8x −2
−2 −2
6 1
Find the gradient of the curve y = px − x at the point where x = 4.
y = 6x − 2 − x −1
dy 3
= − 3x − 2 + x −2
3 1
= − p 3 + 2
( x) x
dy 3 1
When x = 4, = − p + 2
dx ( 4) 3 4
3 1
= − +
8 16
= −
Later modules cover the treatment of functions like sin x, 2x and log x which can’t be
expressed in this form.
Integrate these functions. (You will recognise them from the last exercise
and you can use your results from there as the first step in performing the
In each case convert your answer, if it seems appropriate, to a form that
doesn’t involve negative or fractional indices.
The answers are in the footnote21 .
µ ¶ µ
4 3 1 2
(i) 3 (ii) p (iii) 2x x−p (iv) x +
x 2 x x x
1 + x2 (1 + x)2
µ ¶
− 12 2 1 1 − 2x
(v) (vi) x x + 2 (vii) p (viii)
3x 2 x x x3
p p
21 2 p 4x 2 x x x
(i) − +c (ii) 3 x + c (iii)
− +c
x2 5 3
x3 4 1 x 2x 2 x 2
(iv) + 4x − + c (v) − + +c (vi) − p +c
3 x 3x 3 5 3x x
p 4 p 1 4 1
(vii) 2 x − x x + c (viii) − + p − +c
3 2x 2 3x x x
Example 22
A function y = f (x) is such that such that d x = 6x 2 − 4.
Find the equation of its curve given that it passes through the point (2, 11).
6 x =1
y = 2x 3 − 4x + 2 2
- x
−2 −1 0 1 2
y = 2x 3 − 4x
y = 2x 3 − 4x − 3
(a) = 4x + 3, given that y = 9 when x = 1
(b) = 6x 2 − 8x + 1, given that y = 0 when x = 2
d y 18
(c) = , given that y = 4 when x = 3
d x x3
dy p
(d) = 12 x, given that y = 20 when x = 4
22 9 p
(a) y = 2x 2 + 3x + 4 (b) y = 2x 3 − 4x 2 + x − 2 (c) y = − 2 + 5 (d) y = 8x x − 44
Example 23
The gradient of a curve is given by d x = ax + b.
The curve passes through (1, 3). It also passes through (2, 19), where its
gradient is 23.
Find the equation of the curve.
The curve is y = 21 ax 2 + bx + c.
We have three constants to find: a, b and c. We also have three pieces of
information about the curve, each giving us an equation connecting them.
Since the curve must pass through (1, 3): 3 = 2 + b + c.
Similarly 19 = 2a + 2b + c.
And from the gradient equation: 23 = 2a + b.
There are many ways to solve these simultaneous equations. The easiest is
probably to use the gradient equation to substitute b into the other two:
b = 23 − 2a
so 3 = + 23 − 2a + c
and 19 = 2a + 2(23 − 2a) + c
i.e. 3a = 40 + 2c
and 2a = 27 + c
Example 24
Write p in the form x k where k is a fraction.
dy x 2 +1
The gradient of a curve at (x, y) is given by = p (x > 0).
dx x
Given that the curve passes through (4, 9), show that its equation can be
y = a x(x 2 − 5) + b (x > 0),
where a and b are constants.
x2 1 3
p = x2 × x− 2 = x 2 .
dy 3 1
Hence = x 2 + x− 2
2 5 1
therefore y = 5 x 2 − 2x 2 + c.
To express the equation in a form that doesn’t use fractional indices we will
adopt the method we used in the first part of the question, in reverse:
5 1 p
x 2 = x 2 × x 2 = x 2 × x.
Don’t be afraid to take your time over this next bit of algebra. Manipulation
that involves fractions does not come naturally to most people. It will take
you time to become fluent – and eventually be able to miss out steps.
Getting it right is the main thing.
The equation is
2 2p p 1
y = x x −2 x +
5 5
2 2p 10 p 1
= x x − x +
5 5 5
1 p p 1
= (2x 2 x − 10 x) +
5 5
2p 1
= x(x 2 − 5) +
5 5
Exercises 38
4. Write each of your answers to question 3 in a form that does not involve
negative of fractional indices.
1 2 3x 4 −6x 2 −1
Z µ ¶
13. Show that 3x − dx = + c.
x x
p x −1
p x−1
14. Show that = x − 1. Hence find p d x.
x+1 x +1
15. The gradient function of a curve is = 3x 2 + 2.
Find the equation of the curve, given that it passes through (1, 8).
16. The gradient of a curve is given by = πx + 1, and the curve passes
through (2, 2π + 3). Find its equation.
17. The point (2, 16) lies on a curve whose gradient is given by = 8x −4.
Find the equation of the curve and the coordinates of the points where
it crosses the x-axis.
18. The gradient of a curve is = ax + b. FInd the equation of the curve,
given that its gradient at x = 0 is 1, and it passes through the points (1, 2)
and (−2, 8).
19. Find the function f (x), given that f 0 (x) = px + q, f 0 (2) = 0, f (1) = −1
and f (−1) = 7.
dy A
20. A curve crosses the x-axis at (4, 0) and its gradient is given by =p .
dx x
¡1 20
Find its equation if it also passes through 9 , − 3 .
Write down the smallest value y can take.
21. (a) The gradient of a curve C is = k(1 − x 2 ), where k is a constant.
Find the value of k and the equation of the curve if its gradient at (2, 0)
is −18.
(b) Using the Factor Therem, or otherwise, show that the equation can
be written y = 2(2 − x)(x + 1)2 .
(c) Sketch C.
dy a b
22. The gradient of a curve C is given by = + .
d x x2 x3
The x-axis is an asymptote of C, and it passes the points (1, −2) and
(−1, 4). Find the equation of C and show that it crosses the x-axis where
x = 3 . [Hint: what would x be where C is a asymptotic to the x-axis?]
Solutions 38
1 1 x 4 +1 2
4. (a) − x (b) − 2x 2 + 12 x 2 or 2x 2 (c) − − 5x 5 1
(d) − 2x
2 1 1+2x 3 p p p
(e) − x 4 (f) − 3x1 3 − 6x 6 or − 6x 6 (g) 4( x)3 or 4 x 3 (h) 53 ( 3 x)5
p p p p
(i) 2 x (j) 16( 4 x)5 (k) 18( 3 x)2 (l) 23 x(x − 3)
1 1
5. (a) x −3 (b) 5x −2 (c) 3x 2 (d) x 4
1 3 1
(e) 4x − 2 (f) x 2 (g) 72 x −2 (h) 21 x − 2
1 1 1
(i) x − 2 + x 2 (j) x 2 − 1 (k) 2x −3 − x −2 (l) x + x −3
1 5 1 1 3 1 1
(m) x 2 + x 2 (n) 2
− 21 x −3 (o) x − 2 + x 2 + x 2 (p) 9x 2 + 6 + x − 2
x −2 1 5x −1 5
6. (a) −2 = − 2x 2 (b) −1 = − x
3 p p 4x 4 4 p 4 p
(c) 2x 2 = 2( x)3 = 2x x (d) 5 = 5 ( 4 x)5 = 5 x 4 x
1 p 2x 2 2 p
(e) 8x 2 = 8 x (f) 5 = 5 ( x)5
2x −1 2 1 p
(g) −7 = − 7x (h) x 2 = x
1 2 3 2p 2 3 1 p
(i) 2x 2 + 3 x 2 = 3 x(3 + x) (j) 3 x 2 − x = 3 x(2 x − 3)
x −1 x2 x −2 x4 − 1
(k) −x −2 + x −1 = x 2 (l) 2 + −2 = 2x 2
3 7
2x 2 2x 2 2 p x x −2 2x 3 + 1
(m) 3 + 7 = 21 x x(7 + 3x 2 ) (n) 2 + 4 = 4x 2
3 5
2x 2 2x 2 3 1
(o) 2x + 3 + 5
2 (p) 6x 2 + 6x + 2x 2
2p p p
= 15 x(15 + 5x + 3x 2 ) = 2 x(3x + 3 x + 1)
7. y = 3x 2 + 5x − 1 [y = 3x 2 + 5x + c and 1 = 12 − 10 + c ⇒ c = −1]
8. V = (t + 1)2 [V = t 2 + 2t + c and 9 = 4 + 4 + c ⇒ V = t 2 + 2t + 1]
1 1 1 5
9. f (−1) = 3 [ f (x) = x+ 3 x 3 + c. f (1) = 3 = 1+ 3 +c ⇒ c = f (0) = 3 ]
10. (a) y = x 3 − x 2 − x + 5 [ d x = 3x 2 − 2x − 1 and 7 = 8 − 4 − 2 + c ⇒ c = 5]
p dy 1 1
(b) y = 4x 2 + 2 x + 3 [ d x = 8x + x − 2 ⇒ y = 4x 2 + 2x 2 + c and 71 = 64 + 4 + c]
1 dy
(c) y = x+ x +1 [ d x = 1 − x −2 ⇒ y = x + x −1 + c and 3 = 1 + 1 + c]
Z µ ¶
3 1 1 −1 3 1 p p
11. x + x
2 2 dx = x 2 +x 2 +c = x x + x +c
Z 2 2
−2 1
d x = x + x −1 + c = 1+ x +c
¡ ¢
12. 1−x
¡ 2 1
9x − 6 + x −2 d x = 3x 3 − 6x − x + c
p p
x − 1 (x − 1)( x − 1) (x −X1)(
x − 1)
14. p = p p =
x+1 ( x + 1)( x − 1) x−1
1 2 3
(x 2 − 1) d x = 3 x 2 − x + c.
15. y = x 3 + 2x + 5 [y = x 3 + 2x + c and 8 = 1 + 2 + c]
1 1
16. y = 2 πx 2 + x + 1 [y = 2 πx 2 + x + c and 2π + 3 = 2π + 2 + c ⇒ c = 1]
−1 2
1 3
22. y = x 2 − x , which passes through ( 13 , 0).
a b
[y = − x − 2x 2 +c. C asymptotic to the x-axis ⇒ y → 0 as x → ±∞ ⇒ c = 0.
b b
−2 = −a − 2 and 4 = a − 2 ⇒ a = 3 and b = −2. Notice that being an
asymptote the the x-axis does not prevent C from cutting it elsewhere.]
6 f (x) = x 2 + 1
−1 0 1 2 3
First we will show how to calculate it, and then explain what is going on.
Z 2
Shaded area = (x 2 + 1) d x.
The numbers attached to the symbol mean that we are restricting x to
values between 1 and 2.
We call this a definite integral and the two values of x the lower limit and
the upper limit of the integral:
Z 2 · 3 ¸2
· ¸ · ¸
2 8 1 7 10 1
(x + 1) d x. = +x = +2 − +1 = +1 = = 3
1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3
Can you see what we have done? Having integrated the function we have
found the value of the expression at each of the limits and subtracted the
answers - starting with the upper limit.
(Notice that with a definite integral, for a reason I’ll explain later, we don’t
need to include a constant of integration c.)
Let’s see if the answer looks about right. f (1) = 2 and f (2) = 5, so the area of
the trapezium with the same vertices would be 1 × 12 × (2 + 5) = 72 = 3 12 .
This is very close to the exact area, found by integration. And because the
curve “bend inwards” the exact area is slightly less, as we would expect.
Before we talk more about finding areas, a little practice performing definite
integrals. But first a couple of comments. The first is a warning to be careful
about signs. For example:
Z 1 i1
h h i
x2 d x =
£1¤ £1¤ £ −1 ¤ 2
3 −1
= 3
− 3
= 3
− 3
= 3
It is all too easy to end up with the answer 0, clearly not the correct answer
when we look at a sketch:
2 y = x2
0 x
−2 −1 1 2
The second comment is that any factors inside the integral can be taken
outside (and vice versa obviously). The same is true of factors inside or
outside the square bracket. This device helps to keep the working as tidy as
possible. An example, first without the simplification:
Z 2 4x + 1
Z 2 4 1 ¤2
x + d x = 32 x 2 + 13 x 1 = 38 + 23 − 32 + 13 = 7
£ £ ¤ £ ¤
dx = 3
1 3 1 3 3
Now with:
Z 2 4x + 1
Z 2 ¤2 ³ ´
1 1 1
[8 + 2] − [2 + 1] = 37
£ 2
dx = 3 4x + 1 d x = 3 2x + x 1 = 3
1 3 1
Another example:
Z 2 Z 2
4 2
h 3 i ¤2
(5x 2 − x 3 ) d x = 2 5x3 − x4 2
20x 3 − 3x 4 1
2x (5 − x) d x = 2 = 12
1 1 1
...by pulling any fractions out of the bracket, the evaluation inside the
bracket becomes easier—and therefore less prone to error:
³ ´
= 6 [160 − 48] − [20 − 3] = 95
Note that it is only constant factors that can moved through the integral sign;
it would not make sense to say something like this:
Z 2 Z 2
2 2
2x (5 − x) d x = 2x (5 − x) d x !!
1 1
2 2 1−x 2 x2
(d) (1 − x) d x (e) dx (f) dx
1 1 3 0 2
Z 2 3
Z 2 4
Z 4 p
(g) x dx (h) dx (i) x dx
0 5 1 x3 1
2 2 2 µ ¶2
(j) x(2 + x) d x (k) (3x − 1) d x (l) x+ dx
−1 0 −1 x
(a) 12 (b) 78 (c) 4 (d) − 12 (e) − 61 (f) 4
3 (g) 6
5 (h) 3
2 (i) 14
3 (j) 6 (k) 14 (l) 15
We haven’t explained how we know what area we are going to get when we
perform a definite integral between two values of x? The answer is: the area
looks like a “curtain” hanging from the curve down to the x-axis. The sides of
the “curtain” are always vertical and the bottom always lies along the x-axis.
(i) Which of the shaded areas below fit the above definition of an integral
between two values of x? For those that do, write down what the values are,
i.e. the limits of the integral. (The answers are in the footnote25 .)
(a) y (b)
4 y= 4
y = 4−x 2 3
0 x
−1 1 2 3
0 x
1 2 3
(c) y (d ) y
2 y = x2 + 1
2 y = x3 + 2
0 x
−1 1 2
0 x
−1 −1 1 2 3
(e) (f ) y
p y = 4 − x42
2 y= x 3
1 2
0 x 1
1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3
(ii) Find all the shaded areas. Where you cannot do it directly with an
integral, find it indirectly. (The answers are on the next page.)
(a) 1 to 2, (d) 0 to 1. None of the others are the direct result of an integration between
two values of x, although you will see they can all be found using integration.
If any of the answers to (i) don’t make sense to you, imagine (or sketch)
where the “curtain” would fall. Starting on the x-axis at the two values of x
you have chosen, the sides of the “curtain” are the vertical lines from these
two points up to the curve. If the resulting “curtain” corresponds exactly to
the area we want, the definite integral – between those two values of x –
gives that area. This is what we find in examples (a) and (d).
If we can’t find the area directly in that way, we can think of it as the
difference of two other areas, one of which we find by integration.
4 · ¸4 · ¸ · ¸
2 2 3 2 2 14
(e) x dx = x 2
2 = .8 − .1 =
3 1 3 1 3 3 3
[Subtract from this the area of the rectangle between (1, 0) and (4, 1).]
Z 2 ¤2
(4 − 4x −2 ) d x = 4x + 4x −1 1 = [8 + 2] − [4 + 4] = 2
(f) 4
[Subtract this from the area of the rectangle between (0, 0) and (2, 3).]
In all the above graphs both axes have been drawn to the same scale. This is so
you can see that the areas look about right. From now onwards, as with curve
sketching, we may use a different scale on each axis.
But before going on, an explanation of why integrating a function gives the
area under it’s curve, and why – with a definite integral – we don’t need the
constant of integration. You won’t be examined on either of these so you can
skip the next section if you are happy to take them on trust.
y + δy
x x + δx
We are going to see how much new area would be created if we were to go as
far as Q, rather than stop at P . We will call this extra area δA. How big it is
will depend on δx, y (the height of P ) and y + δy, the height of Q.
We can’t find δA exactly, but a trapezium is a good approximation to the
shaded area, and this estimate will get even better when we let P and Q get
closer to each other, i.e. as δx → 0. (≈ means “is approximately equal to”.)
1 1
δA ≈ δx [y + (y + δy)] = yδx + δxδy
2 2
δA 1
If we divide through by δx we have ≈ y+ δy.
δx 2
If we now move Q closer and closer to P , until eventually it’s at the same
point as P , δy = 0 and the trapezium area is no longer an approximations.
We can then write
If all seems very abstract, let’s look at the example we started with: y = x 2 + 1.
= x 2 + 1.
A is going to be a formula for the area, which tells us what A is for different
values of x. When we differentiate that formula we get x 2 + 1, so to find the
formula we integrate x 2 + 1: x3
A= +x +c
Since A is the area starting at the y-axis26 , A = 0 when x = 0, so c = 0.
To find the area under the curve between, say 1 and 2, we find the area as far
23 13
as 2, which is 3 + 2, and subtract the area as far as 1, which is 3 + 1. This is
exactly what we did a few pages back:
Z 2 · 3 ¸2 · 3 ¸ · 3
2 2 1 10
(x + 1) d x = +x = +2 − +1 =
1 3 1 3 3 3
Because we are always subtracting two areas it doesn’t matter where we measure A from.
Example 25
Find the coordinates of the points where the line y = x + 1 intersects the
curve y = (x + 1)(x − 3).
Hence find the area enclosed by the line and the curve.
The equation of the curve can be written y = 3 + 2x − x 2 , so to find where the
line crosses it
x + 1 = 3 + 2x − x 2
x2 − x − 2 = 0
(x + 1)(x − 2) = 0
x = −1 or x = 2
The points of intersection are P (−1, 0) and Q(2, 3).
The curve cuts the x-axis at x = −1 and x = 3; it also passes through (0.3).
The coefficient of x 2 is negative, so the area looks like this
2 x3
Z ·
2 2
(3 + 2x − x ) d x = 3x + x −
−1 3 −1
· ¸ · ¸
8 (−1)
= 6+4− − (−3) + (+1) −
3 3
= 9
The shaded area is therefore 4 2 , the same as the area of triangle PQR.
Notice how we didn’t try to do too much in our head in evaluating the integral.
When you have something like this get into the habit of writing down one or
more intermediate stages, even if they seem very trivial.
h i
The final fraction, for example, is − − (−1)(−1)(−1)
= − 13
So far every area we have looked at has been above the x-axis. When it is, all
the relevant y-values are positive so the area will be positive. If an area is
below the x-axis, the y-values are negative and the area, mathematically
speaking, will be negative.
Here is a simple example: the area between the curve y = 4x(x − 1)(2 − x) and
the x-axis. We’ll start with the area between x = 0 and x = 1.
The equation can be written y = −4x 3 + 12x 2 − 8x and the curve looks like
this27 : Z 1
(−4x 3 + 12x 2 − 8x) d x
y = 4x(x − 1)(2 − x) £ 4 ¤1
2 = −x + 4x 3 − 4x 2 0
= [−1 + 4 − 4] − [0]
0 x = −1
−1 1 2 3
The actual area is +1 of course,
−2 because an area can’t be negative.
This raises the question of what to do if part of the area is above the x-axis
and part of it is below. The answer is we have to calculate the two parts
separately, as we see if we try to find the area between 0 and 2. It is
y £ 4 ¤2
−x + 4x 3 − 4x 2 0
By sketching the curve y = x 3 , write down, for any constant k, the value of
Z +k
x 3 d x.
The roots (where it crosses the x-axis) are at 0, 1 and 2. The coefficient of x 3 is negative,
which tells us which way up it is.
From a quick sketch of any odd function and any even function, we can see
Z +k
if f (x) is an odd function f (x) d x = 0
Z +k Z +k
if f (x) is an even function f (x) d x = 2 f (x) d x
−k 0
the symmetry means the two areas
y = x3
on either side of the y-axis are equal
in size but opposite in sign, so the
total mathematical area = 0.
x Z k
−k 0 k
x 3 d x = 0.
Example 26
Sketch the curve y = x 2 − 4.
Find the area between the curve, the two coordinate axes and the line x = 3.
The roots (where y = 0) are at x = ±2 and the y-intercept is at y = −4.
y = x2 − 4
0 x
−2 −1 1 2 3 4
−2 A
Because part of the area is above the x-axis and part of it is below, we need to
find those areas separately. We can’t simply integrate between x = 0 and
x = 3.
Z 2 · 3 ¸2
2 x
A= (x − 4) d x = − 4x
0 3 0
· ¸
= − 8 − [0]
= − < 0
3 x3
Z ·
B= (x − 4) d x = − 4x
2 3 2
· ¸
= [9 − 12] − −8
> 0 =
16 7 23
The total area is therefore28 |A| + |B | = + = 3.
3 3
|x| is the modulus of x, i.e. it’s magnitiude ignoring the sign. We read it “mod x”.
Write down the values of these integrals (the answers are in the footnote29 ):
Z 3 Z 2
(a) (x − 4) d x (b) (x 2 − 4) d x
0 −2
Z 2 Z 3
(c) (4 − x ) d x (d) (3x 2 − 12) d x
0 2
(a) −3 [A + B ] (b) − 32
3 [2A] (c) + 16
3 [−A] (d) 7 [3B ]
Example 27
Find the area enclosed between the curve y = x 2 + 2, the y-axis and the line
y + x = 4.
The line crosses the curve where 4 − x = x 2 + 2. This is easily solved to give
x = 1 or x = −2.
The solution we are after must be x = 1.
The line passes through (0, 4) and (4, 0) and intersects the curve at (1, 3).
The sketch looks like this, with the area we are looking for shaded:
0 x
−1 1 2 3 4
The way to start a question like this is to ask yourself: what area would I get if
I integrated between two possible values of x, for example between 0 and 4,
or between 0 and 1. The “curtain” idea tells us which area each integral gives
We are not necessarily looking for an integral that gives us the area directly,
but one that we could use to find the area.
It quickly becomes clear that the integral from 0 to 1 will do the trick,
because it gives us the area underneath the curve, and the shaded area can
be found by subtracting that area from the area of a trapezium.
