Fintech and Financial Literacy in Viet Nam
Fintech and Financial Literacy in Viet Nam
Fintech and Financial Literacy in Viet Nam
No. 1154
June 2020
The Working Paper series is a continuation of the formerly named Discussion Paper series;
the numbering of the papers continued without interruption or change. ADBI’s working papers
reflect initial ideas on a topic and are posted online for discussion. Some working papers may
develop into other forms of publication.
Suggested citation:
Morgan, P. J. and L. Q. Trinh. 2020. Fintech and Financial Literacy in Viet Nam. ADBI
Working Paper 1154. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute. Available:
Tel: +81-3-3593-5500
Fax: +81-3-3593-5571
E-mail: [email protected]
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................17
Financial literacy has gained an important position in the policy agenda of many
countries, and the importance of collecting informative, reliable data on the levels of
financial literacy across the adult population has been widely recognized (OECD/INFE
2015b). This parallels the emphasis placed on increasing financial inclusion, i.e., the
access of individuals and firms to financial products and services. If individuals do not
understand financial principles, they will not be able to profit from such increased access.
Also, the trend of switching to defined-contribution plans from defined-benefit pension
plans implies that individuals will increasingly need to manage their own retirement
savings and pensions. At their summit in Los Cabos, Mexico in 2012, Group of Twenty
(G20) leaders endorsed the High-Level Principles on National Strategies
for Financial Education developed by the OECD/INFE, thereby acknowledging the
importance of coordinated policy approaches to financial education (G20 2012). At the
same time, surveys consistently show that the level of financial literacy is relatively low,
even in advanced economies (OECD/INFE 2016, 2017, 2018). This indicates that the
need for higher levels of financial literacy is increasing.
Rapid developments in financial technology (fintech) also highlight the need to improve
financial literacy in order to use innovative financial products and services. With the
development of information–communication technology (ICT), there is a growing
breed of fintech companies that provide services through internet- and mobile-based
platforms such as Ant Financial (People’s Republic of China), Grab (Singapore), Paytm
(India), Compass (US), and Opendoor (UK). Recent literature has shown that fintech
(especially mobile money) has helped to increase financial inclusion in developing
economies where the traditional bank-based financial system is underdeveloped
(Demirguc-Kunt et al. 2018). Other studies have identified factors that affect the adoption
of mobile- and internet-based financial services (Jack, Ray, and Suri 2013; Suri 2017).
However, we are not aware of any papers that investigate the role of financial literacy on
the awareness and/or use of fintech products.
This paper attempts to fill this gap by using newly collected data in a developing country,
Viet Nam. Our research question is whether those with a higher level of financial literacy
are more likely to be aware of and use fintech products. To answer this question, we
construct a financial literacy 1 score based on the approach of the OECD/INFE (2015a,
2015c) and use both ordinary least squares (OLS) and Heckman two-step procedure
estimation. We find that higher financial literacy is significantly related to both awareness
and adoption of fintech products. Therefore, improvements in financial literacy could
speed the adoption of fintech products and services, and thereby promote financial
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides some background on fintech
development in general, and in Viet Nam in particular. Section 3 reviews the literature on
the effects of financial literacy. Data collection, the definition of the financial literacy score
used in this study, and some descriptive analyses are presented in Section 4.
Econometric methodologies and results are reported in Section 5, followed by some
concluding remarks in Section 6.
1 While financial literacy, as explained above, is multi-dimensional, including financial knowledge, financial
behavior, and financial attitude, most of the literature has defined financial knowledge to be equivalent to
financial literacy, ignoring the other dimensions. In this version of this paper, we adopt this more limited
definition and use financial knowledge and financial literacy interchangeably.
