Aura PDF
Aura PDF
Aura PDF
Service Manual
This manual describes the installation, commissioning and service procedures of the
Coherent Aura Ophthalmic Nd: YAG laser.
If you have any questions or encounter difficulties do not hesitate to contact the following, or
your local distributor as appropriate:
This product was manufactured for Coherent Medical Group by Taracan Pty Ltd, ACN 008
276 060, trading as Ellex Laser Systems (as per compliance plate).
Issue 3.2
C HAPTER 8 SPARE PARTS LIST AND SERVICE TOOL KIT ...................................................... 8-1
8.1 Spare parts .................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Consumables ............................................................................................... 8-3
8.3 Service tool kit.............................................................................................. 8-3
Caution Before using the instrument for the first time, you should read the
safety requirements outlined in Chapter 2, and then become
familiar with the controls. These are described in detail in Chapter
The following symbols and conventions are used:
⇒, → a list item
m, • an action to take
The following terms are associated with laser technology. Not all of these
terms appear in this manual, but they are included here for
Term Description
Active medium A material in which lasing (stimulated emission) will
take place under the proper kind of excitation. Includes
solids, gases, dyes and other liquids.
Aiming beams Low-power beams of light from a medical laser system
to indicate where and over what area the high-power
laser treatment beam will contact the tissue to be
Amplification An optical process that intensifies the laser beam in the
resonator (optical cavity) of a laser. As the radiation is
reflected back and forth between the mirrors at the end
of the cavity, it is amplified through stimulated emission
on each trip through the active medium.
Anode The positive electrode in the laser, which attracts
electrons from its opposite, the negative cathode.
Axis or optical axis The optical centre line passing through a handpiece,
lens system, laser tube, or optical fibre.
Beam diameter The width of the ‘working’ portion of a laser beam.
About 86% of the power is contained in this area
(unless the beam has an irregular pattern).
Brewster windows Transparent windows at the ends of gas laser tubes
that are mounted at Brewster’s angle to allow radiation
to pass through them with minimum optical losses
(that is, minimum reflection).
Cathode The negative electrode in a laser tube.
Term Description
Class 1 equipment Equipment that provides protection against electric
(electrical shock by providing an earth system that prevents
classification) accessible metal parts from becoming live.
Class 2 laser Laser safety classification — laser that emits visible
radiation that can be continuous wave (CW) or pulsed,
with a maximum power of 1 mW. This is not
considered safe, but aversion reflexes such as the
blink reflex normally afford eye protection.
Class 3B laser Laser safety classification — laser that emits visible or
invisible radiation and for which direct viewing of the
beam is always considered hazardous. Viewing of
diffuse reflections is normally safe as long as a
minimum viewing distance of 130 mm and a maximum
viewing time of ten seconds is maintained.
Coherent light or Collimated, or parallel rays of light of the same
Coherence wavelength and phase. In other words, laser light.
Depth of field The working range for a laser beam either side of the
focal point. The depth of field depends on the focal
length of the objective lens in the laser head, the laser
wavelength, and laser beam diameter. For small spot
sizes with high power densities, the depth of field is
very small.
Electromagnetic A radio wave, visible light, ultraviolet ray, X-ray, gamma
wave ray, infrared ray or other wave travelling outward from a
changing electric field.
Energy density The amount of energy incident upon a surface divided
by the area of the surface being irradiated. Usually
given in terms of joules per square centimetre (J/cm2).
Energy meter A meter used to measure the energy of the treatment
laser beam.
Focal length The distance from the centre of a lens, lens system or
mirror to the point of principal focus.
Focal point The point at which a laser beam produces the smallest
spot size.
Focus To adjust the placement of a lens or the focal length of
a combination of lenses for the best resolution of an
image; also, the point at which a laser beam produces
the smallest spot size (focal point).
Frequency The number of vibrations made by an electromagnetic
wave (such as light in one second; specified in hertz
(Hz); the frequency of a wave is inversely proportional
to its wavelength.
Term Description
Gain Same as amplification; usually used to indicate the
efficacy of a lasing medium.
Gaussian The normal distribution curve, exemplified by a laser
beam in the ‘fundamental’ mode (see TEM). The
intensity of the light across the beam is least at the
edges and rises smoothly at a maximum at the centre.
Irradiation Exposure to radiation, such as light, heat or X-rays.
Laser An acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation. A simple laser is an optical
cavity with mirrors at both ends and a solid, liquid or
gaseous lasing medium between the mirrors. Atoms
molecules, or ions in this medium are stimulated to
high energy levels by intense light or an electrical
discharge, as they return to the normal ground state,
they give off photons of radiation. The continuation of
this process builds up a standing wave of coherent
radiation that forms the laser beam.
Light Visible electromagnetic radiation; the wavelength range
from about 400 to 750 nanometres (nm). Sometimes
also used to refer to infrared and ultraviolet radiation,
both of which are outside the visible range.
Micron or One-millionth of a metre (1x10-6 m). The more precise
Micrometre term is micrometre.
Mode Describes the standing-wave pattern in the laser cavity
and determines the cross-sectional intensity (or shape)
of a laser beam (see TEM). Also used to describe
types of system operation, such as pulsed mode or
CW mode.
Monochromatic Light of single color or wavelength. The colors
light produced by laser light are the purest obtainable, but no
light is totally monochromatic, and even these colors
are composed of a narrow band of wavelengths
instead of a single one.
Nanometre (nm) One-billionth of a metre (1x10-9 m).
Nanoseconds (ns) One-billionth of a second (1x10 -9 s).
Nd: YAG Laser A laser that uses a crystalline rod composed of yttrium,
aluminium and garnet doped with neodymium as the
active medium. May be either a pulsed or CW laser.
Often referred to simply as a ‘YAG’ laser.
Optical An optical process that intensifies the laser beam in the
amplification resonator (optical cavity) of a laser. The radiation is
reflected back and forth through the active medium by
the mirrors at the ends of the cavity. During this
process it is amplified, by stimulated emission.
x Coherent Aura Service Manual
Issue 3.2
Term Description
Optical fibre or fibre A filament of optical material such as glass or quartz
optic that can carry light long distances without significant
Optical pumping See “Pump or pumping”.