Z 1 · 3 ¸1
2 x
(x + 2) d x = + 2x
0 3 0
· ¸
= + 2 − [0]
1 7 3
Trapezium area = 1× 2 (3 + 4) = 2
7 7 7 1
Shaded area = 2 − 3 = 6 = 1 6
If the answer doesn’t “look right”, it may be because the scales on the axes are
different. It is always a good idea to try a check whether we are in the right
ball park. In this case the area of the triangle with the same vertices as the
shaded area, i.e. (0, 2), (1, 3) and (0, 4), is exactly 1, very close to the shaded
area (but slightly smaller, as expected).
Example 28
Find the area enclosed between the curve y = , the x-axis, and
(a) the lines x = 1 and x = 4,
(b) the line x = 1.
(a) The sketch looks like this (the curve is drawn accurately – isn’t it
y The area is
Z 4
2x −2 d x
3 1
−2x −1 1
· ¸4
2 =
x 1
· ¸
= − − [−2]
1 3
0 x
1 2 3 4 5
(b) If we take away the line x = 4 we have an area that extends to infinity.
Surely the answer must be infinite? Let’s see what happens when we do the
integration Z ∞
2x −2 d x = −2x −1 1
· ¸∞
x 1
· ¸
= − − [−2]
= 2 because = 0
Even though the region is infinitely long, its area is finite. One way to think of
it is this: as we go further and further to the right, the region gets thinner
faster than it gets longer.
Example 29
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 9 − x 2 at (1, 8).
Find area enclosed by the curve, the tangent and the two axes.
The gradient of the curve is given by
= −2x
so at x = 1 the tangent has gradient −2, and its equation is
y − 8 = −2(x − 1)
i.e. y = 10 − 2x
which crosses the axes at (0, 10) and (5, 0). The curve crosses the axes where
y = 9 and where x = ±3. The area we are looking for is shaded.
(1, 8)
0 x
−1 1 2 3 4 5 6
If we integrate the function between 0 and 3, and subtract that from the area
of the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (5, 0) and (0, 10), we will have the area we
Z 3 ·
(9 − x ) d x = 9x −
0 3 0
= [27 − 9] − [0]
= 18
Example 30
p p
The graph30 shows the two curves y = x and y = 2 − x.
Find the coordinates of Q and R, where the curve y = 2 − x crosses the axes,
and the coordinates of P , where the two curves meet.
Hence show that the area of the region enclosed by the two curves and the
x-axis is the same as the area of the triangle OP R.
y= x
y = 2− x
For the curve y = 2 − x
x = 0 ⇒ y = 2, so Q is (0, 2). And y = 0 when x = 2 ⇒ x = 4. R is (4, 0).
p p p
The curves cross where 2 − x = x, i.e. where 2 = 2 x ⇒ x = y = 1.
The area of triangle OP R is therefore 2.
Between x = 0 and x = 1 the region has y = x as a boundary; between x = 1
and x = 4 it has y = 2 − x. The area is therefore
2 3 1 2 3 4
Z 1 Z 4³ · ¸ · ¸
1 1
x 2 dx + 2−x 2 dx = x 2 + 2x − x 2
0 1 3 0 3 1
· ¸ · ¸ · ¸
2 16 2
= − [0] + 8 − − 2−
3 3 3
= 2
30 p
To see why the curves look like this, start with y = x.
This is the positive (top) half of the curve y 2 = x, because we can think of it as y = ± x.
y 2 = x will have the same shape as y = x 2 but with the axes swapped over. Can you see
this? The bottom half of y 2 = x is y = − x. Adding 2 to this function moves it up 2 units,
so its equation is y = − x + 2, which is the other curve in the diagram.
Exercises 39
1. Find the area enclosed by the curve y = x 2 + 2, the two coordinate axes and
the line x = 3.
2. Find the area between the curve y + x 3 , the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and
x = 2.
3. Sketch the curve y = x(2 − x) and find the area between the curve and the
Write down the area between the curve y = 3x(2 − x) and the x-axis.
4. Use integration to find the area between the line x + y = 3 and the two
coordinate axes.
Verify your answer using the formula for the area of a triangle.
7. Find the area enclosed by the curve y = 3x 2 − 18x + 2 and the x-axis.
8. Sketch the curve y = x 2 (3 − x). Find the area bounded by the curve and the
9. Draw a sketch showing the line x = 2 crossing the x-axis at P , the curve
y = x 2 at Q and the curve y = 2x 2 at R. If O is the origin, show that the areas
OPQ and OQR (where each area is bound by at least one of the curves) are
equal. See if you can prove it without doing any integration.
Z 4
10. Evaluate the integral |2 − x| d x.
Z 2
11. Evaluate the integral (4 − x 2 ) d x.
Sketch the curves y = 4 − x 2 and y = x 2 − 4 and use the symmetries to write
down the area enclosed between the two curves.
12. Find where the line y = 6 intersects the curve y = x 2 −4x +9. Find the area
of the region between the line and the curve.
13. Find the area between the curve y = x(6 − x) cut off by the line y = 8.
14. Find where the line y = x intersects the curve y = x 2 − 2x + 2. Hence find
the area between the line and the curve.
15. Find the area enclosed between the curve y = x(5 − x) and the line y = 2x.
16. Find where the line y = x + 2 crosses the curve y = x 2 − 4x + 6. Hence find
the area enclosed by the line and the curve.
Solutions 39
³Z 2 Z 2
15 4
x(2 − x) d x = 3 × 34
1. 15 2. 4 3. 3, 4 3x(2 − x) d x = 3
1 1
y = x(2 − x)
0 x
−1 1 2
4. 2 5. (0, 3), (1, 0) and (3, 0). Area = − 43
³£ ¤ ´
6. Area = 1 − x4 2 = [−1] − [−2]
y For all x ≥ 2, area = 2
6 £ 4 ¤∞
− x 2 = 0 − [−2]
³Integral = 1 ´
Equal to the area beyond x = 4
0 x
1 2 3 4 5
³ h i4 ¤4 ´
− 3x 2 + 8x = x 3 − 9x 2 + 24x 2
7. −4 y = 3(x − 2)(x − 4). Area = 3 3 2
8. y
Area = 27 4
4 3
³h i ´
x 3 − x4
−1 0 1 2 3
9. Z 2 Z 2
y Area OP R = 2x d x = 2 x2 d x
y = 2x 2 0 0
R = 2× Area OPQ
Q y = x2
10. Answer: 4 2
0 1 2 3 4
16 64
11. Integral (shaded area) = 3
Area enclosed by the two curves = 3
0 x
−2 −1 1 2
³ ´
12. (1, 6) and (3, 6) x 2 − 4x + 9 = 6 ⇒ (x − 1)(x − 3) = 0
³Z 3 ´
Area = 3 4
(x 2 − 4x + 9) d x
13. Area = 34
We can see from sketches that the configuration can be transformed into that
of the previous question by¢ two translations and a reflection. This explains
why the areas are the same.
14. Area = 6
y Intersection at (1, 2) and (2, 2).
Area of trapezium = 23 .
Z 2
2 (x 2 − 2x + 2) d x = 43
3 4
Overlap area = 2
− 3
−1 0 1 2
15. Area = 2 y
Z 3 h i3 (3, 6)
2 5x 2 x3 27
(5x − x ) d x = 2
− 3 0
= 2 y = x(5 − x)
Area of triangle = 9.
27 9
Shaded area = 2
−9 = 2
0 3 5
16. Area = 2
y Intersection where
y = x 2 − 4x + 6 = x + 2 ⇒
6 x = 1, y = 3 or x = 4, y = 6
y = x +2 Area beneath curve
h 3 i4
= x3 − 2x 2 + 6x = 9
2 Trapezium area
3 27
= 2 (3 + 6) = 2
x 27
0 1 2 3 4 5 Area required = 2 −9
ax n+1
• Indefinite integration. ax n d x = n+1 + c (n 6= −1)
Preview of the index rules underpinning the whole chapter.
Solving exponential equations with logs e.g. 2x + 10, 22y+5 = 0.5, 4x = 121−x
Simplifying expressions e.g. 3 log 2 + log 5 − 2 log 4, ln e 2 , 2 log pq − log 3p 2 .
11.6 Exponential modelling. Example of practical problems e.g. population
growth, radioactive decay.
11.7 Non-linear relationships. Using logs to convert functions of the form
y = ax n or y = ab x to a linear relationship.
First a reminder of all the index rules, including negative and fractional
indices. These provide the basis for everything we’ll be doing with
exponential equations and logarithms.
a m × a n = a m+n
= a m−n
(ab)n = a n b n
¡ a ¢n a n
= n
b b
(a m )n = a mn
a −n =
m p p
a n = ( n a)m or n a m
n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2n 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
3n 1 3 9 27 81 243 729
5n 1 5 25 125 625
Since 0.001 = 10−3 , we have
101−2x = 10−3
∴ 1 − 2x = −3
4 = 2x
x = 2
Substitute x = 2 into the original equation to satisfy yourself that it’s correct.
We were able to express the right hand side in exponential form, using the
same base as the left hand side. Then all we had to do was equate the
exponents and solve the resulting equation.
Suppose both sides of the equation are already in index (or exponent) form
but the bases are different? You may remember in Chapter 2 we talked about
decomposing bases—breaking them down into factors. We can use this
technique here.
Since 25 = 52 ,
54x = (52 )x−1 = 52x−2
∴ 4x = 2x − 2
2x = −2
x = −1
We could have chosen to make the bases on each side1 25. It is generally
easier to convert to the smaller base.
Example 3 32 y = 8 y−1
In Example 2 we converted both sides to the same base. We could do the
same here. We could write 32 as 8 3 , and then proceed as before:
(8 3 ) y = 8 y−1
8 3 = 8 y−1
∴ = y −1
5y = 3y − 3
3 = 2y
y = −
The decomposition method is usually simpler, converting both bases to the
smallest possible value, in this case 2.
The solution would then be
((25) 2 )4x = 25x−1
(25)2x = 25x−1
2x = x −1
x = −1
Example 5 22x − 2x − 12 = 0
The trick is to regard 22x as (2x )2 .
(We’ll be using this trick repeatedly.) Now we can write the equation as
(2x )2 − 2x − 12 = 0
y 2 − y − 12 = 0
(y − 4)(y + 3) = 0
∴ y = 4 or y = −3
2 = 4 or 2x = −3
A key feature of this type of problem is that the quadratic structure can be
disguised in different ways. Look at this equation:
4x − 2x − 12 = 0
4x = 2x + 12
Any variable will do. We could equally well use, say X = 2x .
Example 6 72x + 7x = 2
As before, we write 72x as (7x )2 and substitute y = 7x , giving
(7x )2 + 7x = 2
y +y = 2
y + y −2 = 0
(y + 2)(y − 1) = 0
∴ y = −2 or y = 1
that is 7 = −2 or 7x = 1
As we saw in the previous example, since 7x is always > 0, the only solution
comes from 7x = 1, that is x = 0. (A quick check tells us that x = 0 does
indeed satisfy the equation.)
Example 7 9t − 10(3t ) + 9 = 0
This example looks more complicated, but the clue is in the presence of a 3t
and a 9t , which can be written as (3t )2 . We use substitution. The choice of
variable is ours; all we are doing in effect is giving 3t a label. Putting x = 3t
(3t )2 − 10(3t ) + 9 = 0
x 2 − 10x + 9 = 0
(x − 1)(x − 9) = 0
∴ x = 1 or x = 9
The clue that it is a quadratic is in the 22x term, which is (2x )2 . But we would
hope to see a 2x term; instead there is a 2x+1 term. This is a common
disguise: fortunately we can write 2x+1 = 2(2x ) and now we can see that the
equation is just like the previous example. Rearranging and substituting
y = 2x we have
(2x )2 − 2(2x ) − 8 = 0
y 2 − 2y − 8 = 0
(y − 4)(y + 2) = 0
Now we have had some practice, we can see that the factor (y + 2) doesn’t
provide a solution. The only one comes from y − 4 = 2x − 4 = 0, that is x = 2.
Example 9 2x − 12(2−x ) = 1
In this example the disguise is even more subtle. Notice the negative index in
the second term. With very few exceptions it’s safe to assume that whenever
we have a negative index it will help to convert it into fraction form. In this
case it changes the equation to
2x − 12 =1
Now, substituting y = 2x , we have3
y− = 1.
Multiplying through by y and rearranging in the usual way, we have
y 2 − y − 12 = 0
You may recognise this as the exactly the same as the equation we derived in
Example 5. So the answer is x = 2.
2x − 12(2−x ) = 22 − 12(2−2 ) = 4 − 12 × 14 = 4 − 3 = 1.
Example 10 3x − 32−x = 8
In this example the disguise is even heavier. The negative index hidden within
the second term is the clue, because 3−x = x . We can re-write the second
32−x = 32 3−x = x
and the equation is now
3x − x = 8
a form that you’ll recognise from the previous example. Putting y = 3x and
rearranging we have:
y 2 − 8y − 9 = 0
Solve this for yourself and hence find the roots of the original equation (the
answer is in the footnote4 ).
You don’t need to remember all these variations; you just need to know what
to look out for, which comes with practice.
The second term is 12 1 12
1 × 2x = 2x .
(y − 9)(y + 1) = 0 ⇒ y = 3 = 9 or y = 3x = −1. The only root is x = 2.
Exercises 40
Solutions 40
4. (a) t = −2 (b) y = ±2
(c) No solution. a x is always positive. (d) y = 0 or y = −2
(e) x = −1 or x = 3 (f) x = 0 or x = 2
(g) x = − 21 (h) x = −1 or x = −2 (i) x = 1
or x = 1
y = ax + b
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2x 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
Although this starts off looking not very different from y = x 2 , by the time we
reach x = 10 they differ by a factor of about 10. We’ve drawn below the two
curves up to this point. The further we go the more dramatically they diverge:
for example 152 = 225 whereas 215 is approximately 33, 000.
We can perhaps see why the term exponential growth has entered ordinary
language to describe a very rapid rate of increase.
If you Google Exponential Function, you will see a different definition. The term
has in practice been co-opted for the specific function y = e x , where e is Euler’s
number. The reason for this, and what Euler’s number is, will become clear if you
go on to study A2 Maths.
x −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
2x 32 16 8 4 2 1 2 4 8 16 32
y = 2x
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Outside this range it becomes difficult to draw: for large positive values of x
the graph is almost indistinguishable from a vertical line.
For large negative values x the curve will appear to be virtually horizontal. In
fact of course it is getting closer and closer to the x-axis—the curve is
asymptotic to the line y = 0.
The number we are raising to a power, in this case 2, is called the base.
(Confusingly “base" has different mathematical meanings in different
contexts.) If we use a bigger base, the function increases even more rapidly.
What happens if the base is < 1? For example
µ ¶x
y= .
Using the rules of indices, we can rewrite the function:
µ ¶x
1 1x 1
= x = x = 2−x .
2 2 2
The table of values for this function, in the range x = −5 to +5, is exactly the
same as before except that all the values have been “reflected" in the middle
value (20 ).
x −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1
2x 32 16 8 4 2 1 2 4 8 16 32
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
As you may have guessed, this produces the curve for y = 2x reflected in the
We’ll be picking this idea up again in the next section. We’ll see that being
able to transform functions in various ways is a powerful aid to sketching
You will recognise y = 2x as an increasing function, so gradient functions
must be positive everywhere. Similarly y = 2−x as a decreasing function, so
its gradient function must be negative everywhere. We shall return to this in
the coming pages: the question of how to differentiate these functions.
y = 2x
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
A fraction formed by one integer divided by another.
π ≈ 3.141593, e ≈ 2.718282
They are both irrational7 numbers, so we can never write down their exact
They are numbers that have a significance that is built into the way the
universe is constructed. In the case of π, it is the ratio of the circumference
of a circle to its diameter; we are about to see what that significant is for e.
We start by looking at the graphs of y = 2x and y = 3x , because
y = (2.718282)x must in some sense lie between them.
y = 2x y = 3x
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
x x
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
y = 2x
−2 −1 0 1 2
An irrational number if one that cannot be written as one integer divided by another.
The next step is to look at the gradient function8 for each of them. We don’t
yet have the tools for differentiating them so you will have to take this on
This time we will compare each function with its gradient function. You see
something interesting which point the way the the function y = e x . To make
it clearer we are focussing in on the lower part of each curve.
This time the blue curve is f (x) and the red curve is the gradient function
f 0 (x).
6 6
f (x) = 3x
f 0 (x) = 0.693 × 2x
4 4
2 2
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
Notice that the gradient function 2x is below the function itself, whereas the
opposite is true of the function 3x , where the gradient function is above
it–and very close to it because the factor 1.099 is close to 1.
There must be a function therefore, of the form f (x) = k x for which
f 0 (x) = f (x), where 2 < k < 3. This number is e.
x 0 x
If f (x) = e , then f (x) = e
It is this property that makes the number e so special, and why it is woven
into the fabric of the universe in the same way that π is.
But before we see how, we need to learn how to differentiate the function
y = e ax where a is a constant.
Many students are tempted to differentiate 2x by saying it is x2x−1 . This is wrong: the
rule that works for x n only applies if the index (i.e. n) is a constant.
Differentiating y = e ax
You don’t need to now why, but to the derivative of y = e ax is the same
function multiplied by a. (a is a constant.)
ax 0 ax
If f (x) = e , then f (x) = ae
f (x) f’(x)
4e 2x 8e 2x
1 1
6e 2 x + 2 3e 2 x
2e −x − x 2 −2(e −x + x)
e kx + e −kx k(e x − e −x )
= e −2x −2e −2x
e 2x
e 5x −1 e 5x 1
= e 3x − e −2x 3e 3x
+ 2e −2x 2x − 2x
e 2x e e
(e 3x + 2)2 6e 3x (e 3x + 2) e 6x + 4e 3x + 4
p 3 3x 1 3
e 3x 2
e2 (e 3x ) 2 = e 2 x
Example 11
(a) Find the gradient of the curve y = 3e 2x at x = −1, x = 0 and x = 2.
(b) Write down the gradient at x = 0 of the curves y = 1 + 3e 2x and y = 3e −2x .
(c) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 3e 2x at x = 2 and
determine the coordinates of where the line meets the axes.
(a) If y = 3e 2x , = 6e 2x ,
So the gradients at x = −1 is 6e −2 = ,
at x = 0 it is 6 and at x = 2 it is 6e 4 .
(b) At x = 0 the gradient of y = 1 + 3e 2x is 6, because the curve is a translation
of y = e 2x parallel to the y-axis.
y = 3e −2x is the reflection of y = 3e 2x in x = 0 so its gradient at x = 0 is −6.
(c) When x = 2, y = 3e 4 , so the equation of the tangent is y − 3e 4 = 6e 4 (x − 2)
i.e. y = 6e 4 x − 9e 4 or y = 3e 4 (2x − 3)
When x = 0, y = −9e 4 , when y = 0, x = .
The tangent therefore meets the axes at (0, −9e 4 ) and 23 , 0
¡ ¢
3. Show that
1. (a) 4e 4x (b) −e −x (c) ke kx (d) 10e 5x (e) 4e 2 x
−2 2
(f) e x (2e x + 1) (g) 2x (h) 2e −x = x (i) −2e −x (j) 4e 2x (e 2x − 1)
e e
2. y = 3e 3 x − 2e 3 − 2
Example 12
y = 2x
8 • (2, 8)
4 • (2, 4)
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
y = 2x
C 1
4 •(1, 4) • (2, 4)
2• • (1, 2)
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Transforming y = e x
Owing to the importance of the function e x we will look more closely at
transformations of it. We know that e x → ∞ as x → +∞, and it → 0 as
x → −∞. We also known that the x-axis is an asymptote. Remembering what
we learned about curve sketching in Chapter 8, here are some examples.
We start with the curve10 y = e x . They all pass through (0, 1) because a 0 = 1.
Identify each of the transformations. The answers are at the bottom of the
next page.
(i) y = ex (ii) y = ex + 2
(1, e + 2)
• 3
(1, e)
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
(iii) y = e −x (iv) y = e −x − 1
(−1, e)•
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
(v) y = −e −x (vi) y = 3 − e −x
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
Think of it as
y = −e −x + 3
All curves of the form y = a x look very similar when sketched (a is a constant); it is only
the scale that changes.
(vii) y = ex (viii) y = 2e x
(1, 2e)
(1, e)
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
• (0, e) •1
( 2 , e)
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
(xii) y = e −2x
(xi) y =e −2
• (0, e − 2) (− 12 , e)
−2 −1 0 1 2 1
−2 −2 −1 0 1 2
We use the vector notation to describe translations, e.g. −3 is −3 units
parallel to the y-axis.
(ii) trans 02 (iii) refl in y-axis (iv) refl in y-axis and transl −1
¡¢ ¡0¢
(v) refl in x-axis and refl in y-axis (vi) refl in x-axis and transl 03
1. In each case sketch on the same graph the two functions given. Mark
where each curve meets the y-axis and any asymptotes. State the
transformation from the first function to the second function.
(a) e x and 3e x (b) e x and e x − 1 (c) e −x and 2e −x (d) e x and e 2 x
(e) e x and e x−2 (f) −e x and 2 − e x
(g) 2e x and e x (h) e 2x and e 2x−3
2. The sketches below are of the function y = ae bx + c. Find a possible
equation for each function, where b will either be +1 or −1.
(a) y y
−2 −1 0 1 2
x −1
−2 −1 0 1 2
(c) y (d) y
−2 −1 0 1 2
e −3•
−2 −1 0 1 2
(e) y (f) y
2 −2 −1 0 1 2
−2 −1 0 1 2
1.(a) y = 3e x (b)
y = ex y = ex
y = ex − 1
1 1
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
Stretch s.f. 3 // y-axis Translation −1
(c) (d)
y = 2e −x
y = ex
y = e −x y = e 2x
1 1
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
y = 2e −x y = 2e x y = e 2x−3
³ ´
0, e 3 ¡3 ¢
1 • 2,1
x x
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2
Reflection in y-axis Stretch s.f. 2 // x-axis
2.(a) 3e −x (b) e x − 2 (c) e x−3 (d) 1 − e −x (e) 2e −x + 2 (f ) 3 − e x
11.5 Logarithms
By the end of this page you will know what a logarithm is, but for the
moment bear with me. The story starts with an equation we solved earlier in
the chapter
10x = 1000 and 2 y = 32.
