Nguyễn Khánh Hiền - additional exercise
Nguyễn Khánh Hiền - additional exercise
Nguyễn Khánh Hiền - additional exercise
Number of units sold 50,000 units
Market price $65
Estimated investment required $2,500,000
Desired ROI 20%
Target cost per unit = Market price - Target profit per unit
$ 2,500,000∗20 %
= $ 65− =$ 55
Normal oders
Product cost $143+$86+$35=$264
Direct materials $143
Direct labor $86
POH $35
Fixed POH $35-$7 = $28
Variable POH $7
Normal selling price $389.95
Contribution income statement (per unit)
Sales $389.95
VC $143+$86+$7 = $236
CM $389.95-$236 = $153.95
FC $28
NOI $153.95-$28 = $125.95
NOI for normal orders > 0 CM of normal orders already covers FC
Special order: 10 bracelets
Product cost $149+$86+$53.5=$288.5
Direct materials $143+$6 = $149
Direct labor $86
POH $46.5+$7=$53.5
Fixed POH $465/10=$46.5
Variable POH $7
Special selling price $349.95
Contribution income statement (per unit)
Sales $349.95
VC $149+$86+$7 = $242
CM $349.95-$242 = $107.95
FC $46.5
NOI $107.95-$46.5 = $61.45
NOI for special order > 0 Total NOI increases Accept the special order
Normal oders
Normal number of unit sold a month 8,000
Direct materials $2.5
Direct labor $3
Variable POH $0.5
Fixed POH $4.25
Variable SA expense $1.5
Fixed SA expense $2
Selling price per unit $15
Contribution income statement (per unit)
Sales $15
VC $2.5 + $3 + $0.5 + $1.5 = $7.5
CM $15 - $7.5 = $7.5
FC $4.25 + $2 = $6.25
NOI $7.5 - $6.25 = $1.25
NOI for normal orders > 0 CM of normal orders already covers FC
Special order:
Normal number of unit sold a month 2,000
Direct materials $2.5
Direct labor $3
Variable POH $0.5
Fixed POH $0
Variable SA expense $1.5
Fixed SA expense $0
Selling price per unit $12
The company’s capacity = 10,000 units per month
Contribution income statement (per unit)
Sales $12
VC $2.5 + $3 + $0.5 + $1.5 = $7.5
CM $12 - $7.5 = $4.5
FC $0
NOI $4.5
1. If the order is acceptes, monthly profit will increase: 2,000*$4.5 = $9,000
Contribution income statement for the previous month: units sold = 8,000-500=7,500
Sales $15*7,500 = $112,500
VC $7.5*7,500 = $56,250
CM $112,500 - $56,250 = $56,250
FC $3.5*8,000 = $28,000
NOI $56,250 - $28,000 = $28,250
Previous year: NOI > 0 CM already covered FC
Cost to establish minimum price for 500 products left over is variable unit cost.
Price per unit = Cost per unit + Profit per unit Min Price per unit = Cost per unit
(Profit = 0) Min Price = Variable selling and administrative cost (CM each year
already covers each year’ FC; Variable POH was already included in cost for 7,500
units of last period)
1. The company’s capacity is 50,000 units
The company sells 40,000 pairs, doesn’t accept special order
Per pair € Total €
Sales 32 32*40,000 = 1,280,000
VC 12+3+1+4=20 20*40,000 = 800,000
Direct materials 12
Direct labor 3
Variable POH 1
Variable selling 4
FC 450,000/40,000 = 11.25 250,000 + 200,000 = 450,000
F POH 250,000
Fixed selling expense 200,000
NOI 32 – 20 – 11.25 = 0.75 0.75*40,000 = 30,000