The Complete Guide To Beholders PDF
The Complete Guide To Beholders PDF
The Complete Guide To Beholders PDF
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I closed my eyes and waited to die. on the placement of eyes or the color of scales. Most say that be-
“You know nothing,” the beholder said. Its voice was harsh holders are driven by the desire to conquer all other creatures –
and rasping, with a pronounced buzzing underneath each sylla- despite the fact that few nations have ever come under direct at-
ble. “You stand within my sight, and if it were my desire you would tack by the tyrants. In fact, the truth is far more complex. Behold-
already be dead. You do not understand my purpose in this ers are highly intelligent creatures, and their behavior is rooted in
place.” ancient philosophies and religious beliefs. Not all beholders in-
I opened my eyes. The creature hovered before me, a night- herently hate humanoids; familiarity with the different beholder
mare sculpted from chitin and flesh. Around the mighty head, strains and their beliefs could be the difference between getting a
powerful black tentacles flexed and twisted; occasionally one of tyrant to talk to an adventurer and ending up as a statue or pile or
the eyes would turn and fix on me, sending an involuntary shiver dust.
down my spine. But it was the central eye that held my gaze, seem-
ing to devour my thoughts before I could speak. The book is divided into nine chapters:
“You think that I come to destroy, to subjugate your people,” Beholder Physiology provides a look at the beholder itself,
the tyrant rasped. “You see a battle between our kind and you as- examining its unusual anatomy and astonishing powers, along
sume that we are unreasoning beasts, interested only in conquest with a brief look at the many beholder subspecies.
and power. Fool! If conquest were our only goal, we would have The Secret Life of Beholders covers the rituals, customs, and
taken your world from you long ago. Look upon me. Your life, politics of beholders and their humanoid servants, the eyekin.
your body, your mind – with but a gaze, I could take any one of The Tyrants in Battle discusses tactics and strategies the
these. Were it my desire, I could slaughter every soul within this gamemaster can use to make the most of the beholder’s unique
town. Why, then, have I not done this? Why is it that my kind have abilities.
not eradicated your pathetic civilizations, or claimed them as our Characters with Many Eyes provides statistics for generating
own?” beholder or eyekin characters. In addition, this chapter is packed
From within the mass of writhing tentacles, one of the small- with new core and prestige classes, new feats, and all the details
er eyes fixed me with its gaze. An invisible hand wrapped around on how to acquire and use your very own eyestalks!
my chest, forcing the breath from my lungs and lifting me into the Beholder Equipment presents armor, weapons, and magic
air. The beholder watched me, its central eye calm and expres- items designed specifically by beholders for beholders.
sionless. “I… don’t know…” I managed to gasp. The Beholder Campaign provides a host of ideas for incorpo-
“You do not,” the tyrant said. The smaller eye blinked, and I rating the eye tyrants into an ongoing game and takes a detailed
fell to the floor. “But you will learn.” look at the beholder nations – the Dominions.
Beholder Architecture takes a look at beholder communities,
In a world filled with strange and terrifying creatures, the be- including the theories behind construction and defense, and lay-
holder is one of the most dangerous foes an adventurer will face. outs for sample beholder settlements.
Possessed of great intelligence and horrifying power, a single be- Creature Statistics provides statistics for all of the new sub-
holder can devastate an army. The spells of wizards wither away species and other creatures presented in this book.
under the gaze of the beholder’s central eye – and warriors who Fighting the Tyrants looks at life on the other side of the bat-
seek to close with the monster can be enslaved, slain, or even dis- tle. It presents a handful of groups that oppose the beholders, dis-
solved into dust with but a gaze of one of the creature’s lesser cusses tactics adventurers can use to overcome the tyrants, and
eyes. presents new spells, skills, and prestige classes for the would-be
But for all the fearsome legends and nightmarish tales in- beholder slayer.
volving the eye tyrants, little is truly known about the beholder.
Sages say that these creatures are hateful beings, so xenophobic For reference, the stat block of a standard beholder (referred
and filled with prejudice that they will kill their own kind based to in this work as a sovereign) can be found on page 93.
Few adventurers ever see a beholder city, and as a result few Basic Anatomy
humanoids realize that there are a wide variety of beholder sub-
species. Like many insect societies, each beholder subspecies is Beholders are asexual creatures and do not possess any phys-
genetically designed to serve a specific role within the communi- ical means of reproduction. At the end of its life cycle, a sovereign
ty. In addition to these subspecies, beholders are also divided into beholder (described in the following section) can transform into a
groups known as Dominions – an allegiance that has a social and larger, sedentary creature known as an incubator, a creature that
physiological basis. Beholders from different Dominions have a can produce beholders of all types.
distinctive appearance; those of one sect may be covered in rep- The beholder’s mouth is designed for combat and communi-
tilian scales, while the members of another Dominion are formed cation. Aside from the cavity directly behind its mouth, the be-
of tough, leathery flesh. But regardless of subspecies or cosmetic holder has no stomach. It has no need for physical nourishment; it
distinctions, all beholders share a number of common traits: is sustained by the same extraplanar energy source that provides
• A spherical body dominated by a powerful mouth and a sin- the powers of its eye rays. A beholder can still make use of magic
gle central eye. potions; it absorbs the magical energy from the liquid and then
lets the inert fluid dribble out of its mouth.
• Use of levitation as a means of locomotion. Likewise, a beholder has no lungs and does not actually
• Prehensile tentacles instead of limbs, many of which are breathe. Beholders are immune to airborne poisons and infections,
tipped with smaller eyes. In most species, these tentacles are and can operate underwater without difficulty. A beholder’s swim
too short to be used to manipulate objects. speed is the same as its fly speed. Many adventurers that have en-
countered beholders underwater have assumed these to be an
• The ability to project mystical energy through the eyes. Each aquatic subspecies; in fact, all beholders are fully amphibious.
eye is designed to channel a specific form of energy. While a beholder has no heart, it does have a translucent cir-
culatory fluid. Among other things, this liquid plays a critical role
These facts are common knowledge. But over the years, in the beholder’s ability to fly. The fluid is kept in motion through
sages have asked many questions: What do beholders eat? Where a process of muscular contraction; in a sense, a beholder’s entire
are their reproductive organs? Do they excrete waste products, body acts as a heart. As a result, a beholder can be poisoned de-
and if so, from where? Since the beholder’s ability of flight is not spite its unusual anatomy.
affected by the powerful antimagic field produced by the central
eye, what produces the effect? Movement
The answers are stranger than most would imagine. The be-
holder is an aberration, and its anatomy defies the normal laws of If for some reason it needs to, a beholder can move about on
biology. A beholder has no recognizable internal organs; it does not the ground. This is accomplished through the slow contraction of
have lungs, a heart, a stomach, or even a brain. The bulk of a be- the muscles of its “chin,” and is similar to the movement of a slug.
holder’s body mass is pure muscle, and this accounts for a behold- But as a general rule, a beholder prefers to fly. The beholder’s
er’s high natural armor class and significant hit points; it’s very dif- power of flight is another physiological anomaly. The beholder’s
ficult to hurt the creature without literally hacking it to pieces. circulatory fluid naturally (or unnaturally, as the case may be) re-
A beholder’s strange metabolism and power are sustained by pels the force of gravity. By flexing and contracting certain mus-
energy from beyond the planes. Those beholders with a mystical cles to shift the concentration of fluid, a beholder alters the grip of
bent call the source of this power the Void; these mystics claim gravity on its body, which causes it to move or turn. The flight
that it is a force both older and more powerful than any god, and speed of a beholder is fairly slow, equivalent to the land move-
that the beholders are its channel into the material world. The Void ment of the average dwarf; it also requires a certain amount of
and the beliefs of the beholders will be discussed in more detail in space to perform turns and other complex maneuvers. However, a
Chapter Two. beholder that devotes itself to the task can perfect its powers of
The Eyekin
The beholders are known as eye tyrants for a reason. Many of
the Dominions use humanoid slaves in their cities. Sometimes the
beholders will enslave local humanoid populations or capture un-
wary travelers. But over the centuries, the major cities have built
up their own humanoid populations. And slowly – over the course of 60 feet, and an eyekin with his torso exposed possesses the
of dozens of generations – the power of the Void has twisted and same all-around vision as a beholder. Most eyekin have at least
corrupted these people, producing a race that is both more and less one eye placed on a hand or a foot, which can allow the eyekin to
than human. These are the eyekin. peer around corners or over obstacles. While these additional eyes
Most eyekin come from human stock, and under the right cir- do not possess the magical powers of the eyes of a beholder, many
cumstances it can be difficult to see any difference between one of eyekin are able to channel the power of the Void; this ability is
the eyekin and a normal human being. Eyekin often have sallow represented by levels in the beholder cultist class, with powers
complexions and unusually large eyes; they rarely blink, and they similar to beholder eye rays manifesting through tentacles which
often have mismatched irises. But what reveals the true nature of grow from the cultist’s body. More information on the cultist core
the eyekin is the number of eyes that they possess. In addition to class is provided in Chapter Four.