We call these exponential equations because the unknown is in the exponent
(another word for power or index).
The solutions, x = 3 and y = 5, are whole numbers (integers). We may be able
go a little further and solve an equation like this
9z = 27
because 3 p
9 2 = ( 9)3 = 27.
The solution in this case, z = 2 , is a fraction (rational number).
We call this solving by inspection. It relies on our recognising familiar powers
of certain numbers, in other words we have to be a bit lucky.
What about equations like this?
e x = 4 or e 2t +1 = 0.6.
log10 0.01 = −2
10−2 = .
Some example using the natural log:
p 1
ln e = and ln 1 = 0.
A log can have any base, so for example
1 1 p
log3 27 = because 27 3 = 27 = 3
5 5 p
and log4 32 = because 4 2 = ( 4)5 = 32
In general, a logarithm (to any base) can be defined by the statement:
log A Y = X ⇐⇒ Y =A
Before moving on to solving equations using logs, let’s make sure you are
clear about what a logarithm is.
Without using a calculator find the values of these logs (the answers are in
the footnote 11 ).
11 1
(a) 5 (b) 2 (c) −1 (d) −3 (e) 0 (f ) 2 (g) 1 (h) −2
log 1000 = 3.
Use the log button on your calculator to check that log 1000 = 3.
Now use your calculator to find log 1047. The answer is 3.0199 (to 4 DP). From
our definition of what a log is, this means that
103.0199 ≈ 1047.
log A A = 1 A
log A 1 = 0 A
Later in the course you will discover that an even more important base than 10 is the base
e. This is a special number, rather like π. It occurs naturally in the physical world—in such
areas as radioactive decay. The value of e is approximately 2.7183—a strange number to have
as a base for logarithms you might think.
So important is it that, like π, it earns its own buttons on a calculator: the e button and the
loge function which is almost always written ln (standing for natural logarithm).
To see why, all we have to do is go back to how a log is defined. We’ll use an
example to demonstrate:
8 × 16 = 128 or 23 × 24 = 27 .
Logs are, in effect, indices: we add them when multiplying numbers and
subtract when dividing them.
By extension we could have more than two number multiplied together, for
log 6 + log 0.5 + log 7 = log(6 × 0.5 × 7) = log 21.
The third law is now easy to demonstrate:
There are some more laws but, for your syllabus, you won’t need them yet.
This last example always comes as a bit of a surprise. We get to the same
result a different way:
µ ¶
log = log 1 − log 5
= 0 − log 5
Before you try some examples for yourself there are a couple of very common
pitfalls to watch out for. The commonest is to assume that something like
log 3a 2 .
The main purpose of the following questions is not so much about getting
the “right” answer (sometimes there is more than one). It’s really about
getting used to manipulating logs correctly.
Don’t be surprised if initially you make lots of mistakes; that’s how you learn.
In each case use the log laws to rewrite these expressions. (Some possible
answers are on the next page.)
1. (a) log 30 − log 6 (b) log 0.2 + log 8 (c) log 710
2. (a) log 10x − log 5x (b) log 2ab + log ab 2 (c) 2 log y 3
³ ´ ¡y¢
(d) log b 5 − 3 log b (e) log xy + log x (f) log K − log K12
Example 13
(i) We have already solved this but we solve it again here to illustrate the
approach of “taking logs”.
10x = 1047
log10 10 = log10 1047
i.e. x log10 10 = x = log10 1047
= 3.0199 (to 4 DP)
2a = 51
log10 2a = log10 51
a log10 2 = log10 51
log10 51
a =
log10 2
a = 5.6724 (to 4 DP)
A quick check reassures us that this is in the right ball park: 25 = 32 and
26 = 64, so 25.6724 will be somewhere between the two.
For the time being, when using base 10 logs we are going to drop the suffix.
This is a common convention: if no base is specified it means base 10.
72y+3 = 0.5
log 72y+3 = log 0.5
(2y + 3) log 7 = log 0.5
log 0.5
2y + 3 =
log 7
= −0.356207
−0.356207 − 3
y =
= −1.6781 (to 4 DP)
Notice that we only rounded to 4 DP at the last stage. We carried a little more
precision in the intermediate calculations.
This is valid because an equation remains true provided we do the same thing to both
Example 14
(i) As before we are going to take logs on both sides. Although this has the
desired effect of getting rid of the exponents, the linear equation we get is
more awkward looking. Try not to be put off by this.
4x = 121−x
x log 4 = (1 − x) log 12
0.60206x = 1.07918(1 − x)
= 1.07918 − 1.07918x
1.68124x = 1.07918
x = = 0.64190
= 0.642 (to 3 SF)
e 2x+3 = 10
2x + 3 = ln 10
= 2.3026
x = −0.3487
= −0.349 (3 SF)
15 1
(a) 4.20 (b) 0.423 (c) −0.458 (d) −3.30 (e) 3 (f) −1.11 (g) 0.637 (h) 0.718
(e) is the only part that can be done without using a calculator.
8 = 23 so l.h.s. is (23 )4x−1 = 23(4x−1) . So 3(4x − 1) = 1.
If you had difficullty with (g) or (h) here is part of the solution to part (h)
(x + 2) log 3 = 3x log 4 ⇒ 2 log 3 = x(3 log 4 − 2 log 3) = x(log 43 − log 32 ) = x log 64
Example 15
6x − 2
log = 0
(x + 1)2
6x − 2
⇒ = 1
(x + 1)2
6x − 2 = x 2 + 2x + 1
0 = x 2 − 4x + 3
(x − 1)(x − 3) = 0
⇒ x = 1 or x = 3
Example 16
ab 2
(a) Express log pc in terms of log a, log b and log c.
(b) If log x = 43 log y express log y in terms of log y.
(a) ab 2 p
log p = log a + log b 2 − log c
= log a + 2 log b − log c
(b) x6
log = log x 6 − log y
= 6 log x − log y
6 4
= × log y − log y = 8 log y − log y
1 3
= 7 log y
(a) log 3 + log 7 (b) 2 log 6 − log 3 (c) log 3 + 5 log 2 − log 4
The next two pages are for those of you who feel confident with logs and want
a bit of a challenge. If you don’t, you can skip them; they are not necessary for
tackling the rest of the chapter.
1. (a) log 21 (b) log 12 (c) log 24 (d) log 53 (e) log ab
(f ) log x 4 (g) log 4k+1 (h) log(x 2 − y 2 ) (i) log
x x4
2. 4 log x − 2 log y [log 5 + log x 3 y 3 = log 2 = log x 4 − log y 2 ]
y y
Common errors
If you are comfortable with the log rules and want to test yourself, here are
some examples illustrating some of the commonest errors:
log 5x 2 6= 2 log 5x
log 6
6= log 2
log 3
The log rules can be applied to the first three examples: they could be
written log 10, log 4 and log 5 + 2 log x respectively.
The last two examples appeal to what we might call wishful thinking:
imagining that there is an alternative way of writing them. There isn’t17 . If
you are unconvinced, look back at the rules.
The following list of statements is designed to try and trip you up. Many of
them are incorrect. Some are correct, although perhaps not obviously so. See
if you tell which is which (the answers are over the page).
At least not as envisaged here.
log x 3
5. log x cannot be simplified
1 p p p
6. Incorrect. 2
log x + 21 log y = log x + log y = log x y or 12 log x y
log 16 1
10. This one is correct. 2
is the same as 12 log 16 = log 16 2 = log 4
Example 17
log4 (x + 3) − log4 x =
x +3 1
log4 =
x 2
x +3 1
= 42 = 2
x + 3 = 2x
x = 3
Example 18
83 = 2 ⇒ log8 2 = 13
The equation becomes
log7 x = 2
x = 72
= 49
Example 19
The key here is to see that 32x = (3x )2 .
This is a quadratic in 3x . Putting y = 3x , and remembering that we collect all
the terms of a quadratic onto one side, we have
y 2 − 8y = 0
y(y − 8) = 0
y = 0 or y = 8
i.e. 3x = 0 or 3x = 8
Example 20
Example 21
q2 = 3
p p
q = 3 or − 3
p p
and p = 3 3 or − 3 3
Example 22
Given that
4 log x − log x y + log 3x 2 = 0
Find y in terms of x.
The way the question is worded implies that we must get rid of logs
altogether, which we are going to do using two slightly different methods.
Exercises 41
3. (a) Write down the coordinates of the point A where the curve y = 2x
crosses the y-axis.
The the point B (k, 8) lies on the curve. Write down the value of k.
(b) The curve y = 2x is transformed into the curve y = 2x − 1. Describe
the transformation geometrically.
The points A 0 and B 0 are the images of A and B under this
transformation. Write down their coordinates.
(c) Repeat part (b) but where the new curve is y = 2x−1 .
4 e 2x −3
5. Solve the equations (a) e x − 5e −x = 4 (b) e x = 2 − (c) = 4
ex ex
6. Show that the curves y = 2x and y = 2x 2 meet at x = 1. By sketching the
curves show that there is one other solution at x = a, where −1 < a < 0.
8. Find the coordinates of the point where the two curves y = 2+4e −x and
y = e x − 1 meet. Sketch the two curves on the same graph.
9. (i) Write down the equation of the reflection of y = 10x in the line
(a) y = 0, (b) x = 0.
(ii) How many solutions are there to these equations:
(a) 10x = 792, (b) 10x + 1 = 0
(iii) Show that y = 333x + 1 cuts the curve y = 10x at x = 0 and x = 3.
Hence write down the solutions to the equation 333x = 10x − 1.
11. By sketching the curve y = 2−x , show that there is exactly one solution
to the equation 12 x = 2−x . Use trial and error to find that solution.
12. Without using a calculator find the value of each of these logs:
(a) log2 16 (b) log7 49 (c) log9 3 (d) log10 100 (e) log5 0.2
p 1
(f)log6 6 (g) log4 4 (h) log20 1 (i) loga a 4 (j) log2 p
14. Express each of these as a single logarithm, e.g. 2 log 10 + log 5 = log 500.
(a) log 5 + log 4 (b) log 18 − log 3 (c) 3 log 2 (d) log 7 + 3 log 2
(e) log 3 + log 4 + log 5 (f ) 4 log 4 − 6 log 2 (g) 3 log 4 + log 8 − 5 log 2
15. Simplify these expressions, using the log laws. There may be more than
one answer. The purpose of the exercise is to become competent at
applying the laws correctly, rather than arriving at a particular result.
(i) log 6x − log 2x (ii) log 2a + log 5a (iii) 3 log x 2
(iv) 12 log 16 (v) 2 log y + log y 3 (vi) log x2 + log x2
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
(vii) log X 2 − log X1 (viii) log 10x + log 102x (ix) log x + 32 log x
16. Which of these statements is FALSE? Think very carefully about them
because they relate to some very common errors.
(a) log(x + y) = log x + log y (b) 2 log a + 3 log a = 5 log a
log x
(c) = log x 2 (d) log PQ 2 = 2 log PQ
log x
(e) log(x 2 + 2x + 1) = 2 log(x + 1) (f ) − log X = log X
(g) loge e n = n (h) (log x)2 = 2 log x
20. Write down the value of log2 8. Hence solve the equation log5 x = log2 8.
28. What is the smallest integer n for which 2n > 10, 000?
Solutions 41
1. y = 5x+2 . [y = 52 × 5x ]
2. 4x = (22 )x = 22x . Stretch scale factor 2
parallel to the x-axis.
3. (a) (0, 1), k = 3. (b) Translation −1 parallel to the y-axis. A 0 (0, 0), B 0 (3, 7).
(b) (1, 1), (4, 8).
1 p p ¢ ¡1 p ¢
4. 3 2 = 3. (i) Stretch sf 2 // y-axis 12 , 2 3 (ii) Stretch sf 1
2 // x-axis 4, 3 .
6. 21 = 2(1)2
When x = −1, e x = 0.368,
and 2(−1)2 − 2 > 0.368, so
they meet where x > −1.
−2 −1 0 1 2
y 1 1
If x = ln 2, e x = 2 and e x = 2 ,
so e x − 1 = 2e −x = 1.
The curves meet at (ln 2, 1).
• (ln 2, 1)
−2 −1 0 1 2
2 + 4e −x = ex − 1
0 = e 2x − 3e x − 4
= (e x − 4)(e x + 1) 6
ex = 4 since e x + 1 6= 0
x = ln 4
and y = e x − 1 = 4 − 1
• (ln 4, 3)
y = 3
−2 −1 0 1 2
9. (i)(a) y = −10x , (b) y = 10−x or 10x (ii)(a) 1 (b) none. [from a sketch]
(iii) (0, 1) and (3, 1000) satisfy both equations.
Rearranging we have 10x = 33x + 1, so solutions are x = 0 and x = 3.
¡2 2 1
[(23 )x = (26 )1−x ⇒ 23x = 26(x−1) ⇒ x = 2(x − 1) and 8 3 = 61 3 = 4]
10. 3,4
14. (a) log 20 (b) log 6 (c) log 8 (d) log 42 (e) log 60 (f) log 4 log 16
16. (a), (c) (these two obey no Rule), (d) [it is not log(PQ)2 ] (h) [No Rule].
For the correct ones, part (e) is log(x + 1)2 and in (g) loge e = 1
18. (i) −7.74 [x(log 7 − 2 log 3) = log 7] (ii) 2.07 [x(log 2 + log 3) = log 81
(iii) −0.756 [x(log 0.1 + 2 log 2 = log 2)] (iv) −3.31 [x log 16
= −4 log 4]
x 2 +2x
19. (i) log 2a 4 (ii) log x 7 (iii) log b −2 (iv) log(x + 2) [ x
= x + 2]
(v) log(x + 1) [ x+1 = x + 1] (vi) log x 3 [log x − log y 2 + log x 2 y 2 ]
Example 23
The number of people infected with a disease is modelled by the formula
N = 350 − 200e −0.5t
Where N is the number of people infected t years after the disease is first
(a) How many people with the disease were initially detected?
(b) What is the long term prediction of the number of people with the
disease18 .
(c) After how long (to the nearest month) will the number have increased by
(d) Sketch the graph of N against t .
(a) When t = 0, N = 150
(b) As t → ∞, N → 250
(c) 225 = 350 − 200e −0.5t
200e −0.5t = 125
e −0.5t = 0.625
−0.5t = ln 0.25 = −0.4700
t = 0.94 years
= 11.28 ≈ 11 months (to the nearest month)
In practice other factors will mean the relationship is more complex, leading to a long
term reduction of numbers
Example 24
When carbon-14 decays, its mass after T years is given by
m = m 0 e −λT
(c) The half-life is the time it takes for the mass to reduce by half.
This identical to the calculation in (b) replacing 0.9 with 0.5,
so −0.000121T = ln 0.5 = −0.6931.
The half-life (to the nearest year) is 5, 728 years.
(d) = −λm 0 e −λT = −λm
2 0
0 T years
5, 728
Exercises 42
n = 150e 0.08m
(a) Use this model to estimate the number of rabbits (i) at the end of
March, (ii) after 1 year.
(b) Show that at after 18 months the rabbit population is expected to be
increasing by approximately 41 rabbits per month.
(c) Give reasons why the model may not be valid for large enough values
of t .
N = N0 e kt
Solutions 42
1. (a) 600, 000 (b) 665, 000 (c) The model will almost certainly need
updating by then.
2. (a) 30, 000 (b) 20, 100 (c) 7 years [e − 10 = 12 ⇒ t = 10 ln 2]
4. (a) 0.20 (b) 12, 150 (c) 35 (to the nearest hour)
Now we define two new variables: X = log x and Y = log y. In terms of the
new variables the relationship is
Y = n X + log a.
If we compare this will the equation of a straight line y = mx + c, the gradient
of the line we obtain is n and the y-intercept is log a. If we measure these
from our graph, we will know n and we able to find a.
Suppose, having plotted the points and find n = 2.3 and log a = 1.75. It follows
that a = 5.75 (to 3 SF) and the relationship between x and y is
y ≈ 5.75x 2.3 .
Example 25
Data are collected on two variables P and T as shown in the table below. It is
suspected that the variables are related by a relationship of the form P = aT n
for some constants a and n. By transforming the variable P and plotting
points on a graph estimate the values of a and n.
log P
1.0 x
0 log T years
0.2 0.4 0.6
Example 26
Data are collected on two variables y and x as shown in the table below
known to be connected by a relationship of the form y = ab x for some
constants a and b. By transforming the variable P and plotting points on a
graph estimate the values of a and n.
log y
1.5 x
x x
x x
0 x
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Exercises 43
The tables below give observed data points corresponding to a relationship
between two variables of the form given. In each case, transform the variables
as necessary to convert the relationship into a linear one, and by plotting the
points on a graph estimate the parameters a and n or a and b.
When constructing a graph you will get more accurate answers if you are able
to restrict each of the scales to be close to the values you are plotting.
In some cases n will be a negative number. Similarly when the relationship is
of the form y = ab x it may actually turn out to be of the form y = ab −x .
1. y = ax n x 1 3 6 7 10
y 4.50 3.74 8.59 10.33 15.85
4. P = aq n q 2 3 4 5 6
P 62.9 34.3 22.3 15.9 12.1
7. S = ab t t 1 2 3 4 5
S 13.0 16.25 20.31 23.39 31.74
Solutions 43
All the answers are approximate, because plotting points and fitting a line will
never be exact. Just check that your answers are reasonably close to those given
• Logarithm Laws
log X + log Y = log(X Y )
µ ¶
log X − log Y = log
log X N = N log X
• Exponential equations using logs e.g. 2x + 10, 22y+5 = 0.5, 4x = 121−x
Introduction to trigonometrical functions.
12.4 Trig functions for any angle, including outside 0◦ < x < 360◦ .
Trigonometrical functions
You have already met the three trigonometrical functions we’ll be exploring
here: sine, cosine and tangent. We almost always use the abbreviations you
see on your calculator: sin, cos and tan, and refer to them collectively as
“trig" functions. In later modules we’ll meet more of them, but this is all we
need at present.
Of all the functions you will ever meet it is hard to exaggerate how
fundamental these functions are. Without them we couldn’t describe waves,
and we wouldn’t be able to understand light, sound, electricity, magnetism,
radio, TV, lasers, and so on, right down to the structure of matter itself. In
short trig functions play a central role in our understanding of everything
from cosmology to quantum mechanics.
They are without doubt extremely fascinating functions; they are also the
most challenging functions A Level Maths students meet.
But wait a minute, I hear you say, what’s so difficult about SOHCAHTOA and
all that? The answer is that we need to extend our understanding of trig
functions to any angle. For example what could sin 200◦ , or sin(−50◦ )
possibly mean?
So we are going to start by re-defining the trig functions, in a way that allows
for any angle. Although this is the obvious place to explain it, you won’t need
to understand the thinking behind it until C2, so you may choose to skip the
next three pages and come back to them later.
Skip over this section if you are completely familiar with how the trig ratios
are defined using a right angled triange and SOHCAHTOA1 :
"opposi t e 00 t he
r i g ht ang l eH u se
e ne
Hy Opposi t e
Ad j acent
If you are familiar with the Hokkien Chinese dialect you may choose to remember it as
TOA-CAH-SOH, which apparently means ’big-footed woman’.
Along with the hypoteneuse it is adjacent to, or next to, the angle we are considering.
You will probably be familiar with using SOHCAHTOA, to find a length or an
angle in a right angled triangle. We’re going to look at a simple example.
Please bear with me because although the type of question may be very
familiar, the way we are going to use SOHCAHTOA may not be.
We can write the ratios using little triangles like this:
And the point of writing it like this? We can see immediately how to find any
one of the variables from the other two.
For example in the sine relationship:
S= = H =
Example 1
Using the direct method described on the previous page, find the values
marked on each triangle. Give your answers correct to 3 SF.
(a) (b)
10 a
30◦ 40◦
(c) (d)
c 8
(e) (f)
y 8
0.94 z
(a) a = 5.00 (b) b = 3.11 (c) c = 2.00 (d) d = 12.4
(e) x = 57.0◦ , y = 33.0◦ [y = 90◦ − x] (f ) z = 32.2◦ , f = 12.7 [Pythagoras or trig]
sin A
tan A =
cos A
sin x = cos(90◦ − x) A
cos x = sin(90◦ − x)
90◦ − x
The right angled triangle above makes these relationships pretty self-evident,
but they are nonetheless worth remembering as you will use them a lot:
b a
sin x = = cos(90◦ − x) and cos x = = cos(90◦ − x)
c c
◦ 1 4
sin 45 = p
2 p
2 1
cos 45◦ = p
tan 45◦ = 1 4
The second triangle is one with angles 30◦ , 60◦ and 90◦ .
We can think of this as an equilateral triangle cut in half along a line of
symmetry. Again, for the trig ratios we can choose any lengths, so we’ll make
each side 2 units long to avoid fractions when we cut one of them half.
Pythagoras tells us that the height of the triangle is 3, the other two sides
being 1 and 2.
sin 60◦ = = cos 30◦ 6
cos 60◦ sin 30◦
= =
2 2
tan 60◦ = 3
These angles, and the trig ratios that go with them, crop up so often that you
are strongly advised to memorise them.
For example if you saw the equation sin x = 0.5, would you reach for your
calculator? Or would you recognise immediately that sin 30◦ = 0.5?
In an exam, when starting a trig question, it’s a good idea to make a little
sketch of each of these triangles.
• P • P (x, y)
w al l
θ -x
w at er l evel
As the wheel turns the point P can be at position on the circumference of the
wheel, including inside the mill and below the water level. If the radius to P
makes an angle θ 4 with the horizontal, we define sin θ and cos θ as follows:
This is the greek letter theta, and is often used when denoting an angle.
Let’s explore the implications of this and see how we can easily find the
values of a trig function for any angle. You may think this is unnecessary:
could we not just use a calculator? It will soon become clear that there are
many situations when this won’t work, not least when the angle in question
is algebraic!
We start in the range 0◦ to 90◦ , in what’s called the first quadrant. Notice that
we measure angles in an anti-clockwise direction, starting from the positive
x-direction. This is the universally adopted convention.
