G10 Sip Primer PDF
G10 Sip Primer PDF
G10 Sip Primer PDF
La Salle
Integrated School
Science Department
Basic Education Research
SY 2021-2022
Define The second part of the design thinking process is define, which is about analyzing
and synthesizing one’s empathy findings into compelling needs and insights. Two goals of
the define mode are to develop a deep understanding of users and the design space and,
based on that understanding, to generate an actionable problem statement. The define
mode is critical to the design process because it frames the problem.
(Example: The situation calls for a problem that needs a strategy on solid waste
management/recycling of materials. At this point you might ask “ What specific product/process can I do
to offer solution to waste materials like mineral water containers? )
Ideate is the third step of the design thinking process- it is focused on idea generation. The
goal of ideation is to explore a wide solution space – both a large quantity of ideas and
diversity among those ideas.
(Example: As a researcher you will explore a wide range of ideas on how to design a specific
solution to the cited needs/problem. At this point, you might be asking : What designs/techniques can I
choose from different options to recycle the solid wastes (mineral water bottle)?)
Prototype The fourth step of the design thinking process is prototyping. A prototype can be
anything that takes a physical form that a user can interact with. Prototypes are
low-resolution and can be storyboards, role-plays, physical objects or services.
(Example: In this stage, you will design and create a sample model (product) that could answer
the purpose of your study. At this point you might ask : How can I make a design and a sample model
(product) to recycle the mineral water containers?)
Test The final step of the design thinking process is testing. Testing is an opportunity to put the
prototype into the hands of users so that one can iterate and refine solutions to better meet
user’s needs.
(Example: An experiment needs to be conducted in order to test the efficiency/usability of the product
created (recycled mineral water container). At this point you might be asking: How does my product work?
Is it efficient? Is it something new?)
What is the level of growth of pechay plants before and after the use of organic fertilizer?
Is there a significant difference in the level of growth of pechay plants before and after the
use of organic fertilizer? (inferential)
Note: There are still a lot of online sources for SIP and if you have the luxury of time you can explore them.
The relevant studies and their findings can be imputed in the writing of your background of the study as
part of your Introduction.
The preferred typeface is Times New Roman with 12 font size.
A 4 line spacing is required between the major heading and the first line of the first
paragraph. A 2 line spacing is required throughout most of the paper, however single
spacing can be used for tables, headings, figures, captions, references but 2 spacing is used
between references and long quotations.
One inch margin is observed on all sides except the left margin which is 1.5 inches. The right
margin is ragged.
Page Number
Number all pages except preliminaries. The page number should appear at least 1 inch from
the right-hand edge of the page, in the space between the top edge of the paper and the
first line of the text.
Preliminary pages (small letters)
Body of the paper (in Hindu Arabic)
Appendices and other (in Hindu Arabic)
Indent the first line of every paragraph. For consistency, use the tab key which should be set
five to seven spaces or ½ inch.
Major Sections
Major sections begin on a new page centered, labeled, and capitalized. All major sections
contain an introductory sentence.
The length of an abstract is between 250 and 300 words. It is typed in block form and in single
Observe APA (6th edition) format.
Observe APA (6th edition) format.
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Major Sections
Background of the Study
Questions for Investigation
Research Design
Subjects of the Study (for biological study only)
Data Analysis
Statistical Treatment
Ethical Considerations
Results and Discussion
Description of Major Components of the SIP Manuscript
summarizes, in one paragraph (usually), the major aspects of the entire paper
may be written between 200 and 300 words
A scientific guess or a tentative answer or explanation to your questions
Research Design
States the research design used in the study
Briefly discusses the characteristics and applicability of the research design
Explains what methods have been employed in using this design
List important materials and chemical reagents needed in the experiment
Includes exact quantity and amount needed
Data-Gathering Procedure
States the steps in gathering data in paragraph form
Statistical Treatment
States the statistical method(s) used in treating each problem
States the statistical software used in processing the data
Ethical Considerations
States the necessary actions to address adherence to ethical standards on
handling and disposing of chemicals and biological specimens
States the principles related to research ethics that are followed by the
researcher(s) in conducting the study
Presents key results without interpretation, in an orderly and logical sequence using
both text and illustrative materials
Interprets results in the light of what was already known about the subject of the
May compare results with the results of previous research
Formulates statements on the basis of the problems, hypothesis stated and the
findings gathered from the study.
Supports these statements by citing specific findings of the study
Explains what the findings imply/suggest
Discusses how the findings can affect the immediate sectors of the institution or
Suggests future studies that can be done in the light of the findings gathered from
the study
Enumerates what suggestions can be given based on the findings
Gives an alphabetical listing of sources used and cited in the paper
Follows the prescribed format (APA 6) in the discipline
Contains information that is non-essential to the understanding of the paper but
may present information that further clarifies a point without burdening the
body of the presentation ·
Scanned copies may be allowed using standard size of paper
Differentiated SIP
Research Design
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
Data Analysis:
In order to answer the specific problems of the study, the data will be
recorded, organized and presented using Table 1.
