Sustainability 09 00474
Sustainability 09 00474
Sustainability 09 00474
Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental
Sociology: An Introduction
Md Saidul Islam
Division of Sociology, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 14 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637332,
Singapore; [email protected]; Tel.: +65-6592-1519
Abstract: Our planet is undergoing radical environmental and social changes. Sustainability has now
been put into question by, for example, our consumption patterns, loss of biodiversity, depletion of
resources, and exploitative power relations. With apparent ecological and social limits to globalization
and development, current levels of consumption are known to be unsustainable, inequitable,
and inaccessible to the majority of humans. Understanding and achieving sustainability is a crucial
matter at a time when our planet is in peril—environmentally, economically, socially, and politically.
Since its official inception in the 1970s, environmental sociology has provided a powerful lens to
understanding the challenges, possibilities, and modes of sustainability. This editorial, accompanying
the Special Issue on “sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology”, first highlights
the evolution of environmental sociology as a distinct field of inquiry, focusing on how it addresses
the environmental challenges of our time. It then adumbrates the rich theoretical traditions of
environmental sociology, and finally examines sustainability through the lens of environmental
sociology, referring to various case studies and empirical analyses.
Environmental sociology became an officially recognized subfield in sociology as late as 1976 [1].
In the late 1800s, environmental sociology was not a part of sociology at all, but in the early 1900s
there were two sociologists who started to talk about the relationship between humans and nature,
Henry Thomas Buckle and Ellsworth Huntington. According to Buckle, human society is a product
of natural forces and his theory of social change made quite an impact on the intellectual circles in
the 19th century [2]. Huntington, on the other hand, tried to establish a connection between climate
and health, energy, and metal processes such as intelligence, genius and willpower. He used his
theories to try to explain the rise and fall of ancient societies such as Rome, connecting the fall of
the kingdom to changes in the climate. This has been questioned by, for example, Sorokin, who says
that the correlations are fictive and that he overestimated the role of the geographical environment.
However, he agrees that the geography has an impact on every social constellation. During this
time, many sociologists applied Darwinism and the concept of “evolution” and “natural selection”
to the human context, and the most prominent social Darwinist was an English social philosopher,
Herbert Spencer. He opposed any suggestion that society could be transformed through education or
social reform. Instead he believed that it is better to leave it alone and we will change as time goes
on. Spencer also had a disciple, Sumner, who thought that we do not only fight with other species in
nature, but also in society; however, these theories were largely rejected later on [1,2].
Between the years of 1955 and 1975, it was more evident that the sociological literature became
more and more modern, and there are sociologists in particular that stand out during these two decades,
David H. Smith, Alex Inkeles and Daniel Lerner. According to Smith and Inkeles, many individual
members of certain communities were physiologically trapped in the past and they had problems
doing what modern citizens could do, such as keeping to a fixed schedule, observing abstract rules,
adopting multiple roles, and empathizing with others; this resulted in many developing nations failing
to be a part of the modern world in the 1960s. Humans are not born knowing all these qualities,
but through life experience and education we can obtain them. In his book The Passing of Traditional
Society, Lerner discussed that the key to modernity is the media; they have the power to establish
a physiological openness among the population [3]. One reason why the environmental aspect of
sociology did not take off was an apprehension that it would take the focus away from the debate that
many sociologists thought was more important—class. Even when no one could close their eyes from
the environmental issues they were facing, they still said that it was class-related problems that were
the cause of the issues, instead of using environmental reasons [2].
There are three important founders of classical sociological theories: Émile Durkheim, Max Weber
and Karl Marx. Émile Durkheim is least likely to be recognized as an environmental sociologist.
Émile Durkheim stated that social facts are more important than physical and environmental
facts. He put very little effort in the environmental part of sociology and insisted that social
facts “are consequently the proper field of sociology” [2] (p. 6). Max Weber, on the other hand,
took environmental sociology into account. He connected economy, science, government and industries
with geographical attributes. The third one, Karl Marx, was the one who has provoked the most
widespread response from present-day environmental commentators. Marx has affected modern-day
environmental sociology the most. He only touched the subject in his work, but many of his ideas later
became the starting point for modern theories of the environment. Marx and his colleague, Friedrich
Engels, believed that the class conflict did not profit any side of the conflict; instead it alienates people
from their work and from nature. This was obvious in the industrial revolution when it was more
profitable to use the land for industries rather than agriculture, which forced rural workers to give
up their lands and move to cities that were polluted and crowded. Marx and Engels were convinced
that capitalism was to blame for these events that eventually led to a bad state for the whole society.
They wanted to make the gap between nature and people smaller and reinstate the bond between
them, but did not know how to establish it. Marx talked about the “humanization of nature” which
he said will give humans a better understanding of nature and how we can co-exist in a way that
benefits both the environment and us. He even pointed out specific environmental issues and saw
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the importance of ecological sustainability. Both Marx and Engels were pro-organic agriculture since
they saw the danger in taking away all the nutrients in the soil and using chemicals to get more crops.