From here we move to the other quadrants by recognising four related
angles. These are the angles formed by taking an angle in the first quadrant
and reflecting it repeatedly in both axes.
We illustrate this using 30◦ . The four related angles are 30◦ , 150◦ , 210◦ and
330◦ .
We call the angle in the first quadrant, 30◦ in this case, the principal value.
y y
6 6
30◦ 180◦ − 30◦ •
30◦ -x -x
y y
6 6
210◦ 330◦
-x -x
Think of the four angles as if they were points on a circle. This is much easier
than trying to label them in usual way, using arcs.
We’ll continue to use a circle of radius 1 unit. The radius can be anything we
like because trig functions are ratios of lengths.
y y
6 6
• 30◦ 150•◦
1 1
-x -x
y y
6 6
-x -x
1 1
210 • 330◦
So now we can put in the value of x and y, in other words the value of sin θ
and cos θ, for each of the related angles. Not surprisingly all the sin values
and all the cos valued differ only in their sign.
y y
6 6
• 30◦ 150•◦
1 1
y = +0.5 +0.5
-x -x
x = +0.866 −0.866
y y
6 6
−0.866 +0.866
-x -x
−0.5 −0.5
1 1
210◦• • 330◦
Then the diagram below tells us which functions are POSITIVE in each
We saw on the previous page that they are all positive in Q1. In the other
quadrants only one of them is positive.
Some people use a mnemonic to help them remember it, like All Science
Teachers Calculate, or you can make up your own. We’ll simply refer to it as
the CAST diagram.
The diagram neatly captures all the information we need about where each
of the three functions is positive and where it is negative, i.e.
+ + − + − +
− − − + + −
We’ll be using this when solving trig equations. But first we need to see what
happens if an angle is outside the range 0◦ to 360◦ . The reason for this will
soon become clear.
30◦ -x
Negative angles
In the same way we can think of negative angles as the wheel turning in the
opposite (clockwise) direction, so for example
+210◦ • • +330◦
−150◦ −30◦
We are not saying that these angles are all the same. Just that the values
of their trig functions are the same.
Example 2
Method 1
Referring to the 30◦ , 60◦ , 90◦ triangle, sin 30◦ = 12 .
So we immediately have the principal solution.
• •
30◦ -x
In the range 0◦ to 360◦ there are two points on the unit circle5 which have a
y-coordinate = 0.5.
One is 30◦ . The other is its reflection in the y-axis, i.e. at 180◦ − 30◦ = 150◦ .
The solutions are x = 30◦ and x = 150◦ .
You may want to check on your calculator that sin 150◦ = 0.5.
Method 2
In Method 1 we can see why the solutions are what they are.
Method 2 is more mechanical, but quicker.
Circle of radius 1 cm.
Example 3
Method 1
77◦ -x
We need the points related to 77◦ for which the x−coordinate is negative.
These are at 180◦ − 77◦ and 180◦ + 77◦ , i.e. 103◦ and 257◦ .
The solutions of the equation cos x = −0.225 are x = 103◦ and 257◦ .
You might like to check that these are correct with your calculator.
Method 2
Some calculators and textbooks will call this arcsin.
Example 4
tan x = −2
Some calculators and textbooks will call this arctan.
Example 5
We don’t need to use our calculator,
because we know that
p 30◦
◦ 3
sin 60 = . p
2 2 3
³ p ´
Had you used your calulator to find sin−1 − 2
you would have got the
answer −60◦ , which can be described at +300◦ .
Solve these equations for angles in the range 0◦ ≤ x ≤ 360◦ , giving your
answers to the nearest degree.
We’ve confined ourselves to angles between 0◦ and 360◦ . You might wonder
why we would ever be interested in angles outside this range.
You’ll soon have the answer to this question, and in anticipation of needing
them the next section shows how we deal with such angles.
(a) x = 60◦ , 300◦ [cos positive in Q1 and Q4 ⇒ x = 60◦ and 360◦ − 60◦ ]
(b) x = 20◦ , 160◦ [sin positive in Q1 and Q2 ⇒ x = 20◦ and 180◦ − 20◦ ]
(c) x = 135◦ , 225◦ [cos negative in Q2 and Q3 ⇒ x = 180◦ − 45◦ and 180◦ + 45◦ ]
(d) x = 195◦ , 345◦ [sin negative in Q3 and Q4 ⇒ 180◦ + 15◦ and 360◦ − 15◦ ]
(e) x = 150◦ , 330◦ [tan negative in Q2 and Q4 ⇒ x = 180◦ − 30◦ and 360◦ − 30◦ ]
? b
b a
sin θ = and cos θ =
c c
Now we do the same thing again, but this time making θ approach 90◦ .
a b
sin θ = and cos θ =
c c
In mathematical language
sin 0◦ = 0 cos 0◦ = 1 A
sin 90◦ = 1 cos 90◦ = 0
If you forget any of these, a quick sketch of a long thin triangle will tell you
what you need to know.
Tangent function
We could find the values of tan 0◦ and tan 90◦ using a long thin triangle, as we
did with sin and cos. A more direct way is to use the fact that
sin θ
tan θ = cos θ
But first a reminder about the notion of infinity. It simple means a value that
is not limited—or to use mathematical jargon unbounded—so it isn’t a
number at all. Nevertheless it’s useful to have a symbol for it, i.e. ∞.
If we divide 1 by a small number, e.g. 0.0001 we get a large result: 10, 000. If
we take this to the extreme of dividing by 0, the result we call ∞.
In the same way, if we divide 1 by a large number the result is a small
number. Taking this to the extreme means dividing by ∞. Strictly speaking
this is meaningless, of course, but in the sense that the result must be
immeasurably small, we say
1 1
=∞ and =0
0 ∞
So now sin 0◦ 0
tan 0◦ = ◦
= = 0
cos 0 1
sin 90◦ 1
tan 90◦ = = = ∞
cos 90◦ 0
tan 0◦ = 0 A
tan 90◦ = ∞
We suggested that the CAST approach doesn’t tell us where trig functions are
= 0.
Actually for the sine and cosine functions it does. In fact it points to all the
angles where the functions are zero.
The function is zero where its value crosses from positive to negative, or
from negative to positive. We’ve marked these on the diagrams below with a
+ + − +
0 0
− − − +
You’ll see that this line of argument doesn’t work for the tan function (for
example tan 90◦ 6= 0).
− +
0 0
+ −
It’s to do with the fact that tan 90◦ = ∞. Exactly what’s going on will become
clear in the next section when we look at the graphs of each of the functions.
y = sin x
- x
−180◦ −90 ◦
0 ◦
90 ◦
180 ◦
270 ◦
360 ◦
450 ◦
540 ◦
630 ◦
y = cos x
−180◦ −90◦ 0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦ 450◦ 540◦ 630◦ 720◦
Each curve has cyclical symmetry, repeating every 360◦ . We say it has a
period of 360◦ .
The functions have numerous other symmetries too: a vertical line of
reflective symmetry every 180◦ , and rotational symmetry 9 of order 2 at every
point where they cross the x-axis.
The functions oscillate, between a maximum value of +1, and a minimum
value of −1.
If the entire curve is rotated through 180◦ about the point where it crosses the
x-axis, it looks exactly the same.
We know that
sin x
tan x =
cos x
y = tan x
- x
0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦
Like sin x and cos x, the curve has rotational symmetry of order 2 about every
root. Unlike sin x and cos x it has no lines of symmetry.
The lines x = 90◦ and x = 270◦ are two vertical asymptotes of the curve (the
curve gets closer and closer to them as x gets closer to 90◦ and 270◦ , but never
reaches them). The diagram shows only two of the asymptotes; there are of
course an infinite number, since they repeat every 180◦ in both directions.
Let’s take a closer look at the sine function, concentrating on one complete
period. If we understand this we understand everything about the sine
curve. Because the cosine curve behaves in the same way, we will also
understand everything about that curve—and by implication the tan curve
y = sin x
- x
30◦ 90◦ 150◦ 180◦ 210◦ 270◦ 330◦ 360◦
− 12
For angles beyond 180◦ , rotational symmetry about 180◦ tells us that
1. Given that cos 60◦ = 0.5, use the graph of y = cos x to write down the
values of
(a) cos 120◦ (b) cos 240◦ (c) cos 420◦ (d) cos(−60◦ ).
2. Correct to 2 SF sin 70◦ = 0.94. By any method write down the values of
(a) sin 110◦ (b) sin 250◦ (c) sin(−70)◦ (d) sin 790◦ .
3. We know that tan 45◦ = 1. By referring to the graph of y = tan x write down
the solutions of the equation
tan 45◦ = −1
for values of x in the range 0◦ ≤ x ≤ 360◦ .
We are going to digress for a while, to look at the Sine Rule, the Cosine Rule and
bearings. If you are already very familiar with these, or want to go straight on
to more interesting trig equations, jump to page 12-49.
1. (a) −0.5 (b) −0.5 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.5
2. (a) 0.9 (b) −0.9 (c) −0.9 (d) 0.9
3. x = 135◦ , 255◦
First the Sine Rule, which states that in a triangle the ratio between the sine
of any angle and the length of the side opposite that angle is always the
a b c
= =
sin A sin B sinC A
sin A sin B sinC
= =
a b c
They are both telling us the same thing, of course, so we don’t need both. It’s
just that when finding the length of a side it’s slightly quicker to use the first
one; when finding an angle it’s slightly quicker to use the second one.
Each one is really three relationships rolled into one. For example the second
version is:
sin A sin B sin B sinC sinC sin A
= and = and =
a b b c c a
the one we use depending on what we already know and what we’re trying to
find out.
Example 6
b = 35◦ and A BC
In the triangle ABC, BC = 8 cm, C AB b = 50◦ .
Find the length of AC , giving your answer correct to 3 SF.
x cm
8 cm
a b
sin A sin B
8 x
sin 35◦ sin 50◦
8 sin 50◦
= x
sin 35◦
x = 10.6844
= 10.7 (3 SF )
If the question doesn’t specify a level of precision, it’s usual to asume 3 SF.
The answer is x = 10.7 cm.
First, when we needed to multiply by sin 50◦ ,
sin 35◦
8 sin 50◦
we simply multiplied the numerator by sin 50◦ to give .
sin 35◦
If the reason for this isn’t immediately clear, take a simple example:
2 4
2× = .
5 5
If you were momentarily tempted to multiply top and bottom of the fraction
by 2, you were probably confusing the process with equivalent fractions.
Second, we waited till the end before reaching for our calculator. We didn’t
introduce intermediate values, and use these to calculate the final answer.
Let’s see what happens if we do so, working to 4 SF because the final answer
needs to be correct to 3 SF.
8 x
sin 35◦ sin 50◦
8 x
0.5736 0.7660
13.95 =
x = 0.7760 × 13.95
x = 10.8252
= 10.8 (3 SF )
Example 7
b is acute11 .
b = 48◦ and P QR
In the triangle PQR, P R = 2 m, RQ = 3.5 m, R PQ
(i) Find the angle P QR,
b correct to 3 SF.
(ii) Hence calculate the length of PQ.
2m 3.5 m
sin P sinQ
p q
sin 48◦ sinQ
3.5 2
2 sin 48◦
sinQ =
= 0.42465
Qb = 25.1◦ (3 SF )
Then PQ p
sin R sin P
PQ 3.5
sin 106.9◦ sin 48◦
3.5 × sin 106.9◦
PQ =
sin 48◦
= 4.5063
Length of PQ = 4.51 m (3 SF )
In part (ii) we could have used P R and Qb to find PQ. It was safer to use QR
and Pb, because it didn’t rely on an answer we had calculated.
Acute means an angle in quadrant Q1, obtuse in Q2 and reflex in Q3 or Q4.
Example 8
b = 30◦ .
In the triangle ABC, AC=9, BC =7 and C AB
9 7
sin B sin A
(i) =
b a
sin B sin 30◦
9 7
9 × 0.5
sin B =
Principal value: B = 40◦ (almost exactly)
The other solution (in Q2) is
180◦ − 40◦ = 140◦
7 7
However the Sine rule doesn’t always work: we may need to use the Cosine
Rule. Before we see why, look at this example.
Example 9
1. In the triangles below find the lengths marked, giving your answers
correct to 3 SF.
12 4.6 81◦
25◦ 110
2. In these triangles find the angles marked, giving your answers correct to 1
DP. The angles x and y are acute.
◦ z
1.3 8.2
37 ◦ y
3. (a) In the triangle below find the two possible values for the angle α, giving
your answers correct to 1 DP.
(b) If α is obtuse, find the length c correct to 2DP.
1. a = 5.40 b = 6.79
2. x = 24.3◦ y = 34.7◦ z = 94.3◦
3. α = 66.4◦ or 113.6◦ c = 0.71
There are two scenarios where Sine Rule doesn’t help us:
(a) (b)
60◦ C
7 10 6 5
A c B A B
10 7 c 5 6 9
= = = =
sin A sin B sin 60◦ sin A sin B sinC
In (a) we know two sides, and the angle between those two sides.
In these cases—and only in these cases—we need to use the Cosine Rule.
we only ever have to use the Cosine Rule once when solving a triangle.
The information we get from one application of the Cosine Rule will always
be sufficient to find anything else we need to know about the triangle—using
the Sine Rule or standard trigonometry.
For this triangle (where a is opposite the angle A, etc)
a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc cos A
2 2 2
b = c + a − 2c a cos B !
c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cosC
The formula gives the length of the side opposite that angle.
The two sides on the right hand side are the ones that form that angle.
...subtract twice the product of those sides times the cosine of the angle.
Two pages back we saw that there are 2 scenarios where the Sine Rule doesn’t
help us. Let’s see how the Cosine Rule solves such problems.
(a) C
7 10
A c B
6 5
92 = 52 + 62 − 2(5)(6) cosC
81 = 61 − 60 cosC ← NOT 1 × cosC
60 cosC = −20
cosC = −0.33333
C = 109.5◦ (1 DP)
c 4 c 4
c 4
B 100◦ C
80 C B C 3
B 3
= 20.83244 = 25 = 29.16756
Where C < 90◦ , c < 5, because Where C = 90◦ , cos 90◦ = 0, so Where C > 90◦ , c > 5, because although
we subtract 2ab cosC from a 2 + b 2 . c 2 = a2 + b2 we are still subtracting 2ab cosC ,
C is now in Q2, so cosC is negative
i.e. Pythagoras’ Theorem. ⇒ −2ab cosC is positive
1. In the triangles below find the lengths marked, giving your answers
correct to 3 SF.
30◦ b
2. In these triangles find the angles marked, giving your answers correct to 1
5 8.1
1. a = 3.42 b = 6.61
2. x = 60◦ y = 137.5◦
Since we are going to be seeing quite a few right-angled triangles in the
coming pages, a reminder about the neat way to apply SOHCAHTOA.
We can write the ratios using little triangles like this:
And the point of writing it like this? From these we can find any one of the
variables from the other two.
For example in the case of the sine relationship:
S= = H =
b h
b c
= .
sin B sinC
Therefore a b c
= =
sin A sin B sinC
Cosine Rule
The proof starts the same way as the proof for the Sine Rule, with a
perpedicular which divided the side C A into two segments.
Simple trigonometry tells us that the lengths of these segments are a cosC
and b − a cosC (because C A = b). We’ll mark these on the diagram.
a h
b − a cos C
a cos C
As before we we’ll be writing down two different expressions for h (or in this
case h 2 ), which must therefore be equal. By Pythagoras:
c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cosC
The other two versions of the formula arise if we drop the perpendicular from
A or C .
Exercises 44
6 y 105◦ 0.8
30◦ 125
[If you are not sure how to find y, there is a hint in the footnote14 .]
γ A
110◦ 0.24
[If you are not sure how to find γ, there is a hint in the footnote15 .]
3. Show that in these triangles, correct to 3 SF, a = 2.05, b = 20.1, and that
correct to 1 DP, θ = 52.6◦ , φ = 127.7◦ and δ = 32.5◦ .
θ, φ and δ are the Greek letters theta, phi and delta.
3 11 15
C a b
θ φ
7 1.2
δ 2.8
Find the third angle.
Find Bb first.
4. In the triangle ABC , Ab = 30◦ and Bb = 45◦ , show that AC = 2 BC .
7. Try to complete this question without using either the Sine Rule or the
Cosine Rule.
b = 30◦ and B Cb A = 40◦ .
In the triangle ABC , BC = 6, C AB
Find (i) the perpendicular distance from B to AC
(ii) the length of AB
(iii) the length of AC
(iv) the area of the triangle ABC .
10. After flying for 60 km, an aircraft alters its bearing by an angle α and flies
for a further 100 km. It is then 120 km from where it started.
Find the angle α.
11. In the triangle PQR, R PQb = 30◦ and QR = 10. T a point on PQ such
that R TbQ = 50◦ and P T = 8.
Find (i) P R (ii) P QR.
30◦ 50◦
P 8 T Q
12. In the triangle ABC , BC = 19, AB = x and AC is 2 units longer than
b = 60◦ . Find x.
AB . The angle C AB
13. The diagram shows five beams forming part of a bridge structure.
The beams AB and C D are horizontal, and B D
b A is a right angle.
A 1.8 m B
30◦ φ
(i) Write down the
D value of cos B AC
b .
4 (ii) Find x.
(iii) Find the exact
value of cos B Cb A.
A 3 B
19. In a desert rally, a car travels from its starting point P to the first
checkpoint which is at Q, 25 km from P on a bearing of 040◦ . From Q it
travels, on a bearing of 105◦ for a further 15 km to R, where it breaks
down. There is a recovery team based at P .
(a) When the car breaks down, how far north and east of P is it?
(b) How far does the recovery team need to travel to reach the car?
(c) What bearing does the recovery truck need to follow?
20. At 0900 hours a woman sets out from A, walking at a speed of 3km/h,
on a bearing of 120◦ . One hour later, a man set out from B , a point 5 km
due North of A. He walks on a bearing of 210◦ at a speed of 4km/h. At
1200 hours the woman is at C and the man is at D.
(a) Draw a diagram to show the positions of A, B , C and D, marking in
the lengths of AB , AC and B D.
(b) Find how far the man is from A at 1200 hours.
(c) Find the bearing of A from D.
(d) Find the angle D AC
b and hence, or otherwise, calculate the distance
DC .
6 Y
25. Show that in the triangle below, sin θ = 1− 2
26. The curve y = 4 + 3x − x 2 crosses the x-axis at P (a, 0) and Q(b, 0), and
the y-axis at R(0, c), where a < b.
(a) Find the values of a, b and c.
(b) State the angle A BC
b .
(c) Find the angle ACbB .
5 2
(d) Show that the perpendicular distance from P to RQ is 2 .
29. We are familiar with right angled triangles the lengths of whose sides
are all integers. (For example 3, 4 and 5.)
Show that there is a triangle that is not right angled but has one angle
equal to 60◦ and sides of length 5, 7 and 8.
Solutions 44
1 1
4. Use Sine Rule, where sin Ab = 2 and sin Bb = p .
32 +52 −72
5. 120◦ [ cos Y = 2(3)(5) = − 12 ]
6. (i) 4ABC is isosceles, so divides C
into two right-angled triangles.
(ii) C P = 5 [Cosine Rule 4C AP ] (iii) 7 7
[Cosine Rule 4C P B ]
A 5 1P 4 B
7. (i) 3.86 [6 sin 40 ]
NB 40◦
(ii) 7.71 [ sin 30◦ ] N
(iii) 11.28 [6 cos 40◦ + AB cos 30◦ ] 6
(iv) 21.74 [ 12 AC × N B ] 30◦
8. (i) 35.3
(ii) 13.8 [Pb = 84.7◦ then Sine Rule]
(iii) 15.0 b = (35.3◦ + 60◦ ) then Cosine Rule]
Area = 95.6 [2× area triangle PQS]
(i) X Y = 10.85 km, P Y = 8.85 km [P Yb X = 60◦ ]
(ii) 8.31 km (or 8.32) [X Y sin 50◦ or P Y sin 70◦ ]
(iii) 250◦ [70◦ + 180◦ ]
10 km
10. 62.7◦ [Actual directions not relevant. Use Cosine Rule to find 180◦ − α]
sin φ
1 1
15. φ = 45◦ or 135◦ [ p = 2 ⇒ sin φ = p . φ = 45◦ or 180◦ − 45◦ ]
2 2
p p p p
7 3 3
16. Area = 4 . [(2 2 + 1)(2 2 − 1) = 7, sin 120◦ = sin 60◦ = 2 ]
x =5 [Cosine Rule, cos 120◦ = − cos 60◦ = − 2 ]
17. (i) 4 [B AC
b = B AD]
(ii) x = 8 [Cosine Rule]
(iii) cos B Cb A = 32 [Cosine Rule]
QR 6 6
18. QR = 3 [ sin P = sinQ = 2 sin P ]
Largest possible value of sinQ = 1.
1 1 1
sinQ ≤ 1, so sin P = 2 sinQ ≤ 2 . Since sin 30◦ = 2 , Q ≤ 30◦ .
It is sometimes easiest to
N solve bearing questions using
Q standard trigonometry.
DC = 11.5 km
30◦ A 120◦
θ 60◦ 9k
21. N B = 3a [AB = sin 30◦ = 4a. Ab = 60◦ , so AN = 2a cos 60◦ = a]
Ratio = 1 : 3 [Triangles have same height, so ratio = AN : N B ]
22. (i) BC = 41.74 m [ACbB = 13◦ . Then Sine Rule triangle ABC ]
(ii) Height = 27.38 m [BC sin 41◦ ]
p p p p
23. X Y = 62 + 22 = 40 = 4 10.
p p
Y Z = 2 5, Z X = 2 13,
X Yb Z = 81.9◦ [Cosine Rule triangle X Y Z ]
Area = 14 square units. [Surprisingly perhaps, this is the exact answer.]
27. a 2 + (a + d )2 − (a + 2d )2 a 2 − 2ad − 3d 2
cos φ = =
2a(a + d ) 2a(a + d )
(a + dX)(a − 3d )
a − 3d
= =
2aX(aX dX)
+X 2a
d = 0 ⇒ an equilateral triangle.