Statistical Treatment
For problem 1, mean will be used. For problem 2. t-test will be used.
Ethical Consideration
Research Design
What is the research design (experimental, descriptive) to be used in your study? (Define)
Why does this specific research design appropriate to be used in your study?
What is the specimen (animal, plants, bacteria) that you will use? (Identify the scientific name)
What science equipment/materials are needed to conduct your study? (mention the quantity)
What chemical reagents are needed for your experiment? (mention exact amount with units)
What are the step-by-step process you will carry out for your experiment?
Data Analysis
Statistical Treatment
What statistical treatments are you going to use in order to answer you questions?
Ethical Consideration
What ethical principles and standards should be followed in the conduct of your study?
Research Design
Data Analysis
Statistical Treatment
Ethical Consideration
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
in Science 8
Sample Introduction
This scientific investigation focuses on determining the effects of garlic, onion, honey,
and calamansi mixture on high blood sugar level in white mice which could likewise be
applied to lower blood glucose level of diabetic person. Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which
blood sugar levels are too high because too little insulin is produced by the pancreas
preventing cells from absorbing glucose in food, resulting glucose to go into the bloodstream
which results to high blood sugar level ("Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments,"
2016). Since uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to diabetes, a lot of people are suffering from
the said ailment, the problem is that most of the people who suffered from the disease weren't
able to take proper medications due to its high cost resulting in complications worsening
through time that would eventually lead to death. This prompted the researchers to conduct an
investigation about testing the effect of garlic, onion, honey, and calamansi mixture on high
blood sugar level and if the said mixture could act as a substitute for Metformin, an
anti-diabetic drug in the market used for the treatment of Diabetes mellitus.
Garlic contains APDS (allyl propyl disulphide), allicin (diallyl disulphide oxide), and
flavonoids which act as insulin in regulating blood sugar (Garlic and Diabetes Benefits, 2013).
According to Barrett (2012), “Onions contain a compound called APDS (allyl propyl
disulphide) which harness blood sugar-lowering effects”. Honey and Calamansi contain
substances such as antioxidants which increase serum levels of insulin while reducing serum
concentrations of glucose (Erejuwa, 2014). There are several researches that are somewhat
similar to this investigation, an example would be research entitled "The antidiabetic effect of
onion and garlic in experimental diabetic rats: meta-analysis" wherein they evaluated the
effect of onion and garlic in experimentally induced diabetic rats by meta-analysis of related
studies and were able to prove that the onion and garlic extract intake may be effective for
lowering plasma glucose concentrations and body weight (Kook, Kim, and Choi, 2009).
Another study tackled the benefits of garlic in diabetes management entitled "The benefit of
Garlic in Diabetes Management" conducted by some scientists in the year 2011 wherein they
were finding out if garlic could reduce blood sugar level as well as offering other benefits in
the treatment of the metabolic condition and were able to conclude that moderate amounts of
garlic supplements could offer benefits to diabetic patients and that raw or cooked garlic
extract can help regulate blood glucose and potentially stop or lower the effects of some
diabetes complications. Lastly, a study was performed entitled "Effect of essential oil of onion
(allyl propyl disulphide) on blood glucose, free fatty acid and insulin levels of normal
subjects" in 1975 wherein they observed a significant fall of sugar level after the treatment of
oil of onion on blood glucose and were able to find out that the blood sugar level has
significantly changed after treating the subjects with the oil of onion.
Nowadays, several researches are discovered to regulate blood sugar but many of
these treatments are expensive and mostly came abroad. This study is essential because it can
help the medical schools and people in our community since there is a very high percent
chance of producing new pharmaceutical drugs or supplements which will reduce blood sugar
level and is also both natural and effective. The investigation if ever will be successful can
benefit the health care institutions in a way that they can provide more help in treating diabetic
people, it can also help diabetic people to take in medicine that is affordable yet potent enough
to be a substitute for insulin. The results of this study may further enhance the advancement in
medical science using alternative medicine that will foster proper treatment for the people
affected by the ailment.
What is the blood sugar level of white mice before and after the treatments?
Is there a significant difference in the blood sugar level before and after the
There is no significant difference in the blood sugar level before and after treatments.
Research Design
The following materials and equipment will be used in the conduct of the
Data Analysis
In order to answer the specific problems of the study, the data will be recorded,
organized and presented using Table 1.
Table 2 shows the blood sugar level chart to be used as a basis for interpreting
the glucose level before and after the treatments:
Statistical Analysis
In order to answer problem 2 and to test the hypothesis of this study which
aims to determine the significant difference in the level of blood sugar level before
and after the treatments, dependent samples t-test will be used.
Ethical Consideration
Third, the study must be refined to minimize its overall impact on the
animals used.
Rubric for Evaluation (SIP Proposal)