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ADBI Working Paper 1154 Morgan and Trinh
In the literature, there are several widely used definitions of financial literacy. In their
review article, Lusardi and Mitchell (2014) define financial literacy as “peoples’ ability to
process economic information and make informed decisions about financial planning,
wealth accumulation, debt, and pensions.” The Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development and the International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE
2016) define financial literacy as “[a] combination of awareness, knowledge, skill, attitude
and behavior necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve
individual financial wellbeing.” Thus, this concept of financial literacy is
multi-dimensional, reflecting not only knowledge but also skills, attitudes, and actual
The literature on financial literacy focuses on two main areas: (i) the determinants of
financial literacy, including age, gender, level of education, and occupation; and (ii) the
effects of financial knowledge on various aspects of financial behavior, including saving,
use of credit, preparation for retirement, and awareness and adoption of various financial
services. Here we focus on the latter area.
There is a well-developed literature trying to link measures of financial literacy with other
economic and financial behaviors, going back to Bernheim (1995, 1998) in the United
States, in response to the increasing shift toward defined-contribution pension plans.
This area of research received a further boost after the global financial crisis of 2008–
2009, which drew attention to numerous scams inflicted on individual borrowers and
investors in the United States and other countries. Hilgert, Hogarth, and Beverly (2003)
found a strong correlation between financial literacy and daily financial management
skills, while other studies found that people who were more numerate and financially
literate are more likely to participate in financial markets and invest
in stocks and make precautionary savings (Christelis, Jappelli, and Padula 2010; van
Rooij, Lusardi, and Alessie 2011; de Bassa Scheresberg 2013). People who are more
financially savvy are also more likely to undertake retirement planning, and those who
plan also accumulate more wealth (Lusardi and Mitchell 2011). These results have been
2 Vietnam News “Fintech firms need clear policy to develop,” available at
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ADBI Working Paper 1154 Morgan and Trinh
Central (Quang Nam), and South (Dong Thap) were randomly selected. Samples in Ha
Noi and Ho Chi Minh City are taken to represent urban areas, and samples from the
other provinces are taken as representative of rural areas.
In these cities/provinces, we randomly selected VHLSS enumeration areas (EAs). In
each EA, we attempted to interview 30 households as in VHLSS 2018. If a household
that was in VHLSS 2018 was not available, we selected the household next to it to
replace the missing one. About 50% of households could not be traced and were
replaced by new households.
We interviewed the household head or those who had the fullest information on
the household finances to answer general demographic and household economic
information (including total household income, household debt, and assets). We
randomly selected one household member who was at least 18 years old to answer our
main sections on fintech and financial literacy (using dice and household member lists).
In the case that the individual was not available at the interview time, we continued to
randomly select an individual until we found someone available.
Our final sample includes 1,058 households, of which 45% are located in rural areas and
55% located in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City.
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Figure 3 shows how holders of smartphones use them. Unsurprisingly, most smartphone
users (more than 90%) use their smartphones to make phone calls or messages (through
mobile apps), take pictures, and read news, while about 80% use smartphones for
accessing social media. About half of smartphone users use them for online shopping
and social shopping (mostly through Facebook). Only 9.5% use smartphones to manage
their finances.
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Figure 4 presents how respondents are aware of five major types of fintech services. The
proportion of those who are aware of digital borrowing is much higher than the proportion
of those who are aware of other products. About 45.7% of respondents
are aware of digital borrowing while the figures for digital lending and digital money
(e-wallets) are 36.3% and 39.8%, respectively. Only 18.9% and 15.7% of respondents
are aware of digital insurance and digital financial advisors, respectively. The data also
indicates that for each type of digital finance men are more likely to be aware than
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Since most of the fintech services adopted are related to payments and transfers, Figure
7 shows how respondents use methods of payment and fintech services to make their
payments and transfers. Nearly all respondents (99.4%) still use cash for payment. Cash
is also the major means of money transfer with 95.57% using cash for transfers. This
suggests that cash is still the dominant means of transactions. Around 13% and 10% of
respondents use credit/debit cards for payments and transfers, respectively. Only about
10% of respondents use mobile phones for transfers and payments and only 5% use
computers for transfers and payments.
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ADBI Working Paper 1154 Morgan and Trinh
also large. Only around 10% of those in the middle-income groups use at least one
fintech service.
