Prayers in Latin

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Salve, sancta Facias nostri Redempfcoris,* In qua nitet

species divini decoris, Impressa panniculo nivei candoris
Dataque Veronicae signum ob amoris. Salve, decus saeculi,
speculum sanctorum, Quod videre cupiunt spiritus coelorum,
Nos ab omni macula purga vitiorum, Atque nos consoriio
junge beatorura. Sal vp, vultus Domini, imago beata, Ex
seterno munere mire decorata, Lumen funde cordibus ex vi
tibi data, Et a nostris sensibus tolle colligata. Salve, robur fidei
nostra cbristianae, Destruens bareticos, qui sunt mentis
v;in», Horum auge meritum qui te credunt saiie, lllius effigitm
qui rex fit ex pane. Salve, nostrum gaudium in hac vita dura,
Labili et fragili cito peritura, Noh due ad propria, O felix
figura, Ad vid?ndam faciem quae est Christi

TT«U! O blessed Pace of our Redeemer, W.,ere si lines

celestial splendour, Upon liuen white divinely impressed, A
pledge of love to Veronica blest Hail ! world's glory, mirror of
the skies, To whom both Thrones and Powers raise their
eyes, Onr vices and onr sins, 0 Lord, wipe away, And grant to
us the bliss of Tour eternal day Hail, O blessed Face of our
Saviour, Down from on high grant us this favour, Ij*»t one
seraphic flame to as be given, That hearts from earth may
soar up to heaven. Huil ! of our faith the giver and keeper,
Destroyer of schism and unbeliever, Lord, increase and bless
the just who incline Before the image of Your Face Divine.
Hail, joy of our life, as througli perils v; *o, Be our defender
from th* infernal foe; On the wings of the wind waft us thro.;
. space, To the realu>8 of joy to gaze on Thy Fact*.

S live, gemma nobilis, divina margarita, Coelicis virtutibus

perfecte munita, Non depicta maniboe, scalpta vel polita.
Hoc fit suramus Pontifex, qui te fecit itfw Ille color coelicus
qui in te splendescit, In eodem permaoet stat*, nec
decrescitr Diuturno tempore minime pallescit, Fecit te rex
glori» faliere qui nescit. Nesciens putredinem, serrans
ineorruptumr Quod est a Christicolo coram te deductnmr Tu
vertis is gaudium gemitum et luctura, Confer saluberrimum
te videndi fructum* Esto nobis, qujesumos, scntara et
juvamen, Dulce relrigeriura at que coneolamen^ Ut nobis
non noceat hostile gravamen, Sed foveamur ecelicum
requiem, Amcix

Oremua. Laetifiea, Donuue, vultum familis* tuae, et erue

antmas nostras ex inferno inferiori, ut tui vuhus
confcenaplatione protecti, carnis desideria salcare
valteaniue, et te facie ad faciem venientera super no*
judieem securi videamus, Jeaum Chris- tum Dominum
nostrum.. Amen.

Hail, divine jewel! diamond so clear Whose bright shining

flames light the heavenly sphere: God of glory and might You
formed it so, Without the assistance of mortal below. That
colour so bright, which shines far away, Was always the
same, and will ne'er decay, Time may glide on, but Thou art
always new, Immortal, unchangeable, endlessly true. O
substance immortal, Divine Majesty, Guard, nourish, and
increase our purity; Dry up our tears, and out sorrows
remove, Bring us to glory to feast on your love. Be to us, O
Lord, a shield of defence, And preserve by Your grace our
innocence, That when we shall go from this vale of tears, We
may live with You for eternal years. Amen. Let us pray. Make
glad,. 0 Lord, the face of Thy servant, and draw our souls from
perdition, that, being protected by the contemplation of
Your adorable Face, we may trample under foot all carnal
desires, and behold You without fear, face to face, when You
will come in the clouds of heaven, with power and majesty to
judge us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ave, ftcies praeclara*
Quae pro nobis in cruc ia ara, Es facta sic pallida,
Anxietate denigrata, Sudore eanguineo rigata,
Te trxit linteola. In qno mansit taa forma,
<Juae passions norma]
Est runctia perlucida.' Cordi meo sic impressa, Per
te, Jesu, neque cessa Hoc cremare indefessa Tui
amoris facula. Post lianc vitam com boatw/
Contemplari voluptatis
Possim vultom deitatis In perenni gloria. Amen.
t. Signatum est super nos lumen vultis tui Domine.
* R. Dedisti Isetitiam in corde meo,
t. Salvum fao servum tuum.
ft. Deu8 meu8, sperantem in te, t. Salvum me fac
in misericordia taa, Domine.
B«. Non confundar, quoniam invocavi te.