Output coupler or The mirror in the laser cavity through which the output
transmitter beam is transmitted. This mirror is partially reflective
and partially transmissive, while the mirror at the other
end of the cavity is usually made as reflective as
Output power The amount of power (energy per second) contained in
the laser beam, measured in watts (W).
Parfocal When the focus point of two or more objective lenses
lies on the same plane they are said to be parfocal.
Photon The basic ‘element’ of light in quantum theory. It
exhibits both wave and particle behaviour and has
motion but no charge or rest mass.
Power density The amount of optical power incident upon a surface
divided by the area of the surface been irradiated.
Usually specified as watts per square centimetre
(W/cm2 ).
Power meter An instrument used to measure the power in a laser
beam. There are several different kinds, and the one
used depends upon the type of laser and its maximum
Pulse energy The energy contained in a single, brief emission (pulse)
of laser radiation, measured in joules (J).
Pump or pumping The means employed to excite the lasing medium,
such as an electrical discharge or a flash of light. The
latter case is referred to as ‘Optical pumping’.
Repetition interval The time interval between successive laser pulses,
usually given in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).
Repetition rate The frequency with which laser pulses are emitted,
given as pulses per second (pps).
Resonator An assembly consisting of the laser rod or tube, the
mirrors and the supporting structures for them.
Stimulated The process by which an excited atom, ion or molecule
emission is triggered into emitting a photon by another photon
passing close by. The emitted photon has the same
wavelength, phase and direction as the triggering
photon, and hence is coherent with it.
Term Description
Threshold energy The point at which just enough energy has been
supplied to the active medium for lasing to begin.
Transmitter See “Output coupler”.
Transverse The cross-sectional intensity (or shape) of a laser
electromagnetic beam. Many shapes are possible but only a few are
mode (TEM) generally used. Subscript number (TEM00 , TEM01, and
so on) identify the mode of the beam; generally, the
lower the numbers, the smaller the spot to which the
beam can be focused.
Type B equipment Equipment that provides protection against electric
shock by limiting the leakage current and by providing a
protective earth connection.
Wavelength The distance from crest to crest in an electromagnetic
wave; usually given in nanometres (nm), micrometres
(µm) or in older texts, in Ångstroms (Å).
Window A glass seal with plane-parallel sides that allows light to
pass through an optical system but keeps out
Acronym or Meaning
BET Beam expanding telescope
COP Computer operating properly
COR Centre of rotation
CW Continuous wave
DAM Diode aiming module
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
FMM Folding mirror module
FWHM Full width half maximum
IOL Intraocular lens
LCD Liquid crystal display
Acronym or Meaning
PCB Printed circuit board
PFN Pulse forming network
PSU Power supply unit
TEM Transverse Electromagnetic Mode (see glossary entry)
YAG Yttrium Aluminium Garnet
The following units of measurement are referred to in this manual:
Unit Description
A Amperes (current)
Å Ångstrom (10 -10 metres)
Hz Hertz (frequency)
J, mJ Joules, millijoules (10-3 Joules) (energy)
J/cm 2 Joules per square centimetre (energy density)
mm, µm, nm Millimetres (10-3 m), micron or micrometre (10-6 m), and
nanometres (10-9 m)
ns Nanosecond (10-9 s)
Pa, hPa Pascal, hectopascal (102 Pascal)
pps Pulses per second
V, V AC, V DC Volts, Volts — alternating current, Volts — direct current
W, mW Watts, milliwatts (10-3 W) (power)
W/cm2 Watts per square centimetre (power density)
Issue No. Issue date Changes/reason for issue Authorized
3.2 24 June 2001 New manual. Based on issue 2.1 and GP/TP
organized according to Coherent table of
Coherent Aura Service Manual xiii
Issue 3.2
The Aura is supplied with a specially designed table and chin rest
The instrument is illustrated in Figure 1-1. Also see the Aura System
Diagram included at the rear of this manual.
U.S. Law restricts this device for sale to, or on the order of, a
The major components and accessories of the Aura are:
Electrical Standards
⇒ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 601-1
⇒ Australian standard AS2500, 1995 and AS3200, 1986
⇒ USA standard Underwriters Laboratories UL544 1993
Feature Description
Lockable Power The laser can only be turned on with the correct key. The
On key switch key cannot be removed while in the ON position, so the laser
cannot operate without the key in place. When the system is
on the indicator lamp on the control panel is lit. The Aura can
be protected against unqualified use by removal of the key
from the key switch panel.
Laser E-stop This is a red mushroom-shaped button mounted on the key
push button switch panel. When pushed in it cuts power to all functions.
Laser READY/ When power is applied by rotating the key switch, and with
STANDBY the Emergency Stop button disengaged, the display is
indicator illuminated and the STANDBY indicator is lit. The system
must be manually switched to laser READY mode before
the treatment laser is ready to fire.
Feature Description
Safety interlock This is a user-installed feature. A socket is provided on the
side of the power supply tray for connection to a theatre door
interlock switch. When the door is opened the aiming beams
are switched off and user controls are disabled. The
treatment laser cannot fire while the door is open. These
functions are returned two seconds after the door is closed
or interlock otherwise satisfied. The unit is supplied with a
shorting plug to bypass the interlock if it is not required. A
recommended wiring diagram for the interlock is supplied in
the Appendix.
Safety shutter A spring-loaded safety shutter is mounted in the laser head
to keep the treatment laser optical path blocked unless the
system is manually switched to laser READY mode and the
fire switch is pressed.
Excess energy The system will shut down if more than double the set pulse
detection energy is delivered.
Energy deviation The system will warn the operator with a double beep if the
warning delivered energy deviates by more than ±20% from the set
Protective Protective housings on the laser and optical system, as well
housings as the control and display systems, are fully sealed to
prevent the operator being inadvertently exposed to laser
emission or high voltage shock. The protective housings
cannot be opened without special tools and should never be
opened except by a Coherent Service Representative.
Location of All the operator controls are positioned so that there is no
controls risk to the operator of inadvertent laser exposure.
Ocular filters The operator viewing port on the laser and optical system
modules contains an infrared absorbing glass safety filter to
limit the exposure level to the operator's eyes to below Class
1 limits.
Any standard Aura slit lamp viewing accessory can be used
with the Aura slit lamp without hazard.