Right-angled if d = 3 [Largest angle is 90◦ , so cos φ = 0]
a 2a 3a 4a 5a
Sides are a, a+ 3 , a+ 3 , i.e. 3 , 3 , 3 . Ratio is 3 : 4 : 5.
y = sin x
◦ - x
−180 −90◦ 30◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360
− 21
y = cos x
- x
−180◦ −90◦ 0◦ 60◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦
− 21
y = tan x
- x
−180◦ −90◦ 0◦ 45◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦
Seeing how the functions switch from positive and negative, and where the
symmetries are, can also be used to find all the roots of an equation, once we
have the principal value.
We have illustrated this with principal values 30◦ , 60◦ and 45◦ respectively.
However, it is often easier way to find other solutions using the CAST
diagram, which tells us which trig function is POSITIVE in each of the
S i ne Al l
Tan C os
180 − P • • P
180 + P • • 360 − P
So if P = 30◦ , the other angles to consider will be 150◦ , 210◦ and 330◦ .
The CAST diagram tells us which of them is a valid solution.
180 − P • • P
−(180 − P ) • • −P
So if P = 30◦ , the other angles to consider will be −30◦ , 150◦ , and −150◦ .
The CAST diagram tells us which of them is a valid solution.
x +1 = 7 and 2(x + 1) = 2x + 2.
We say that the two sides of an identity are equivalent, and when we want to
emphasise this we can use the ≡ sign, rather than the = sign:
2(x + 3) ≡ 2x + 6.
You have already met this concept in arithmetic: an equivalent fraction is the
same fraction just written a different way, so strictly speaking we should use
the ≡ sign when we write:
2 4
≡ .
3 6
We met the difference of two squares identity in Chapter 3:
x 2 − y 2 ≡ (x + y)(x − y)
The term identity is related to the word “identical"— a stronger term than
It is not essential to use the ≡ notation every time, in
fact we usually don’t. The key thing is to recognise that
with an equation we are looking for values that satisfies it,
whereas an identity gives us an alternative way of writing
something. Therein lies its power: it provides a different
way of looking at something.
sin x ≡ cos(90◦ − x)
cos x ≡ sin(90◦ − x) A
similarly cos2 x means (cos x)2 , and tan2 x means (tan x)2 .
This may see an odd convention, but if we were to write sin x 2 , it would
mean that the angle x is being squared.
Two examples.
1. Let’s select an angle at random, say 23◦ . Working to 5DP:
sin 23◦ = 0.39073
cos 23◦ = 0.92050
sin2 23◦ + cos2 23◦ = (0.39073)2 + (0.92050)2
= 0.99999
The answer isn’t exactly 1, but this is because we only worked to 5DP.
2. If we choose 60◦ , we can use exact values of sin 60◦ and cos 60◦ , so we
should get an exact result: p
◦ 3
sin 60 =
cos 60◦ =
3 1
sin2 60◦ + cos2 60◦ = +
4 4
= 1
By Pythagoras’ Theorem
a2 + b2 = c 2
Dividing through by c 2
a2 b2 c2
+ =
c2 c2 c2
c a ³ a ´2 µ b ¶2
+ = 1
c c
(sin x)2 + (cos x)2 = 1
b which we write as
sin2 x + cos2 x = 1
³ ´2 ³ ´2
sin2 45◦ + cos2 45◦ = p1 + p1 =1
2 2
The identity tells us that if we know the sine of an angle we can work out17
what its cosine, and vice versa:
cos2 x ≡ 1 − sin2 x
sin2 x ≡ 1 − cos2 x A
Example 10
We could have replaced the sin2 x term with an expression involving cos x.
As an exercise for yourself, solve the problem this way. The solution is over
the page.
Because we will be taking a square root, there will typically be two answers—a positive
value and a negative value. In view of what we now understand about angles greater than
90◦ , and the possibility of negative sines and cosines, this should not surprise us.
Example 11
Just as in the previous example, we can use the identity sin2 x + cos2 x = 1 to
get rid of the sin term, leaving a quadratic18 in cos x:
2(1 − cos2 x) − cos x − 1 = 0
0 = 2 cos2 x + cos x − 1
(2 cos x − 1)(cos x + 1) = 0
cos x = or cos x = −1
i.e. x = 60◦ , 180◦ or 300◦
Example 12
We could susbstitute y = cos x giving the quadratic equation 2y 2 + y − 1 = 0. This
factorises, to give y = 12 or −1, from which we can work out the values of x.
It is equivalent to solving an equation like 5x 2 = x by dividing by x. This would miss out
possible the solution x = 0.
Example 13
Method 1
Using the approach we used in the previous example
tan2 x = p
tan x = ± p
x = 30◦ or 180◦ − 30◦ = 150◦
Method 2A
We could use the identity sin2 x + cos2 x = 1
1 − sin2 x = 3 sin2 x
4 sin2 x = 1
sin x = ±
x = 30◦ or 180◦ − 30◦ = 150◦
Method 2B
Using the identity sin2 x + cos2 x = 1 the other way round
cos2 x = 3(1 − cos2 x)
= 3 − 3 cos2 x
4 cos2 x = 3
cos2 x = ±
r p
3 3
cos x = ± = ±
4 2
x = 30◦ or 180◦ − 30◦ = 150◦
Many trig equations involve using one of the identities to rewrite it. So far we
have only met two of these:
sin θ
tan θ = and sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1
cos θ
In this next example we use both.
Later on you will meet many more identities, enabling you to solve more and
more complex equations.
The symbol θ, often used to denote an angle, is the greek letter theta.
Example 14
sin θ
× sin θ = 2
cos θ
sin2 θ = 2 cos θ
1 − cos2 θ = 2 cos θ
cos2 θ + 2 cos θ − 1 = 0 p
−2 ± 8 p
cos θ = = −1 ± 2
= 0.4142 or − 2.4142
The second of these is not a valid solution (the cosine function takes values
between −1 and +1), so
θ = 65.5◦ or 294.5◦
Example 15
Notice that solutions must lie in the range −180◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ .
This is just another way of describing every possible angle in a complete
circle. So for example, the angle 200◦ could equally well be described as the
angle −160◦ .
We have already seen that we mustn’t simply divide both sides by cos x.
Instead make one side of the equation = 0 and factorise.
using CAST and an understanding of what the cosine curve looks like.
One final step. Since −180◦ ≤ x ≤ 180◦ we need to state the solutions as
x = 71.6◦ , 90◦ , −108.4◦ , −90◦ .
+90◦ +90◦
• +71.6 ◦ • +71.6◦
• •
71.6◦ 71.6◦
• •
+251.6◦ • ◦
−108.4◦ •
+270 −90◦
Example 16
There is no question now of using sin2 x + cos2 x = 1 to get rid of the sin x
term or the cos x term, because the formula connects the (sin x)2 with
(cos x)2p
. If we wanted to go down this route, we would need to substitue
cos x = 1 − sin2 x or sin x = 1 − cos2 x. Not an atrractive prospect if we can
avoid it.
sin x
Fortunately we can use the identity tan x = cos x .
Rearranging and dividing20 both sides by cos x
5 = −2 tan x
tan x = −2.5
x = 150◦ or x = 330◦
A calculator is likely to give the value −68.2◦ (to 3SF). This is in the 4th
quadrant, which is consistent with the CAST diagram, which tells us that
tan x is negative in quadrants 2 and 4.
The principal angle is 68.2◦ , so the solutions are 180◦ − 68.2◦ = 111.8◦ and
360◦ − 68.2◦ = 291.8◦ .
You may be wondering why it is now OK to divide by cos x when in the previous example
we said it was wrong to divide by sin x. In that case it was because we can’t divide by zero and
we don’t know that sin x 6= 0. This is not a problem here because in this equation cos x = 0
would imply sin x = 0 as well, which happens for no value of x.
Example 17
The angle θ is such that cos θ = 2 − 1. Find the exact values of
(i) sin2 θ, and (ii) tan2 θ.
Because the question asks for anpexact answer we can’t use a calculator (or
tables). We must work21 with the 2.
(i) cos θ = 2−1
cos2 θ = ( 2 − 1)2
= 2−2 2+1
= 3−2 2
sin2 θ = 1 − cos2 x
= 1 − (3 − 2 2)
= 2 2−2
= 2( 2 − 1)
(ii) sin θ
tan θ =
cos θ
sin2 θ
tan2 θ =
cos2 θ
2( 2 − 1)
= p
3−2 2
We saw in Chapter 1 that 2 is irrational, which means its exact value can never be
written down.
Solve these equations for angles in the range 0◦ ≤ x ≤ 360◦ , giving your
answers to the nearest degree. Try to avoid using a calculator if you can.
22 1
(a) x = 60◦ , 300◦ [cos x = 2 or −3 (no solutions)]
(b) x = 210 , 270 , 330 ◦ ◦
[sin x = − 21 or −1]
(c) x = 56◦ , 236◦ [tan x = 1.5]
(d) x = 0 , 14 , 180◦ , 194◦ , 360◦
◦ ◦
[sin x = 0 or tan x = 14 ]
(e) x = 63◦ , 135◦ , 243◦ , 315◦ [tan x = 2 or −1]
◦ ◦
(f) x = 45 , 135 , 225 , 315 ◦ ◦
[tan x = ± p1 ]
(g) x = 180◦ [cos x = −1 or − 32 (no solutions)]
(h) x = 0◦ , 180◦ , 360◦ [sin x = sin x cos2 x ⇒ sin x(1 − sin2 x) = sin3 x = 0]
A warning
Take an expression like cos(x + 60◦ ).
The trap is easy to fall into because it looks like we are multiplying “cos” by
(x + 60◦ ), in other words expanding a bracket.
Of course there is no such thing as a “cos”; cos is not a number so the idea of
mutiplying it by something doen’t make sense.
It might look as if we are simply reversing the order in which we multiply the
“sin” and the 2, but “sin” is not a number, either. In fact sin 2x means23
Once again the example x = 30◦ makes the distinction clear:
sin(2 × 30◦ ) = sin 60◦ = 2
, whereas 2 sin 30◦ = 2 × 12 = 1.
This is not to say that sin 2x and 2 sin x won’t sometimes be equal. For
example if x = 0, they are. To be precise we should say the expressions are
not identical; they are not equivalent to each other; they are not the same for
every value of x. To make this absolutely clear, we can use the ≡ sign:
Depending on how much further you take your Maths, you will learn other
ways of writing cos(x + 60◦ ), sin 2x, etc but at present you won’t need one.
We would generally omit the bracket because we are unlikely to confuse it with (sin 2)×x.
In each case say whether the two expressions are identically equal, i.e. are
the same for all values of x. Take care, because the answer may not be as
obvious as it first seems.
For example sin(90◦ − x) 6≡ sin 90◦ − sin x.
But sin(90◦ − x) ≡ cos x (think of a right-angled triangle).
cos(x + 10◦ ) and cos x + cos 10◦
sin x and sin(180◦ − x)
tan 3x and 3 tan x
1 x
cos x and cos
2 2
sin x and sin(x + 720◦ )
cos(90◦ − x) and sin x
sin x − sin 45◦ and sin(x − 45◦ )
tan x and tan(180◦ + x)
cos(x + 10◦ ) 6≡ cos x + cos 10◦
sin x ≡ sin(180◦ − x) [remember the CAST diagram]
tan 3x 6≡ 3 tan x
1 x
cos x 6≡ cos
2 2
sin x ≡ sin(x + 720◦ )
cos(90◦ − x) ≡ sin x
sin x − sin 45 6≡ sin(x − 45◦ )
tan x ≡ tan(180◦ + x) [remember the CAST diagram]
Example 18
We have just seen that we can’t rewrite cos(x + 45◦ ) as cos x + cos 45◦ ,
so we have to work with the angle (x + 45◦ ).
One way to do this is to let x + 45◦ = y. Then the equation becomes
cos y = 0.5.
Solving this, we have y = 60◦ or y = 300◦ .
Since x = y − 45◦ , the solutions are x = 15◦ or y = 315◦ .
Example 19
Another way of thinking about this is to say that the solution we discarded,
i.e. x = −15◦ , is really the same angle as x = 345◦ , but arrived at by going
anticlockwise rather than clockwise round the circle.
Missing one of the solutions may not seem a big deal, but in an exam if there is
one mark for each solution you don’t want to lose one of them. So let’s look at
another example.
Example 20
We now need to solve the equation cos t = 0.8, for values of t between 0◦ an
540◦ .
The principle solution (from our calculator) is t = 36.9◦ .
Where are the other solutions? we could use a sketch of the cosine curve.
cos t
- t
−180◦ 0◦ 36.9◦ 180◦ 360◦ 540◦ 720◦
The principle solution is at the red dot, and dashed lines show the positions
of the other solutions (within the range 0◦ ≤ y ≤ 540◦ ).
Alternatively the CAST diagram tells us we must be in the 1st or 3rd
quadrants. But because we need to go up to 540◦ (= 360◦ + 180◦ ) it means
going one and a half time round.
So, by symmetry from the sketch or for applying CAST, the solutions are
t = 36.9◦ , t = (360 − 36.9)◦ = 323.1◦ , and t = (360 + 36.9)◦ = 396.9◦ ,
Since t = 3x, the solutions of our original equation cos 3x = 0.8 are
x = 13.3◦ , 107.7◦ and 132.3◦25 .
Reasuringly, all these values lie in the range 0◦ ≤ x ≤ 180◦ .
I have cheated a little here, doing all my working correct to 3 SF. This is
because it looks less messy, and I happened to know that it would still give me
the correct answers. You will need to do your working to 4 or 5 SF, to avoid
possible rounding errors.
Another approach could be to start with the solution x = 13.3◦ and sketch the curve y =
cos 3x to find the others. Most students (including me) find it much easier to stick with t and
only convert back to x at the very end.
Example 21
Solve these equations for angles in the range 0◦ ≤ x ≤ 360◦ , giving your
answers to the nearest degree. None of these questions need a calculator.
You now have the tools you need to solve any trig equation you could come
across in an exam question. As always there are ways of disguising equations
so that the technique required may not be immediately apparent. We will
discuss some of these disguises later.
(a) x = 30◦ , 150◦ [10◦ ≤ x + 10◦ ≤ 360◦ + 10◦ , so x + 10◦ = 30◦ or 150◦ ]
(b) x = 105◦ , 345◦ [45◦ ≤ x + 45◦ ≤ 360◦ + 45◦ , so x + 45◦ = 150◦ or 360◦ + 30◦ ]
(c) x = 90◦ , 330◦ [−30◦ ≤ x − 30◦ ≤ 360◦ − 30◦ , so x − 30◦ = 60◦ or 360◦ − 60◦ ]
(d) x = 30◦ , 150◦ , 270◦ [0◦ ≤ 3x ◦ ≤ 3 × 360◦ , so 3x ◦ = 90◦ , 360◦ + 90◦ or 720◦ + 90◦ ]
(e) x = 300◦ [0◦ ≤ 12 x ◦ ≤ 180◦ , so 21 x ◦ = 180◦ − 30◦ ]
(f ) x = 67.5◦ , 157.5◦ , [90◦ ≤ 2x + 90◦ ≤ 720◦ + 90◦ ,
247.5◦ , 337.5◦ so 2x + 90◦ = 180◦ + 45◦ , 360◦ + 45◦ , 540◦ + 45◦ , 720◦ + 45◦ ,
or 2x = 135◦ , 315◦ , 495◦ , 675◦ ]
Area =
ab sinC
Area =
bc sin A A
Area =
c a sin B
Notice that the reasoning hold good, whether the perpendicular from A to
AB is inside or outside the triangle.
C a
How does this square with the familiar half base times height formula for the
area of a right angled triangle? If C = 90◦ , sinC = 1, and we have
Area = 2 ab.
a 2 − b 2 ≡ (a + b)(a − b).
cos2 θ + sin2 θ ≡ 1
which we proved by thinking of Pythagoras’ Theorem in a different way. We
used this identity to solve some trig equations, but it has other uses. A
simple example would be to simplify an expression like this one:
3 sin2 x + 3 cos2 x = 3(sin2 x + cos2 x) = 3.
Often it means seeing that a cos2 term can be written as 1−sin2 , and similarly
with sin2 . For example
Here are some more examples. See if you can simplify them. Solutions are
over the page.
(a) 1 − sin2 x
cos2 x
1−sin x
cos2 x− sin2 x
(cos x − sin x)2
p p
(a) 1 − sin2 x = cos2 x = sin x
(b) 4 − (2 cos x)2 = 4(1 − cos2 x) = 4 sin2 x
(c) sin3 x cos x + cos3 x sin x = sin x cos x(sin2 x + cos2 x) = sin x cos x
cos2 x (1+sin x)(1−sin x)
(d) 1−sin x
= 1−sin x
= 1 + sin x
cos2 x− sin2 x (cos x + sin x)(cos x − sin x) cos x + sin x
(e) (cos x − sin x)2
= (cos x − sin x)(cos x − sin x)
= cos x − sin x
1 + tan x
= 1 − tan x
In part (e) we get the alternative version by dividing (every term in) the
numerator and the denominator by cos x. Neither version is better than the
other; which one we choose would merely depend on the context.
Example 23
(i) Expanding the l.h.s. gives 1−2 sin θ+sin2 θ+1−2 cos θ+cos2 θ. Then collect
sin2 θ
(ii) Under the square root we have = tan2 θ.
cos2 θ
(iii) Putting both terms overt the same denominator we have
1−cos2 θ sin2 θ sin θ sin θ
= = ×
cos θ cos θ 1 cos θ
(iv) cos4 θ = (cos2 θ)2 . Doing the same with sin4 θ we have
(cos2 θ)2 − (sin2 θ)2 = (cos2 θ + sin2 θ)(cos2 θ − sin2 θ)
by the difference of two squares27
sin θ 1 cos θ
(v) tan θ = , so = , and we have
cos θ tan θ sin θ
sin θ cos θ sin2 θ cos2 θ sin2 θ+cos2 θ
+ = + =
cos θ sin θ sin θ cos θ sin θ cos θ sin θ cos θ
27 2
a − b 2 = (a + b)(a − b) where a = cos2 θ and b = sin2 θ.
(a) Expand and collect terms.
1 1−cos2 x sin2 x
(b) −1 = =
cos2 x cos2 x cos2 x
sin x
(c) l.h.s is × cos x
cos x
(d) sin2 x = 1 − cos2 x = 1 − (cos x)2 = (1 + cos x)(1 − cos x)
(e) Expand and collect terms.
(f ) l.h.s is sin2 x(sin x + cos x) + cos2 x(sin x + cos x) = (sin x + cos x)(sin2 x + cos2 x)
(g) cos( π2 − x) = cos(90◦ − x) = sin x
Example 22
5 3
cos θ 0 =
4 5
θ0 tan θ 0 =
3 4
But the cosine and the tangent of an obtuse angle are both negative, so
cos θ = − 35 , tan θ = − 34 .
Example 23
tan α = − 23 , where .
Show that cos α + sin α = p ,
An obtuse angle is one that lies between 90◦ and 180◦ .
A reflex angle is one that lies between 180◦ and 360◦ .
Example 24
Given that sin x = p and cos x = 2p, where p > 0 and 0◦ ≤ x ≤ 360◦ ,
Find the exact value of p, and the possible values of x correct to 3 significant
p 2 + (2p)2 = 5p 2 = 1, so p = p .
sin x = p
x = 26.565◦ or 180◦ − 26.565◦ = 153.435◦
= 26.6◦ or 153.4◦
Example 25
7 24 72 242
sin θ = and cos θ = , so 2 + 2 = 1
k k k k
k 2 = 49 + 576 = 625
k = ± 25
Example 26
Find x and y, if p
sin(2x + y) =
and cos 3y = p ,
where x and y are both acute angles.
2x + y = 60◦
3y = 45◦
so y = 15◦
and 2x = 60◦ − 15◦ = 45◦
x = 22.5◦
Example 27
(a) y = cos x
- x
0◦ 90◦ 180◦ 270◦ 360◦
(c) From the sketch cos x < 0.3 when 72.5◦ < x < 287.5◦
1. In each case find the exact value (do not use a calculator).
(a) tan x = 3 and x is acute. Find cos x.
(b) sin x = 5 and x is obtuse. Find tan x.
(c) cos x = − 25 and x is obtuse. Find sin x.
(d) cos x = p and x is reflex. Find tan x.
30 3 2 24
1. (a) (b) − p (c) (d) −4
5 21 25
2. x = ±
1 2 sin α 2a
3. a = ± p tan α = [By Pythagoras, or by dividing: tan α = = ]
13 3 cos α 3a
Exercises 45
1. Without using a calculator, write down the exact value of each of these:
(i) cos 60◦ (ii) sin 150◦ (iii) tan(−135◦ )
(iv) cos 210◦ (v) sin 810◦ (vi) cos 3600◦
2 tan θ
= 1.
1 − tan2 θ
10. Solve the equation (1 + sin θ)2 = 4 cos2 θ, where −180◦ ≤ θ ≤ 180◦ .
(iii) sin 2x = 1.
¢ p
(iv) tan x + π4 = 3.
(b) Write down your answers to part (a) if the solutions are to be in the
range −180◦ ≤ x ≤ 180◦ .
13. In each case find the exact value (do not use a calculator).
(a) tan x = 4 and x is acute. Find sin x.
(b) sin x = 5 and x is obtuse. Find tan x.
(c) cos x = − 13 and x is obtuse. Find sin x.
(d) cos x = − p and x is reflex. Find tan x.
(e) sin x = 7
and x is acute. Find cos x.
a 4−a 2
14. If cos x = 2 , and x is acute, draw a triange to show that tan α = a
15. If tan α = p, and α is obtuse, show that cos α = − p .
1+p 2
where 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 360◦ .
