Semantic Theories
Semantic Theories
Semantic Theories
In the study of semantics, we are guided by a number of theories of meaning in natural human
languages. Among these are: Lexical Decomposition (Componential Analysis), Prototype
Theory and Behaviourist Theory.
Semantic Feature Matrix for Nouns: Boy. Girl, Man and Woman
Features Boy Man Girl woman
[HUMAN] + + + +
[MALE] + + - -
[ADULT] - + - +
We can therefore define the meaning of the term ‘man’ as ‘an adult male human being’ and
conversely a woman as ‘an adult non-male (female) human being’.
We can do the same for English furniture terms; chair, armchair, stool, sofa and beanbag below.
We can, therefore, define these English furniture as used for sitting because they all share the
feature [+for sitting] and what differentiates a beanbag from all the others is the fact that it is not
rigid and it has no legs. Similarly, a sofa is the only one used by more than one person.
Look at the following English transfer terms; buy, sell, steal, give and swap.
We can conclude that these verbs are called transfer verbs because they are all marked [+transfer
of possession] positively. Similarly, stealing is different from all the others because it involves
non-voluntary transfer. In addition, selling and buying share one feature, they both involve some
price. What distinguishes selling and giving from all the other transfer terms? What is shared
between stealing and giving? What is the main difference between buying and selling?
On the other hand, its shortcoming was also visible:
• The discovery procedures for semantic features are not clearly objectifiable.
• Only part of the vocabulary can be described through more or less structured sets of
• Metalinguistic features are expressed through language again.
• Features used may not have clear definitions.
• Limited in focus and mechanical in style.
Draw a semantic feature matrix for these English terms: mare, stallion, hen and rooster. Use the
features; [ANIMAL], [HORSE], [CHICKEN], [MALE], [FEMALE]. Explain the meaning that
is common to all based on some feature and for each term, explain what makes it different from
all the other terms.