FDA and IEC For location and illustrations of the safety compliance labels
compliance see Figures 1–2, 1–3 and 1-4.
Electrical An isolation transformer is built into the adjustable work
leakage table. This ensures that the complete instrument, including
protection the slit lamp power supply meets the requirements of IEC
601-1 for earth leakage protection.
Feature Description
Memory test When the Aura is turned on the microprocessor memory is
checked and the system will halt if a fault is detected.
Self-test After the memory test the system automatically performs a
self-test program to confirm the safe and correct operation
of the internal modules. During this procedure the
microprocessor fires seven test shots with the shutter
closed. If this test routine is satisfied the LCD is cleared and
the energy of the last test shot is displayed. If a malfunction
is detected an error code is displayed and the laser cannot
be fired.
The first six test shots are used to detect degradation of the
laser, which could lead to over pulsing. If degradation is
detected, the system automatically adjusts the laser
operating voltages to restore optimum operation. This test
sequence greatly reduces the chance of over pulsing during
treatment and is adaptive to the characteristics of each laser
STANDBY When the self-test routine is successfully completed the
mode system automatically switches into STANDBY mode. In this
mode the aiming laser is made operable, as are all the
controls, but the fire switch is disabled. This minimizes the
risk of accidental firing during patient set up.
Over pulse The automatic over pulse correction system used during the
correction power up test sequence is also active during normal
operation. It adjusts the laser voltages if an over pulse is
detected and returns the system to the STANDBY mode.
Shutter monitor A dual sensor shutter monitor checks the correct opening
and closing of the shutter. In the event of a shutter
malfunction the laser fire switch is disabled and an error
code is shown on the display. See Chapter 7 for a
discussion of error codes.
Automatic test Every time an energy setting is changed, either by the
fire thumbwheel or by selection of the number of pulses, an
automatic test fire occurs. During this test fire the shutter
remains closed so there is no risk of exposing the patient or
operator to laser radiation. Following a test fire, the resultant
energy is shown on the display.
⇒ OD 5 at 1064 nm
⇒ Neodymium — YAG
Glasses without such a marking are not suitable for eye protection.
Suitable glasses are available as an accessory.
Never look directly into the laser beam or at its reflections, even when
wearing safety glasses.
The door to the treatment room should be kept closed when the laser is
in use and a warning sign placed on the outside of the door to alert
personnel of the optical hazard. It is recommended that safety glasses
be placed outside the door for personnel to put on before entering the
room. We also recommend that the door interlock be fitted to
automatically disable the laser when the treatment room door is opened.
The two diode aiming beams are attenuated to 100 microwatts (µW)
maximum (200 µW in total for the two beams) before the exit aperture of
the instrument. Even though damage to the retina from the aiming laser
is most improbable, it is advisable not to stare into the system unless
under controlled conditions.
Never place your hands, arms, or any other body parts or tissue in the
path of the treatment laser beam.
When the instrument is unattended, turn it off and remove the key. Store
the key in a safe place.
Switch off the instrument and disconnect it from mains power before
servicing. Re-connect to power only if it is necessary for the particular
servicing procedure involved.
Warning Do not attempt to service the instrument if you are not familiar
with precautions against electrical shock.
Ensure all safety precautions against electrical shock are followed as the
laser system is powered from a 90 – 120 V AC or 220 – 240 V AC
supply. Voltages of up to 12 kV are generated internally.
Warning This system contains high voltage capacitors. Check that the
capacitors have been discharged by the automatic dump circuit
or bleed resistors before servicing.
Manufactured for
B y
Taracan Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 008 276 060
258 Halifax Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000
90-120 V AC
220-240 V AC
93/42/EEC 50/60 Hz
P 0805
IP 20
Nd:YAG: 1064 nm, 45mJ Max, 4 ns pulse
Diode Laser: 670 nm, <1mW Max CW
T - 6.3A 250V
90-120 V ,1φ
T - 6.3A 250V
90-120 V , 1φ
Label Explanation
Warning label indicating the position of the
laser aperture. Complies with IEC 825-1
90-120 V AC
Warning label indicating the possible
220-240 V AC explosion hazard if equipment is used in
93/42/EEC 50/60 Hz
AP 0805
520VA the presence of flammable anaesthetics.
IP 20
Label Explanation
Label indicating the mains voltage range for
the 110 V model and the type and rating of
T - 6.3A 250V user-accessible fuses.
90-120 V ,1
Label Explanation
Label indicating the slit width and aperture
size controls for the slit lamp.
Label Explanation
Symbol on the control panel indicating the
reset button.
The nominal ocular hazard distance is calculated from the output energy,
beam divergence and diameter, and the maximum permissible exposure
energy. The calculation is made using formulae from the American
Standard ANSI Z1361-1986 (page 66), the equivalent Australian Standard
AS/NZS2211.1:1997 (page 74), and EN60825-1:1993 (page 143).
⇒ wavelength 1064 nm
⇒ high quality pulse of energy up to approximately 15 mJ per pulse
(45 mJ for triple pulse)
⇒ 3 mm (approx. 1/10 in) beam diameter
⇒ well polarized (ratio: 100:1)
⇒ 4 ns pulse width, directed along the optical axis of the system
⇒ spot size 11 microns (calculated 84% energy in this diameter; full
width half maximum (FWHM)) spot size 8 microns
⇒ focal length 92 mm (3.6 in), working distance 55 mm (2.1 in), and
a cone angle of 16 degrees
⇒ twin beam diode laser aiming system
⇒ adjustable posterior offset up to 250 microns between the
Nd:YAG and the diode focus (refer to Section 3.5.1 for actual
offsets at each setting on the dial)
Figure 2-1 shows the position of the laser within the system.
⇒ treatment beam path — the path of the Nd:YAG laser beam used
for treating the patient
⇒ aiming beam path — the path of the dual red diode laser beam
used for aiming the laser beam
⇒ viewing path — the path from the eye of the patient to the eye of
the operator
These paths are described later in this Chapter and are illustrated in the
optical block diagram.
The operator selects the energy level using the energy thumbwheel on
the laser head. The thumbwheel rotates a polarisation-sensitive element.