They suggested that to stop pollution from fertilizers, farmers could use recycled human waste from
the city instead [2].
None of these three founders—Durkheim, Weber and Marx—spoke directly about environmental
sociology, but they were all talking about it indirectly, as they were talking about humans and nature.
It was not a single discovery that made environmental sociology a field of inquiry; it was more like a
movement driven by political reasons for social reform. Various publications of books and reports
during the 1970s drew more intellectual and public attention towards environmental issues and
problems. When sociologists first started discussing environmental issues and problems in the 1970s,
they applied social theories to the environmental issues; soon a distinct field of study began to emerge.
They made a distinction between two parts, one of which studied the interaction between the society
and the environment, and the other which dealt more with environmental issues. This separation
today is not very clear as both parts often go under the umbrella of environmental sociology [2].
The term “environmental sociology” was first used in 1971 by Samuel Klausner in his book On Man
in His Environment [4]. Riley Dunlap came across Klausner´s book and the term several years later
and he is considered one of the founders of this field. He focused mostly on the relationship between
modern industrial societies and the physical environments they inhabit. According to many, Earth Day
in 1970 was the debut of the modern environmental movement. It all started as a small proposal for
national awareness on the environment, but soon, it had grown into a much larger event, with many
participants around the world. “Earth Day 1970” symbolizes “Day 1” of the new environmentalism and
it is widely used in the American mass media [2]. It was during this time that environmental sociology
became an officially recognized subfield in sociology and the environmental issues started getting
more attention on a political level. Sociologists started to incorporate formal niches for environmental
sociology, as the Rural Sociological Society´s Natural Resource Research Group was formed in 1960s,
the Society for the Social Problem started a group in 1973 and the American Sociological Association´s
Environment and Technology group was formed in 1976. Also, among the population, it became a
bigger and bigger topic and due to several environmental crises, such as the energy crises in the early
1970s and the Love Canal incident in 1978, and people became more aware of environmental issues
and problems. Political actions were also made, both on national and international levels; notable
among them was the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in
1972 [1]. Later on, the Global Environmental Change Programme was established in the UK and the
Kyoto protocol was signed in 1997. Further, in the 1990s, environmental sociology was being taught all
over the world [2].
Today’s world is facing a lot of different problems related to economic growth and environmental
protection, and environmental sociology provides key tools to understand them. The “21 issues for the
21st century” is a list made by the United Nations Environmental program (UNEP) that proposes a
sustainable earth through keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues
to the attention of governments and the international community for action. The problems are divided
into five different main issues: cross-cutting issues, land issues, water issues, climate-change issues
and development issues. All of the issues are ranked by the UNEP Foresight panel which includes
22 distinguished members of the scientific community from 16 developing and industrialized countries.
The issue ranked number one is the cross-cutting issue: Aligning Governance to the Challenges
of Global Sustainability. Many governments do not have the capacity to support environmental
actions on a global level, but without governments’ support it is going to be hard for the world to
solve the environmental issues that lie ahead. Some other issues posing sustainability challenges on
the list include: new challenges for ensuring food safety and food security for nine billion people,
new challenges for climate change mitigation and adaptation, managing the unintended consequences
and changing the face of waste, solving the impending scarcity of strategic minerals and avoiding
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electronic waste. All of the issues listed have one thing in common: they have become issues because
of the way humans use the natural environment [5].
One challenge we find in today’s society is the correlation between social and environmental
vulnerability. This gives different countries different capabilities to cope with environmental disasters
depending on economic and political factors. In history, it is mostly the developed countries that
contributed to the anthropogenic environmental problems and issues since they were the first to
build large-scale factories and their inhabitants had more money to purchase cars, indulge in mass
consumption, and lead lifestyles that harmed the environment. The environmental problems caused
by these anthropogenic factors are not only affecting these developed countries but rather the contrary:
developing countries are often more exposed to disasters derived largely from human impacts.
Developing countries are often more environmentally vulnerable. They are not only afflicted and
affected by disasters from human activity, but also by natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons,
tsunamis and extreme dry periods. Their lack of infrastructure, poor governmental establishment
and tight economy make it harder for them to cope with these problems; rather, these factors damage
these countries even more, making it even harder to recover from future disasters, and they end
up in a vicious circle. The consumption patterns in the world lead to an increasing and unending
demand. Developed countries, where the demand often comes from, put pressure on the developing
countries to drain their natural resources. This can ruin their environment and lead to a massive
loss of biodiversity, but not all developing countries will prioritize environmental protection over
economic growth. The resources move from the developing countries to more affluent ones, leading
to a core-periphery dynamics where the assets move from countries in the periphery into the core,
while political pressure moves in the reverse direction [6]. The developed countries take advantage of
more environmentally vulnerable countries. It not only forces the poor countries to drain their natural
resources but also leads to higher emissions of greenhouse gases, thus speeding up global warming.
