1. Go to
Click Here
3. Click on MPPSC under Application.
Click Here
4. Read the instructions carefully before filling the form, click on Apply Online.
Click Here
Read the
5. Read the agreement, select the check box of I Agree and click on Accept.
Check box
Click Here
6. Fill the form, Accept and attach the photograph, do read all the instructions and steps to
attach the photograph.
Click Here
8. Check the form once again, note down the application number and click on Payment, if
any changes need to be made click on back.
Click Here
9. Select the mode of payment and click on Go.
Payment can be made through either Credit Card (Master or Visa of any Bank) or
Online Debit Facility ie. Net banking or Debit Card (Only of SBI).
Click Here
10. In case of credit card, check the details and click on Confirm Payment.
Click Here
11. Fill the details and click on Pay.
Click Here
12. Reference number will be displayed, please note it down for future reference.
13. In case of Net Banking (Online Debit Facility).
Click Here
16. Reference number will be displayed, please note it down for future reference, click on
Click Here
17. User Login page for chosen bank will appear, please enter your bank details like User
Name and Password and click on Submit.
Click Here
18. Check the details and click on Confirm.
Click Here
19. Reference number will be displayed, please note it down for future reference.