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Value of a Degree

This assignment consists of 3 parts. Each part is on a separate sheet within this workbook.
• Part 1 - Cindy's Earnings
• Part 2 - Cindy's Earnings
• Part 3 - Value of a Degree
You can find the different parts of the assignment by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of this

Warning: The only cells in this file that you need to edit are the yellow cells. Editing other cells
in this file may cause errors with your assignment submission. Please do not edit any other cells.

How to Use This Workbook

Begin by clicking on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet file that says "Part 1 - Cindy's
Earnings" as shown in the image above. Follow the instructions. When you see the instructions to
go on to Part 2, then click on "Part 2 - Cindy's Earnings." Do the same thing for part 2 and then go
on to Part 3.

Next Step
Click on the worksheet tab labeled "Part 1 - Cindy's Earnings" and start following the directions.
Start at the top and scroll down until you come to a "Next Step" box like this one.
Part 1 - Cindy's Earnings
Student's Name:

Enter Your Name

1. Enter your name in cell C3 then press "enter". (See 'Enter te
in Excel' on 'Grading Sheet | Help' tab)
Name Notice that variables in cells D7 and D8 changed. These are th
given variables to use for your individual assignment. If numb
don't appear in cells D7 and D8, make sure the name you ent
in cell C3 begins with three letters. You may need to modify
your name to meet this condition.

The Story
Cindy is a PathwayConnect student. She wants to estimate how much she will make once she
gets her education and qualifies for a higher paying job compared to the amount of money sh
will make if she stays at her current job.
Use the following data to help Cindy calculate the amount of money she will make over the ne
20 years at her current job and at a new job. Make a graph to show the difference.

Cindy's current average

monthly earnings $1,033.98

Cindy's average monthly

earnings at the job she hopes $2,670.50
to get in the future

Create a Table:
2. In the 'Table Area' below, create a table with the following three headings in order from left
to right: Year, Total Money Earned at Current Job, Total Money Earned at Future Job. (See
'Example | Part 1' tab)

3. In the column under year, start with the number 1 and fill the cells down to 20 years.
4. In the column under "Total Money Earned at Current Job" calculate the total amount of
money Cindy will have earned by the end of each of the corresponding years.
• Do this by writing an equation that multiplies the year by 12 and then by the monthly
earnings for that job. (See 'Multiplication' on 'Grading Sheet | Help' tab)
• Be sure to use a relative reference for the year and an absolute reference for the earning
number. (See 'Cell References' on 'Grading Sheet | Help' tab)
• Copy the equation down the column for all 20 years.

5. Do the same type of equation for the column under "Total Money Earned at Future Job" bu
this time use the amount she will earn at the future job.
• Copy the equation down the column for all 20 years

Table Area
Use the area in yellow to create the table

Enter Heading Here Enter Heading Here

6. Format the cells in the columns labeled "Total Money Earned at Current Job" and "Total
Money Earned at Future Job" to currency using the $ symbol. (See 'Format Currency' on 'Grad
Sheet | Help' tab)
7. In the 'Graph Area' below, graph the two lines for the total money at the current job and th
total money at the future job on one graph. (See 'Graph Lines/Graph Labels' on 'Grading Shee
Help' tab)
• Do this by highlighting the entire table you just created, including the headings, and then
inserting a scatter plot chart with connected or smooth lines.
• Add a title to the graph called "Cindy's Projected Earnings".
• Add axis labels to the x and y axes similar to the graph in the 'Example | Part 1' tab.

Graph Area
Place your graph in the yellow area
8. See your score for part 1 by going to the 'Grading Sheet | Help' tab of this spreadsheet file.

Next Step
Once you are done with the 'Part 1' tab of this assignment, start working on 'Part 2 - Cindy's
Earnings' tab.
ell C3 then press "enter". (See 'Enter text
eet | Help' tab)
cells D7 and D8 changed. These are the
or your individual assignment. If numbers
7 and D8, make sure the name you enter
hree letters. You may need to modify
s condition.

ate how much she will make once she

compared to the amount of money she

unt of money she will make over the next

aph to show the difference.

owing three headings in order from left

Money Earned at Future Job. (See

d fill the cells down to 20 years.

