Coursebook Answers Chapter P2 Asal Physics

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Exam-style questions and sample answers have been written by the authors. In examinations, the way marks are awarded
may be different.

Coursebook answers
Chapter P2
Self-assessment questions b D
 raw a diagram showing the wood, nail
and mass. First measure the length l0
1 T
 he dependent variable is resistance and the of the nail with calipers. Then hold the
independent variable is the cross-sectional nail so that its sharp end just touches
area (or possibly the radius or diameter) of the wood and drop the mass from a
the wire. Variables to be controlled include the measured height h onto the flat head of
length of the wire, temperature and the type the nail. Use the calipers to measure the
of material. length l of the nail that is sticking into
2 W
 ith the same readings a graph of RA against the wood. Calculate d = l0 − l. Repeat
l has gradient ρ. Other graphs are possible; the measurement for the same value of
if readings were taken of R against A then h and average the values of d. For seven
a graph of R against A1 has gradient rl. If different values of h from 10 cm to
readings were taken of current I at a fixed 100 cm, repeat the experiment. Each time,
use the same nail or an identical one in
value of p.d. V, then a graph of 1I against l
a similar piece of wood. To make sure
has gradient AV that the mass falls squarely on the top of
i   Independent variable v (or the height
3 a  the nail, you might use a cardboard tube
from which the mass falls); dependent down which the mass falls vertically as a
variable d; variables to be controlled guide, so that it always hits the centre of
are mass of object that falls, size of the nail. Use the largest mass that gives a
nail, type of wood good change in the value of d. For safety,
make sure that the mass does not fall
ii Measure the height h of fall and use
on your fingers by using a long nail and
v = ( 2gh ) , or find the time t for the
wearing stiff gloves or having a guard
fall and use v = gt. It is also possible
around your fingers. For each value of h,
to record the fall with a video camera
and stopwatch, and a rule behind the calculate v = ( 2gh ) and plot a graph of
mass. Play back frame by frame and, the average value of d against v2, which
using the last two frames, record s, should be a straight line through the
the distance covered, and t, the time origin if the relationship is true.
taken, and use v = st 4 a 
iii Values of d as low as 1 mm may be b 2.30
measurable. Values over 20 mm are
likely to be difficult to obtain. One c 2.00
could experiment using different
d 0.699
masses dropped from sensible heights
of 10 cm to 100 cm and using nails of e 10
different thickness and different pieces
of wood. f 1.65

iv A graph of d is plotted against v2. The

relationship is true if the graph is a
straight line through the origin.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
1 © Cambridge University Press 2020

5 lg 48 = 1.68 Additional detail: relevant points might

lg 3 + 4 lg 2 = 0.477 + 4 × 0.301 = 1.68 include:
They are the same because lg 48 = lg (3 × 24) = • Discussion of use of motion sensor, e.g.,
lg 3 + lg 24 = lg 3 + 4 lg 2 light gates, with details
6 a  y2 against x3 has gradient k2; y against • Use small-amplitude or small-angle
x3/2 has gradient k; ln y against ln x has oscillations (to ensure equation is valid)
gradient 32 and intercept ln k • Method of securing string to clamp, e.g.
use bulldog clip
b ln y against ln x has gradient q
Discussion of magnitude of mass:
c y 2 against x has gradient In ( mB8 ) ; ln y • Large enough so that air resistance does
against ln x has k = 1
, intercept = 12 In mB
not reduce amplitude significantly
d ln y against x has gradient k and intercept • Use of fiducial marker
ln y0 • Time from the middle of the swing
e y against x2 has gradient R and intercept y0 8 S
 tandard masses are used for the load. The
uncertainties in these are much smaller than
7 Defining the problem:
any others in the experiment, so they are
• Vary l or l is the independent variable negligible.
• Determine the period T or T is the gradient = b, y-intercept = ln a
9 a 
dependent variable
Methods of data collection:
r / mm R / Ω ln (r / mm) ln (R / Ω)
• Diagram showing the simple pendulum
2.0 ± 0.1 175.0 0.69 ± 0.05 5.16
attached, e.g., retort stand and clamp
• Many oscillations repeated to determine 3.0 ± 0.1 77.8 1.10 ± 0.03 4.35
average T (n ≥ 10 or t ≥ 10 s for stopwatch) 4.0 ± 0.1 43.8 1.39 ± 0.02 3.78
• Measure l using metre rule or ruler 5.0 ± 0.1 28.0 1.61 ± 0.02 3.33
• Measure to centre (of gravity) of mass 6.0 ± 0.1 19.4 1.79 ± 0.02 2.97
• Use of vernier calipers or micrometer to
c, d
measure the diameter of the bob and hence
the centre of mass
5.5 line of best fit
• At least five different values of l chosen line of worst fit
• Range of values of l at least 50 cm 4.5
ln (R / Ω)

