Paper Industry Solutions
Paper Industry Solutions
Paper Industry Solutions
Drive Systems
Solutions for
the Paper Industry
• Extended equipment service life process level training to keep your production up to speed.
• Increased product quality
Process Tuning under Load
• Improved customer satisfaction Conditions
Solutions for Increasing
Production and Quality on a
Proven Technology
New Pulp Machine
Rockwell Automation Drive
Systems has received numerous Our paper team delivered on a unique OEM request – a project that demonstrated how well Drive Systems
patents in drive control theory leveraged its strength as a value-added single-source solution for complete automation applications.
technology to ensure your
continued success in today’s Our solution included AC drives, motors and ControlLogix as the primary controller. Selected interfaces
competitive paper industry. provided the customer with clearly displayed operator and diagnostic information. ProcessLogix™ was used
to manage the stock preparation process. ControlNet™ coordinated the process functions over a robust,
Recent examples of patented high-speed network. And system controllers shared information using the producer-consumer model, which
technology include: reduced latency and increased performance through the use of a common network. Machine control and
system functions were communicated quickly and reliably, accomplishing coordinated production of high-
• Velocity Regulator for
quality pulp bales.
advanced control of torque
disturbance – A superior
Our drive system solution resulted in:
method of controlling one
or more torque-regulated
• Over 60% cost savings when compared to the installed cost of a traditional DCS/PLC combination
motors in a controlled paper
system. By using the same types of hardware for the drive system and process control, programming was
processing line.
simplified and a third party DCS programming specialist was not required. Distributed I/O on the machine
• Fuzzy Logic Winder Analyzer – eliminated the need for a dedicated instrument rack room, thereby, saving space.
Automatically determines the
nature of various materials • Common hardware and direct communication links between the ProcessLogix process controller,
based on winder tension. the ControlLogix controlled drive system, auxiliary PLC control systems, and mill information systems.
For example, our open network process and control architecture will simplify connectivity to mill MIS for data
retrieval and analysis. It will help improve product quality while maintaining compliance to environmental
regulations for clean air and water. It will help streamline manufacturing processes while minimizing energy
and material costs.
Complete Automation Solutions from Rockwell Automation Drive Systems can help increase productivity,
capacity and reliability, while reducing downtime and minimizing maintenance costs.
It is easy to take advantage of our expertise. Simply identify your flexible platform for your modernization program. Retrofitting existing
objective, then rely on us to help you achieve it – from solutions for MG sets or thyristor power modules improves control, as well as
the woodyard through finishing and shipping. We can engineer custom uptime and production. The flexible architecture of ControlLogix also
solutions for your new projects or for existing investments. accommodates future growth and integration into other mill processes.
And because we’re Rockwell Automation, we have the resources Upgrading DC Drives to the new digital technology can be done during
to support customers anywhere on the globe with unsurpassed machine wash-ups or outages – with no loss of production time.
applications expertise and world-class products. If you prefer to remain with your existing Rockwell Automation drive
platforms, digital DC Drive Retrofits can be done with them as well.
Improve Efficiency with DC Drive System Retrofits
If you’re looking for the most cost-effective way to upgrade your Digital technology provides precise control of the process, permits
process to the latest in digital technology, the ControlLogix Digital
data acquisition for diagnostics and performance measurement,
Retrofit is the best solution. You decide if you want to keep your and guarantees improved operation and efficiency. Flexible
existing AC input power circuits, DC power conversion equipment, packaging techniques permit accommodation of almost any
armature circuits and motors. Simply install the Digital Retrofit as the installation requirement.
The Forefront of
The key to a superior drive system is not only expertise and
commitment, but also using a provider in control of its own technology.
• More than 50 years of organization systems application experience • Nearly 5,600 distributors, system integrators and agents worldwide
Corporate Headquarters
Rockwell Automation, 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1400, Milwaukee, WI, 53202-5302 USA, Tel: (1) 414.212.5200, Fax: (1) 414.212.5201
Headquarters for Allen-Bradley Products, Rockwell Software Products and Global Manufacturing Solutions
Americas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA, Tel: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444
Europe: Rockwell Automation SA/NV, Vorstlaan/Boulevard du Souverain 36-BP 3A/B, 1170 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2 663 0640
Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 27/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846
Publication DSPAPE-BR001B-EN-P — June, 2002 Copyright ©2002 Rockwell Automation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
Supercedes DSPAPE-BR001A-EN-P — September 2000