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Offline Merchants

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Offline Merchants

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Self-on-Boarding Flow
Overall Flow
1. Register Account
2. Verification phase
3. Login into Merchant Portal
4. Fill Business Profile
5. Fill Business Location
6. Fill Additional Contact Info
7. Fill Settlement Info
8. Upload Legal Documents
9. Tick T&C Agreement
10. Approval phase
Sidebar Menu
Business Info
API Docs
DANA Kasir
Production Credentials
Change Password
Merchant Help Centre

Self-on-Boarding Flow

Overall Flow

1. Register Account

New merchants can register themselves to Merchant Portal by open the Register page directly or click one of the entry point from DANA website.
Register steps:

1. Open Merchant Portal Login page at https://dashboard.dana.id/register

2. Input the user credentials
a. Input the full name
b. Input the registered email (lowercase)
c. Input the password with password strength indicator
d. Re-input the password
e. Choose the business channel Offline or Online (can’t be both)
3. Tick “I am not robot” reCaptcha box
4. Click “Sign Up” button to proceed the process

2. Verification phase

After merchants click “Sign Up” button, a user verification email will sent to their registered email address directly. Merchants need to verify their
account to confirm the registration by click “Verify” button or copy paste the verification link from the email.
If merchants have not verify the account yet, DANA system will send an automatic reminder at day 3 and day 7. However, if merchants click the
verification link more than 7 days or click the same link that already verified before, then merchants will get the link expired page. Merchants can
click “Resend” to request a new verification account link to their email.

3. Login into Merchant Portal

After users have verified their Verification phase, they are able to login into Merchant Portal with their login account credentials.
Login steps:

1. Open Merchant Portal Login page at https://dashboard.dana.id/app

2. Input the login credentials
a. Input the registered email address
b. Input the password
3. Tick “Keep me logged in” as an optional
4. Click “Login” button to proceed the process

After login into Merchant Portal, merchants will open the dashboard home page with SLA checkpoints that show first checkpoint or Register
phase is done. Then, merchants have to click “Register Business” button to continue the process.
Merchants will redirected to Register Business page which contains 4 steps that need to be filled by merchants.

4. Fill Business Profile

First step is merchants need to fill their business profile. On this page, merchants have to fill some data related to their business and
management detail information where all fields are mandatory, such as:

Business Name fill your business name

Brand Name fill your brand name
Business Types select your type of business
PT, Usaha Dagang, CV, Yayasan, Sekolah, Koperasi, Perorangan, Organisasi/Perkumpulan, Lainnya
Business Size Types select you size of business
Usaha Mikro: omzet harian = < Rp 834,000
Usaha Kecil: omzet harian = Rp 834,001 – Rp 6,945,000
Usaha Menengah: omzet harian = Rp 6,945,001 – Rp 138,889,000
Usaha Besar: omzet harian = > Rp 138,889,001
Usaha Reguler: non profit
Usaha Khusus
Business Category select you category of business based on Merchant Category Code (MCC)
Upload Your Logo only PNG format acceptable with size should be in 200x200 px dimension
Owner Name fill your business owner name refer to Akta Anggaran Dasar
Owner KTP Number fill your owner’s KTP or ID number refer to Akta Anggaran Dasar
Finance Name fill your finance name
Finance Phone Number fill your finance’s phone number
Finance Email fill your finance’s email
Referral Code if merchants have a referral code, then they can input it here
Then, click “Continue” button to move into next step which is “Business Location”.

5. Fill Business Location

Second step is fill your business location. On this page, merchants have to fill their registered address based on KTP (for individual business) or
based on NIB (for non-individual business), such as:

Country select your country

Province select your province based on your country
City select your city based on your province
Area select your area based on your city
Address fill your full address
Post Code fill your post code number
If Office Address is same as Registered Address, then merchants only need to tick the “My current office address is the same as the
registered address” checkbox. If not, then merchants have to fill the Office Address field (same field as Registered Address).
Then, click “Continue” button to move into next step which is “Additional Contact Info”.

6. Fill Additional Contact Info

Third step is merchants need to fill their additional contact info. On this page, merchants have to fill contact info as an additional or alternative
that our DANA team can contact you for further update, such as:

Contact Name fill your additional contact person name

Contact Mobile Number fill your additional contact person mobile number
Contact Telephone fill your additional contact person telephone number
Contact Email Address fill your additional contact person email address

Then, click “Continue” button to move into next step which is “Settlement Info”.

7. Fill Settlement Info

Last step is merchants need to fill their settlement information. On this page, merchants have to fill their settlement account information and tax
details information (must be under the name of the business entity), such as:

Bank Name select your bank name

Subsidiary Bank Name fill your subsidiary bank name
Account Number fill your bank account number
Cardholder Name fill the name of bank account’s cardholder
NPWP Number fill your NPWP number (number only, please ignore “.” and “-”)
NPWP Name fill your NPWP name
NPWP Address fill your NPWP address (select Country, Province, City, Area, Post Code)
Then, click “Continue” button to move into new page which is “Upload Legal Documents”.

8. Upload Legal Documents

After all business information are filled, merchants will move into next page where merchants have to upload their legal documents related to the
business. On this page, merchants will be asked to upload 7 type of legal documents, such as:

Akta Anggaran Dasar

Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) or similar documents from authorised institutions
First page picture of merchant’s bank account saving book
KTP (for Indonesian/WNI) or Passport (for foreigner/WNA) who are entitled to represent the business entity (owners, directors,
Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) or Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP)
Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT)
If merchants already have SKT, then they choose “Sudah memiliki SKT” and have to upload SKT file
If merchants do not have SKT, then they choose “Belum memiliki SKT” and have to tick checkbox
For each legal documents, there is a radio buttons:

Have Document/Sudah Punya merchants have to upload the document directly

Have not yet/Belum Punya if some legal documents are not ready from merchants, they are able to select this button where the legal
documents can be uploaded later based on date that they put later

Some additional information that merchants have to know are:

All legal documents are mandatory

Maximum size for each uploaded legal document is 10MB
Acceptable file format is PDF and ZIP
Merchants are able to delete the uploaded file if they want to change the file

If merchants are unsure and want to know the expected file for each legal document, they can click icon next to each document to get a
preview of legal document example in pop-up method.