Job" calculate the total amount of
corresponding years.
ear by 12 and then by the monthly
heet | Help' tab)
an absolute reference for the earnings
' tab)

Total Money Earned at Future Job" but


Enter Heading Here

y Earned at Current Job" and "Total
mbol. (See 'Format Currency' on 'Grading

e total money at the current job and the

Lines/Graph Labels' on 'Grading Sheet |

ated, including the headings, and then

aph in the 'Example | Part 1' tab.
et | Help' tab of this spreadsheet file.

ent, start working on 'Part 2 - Cindy's

Example Table And Chart
The following table and chart are examples of what your table and chart should look similar
to in part 1. Do not copy the numbers in this chart. Your numbers will be different based
on the values in the monthly wages cells associated with your name.
Part 2 - Cindy's Earnings Quiz
(Your name will automatically appear to the left
Student's Name: Name
if you entered it properly at the top of Part 1.)

Assignment Instructions:
Use your graph from the 'Part 1 - Cindy's Earngings' tab to answer the questions below. You may wish to
paste a copy of it here.
Note: Do NOT use the 'Example | Part 1' tab to complete this assignment.

After enter an answer in a yellow cell, a corresponding box will appear to the right with feedback based
on your answer. You may also refer to the 'Grading Sheet' tab at the bottom of this workbook.

(Optional) You may want to copy and paste your graph from Part 1 in this area to make it easier to
answer the questions below.
Question 1

Which line crossses the point (10.76 , 133,507)? Help: Plot Points on a Coordinate System

Answer: Select answer from dropdown --> Wrong Answer

Hint: You can increase your graph's size to better indentify the points.

Question 2
Which line crossses the point (2.27 , 72,744)? Help: Plot Points on a Coordinate System

Answer: Select answer from dropdown --> Wrong Answer

Question 3 Help: Interpret Graphs of a Coordinate System

Estimate the y-value for the following x-value on the "Total money earned at current job" line

x-value: 12.44
y-value Wrong Answer
Question 4 Help: Interpret Graphs of a Coordinate System
Estimate the y-value for the following x-value on the "Total money earned at future job" line

x-value: 7.39
y-value Wrong Answer

Question 5 Help: Line Slope Value

Estimate the slope of the line created by the “Total Money Earned at Current Job” data? 

Answer: Wrong Answer

Hint: If you go to the right one step, what
is the difference in the y-values? Use these
as the run and rise.
Question 6 Help: Line Slope Value
Estimate the slope of the line created by the “Total Money Earned at Future Job” data? 

Answer: Wrong Answer

Hint: If you go to the right one step, what

is the difference in the y-values? Use these
as the run and rise.
Question 7 Help: Forecasting Using a Graph
Estimate the amount earned at 25 years for the “Total Money Earned at Current Job” line.
Answer: Wrong Answer

Question 8 Help: Forecasting Using a Graph

Estimate the amount earned at 25 years for the “Total Money Earned at Future Job” line.

Answer: Wrong Answer

Next Step
Once you have answered all questions on this tab, start working on 'Part 3 - Value of a Degree' tab.
Part 3 - Calculate the Value of a Degree
Student's Name: Name (Your name will automatically appear to the left if you entered it
properly at the top of Part 1.)
The two largest income boosts BYU Pathway students usually see are after they complete their first
professional certificate and again after they earn their bachelor's degree as the chart below
To better appreciate the financial benefits of earning a degree you need to study your local job market
and evaluate how much more you could earn if you had a degree. This exercise is worthwhile even if you
already have a degree or if you are not taking PathwayConnect to eventually earn a bachelor’s degree
from BYU-Idaho online. It will still help reinforce the value of earning a degree.
Assignment Instructions:
To better appreciate the financial benefits of earning a degree you need to study your local job market
and evaluate how much more you could earn if you had a degree.

1. Fill in the yellow cells with your informaton (use numbers only).
• After you type in a number, press the enter or return key. If you make a mistake, you can erase your
numbers and start over.
• If you are on a mobile device, you may need to double tab to enable the keyboard.
• The graph below is created using the numbers you entered in to the yellow cells. It helps you
visualize the data.