the two normal eyes of a human, an eyekin possesses six to twelve The relationships between the beholders and the eyekin vary
additional eyes scattered across his body. The size, shape, and from Dominion to Dominion. Most eyekin are devoted to their
color of these additional eyes vary widely. Placement is random; masters and view themselves as being touched by divinity. In the
many eyekin can hide their additional eyes beneath clothing when Dominion of the Final Forge it is possible for an accomplished
they wish to pass as human, but some possess additional eyes on eyekin to earn a position of authority among the beholders. In
their faces. Eyes can be found anywhere on the body; some eye- other Dominions, a powerful eyekin cultist who performs a great
kin even have eyes on their tongues. These secondary eyes are service for the Dominion may be mystically transformed into a
sealed with a tough translucent membrane that protects them from beholder himself. But more often than not, the eyekin are treated
physical contact; thus an eyekin with eyes on the palms of his as slaves, even if they are privileged slaves. The beholders of the
hands or the soles of his feet can keep his eyes open under cir- Eternal Vigil will often destroy eyekin who advance to high lev-
cumstances that would normally be dangerously unsanitary. els, lest they rise to threaten their masters.
Eyekin have excellent eyesight and darkvision with a range Further details on the eyekin can be found in Chapter Four.
“You call us tyrants, and yet you know nothing of our cul- vicious brutes who are as cruel to their own kind as they are to hu-
ture,” the beholder said. I could see my terrified face reflected in manoids. But the truth is far more complex. There are a variety of
the glistening surface of its central eye, and two of its smaller eyes beholder societies, and most have been in existence for hundreds
peered around the great floating head to watch me. I tried not to of years. From beneath the earth, in the depths of the oceans, the
think about the powers that those eyes could unleash at any mo- shadows of dark woods, and the mists of storm clouds, the be-
ment. “We rule others because it is our purpose – it is what we holder Dominions watch the world and carry out strange tasks to
were made to do. Your kind has no direction, no destiny. You are complete unknown goals.
at the mercy of fate. We were crafted by the Void to bring order to
this world, both to your people and the others of our kind. We are
here to help you. We will give you the destiny that you lack.” The Dominions
The young woman from the inn entered the room and bowed
to the beholder. “Lord Ixthaliik,” she said, pronouncing the alien Beholders are divided into social units called Dominions. The
name with surprising ease. “We have captured two of the other in- beholders of a Dominion are bound together by psychology, phi-
truders, but the fourth escaped us. Constable Kettrin is arranging losophy, and physiology. All beholders within a Dominion share a
a search party.” The beholder dipped its head slightly, indicating distinctive appearance, regardless of subspecies. Skin texture and
its approval. coloration, size and placement of the smaller eyes, shape of the
As usual, my tongue ran ahead of my senses. “So this is your jaw and teeth – all of these are distinct to a particular Dominion.
idea of ‘destiny’? You steal the minds of the townsfolk and you call Many humans who have observed conflict between beholders of
it ‘help’?” different Dominions have assumed this battle to be based purely
A third eyestalk fixed its gaze on me, and I felt a wrenching on physical appearance; in fact, the appearance of the beholder is
pain. “You try my patience,” the beholder rasped. “It is true that merely an indication of the ideological differences that truly drive
I have used my sight to lift the burdens of many of these villagers. such aggression.
Before I came, they were torn with conflicting emotions. They While Dominion defines the appearance of a beholder, it has
quarreled. They fought. The stole from one another. I have an equally strong affect on mind and soul. The beholders believe
brought peace and order where before there was only chaos. But in a vast and powerful force known as the Void – an alien con-
not all of your kind are so short-sighted as you are. Some recog- sciousness that lies beyond the known planes. Creatures of flesh
nize what we have to offer. You could as well – if you only had eyes cannot understand the mind of the Void, and the Void itself cannot
to see it.” One of its eyestalks turned towards the woman. truly comprehend the nature of the material world. And so the be-
“Saryn?” holders were created to act as its eyes. Each Dominion captures
She turned to face me and slowly pulled the collar of her the essence of a different fragment of the Void; in a sense, they
blouse down a few inches. Just below her lovely neck, a large eye embody different elements of its personality. At its heart, the Do-
looked up at me. The iris was glittering gold with a slitted pupil, minion of the Poisoned Eye is driven by hatred and aggression,
and the eye itself was about three inches across. With her other while the Dominion of the Eternal Vigil in motivated by fear; yes,
hand she tugged at the back of her left sleeve, revealing a delicate in many ways, the beholder is more afraid of you than you are of
green eye just below the wrist. She smiled, and blinked with all it. Many Dominions are broken into a handful of smaller units,
four eyes. known as sects; each sect has a slightly different interpretation of
the core beliefs of the Dominion. Within the Dominion of the
Adventurers rarely encounter multiple beholders at once. Eternal Vigil, one sect may express its fear by hiding within heav-
Sovereign beholders are exceptionally powerful and intelligent, ily defended fortresses and labyrinths, avoiding all contact with
and usually a single sovereign is all that is required to accomplish other species; another may attempt to overthrow or destroy near-
a specific goal. As such, some adventurers don’t even realize that by societies before they uncover and destroy the paranoid behold-
beholders have a culture. The tyrants are seen as simple monsters, ers. All beholders share the memories of their parent, and most
Few humanoids ever enter a beholder city, and so they gener- Beholder Cults
ally encounter lairs or outposts that are loyal to the local eyehold
or citadel. A single beholder, almost always a sovereign, oversees “There are things you cannot be told,” Lord Ixthaliik had
the work that is completed outside of a city, working from a lair. said. “The Void has many eyes, and you must see them all if you
For more complex tasks they may be assisted by a small group of are to truly understand.” I don’t know if it was enchantment or cu-
slaves, beholder variants, and eyekin that work together to create riosity that had compelled me to listen. But here I was in a secret
an outpost. If something threatens an outpost, the sovereign deals basement beneath the Five Horse Inn, hidden amidst a ragged
with the problem personally – its power is overwhelming to most crowd of men and women wearing torn cloaks and heavy cowls.
threats and they dislike senselessly risking their other assets. My own hood concealed my face, but still I felt naked – I prayed
For this reason, most humanoids only encounter a single sov- that Saryn knew what she was doing bringing me here, and that
ereign at a time. The outpost or lair will be found nearby, with this wasn’t all part of some inscrutable beholder game.
treasure and tools. Guards and slaves may also be found here, al- A stylized mosaic image of a beholder dominated the far wall
though slaves under the influence of charm person or charm mon- of the basement. A tall, emaciated man emerged from a door at the
ster may not be grateful for their release and may turn on the peo- back of the room and stood before the image. Like those around
ple who killed their master. me, his face was hidden by a dark cowl, but his cowl was trimmed
Most humanoids believe that the primary goal of beholders is in gold and a glittering ruby eye dangled from a chain around his
to conquer other lands, and this is true in some cases. The First Eye neck. Despite his fragile frame, he possessed an impressive force
has been known to take outright control of other kingdoms, and of personality. With a gesture, he brought all conversation to a
both the Dominions of the Final Forge and the Eternal Vigil use halt.
eyekin agents, cults, and their own supernatural powers to infil- “Brothers and sisters!” he cried, his voice surprisingly deep
trate and manipulate nations from behind the scenes. Many Do- and resonant. “We meet in darkness, to hide from the sight of our
minions send out groups to gather slaves, especially those skilled many enemies. As I gaze upon you, I feel your fear and suspicion.
Lethal Rays
These are the eye rays that can kill characters or
do damage. Some of their non-lethal uses are men-
tioned in the descriptions below. Most of these re-
quire Fortitude saves, so casters are the preferred tar-
gets. If the sovereign plans to use its antimagic cone,
then these rays may be more effective, as the effects round it would not be a very fast way of escaping. Still, this be-
are permanent even if the victim falls into the antimagic cone later comes more of an option underground, where a beholder could
in the battle. create a vertical escape passage that adventurers would have a
Inflict Moderate Wounds: This spell has a Will save, but still hard time following.
does damage if successful. So long as the sovereign can hit with Telekinesis: Sovereigns can use this ray to fling opponents
this spell, it becomes a constant drain on hit points. This spell is away or to smash them with large rocks or other objects. A 325
best targeted at casters or other classes with low hit points. pound dense object (like a rock or a tree) will do 13d6 damage.