Figure 9 shows the financial literacy scores of those who adopted fintech services and
those who did not. As expected, there is a positive relation between fintech adoption and
financial literacy score. For example, individuals using e-banking services have an
average financial score of 5.1 while that of non e-banking users is only 4.3.
of which
• We use several indicators for the outcome variable, 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖 . First, we create
separate dummy variables for individual 𝑖𝑖′𝑠𝑠 awareness of each digital service,
i.e., digital borrowing, digital lending, digital money (i.e., e-wallet), digital
insurance, and digital financial advisors. For each type of fintech service,
the dependent variable takes the value of one if individual 𝑖𝑖 is aware of its
existence, and zero otherwise. Second, we construct an index of awareness from
the information relating to the individual’s awareness of each fintech service. The
index ranges from zero to five, i.e., one for each fintech service that individual 𝑖𝑖
is aware of. For ease of interpretation, we convert this to a
• 𝐹𝐹𝐿𝐿𝑖𝑖 is the financial literacy score. 𝛼𝛼1 measures the effects of financial literacy
on fintech awareness. For ease of interpretation, we also convert this indicator to
a z-score.
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• The control variables ( 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 ) include income level, individual’s age, education
level, gender, and provincial dummies. With regard to age, we divided the sample
into three age groups: those under 30 years old (young people); those over 30
years old but under 40 years old; those over 40 and under 50 years old; those
over 50 but under 60 years old; and those over 60 years old (old people). We
used the group of young people as the base group. For educational level, we
combined the categories into five groups: (i) those with some, completed, primary
education (called the “Primary education” group); (ii) those with some, or
completed, secondary education (called the “Up to secondary education” group);
(iii) those with some or complete high school (called the “Up to high school
education” group); (iv) those with some technical school or 3-year college
graduation (called “Higher education” group); and (v) those with at least university
degree (4-year college graduation) (called “University graduate
and higher” group). We use the first group (“Primary education” group) as the
reference group. We separate household income into four groups: those living in
households with income less than VND85 million per year (i.e., equal
to about 75% of total median income); those living in households with income
from VND85 million to VND190 million; those with income of more than
VND190 million (i.e., about 150% of total median income); and those who did not
report their income. We use the group of people living in households with annual
income less than VND85 million as the reference group.3
To estimate the correlation between financial literacy and fintech adoption, we use the
following equations:
The independent variables are similar to those in equation (1). Dependent variables are
three dummy variables, which take the value of one if individual 𝑖𝑖 uses one service
(of three fintech services) and zero otherwise. The three fintech services that are
available are (i) e-banking services; (ii) e-payment services; and (iii) e-transfer services.
It should be noted that these three services are not exclusively excluded. One can use
e-banking apps for e-payment or e-transfer. However, there are other fintech service
providers that are not banks, so those who use e-payment or e-transfer may not use e-
banking services.
Because the adoption of fintech services is only observed among those who are using
the internet (either via mobile phone or computer), sample selection will lead to biased
OLS estimates. To remedy the sample selection bias, we estimate equation (2) using the
Heckman procedure.
Of which 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖∗ is a latent variable, indicating whether individual 𝑖𝑖 adopts the fintech
or not. 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖∗ is only observed if individual 𝑖𝑖 uses the internet.
𝑃𝑃(𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 = 1|𝐹𝐹𝐿𝐿𝑖𝑖 , 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 ) = Φ(𝜃𝜃0 + 𝜃𝜃1 𝐹𝐹𝐿𝐿𝑖𝑖 + 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 𝜃𝜃2 + 𝜇𝜇𝑖𝑖 ) (4)
3 Although we prefer to use the specific amount of income per person, about 20% of households did not
reveal their specific annual income. They reported their household’s income within a certain range.
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The Heckman two-step procedure will estimate equation (4) as the first state, then
calculating the inversed Mills’ ratio (IMR) and estimation equation (2) with IMR being
controlled for.
It should be noted that our estimates could suffer from endogeneity biases. While
possible reverse causality running from fintech adoption to financial literacy may not pose
a big threat to our estimation since fintech has only recently been developed in Viet Nam,
various unobservable factors may be correlated with both fintech adoption and financial
literacy. To deal with this issue, the instrumental variable approach is appropriate.
