MT4 Secure Software 21 CFR Part 11
MT4 Secure Software 21 CFR Part 11
MT4 Secure Software 21 CFR Part 11
Requirement Checklist
Does MadgeTech No Additional
21 CFR Part 11
Secure Action Required Comments
Software Comply? To Comply?
The system must be capable of being The customer must execute the IQ/OQ/PQ to validate that the
Yes Yes
validated. software is installed correctly and that it operates properly
The system must be capable of producing The MadgeTech Secure software allows the graph and all data records
accurate and complete copies of electronic Yes No to be printed on paper. In addition, device status, data file statistics,
records on paper. audit trails and other pertinent information may be printed.
The MadgeTech Secure software ensures that only users with a valid
System access must be limited to autho- User ID and password can gain access to the software. End-user SOPs
Yes Yes
rized individuals. should be developed and maintained to ensure that users do not
share their unique user ID and or password
Upon making a change to an electronic Changes cannot be made to raw data datasets; however, reports
Yes No
record, original information is still available. generated by the user may be changed as desired.
Electronic records audit trails are retrievable All audit trails are saved as a part of the record and cannot be deleted
Yes No
throughout the record’s retention period. or modified in any way.
Does MadgeTech No Additional
21 CFR Part 11
Secure Action Required Comments
Software comply? To Comply?
The audit trail is available for review and The MadgeTech Secure software allows the Audit Trail to be printed or
Yes No
reproduction by the FDA transferred electronically for review and reproduction by the FDA.
The MadgeTech Secure software does not require any specific se-
When any sequence of system steps is
quence of steps or order of operation. The customer is responsible for
important, that sequence must be enforced No Yes
defining, writing and enforcing any SOPs that require a sequence of
by the system.
The system should be able to check the MadgeTech Secure software will only accept input and communi-
validity of the source of any data or instruc- cate with data loggers specifically designed and manufactured by
tions If it is a requirement of the system Yes No MadgeTech using MadgeTech’s proprietary communication protocol.
that input data or instructions can only Each MadgeTech data logger is uniquely identified by an electronic
come from certain input devices. serial number.
(Note: This applies where data or instructions can come from more than one device, and therefore the system must verify the integrity of its source, such as a
network of weigh scales, or remote, radio controlled terminals.)
A documented training, including on the Users may arrange to purchase on site system training from
job training for system users, developers, IT Yes Yes MadgeTech or provide their own training through testing and the sup-
support staff should be available. port of MadgeTech's Secure software documentation package.
A written policy that makes individuals fully It is the responsibility of the customer to provide a written policy that
responsible for actions initiated under their No Yes informs individual users that they are responsible for all actions taken
electronic signatures should be in place. while under their login.
The distribution of, access to, and use of The customer is responsible for obeying the licensing terms and
systems operation and maintenance docu- Yes Yes distribution of the software and documentation that supports
mentation should be controlled. MadgeTech Secure software
The MadgeTech Secure software will not allow the user to duplicate
electronic signatures. MadgeTech recommends that SOPs include a
Electronic signatures must unique to each
Yes No statement clearly defining that only one person is linked to each user
authorized individual.
ID. The administrator must define the unique user IDs, the user must
define their own unique password.
The end user SOPs should state that user IDs are not to be re-used or
The reuse or reassignment of electronic
Yes Yes reassigned to anyone else. User IDs should be inactivated and a new
signatures should be discouraged.
ID created.
The end user SOP should state that the identity of the individual is
verified before an ID is assigned. Once a new user is created, an email
The identity of the individual should be
will be sent to the administrator and user verifying his/her own
verified before an electronic signature is Yes Yes
unique login password. Once verified the MadgeTech Secure software
will identify the individual in the future via the user ID and password.
The user will be required to enter their username and password.
Electronic Signatures (Non-biometrics)
Does MadgeTech No Additional
21 CFR Part 11
Secure Action Required Comments
Software comply? To Comply?
Non-biometric signatures should only used Users should put in place SOPs requiring that combination of user IDs
Yes Yes
by their genuine owners. and password only be made known to the genuine owner.
The end user's SOP should state that the System Administrator is to
Procedures must be in place to ensure the
periodically maintain active accounts and disable inactive accounts.
validity of identification codes and that they Yes Yes
MadgeTech's Secure software allows the administrator to set ac-
are periodically checked.
counts to expire automatically.
Procedure for recalling identification codes Passwords cannot be recalled; the administrator can reset the password.
and passwords if a person leaves or is Yes Yes The SOP should state that the administrator can only reset a password if
transferred should be developed. the password is lost or stolen, or the user leaves or is transferred.
A procedure for electronically disabling The MadgeTech secure software will allow user accounts to be tem-
a identification code or password if it porarily or permanently disabled. The customer's SOPs will designate
Yes Yes
potentially compromised or lost should be an administrator to have this responsibility. Only administrators can
in place. change user account settings.