Flesh to Stone: This powerful spell has fairly straightforward Sometimes beholders will create objects to throw, either by disin-
effects. Aside from petrified creatures being used as weapons by tegrating part of a wall to create boulders or by petrifying oppo-
the sovereign (see telekinesis, below), the uses of this ray are fair- nents and using them (petrified creatures weigh 1.5 times what
ly limited, although they are effective. Petrified creatures do not they weighed originally). A fall, especially if the tyrant is using
return to flesh inside an antimagic cone. one of the pit tactics, can be devastating, and if the opponent sur-
Finger of Death: This has a similar use as flesh to stone. It is vives she is separated from her allies. If the character is slammed
instant death for those who fail their saves, so this is targeted at against a wall the damage is only 1d6. If the character’s weapons
large threats or those who have low Fortitude saves. are large enough, the sovereign could rip the weapon out of an ad-
Disintegrate: Although when directly targeted this ray kills venturer’s hands and use it against them for one round. This only
with one hit, there are ways to make this eye more interesting. A works with simple melee weapons, and it must drop the weapon
sovereign could target a weapon or spell component pouch. Alter- at the end of its turn as the ray’s duration ends. This disarm attack
nately, the beholder could disintegrate the ground beneath a char- does not provoke an attack of opportunity (because it is the effect
acter, trapping them in a ten-foot deep pit – the character can of an eye ray, not a melee attack). The beholder can add its Intel-
avoid falling in with a Reflex save (DC 15). Sovereigns can es- ligence modifier to its attack roll for both disarming and attacking,
cape tight spaces with this ability, but at a rate of ten feet per so the sovereign’s total bonus on these moves is +10. Strength
Beholders as Player Characters • A sovereign beholder has (2 + Int modifier) skill points per
hit die, with quadruple skill points for the first hit die. The
following skills are considered to be class skills for beholder
Beholders are extremely powerful creatures with highly fo- characters: Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Listen,
cused minds. In addition to its natural inclinations, the Dominion Search, Spot, Survival. Each Dominion has additional class
of a beholder plays a tremendous part in shaping its behavior. As skills that beholders can choose from initially or when adding
a result, beholders are generally unsuitable as player characters. It aberration levels; these can be found later in this chapter.
is extremely unlikely that a beholder would abandon the goals of
• All beholders receive Alertness as a bonus feat. A sovereign
its Dominion, and if it did, it would still have little in common
should select one of the following feats, plus an additional
with the typical group of adventurers.
feat for every 3 hit dice that it possesses: Dodge, Farsighted,
However, there are a variety of story possibilities for adven-
Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Flight, Improved
tures using beholder characters. It is possible to run a campaign
Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Nearsighted. A beholder must
based around beholder and eyekin PCs; as members of the Do-
meet a feat’s prerequisites. A sovereign may also choose feats
minion of the Final Forge or the Dominion of the First Eye, char-
from the list provided with its Dominion in Chapter Six.
acters could fight the plans of other Dominions or evil denizens of
the underdark. • For purposes of character advancement, an 11 HD sovereign
Most beholders rely on the power of their eyestalks as op- beholder is considered to be an 18th level character. Most be-
posed to following the paths of one of the traditional character holders progress in the aberration class, but exceptional be-
classes. Beholders generally advance in power by adding aberra- holders may pursue other options.
tion levels. The Void does not answer the call of clerics, and with • A beholder that gains the ability to cast arcane or divine spells
the power that they inherently possess few sovereigns feel the will need to obtain and use the Still Spell feat in order to per-
need to study arcane magic (a lack of limbs also poses a problem form any spell that requires somatic components. If the spell
for would-be beholder spellcasters). However, a small handful de- requires material components, the gamemaster will have to
velop class levels. The beholders of the Final Forge and the Eter- determine if the beholder can manipulate the items with its
nal Vigil often acquire rogue levels, developing Charisma-based telekinetic eye.
skills to assist in their manipulation of humanoid civilizations.
Eyekin who rise to become beholders through the Rite of Full
Communion sometimes maintain the skills they developed in their
Eyekin as a Character Race
first lives. And then there are the prestige classes supplied in this
book: the eye of the void and the juggernaut. The raw power of a beholder makes it difficult to add be-
A beholder is born with all of its powers, so a beholder char- holder PCs to an adventuring group. But the eyekin – the subraces
acter begins with its full hit dice and abilities. However, the fol- of humanity corrupted through long contact with beholders and
lowing traits apply for purposes of personalizing the character. the Void – are an excellent choice for the player who wants a few
extra eyes on his character.
SOVEREIGN BEHOLDER RACIAL TRAITS There are a few basic ways to work eyekin PCs into a cam-
• +4 Dexterity, +8 Constitution, +6 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, paign. Depending on the nature of the party, the character could
+4 Charisma. Beholders are tough, exceptionally intelligent be working on direct orders from his Dominion. While this is ide-
creatures with immensely powerful personalities. ally suited to a party of evil characters or amoral mercenaries, an
eyekin character in the service of the Dominion of Revelations or
• The saving throw DC for a beholder’s eye rays is 10 + 1/2 the the Final Forge could actually be sent on missions that could ben-
beholder’s hit dice + its Charisma modifier. Levels in Eye of efit the humanoid world.
the Void or Juggernaut prestige classes are added to the crea- Another classic character option is the renegade – the eyekin
ture’s hit dice for purposes of determining the save DC. who has fled from his evil masters and who has turned his skills
Cultist Eyebeams
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 d - - - - - - - -
2 d+1 - - - - - - - -
3 d+1 d - - - - - - -
4 d+1 d+1 - - - - - - -
5 d+1 d+1 d - - - - - -
6 d+1 d+1 d+1 - - - - - -
7 d+1 d+1 d+1 d - - - - -
8 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 - - - - -
9 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d - - - -
10 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 - - - -
11 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d - - -
12 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 - - -
13 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d - -
14 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 - -
15 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 1 -
16 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 1 -
17 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 2 -
18 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 2 1
19 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 2 1
20 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 2 2
d indicates an eye ray power possessed by the sovereign beholders of the Dominion the cult is associated with.
The list of eyebeam choices can be found below. Except as 7th level
described above, eyebeams are identical to the spells of the same finger of death. Kills one subject.
name. power word blind. Blinds one creature of up to 200 hp.
Class Skills
The class skills (and the key ability for each skill) for an eye
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the eye of the void.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An eye of the void does
not gain proficiency with any sort of armor or weaponry.
Eye Rays: Like a beholder cultist, an eye of the void devel-
ops new eyestalks as it develops a stronger connection to the Void.
At each level, the eye receives a certain number of points that can
be spent on acquiring additional eye rays (as indicated on Table 4-
5). Each new eye ray adds a new eyestalk. The cost of purchasing
an eye ray can be found on page 113. Any new eye ray must be
approved by the gamemaster and must stay in line with the gener-
al mood of the character’s Dominion and the typically offensive
nature of beholder eye rays. Points cannot be saved up; the eye
must purchase new rays immediately upon attaining a new level.
However, the eye can divide the points it receives at a level in
order to purchase multiple low-power rays.
While a high level eye of the void possesses more than 10
eyestalks, it must still follow the standard rules for using eye rays Combat with an Eye of the Void
in combat. Thus, it can only fire 3 rays into any firing arc, unless The eye of the void uses very similar combat tactics to the
it possesses the Improved Firing Arcs feat. In addition, it can only standard sovereign. The principle difference is in the number of
fire a maximum of 10 eye rays straight up; this limit is increased eye rays available and the improved DC of the rays. From the per-
by 1 each time the beholder takes the Improved Firing Arcs feat. spective of tactics, the eye of the void is simply a sovereign who
Improved Caster Level: The eyebeams of a typical behold- can deal with higher-level characters, and combat should be run
er sovereign are considered to be cast by a 14th level sorcerer. An accordingly.
eye of the void adds its class level to this caster level. The eye rays
of a 6th level eye of the void have an effective caster level of 20. JUGGERNAUT
Bonus Feats: An eye of the void devotes itself to the study of
arcane mysteries. At each of these levels, it may choose one of the (Beholder Prestige Class)
following feats: Absorb Spell Energy, Blindvision, Enlarge Eye
Ray, Extend Eye Ray, Focused Eye, Inner Eyelid, Maximize Eye A beholder is in essence a living weapon, capable of unleash-
Ray, or Visions of the Void. The beholder must meet the prerequi- ing a barrage of mystical firepower upon its enemies. But this in-
sites of any feat that it wishes to take. herent power is not enough for some beholders. Within many Do-
Eye Ray DC: An eye of the void’s class level is added to its minions, elite corps of sovereigns, gauths, and besiegers undergo
hit dice for purposes of determining the base saving throw DC for intense martial training. Some fine-tune their skill with their dead-
its eye rays. However, due to its close connection to the Void, its ly eye rays, while others dedicate themselves to melee combat;
power is even greater than level and hit dice would normally these beholders often act as shock troops in large-scale conflicts
allow. At each of these levels, the base DC of eye ray saving between beholders, where the use of antimagic fields can limit the
throws is increased by 1. use of eye rays.