9. Tick T&C Agreement

After all legal documents are uploaded, merchants have to tick the T&C agreement box at below in Legal Documents page. T&C agreement
checkbox contains “Dengan ini, saya selaku pejabat yang berhak dan berwenang untuk mewakili Merchant menyatakan bahwa seluruh informasi
yang disampaikan dalam aplikasi ini adalah benar, dan menyatakan bahwa saya setuju dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku” which is can
be used as DANA legal power.

When the T&C agreement is clicked, then merchants will get a pop-up information about our Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and articles
where merchants have to click “OK” button that indicates they are understand about DANA T&C and NDA part.
Then, click “Submit” button to submit all business information and legal documents where DANA team will review the submission.

10. Approval phase

After merchants submit their submission, they will redirected to dashboard home page with SLA checkpoints that show Register and Business
Info phases are done (green). Document Checked phase has orange colour that indicates this phase is under reviewed. DANA team will process
and review the submission in 5-7 working days.

If legal documents are already reviewed and approved by DANA team, then the SLA checkpoints for Document Checked phase turn into green
(done) and merchants need to waiting the last phase which is Approval phase.
If the submission already get approval from our DANA team, then our team will contact the merchants and all SLA checkpoints will turn green
that indicate all is done. Last thing is merchants login into Merchant Portal again, they will get the Go Live Merchant Portal dashboard.

Sidebar Menu


On the upper left sidebar menu, there is a dropdown box called Production/Sandbox Button. By clicking this button, users are able to move the
environment between Production and Sandbox. Production is an existing environment where users can see and manager all the businesses,
however Sandbox is a testing environment from live production and not relatable when have changes. Users can experience DANA online
solutions by accessing Sandbox.

Merchants can see the SLA page on this page where they can monitor the checkpoints of their self-on-boarding process. SLA page will show:

All steps that needs to be done by merchants to complete their application process (show the buttons that guide merchant to the next-to-
do things)
See the progress for merchants' application by internal DANA team
Read the comment that filled by internal DANA team related any incorrect business information filled or legal document uploaded, need
more supporting information or reason why the application is rejected by DANA team (this comment is a way of communication between
merchants and DANA team inside Merchant Portal)

If the application is rejected by DANA team, we will show the reason in comment section below the SLA checkpoints. Then, merchants are able
to do two things:
Click “Reapply” button if merchants want to re-apply their application from “Fill Business Profile” phase
If the rejection reason is because of the merchants are KYB, then “Reapply” button will replaced by “Join DANA Bisnis” button
where if merchants click it, it will be redirected to https://mikrobisnis.dana.id/ and continue their application as KYB merchants
Click “Revoke Submission” button if merchants do not want to re-submit their application and cancel all of the process


“Merchant” menu contains 2 sub-menu:

Business Info https://dashboard.dana.id/app/merchant/onboard

Tutorial https://dashboard.dana.id/app/merchant/tutorial

Business Info
Merchants are able to see their production credentials such as Merchant ID (MID), Client ID and Client Secret on this page. Also, merchant can
edit their Business Info if needed by click the button below and they will redirected to “Fill Business Info” process.
First-time login merchants after they did Verification phase, they will face a pop-up self-on-boarding video tutorial and they are able to rewatch
the video in Tutorial page. This video will show a quick education about how to fill all fields in self-on-boarding process.

After merchants see the video, they can close it and always rewatch it at Tutorial page. Not only see the video tutorial, merchants also can
download the self-on-boarding tutorial in PDF format.

“Integration” menu contains 1 sub-menu:

API Docs https://dashboard.dana.id/api-docs/

API Docs
If users want to see the API that DANA have to do some integrations or technical things, they can open API Docs to get know all the
documentation of merchant’s integration APIs. Click one of the menu to see the detail of API document. Then, they can click “Back to Merchant
Portal” button at the up right corner side to back into Merchant Portal dashboard APP.


“Settings” menu contains 3 sub-menus:

DANA Kasir https://dashboard.dana.id/app/user/dana-kasir

Production Credentials https://dashboard.dana.id/app/user/production-credentials
Change Password https://dashboard.dana.id/app/user/change-password

DANA Kasir
Users are able to see the information about DANA Kasir such as short explanation and some features. Also, users can download DANA Kasir
APK by click “Download DANA Kasir” button directly and download DANA Kasir guideline by click “Download Guideline” button.
Production Credentials
Users are able to see their production credentials information on this page. Users will see their 3 classified information such as Merchant ID
(MID), Client ID and Client Secret.

Change Password
Users are able to update or change their existing password into the new one.

Action steps:

1. Click “Settings” menu

2. Click “Change Password” sub-menu
3. Input current password
4. Input new password
5. Input new password confirmation (re-type it)
6. Click “Change Password” button to continue the process or click “Cancel” button to cancel the process

Merchant Help Centre

On the right below corner of the Merchant Portal window, users will see the floating “Merchant Help Centre” button that sticked on all Merchant
Portal pages. If users need help or assistance from DANA Merchant Services team, users just simply click the button and it will displayed some
information related to Email Address and Call Centre number of Merchant Services team. So that, users are able to contact the team to ask some
assistance related Merchant Portal.

Users click “Logout” menu to do the logout action from Merchant Portal.

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