Solutions 45
1 1 3
1. (i) 2 (ii) 2 (iii) −1 (iv) − 2 (v) +1 (vi) 0
2. (i) 30◦ , 150◦ (ii) 45◦ , 225◦ (iii) 120◦ , 300◦ (iv) 0, 180◦ , 360◦
(v) 135◦ , 315◦ (vi) 120◦ , 240◦
sin θ
3. tan θ cos3 θ = cos θ cos3 θ = sin θ cos2 θ; sin θ(1 − sin2 θ) = sin θ cos2 θ;
p p p
cos4 θ(1 − cos2 θ) = cos4 θ 1 − cos2 θ = cos2 θ sin θ
6. (a) 30◦ , 150◦ , 210◦ , 330◦ [(cos2 x + sin2 x)(cos2 x − sin2 x) = 2 sin2 x
⇒ cos2 x = 3 sin2 x ⇒ tan x = ± p1 ]
p 2
(b) 45◦ , 135◦ [sin x( 2 − sin x) = cos x
⇒ 2 sin x = 1 ⇒ sin x = p1 ]
◦ ◦
(c) 60 , 120 , 240 , 300 ◦ ◦
[ = 8 ⇒ 4 cos2 x = 1 ⇒ cos x = ± 12 ]
1−sin2 x
12. (a) (i) 60◦ , 120◦ , 240◦ , 300◦ (b) (i) ± 60◦ , ± 120◦
[tan x = ± 3]
13. Draw a triangle containing the angle x or, if x is not acute, containing
the principal value associated with it x 0 . Q indicates which quadrant
the ange x lies in.
(a) sin x = 5 [x in Q1]
2 2
(b) tan x = − p [tan x 0 = p and x is in Q2, where tan x < 0]
21 21
5 5
(c) sin x = 13 [sin x 0 = 13 and x is in Q2, where sin x > 0]
(d) tan x = 2 [tan x 0 = 2 and x is in Q3, where tan x > 0]
2 3
(e) cos x = p [ x in Q1 and sin x = p ]
7 7
17. k = 2 , α = 60◦ [α is acute so k 6= − 12 since. Could find α first by
dividing p
sin α 3k
the equations: cos α = k ⇒ tan α = 3]
p p p
18. (a) (4 − 2)2 = 16 − 8 2 + 2 = 2(9 − 4 2).
p p p
By Pythagoras a 2 + (4 + 2)2 = 36 ⇒ a 2 = 18 − 8 2 = (4 − 2)2
20. (i) [−1, 5] (ii) [0, 2] (iii)[1, 9] (iv) [ 13 , 1] (v) [2, 8] (vi) [ 25 , 1]
3 6 6 1 1
21. 2 ≤ 3+sin x ≤ 3 ⇒ −1 ≤ 2− 3+sin x ≤ 2 . Maximum is 2 .
23. x 2 = (1 − t 2 )2 + (2t )2
= 1 − 2t 2 + t 4 + 4t 2
= t 4 + 2t 2 + 1
= (t 2 + 1)2
θ so x = +(t 2 + 1) [x > 0]
1− t2 1− t2
cos θ =
1+ t2
When t = 1, tan θ = ∞, so θ = π2 . Notice that cos θ = 1+0
= 1 ⇒ θ = π2
25. (a) Area of triangle ABC = x 2 sin α cos α [base = 2x cos α, height
= x sin α]
(b) Area of semicircle = 21 π(x cos α)2 = 21 πx 2 cos2 α
sin α
So, sin α
α = 12 π cos2 α [cos α 6= 0] ⇒ cos α
= 12 π
p p
26. x = −1 ± 1 − k, so sin θ = −1 ± 1 − k.
sin θ = −1 when k = 1. sin θ = +1 when 1 − k = 2, i.e. when k = −3.
• Trig functions for any angle, including outside 0◦ < x < 360◦ .
• Cosine Rule.
a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc cos A,
b 2 = c 2 + a 2 − 2c a cos B ,
c 2 = b 2 + a 2 − 2ba cosC
cos X > 0 if X is acute, cos X < 0 if X is obtuse.
13.1 What are vectors? Vector quantity compared to a scalar quantity.
Scalar multiple of a vector. Parallel vectors. Triangle law of vector addition.
¢ Column 9
¢ For¡example
¡ 5 ¢ ¡vectors 2
¢ ¡ 6 ¢ ¡−10¢
+ = and 4 −3 =
1 −3 −2 −3 −5 3
13.3 i, j notation
(4 i + j) + (5 i - 3 j) = 9 i - 2 j. Find 2a - 3b if a = 2 i + 5 j and b = i - 3 j
¡a ¢ ¡ c ¢
Independence of components = ⇒ a = c and b = d .
b d
13.4 Magnitude of a vector |x i + y j| = x 2 + y 2
p p
Examples |3 i - 4 j| = 5, |7 i + 7 j| = 7 2, |λ i + 2λ j| = 5λ
13.6 Position vectors Fixing the starting point ¡ 2of¢a vector as the original
coordinates to specify a position, in which case ≡ 2 i - 3 j ≡ (2, −3)
Using vectors to solve coordinate geometry problems.
13.8 Modelling with vectors Applied to displacements (bearing problems),
forces, velocities and accelerations.
Bearing problems also involve the use of Sine Rule and Cosine Rule.
Combining forces to obtain a resultant force. The formula F = ma .
Formula connecting velocity, acceleration and time: v = u + at .
We start with some basic, beginning with the notion of ratios as applied to
distances. Suppose the point C divides line AB such that AC : C B = 5 : 2
Write down the value of (i) AC : AB (ii) (iii)
The answers are in the footnote 1 .
A vector is any quantity that has size or magnitude and direction. For
example a displacement or a translation, where we say not just how far but
in what direction. Anther example is a force, which is not fully described
unless we say not just how big it is but also the direction it acts in. A quantity
that only has size is called a scalar, for example the number a children in a
We are very used to combining scalar quantities; here we are going to be
learning about combining vector quantities. To see why this is very different
we only have to think of combining two displacements (translations), such
as one of 4 km due North followed by one of 3 km due East. The result is not
a displacement of 7 km.
A diagram enables us to see how to combine them.
To denote a vector books use either a bold letter, or a line segment with an
arrow over the top indicating the direction. Since you cannot write in a
boldface type the equivalent is a letter with a line underneath it.
Q b R a + b = c which you will write as a + b = c
a c
−−→ −−→ −→
PQ + QR = P R
1 2 7
(i)5 : 7 (ii) (iii)
7 5
Later we shall learn how vectors can be used to specify positions, but for now
assume that a vector floats freely: if it has the same magnitude and the same
direction it is the same vector.
Also by thinking of vectors as displacements we can see that a + a = 2a,
vector twice as long as a but in the same direction. In fact multiplying by
any scalar quantity will simply scale the vector by the same quantity.
The vector which has the same magnitude as a but whose direction is
−→ −→
reversed is −a . If a is AB in arrow notation, −a = B A.
a − 12 a
a −a
−−→ −−→
In general if λ is any scalar, then the vectors PQ and λ PQ are parallel. It
follows that all these vectors are parallel
2a + 3b, 4a + 6b, -2a - 3b, a + 32 b
because each one is a scalar multiple of all the same vector,
e.g. a + 23 b = 12 (2a + 3b)
(a) (c) and (e).
Example 1
−−→ −−→
If PQ =a, and P Y =b, find in terms of a and b
−→ −→ −−→ −→
(a) P S (b) P R (c) Y Q (d) S X
(a) P S = 2b
(b) P R =a +2b
−−→ −−→ −−→
(c) Y Q = Y P + PQ =-b + a or a - b
−→ −−→
(d) S X = Y Q = a - b
Example 2
−→ −→
If AB =a, and AC =b, find in terms of a and b
−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
(a) C B (b) T C (c) C M (d) T M
(a) C B =-b + a = a - b
−−→ 1
(b) T C = 3b
−−→ −→
(c) C M = 12 C B = 12 (a - b)
−−→ −−→ −−→
(d) T M = T C + C M = 12 (a - b) + 13 b = 1
a- 1
b or 1
(3a - b)
Example 3
O a A
Show that
−−→ −−→ 1
(i) OC = a + b, and (ii) OX = 2 (a + b).
(i) This follows very quickly from the triangle law of vector addition:
−−→ −−→ −→
OC = O A + AC = a + b.
We call this the parallelogram law of vector addition.
(ii) The diagonals of a parallel bisect each other, so
OX = 12 (a + b).
The triangle law and the parallelogram law are effectively the same law
expressed in two different ways. If the two vectors we are adding begin at the
same point (as in the example above) then their sum is the diagonal of the
parallelogram formed by those two vectors.
The triangle law is the more natural one to use when the one vector begins
where the other one ends. Here are some examples. The sum of the two
vectors (sometimes called the resultant) is shown in blue.
a+b b
a a+b
(ii) 2
2 x
Written with one number above the other, enclosed in a bracket, we call it a
column vector. The top number always corresponds to the (positive) x
direction and the bottom number to the (positive) y direction.
Write down the column vectors for (i), (ii) and (iii). The answers are in the
footnote3 .
¡5 ¢
1 C
¡−2¢ ¡7 ¢
−6 7 x
−→ −→ −→ −2 7 5
¡ ¢ ¡¢ ¡¢
AB + BC = AC becomes + =
−6 7 1
−−→ −→ −→ −5 −2 −7
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
Similarly C A + AB = C B becomes + =
−1 −6 −7
¡−2¢ ¡4¢
(iii) −4
¡ ¢
(i) 0 (ii) −2 −3 .
Scalar multiples work in just the same way, but we must remember that it
applies to both components.
¡3¢ ¡−1¢
For example if a = and b =
−2 4
¡3¢ ¡3¢ ¡6¢ ¡3¢
2a = + = = 2
−2 −2 −4 −2
¡−1¢ ¡−3¢
3b = 3 =
4 12
¡ 12 ¢ ¡−3¢ ¡ 15 ¢ ¡3¢
4a - 3b = − = = 5
−8 12 −20 −4
13.3 i, j notation
As an alternative to the column notation¡we ¢ can think of each vector as¡the
1 0
sum of two vectors, one a multiple of i = , the other a multiple of j = .
0 1
=4 i+2j
(ii) i 2
j ¡−2¢
i =-2 i+2j
2 x
Write down the vectors for (i), (ii) and (iii) in i and j form. The answers are in
the footnote5 .
(i) -2 i (ii) 4 i - 2 j (iii) -4 i - 3 j
6 5 1 17
(i) 8 i - j (ii) -2 i - 3 j (iii) -9 i + 8 j (iv) 2 i- 2 j (v) 3 i (vi) 7 i + 5 j
Independence of components
The independence of the x and y components is very important: it means
¡a ¢ ¡ c ¢
= ⇒ a = c and b = d .
b d
a i + b j = c i + d j ⇒ a = c and b = d .
This looks odd because in each case it appears that we have a single
equation, and somehow we are turning it into two equations. It makes sense
though because the single equation we started with is a vector equation,
which contains information about the x direction and the y direction. It is
really two relationships combined into a single statement.
For example, suppose
¡6¢ ¡ µ ¢
= ⇒ µ = 6 and λ = −1.
λ −1
Or in i, j notation,
8 i + (λ + µ) j = 2µ i + 5 j
yields 2 equations
8 = 2µ
λ+µ = 5
⇒ µ = 4 and λ = 1.
Example 4
(i) a = 2 i + r j, b = 6 i + 12 j and c = s i + t j
(a) Find r if a is parallel to b (b) Find s and t if b = 2c
(ii) (α − 2) i + (α + 1) j = β(- i + 2 j). Find the possible values for α and β.
(i) (a) From the x component we can see that the scalar multiplier is 3,
i.e. b = 3a, so r = 4
3 r
θ φ
Some examples.
|6 i - 8 j| = 100 = 10
p p
|4 i + 6 j| = 52 = 2 13
p p
|k i + 2k j| = 5k 2 = 5k
3 r
θ φ
3 y
tan θ = , so θ = 36.87◦ tan φ =
4 x
Some examples of finding the magnitude and the angle each of these vectors
makes with the (positive) x direction.
8 5
1. a = 4 i + j, b = i - 2 j, c = - i + 4 j and d = k( i - j).
Find the magnitude of each fo these vectors:
(a) a| (ii) |b| (iii) |23b| (iv) |4a - c| (v) |d|
(b) Find the direction of each of these vectors:
(i) a (ii) b (iii) 23b (iv) - 3a (v) d
2. Find the x and y components of these vectors.
Where appropriate leave
◦ 3
your answer in surd form (e.g. 4 cos 30 = 4 × 2 = 2 3). “Above" and “below"
refer to the positive x direction.
Magnitude Direction
(i) 4 30◦ above
(ii) 8 30◦ below
(iii) 6 70◦ below
(iv) 10 120◦ above
(v) 10 120◦ below
The answers are in the footnote7 .
In the following example, and further on in this chapter, we will be using the
Sine Rule and the Cosine Rule. If you need reminders about either of these you
will find them in sections 7 and 8 of Chapter 12.
p p p p
1. (a) (i) 17 (ii) 5 (iii) 23 5 (iv) 17 (v) k 2
(b) (i) 14.0◦ above (ii) 63.43◦ below (iii) 63.43◦ below (iv) 166.0◦ below (v) 45◦ below
p p p p
2. (i) 2 3, 2 (ii) 4 3, −4 (iii) 2.05, −5.64 (iv) −5, 5 3 (v) −5, −5 3
Example 5
−−→ −−→
In the triangle OAB the vector O A = i + j and OB = 2 i - 3 j.
(a) Find the angle each of these vectors makes with x direction.
(b) Hence find the angle AOBb and area of the triangle.
(c) Find also the length of AB and the angle O AB
b .
(a) OB makes and angle of 45◦ with
B the x direction (above the dotted
i+ j
OA makes and angle of
O θ arctan 1.5 = 56.31◦
with the x direction (below).
(b) Hence θ = 101.31◦ = 101.3◦ (3 SF)
2i - 3j −−→ p −−→ p
|O A| = 13, |OB | = 2
So theparea of
p the triangle
= 21 × 13 × 2 × sin 101.31◦
= 2.50 (3 SF)
A vector has a magnitude and a direction; it does not have a specific position
or location. However we can use a vector to describe a position, for example
of the point P, by assuming that its starting point is the origin of coordinates.
y ¡3¢
¡3¢ 2
The position vector of point is therefore just another way of writing its
coordinates: P is the point (3, 2).
¢have three ways to define the position of the point P :
, 3 i + 2 j and (3, 2).
When choosing between the two vector forms, there is something to be said
for preferring the column vector, because the independence of the
components is more obvious than in the i , j notation. There is a rumour
that printers of text books prefer the i , j notation because it take up less
paper. You must judge for yourself.
Example 6
−→ −2
¡ ¢
(a) The point A is at (4, 1) and AB = . Find the coordinates of B and
hence, or otherwise, find the angle O AB
b .
−−→ 4 −−→ −10
¡¢ ¡ ¢
(b) The point P is at (3, −3), PQ = and QR = .
5 2
Find the distance between R and the origin of coordinates.
(a) B −−→ −−→ −→
OB = O A + AB
¡4¢ ¡−2¢ ¡2¢
= + =
¡−2¢ 1 3 4
3 So the coordinates of B are (2, 4).
¡4¢ OB 2 = 20, so by Cosine Rule
p p
1 A 20 = 17 + 13 − 2 20 13 cos Ab
⇒ cos A = p p
O 2 20 13
Ab = 71.936◦ = 71.9◦ (3 SF)
(b) Although it is usually a good idea to draw one, we don’t always need a
diagram for a vector question.
−−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
¡ 3 ¢ ¡4¢ ¡−10¢ ¡−3¢
OR = OP + PQ + QR = + + =
−3 5 2 4
Therefore OR = 5.
Example 7
A is the point (4, 3) and B is the point (7, 2). Use vectors to find where the line
AB meets the coordinate axes. Find also where it meets the line 2y = x − 8.
We can specify every point on the line AB using a position vector OP . We
−−→ −−→ −→
can write OP = O A + k AB , where a different value of k gives¡a ¢different
¡4¢ point.
−→ 7
For example if k = 0 we have A, if k = 1 we have B etc. AB = − =
2 3 −1
−−→ 4 3 4+3k
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
so OP = +k =
3 −1 3−k
Another way of thinking about this is to say that every point on the line has
the form8 x = 4 + 3k and y = 3 − k for some value of k. Taking an extreme
example, if k = 100 the point (304, −97) lies on the line.
k = −1 A
k =0 B
k =1 P
k =2
−−→ 4+3(3)
¡ ¢
The line AB will meets the x-axis where 3 − k = 0, i.e. where OP = .
It crosses the x-axis at (13, 0).
It meets the y-axis where k = − 3 so OP = 13 i.e. at (0, 13
3 ).
Now to find where the line crosses the line 2y = x − 8. Since every point on
the line through AB is of the form x = 4 + 3k, y = 3 − k we are looking for the
point with coordinates (4 + 3k, 3 − k) which satisfies the equation 2y = x − 8.
Substituting these coordinates in we have 2(3 − k) = 4 + 3k − 8 ⇒ k = 2.
The lines meet at (10, 1).
We call this a parametric equation of the line.
Example 8
−−→ −→
PQRS is a parallelogram in which PQ = a and P S = b. M is the midpoint of
P S and MQ meets P R at X . Find the ratio in which X divides MQ and P R.
We can reach X from P by going along P R, or by going via Q.
−−→ −→ −−→
We can therefore write P X = λP R, i.e. P X = λ(a + b).
−−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ µ
Also P X = PQ + Q X = PQ + µQM = a +µ(-a + 21 b) = (1 − µ) a + 2
Equating the two versions of P X we have
λa + λb = (1 − µ) a + 2 b
So λ = 1 − µ and λ =⇒ µ = 23 and λ = 13 .
−−→ −−→ −−→
Now we can answer the question. Q X = µQM = 32 QM .
M X : XQ = 1 : 2.
−−→ −→ −→
Similarly P X = λP R = 31 P R.
P X : X R = 1 : 2.
Example 9
−−→ −−→
O AB is a triangle in which O A = a and OB = b. S is the point on O A such that
OS = 25 O A, and T is the midpoint of AB . The line OP meets AB at T .
Find the ratio in which P divides OT and B S.
We can reach P from O by going directly along OT , or by going via B or S.
−−→ −−→
We can therefore write OP = λOT = λ [b + 12 (-b + a)]= 12 λ(a + b).
−−→ −−→ −→ 2µ
Also OP = OB + B P = b + µ( - b + 25 a) = (1 − µ) b + 5 a.
Equating the two versions of OP we have
1 2µ
λa + 12 λb = 5
a + (1 − µ) b
So 5λ = 4µ and λ = 2 − 2µ ⇒ µ = 57 and λ = 47 .
−−→ −−→ −−→
Since OP = λOT = 74 OT .
OP : P T = 4 : 3.
−→ −→ −→
Similarly B P = µB S = 57 B S.
B P : P S = 5 : 2.
Example 10
Starting at a point O a girl walks 2 km due north to a point A, and then walks
1.5 km due East to point B . At the end of her journey how far is she from O?
What is the bearing of B from O?
What is the bearing of O from B ?
−−→ −−→ −→
OB = O A + AB
p p
Distance OB = 22 + 1.52 = 6.25 = 2.5
A 1.5 B
φ A bearing is always measured clockwise
starting from due north.
So the bearing of B from O is θ.
2 tan θ = 0.75, so θ = 36.87◦
The bearing of O from B will be
θ φ = 180◦ + 36.87◦ = 216.87◦ .
Example 11
When a force of F Newtons is applied to an object of mass m kg it causes it to
accelerate at a m s −2 , where F =ma.
(i) Find the magnitude of the force required on an object of mass 5 kg to
produce an acceleration of (3 i - 8 j) m s −2
(ii) Find the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the same object
resulting from a force of (20 i + 80 j) Newtons?
(i) F = 5(3 i - 8 j)
|F | = 1825 = 42.72 Newtons.
(ii) (20 i + 80 j) = 5a , so a = 4 i + 16 j.
p p p
|a| = 42 + 162 = 4 1 + 16 = 4 17 m s −2 .
The acceleration is in the same direction as the force, i.e. at an angle of
arctan 4 = 76.0◦ with the direction of i (to 3 SF)9 .
The direction is arctan 16 80
4 = arctan 20 = arctan 4.
Example 12
In a desert rally, a car travels from its starting point P to the first checkpoint
which is at Q, 25 km from P on a bearing of 040◦ . From Q it travels, on a
bearing of 105◦ for a further 15 km to R, where it breaks down. There is a
recovery team based at P .
(a) When the car breaks down, how far north and east of P is it?
(b) How far does the recovery team need to travel to reach the car?
(c) What bearing does the recovery truck need to follow?
15 k
75◦ m
(a) The bearing of R from Q is 105◦ so the acute angle that QR makes with
due north is 75◦ .
−→ −−→ −−→
P R = PQ + QR = (25 sin 40◦ i + 25 cos 40◦ j) + (15 sin 75◦ i - 15 cos 75◦ j)
= 30.56 i + 15.27 j, i.e. 15.3 km north of P and 30.6 km east of P .
−→ p
(b) |P R| = 30.562 + 15.272 = 34.16 = 34.2 km (3 SF)
(c) tan α = ⇒ α = 26.55◦
So the bearing of R from P is 90◦ − 26.55◦ = 63.45◦ = 63.5◦ . (3 SF)
1. In each case combine the two vectors and find the magnitude of the
resulting vector.
(i) Displacements 5 i + 2 j and i - 10 j, where the unions are metres
(ii) Velocities 4( i - j) and i + 2 j, where the units are m s−1
(iii) Forces 20 i + 7 j and -12 i + 8 j, where the units are Newtons
2. Find the magnitude and direction of the force required to give a particle of
mass 5 kg an acceleration of 0.4 i - 0.8 j ms −2 .
3. The relationship connecting a particle’s initial velocity u, its acceleration a
and its final velocity v after time t is v = u + at .
If the acceleration of a particle is 1.5 i + 3.5 j ms −2 and its final velocity after
travelling for 4 seconds is 14 i + 11 j ms −2 , what was its initial velocity.
The answers are in the footnote10 .
1. (i) 6 i - 8 j, 10m (ii) 5 i - 2 j, 29 ms −1 (iii) 8 i + 15 j, 17 Newtons.
2. 4.47 Newtons at 63.4◦ below the direction of i.