However, it is rather difficult to find suitable variables that are related to financial literacy
but exogenous to fintech adoption. Therefore, our estimates should be interpreted
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and those who are under 30 years old. The results also show that individuals who are
over 40 (over 30) are less likely to be aware of digital payments (digital financial advisor)
than people who are less than 30 years old. This may partly be due to higher exposure
to new information for those who are under 30 than people in other age groups. Female
and male individuals show no difference in awareness of fintech products, except for two
products, digital payment and digital financial advisor.
Note: Figures in bracket are standard errors. ***, **, and * denote coefficient is statistically significant at the 1%, 5%, and
10% levels, respectively.
Source: Authors’ estimates.
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We also explore whether financial literacy is correlated with adoption of fintech services
or not. Adoption of fintech products could be observed for those who had access
to the internet. Using the OLS estimation method may give a biased estimation due
to the sample selection issue. Therefore, we estimate this relationship using the
Heckman two-step procedure.4 Table 3 presents our estimation results. Columns 1–3
are three dummy variables which indicate the adoption of three services: e-banking
services, e-payment, and e-transfer. Column 4 is the first stage estimation results from
estimating the probability of access to the internet.5 From the first stage, the inversed
Mill’s ratio is calculated and is added as an additional control variable in the second
stage. Our estimation results show the estimates of inversed Mills’ ratio variables are
statistically significant in all three 2nd stage equations, implying that control for sample
bias is important to have better estimates of the relationship between financial literacy
and fintech adoption.
Our estimation results show that financial literacy is positively correlated with adoption
of some fintech products. For example, a one-standard deviation increase in the financial
literacy raises the likelihood of using e-banking services by 4.1 percentage points and
the likelihood of using e-payment services by 3.9 percentage points. However, financial
literacy is not correlated with using e-transfer services.
With regards to other control variables, our results suggest that those with higher income
tend to use fintech services more than those with lower income. However, the
relationship is only statistically significant for those living in households with annual
income higher than VND190 million, i.e., their likelihood of using fintech services is
statistically significantly higher than that of those from households with annual income
less than VND85 million. People with higher education are also more likely to use fintech
services than those having lower education. For example, individuals with at least
university degree education have higher likelihood of using e-banking than those with
primary education by 80%. The figures for those with higher education, high school
education, and secondary education are 64.1, 39.7, and 22 percentage points. We also
observed the same pattern for other fintech products.
While age does not affect the awareness of fintech products, it is correlated with the use
of fintech services. Generally, the likelihood of using fintech products among younger
people is higher than that among older people. For example, people over
60 years old have lower likelihood of using e-banking than those under 30 years old
by 65.5 percentage points. The figures for people from 50 to 59 years old and from
40 to 49 years old are 51.6 and 22.4 percentage points. There are some differences
among those from 30 years old to 40 years old and those under 30 years old, but these
differences are small and only statistically significant at the 10% level. Our results also
suggest that men are more likely to use fintech services (e-banking and e-payment) than
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Our empirical results show that financial literacy is correlated with the awareness of
almost all fintech products (except for digital financial advisors) and of our awareness
index. It also correlates with the adoption of two fintech services (e-banking and
e-payment). Our results also show a positive relationship among income, education
level, and fintech awareness and fintech adoption. While age does not affect awareness
of some fintech products, it has a negative correlation with fintech adoption. Older people
have lower likelihood of using fintech products. We also find that people living in Ha Noi
and Ho Chi Minh City are more likely to be aware and adopt fintech services than people
living in other provinces.
Not only does the low level of financial literacy explain the low level of awareness and
adoption of fintech products; it is also related to the underdeveloped state of ICT
infrastructure in the country. Therefore, in addition to general and financial education
programs, the country needs to put more effort into the development of ICT infrastructure
as a necessary condition for fintech development.
ADBI Working Paper 1154 Morgan and Trinh
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