The reflected energy enters the pulse detector and is absorbed. The
detector is interrogated by the microprocessor to measure the number of
pulses emitted from the laser.
The shutter contains a flash filter to remove visible light from the beam
and prevent it from disturbing the patient when the laser is fired. The
flash filter transmits the Nd:YAG wavelength with minimal loss.
After leaving the beam expander the beam is reflected 90° to be coaxial
with the surgeon’s viewing axis. It is focused by the objective lens to an
11 micron diffraction limited spot (8 microns FWHM).
Internal shutter
An internal shutter prevents pulses from the treatment laser from
reaching the objective lens and being emitted unless the laser is in
READY mode.
Aiming beam 1
250 #
Focal plane
The diode aiming module, like the laser module, is pre-aligned in its
carriage so that the beam lies on the aiming beam optical axis. The
module contains:
The beam leaves the module and hits an aiming beam mirror, which
reflects approximately 50%. The remainder is reflected by a second
mirror, which is totally reflective. In each case the reflected light is coaxial
with the treatment beam. The two beams are then focused by the
objective lens into the viewing plane.
Small focus adjustments can be made with the spring-loaded lens at the
top of the diode aiming module to ensure the aiming beams are smallest
when the system is focused. Refer to Section 4.2 for further information.
The X-Y position of the aiming beam can be adjusted with the hex nut
adjustments on the aiming mirror arms. Refer to Section 4.2 for details.
These two adjustments enable you to accurately position the two beams
on top of each other, and the treatment beam, to ensure they are
focused in the correct plane.
If the treatment and aiming beams are not centred in the illumination slit,
refer to Section 4.2 for instructions.
The right hand eyepiece has a crosshair. The treatment and aiming
beams should be centred in the cross. If they are not, refer to Section 4.2
for the adjustment procedure.
Optical filters in the view path between the binoculars and folding mirror
module limit the infrared exposure to the operator’s eyes to a level below
the Class 1 safety limit.
When the treatment laser is turned off the instrument can be used as a
normal diagnostic slit lamp (see Chapter 5).
Every time the pulse button is pressed an automatic test fire occurs with
the shutter in the closed position.
When the energy is selected, the display indicates the predicted energy
set by the operator and the system then “test fires” and indicates the
actual energy ±30% of predicted energy.
Energy display
In laser READY mode part of the display shows the energy delivered
when the laser is fired.
This display is only incremented when a shot is fired with the shutter
open, and allows the surgeon to see how much energy was delivered to
the patient.
Pulses display
This part of the display shows ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’, indicating the selection of
single, double or triple pulses per shot.
When the key is ON the slit lamp illumination and aiming beams are
switched on. Provided the Laser E-stop switch is in the ON position, the
system will perform a “self-test” and when complete will move to
To raise the table push the switch in the direction of the up arrow. To
lower the table push the switch in the direction of the down arrow. When
the switch is in the centre, the table remains in position and cannot
The aiming beam intensity control varies the aiming beam intensity up to
a maximum of 200 microwatts total output for the two beams.
As the thumbwheel is rotated the energy display on the LCD shows the
approximate energy at that position. When an energy level is selected the
system performs an automatic test fire at the new thumbwheel position
and the energy display shows the actual energy level.
The value may vary slightly from the initial indicated position, but
this is not a fault condition.
If the delivered energy deviates from the last test fire energy by more
than ±20% the unit will beep twice in rapid succession to alert the
operator, but the system can be used normally. If this warning occurs
frequently, or if the delivered energy is more than double the last test fire
energy, an E12 error will be displayed and the system will shut down.
See Chapter 7 for details of this error code.
The posterior YAG offset control allows the physician to change the
Nd:YAG energy focus in relation to the aiming beams as energy levels
are altered. As energy is increased the offset should be increased to
ensure that no damage occurs to the IOL.
The fire switch should be released quickly after each firing action. If not,
the system will automatically return to STANDBY mode giving an audible
warning. The system can be manually returned to READY mode once
the fire switch has been released.
Warning When the fire switch is pressed, with the unit in laser READY
mode, dangerous laser radiation is emitted from the aperture.
A general view of the slit lamp and its components is shown below:
Illumination on/off
The halogen lamp illumination is controlled by the key switch on the
power supply console panel.
Spectacle wearer
The eyepieces are fitted with rubber eyecups. If you wear spectacles,
fold the eyecups back.
X, Y, Z joystick movement
The slit lamp base can be moved backwards, forwards, left and right by
manipulating the joystick. The slit lamp base moves in the direction of the
joystick. To adjust the slit lamp height, rotate the joystick.
Illumination intensity
To adjust the illumination brightness use the illumination intensity control
on the slit lamp base. Turning clockwise increases the brightness and
turning counter-clockwise reduces the brightness. This knob only adjusts
the brightness. To switch the illumination lamp on or off use the key
switch on the power supply control console.
Illumination boost
The illumination boost button is a non-locking push button that overrides
the illumination intensity to give maximum illumination while pressed.
Illumination aperture
To select an illumination field turn the illumination field adjustment turret
(the top wheel on the front of the illumination tower). A continuously
variable aperture and the following illumination fields are available:
0.5 mm, 5 mm, 8 mm and 12 mm.
To select the blue, green or neutral density (ND) filters, turn the filter
turret, which is the top wheel on the front of the illumination tower.
Clamp screws
The clamp screws for the illumination assembly, the slit lamp support
arm and the cross slide are located at the right side of these
components (viewed from the operator’s side). Turn the screws
clockwise to clamp each part.
Hand rest
The patient hand rests are mounted to the left and right sides of the chin
rest supports. The hand rests also provide the method of securing the
chin rest supports.
Illumination tower
The illumination assembly can be moved either side of the centre
position (on axis) approximately 60 degrees when the slit lamp is in the
forward position and 120 degrees when in the backward position.
Prism head
The Aura has a short illumination tower with an angled prism head to
reflect light from the slit lamp into the eye.
A hospital grade power cord and plug are supplied for use within the
For use outside the USA a hospital grade power cord is also provided,
but without a plug attached. International plug requirements vary, so
contact a local plug supplier to supply a plug that complies with local
Once connected, the power cord is held in place with a metal strain relief
to ensure that the cord is not accidentally dislodged from the socket.