For this to stop, demand needs to decrease. However, to decrease demand is hard since it is often
correlated with economic development, something all countries strive for. Countries need to find a
way to achieve development without necessarily having to increase demand.
There are many problems regarding the human impact on the environment such as the dilemma
and tension between the economy and the environment, increasing demand and environmental
vulnerability. Environmental sociology is a tool we can use to understand the complexity of the
problems and find solutions, thus making sustainable development a reality and not just a dream.
This is necessary if we are going to continue living on this earth and live together with other species in
a harmonious manner.
Others critics argued that treadmill of production is too pessimistic and it will discourage individuals
from environmental efforts.
An example of a manufactured risk in society is the use of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is a
welcomed alternative source of energy as it is deemed to be the most environmentally friendly in terms
of its lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to other forms, such as coal or electricity. However,
there are environmental risks that accompany it. Environmental impacts and nuclear accidents such as
radioactive waste produced from nuclear energy have impactful consequences on the environment
and the health of individuals [19]. The Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 shows how manufactured
risks translated into actual environmental hazards and damage. It is evident that nuclear energy is
a risk because no one is able to fully understand the kind of far-reaching consequences it can have
in the event of an accident. Based on the Chernobyl nuclear accident alone, over 300,000 people had
to be evacuated and resettled after the accident as the area surrounding the nuclear power plant was
deemed to be unsuitable for living. A study has shown that the increase in reported cases of thyroid
cancer was linked to the high levels of radioiodine exposure during the Chernobyl accident [20].
In terms of environmental damage, over 200,000 square kilometers of Europe was contaminated from
the release of radionuclides [21]. The danger here is that as Beck has claimed, there is no form of
insurance against the kind of risks that emerge out of risk societies, yet societies continue to take
deliberate risks in the name of modernization. Another clear example would be the Fukushima nuclear
disaster in Japan. Although past experiences such as the nuclear accident in Chernobyl have shown
the far-reaching consequences of nuclear accidents, society continues to create human-induced risks by
investing in nuclear technology. Modern societies continue to take risks in the name of modernization
and profit-making, despite the fact that that political institutions lack the competence to manage risks
that accompany new technologies [16].
The idea of naturework was first explored in Gary Alan Fine’s book Morel Tales: The Culture of
Mushrooming [23]. In this book, Fine studies how Americans assign meaning to the natural world that
they live in. “Nature” always has been in unquestionable existence, but Fine argues that the meanings
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we give to the natural environment are culturally grounded. This implies that there can be no nature
if we detach it from culture and he terms the cultural construction and interpretation “naturework”.
Fine illustrates his point by dabbling in the field of mushrooming. Fine examined present-day concerns
of nature, environment and culture and how we give meaning to the first two. Mushroomers practice
naturework by giving names to their fungi, assigning different values to different types of mushrooms
and giving a gender identification to the mushrooms. In his opinion, the mushroomers adopt the
“humanist” view of nature by making use of nature to meet the needs of humans. The other two views
are the “protectionist” view that nature should be left untouched and the “organic” view that humans
have no need to control themselves in exploiting nature compared to any other living thing as humans
are also a part of nature.
The concept of “naturework” talks about how human beings adjust their behaviors and attitudes
around socially constructed symbols [6,23]. Humans structure and revolve their actions and
relationship with nature based on meanings that they assign to nature themselves. For example,
human beings have constructed a social meaning for farm animals (e.g., pigs and cows) as animals
raised for food. Thus, society does not see a problem with raising animals for food and the use
of inhumane methods on animals in order to produce sufficient livestock for human consumption.
In comparison, when human beings claim that they need a break from work and escape the city for
a holiday by joining farm stays, they claim that they are being “in nature” and would never treat
the farm animals in an exploitative manner. Through this example, it shows how human beings
renegotiate the meanings of nature, and perceive nature as a source of relaxation instead of a natural
resource for human consumption. This showcases the concept of naturework and how human beings
entail the capacity to shape their behaviors and relationships with nature around social meanings [6].
In addition, by “enframing” nature as a separate entity to society (human beings), it creates the
perception of distance and separation between society and nature. Thus, society does not develop a
sense of accountability towards nature, allowing society to develop a power relation over nature to
result in the exploitation of nature through technology [24].
Acknowledgments: The author thanks the editorial team of the Sustainability journal for inviting him to guest-edit
the Special Issue of “Sustainability through the Lens of Environmental Sociology”. The author acknowledges the
contribution of his students of the Environmental Sociology course in finding materials, generating debates and
helping during the writing phase.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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