HYMN. Hail! glorious Face of the Redeemer, Which shone on

the mount in Godlike splendour On the Blood-stained altar
of Calvary, Where pale Thou didst grow with anxiety, Thy
Face was all covered with sweat and blood, Which remained
on the towel as on the wood. As a pledge of Thy ever-blest
Passion, The blest towel retains Thy impression, As truly now
as on that day of grace, When on the linen You impressed
Your Face, Impress, also, O Lord, deep in my heart, That grace
which to Your beloved You impart. That when the awful hour
of death is near, When the spirit within me faints for fear,
You may eaii me with the voice of burning lo*&> And place
me near Thee in the realms above, With Thy angelic hosts my
voice to laise, In the never-ending hymns of praise. Amen, t.
O Lord, Thou hast signed upon us the light of Thy
countenance. ft. Thou hast given joy to my heart. t. Save Thy
servant. ft. Who putteth his trust in Thee, my God. t. Save me
by Thy mercy, O Lord, ft. That I may not be confounded, since
I have called on Thee.
t. lllumina faciem loan* super servum tuara. Be. Et doce me
justificationes tuas. t. Domine Deus virtutum, cbnferte nos.
I*. Et ostende faciem tuam et aalvi erimus, I". Domine, exaudi
orationem meam, ft. Et clamor mens ad te reniat. Oremus.
Deus, qui noois signatis lamine vultus tair memoriale tuum
instantia Veronicse imaginem tuam Sudario impressam
relinquere volrnsti, per passionem et erucem tiiam tribue
nobis, quaesu- mus, ita mine in tefris per speculum in
aenigmate tenerari, adorare, ac honorare te ipeum valea-
mus, ut facie ad faeiem venientem super nos judicem securi
videamus, Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum.
Amen, Omnipoten8 sempiterne Ebus, dTe cujus munere
piseeminet li»c facies tua expressa tuo pretioso vultu plebi
tuaa, quad convenit ad hanc recolen- dam, peccatoruro
suorum da veniara, et corpus, sermonee, sensusqne
gnherna, et actus eorum qui in tua pietate coufiduut. Qui
vivis et regnae, etc.

t. Let Thy light shine on Thy servant. ft. And teach me Thy
justifications. t. O Lord God of armies, convert us. ft. Shew
us Thy face, and* We shall be saved. t. Lord, hear my
prayer. ft. And let my supplication' come unto Thee. Let us
pray. 0 Lord, Who hast shed the light of Thy countenance on
us, and Who, by the ministry of Veronica, hast wished to
leave us the Image of Thy Holy Face,, impressed on this
towel, as an everlasting pledge of Thy love, grant us, by Thy
Passion and Death, the grace to venerate, adore, and glorify
Thee here below, under the veil which conceals Thee from
our senses, that we may bo able to contemplate Thee
without fear, face to [ace, when Thou wilt come in the
clouds of heaven, in power and majesty, to judge us, Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen* 0 Eternal and Omnipotent Gk>dr
Who makes* to shine the light of Thy divine Image on Thy
people assembled to honour Thee, grant us pardon of our
sins, regulate our words, actions, senses, and ail the
faculties of those who confide in Thy mercy, Who

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