Prayers in Latin
Prayers in Latin
Prayers in Latin
Ave, ftcies praeclara*
Quae pro nobis in cruc ia ara, Es facta sic pallida,
Anxietate denigrata, Sudore eanguineo rigata,
Te trxit linteola. In qno mansit taa forma,
<Juae passions norma]
Est runctia perlucida.' Cordi meo sic impressa, Per
te, Jesu, neque cessa Hoc cremare indefessa Tui
amoris facula. Post lianc vitam com boatw/
Contemplari voluptatis
Possim vultom deitatis In perenni gloria. Amen.
t. Signatum est super nos lumen vultis tui Domine.
* R. Dedisti Isetitiam in corde meo,
t. Salvum fao servum tuum.
ft. Deu8 meu8, sperantem in te, t. Salvum me fac
in misericordia taa, Domine.
B«. Non confundar, quoniam invocavi te.
t. Let Thy light shine on Thy servant. ft. And teach me Thy
justifications. t. O Lord God of armies, convert us. ft. Shew
us Thy face, and* We shall be saved. t. Lord, hear my
prayer. ft. And let my supplication' come unto Thee. Let us
pray. 0 Lord, Who hast shed the light of Thy countenance on
us, and Who, by the ministry of Veronica, hast wished to
leave us the Image of Thy Holy Face,, impressed on this
towel, as an everlasting pledge of Thy love, grant us, by Thy
Passion and Death, the grace to venerate, adore, and glorify
Thee here below, under the veil which conceals Thee from
our senses, that we may bo able to contemplate Thee
without fear, face to [ace, when Thou wilt come in the
clouds of heaven, in power and majesty, to judge us, Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen* 0 Eternal and Omnipotent Gk>dr
Who makes* to shine the light of Thy divine Image on Thy
people assembled to honour Thee, grant us pardon of our
sins, regulate our words, actions, senses, and ail the
faculties of those who confide in Thy mercy, Who