Writing S6

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Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written texas

according to form and purpose.

Salvador Sanchez Sanchez

Aguilar López Aislinn
Gómez Mendoza Hannia Itzel
Hernandez Montes de Oca Ana


Hernández Salinas Josué Eduardo
Pastor Ledesma José Eduardo
Rodríguez Morales María Isabel

email to book a
Lesson Plan
Aguilar López Aislinn Gómez Mendoza Hannia Itzel
Hernandez Montes de Oca Ana Karen Hernández Salinas Josué Eduardo
Pastor Ledesma José Eduardo Rodríguez Morales María Isabel
-Class profile: Students from 10 to 13 years Course Level: A1
-Time: 15 minutes .
Sta Stage aim Timing Procedures Interactio Material Anticipa Solution
ge n pattern ted s
L To students 4 T/Ss -Projector. Project Use the
relate the Minutes T: Hi guys! Are you ready to start again? or/ board
E -Laptop.
video and present as
A images for a Ss: Yes/No -Power point ation support.
better presentation not
D T: I thought so... Anyways let's get started.
understandin . working
g of .
T: Before we start, you are going to sit down by -Horn.
roll number, starting from left to right. Come on,
you can leave your things there, you are only
going to use pencil and paper.
(The students get up from their places and take
their places by number on the list).
Do not Play the
T: Alright, let's start, let's all be quiet and listen play the audio of
to the video we are going to show you. audio of the
the video
(Students remain silent and watch the video) video on a
Appendix on the mobile
T: Ok, can anyone tell me what the video is 1.1 projecto phone
about? r/speak or on a
er. horn,
Ss: (They give their opinion) asking
T: (Ok/Comes close/Relates to the topic) silence
so that
T: Today we are going to learn how to make an the
e-mail to book a hotel online. audio
1.2 can be
T: Let's look at a bit of vocabulary... What can
we see in the first image? correctl
Ss: An e-mail.

T: That's right!

T: Now, the second image? Appendix

Ss: A hotel. Move to
the next
T: Very good. slide
s the
T: And the last one? correct
Ss: A reservation. student
s have
T: OK, it's a reservation or booking. Appendix mistake
them to
1.4 s when
g the


D To students 7 T: Hi guys, how are you? -Projector. That Ask if
learn the Minutes student there
U Ss: Fine/Good -Laptop.
structure of a s get are
R email. T: ok, the teachers karen and lalo will be -Power point confuse specific
handing you a worksheet, but first we will do presentation d when questio
I T/Ss booking ns and
the first one, if any of you are missing a sheet .
N To students let me know. . explain
learn how to the
G -the teacher chooses a student steps
make a
booking. T: ______ can you please read the again
instructions? so that
Appendix there
Ss: Instructions: write the correct item in front of are no
the brackets 2.1 mistake
T: This activity is to see what knowledge you Ss/Ts s.
have about the booking, don't worry if you don't
know the answer, we will help each other. You
have 30 seconds to answer.
-The teacher chooses five students to read the Encour
email and the answers. The age
student student
T: Now I will explain a little more specifically s with
s may
about the parts of the booking. First the positive
greeting and the subject, first you start by words
2.3 mistake
greeting the hotel manager and then you write and
s and
the reason for the email, for example dear encoura
(hotel manager) ,I hope this email finds you ge them
well. My name is (Your Name), and I am writing to
aged if
to inquire about the availability and make a 2.4 particip
they get
reservation for a stay at (Hotel Name). ate
T: The second step is the reservation details, answer even if
first is the check-in time, check-out date, s the
number of nights, number of guests and finally wrong. answer
the room preferences, for example, I am s are
interested in reserving a (Single/Double/Twin) wrong,
room with (Specific Features, if any). correct
Additionally, (Any Other Preferences or Special 2.5 them in
Requests).The third step is the contact a kind
information Full Name,Contact Number,Email way.
Address,Additional Requests/Questions
(Include any additional requests or questions 2.6
you may have about the reservation, amenities
or services offered).
T: Finally confirmation and payment, any
questions? Ok now it's your turn to make your
own booking , you have 2 minutes to do it, if
you have doubts let me know.
T: Ok thank you for your attention and now we
will go to teacher lalo.


F To students 4 - Teacher stands in front of the class and takes T/Ss -Projector. The Explain
practice their instructi again
O speaking Minutes control of it. -Laptop. ons with an
were exampl
L about their T: Is everthing clear, isn't it? -Power point
not e/repres
email. presentation
L Ss: Yes Ss/Ss clear. entation
O T: So now, let's go to work in pairs guys.
W -Teacher forms groups of two.
T: You two, You Two, You can work together ... The
U -Teacher explains the activity to everyone. n the
s talk
P (You should read your activity to your partner) about
Appendix other
-The teacher verifies that they have things.
T: Now, what are you going to do? All of you
have to share your email to your parther. Some
Example; student
does That a
-Teacher gives an example of the activity. not teacher
T: Let's say, you. Alicia. She is going to read have a works
her email to her parther. To she, and then she partner. with
is going to read her email to her. You only him.
have to share what you did in the last activity.
T: Okay? Is that clear? ciation Approa
Ss: Yes teacher. proble ch him
ms and
T: Oh right. Let´s do it. You can start. correct
-Teachers make sure that everyone is doing the him
activity. If anyone need help, teacher is allowed respectf
to help him. ully
-Finished the activity . The
-Teacher makes sure that everyone had Termina
s who
understood the topic. te the
T: Okay guys, thank you for your attention and already
3.2 finished
participation. Is any dubt about it?
Ss: Yes / No noise.
T: If there is none, we can finish.
Pass your sheets where you wrote your mail so
you can review them.
See you, thank you.


Appendix 1.1 Made by Karen Hernández Video from https://youtube.com/shorts/3VNqNvxNGyQ?si=NY4ER8hQcFh8cc-h

1.1 . Appendix 1.2.

Appendix 1.3 Appendix 1.4

Appendix 1.5
Appendix 2.1 Made by Isabel Rodriguez.

. Appendix 2.2. . Appendix 2.3

Appendix 2.4. Appendix 2.5.

Appendix. 2.6 Appendix. 2.7

Appendix. 2.8. .

Appendix 3.1 Made by Eduardo Ledezma Appendix 3.2.

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