Ability Modifications: As the beholder grows closer to the Hit Die: d10
Void, its physical form begins to atrophy. At 4th and 10th levels
the beholder permanently loses 2 points of Strength; at 7th level it Requirements
loses 2 points of Constitution. However, these modifications can- To qualify to become a juggernaut a character must fulfill all
not reduce an ability score below 1. of the following criteria:
Race: Beholder (any)
Class Skills
The class skills (and the key ability for each skill) for jug-
gernauts are: Intimidate (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (tactics)
(Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the juggernaut.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A juggernaut is proficient
with the use of the beholder armor and weapons described in
Chapter Five, along with any similar weapons designed to be used
by beholders.
Eye Ray Saving Throws: A juggernaut adds its class level to
its hit dice to determine the DC of saving throws for its eye rays.
Eye Ray Range: By learning to draw more deeply on the
power of the Void, a juggernaut learns to increase the range of its
eye rays – a crucial tool in a battle against other beholders. This
modifier is added to the basic range of the beholder’s eye rays, but
not the power of its central eye (if it has a central eye). This bonus
is added in before modifiers like Farsighted, Nearsighted, or En-
large Eye Ray are taken into account.
Ramming Blow: One of the first tactics a juggernaut learns
is to use its strength and size to maximum advantage when charg-
ing a foe. When a juggernaut performs a bull rush, it receives a +4
bonus to the opposed Strength check.
Bonus Feats: A juggernaut devotes its energy to martial
training. At each of these levels, it may choose one of the follow-
ing feats: Dodge, Enlarge Eye Ray, Faster Flight, Frenzied Bite,
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Firing Arcs, Improved Flight,
Inner Eyelid, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise
Shot, Razor Fangs, Weapon Focus (bite), or Weapon Focus (ray).
ABSORB SPELL ENERGY (SPECIAL) to resist any spell or spell-like ability that duplicates the effects of
A beholder is a living conduit for mystical energy. A behold- any of its eye rays or eyebeams.
er or eyekin that has developed a strong connection to the Void de-
velops a natural immunity to the powers that it channels – both the ARMOR PROFICIENCY (BEHOLDER) (GENERAL)
eye rays of beholders and spells that mimics their effects. The beholder is proficient in the use of the three styles of
Prerequisites: Beholder or Eyekin Blood armor described in Chapter Five.
Benefit: The beholder or eyekin receives +5 inherent bonus Prerequisites: Beholder
* When a beholder with a base speed of 20 ft. “runs” in a steel shroud, in only triples its speed.
** Armor bonus reduced by 1 against piercing weapons.
“Take cover!” Saryn hissed, shoving me towards a stand of ic weapons, and among beholders only the juggernaut class is im-
stalagmites. When I turned to demand an explanation she had mediately familiar with their use. As these weapons are specifi-
vanished, already hidden among the stones and rubble that lit- cally designed for a beholder’s unusual anatomy, they cannot be
tered the cavern floor. I didn’t know what was going on, but pru- used by characters of other species. It would be very unusual to
dence seemed the wisest course of action. I ducked behind the sta- find any of these weapons for sale in a humanoid city.
lagmites – and not a moment too soon.
Seconds later, a beholder came drifting around the corner. By Ramming Spikes
now I was becoming almost comfortable with these alien crea- Beholder juggernauts enjoy slamming into enemies, using
tures, but this one was quite different from Lord Ixthaliik. At first bull rush attacks to scatter opponents so the beholder’s eye rays
I almost thought I was looking at some sort of golem, but then I can be put to good use. A set of ramming spikes is a leather har-
realized that it was a beholder wearing armor! It was as if it was ness reinforced with metal plates and studded with long steel
wearing an enormous helmet fashioned from overlapping plates spikes. Aside from its disturbing appearance, this allows the be-
of black-enameled steel. Studying this bizarre spectacle, I saw holder to inflict damage when it strikes a target with a bull rush
that its ‘chin’ was unarmored, allowing enough jaw movement for attack; the victim suffers the listed amount of damage (plus the
the beholder to bite its foes. That’s when I noticed its mouth – and beholder’s Strength modifier) in addition to the usual effects of
the vicious row of razor-sharp daggers within. the bull rush.
Ramming spikes can be integrated into any type of beholder
Most adventurers think of the beholder as a monster – a beast armor. Simply add 250 gp to the cost of any Large suit of armor,
that relies entirely on its natural armor and weapons in combat. or 500 gp to the cost of any Huge suit.
Often, this is the case; the power of the beholder’s eye rays is usu- Market Price: 200 gp (large), 400 gp (huge); Weight: 30
ally sufficient to overcome most foes. But beholders are intelli- lbs. (large), 75 lbs. (huge)
gent and sophisticated creatures; they build cities and gather
wealth. It should come as little surprise that they will also create Razorjaws
weapons and tools to overcome truly dangerous encounters. The beholder’s natural bite attack just doesn’t match the
The greatest limitation that a beholder has to deal with is its power of a warrior with a great sword – and on top of that, you
lack of hands. This makes it difficult both to create and to use can’t get a set of vorpal teeth. Razorjaws are designed to alleviate
most types of equipment. However, most Dominions have sizable this problem. A set of razorjaws is a hinged contraption of leather
slave populations, and eyekin craftsmen are often the most privi- and steel designed to fit over a beholder’s natural teeth. These
leged members of this humanoid underclass. Weapons, armor, dentures from hell are line with two rows of razor-sharp blades,
magic items and more are produced by talented eyekin and enhancing the damage of the beholder’s bite and making it quite a
charmed human artisans. This chapter presents a variety of types fearsome sight to see.
of equipment designed for use by beholders and their servants. Market Price: 120 gp (large), 240 gp (huge); Weight: 16
lbs. (large), 40 lbs. (huge)
Weapons Tentacle Hooks (aberrant warrior)
At 4th level, an aberrant warrior develops a pair of eye-tipped
While most sovereigns are content to rely on the power of tentacles. She can use these tentacles in battle, lashing her ene-
their eye rays, when beholders plan to fight other Dominions or mies with a slam attack, but the damage is relatively limited. Ten-
creatures capable of resisting their rays, they may resort to physi- tacle hooks are leather sleeves buckled at both ends; the sleeve is
cal weaponry. The sovereign’s bite is not an especially powerful attached to the tentacle, covering a foot-long area just below the
attack, and a variety of weapons have been designed to supple- eye. A row of curved, 2 inch metal blades are set into the sleeve.
ment its abilities. All of these weapons are considered to be exot- These barbs allow the warrior to make a vicious slashing attack in
Essence of Obedience
This alchemical substance is distilled from various forms of Beholders and Magic Items
fungus found only in the subterranean realms of the eye tyrants.
When refined into a clear liquid, it has the effect of sedating free A lack of hands makes it difficult for a beholder to use many
will, leaving the character who consumes it tractable and open to common magic items. However, it is not impossible; there are a
suggestion. Beholders often mix this substance in with the food variety of items that work well for the tyrants.
served to their slave population, in order to suppress any revolts
• The eyestalks of the average sovereign are the approximate
and to limit the need for the direct use of magical power, but it is
width of a human wrist. As a result, a beholder can wear a
also frequently used by beholder cults to secure the initial cooper-
bracer (which beholders call “eye-rings”) at the base of one
ation of would-be recruits.
of its stalks. A beholder can also dangle a necklace, periapt,
When a victim consumes the essence, she must make a Forti-
or brooch from its eyestalks. Finally, beholders also produce
tude saving throw (DC 15). If she fails, she becomes extremely
magical lenses that can be worn over an eye to enhance its
vulnerable to suggestion. Anyone who makes a Diplomacy check
powers. A beholder can benefit from a maximum of five of
against her gets a +10 circumstance bonus to the check. In addi-
these items at once, regardless of the item type.
tion, if a character using Diplomacy successfully changes the vic-
tim’s attitude to “helpful,” the victim is considered to be under the • Most sovereigns possess a fringe of vestigial tentacles, either
effects of charm person with regard to the diplomat (Will save DC scattered among the eyestalks or lining the creature’s “chin.”