The interlock is a safety feature. If the interlock is fitted and the theatre
door is opened, the treatment and aiming beam lasers are disabled and
the shutter is closed. A beeper in the unit sounds until the door is closed.
The controls and lasers will not function until two seconds after the
interlock connection is re-established.
2.7.3 Fuses
The Aura has two fuses: one mains power, and one secondary. The
mains fuses are located in the base of the stand by the mains power
socket, which is accessible by removing the power socket door.
When checking fuses, check the mains fuse first. Make sure the mains
power is disconnected and that the correct type and rating of fuse is
m The sampled energy from the last test fire is displayed on the
m The microprocessor checks for any over-pulse condition (see
Chapter 7).
If an over-pulse is detected, the system shuts down and an ‘E04’
error message is displayed.
m The microprocessor checks the aiming laser detector signal to
ensure that the aiming laser is operational.
After performing the initial set up and test fire described above, the
microprocessor continually monitors the following:
The aiming laser detector signal is a status signal, which is not controlled
by the operator. It is a safety feature to ensure that the treatment laser
cannot be fired if the aiming laser is not operational.
The installation described here assumes the unit has been delivered to
the location where it will be unpacked, assembled and used.
if opened by
T - 3
. 2
90-120V 1, φ
Main crate
⇒ stand
⇒ table with chassis and control panel
⇒ magnification changer box
⇒ chin rest box
⇒ foam box
⇒ key (attached to table top)
Foam box
⇒ laser head/slit lamp
⇒ cross shaft
⇒ gear covers
⇒ hardware (screws, washers)
⇒ chin rest papers
⇒ spare slit lamp globe
⇒ spare fuses
⇒ chin rest target
⇒ spare fixation globe
⇒ binocular
Before unpacking the unit, inspect the shipping carton for any signs of
damage. If damage exists contact the freight company and Coherent to
make arrangements to allow the installation to proceed with the minimum
of delay.
Retain the shipping carton, boxes and packing materials as these may
be used for later transportation.
Warning Do not plug in the unit until you have confirmed the correct
If the operating voltage indicated is incorrect for the local supply, change
the voltage setting as follows:
Warning Ensure that the gear wheel is correctly keyed into the slot in
the end of the cross slide shaft before tightening the screw.
m Hold the laser head above the centre of the table and feed the two
laser head cable connectors (high voltage and 'D') through the
slot in the right hand side of the metal tray under the hole in the
table top, and on to the power supply console area.
m Lower the slit lamp on to the table and locate the cross slide
gears on the gear tracks.
m Take the blue and white high voltage connector, that is now within
the power supply console area (under the table), and locate it into
the mating socket at the rear of the power supply chassis and
rotate to lock in place.
m Push the 'D' connector into its socket alongside the high voltage
connector, and finger-tighten the slide retaining screws.
m Feed any excess cable back into the metal tray under the table so
that it loops towards the front of the unit.
m Loosen the cross slide locking screw on the right hand side of the
base and check that the slit lamp can move smoothly in all
directions without catching on the cable.
m Push the gear covers over the cross slide track on each side.
m Attach the binoculars to the slit lamp and secure with the locking
m Remove the nuts, washers and star washers from the chin rest
legs, leaving the two black collars in place.
m Place the legs through the holes in the table, with the cables
through the hole above the power supply console.
m Fix the washer, star washer and nut over the leg that is not above
the power supply and tighten using the 22 mm box spanner.
m Connect the green earth wire ring from the earth ground terminal
strip to the chin rest above the power supply console.
m Fix the washer, star washer and nut to the leg and tighten.
m Connect the white 2-pin connector from the chin rest to the X44
m Connect the green earth wire from the chin rest to the spade on
the earth ground terminal strip.
m Fit the black patient handles to the chin rest arms.
m Check that the chin rest can be raised and lowered smoothly.
m Slowly raise the power supply console chassis while checking
that both the laser head cable and black power cable locate in the
slot at the side of the chassis.
m Replace both screws at the front of the power supply console.
m Ensure that the blanking DIN plug is installed in the port labeled
INTERLOCK and fastened down with the screw collar.
The circuit diagram for the room door switch is included among the
electrical drawings at the rear of this manual.
The circuit diagram for slit lamp or laser delivery accessories is included
among the electrical drawings at the rear of this manual.
m Plug the cable into the base of the stand and secure with the
metal clip.
m Bend the cable under the base and fix in place with the two black
clips in the middle and at the side under the base.
When the assembly of the unit has been completed satisfactorily carry
out the commissioning checks.
Check that the aiming spots are of equal brightness and are completely
circular. If the spots are not circular and equal brightness, the fault must
be rectified before continuing. Refer to Section 4.2.
To carry out the optical alignment check:
m Insert a new membrane in the model eye and fill the model eye
with sterile water.
m Attach the model eye to the chin rest.
m Look through the binoculars and observe the aiming spots at the
centre of the membrane.
m Move the slit lamp back and forth with the joystick until the two
spots converge.
m Move the slit lamp slightly back and forth from this position while
observing the aiming spots and check that they move apart by the
same amount when the slit lamp is moved forward as they do
when the slit lamp is moved backward by the same distance.
The focus should be sharpest when the spots are exactly
converged. If the two spots will not converge, optical alignment
must be performed, refer to Section 4.2.
m Switch the system into READY mode and select an energy
setting of 1.3 to 1.5 mJ, since this is where the laser is most
commonly used.
m Set the posterior YAG offset thumbwheel to the +150 µm setting.
m Aim the laser at the centre of the membrane and fire the
treatment laser.
m Ensure that the table is able to raise and lower smoothly and
The table is raised and lowered using the switch on the power
supply console panel.
m Ensure there is no twisting motion of the table.
Equipment required
The following equipment is required:
To carry out the energy monitor checks:
Warning Do not fire the laser yet as it may damage the detector.
m Position the slit lamp so that both the aiming beams are centered
on the meter head face before focus approximately 10 to 15 mm
(approx. 1/2 in) apart.
m Select SINGLE PULSE mode and READY mode.
m Turn the ENERGY thumbwheel to minimum energy.
m Fire the laser and verify the displayed energy is ±15% of delivered
energy as seen on the external energy meter. (Refer to page 4-27
to verify energy settings as stated on the Calibration Record
If the energy display average is within ± 15% of the external energy meter
average re-calibration is not necessary.