3. 8 i - 3 j ms −2
We know how to use vectors to find where lines meet and in what ratios they
divide each other. The centroid divides the medians in the ratio 2 : 1 (starting
at the vertex). We are going to show that this is the case in a beautifully
simple and elegant way.
With problems like this we often take one vertex to be at the origin to
simplify the working. Rather surprising we will find the exact opposite here:
we take the origin O to be some arbitrary point outside the triangle ABC
(shown in red). With respect to this origin the position vectors a, b and ct
define where the vertices are.
We want to show that the three medians meet at a point two-thirds of the
way down any one of the medians (starting at the vertex). We have labelled
that point X for the median that passes through the vertex A.
In Example 3 we saw that the position vector of a line segment is the mean of
the position vectors of the two ends of the segment.
−−→ −−→
Therefore OM = 12 (b + c), and AM = − a + 12 b + 12 c
It follows that the position vector of X , i.e. OX = a + 32 ( - a + 12 b + 12 c)
= 3
(a + b + c)
But this is symmetrical in a, b and c, so whichever vertex we had started with
we would have arrived at the same result. This point is therefore two thirds
of the way “down" each of the medians. In other words they all meet at this
Exercises 46
5. a = 3 i + 2 j, b = 4 i - j
(a) Find the unit vectors parallel to a and b.
(b) Find α and β if a + αb is parallel to i and βa + b is parallel to j.
6. c = 2 i + j, d = i + 3 j
If c + pd is parallel to i + j and c + qd is parallel to i - 3 j, find p and q.
Verify that these values are correct.
−→ −−→
7. In the parallelogram ABCD, AB = 16
¡ ¢ ¡6¢
and AD = 10
. The point T lies
on BD and BT:TD=3:2.
−→ −→
Find the vectors BT and AT .
Find the area of the triangle ATD.
¡p¢ ¡−q ¢ ¡−5¢
8. a = 2q , b = p and a + b = 4 . Find p and q.
¡α+β¢ ¡ 3
¢ ¡7¢
9. a = 4
, b = 2α−β . Find α and β if 2a + b = 18
12. a = 2 i - j, b = λ i + µ j.
a + b is parallel to i - j, and a - b is parallel to i + j.
Find the values of λ and µ.
15. If a = k2 and b = −2 , find |a + b|2 in terms of k.
¡ ¢
Show that whatever the value of k, |a + b|2 ≥ 2 2.
¡ 2p ¢ ¡3q ¢ p
16. a = −q and b = p . Show that |a + b| = 5(p + q).
P a Q
−−→ 6 −→ 3
¡ ¢ ¡¢
18. The triangle PQR is defined by the vectors PQ = and P R = .
−2 5
(a) Find the angle Pb and the area of the triangle.
(b) Calculate the length of QR and find the angle R.b
19. |p i + q j| = 10 and the vector makes an angle θ with the x-axis, where
sin θ = 5 . Find the possible values of p i + q j.
20. In the
¡ 3quadrilateral
¢ −−→ 2
¢ O is the origin and P is at (−1, 4).
PQ = and QR = . Find the coordinates of R.
−7 1
21. A(2, 1), B (1, 4) and C (7, 5) are three are vertices of a parallelogram. Find
the two possible positions of the fourth vertex.
23. The diagram shows three sides of a regular polygon. How many sides
does it have? Each side is of length 2.
α 30◦
A1 A2
−−−→ −−−→
Find the vectors A 2 A 3 and A 3 A 4 , leaving the values in surd form where
Hence find the distance A 1 A 4 and the exact angle α.
Write down the coordinates of A 5 and deduce the angle A 2 A c1 A 5 .
25. In the triangle PQR the
midpoint of P R is M and
PQ is extended such that
PQ = 2QS. M S meets QR at X .
−−→ −→ X
Let PQ = 2 a and P R = 2 b. P
Find the ratio that X divides
the line segments QR and M S. Q
26. After flying for 60 km, an aircraft alters its bearing by an angle α and flies
for a further 100 km. It is then 120 km from where it started.
Find the angle α.
29. At 0900 hours a woman sets out from A, walking at a speed of 2km/h,
on a bearing of 120◦ . One hour later, a man set out from B , a point 5 km
due North of A. He walks on a bearing of 210◦ at a speed of 4km/h. At
1200 hours the woman is at C and the man is at D.
(a) Draw a diagram to show the positions of A, B , C and D, marking in
the lengths of AB , AC and B D.
(b) Find how far the man is from B at 1200 hours.
−−→ −→
(c) Find the vectors AD and AC .
(d) Hence, or otherwise, calculate the bearing of C from D.
30. If the velocity of a particle is given by v, find its speed in each case.
(a) v = 5 i + 12 j (b) v = 3 i - 3 j (c) v = 21 i + 23 j (d) v = 3k i + k j
31. (a) A particle travels with velocity 7 i + 24 j ms−1 for 8 seconds. How far
does it travel in that time?
(b) A second particle travelling with with a velocity 15 i + λ j travels the
same distance in 10 seconds. Find the possible values of λ.
32. How far does a particle travels in 3 seconds if its velocity is 6 i + 8 j ms−1 ?
If it then travels for a further 4 seconds with a velocity of 3 i - 2 j ms−1 .
How far is its final position from its original starting point?
v −u
33. The acceleration aof a particle is given by a = , where utravelling
is its initial velocity, and vuis its velocity at time t . Find the magnitude
of its acceleration if t = 3, v =13 i + j and u=10 i + 5 j.
34. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of adding the two
forces F 1 =4 i + 5 j Newtons and F 2 =-2 i + j Newtons.
If F 1 +kF 2 is parallel to i + j, find the value of k.
Solutions 46
−−→ −→ −−→ −−→
1. QM = b - a, SP = a - 2b [SM + M P = (a - b) - b]
−→ −→ −−→ −−→
SR = 2(a - b) + d [SP + PQ + QR]
2. M Y = 12 (- b + 4a) = 2a - 12 b.
−−→ −−→
Y N = - 2a, so M N = - 12 b. Hence MN is parallel to XZ and half its length.
3. From a diagram, C B = - 3q + p + 2q = p - q.
AB = - p + p + 2q = 2q Hence AB is parallel to OC and AB:OC=2:3.
B PQ = 13 a + 23 (b - a) = - 13 a + 32 b
Q −−→
QR = 13 (b - a) - 32 b = - 13 a - 13 b
RP = − 31 b + 32 a
−−→ −−→ −→
P Hence PQ + QR + RP = 0.
5. (a) p3 i+ p2 j, p4 i+ p1 j
13 13 17 17
(b) α = 2 [The y component = 2 − α = 0] β = − 4
6. p = 21 . c + pd = 52 i + 52 j
[The x and y components of c + pd must be equal, so 2 + p = 1 + 3p]
q = - 76 . c + qd = 65 i - 15
[The x and y components of c + qd must satisfy 1 + 3q = -3(2 + q)]
−→ ¡ ¡16¢ ¡ 6 ¢¢ ¡ ¢ −→
− 0 + 10 = −6 . AT = 16 + 6 = 10
¡ ¢ ¡−6¢ ¡ ¢
7. BT = 5 6 0 6
Area = 32 [Area 4 ABD = 12 16 × 10 = 80, 4 ABT = 12 16 × 6 = 48]
8. p = −2, q = 3 [p - q = -5, 2q + p = 4]
9. α = 4, β = − 2
2(α + β) + 3 = 7 and 4 + 2α − β = 18 ⇒ α + β = 2 and 2α − β = 10
11. α = −1 or 2 [α + 2 = 2α − α2 ⇒ α2 + α − 2 = 0]
13. t = ±4 [4 + t 2 = 20]
14. λ = ±2 3 [λ2 + 4 = 16]
¡3¢ PQ 2 = 40, P R 2 = 34
5 Area of the triangle
p p
= 12 × 40 × 34 × sin 77.47◦
P = 18.0 (3 SF)
−2 Q
p p
(b) By the Cosine Rule RQ 2 = 40 + 34 − 2 40 34 cos 77.47◦ = 57.999
So RQ = 7.616, i.e. 7.62 (3 SF)
p p
40 7.616 40×sin 77.47◦
By Sine Rule = ⇒ sin R = = 0.8107
sin Rb sin 77.47◦
Rb = 54.160◦ = 54.2◦ (3 SF)
19. sin θ = 5 ⇒ θ = 36.9◦ or 180◦ − 36.9◦
So the vector lies in the 1st or 2nd quadrant.
In the 1st quadrant p = 10 cos θ = 10 × 54 = 8. Similarly q = 6.
Therefore p i + q j = 8 i + 6 j or - 8 i + 6 j
−−→ −1 3 2 4
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡¢ ¡ ¢
20. OR = + + = , so R is at (4, −2).
4 −7 1 −2
−−→ −→ 6
21. The vertex could be at X where AX = BC = so X is (8, 2),
−−→ −→ −1
¡ ¢
Or it could be at Y where C Y = AB = so Y is (6, 8).
Y (6, 8)
C (7, 5)
B (1, 4)
X (8, 2)
A(2, 1)
22. The polygon has 12 sides.
[Each external angles is 30◦ so the no. of sides is 360 ÷ 30]
¡p3¢ −−−→ ¡ 1 ¢
A2 A3 = , A3 A4 = p
1 3
[sides of right angle triangle with 30◦ and 60◦ are 2, 1 and 3]
−−−→ 2
¡ ¢ ¡p3¢ ¡ 1 ¢ ¡3+p3¢ ¡p3(1+p3)¢
So A 1 A 4 = + + p = p = p
0 1 3 1+ 3 1+ 3
p ¡p3¢
p ¡ 3¢ p
= (1 + 3) . Magnitude of is 2 so length A 1 A 4 = 2(1 + 3)
1 1
tan α = p , so α = 30◦
p p
c1 A 5 = 45◦
A 5 is (3 + 3, 3 + 3) so A 2 A
26. 62.7◦ , because the actual directions are not relevant. Use Cosine Rule
to find 180◦ − α
27. p
(a) O A = 6 3 i + 6 j
A 200◦ (b) OB
N = 6 3 i + 6 j - 10 sin 20 i - 10 cos 20 j
12 = 6.97 i - 3.40 j
Therefore |OB | = 7.76 km (3 SF)
10 k
O 3.40
(c) tan θ = 6.97 ⇒ θ = 26.0◦
The bearing of B from O is 116.0◦
28. In the example there is little to be gained by using vectors. Sine Rule
and geometry is sufficient.
(i) X Y = 10.85 km, P Y = 8.85 km [P Yb X = 60◦ ]
(ii) 8.31 km (or 8.32) [X Y sin 50◦ or P Y sin 70◦ ]
X (iii) 250◦ [70◦ + 180◦ ]
10 km
29. N
(a) When drawing your diagram make it big,
to allow plenty of room for measurements,
angles etc.
B 210◦
(b) B D = 8 km.
(c) AD = −8 sin 30◦ i - (8 cos 30◦ − 5) j
30◦ p
= −4 i - (4 3 − 5) j
5 km −→ p
AC = 6 sin 60◦ i - 6 cos 60◦ j = 3 3 i - 3 j
30◦ A 120◦
60◦ 6k
−−→ −−→ −→ p p
(d) DC = −D A + AC = (4 + 3 3) i−(8 − 4 3) j
tan α = ⇒ α = 6.648◦ , so bearing of C from D is 096.7◦ . (3 SF)
4+3 3
30. (a) 13 (b) 2 3 (c) 56 (d) 2k
p p
31. 200 m. λ = ±5 7. [speed = 20 ms−1 = 152 + λ2 ]
• i, j notation
(4 i + j) + (5 i - 3 j) = 9 i - 2 j. Find 2a - 3b if a = 2 i + 5 j and b = i - 3 j
¡a ¢ ¡ c ¢
Independence of components = ⇒ a = c and b = d .
b d
• Magnitude of a vector |x i + y j| = x 2 + y 2
p p
Examples |3 i - 4 j| = 5, |7 i + 7 j| = 7 2, |λ i + 2λ j| = 5λ
14.1 Series
What we cover here is definitely not on your syllabus but it draws together
many of the themes in the book. The chapter consists of a number of short
section, most of which are not at all difficult, giving you a glimpse of some of
the fascinating topics that lie ahead if you continue to study Maths.
A series that works like this one, where each term is a fixed multiple of the
previous term, is known as a geometric series. In our case that multiple is 2,
generally referred to as the common ratio, normally denoted by r .
What if the series is geometric but common ratio is < 1? The terms get
smaller and smaller rather than bigger and bigger.
Suppose r = 2 for example. Repeating what we did above with this common
ratio, 1 1 1 1 1 1
we let S n = 0
+ 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + . . . + n−1
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
then Sn = 1
+ 2 + 3 + 4 + . . . + n−1 + n
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1
So S n = 1 − n (taking the 2nd row from the 1st)
2 µ 2 ¶
Sn = 2 1 − n
The extraordinary thing we notice about this is that the S n is always less that
2 regardless of the value of n, and the larger n becomes the closer the sum is
to 2, because 2n → 0. We say the series converges to the value 2 and write
S n → 2 as n → ∞.
Of course we can never have an infinite number of terms, nevertheless to
capture the idea that the sum gets closer and closer to 2 as the number of
terms increases, we write
1 1 1
S ∞ = 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . = 2.
2 2 2
To see that this makes sense imagine an elderly frog jumping from one end
of a 2m long table to the other. Suppose her first jump is 1m, and with every
jump she gets more tired and at each jump can only manage half the
remaining distance. The second jump will therefore be one of the 2 m, the
third 4 m and so on.
1 1 1
The total distance jumped will be 1 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . ., exactly the series we
found to have a sum of 2m (the total length of the table).
It is a small step to generalise this for any value of the common ratio < 1. For
a reason that will soon become clear, here we are going to use x rather the r
for the common ratio.
Let S∞ = 1 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + . . .
then xS ∞ = x(1 + x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 + . . .)
= x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + . . .
So (1 − x)S ∞ = 1
S∞ =
1 1
A quick check reassures us we haven’t made a mistake. If x = 2 , S ∞ = 1 = 2.
We are now going to tie this up with what we know about differentiation.
(Remember that if y = f (x), its gradient function or derived function we
write as either d x or f 0 (x).)
How might we differentiate an expressions like ? Its power series gives
us a way in.
f (x) = = 1 + x + x2 + x3 . . .
f 0 (x) = 1 + 2x + 3x 2 + 4x 3 . . .
(−2) (−2)(−3) (−2)(−3)(−4)
But (1 − x)−2 = 1 + (−x) + (−x)2 + (−x)3 + . . .
1 1.2 1.2.3
= 1 + 2x + 3x 2 + 4x 3 + . . .
1 1
So if f (x) = , f 0 (x) = .
1−x (1−x)2
Of course we cheated because to find the answer we had to know the power
series expansion for (1 − x)−2 .
The expansion may not be valid for every value of x. In these examples we need |x| < 1.
2 x0 x1
The first two terms follow the same pattern as the others because 1 = and x =
0! 1!
2xe x
f 0 (x) = −1 − x − x 2 − x 3 . . .
= −(1 + x + x 2 + x 3 . . .)
= −(1 − x)−1
= −
1 1
So the derivative of the function is and its integral − ln(1 − x).
1−x (1−x)2
Can power series shed any light on the the unintuitive behaviour of the log
function? For example
log A + log B = log AB.
If we let A = 1 − x and B = 1 + x we should find that
π ³ π ´3 1 ³ π ´5 1 ³ π ´7 1
1= − + − ...
2 2 3! 2 5! 2 7!
¡ π ¢3 1 ¡ π ¢5 1 ¡ π ¢7 1
So the sum of the series − + − . . . is 1.
2 2 3! 2 5! 2 7!
We can be comfortable that it is correct by summing the first few terms:
1.5708 − 0.6460 + 0.0797 − 0.0047 = 0.9998 (to 4 DP).
However this is more curious than it is useful. Let’s look at some of the other
properties. To start with we know that sin 0 = 0, which is what we get if we
put x = 0 into its power series expansion. We also know that cos 0 = 1, which
also agrees with the power series.
You may also recall that cos x is an even function and sin x is an odd
Remember that
a function f (x) is even if f (−x) = f (x) for all values of x, in other words the
curve has reflective symmetry about the y-axis;
a function is odd if f (−x) = − f (x), in other words it has rotational symmetry
about the origin.
Not only can we see that cos x is an even function and sin x is an odd
function, but we can see the reasoning behind the terms even and odd: it
corresponds to the parity5 of the terms in the corresponding power series;
cos x only has even powers of x and sin x only has odd powers.
It has many divisors e.g. 3, 4, 5, 6et c.
The term parity means whether it is even odd.
Turning again to calculus, sin x and cos x are two more functions we have not
learned how to differentiate or integrate. The power series expansions give us
the answers.
x3 x5 x7
if f (x) = sin x = x − + − ...
3! 5! 7!
3x 2 5x 4 7x 6
f 0 (x) = 1 − + − ...
3! 5! 7!
x2 x4 x6
= 1− + − ...
2! 4! 6!
= cos x
One of the many uses of power series is they allow for polynomial
approximations of functions when x is known to be small.
cos x+sin x
Take a function like , and suppose we know that x is so
small we can ignore powers of x higher than 2.
The expansion of is 1 + 2x + 3x 2 + 4x 3 . . ., so if x is small, we could use
the quadratic 1 + 2x + 3x 2 as an approximation for it, and derive an simple
approximation for the whole function:
(1 − x)−2 = 1 + 2x + 3x 2 + . . .
cos x = 1 − +...
sin x = x − . . .
cos x + sin x x2
so 2
= (1 + x − )(1 + 2x + 3x 2 ) . . .
(1 − x) 2
= (1 + 2x + 3x 2 ) + x(1 + 2x) − (1) . . .
= 1 + 2x + 3x 2 + x + 2x 2 − ...
≈ 1 + 3x + x 2
The theorem is surprisingly easy to prove but we shall just demonstrate why
and how it works using a simple polynomial function.
Take the function f (x) = 2x 4 − x 3 + 31 x + 7.
f (x) = 2x 4 − x 3 + 13 x + 7 f (0) = 7
f 0 (x) = 8x 3 − 3x 2 + 31 f 0 (0) = 13
f 00 (x) = 24x 2 − 6x f 00 (0) = 0
f 000 (x) = 48x − 6 f 000 (0) = −6
f i v (x) = 48 f i v (0) = 48
f v (x) = 0 f v (0) = 0
and all subsequent derivatives are also zero.
x 2 00 x 3 000 x4 i v x5 v
f (x) = f (0) + x f 0 (0) + f (0) + f (0) + f (0) + f (0) . . .
2! 3! 4! 5!
Substituting in the values of the values of the derivatives for the function
above we have
x 2 00 x 3 000 x4 i v x5 v
f (x) = f (0) + x f 0 (0) + f (0) + f (0) + f (0) + f (0) . . .
2! 3! 4! 5!
1 x2 x3 x4 x5
= 7 + x + (0) + (−6) + 48 + (0) (no more terms)
3 2! 3! 4! 5!
= 7+ x − x 3 + 2x 4
To keep things simple the power series we chose was a finite one (i.e. a
polynomial). Let’s use Maclaurin’s Theorem to derive a one involving an
infinite number of terms, such as f (x) = sin x.
This is quite simple because of the circular nature of its derivatives:
f (x) f 0 (x) f 00 (x) f i v (x) f v (x)
sin x → cos x → − sin x → − cos x → sin x
so f (0) = 0 f 0 (0) = 1 f 000 (0) = 0 f i v (0) = −1 f v (0) = 0 etc
which gives us all we need to know to construct the power series for sin x
There is a more general theorem that uses the derivatives at any point x = a, developed
by Brook Taylor in the 18th Century.
x2 x3 x4 x5
sin x = 0 + x(1) + (0) + (−1) + (0) + (1) . . .
2! 3! 4! 5!
x3 x5 x5
= x − + − ...
3! 5! 5!
Knowing the very special properties of the function e x , you may wonder how
Macclarin sheds light on those.
Repeating he above process with e x instead of sin x, we have an extremely
simple piece of analysis:
f (x) f 0 (x) f 00 (x) f i v (x) f v (x)
ex → ex → ex → ex → ex
so f (0) = 1 f 0 (0) = 1 f 000 (0) = 1 f i v (0) = 1 f v (0) = 1 etc
x 0 x 2 00 x 3 000 x4 i v x5 v
e = f (0) + x f (0) + f (0) + f (0) + f (0) + f (0) . . .
2! 3! 4! 5!
x2 x3 x4 x5
= 1+x + + + + ...
2! 3! 4! 5!
14.7 −1
We are now going to venture into an area that p is often regarded a hard to
understand, because it involves dealing with −1, a number that you have
been told does not exist. That is certainly true, if we confine ourselves to
numbers the lie on the number line: no number has a square equal to −1.
In case you think this is no more than an esoteric invention cooked up by
mathematicians with nothing better to do, you would be very wrong.
Engineers and physicists use imaginary numbers extensively, even though in
one sense they do not exist!
The key to understanding it is to think of −1 as lying off the number line.
i.e. above it or below it, in other words allowing for a whole plane of
numbers. We call this the complex plane, and numbers on it Complex
numbers. A diagram representing complex numbers in this way is called an
Argand7 diagram. Numbers on the number line we call Real numbers. They
constitute only a subset of the complex numbers.
The square root of −1 is denoted by i , so i 2 = −1. (Some books use j .)
A Complex number like 3 + 2i would be represented in the complex plane at
the point (3, 2) in coordinate terms. We say its real part is 3 and its imaginary
part is 2. You have met something similar in Chapter 13, where a vector has
an i -component and a j -component. (The use of i in both contexts is no
coincidence, although they mean something very different.)
3 + 2i
2i •
−2 + i
• i
0 Real
−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4
i •
Named after Jean-Robert Argand a bookshop manager and amateur mathematician who
lived in Paris in the early 19th century.
In much the same way as we defined the trig functions in a new way to allow for angles
> 90◦
2 × −3 = [2 × 3, 0◦ + 180◦ ] = [6, 180◦ ]= −6
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
−2 × −2 = [2 × 2, 180◦ + 180◦ ] = [4, 360◦ ]= +4
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
−1 + i
• i
0 Real
−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4
Higher powers of i are easily calculated e.g. i 3 = −1 × i = −i , i 4 = (−1)2 = 1, i 5 = i 4 × i = i .