Method of analysis: 4.0

• Appropriate graph plotted, e.g. T2 against l 3.5
or ln T against ln l 3.0
4π 2 2.5
• Gradient = g
(if T2 against l) or intercept 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
 
of ln T versus ln l graph is ln  2π  ln (r / mm)
 g
e gradient = −2.00 ± 0.07
• Calculation of g from gradient
f −2.00 ± 0.07
Safety considerations:
g t aking lnR = 5.3 ± 0.1 when ln r = 0.6
• Relevant safety precaution related to the
5,3 = lna - 2 × 0.6
use of masses, e.g. avoid fast-moving
mass, keep feet away, keep distance from lna = 6.5 ± 0.1 and a = 665 ± 70 mm2
experiment, use clamp stand to avoid

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
2 © Cambridge University Press 2020

Exam-style questions Put a fiducial mark on the bench on the

outside of the source to mark its middle
1 C[1] [1]
2 D[1] g U
 se lead absorbers / stand far away / stay
3 a 
Dependent variable is frequency; close for a short time[1]
independent variable is volume[1] 6 a 
Dependent variable is volume/radius/
b Temperature (or air pressure)[1] diameter; independent variable is
atmospheric pressure[1]
c  oudspeaker connected to signal
generator or tuning forks of different b Temperature / type of balloon[1]
c Bell jar or container to hold balloon[1]
d Connect to a microphone and
Means to change pressure, e.g., vacuum
oscilloscope. Measure T, the time for
one wave on x-axis and f = T1 [1]
d Turn on vacuum pump[1]
e  ill with water and tip water into
Pressure gauge shown or manometer
measuring cylinder[1]
(pressure may be measured in cm of
f Add water[1] liquid)[1]
g Not too loud or use ear plugs[1] e W
 ear goggles / stand behind safety
4 a 
Dependent variable is terminal velocity; screen (as bell jar may implode)[1]
independent variable is bubble volume or 7 a 
6.0 ± 0.7[1]
b 1.5 ± 0.2[1]
b T
 emperature / mass of air in bubble /
9.0 ± 1.2 or 9 ± 1[1]
atmospheric pressure[1]
d 1.0 ± 0.3[1]
c  lace marks on side of glass tube in which
bubble rises and time bubble between the e 5.0 ± 1.6 or 5 ± 2[1]
f 1.73 ± 0.06[1]
d S
 quirt air from a small glass tube under
water and change the radius of the tube[1] 8 B
 est-fit line: an even balance of points
about the line along its whole length[1]
5 a 
Dependent variable is count rate;
independent variable is distance[1] Worst-fit line: line with most different gradient
to best-fit line but that still passes through as
b A
 mount of radioactive material / many error bars as possible[1]
atmospheric pressure / long half-life[1] In questions 9 to 13, only brief descriptions
 rap source in a few millimetres of
W are given.
aluminium[1] 9 •  Dependent variable R[1]
and subtract background count[1] Independent variable d[1]
d Diagram of source and GM tube, with Constant: intensity of bulb[1]
GM tube connected to counter[1] • Circuit diagram[1]
Record change in reading on counter Current and voltage measured[1]
and divide count by time[1]
Distance d between source and LDR
e R
 ecord for as long as possible (but changed[1]
much less than half-life)[1] d measured and shown[1]
f  he source is quite large and it is difficult
T Method of measuring d[1]
to know which part to measure to /
• R = V [1]
difficult to put a ruler over the distance I

[1] Graph of ln R against ln d should be a

straight line (not through origin)[1]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
3 © Cambridge University Press 2020