Specification Details
Type Q-switched Neodymium Yttrium
Aluminium Garnet Nd:YAG
Safety class 3B
Wavelength Near infrared 1064 nanometres (nm)
Air breakdown ≤ 4 mJ
Test cell breakdown > 50% at 1 mJ
Q-switch Solid state
Pulse width 4.0 nanoseconds
Mode structure Fundamental, diffraction limited
Energy selector ≤ 0.3 to ≥ 10 millijoules, continuously
Maximum energy 45 millijoules at triple pulse. Single
pulse energy is generally >10 mJ
Burst mode 1, 2 or 3 pulses per shot with a pulse
separation of approximately 20
Repetition rate 2.3 Hz in single pulse mode
2.0 Hz in double pulse mode
1.5 Hz in triple pulse mode
Spot size 8 microns (µm) FWHM (Full Width
Half Maximum) calculated
84% of energy contained within
11 µm diameter
Cone angle 16 degrees (nominal)
Beam divergence 16°, solid cone angle; tolerance + 0°
to -1.6°
Nominal ocular hazard distance 5.5 metres (18 ft)
Specification Details
Focusing system Continuously variable posterior offset
between treatment and aiming
beams with three detent positions:
Dial settings Actual offset
Measured in air In eye (approx)
MIN 100 ± 50 µm 59 µm
+ 150 250 ± 25 µm 137 µm
+ 250 350 ± 50 µm 189 µm
Safety filter Schott KG-3
Optical density = 3 at 1064 nm
Specification Details
Type Semi-conductor laser diode
Continuous wave (CW)
Twin spot, intersecting beams
Safety class 2
Wavelength 670 nm (nominal)
Power output Continuously variable intensity up to
200 microwatts maximum (total of
two beams)
Specification Details
Type Galilean stereoscopic microscope
with converging optics
Objective lens 1.25 x
Eyepiece lens 12.5 x, dioptre adjustable in range
± 5 D (one with KOWA-style cross
hair reticule)
Total magnification 16 x (12.5 x eyepiece)
Interpupillary distance 55-88 mm (2.16 to 3.5 in)
Working distance 55 mm (2.16 in)
Focal length 92 mm (3.6 in)
Binoculars Removable with set screws to
enable cross hair alignment
Chin rest Adjustable, vertical travel 50 mm (2
Slit lamp source
Slit width 0 to 12 mm (0 to ½ in)
Illumination view field 0.5 mm, 5 mm, 8 mm, 12 mm,
continuously variable
Slit rotation 180 degrees endless
Illuminating angle 180 degrees at horizontal plane (90
degrees for right/left)
Filters Green, cobalt-blue, neutral density
(ND) (28% attenuation)
Bulb Halogen lamp, 12 V, 30 W
pre-centred bulb
Fixation lamp Green incandescent lamp
Specification Details
Cross slide table
Vertical adjustment of binocular 26 mm (1 in), by rotation of joystick
Fine horizontal movement By tilting joystick lever, fine
movement of 11 mm.
Coarse horizontal movement By moving the slit lamp base, coarse
movement of 103 mm (4 in)
longitudinal and 103 mm lateral
Specification Details
Height To top of work area:
fully extended: 0.96 m (38 in)
fully retracted: 0.708 m (28 in)
To top of chin rest:
fully extended: 1.440 m (57 in)
fully retracted: 1.188 m (47 in)
Work area 0.495 x 0.918 m (20x36 in)
Connectors Mains power socket, safety interlock
connector, accessories interlock
connector (optional function)
Specification Details
Voltage 90-120 or 220-240 V AC; 50/60 Hz
Maximum current consumption: 4.7 A
(90-120 V); 2.1 A (220-240 V)
Mains fuse 6.3 A anti-surge TDS540 for 90 -
120 V AC
3.15 A anti-surge TDS540 for 220 -
240 V AC
Secondary fuses 6.3 A, 250 V slow -blow fuse (anti-
surge) is provided to protect the 18 V
AC slit lamp voltage.
4 A fuse labeled F1 is located inside
the DC power supply module.
3.5.6 Cooling
Specification Details
Type Air convection
Specification Details
Packed weight 86 kg (190 lb) (approx)
Unpacked weight 60 kg (132 lb) (approx)
Specification Details
Ambient temperature range - 10°C to + 40°C (10°F to 104° F)
Humidity range 10 to 75% RH (non-condensing)
Atmospheric pressure range 700 hPa to 1060 hPa
Specification Details
Ambient temperature range + 10°C to + 40°C (50° to 104°F)
Humidity range 30 to 75% RH (non-condensing)
Atmospheric pressure range 700 hPa to 1060 hPa
Alignment and calibration of the Aura takes place in the following stages:
⇒ optical alignment
→ cross hair (eyepieces) focus
→ center of rotation check
→ aiming beam focus
→ aiming spots centerd
→ YAG burn centerd
→ posterior YAG offset adjustment
→ slit aligned to cross hair
⇒ attenuator set up
→ energy prediction adjustment
→ half wave plate setting
⇒ pre-calibration check
⇒ voltage reset
⇒ final calibration check
⇒ air breakdown check
4.2.2 Procedure
Ensure that the laser system is operating correctly before proceeding.
Check that the burn pattern is circular. If it is non-circular to a major
extent, the laser module may be out of alignment and should be returned
to the factory for re-alignment.
Check also that the aiming spots are of even brightness and are
completely circular. If they are not circular the fault must be rectified
before continuing. If all is well, proceed as described in the following
Warning There are dangerous voltages inside the laser head wh en the
system is on.
m Look into the eyepiece with the cross hair (reticule) and rotate the
eyepiece fully counter-clockwise.
m Turn the eyesight adjusting ring clockwise until the cross hair is
m Repeat at 3-5x to confirm the setting.
m While looking through the eyepiece with the cross hair, move the
target on the alignment jig backwards and/or forwards until the
target is in focus.
m Look through the eyepiece with no cross hair and rotate the
eyepiece fully counter-clockwise.
