Solar Energy - PV System Components - Weeks 6 - 7
Solar Energy - PV System Components - Weeks 6 - 7
Solar Energy - PV System Components - Weeks 6 - 7
PV System Components
• A module is an interconnection of solar cells.
• Most standard crystalline modules are called solar panels.
• All solar panels are solar modules but the converse is not true.
• A thin-film silicon solar cell that is packaged as a flexible laminate is a
solar module. But it is not entirely accurate to call it a panel.
I-V curve, or the current-voltage curve
- I-V characteristics for a module with m identical cells in series and n
identical cells in parallel will look like this.
- But what about the other parameters like efficiency and fill factor for a
solar module? Do they increase, decrease or stay the same?
- Although a very small amount, resistive losses occur in these
• Also, there might be small mismatches in the cells that are interconnected.
• For instance, of the m x n cells interconnected, the cell with the lowest
current in the m cells in series dictates the module current.
• Similarly, the cell with the lowest voltage in the n cells in parallel dictates
the module voltage.
• This can be attributed to the non-homogeneity of the cells in mass
• Therefore, the module in practice performs a little subpar compared
to the expected performance of the ideally matched and
interconnected solar cells.
• Perhaps this gives you an idea of how different the cell and module
level parameters can be.
Improving Efficiency and Output Sensitivity
• Even though so many technological advancements are being
made at the cell level to improve efficiency, there is still a lot
to be done at the PV system level to ensure a healthy PV yield.
• How do we improve the amount of light falling on the PV module,
at the system level?
• The simplest way of doing that is by playing with the orientation
and tilt of the module.
• What do we mean by orientation and tilt?
• Tilt is the degree of freedom that defines the elevation or the pitch of
the solar module with respect to the horizontal.
• Orientation is the degree of freedom that defines the azimuth or the
yaw of the module with respect to a position, which, in this case, is
the geographic South.
• Note that different places and people have different practices of
defining the azimuth.
• The most common reference points are the geographic North and
• So how does playing with the orientation and tilt of the PV module
alter the amount of light falling on it?
• Of course, this stems from the basic fact that in order to get
maximum energy from the sun at any instant, the plane of the solar
panel (or the plane of array, as sometimes called) should be
perpendicular to the direct rays of the sun at that instant.
• As a result, we see the need for having to track the sun by changing
the tilt and orientation of the solar modules.
• Why do we need to change the orientation of the solar panels to
always face the sun?
• This is because of the Earth's rotation. As the Earth rotates, different
places on the surface of the Earth are illuminated differently at
various points of time during the day.
• Thus, the need for solar panel's orientations arises.
• Common sense dictates that a place in the Northern hemisphere will
have the solar panels facing in the general direction of South, while
a place in the Southern hemisphere will have the solar panels facing
in the general direction of North.
• Now, why do we need to change the tilt as well?
• This is because the Earth is revolving around the sun in an elliptical
• While the 23.5 degree inclination of the Earth remains the same with
respect to the Earth's orbital plane, the Earth's axis is continuously
changing position relative to the sun's rays.
• Now this complicates the relative path between the sun and the
Earth even more.
• Its effect is that in June and December the sun is closer to the
Northern and Southern hemisphere's mid latitudes respectively,
while in March and September, it's closer to the equator.
• Thus we see a need to vary the tilt of the solar panel.
• Now most solar panels or systems don't have the luxury of
employing a dual axis solar tracker.
• Not only are they very expensive, they are also difficult to
implement if the panels are to be mounted on the rooftop.
• Hence the need arises for the concept of an optimized orientation and tilt.
• What do I mean by this?
• As the majority of PV systems have fixed mounting of the panels,
designers have to live with a single orientation and tilt throughout the year.
• So, what should these fixed angles be?
• The answer would change depending on the geographical location.
• Depending on the latitude of the place, a panel tracking the sun will
have to go through a range of tilt angles throughout the year.
• For example: London has a latitude of around 51°. Consequently,
the range of tilt angles throughout the year for a panel tracking the
sun varies from 28° to 76°. The panel in this case is oriented towards
the South. The optimized angle of tilt will be 35-40°, facing South.
• Moving closer to the equator, we have Cairo at around 30° latitude.
We notice that the range of tilt angles has diminished to around 6° to
54°. The optimized angle of tilt in such a case would be around 20-
25°, facing South.
• It has been seen in practice that optimized angles can give up to 70
to 80% of the maximum PV yield.
• As long as the solar panels are facing in the right direction in
general, that is, facing South for a panel in the Northern hemisphere
and North for a panel in the Southern hemisphere, it is usually
observed that the variation in the optimal orientation angle doesn't
vary the PV yield much.
• Consequently, the optimal tilt of the panels help in saving more
energy than the optimal orientation.
• It is also interesting to note that the optimized tilt could also be
based on the seasons.
• That is, we could either use an angle that maximizes the PV yield in
summer or in winter.
• This could be interesting for application-specific PV systems.
• Thus, we have seen the importance of the orientation and tilt for the
PV module.
Temperature Dependency of PV Output
• Fortunately there is a model provided in literature that
gives a reasonable estimate of the module temperature as
a function of the ambient temperature.
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)