The University of Hong Kong B.Eng. Part Ill Examination: Am - PM)

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61350 Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment

May 6 , 1997 Time allowed: 3 hours

(9:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Answer QUESTION 2 WHICH IS COMPULSORY and FOUR other questions. All
questions carry equal marks.

Use of calculators:
The Calculator:
(i) should be silent and battery-operated;

(ii) should not have any printing device, alphanumeric display, alphanumeric
keyboard, or graphic display; and

(iii) should not contain any recorded data or program.

It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that his calculator operates satisfactorily.

Candidates must record the name and type of their calculators on the front page of
their examination scripts.

Section A

1. A straight main sewer is to be designed to carry foul sewage from a new

residential district to the nearby intercepting sewer. The projected maximum
population in this district is 14,400 people. The length of the main sewer is 72 m
and the ground elevations at the upper and lower ends of the sewer are 11.82 m
and 11.64 m, respectively. Using the design chart provided,

a) select the appropriate size of the sewer, and

b) check if the required minimum velocity of 0.75 m/scan be achieved at the design

Assume that the following conditions are applicable:

- The global sewage unit flow factor is 300 L/capita per day.
- The peak flow equals four times Average Dry Weather Flow.
- Concrete pipes will be used with a roughness ks = 0.6 mm.

2. A new private housing development (Residential R2 type) for 2000 people without
access to public sewerage is required to provide its own sewage treatment facility
to treat the sewage to acceptable standards for direct discharge into receiving
waters. An activated sludge treatment plant of the extended aeration modification.
not preceded by primary sedimentation, is selected. The following design
parameters are recommended by EPD in "Guidelines for the design of small
treatment plants" :
influent: 0.37 m 3 /person-day
55 g BOD/person-day
55 g SS/person-day
design peak flow = 4 DWF (dry weather flow)
extended aeration: F/M < 0.07 kg total BOD/kg MLSS-day
MLSS = 2000 -3500 mg/L
hydraulic retention time = 24 hours
BO D concentration in effluent = 20 mg/L
sludge yield = 1 kg solids/kg BOD removed
fmal sedimentation tank: maximum surface loading at peak flow = 22
m3 /m2-day;
minimum retention time = 2 hours at peak flow;
solid concentration of sedimentation tank sludge =
1 %;
SS concentration in effluent = 20 mg/L.

a) Find the volume of the aeration tank, in m 3

b) Find the surface area of the fmal sedimentation tank, in m 2
c) Estimate the sludge age, in days, based on actual F/M and MLSS values
d) Estimate the return flow rate, in % of inflow
e) Estimate the volume of wet sludge produced, in m3 /day

3. The following technical terms are commonly used in municipal wastewater

treatment. Briefly discuss their significance and application in wastewater
treatment and design:

a) design parameter
b) preliminary treatment
c) denitrification
d) oxygen requirement
e) rotating biological contactor
f) anaerobic digestion

Section B

4. What are the following technical terms and their respective applications in
industrial wastewater treatment?

a) zeta potential
b) pKsolubility
c) hydrocyclone
d) SVI
e) air flotation

5. Discuss in detail precautions, techniques and chemicals used in sampling and

preservation of wastewaters for analysis, and the reasons behind them.

6. The following chemicals are often used in the treatment of industrial wastewaters.
Discuss their characteristics and their specific application in detail. (Note: each
chemical may have more than one application).

a) chlorine
b) sulphur dioxide
c) aluminium sulphate
d) sodium hydroxide
e) potassium phosphate

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