15 to resist actions that she wouldn’t normally perform). This ef- While these tendrils lack the strength to manipulate objects,
fect lasts for 24 hours, unless the character is given a maintenance they can be used to hold magical rings. A beholder is limited
dose. While player characters cannot normally be influenced by to using two magical rings at a time.
Diplomacy, they can for purposes of this particular effect. The • While beholders cannot wear helmets or hats, they do pro-
gamemaster should judge the relative attitude of the character to duce crowns – large rings that rest at the base of the eyestalks.
the diplomat to determine the DC for a shift to “helpful.” If the A beholder can wear one crown.
diplomat fails this roll there is no effect, but if he succeeds, the • Any other forms of beholder armor or weaponry described
character is effectively charmed. earlier in this chapter can be enchanted. Armored beholders
A character under the influence of the essence is not aware of are typically only seen in the deep underdark, but a sovereign
its effects, although an outside observer will notice her dulled wearing +5 juggernaut plate of invulnerability and +3 vorpal
state of mind with a successful Sense Motive check (DC 25). Note razorjaws can certainly ruin an adventurer’s day.
that this is not a magical effect, and that as such it is not negated
by a sovereign’s antimagic cone. • Ioun stones are greatly valued by beholders, as they do not re-
While essence of obedience is not terribly expensive, the ma- quire any particular form of anatomy.
terials required to create it can only be found in beholder territo- • Although it does not eat or drink, a beholder can still make
ry, and the tyrants rarely sell the drug to outsiders. As a result, it use of magic potions; it can break the potion in its mouth and
There are many ways to incorporate beholders into a cam- sional force, and the deadly and horrific demigods that rule them.
paign. Traditionally, beholders have been presented as hateful and Adventurers could find an old village of eyekin concealing the
xenophobic beings that constantly fight other creatures and even laboratory lair of an Enigma sovereign, or uncover a beholder cult
other beholders. Through the use of Dominions, this book presents that has corrupted and seized control of an established church. In
a wider variety of options for the long-term use of beholders: cun- a modern day setting, a beholder cult might appear to be a street
ning manipulators, gruesome arcane researchers, and even myste- gang; this group could be dealing tainted narcotics that twist users
rious allies. The traditional hateful beholder is best represented by to the will of the hidden eye tyrant.
the Dominion of the Poisoned Eye, although it could easily come
from the Dominion of the Eternal Vigil or the First Eye. Espionage
This chapter presents a detailed look at the nine Dominions
that have been mentioned throughout this book, examining the In the heart of the concrete bunker, the ORB agent shivered
role that each group might play in a campaign. If a party has en- as he reported to his master. “I’m sorry, my lord,” he quavered.
countered beholders in the past, the gamemaster should consider “Dirk Stone and the agents of N.E.P.H.E.W. broke into the re-
which Dominion best suits these previous encounters and how this search facility and stole the Corroman Lens.” He trembled, wait-
might play a role in future adventures. The next step is to study the ing for the death ray to strike him down.
Dominions and decide which best fit the tone of the campaign. Instead, there was a deep, buzzing chuckle. “Don’t worry,
Are there beholder cults in every major city? Or are the cultists Agent Mordecai. I had anticipated interference from Mr. Stone.
only found in the occasional creepy seaside village? Even now, we are tracking him – and soon we will know the loca-
The chapter begins with a look at various ways that behold- tion of N.E.P.H.E.W.’s hidden base.” The agent breathed a deep
ers can be used in nontraditional settings. It continues with tips on sigh of relief, blinking all six of his eyes.
role-playing beholders and eyekin cultists. Following the discus-
sion of the Dominions, the chapter concludes with a handful of Even in the high-tech world of modern espionage, there’s no
short encounters involving beholders or eyekin cultists, providing reason the gamemaster can’t sneak in a bizarre beholder master-
the gamemaster with solid examples of how this material could be mind. It could be an ancient creature that has risen from slumber
incorporated into an ongoing campaign. beneath the earth – or it could be a bioweapon created by mad sci-
entists that developed a mind of its own and seized control of the
Alternate Settings organization that formed it. A beholder’s many deadly rays make
it an opponent to be feared in the modern world – but on the other
Beholders are traditionally creatures of fantasy. But there is hand, if the players are relying primarily on technology, the crea-
no reason that this needs to be the case. Whatever type of game ture’s antimagic cone will prove more of a hindrance than a help.
you’re playing, there’s probably room for a beholder in it some- Typically, a beholder makes a better mastermind than monster;
where. A few ideas: through its organization of charmed underlings, it could develop
a host of mad schemes that the heroes would have to bring to a
halt – long before they ever discovered the true nature of their ne-
Supernatural Horror farious foe.
Ever since we’d arrived in Tyranny Cape, I’d had the feeling
I was being watched. There was something about the townsfolk Superheroes
that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. And why wouldn’t they let
us into the old Masonic temple? Captain Toledo leapt over the deadly eye ray, which carved a
jagged rift in the pavement. “It’s too late, Lord Occulus! The
The eyekin and their multi-eyed masters fit perfectly into a Crimestoppers have already located and disarmed your hyp-
traditional horror campaign – humans twisted by an extradimen- nobomb. Give up now!”
Beholders do not form nations in the same way that humans Eternal Vigil and First Eye are also reasonable choices for a tradi-
do. Instead, they are divided into Dominions – extended clans that tional beholder encounter.
can ultimately trace their line of descent back to a particular incu- Each entry discusses the basic philosophy of the Dominion,
bator. For the most part Dominions are not bound by geography; along with its size, relationships with other races or Dominions,
a single human nation could easily contain the eyeholds of three and the appearance of its members. It also includes optional game
or four different Dominions hidden beneath the surface. material – ways in which a beholder from a particular Dominion
The boundaries of a Dominion are physical and physiological might different from the traditional creature that players are fa-
in nature as opposed to being simply political. The beholders of a miliar with. These include the following:
Dominion share distinctive physical traits; the sovereigns of the • Sovereign Modifications suggest ways in which the sover-
First Eye are covered in glittering scales, while those of the Eter- eigns (and beholder subtypes) of the Dominion might vary
nal Vigil have an almost insectoid appearance. But the philosoph- from the norm – ability modifications, alternate eye rays, or
ical outlook of a Dominion is far more important than these cos- other minor shifts in statistics. These could just be applied to
metic differences. Each Dominion can be seen as the expression a specific sect within the Dominion, if the gamemaster wants
of a particular aspect of the Void. Just as the human mind contains to have most beholders use the standard stats.
many different elements and emotions – hate, greed, curiosity,
pride – each Dominion has a particular ruling passion that drives • Beholder Class Skills provides a list of skills that beholders
the behavior of its sovereigns and affects their interaction with of the Dominion have access to. When designing a sovereign
other creatures. or a gauth, the gamemaster may wish to switch some of the
While each Dominion is bound together by its ruling passion, standard skills of the beholder around to bring in some of
there are subdivisions. Beholders inherit memories from the incu- these skills; an Enigma beholder might have ranks in Spell-
bator that spawns them; thus the children of a particular incubator craft or Craft (alchemy) instead of Hide.
have a particularly strong bond. When a sovereign successfully • Cultist Skills is the list from which beholder cultists can se-
evolves into an incubator, it creates a new sect – a smaller family lect their four class skills, as described on page 32.
within the overall Dominion clan. Typically sects work closely to- • Common Feats suggests feats that fit the mood of the Do-
gether, although the Dominion of the Eternal Vigil is known for its minion. Sovereigns could either swap out base feats for these
internecine feuds. However, the beholders of different sects tend ones, or these could be added on for beholders with addition-
to develop slightly different personalities – each sect approaches al hit dice or class levels.
the ruling passion of the Dominion in a somewhat different way.