The curve of the function y = f (x) = x 2 − 2x + 10 does not to meet the x-axis,
hence there are no real roots. The closest the curve gets to the x-axis (i.e. its
minimum value) is where x = 1. We can think of the two complex roots 1 + 3i
and 1 − 3i as sitting 3 units “above" and “below" x = 1 on the x-axis. They lie
in the plane passing through the vertex of the parabola perpendicular to the
We can check this by substitution (we will check for 1 + 3i );
(1 + 3i )2 − 2(1 + 3i ) + 10 = 1 + 6i − 9 − 2 − 6i + 10 = 0
Polynomial Roots
Quadratic 2 real or 2 complex
Cubic 3 real or 1 real, 2 complex
Quartic 4 real or 2 real, 2 complex
Quintic 5 real or 3 real, 2 complex or 1 real, 4 complex
and so on ...
In fact it was trying to understand the roots of equations that led mathematicians to
develop the ideas.
In the same way that with vectors, the components are independent, the Real
and Imaginery parts of a Complex number are independent too. So if we have
two Complex numbers a +i b and c +i d , they are only equal if a = c and b = d .
This must be true because we can think of each one as a point in the Argand
diagram. To be equal means they correspond to the same point.
Now consider the power series expansion of e i x .
x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
ex = 1+x + + + + + ...
2! 3! 4! 5! 6!
(i x)2 x 3 (i x)4 (i x)5 (i x)6
so e i x = 1 + (i x) + + + + + ...
2! 3! 4! 5! 6!
x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
= 1+ix − −i + +i − ...
2! 3! 4! 5! 6!
x2 x4 x6 x3 x5
µ ¶ µ ¶
= 1− + − ... +i x − + ...
2! 4! 6! 3! 5!
= cos x + i sin x
e 2i θ = (e i θ )2
Expanding each side using the fact that e i x = cos x + i sin x:
cos 2θ + sin 2θ = (cos θ + i sin θ)2
= (cos θ + i sin θ)(cos θ + i sin θ)
= cos2 θ + 2i cos θ sin θ − sin2 θ
= (cos2 θ − sin2 θ) + i (2 cos θ sin θ)
so cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ
and sin 2θ = 2 cos θ sin θ
11 2i θ
e = e i (2θ) .
Consider the number we get when we multiply all the primes in our list
together and add one to the answer. Call this number M, i.e.
M = p 1 p 2 p 3 . . . ...p N + 1
Now M is either prime or it is not. If it is prime, then M is a prime that was
not in our list and the proof is complete. If M is not prime, then it is divisible
by some prime, call it P . Notice P can not be any of p 1 , p 2 , p 3 . . . p N , because
if we divide by any of these we get a remainder of 1. So P is a new prime and
that completes the proof.
N = 2 × 3 × 5 + 1 = 11.
This is a prime not in the list 2, 3, 5.
N = 2 × 3 × 5 . . . × 17 + 1 = 510511 = 19 × 97 × 277.
The method he used we now call proof by contradiction.
There is little known mathematical value to finding new primes, but they of
interest because finding new ones gets harder all the time.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is offering various rewards for finding
even larger prime numbers. For example a $150,000 reward for discovering a
prime number with 100, 000 digits.
43, 47, 53, 61, 71, 83, 97, 113, 131, 151, 173, 197, 223, 251, 281, 313,
347, 383, 421, 461, 503, 547, 593, 641, 691, 743, 797, 853, 911, 971,
1033, 1097, 1163, 1231, 1301, 1373, 1447, 1523, 1601, 1681.
If you care to check, they are all prime numbers, and you could be forgiven
for concluding that the formula that produced them
M n = n 2 + n + 41, for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . .
only gave prime numbers. That would be a mistake. The next one in the list,
the value corresponding to n = 41, is 1763, which is not prime. Can you see
why? If not, the reason is in the footnote2 .
The number 412 + 41 + 41 is divisible by 41. Can you see from this that no polynomial
formula can ever generate only prime numbers?
The fly in the ointment is the .09 that precedes the recurring part of the
number. Remember we need to generate another number with the same
digits after the decimal point: we can do this by first multiplying the number
by 100. That moves the offending digits to the left of the decimal point.
x = 0.094̇28571̇
100x = 9.4̇28571̇
y = 4̇28571̇
1000000y = 428571.4̇28571̇
999999y = 428571
9 3 63 3 66 33
x= + = + = =
100 700 700 700 700 350
The answer is
0.094̇28571̇ =
You might like to try this one for yourself. The answer is in the footnote3 .
3 214
0.094̇28571̇ = 325
A.5 Is 0.9̇ = 1?
Is 0.999 . . . the same as 1? The obvious answer is no. How can they be the
OK, well consider this: we know that 0.3̇ = 31 . Multiply both sides by 3 and we
have 0.9̇ = 1.
If you think there might be something slightly dodgy about multiplying a
recurring number, let’s look at it another way. If we add together three lots of
and three lots of 0.3̇. We still get 1 = 0.9̇.
If you are sill not convinced, let’s think about what the difference between
the numbers is. It’s 0.00000000 . . . with a 1, well, we never reach it, do we?
Is this of more than philosophical interest? Well, if 0.999 . . . = 1, dividing each
side by 9, we have 0.111 . . . = 19 . From this we can write down the decimal
version of any fractions with a denominator of 9, e.g. 49 = 0.4̇, 79 = 0.7̇. From
there, 18 = 0.38̇. And so on.
On a different—and rather more profound—track, since 0.111 . . . = 19
1 1 1 1 1
+ + + +... =
10 100 1000 10000 9
We have added an infinite number of fractions and got a finite sum. You will
see more examples of infinite sums in Core 2.
What all this has shown us is that we can sometimes get very surprising
results when dealing with infinity.
A.8 Proof that 2 is irrational
First we need to explain something about the method used. It’s the notion of
proving something by showing that the opposite can’t be true. It goes by the
fancy name of “proof by contradiction".
Here is a simple example.
“Today is Monday. Show that the same date next year won’t be a Monday."
We start by assuming the opposite, i.e. that it will be a Monday. This would
imply that the number of days between now and then is a multiple of 7.
However that’s impossible because there are either 365 or 366 days in a year,
neither of which is divisible by 7. Based on our starting assumption we have
deduced (using sound logic) something that’s incorrect, so our starting
assumption must have been wrong; the same date next year won’t be a
So to the proof that 2 is irrational.
We are trying to prove that something is impossible i.e. that 2 can’t be
written as a fraction using whole numbers. This is a p perfect candidate for
proof by contradiction. We start by assuming that 2 is rational, which
would imply that it could be written as a fraction, say
p P
where P and Q are integers. From our understanding of equivalent fractions
we know there are infinitely many such fractions. It’s important for us to
know that the version we have is in its simplest form—you’ll see why later. If
is in its simplest form, fine. If not, we cancel it down until it is. Suppose
that leave us with p p
where we know that p and q have no common factors. Now we square both
sides of the equation
2= 2 or 2q 2 = p 2 .
This means that p 2 is an even number. But that implies p itself is an even
number (the square of an odd number is an odd number). Since p is even we
can write it as p = 2r , where r is also an integer. Substituting p = 2r into our
equation, p 2 = (2r )2 , so:
2q 2 = 4r 2 or q 2 = 2r 2 .
Here’s where we get to the nub of the proof. Now we can apply the same
reasoning as before: q 2 is even and therefore q is even. In other words p and
q are both even.
Why is this significant? It means q is not a fraction its simplest form. Can
you see what’s happening? Starting with the assumption the 2 is rational we
have concluded (with correctp logic) something that cannot be correct.
p That
starting assumption that 2 is rational must have been false: 2 must be
irrational. We can say for certain that any attempt to express it as the quotient
of two integers would be futile.
In fact it’s possible to show that the square roots of any positive integer (that
isn’t a square number) is irrational
The argument works just as well if they are both black.
S = 1 + (− 2 + 3) + (− 4 + 5) + (− 6 + 7) + (− 8 + 9) . . .
= 1+1+1+1+...
S = (1 +− 2) + (3 +− 4) + (5 +− 6) + (7 +− 8) + (9 . . .
= 1 +− 1 +− 1 +− 1 . . .
which diverges to −∞. There is obviously something very strange going on. It
may not be entirely surprising that we get an infinite answer, but two different
answers—one infinitely positive and the other infinitely negative?!
However, if you think what we have seen so far is odd, here is another way of
summing the series. We are going to start by doubling it. You will agree that
we could write
2S = 1 + 1 +− 2 +− 2 + 3 + 3 +− 4 +− 4 + 5 + 5 +− 6 +− 6 + 7 + 7 +− 8 +− 8 . . .
2S = 1 + (1 +− 2 +− 2 + 3) + (3 +− 4 +− 4 + 5) + (5 +− 6 +− 6 + 7) . . .
Can you see that we could continue this indefinitely, and that the numbers in
each bracket will always add up to zero? This being the case we get the rather
spooky result
2S = 1
This is consistent with its value lying between 71 and 72 , which is reassuring.
Where this is different fromphaving a rational index is that we can never get
an exact answer; because 3 is irrational it doesn’t have an exact decimal
value. Nevertheless we can get it as precise as p we like, by using more and
more decimal places in our approximation for 3.
The same applies to
1 1
10−π ≈ = = 7.22 × 10−4 (to 3 SF).
103.14159265 10
All this is very interesting but do we need worry about indices that are not
rational? The answer is we might have an equation like
2x = 50
It’s hard to imagine raising 2 to some power, finding its root and—lo and
behold—getting the exact answer 50. It’s not going to happen. So we shall
have to allow for an index to be any Real number. To find x we will need the
concept of logarithms, which is covered in Chapter 11.
(4x 2 + 7x − 1) + (2x 2 + kx + 4)
In this case it is clear that k is a constant coefficient, so we can combine the
two x terms, to give:
6x 2 + (7 + k)x + 3.
You might be wondering whether this can lead to some confusion.
For example in an expression like
8y − x y
how do we know whether this is one y term and one x y term (with coefficients
8 and −1), or two y terms (with coefficient 8 and −x)? The answer is we will
only know from the context, although the letter convention can give us a clue.
In this case, the use of x suggests the second term is a variable not a constant.
In practice it will always be clear.
(x + 1)(6x − 10).
The right hand bracket has a factor 2, so the whole expression could be
(. . . . . . )(. . . . . .).
If this were the right answer it would imply that all the terms were multiples
of 2, but we know they don’t have a common factor so this can’t be the right
Six of the options can be eliminated in this way, leaving a shorter list of
options to check:
a + − − + c
(( ((
1×6 (x(
( +(1)(6x
((( − 10) (x(
( −(1)(6x
((( + 10) 1 × 10
(x + 10)(6x − 1) (x − 10)(6x + 1) 10 × 1
(x + 2)(6x − 5) (x − 2)(6x + 5) 2×5
(x + 5)(6x − 2) (x − 5)(6x + 2) 5×2
2×3 (2x + 1)(3x − 10) (2x − 1)(3x + 10) 1 × 10
(( ( (( (
((+ (10)(3x
((( − 1) (2x
( (−(10)(3x
((( + 1) 10 × 1
( (
(+ (((−(5)
(2)(3x (2x
(− (((+(5)
(2)(3x 2×5
( (
(2x + 5)(3x − 2) (2x − 5)(3x + 2) 5×2
X = 3x + y and Y = 3x − y.
There is nothing wrong with simplifying (3x + y)2 − (3x − y)2 by multiplying
each bracket out. It’s just a little more work
We start by assuming that a = b, where the number can be any value except
Since ab = b 2 , we can write a 2 − b 2 = a 2 − ab.
After factorising, this becomes (a + b)(a − b) = a(a − b).
Dividing both sides of this equation by (a − b) we have
(a + b)(a − b) a(a − b)
= .
(a − b) (a − b)
(a + b)
(a b)
leaving a + b = a.
But a = b, so 2a = a. However this seems to prove that 2 = 1.
Can you see the error in the proof? If not, the answer is in the footnote5 .
It’s impossible to divide by 0, which is what we did when we divided by (a − b).
a 2 − 74 a − 21
2a + 12
It’s harder than you’ll be expected to deal with in C1, but it doesn’t use
anything you haven’t met. We can turn numerator and denominator each
into a single fraction using the hammer and boot rule:
7 1 4a 2 − 7a − 8 1 4a + 1
a2 − a − = and 2a + =
4 2 4 2 2
4a 2 −7a−2
4 2(4a 2 − 7a − 2) (4a 2 − 7a − 2)
∴ 4a+1
= =
4(4a + 1) 2(4a + 1)
X − 2) a − 2
(4a + 1)(a
= =
2(4a + 1) 2
= −1
This is some simplification!
Another way we could tackle it would be to use the notion of equivalent
fractions. If we multiply top and bottom by 4 (the lowest common multiple
of all the fractions we want to get rid of )
4 × (a 2 − 74 a − 21 ) 4a 2 − 7a − 2
4 × (2a + 12 ) 8a + 2
In case you are thinking these are all very contrived, it’s surprising how easily
we can find ourselves with fractions within fractions. For example
1 x +2
x= into y = .
2 3x − 1
We have
1 5
y = 23 = 21 = 5.
−1 2
For a bit of fun let’s simplify this juicy looking expression
x−1 +1
1 − x.
x− x1
Breaking the problem down, we start with the numerator of the big fraction:
1 1 + (x − 1) x
+1 = = .
x −1 x −1 x −1
For its denominator we’ll use the equivalent fraction approach (multiplying
top and bottom by x)6 :
1 x
= 2
x−x x −1
x 2 −1
We could also use the hammer and boot method, after writing x − x1 as x .
and we have
x−1 x (x 2 − 1) (x + 1)(xX−X1)
−x = −x = −x = 1
x 2 −1
x (x − 1)
@ x −1
For those of you who like a challenge, this problem was lifted from a C4 exam
paper. The candidate had to show that the expression
1 x2
is equivalent to .
1 − ( x−1
x )
2 1 − 2x
1 1 x2
= =
1 − ( x−1
)2 2x−1
2x − 1
If there is a lesson here, it’s not to be afraid of breaking a problem down into
bite sized chunks.
A.17 Precision
What level of precision (e.g. how many decimal points) do we choose when
giving the answer to a problem, and what level should we use in the course
of the calculation? If the exact answer is an integer obviously that’s the
answer we give. If it’s a fraction we generally leave it as a fraction, rather than
convert it to a decimal. If the fraction is top-heavy (improper) there’s usually
nothing to be gained by converting it to a mixed fraction—either version is
fine. The exception to this is if it represent some physical quantity: for
example we wouldn’t leave an answer as $ 52 .
If an exact answer isn’t possible the question will normally state the level of
precision required e.g. “give your answer correct to 2 SF". If the question
doesn’t specify a level of precision it’s safe to give the answer correct to 3
significant figures. Here is a reminder of the terminology around precision.
Decimal Place (DP) precision.
This is the number of digits—including any zeros—that must follow the
decimal point. For example:
16.0472 = 16.047 (3DP) = 16.05 (2DP) = 16.0 (1DP)
There are two things to point out about the 1DP answer. First it is 16.0 not
16: we must write in the zero because 1DP was specified. Had we written 16
the reader would be entitled to wonder if we had rounded to the nearest
whole number. Putting in the 0 makes it crystal clear that there is nothing in
the first decimal place. Secondly when we round we do so starting with all
the digits we have. In this example had we incorrectly started from the 2DP
version we’d have got 16.1 (we generally round a 5 up).
Working precision
Whatever the precision required for the answer, we will need to do
the calculations to a greater level of precision; if we don’t, we risk A
introducing rounding errors. There is no simple rule for deciding
how much extra precision to work to, it depends on the context, A
but 2 or 3 extra figures is usually sufficient.
We start by defining t = the reduction in journey time (in hours). We make
hours the units because all the information is given in hours ;we’ll convert
the answer to minutes at the end.
The distance is the same with both locomotives—6 × 40 km, so
(40 + v)(6 − t ) = 240
6v − 40t − v t = 0
Rearrange to make t the subject (check this for yourself )
t= hours.
40 + v
Converting the answer to minutes, the journey using the new locomotive is
shorter by
40 + v
Does this answer look right? One way we can check it is to pick a very simple
case—one we can easily work out the answer for—and compare it with what
our formula tells us. If they agree it won’t prove the formula is correct, but it
will be reassuring; if they don’t it will tell us we’ve slipped up somewhere.
We could put v = 0, i.e. no increase in the speed. The formula tells us t = 0,
as expected but any formula whose numerator is a multiple of v would have
told us the same thing. It does little to reassure. A better check would come
from, say, doubling the speed, i.e. v = 40.
This gives t = = 3 hours, which is what we’d expect: doubling the speed
halves the journey time.
5x + y + z + t = 4
x + 5y + z + t = 4
x + y + 5z + t = 4
x + y + z + 5t = 4
8x + 8y + 8z + 8t = 16
from which we can deduce
x + y + z + t = 2.
ax 2 + bx + c = 0
b c
x2 + x + = 0.
a a
b b
We can halve a fraction by doubling its denominator:
→ 2a . Or we can use the
a b
hammer and boot rule: = .
2 2a
a = 1, b = k(k + 1), c = k 3 .
We will do it in stages. The discriminant is
b 2 − 4ac = k 2 (k + 1)2 − 4k 3
= k 2 (k 2 + 2k + 1) − 4k 3
= k 4 + 2k 3 + k 2 − 4k 3
= k 4 − 2k 3 + k 2
= k 2 (k 2 − 2k + 1)
= k 2 (k − 1)2
= [k(k − 1)]2
We are going to need the square roots of this expression, i.e. ±k(k − 1).
Now substituting into the quadratic formula
−b ± b 2 − 4ac
we have
−k(k + 1) ± k(k − 1)
x =
(−k 2 − k) ± (k 2 − k)
(−k 2 − k) + (k 2 − k) (−k 2 − k) − (k 2 − k)
= or
2 2
−2k −2k 2
= or
2 2
= −k or − k2
In an example like this involving a great may steps it is always worth checking
the answer. In this case the solutions are correct if the quadratic factorises
into (x + k)(x + k 2 ). So let’s see:
At the end of a proof like this you will sometimes see the abbreviation QED,
which stands for the latin quod erat demonstrandum (“thus it has been
f −1 (t ) = t − 5 or f −1 : t → t − 5
The choice of variable (in this case t ) is arbitrary—we can pick any variable:
it’s the process that we are communicating. We can say that t is merely a place
keeper (or dummy variable). So we could, for example, choose to use y, and
f −1 (y) = y − 5 or f −1 : y → y − 5
It’s best to think of this not as a formula, but as a process, a description of
what we have to do to a number.
In fact the convention, perhaps rather confusingly, is to use x in the
description of both f −1 and f :
f (x) = x + 5 or f : x → x +5
f −1 (x) = x − 5 or f −1 : x → x − 5.
The inverse of the function g : x → 2x − 5 is less obvious. One way to find it
is to break it down into into steps, and then retrace them, as it were.
If we think of g as being the process from left to right, i.e.
x - ×2 - 2x - −5 - 2x − 5
÷2 y +5 +5 y
y +5 y +5
g −1 (y) = or g −1 : y →
2 2
Or, remembering that the variable is merely a place keeper—a means of
describing the process, as
x +5 x +5
g −1 (x) = or g −1 : x →
2 2
If the process g means “multiply by 2 and then subtract 5", the process g −1
means “add 5 and then divide by 2".
We can easily check that this works. For example g (10) = 15, and going back
the other way
15 + 5
g −1 (15) = = 10.
It is sometimes useful to have picture in your mind when thinking about a
function. The function f operates on each number in the left hand “circle"
to a give a corresponding number in the right hand “circle". The function
f −1 does the same thing in reverse.
2 7
1 −3 6 2
0 5
(a) (i) 11 (ii) −1 (iii) 0 (iv) 19 (v) 4 (vi) y 2 + 3.
(b) (i) 2x − 1 = 9, so x = 5 (ii) 2x = 1, so x = 2 (iii) x = 0
(iv) x = 9, so x = 3 or −3.
It is not immediately obvious how to establish this but the presence of a surd
in the denominator suggests we rationalise the fraction. So let’s do this first
(3 + 2 2)2 p
p = (3 + 2 2)2
32 − (2 2)2
because (2 2)2 = 8. The result follows.
Show that
p p p
(a) 7−4 3 = 2− 3
p p p p
(b) 2 3+ 5 = 5+1
Just because we naturally read the statement from left to right doesn’t mean
we have to start on the left when proving it. In this case it is a lot easier to start
on the right.
(a) Squaring (2 − 3) we have
p p p
(2 − 3)2 = 4 + 3 − 4 3 = 7 − 4 3.
If we draw a Venn diagram showing the relationship between these two sets,
it looks like this
2 2 5
3 3 7
and the HCF of 72 and 420 corresponds to the intersection of the the two sets:
A ∩ B.
We can think of algebraic factorisation in the same way. For example if we
define P and Q to be the set of factors of 20b 3 and 15ab 2 respectively, i.e.
2 Q
2 5 3
b b a
and the HCF of 20b 3 and 15ab 2 corresponds to the intersection P ∩Q.
P 2 Q
2 5 3
b b a
Here are some problems for you to test your understanding of the union and
intersection of sets.
(a) S ∩ T ⊆ S
(b) S ⊆ S ∪ T .
3. Find
G = {x ∈ R : x ≤ 3}
H = {x ∈ R : x > 1}
I = {x ∈ R : 0 ≤ x ≤ 4}
(i) Draw a number line diagram and use it to mark off the regions
representing these sets.
1. (a) 32. [Find the number of subsets for 1 and 2 elements and look for
the pattern.]
(b) 2N
4. (a) T.
(b) T.
(c) T.
(d) F. L ∪ R = R.
(e) F. The number 0 is in M but not W .
(f) T. The number 0, 2 and 4 are in M but not K .
(g) F. M ⊆K.
(h) F. Odd numbers bigger than 7 are in K but not L.
6. (i) G •
H ◦
I • •
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5