•  void touching hot lamp / do not stare

A • Graph of B against I or graph of ln B
at bright light[1] against ln I[1]
• Any [4] points from: Straight line through origin or graph of
ln B against ln I has slope 1[1]
Calculation of currents and choice of
sensible meter ranges[1] •  arge current causes heating, so switch
Lamp is a line filament[1] off when not in use[1]
Detail of how to measure distance to • Any [4] points from:
filament inside bulb[1] Method to create a large magnetic field
Repeat measurement and average[1] [1]
Trial experiment to find sensible distances Reasoned method to keep probe in same
[1] orientation (e.g. set square, fix to rule)[1]
Avoidance of outside light/reflections[1] Calibrate Hall probe[1]
10 • 
Dependent variable T[1] Repeat experiment with probe reversed
Independent variable l[1] [1]
Constant: mass[1] Avoid external magnetic fields[1]
12 • 
Dependent variable E[1]
• Displace mass downwards and release[1]
Independent variable v[1]
Method of measuring l using rule[1]
Constant: number of turns in coil or
Method to measure to centre of mass[1]
same magnet[1]
Time 10 oscillations and divide by 10[1]
•  abelled diagram with magnet falling
Use stopwatch[1]
vertically through coil[1]
• Graph of ln T against ln l[1] Voltmeter or c.r.o. connected to coil[1]
Gradient of graph n[1] Method to change speed of magnet[1]
•  void masses falling on foot / mass flying
A Measurements to find v, distance or
off / avoid breaking ruler with large time measurements[1]
amplitudes[1] Determining v, e.g., v = 2 gh or V = 2th
• Any [4] points from: • Plot graph of E against v or graph of ln E
against ln v[1]
Use small amplitudes[1]
Trial experiment to find sensible value  alid if straight line through origin or
of mass[1] gradient of log graph = +1[1]
Use of electronic timer[1] •  eep away from falling magnet / use sand
Fiducial aid[1] tray to catch magnet[1]
Measure time from centre of oscillation • Any [4] points from:
Detailed measurement of maximum E,
11 • 
Dependent variable B[1] use of datalogger / storage oscilloscope[1]
Independent variable I[1] Use video including playback frame by
Constant: coil turns and area[1] frame[1]
•  iagram showing coil and Hall probe
D Use short magnet or thin coil so v is
with voltmeter[1] constant[1]
Coil connected to d.c. power supply[1] Cardboard tube for magnet to fall down[1]
Ammeter to measure I[1] How to support coil or tube vertically[1]
Probe at right angles to direction of Repeat for each v and average[1]
magnetic field[1] 13 • 
Dependent variable VS[1]
Method to locate centre of coil[1] Independent variable f[1]
Constant: number of turns / input current
/ voltage to coil[1]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
4 © Cambridge University Press 2020

• Labelled diagram with a.c. generator[1] ii All points plotted correctly[1]
Voltmeter connected to output[1] All error bars correct[1]
c.r.o. or frequency meter connected[1] iii Line of best fit[1]
Measurement of time for one or more Worst acceptable straight line[1]
wave on c.r.o. screen used to find f[1]
iv 4.1 s2 m−1 uncertainty between ±0.1
Method of measuring VS; method of and ±0.3[2]
changing frequency[1]
v 9.6 m s−2 uncertainty between ±0.2 and
•  lot graph of VS against f or graph of
P ±0.6[2]
ln VS against ln f[1]
vi Using g = 9.6 ± 0.2 m s−2 gives t =
Valid if straight line through origin or 19.2 ± 0.2 s[2]
gradient of log graph = +1[1]
15 a 
gradient n; y-intercept lg k[2]
•  eating of coil, e.g. switch off when not
in use to avoid overheating coil / do not b 
lg (T / K) lg (R / W)
2.436 2.740 ± 0.008
• Any [4] points from:
2.452 2.681 ± 0.009
Choice of number of turns to give
reasonable output[1] 2.467 2.625 ± 0.010
f = period [1] 2.481 2.568 ± 0.012
2.496 2.519 ± 0.014 [4]
VS found using y-gain[1]
Changing r.m.s. to peak from voltmeter[1] c i 
All points plotted correctly[1]
Check that input voltage or current is All error bars correct[1]
ii Line of best fit[1]
Repeat and average[1]
4π 2 Worst acceptable straight line[1]
gradient = g [1]
14 a 
iii −3.7 [1] ± 0.2[1]
b i
T/s T /s
2 2
iv Use of a point on the graph and y =
1.11 + 0.1 1.23 ± 0.02 mx + c to find c about 12[1]

1.28 + 0.1 1.64 ± 0.03 Use of point on worst line graph to

find value of c about 12 ± 1[1]
1.42 + 0.1 2.02 ± 0.03
n = −3.7 ± 0.2[1]
1.59 + 0.1 2.53 ± 0.03
k = 10intercept[1]
1.69 + 0.1 2.86 ± 0.04
Use of worst value of intercept to give
1.81 + 0.1 3.28 ± 0.04 [3] worst value of k[1]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside
5 © Cambridge University Press 2020

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