• Equipment and Treasure outlines the types of weapons or
This section examines the nine Dominions that have been
armor the Dominion uses (if any), and the types of treasure
used throughout this book. This list is not meant to be compre-
that will be found most frequently in a sovereign’s hoard.
hensive; a gamemaster should always feel free to add new Do-
minions of her own, or to decide that a beholder encountered by As always, the GM should feel free to ignore these modifica-
the players is a mutant rogue with no Dominion allegiance. The tions if she prefers to keep things simple.
goal of the Dominions is to provide some variety to beholder en-
counters – adding more depth to these highly intelligent creatures The Dominion of the Consuming Eye
and changing the way in which they interact with players. A be- “I want.”
holder from the Dominion of the Poisoned Eye will certainly at-
tempt to destroy any adventurers it encounters. But a sovereign The Dominion of the Consuming Eye is driven by greed – an
from the Watching Wheel is more likely to try to involve the party all-consuming passion to obtain precious and rare things. These
in a bizarre experiment, while a monitor from the Consuming Eye beholders will seek to obtain anything that other creatures consid-
could actually hire the PCs to acquire a rare relic for its eyehold. er to be valuable – precious metals, jewelry and gemstones, works
One question for a gamemaster to consider is what Domin- of art and rare spices. The status of a sovereign is reflected by the
ions the party has already dealt with, if they have crossed paths materials that it has contributed to the hoard of the vault, and to a
with beholders in the past. The Dominion of the Poisoned Eye is lesser degree by the goods it has acquired for its personal collec-
the closest in tone to the stereotypical image of the beholder; the tion. Triumphs are held to acknowledge beholders that have
So far, this chapter has provided general material for includ- kidnapper can be brought to justice. But this is only the latest in a
ing beholders in a campaign. This section provides a number of string of apparent abductions. Characters cannot avoid hearing
specific, detailed encounters that can be used to introduce one or that at least 10 children have gone missing in the last few months,
more of the beholder Dominions into an adventure. These en- most of them from the lower-class areas of the city. Anyone suc-
counters are designed to be added into an ongoing adventure, as ceeding at a Gather Information check (DC 15) will discover that
opposed to occupying a full gaming session. “The Experiment” 12 children are known to have vanished over the last four months,
and “Subversion” are both traveling encounters that could occur three at a time.
on the road as the party is heading to or from the main event of the Indeed, two other children disappeared last night as well, al-
session. “The Endless Children” is an urban encounter. Perhaps though their poor families don’t have any reward to offer beyond
the party has stopped in a town for that night, or perhaps they have gratitude. Between the disturbing dream, the reward, and any
returned triumphant from a successful adventure but still have an sense of guilt they possess, most players will be straining to get
hour to kill. Either way, these encounters provide a brief but in- into the sewers and investigate. Those who don’t will have the
triguing glimpse into the world of the beholder, along with a num- dream every night for two weeks, unless they give in first. This is
ber of hooks to pull the heroes further in over time. actually a sending from a beholder of Revelations, moving in its
mysterious dance with Enigma, and it is the only direct assistance
The Endless Children it will give the characters.
Finding the grate from the dream isn’t difficult, as it’s in one
Encounter Level: 14 (9 if sovereign is replaced with greater of the city’s most identifiable areas. A bazaar or merchants’ center
overseer) is perfect for this, as it is easy to recognize but largely abandoned
after dark. Unfortunately, characters will hit a brick wall if they at-
Setting: Any large urban area, on the third night of the new moon
tempt to recruit help for an expedition. The families of the miss-
Summary: A dream leads characters to an Enigma beholder and ing children are not combatants, and the authorities can’t or won’t
its servants, who are performing disturbing experiments with kid- act on evidence from a dream. They might offer their sympathy to
napped children. the players and give them free run of the tunnels, but they won’t
dispatch their own forces down there without evidence. If anyone
This encounter is designed to introduce players to the Do- attempts to find out about the man with an eye on his hand, a
minion of Enigma, and in a more subtle way to their brethren of Gather Information check (DC 25) will uncover that two recent
Revelations. It presents Enigma’s bizarre and disturbing flavor theft complaints have mentioned a man with an eye tattooed on
and, while players can’t undo all the harm caused, they can at least his hand; he has not been apprehended.
rescue a handful of terrified children from an unsettling fate. The sewer entrance is easy to find, and the tunnel beneath is
This encounter should occur when the party is resting in a city wide enough for a heavily armored character to just squeeze in-
or large urban community; they may be passing through the area, side. However, the grate covering it is bolted from the inside, re-
or it may be their regular base of operations. In the middle of the quiring a Strength check (DC 10) to force it open. This is unusu-
night one of the characters awakens in a cold sweat. The memory al, but not unheard of in large cities that don’t want random citi-
of a vivid dream is burned into their mind – a fearful child being zens lost in their often-extensive sewer networks. A series of iron
hustled through the nighttime streets, a dagger pressed to his rungs leads to the foul-smelling tunnel below.
throat by his captor. The man holding him has a realistic tattoo of Almost directly across from the rungs is the entrance to a hid-
an open eye on the back of his knife hand. He drags the child into den outpost, a set of tunnels used by an Enigma beholder and the
a narrow sewer entrance in the middle of one of the city’s land- eyekin cult serving it. Discovering the entrance can be as easy or
mark areas, and as he does, his tattoo looks in the dreamer’s di- difficult as desired; the sewers are generally private enough for
rection and blinks, ending the dream. the cult’s purposes, and they are careful to avoid being seen as
The next day, the whole city is abuzz with news of a kidnap- they enter and exit, so they don’t need to take many special pre-
ping. The victim was the youngest son of a prominent family, and cautions. The default option is that they have built a half-wall
he exactly matches the child seen in the dream. His family is of- across a tunnel mouth here, stacking random objects and chunks
fering a substantial reward: 2,500 gp for his return, doubled if his of stone in an effort to keep the occasional sewer-water flood from
Beholder settlements, from the smallest lair to the greatest deliberately, this attitude seeps into their sense of design. They
citadel, resemble each other in much the same fashion that indi- prefer spheres not because the shape is the most practical, but be-
vidual beholders do. This is no accident. The opportunities and cause it’s what they see as normal. Creating a network of evenly
limits of a beholder’s physiology have fused with the creatures’ spaced tunnels leading to smaller round chambers makes sense
self-perceptions to create an architecture unlike any other. when you have symmetrical eyestalks. And just as the greatest be-
The key element of beholder architecture is that it is subter- holders have a powerful central eye, all beholder construction has
ranean. Exceptions exist, as described below, but the most com- an important tunnel or shaft running through the center of its main
mon Dominions prefer to dwell under the earth. Their unusual ca- space. Beholders are an orderly and analytical race, but in their ar-
pabilities practically demand it. A beholder has a much easier time chitecture they allow form to dictate function.
carving a structure from solid rock with its disintegrate and All beholder construction is smooth, a side effect of their use
telekinesis rays than it would if it tried to combine lumber and of disintegration beams. Walls, pillars, and other features rise in
nails to form a house. It takes only one minute for a beholder to an unbroken line from the walls and floor, contributing to the alien
disintegrate 100 cubic feet of stone; with an afternoon’s work it feeling. Shelves and alcoves are often carved out of the walls; this
can carve out all the space it needs for itself. is the closest that beholders come to using furniture.
Beholder construction is also vertical. As the creatures spend Beholder decorating styles vary widely. Aside from the drive
their entire lives in flight, they see their living space in three di- for spherical symmetry, the eye tyrants have few common aes-
mensions. Chambers are stacked atop one another, connected by thetic principles. But any displays or ornamentation will have a
cylindrical tunnels. A beholder’s mind considers this a logical and similar underlying purpose – to impress upon the viewer that the
natural use of space, as well as a practical way of foiling its earth- beholder is a powerful creature, the ruler of all it sees.
bound enemies. As sovereigns can use flesh into stone, statues that were once
Defense is also a factor in the beholder’s preference for wide living creatures are routinely found in and around beholder settle-
open spaces with high ceilings. Most beholders are poor melee com- ments. More reclusive tyrants will display clumps of these statues
batants and try to keep some vertical distance between themselves as a warning to interlopers, while combative beholders will array
and attackers. Their eye rays have an impressive range, so distance them in galleries to prove their prowess.
does not hinder their combat style. Beholders also like to watch their An occasional beholder will use its powers to sculpt the rock
surroundings – not surprising for a creature with so many eyes – and around it into odd abstract shapes and patterns, but this is rare be-
wide, high spaces provide many excellent vantage points. havior. Most beholders see it as the sign of an unhealthy mind.
But none of these things explain the alien and often unsettling
appearance of a beholder-built area. Their architecture is full of
rounded surfaces, and most of the rooms they create are spherical. Traps
Even when the floor is flattened for the use of races that must walk,
a chamber’s walls bulge out and then rise to a rounded ceiling. The subterranean environment, combined with the sover-
Rigorous symmetry is another universal feature. Any space eign’s innate powers, leads to interesting traps. Most beholders
created by a beholder will reflect back on itself as much as possi- use some of these in even the simplest lairs.
ble. And everything the creatures build is shot through with tun- Pits are an obvious choice. A beholder’s dwelling is honey-
nels connecting these rooms and chambers together. These tunnels combed with pits excavated from a level beneath the main floor,
almost always radiate out from the central chamber (or chambers leaving two to five feet of stone on top. Only a very keen expert
in the citadels), snaking their way to other rounded rooms of on mining or construction could notice one of these patches while
smaller size, which in turn connect to even smaller ones. The on or near it. Beholders themselves mark them in some fashion
overall effect is disquieting. that will be visible from overhead but not necessarily from the
It is also an unconscious recreation of the beholder’s own earthbound perspective, such as carving the outline of a large fig-
body, its likeness carved from solid stone. Beholders see them- ure. A beholder can easily disintegrate the top layer of stone, drop-
selves as a superior form of life, and although it doesn’t happen ping anyone on top of it into whatever lies beneath. Characters
The sovereigns of the Enigma are strange and disturbing;
they are the beholders that even other beholders fear. They rarely
communicate with others, and devote their lives to bizarre mysti-
cal experiments which all too often include the torture and death
of living creatures.
