Netmeds Srs
Netmeds Srs
Netmeds Srs
This can be measured in terms of Costing issues related to porting, Technical issues related to
porting, Behavioral issues related to porting.
The application should be correct in terms of its functionality, calculations used internally and the
navigation should be correct. This means the application should adhere to functional requirements.
Major system quality attribute. Measured in terms of time required to complete any task given to
the system. For example, the system should utilize processor capacity, disk space and memory
If system is using all the available resources then the user will get degraded performance failing
the system for efficiency. If system is not efficient then it can not be used in real-time applications.
Integrity or Security
Integrity comes with security. System integrity or security should be sufficient to prevent
unauthorized access to system functions, preventing information loss, ensure that the software is
protected from virus infection, and protecting the privacy of data entered into the system.
The system should be easy to test and find defects. If required should be easy to divide into
different modules for testing.
Should be flexible enough to modify. Adaptable to other products with which it needs interaction.
Should be easy to interface with other standard 3rd party components.
Software reuse is a good cost-efficient and time-saving development way. Different code libraries
classes should be generic enough to use easily in different application modules. Dividing
application into different modules so that modules can be reused across the application.
Interoperability of one system to another should be easy for the product to exchange data or
services with other systems. Different system modules should work on different operating system
platforms, different databases, and protocols conditions.
The software must allow input of products data from Administrator& The project must allow
browsing by the Director
The project must require high levels of error correction and input validation.
The project must request username and password for access to data, only after
authentication will allow access to the system.
secured access at , and from the data streaming real-time monitoring equipment &Staff of
Cms To Acces And update information products & The project must identify the Products
,Customers ,vendors. Customer by a unique numeric identifier derived from a function
performed on the Customer’s birth date or product Id;
6 Other Requirements
<Define any other requirements not covered elsewhere in the SRS. This might include database
requirements, internationalization requirements, legal requirements, reuse objectives for the
project, and so on. Add any new sections that are pertinent to the project.>
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendices may be used to provide additional (and hopefully helpful) information. If present, the
SRS should explicitly state whether the information contained within an appendix is to be
considered as a part of the SRS’s overall set of requirements.
Example Appendices could include (initial) conceptual documents for the software project,
marketing materials, minutes of meetings with the customer(s), etc.
<Optionally, include any pertinent analysis models, such as data flow diagrams, class diagrams,
state-transition diagrams, or entity-relationship diagrams.>
Appendix C: To Be Determined List
<Collect a numbered list of the TBD (to be determined) references that remain in the SRS so they
can be tracked to closure.>