2. Answer the reflection question below the graph.

Place your information in the yellow cells below

Current Age
Age I expect to retire
This will automatically calculate
Total years I plan to work 0 for you.
Current monthly wages
Future monthly wages after
Do you see how the higher this
Years until I finish my degree number gets, the less you earn?

Additional amount earned at

Amount at current rate over Total amount earned over 0
new job with degree until
next 0 years years with degree

0.00 0.00 0.00

Lifetime Earnings Before and After Degree

Amount at current rate Total amount earned
over next 0 years over 0 years with degree

Reflection Question:
What information from this sheet helps you to decide how fast you want to finish your degree? Why?
Place your answer in text box below.
[Enter your answer here.]

You have now completed all three parts of this assignment. Go to the Grader | Help tab to see how you
scored. If you have missed something, go back and fix it and then check the score again. When you are
satisfied with your work, save the file one last time and submit it to the assignment.
Help Pages
Task Lin
Enter text in Excel Enter Text/Data, Save
Adjust column widths Video: How to change the column width or row height in E
Format text MSOfficeSupport: Format text in cells (Bold, font, size, col
Cell References Relative References in Excel
Absolute References in Excel
Multiplication Multiplication using Excel
Format Currency Format Numbers to Currency in Excel
Graph Lines Use Excel to Make a Scatter Plot
Part 2: Questions 1-2 Plot Points on a Coordinate System
Part 2: Questions 3-4 Interpret Graphs of a Coordinate System
Part 2: Questions 5-6 Line Slope Value
Interpreting Slope
Part 2: Questions 7-8 Forecasting Using a Graph

Student's Name: Name (Your name will automatically appe

This tab automatically generates your partial score. Your grader will grade the lines in gray.

Good: The student includes their name at the
Part 1: Name top.

Good: The student created a table with three

Part 1: Table headings columns and the headings on the columns are
correctly labeled similar to the 'Example | Part
1' tab.

Good: Under the column titled “year” are the

Part 1: Year column numbers 1-20, each in their own cell.
Part 1: Relative and absolute Good: A relative reference and an absolute
reference are used within the earnings
references in earnings columns calculations in at least one instance or cell

Part 1: Correct values in all

cells in earnings columns Good: The values are correct for all 20 years.

Part I: Format Currency Good: The cells in the two earnings columns are
formatted for currency.

Good: The graph contains two separate straight

lines generated from the values in the table. (If
Part 1: Graph lines you click on a line on the graph, it should
highlight the corresponding column in the table
that generated it.)

Good: The lines in the graph are labeled with

the headings from the table and the title of the
Part 1: Graph labels
graph is correct. The x and y axes are also

Part 2: Questions 1 - 8 Good: The answers are all correct.

Good: All yellow data cells have been

Part 3: Completion completed.
Good: The student gives at least one piece of
Part 3: Reflection evidence from the sheet that helped them
decide how fast they want to get their degree
and explained why.

dth or row height in Excel

s (Bold, font, size, color)



ame will automatically appear to the left if you entered it properly at the top of Part 1.)

ade the lines in gray.


Fair: The table is mostly Not Yet: The table is Zero

correct. mostly incorrect.

Not Yet: A relative Zero: No cell
reference or an absolute references
reference is used in the are used in
calculations in at least the
one instance or cell calculations
Fair: There are 1-20 Not Yet: There are 21-39 Zero
errors. errors. 1

Fair: The graph is

generated by the table Not Yet: The graph is an Zero
but there is only one line image and not
or the lines aren't connected to the table.

Fair: Labels are present

but not correct or some Zero
of the titles or labels are

Zero: Three
Fair: Six or seven answer Not Yet: Four or five or fewer
answers are
are correct. answers are correct. correct.

Fair: The student gives at
least one piece of
evidence from the sheet Not Yet: It is unclear
that helped them decide what
evidence is helping
student decide how Zero
how fast they want to
get their degree but did fast to finish their
not adequately explain degree.

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