Enigma sovereigns have dark, leathery skin. They often ap-
pear gaunt and desiccated in comparison to other beholders, but
they are just as hardy and difficult to kill as their cousins. The
most prominent difference between the Enigma sovereign and the
others of its kind is its central eye. Instead of an eye of flesh, the
center of the sovereign’s head is dominated by a gaping pit filled
tures can resist the effect with a successful Will save. with swirling dark energy. Somehow the beholder sees through
All-Around Vision (Ex): Beholders are exceptionally alert this “eye,” and its vision is even sharper than that of its cousins;
and circumspect. Their many eyes give them a +4 racial bonus to but it is also capable of pulling enemies into this bizarre void.
Spot and Search checks, and they can’t be flanked. On the rare occasions that an Enigma beholder speaks, its
Antimagic Cone (Su): A beholder’s central eye continually voice is a hissing whisper. This “voice” is a short-range psychic
produces a 150-foot antimagic cone extending straight ahead from broadcast; while it may seem to be a whisper, it can be heard over
the creature’s front. This functions just like antimagic field cast by any sort of background noise.
a 13th-level sorcerer. All magical and supernatural powers and ef-
fects within the cone are suppressed. This includes the beholder’s Beholder Sovereign
own eye rays, but it does not affect the antimagic cone of another Dominion of Enigma
beholder. Once each round, during its turn, the beholder may ac- Large Aberration
tivate or deactivate the antimagic cone (the beholder deactivates Hit Dice: 11d8+44 (93 hp)
the cone by shutting its central eye). Note that a beholder can bite Initiative: +6
only creatures to its front. Speed: 5 ft., fly 20 ft. (good), swim 20 ft
Flight (Ex): A beholder’s body is naturally buoyant. This Armor Class: 26 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +15 natural), touch 11,
buoyancy allows it to fly as the spell, at a speed of 20 feet. This flat-footed 24
buoyancy also grants it a permanent feather fall effect with per- Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+12
sonal range. Attack: Eye rays +9 ranged touch and bite +2
Void Sustenance (Ex): As outlined in Chapter One, a be- melee (2d4)
drowning, starvation, and dehydration. A beholder cannot be af- The beholder monitor is a small, cunning creature that serves
fected by poisonous gas or airborne diseases. If a beholder pos- as both spy and sentinel. A swift and nimble flyer with keen sens-
sesses the ability to cast spells, it must meditate for the standard es and a knack for clinging to the shadows, monitors are often de-
amount of time required to prepare its spells. ployed to areas where a Dominion plans to establish an outpost or
Spell-Like Abilities: At will – dream, whispering wind; a lair. While not as brilliant as sovereign beholders, beholder mon-
3/day – augury, zone of truth; 1/day – commune. The sovereign itors are nonetheless extremely intelligent creatures, and they are
can use whispering wind without speaking. Treat the sovereign as typically more comfortable dealing with humanoids than their
a 14th level sorcerer. more powerful kindred. As a result, monitors often serve as am-
bassadors, messengers, or mediators when the presence of a sov-
Tactical advice for gamemasters: ereign is not required. Experienced monitors often enhance their
On those rare occasions when the Dominion of Revelations skills in stealth and conversation by acquiring one or two rogue
becomes directly active in the world and enters combat, their at- class levels.
tacks almost entirely focus on Will saves. However, the A monitor has a slightly ovoid body that tapers to a point on
geas/quest eye ray can be very effective at recruiting the best the opposite side of its mouth, approximately 15 inches from tooth
fighters to help protect the sovereign – after enough rounds, the to tip. It does not possess a single central eye; instead, its entire
entire party can be forced to stop fighting with the instructions body is covered with small eyes, which do not possess magical
“Protect my life and my freedom.” Often if the sovereign knows abilities but do help it monitor its surroundings. A monitor has
it will be coming into combat it will collect adventurers with this five eyestalks, each about one foot in length, which are generally
eye ray to help it fight. spread around the body with radial symmetry. Its mouth is small
It is unlikely that the sovereign will be found underground, but filled with needle-sharp teeth. It possesses a tremendous level
Table 8-1: Spell Point Cost All beholder eye rays are ranged magical ray attacks that only
affect a single target. When used as an eyestalk, prismatic spray
Spell Level Points Examples will only affect a single target!
0 level 5 daze, flare, mage hand, ray When creating new variants using this system, a gamemaster
of frost should keep the basic nature of the beholder in mind. Beholders
1st level 10 charm person, color spray, are aggressive creatures with many tools for dominating and de-
ray of enfeeblement stroying enemies. All of a beholder’s eye rays have some sort of
2nd level 15 blindness/deafness, inflict offensive application. Giving a beholder a cure light wounds eye
moderate wounds, silence ray has a tremendous impact on the strategic role of the creature;
the concept of a beholder healing damage instead of inflicting it
3rd level 20 contagion, dispel magic, runs counter to the general image of the beholder. Switching an
hold person, slow eye or two to fit a particular theme is fine, but the party shouldn’t
4th level 30 charm monster, confusion, run into a beholder with ten entirely new eye rays every adven-
enervation, fear ture.
5th level 40 cone of cold, feeblemind, A beholder with an 8th or 9th level eye ray effect will be con-
hold monster, telekinesis siderably more dangerous than its weaker cousins; a gamemaster
6th level 60 disintegrate, flesh to stone, should take this power into account when designing the creature.
greater dispelling A beholder with an 8th level eye ray effect should have a mini-
mum CR of 15. One with a 9th level eye ray should have a CR of
7th level 80 finger of death, insanity, pris-
matic spray
As telekinesis is the beholder’s primary method of interacting
8th level 120 horrid wilting, maze, poly- with its environment, most beholders should possess this ray.
morph any object
9th level 160 dominate monster, energy
drain, imprison
So far this book has only looked at the beholders and their ants who have been swayed by the rhetoric of the church and
servants, exploring the ways in which the tyrants fight and defend joined the crusade against the unclean darkness. What they lack in
themselves. But what about those forces that oppose the Domin- skill, they make up for with pure zeal. Scattered throughout these
ions? What techniques can player characters learn to help them forces are paladins, clerics, and knights of cleansing (see page
battle the deadly beholders, and what allies might they find in this 116). A typical troop will include up to 40 warriors led by a hand-
battle? This chapter provides a wide variety of material for player ful of skilled characters, but there are also a few smaller, elite
characters and NPCs who choose to fight the tyrants, including strike forces that are called in for especially dangerous battles.
prestige classes, spells, and tactics that may help the heroes chal- Traditionally, the Army of the Light ignores all secular borders
lenge the beholders and live to tell the tale. and governments. Many nations overlook this; most are happy to
be rid of any aberrations that may be lurking in the shadows. But
Organizations there have been conflicts in the past, especially in nations that
have been heavily infiltrated by beholder cults. The Cleansing
Light lacks subtlety; it is prepared to face monsters directly, but
The beholders are a powerful and deadly force, and over the the more cunning creatures and Dominions can often outthink the
centuries they have made many enemies. Some of these foes are zealous but relatively inexperienced members of the army.
sophisticated enough to recognize the different Dominions; others The Cleansing Light itself is a neutral good force. It is a pas-
simply hate all beholders, or even all aberrations. This section sive deity; it will respond to the prayers of its priests, but it is fun-
presents three different organizations that could cross the path of damentally the essence of life itself as opposed to being an an-
the party. Depending on the shape of the campaign, the groups thropomorphic deity. The domains of the Cleansing Light are Sun,
could be allies or enemies; potentially, the characters could even Good, Protection, and Purity (see page 120). The symbol of the
decide to join one of these organizations and help with their bat- Light is a silver ray descending from a golden sunburst, typically
tle against the tyrants! set against a pure white background.