If the slit moves in one direction from center and not in the
opposite direction when the tower is swung, the prism assembly
needs adjustment. To do this, loosen the prism locking screws
and rotate the prism until the slit position remains central when
the tower is swung. This may cause the slit to be slightly off
vertical, which can be corrected by loosening the three screws
holding the Illumination Tower into the Illumination Base and
rotating the tower to compensate for the rotation of the prism.
Do not touch the optical surface of the lens with your fingers.
The cross hairs must also be in focus. If they are not the
eyepieces will have to be adjusted and the above focusing
procedure repeated.
Focus adjustment
m Set the energy to minimum, single pulse (0.2 or 0.3 mJ) and set
the posterior offset of the laser to the +150 position.
m Repeatedly fire the laser (slightly moving the target to the side
after each laser fire, and adjusting the starwheel on the BET) to
obtain the smallest possible burn spot on the target. (See Figure
Always re-lock the focus locking screw of the BET after an
adjustment is made.
• Set the posterior offset to +150 and slightly move the target,
aiming below the previous burn spot, then fire the laser.
• Set the posterior offset to +250 and aim below the previous
burn spot, then fire the laser.
On completion the burn spots should follow the pattern shown in the
table below.
Locking screw
Focusing screw
Star wheel
m Install the binocular offset jig and remove the safety filter.
m To focus the aiming beams, loosen the focus locking screw and
rotate the focusing screw. (See Figure 4-2.)
The adjus ting screw can be reached from above through the
binocular opening with a 1.5 mm ball driver, and by removing the
safety filter and installing the binocular offset jig.
4-10 Coherent Aura Service Manual
Issue 3.2
Lower horizontal
m To be certain that both aiming spots are in the center of the burn,
gently push down on the alignment jig while looking through the
The aiming spots should separate but still be vertically aligned.
Any horizontal displacement means that the spots are not
correctly aligned.
If the aiming spot is a long way off the slit it may not be possible
to align the aiming spots to the slit using the objective lens. In this
situation centralize the objective lens then loosen the locking
screws on the prism mount (see Figure 4-4). Move the prism until
the slit is correctly aligned. This may cause the slit to be slightly
off vertical, which can be corrected by loosening the three screws
holding the Illumination Tower into the Illumination Base and
rotating the tower to compensate for the rotation of the prism.
Caution Do not fire the laser yet as it may damage the detector.
m Tighten the set screw above the half wave plate gear.
m Gently move the bracket back into place so the gears mesh
m Verify that the external reading is still correct.
m Tighten the two screws.
m Re-check that the external reading is still correct.
4-16 Coherent Aura Service Manual
Issue 3.2
The calibration should be checked routinely at least every six months and
the instrument should be re-calibrated at least annually.
⇒ date
⇒ name of person performing the calibration
⇒ Aura serial number
⇒ energy meter type
⇒ energy meter calibration status
Verify the system is giving predicted energy levels within 30% of the
actual energy when the thumbwheel is moved. If not, refer to Section
If the displayed energy of test shots or treatment shots has a large error
(more than 50%) a voltage reset should be carried out before calibration
as described in Section 4.6. To check the calibration:
m Remove the two screws on the front sides of the power supply
console and allow it to hinge down.
m Remove the four screws securing the control box to the table.
m Turn the system on.
m Position the detector head of an appropriate energy meter about
60 mm (2.4 in) in front of the objective lens in the laser head, and
clamp the detector head to the chin rest support.
m Adjust the position of the head of the energy meter so that both
the aiming beams are on the active area of the head and are
approximately 10 to 15 mm (approx. ½ in) apart.
m Select LASER READY mode.
m Select SINGLE PULSE mode.
m Put Kodak burn paper in front of the detector head and fire the
laser at maximum energy, moving the slit lamp backwards and
forwards until the burn mark fills about 80% of the detector
m Lock the slit lamp at this position and remove the burn paper.
m Turn the energy meter on and set the laser energy thumbwheel to
m Fire the laser several times and check that the external energy
meter reads between 0.25 and 0.35 mJ. (If it does not, the half
wave plate should be set as described in Section 4.3.2 before
calibrating the energy monitor.)
m Set the energy meter scale to read a maximum of 45 mJ and set
laser energy to maximum.
m Fire the laser at least three to four times and record the results
for each shot for both the energy display reading and the external
energy meter reading.
m Calculate the average for both groups of data, and compare.
If the Aura energy display average is within ±15% of the external
energy meter average, no adjustment is necessary. If the
difference between the two readings is greater than ±15% then
the monitor should be calibrated as described below.
Follow the procedure outlined in Section 4.2.6. At this point the calibration
does not need to be accurate, but it must be giving approximately correct
When the STATUS button is released the control panel will display the
word “TEST” on the ENERGY section of the LCD.
In the PULSES section of the panel, the pulse should be 1 and the
number 350 will appear in the TOTAL PULSES display.
The word “TEST” will remain for the duration of the calibration and the
figure 350 will increment throughout to indicate the temporary setting of
the Nd:YAG laser voltage.
When completed the system will reset itself with the updated operating
conditions, and will return to STANDBY mode.
4.7.2 Method
To check the aiming accuracy:
m Adjust the slit lamp to obtain full circle illumination and low
m If desired, swing the illumination tower to one side (approximately
m View the aiming beams through the binoculars and confirm that
they converge to form one spot on the paper attached to the
target as shown in section (c) of Figure 4-7.
If they do not, move the slit lamp.
Warning If the aiming beam is not centerd in the burn mark, the system
must not be used on patients. Re-align and calibrate the
instrument (see Chapter 6), or return it to the factory for re-
alignment and calibration.
It is essential that the safety filter be treated with care, as the optics are
glass material that can sustain damage if treated carelessly. Before
refitting the filter, inspect the filter optics to ensure no damage has
occurred during the optical alignment that may compromise the safety of
the user.
Air breakdown is defined as plasma formation in the air (noticeable as a
visible spark and/or a distinctive, audible ‘crack’ sound).
The 50% air breakdown value is the minimum energy value where this
will occur five times when ten shots are fired into the air at 3-4 second
intervals. For a new laser in its early life stage 50% air breakdown should
occur at less than or equal to 4.0 mJ. This reading may increase as the
unit ages.
