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ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners | Interpersonal

ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners

Domains Novice Range Intermediate Range Advanced Range

Expresses self in conversations on Expresses self and participates in Expresses self fully to maintain
very familiar topics using a variety conversations on familiar topics using conversations on familiar topics
of words, phrases, simple sentences, sentences and series of sentences. and new concrete social, academic,
and questions that have been highly Handles short social interactions in and work-related topics. Can
practiced and memorized. everyday situations by asking and communicate in paragraph-
answering a variety of questions. length conversation about events
Can communicate about self, others, with detail and organization.
and everyday life. Confidently handles situations with
an unexpected complication. Shares
point of view in discussions.

Can ask highly predictable and formulaic Can communicate by understanding and Can communicate with ease and confidence
questions and respond to such questions by creating personal meaning. by understanding and producing narrations
listing, naming, and identifying. and descriptions in all major time frames
Can understand, ask, and answer a variety
and deal efficiently with a situation with an
May show emerging evidence of the ability of questions.
unexpected turn of events.
to engage in simple conversation.
Functions Consistently able to initiate, maintain, and
May show emerging evidence of the ability
end a conversation to satisfy basic needs
to participate in discussions about issues
and/or to handle a simple transaction.
beyond the concrete.
May show emerging evidence of the ability
to communicate about more than the “here
and now.”

Able to function in some personally relevant Able to communicate in contexts relevant Functions fully and effectively in contexts both
contexts on topics that relate to basic to oneself and others, and one’s immediate personal and general.
biographical information. environment. Content areas include topics of personal and
May show emerging evidence of the May show emerging evidence of the ability general interest (community, national, and
ability to communicate in highly practiced to communicate in contexts of occasionally international events) as well as work-related
Content contexts related to oneself and immediate unfamiliar topics. topics and areas of special competence.
environment. May show emerging evidence of the ability
to communicate in more abstract content

Understands and produces highly practiced Able to understand and produce discrete Able to understand and produce discourse
words and phrases and an occasional sentences, strings of sentences and some in full oral paragraphs that are organized,
Text Type sentence. Able to ask formulaic or connected sentences. Able to ask questions to cohesive, and detailed. Able to ask questions
memorized questions. initiate and sustain conversations. to probe beyond basic details.
ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners | Interpersonal

Domains Novice Range Intermediate Range Advanced Range

Can usually comprehend highly practiced Understands straightforward language that Language control is sufficient to interact
and basic messages when supported by contains mostly familiar structures. efficiently and effectively with those
visual or contextual clues, redundancy or unaccustomed to dealing with language
Control of language is sufficient to be
restatement, and when the message contains learners.
understood by those accustomed to dealing
Language familiar structures. with language learners. Consistent control of basic high-frequency
Control Can control memorized language sufficiently structures facilitates comprehension
to be appropriate to the context and and production.
understood by those accustomed to dealing
with language learners, however at times
with difficulty.

Able to understand and produce a number Communicates using high frequency and Comprehends and produces a broad range
of high frequency words, highly practiced personalized vocabulary within familiar of vocabulary related to school, employment,
Vocabulary expressions, and formulaic questions. themes or topics. topics of personal interest, and generic
vocabulary related to current events and
matters or public and community interest.

May use some or all of the following Uses some of the following strategies to Uses a range of strategies to maintain
strategies to maintain communication, maintain communication, but not all of the communication, able to:
able to: time and inconsistently, able to: • Request clarification
• Imitate modeled words • Ask questions • Repeat
Communication • Use facial expressions and gestures • Ask for clarification • Restate
Strategies • Repeat words • Self-correct or restate when not understood • Rephrase
• Resort to first language • Circumlocute • Circumlocute
• Ask for repetition
• Indicate lack of understanding

May use culturally appropriate gestures and Recognizes and uses some culturally Understands and uses cultural knowledge to
formulaic expressions in highly practiced appropriate vocabulary, expressions, and conform linguistically and behaviorally in
Cultural applications. May show awareness of gestures when participating in everyday many social and work-related interactions.
Awareness the most obvious cultural differences or interactions. Recognizes that differences exist Shows conscious awareness of significant
prohibitions, but may often miss cues in cultural behaviors and perspectives and cultural differences and attempts
indicating miscommunication. can conform in familiar situations. to adjust accordingly.
ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners

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