An antimagic field can prove to be the bane of the most pow- Shield of Purity
erful wizard. Mystical conduit allows the caster to resist effects Abjuration
that would normally strip him of his magic – by using his own Level: Purity 8
life-force to power the spell. Components: V, S, DF
While under the effect of mystical conduit, the caster may Casting Time: 1 action
continue to cast or maintain spells while in an antimagic field by Range: 20 ft.
paying a cost in hit points. Casting a spell causes the caster to lose Target: One creature/level in a 20-ft. radius burst centered on
a number of hit points equal to twice the spell level. Maintaining you
an ongoing spell costs 1 hit point for every 2 spell levels; this Duration: 1 round/level (D)
damage occurs each round, unless the caster chooses to drop the Saving Throw: See text
spell effect. This does not protect any of the caster’s equipment, Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
and he cannot maintain spells that he has not cast; the sorcerer
cannot use hit points to maintain the holy aura effect a cleric used This spell is similar to holy aura, enveloping the subjects in
on him. A caster does not have to spend hit points to maintain the a mystical energy. It has the following effects:
effects of mystical conduit. • The warded creatures receive a +4 deflection bonus to AC
While under the effect of mystical conduit, the caster can also and a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws. These bonuses
counter the effects of dispel magic or greater dispelling. When a apply to all attacks.
spell is targeted by a dispelling effect, the caster may immediate- • The warded creatures gains SR 25 against the spell-like abil-
ly lose a number of hit points equal to twice the spell level to ities and supernatural abilities of aberrations. Yes, this SR rat-
maintain the spell. This cost must be paid before the standard dis- ing does apply against supernatural abilities! However, it
pel check is made. If the caster is under the affect of multiple does not apply against normal arcane or divine spells cast by
spells, he must pay the cost for each spell that he wishes to shield. aberrations.
The caster does have to spend hit points if he wishes to protect
• The spell protects the subjects from mental control, just like
mystical conduit from dispel effects.
protection from aberrations.
While mystical conduit can overcome dispel magic or greater
dispelling, it is ineffective against any other form of counterspell. • While under the influence of the spell, a character cannot be
Note that it is impossible to cast mystical conduit while in an poisoned or infected by disease, whether natural or supernat-
antimagic field; unless the character already has the spell in effect ural. If the character is already poisoned or ill, the effects are
when he enters the field, he’s going to be out of luck. neutralized for the duration of the spell.
• If an aberration makes a successful melee attack against a
Protection from Aberrations warded creature, the offending attacker is blinded. This is
Abjuration identical to blindness/deafness. A Fortitude save negates the
Level: KoC 1, Purity 1, Sor/Wiz 1 effect, but the DC for the save is based on shield of purity.
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No (special)
Silence (Brd 2, Clr2)
Combined with invisibility creates total concealment (50% miss chance)
Blur (Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2) half concealment (20% miss chance)
Invisibility (Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Trickery 2) full concealment (50% miss chance)*
Improved invisibility (Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4) full concealment (50% miss chance)*
Mass invisibility (Sor/Wiz 7) full concealment (50% miss chance)*
* Without silence, each creature must make a Move Silently check against sovereign’s Listen check to have total concealment
(50% miss chance) or else no effect
AC Bonus
Cat’s grace (Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2) 1d4+1 to Dex (+1 to +3 to AC Dex bonus)
Shield other (Clr 2, Pal 2, Protection 2) +1 AC (deflection)
Protection spells (Brd 1, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1) +2 AC (deflection)
Magic circle spells (Brd 3, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3) +2 AC (deflection)
Protection and magic circle spells only work if the alignment of the sovereign matches the alignment the spell wards against.
Shield of faith (Clr 1) +2 AC (deflection) +1 per 6 levels
Cloak of chaos (Chaos 8, Clr 8) +4 AC (deflection)
Dispel aberration (KoC 4, Purity 5) +4 AC (deflection)
Haste (Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3) +4 AC (dodge)
Shield of law (Law 8, Clr 8) +4 AC (deflection)
Shield of purity (Purity 8) +4 AC (deflection)
Save Bonus
Prayer (Clr 3, Pal 3) +1 save (luck)
Resistance (Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 0) +1 save (resistance)
Shield other (Clr 2, Pal 2, Protection 2) +1 save (resistance)
Protection spells (Brd 1, Chaos 1, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1) +2 save (resistance)
Magic Circle spells (Brd 3, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3) +2 save (resistance)
Protection and magic circle spells only work if the alignment of the sovereign matches the alignment that the spell wards against.
Shield of Purity (Purity 8) +4 save (resistance)
Cloak of chaos (Chaos 8, Clr 8) +4 save (resistance)
Holy aura (Good 8, Clr 8) +4 save (resistance)
Shield of law (Law 8, Clr 8) +4 save (resistance)
Unholy aura (Evil 8, Clr 8) +4 save (resistance)
Cloak of chaos, shield of law, holy aura, and unholy aura may or may not provide a bonus, based on the alignment of the sover-
Mirror image (Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2) 1d4 images plus 1 per 3 caster levels
Antimagic field (Clr 8, Magic 6, Protection 6, Sor/Wiz 6) As the sovereign’s antimagic cone
Death Ward (Clr 4, Death 4, Drd 5, Pal 4) Immune to finger of death
Detect Aberration (Purity 1) Discover beholder location and type, 60 ft.
Mystical Conduit (Sor/Wiz 7) Immune to antimagic cone
Protection from Aberrations (KoC 1, Purity 1, Sor/Wiz 1)
Magic Circle against Aberrations (KoC 3, Purity 3, Sor/Wiz 3)
As other protection and magic circle spells, plus beholder cannot touch warded creature
Shield of Purity (Purity 8) Multiple effects, see page 122
Ranged and Melee Weapons because the arrow flies through the antimagic field and cannot
correct its flight. As an example, a character with a +3 bow and +2
Most weapons have their full effects on beholders, as they arrows attacks a sovereign from within its antimagic cone. He
have no special immunities to damage. The antimagic cone, how- loses the enchantment bonuses for the attack, as well as the dam-
ever, helps them negate special properties of many weapons. age bonuses from the bow. However, when the arrow hits it will
The sovereign can face one direction, and if a melee opponent get its +2 damage bonus for being enchanted, since it hits the be-
has closed on it with a magical weapon it will probably face that holder away from the central eye.
opponent. An enchanted weapon becomes simply a masterwork When preparing for combat with a sovereign, it is a good idea
weapon, although masterwork weapons retain their natural bal- to give everyone a ranged weapon, and, if available, to obtain as
ance and keen edge. Natural Strength and Dexterity modifiers still many pieces of enchanted ammunition as possible. If they do
apply, although magical items, spells, spell-like abilities, and su- more damage than the ranged weapons, melee weapons may be
pernatural abilities do not function within the cone. General feats handy in case an opportunity arises, but everyone should assume
work normally within the cone. that the beholder will be brought down by a barrage of missile at-
Ranged weapons are preferred for combat with a beholder. tacks.
The power of flight makes it likely that the sovereign will rise
above the reach of melee opponents. Flight could allow someone Magic Items
to follow the beholder, but if it then turned its antimagic cone
against the enchanted flier the creature would fall until it left the Obviously, the antimagic cone makes it difficult to rely on
cone, and with the right angle a sovereign could cause the creature magic items to turn the tide of combat. However, the sovereign
to fall a long distance. The better option is to fire arrows, stones, cannot leave everyone in its antimagic cone for the duration of the
bolts, and ranged spells (if possible) at the sovereign. combat – this would eliminate its use of its eye rays, and as men-
Ranged weapons have one additional benefit over melee tioned above the eye rays are the sovereign’s greatest advantage.
weapons. While a melee weapon remains in an antimagic cone So it is likely that the character will have the use of a magic item
even while attacking the beholder, a ranged weapon’s missile can for at least a round or two.
pass beyond the range of the effect when they strike the sovereign. It is unwise to use any magic item that would cause problems
If the attacker is in the antimagic cone then any magical bonuses if it were deactivated, such as a potion of levitation or standing on
or abilities from the bow are negated, but the missile from the an immovable rod. Remember not to drink potions with instant ef-
weapon strikes the creature out of the range of the cone, and so its fects while in the antimagic cone – if a character drinks a potion
bonuses to damage are applied. Bonuses to attacks are negated, of cure moderate wounds while in the cone then it will have no ef-
After Combat
When the fighting is over and the beholder is dead or has retreated, dealing with the wounded is the first order of business. A stone
to flesh spell is probably in order at this point. Raise dead or resurrection can be used to bring back those who failed saves against dis-
integrate and finger of death.
Just because the sovereign has been defeated is no reason to believe that the characters are out of danger. Often beholders have
slaves or assistants, either in the form of monsters they have charmed, eyekin of various levels, or variant forms of beholder. While
sovereigns often attack a group by themselves, it is very common for them to work out of an outpost where others from their commu-
nity might be waiting. A careful search of the area is warranted – both to check for danger and to see if the substantial treasure a sov-
ereign typically keeps is anywhere nearby. Often the two will be found together.
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