To carry out this check:
m Ensure you are wearing safety glasses and that the objective lens
is clean.
m Place the unit in a position where the objective lens is facing a
dark background
m Clear all objects, including the model eye, jigs and targets, away
from the path of the laser.
For repeatable results ensure the laser has not been subjected
to successive firing and is in a relatively cold, unused
The test is complete when five out of ten shots cause air breakdown.
Verify the energy at this point using an energy meter.
m Install a new membrane into the model eye and fill with distilled
water or 9% saline solution.
m Attach the model eye to the chin rest.
Name:........................................................ Signature:..........................................................................
0.6 mJ Display
1.0 mJ Display
4.0 mJ Display
4.5 mJ Display
5.0 mJ Display
9.0 mJ Display
Max Display
The Aura ophthalmic laser system is designed for performing posterior
capsulotomies, pupillary membranectomies and iridotomies. Patients
may be aphakic or pseudophakic, and may be of any age or sex.
This Chapter describes the theory and modes of operation and how the
system should be prepared and used for the treatment of a patient.
The opened shutter allows the pulse(s) of laser energy to enter a beam
expander, which expands the 3 mm diameter laser beam to 27 mm
(approx. 1/10 to 1 in) diameter. The expanded beam is then reflected 90
degrees to enter the objective lens, which focuses the beam to a high-
energy spot of approximately eight microns (µm) in diameter (full width
half maximum (FWHM).
The Aura, like that of other ophthalmic surgical lasers, produces pulsed
energy of focused infrared light with a wavelength of 1064 nm. The
focused spot can be accurately positioned on the membrane or tissue
within the patient's eye using a slit lamp microscope and a ‘twin dot’
aiming system.
Once formed, the plasma absorbs and scatters further incident light, and
this shields the underlying structures from damage. The beam
divergence after the focal point also protects the retina from damage
that could otherwise occur by the absorption of concentrated treatment
As the treatment energy is increased, the size of the plasma formed also
increases, which causes a larger, stronger acoustic wave. To avoid the
possibility of the plasma damaging the intraocular lens (IOL) by causing
cracking, pitting or chipping, and to allow the accompanying shock wave
to be most effective, the treatment beam may be offset further behind
the membrane to be penetrated (posterior to the focal plane of the slit
lamp, which is focused on the membrane). A posterior YAG offset
control allows selection of the amount of offset required.
During installation of the laser head on the slit lamp, this low power
diode laser light is set to focus at the same plane as the slit lamp
(parfocal with the slit lamp).
In its most basic form a laser is a device that converts electrical energy
to light. The conversion efficiency is quite low; on the order of 1-4%, but
the light produced is quite different from other sources such as
fluorescent tubes or the sun. The differences are:
When a photon hits an already excited atom in the laser medium the
atom emits another photon. In other words, one photon enters and two
leave, both in the same direction as that of the incoming photon, and
both with exactly the same phase in relation to each other (that is,
coherent), and at the same wavelength.
⇒ laser medium — a solid, liquid or gas where the energy from the
source is absorbed and photons are emitted
⇒ energy source or pump — such as a flash lamp
⇒ resonant laser cavity — in which the photons are reflected back
and forth, producing pulses of laser light
Laser medium
The laser (or lasing) medium used in the Aura is a solid-state crystal of
Neodymium -doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Nd:YAG).
Laser cavity
The cavity contains the flash lamp, the laser medium, and a series of
totally and partially reflective mirrors that reflect the photons and allow a
polarized beam of laser light to exit.
The Q -switch can produce a number of laser pulses for a single firing of
the flash lamp. The number of pulses emitted is proportional to the
energy input to the flash lamp, which is provided by a conventional
capacitor-charging power supply.
Like all Nd:YAG ophthalmic laser surgery, there are risks involved and
use of the laser may be contraindicated for patients with certain pre-
existing ocular pathologies. Objective assessment of candidate patients
for this procedure must be done in light of the risks, which are discussed
in detail in the User Guide supplied with the instrument.
STANDBY and READY modes are selected using the STATUS button
on the control panel.
The Aura slit lamp, chin rest assembly, and lift table are adjustable.
After the patient is seated, adjust the motorized lift table to the
appropriate height using the raise/lower switch. Then adjust the chin and
head rests to orientations comfortable to the patient so the patient's eyes
are aligned between the marks on the chin rest support.
Refer to the User Guide for full instructions on using the assembly in this
5-8 Coherent Aura Service Manual
Issue 3.2
Off-axis illumination
For off-axis illumination, move the illumination tower to the proper angle
to provide the desired effect.
On-axis illumination
Some slit lamps have been modified to allow the laser to be used with
on-axis illumination. Refer to the slit lamp documentation for further
With the offset control set at MIN, Aura delivers a preset offset
equal to 100 microns in air.
The energy display is the cumulative total for all pulses within the
m Look into the eyepiece with the cross hair (reticule) and rotate
the eyepiece fully counter-clockwise.
m Turn the eyesight adjusting ring clockwise until the cross hair is
m Repeat at 3-5x to confirm the setting.
m While looking through the eyepiece with the cross hair, move the
target on the alignment jig backwards and/or forwards until the
target is in focus.
m Look through the eyepiece with no cross hair and rotate the
eyepiece fully counter-clockwise.
The slit lamp illumination and aiming beam intensities can be adjusted
using the illumination and aiming beam intensity controls respectively,
on the right of the slit lamp base.
Warning To protect the patient from possible retinal damage, use the
lowest practical aiming beam intensity during treatment.
The Aura will deliver the selected number of pulses every time the fire
button is pressed. The physician will know if the laser is fired because of
the audible click. Firing can also be verified by the READY indicator
turning off and the STANDBY indicator turning on momentarily while the
laser recharges. When the READY indicator turns back on, the system is
ready to fire again. The energy and pulse totals will also increment after
a treatment fire. Pressing the RESET button will reset these totals to
m Turn the system power on/off key switch to the OFF position.
m Remove the key from the instrument and store safely for future
Only authorized personnel should have access to the laser system key.
To remove the power cord, lift the strain relief and remove the cord.
The Aura has been designed to provide trouble-free operation with a
minimum of down time. As a result very little user maintenance is
required, but the routine maintenance procedures described here should
be carried out at the recommended prescribed intervals.
Clean the display panel with a damp cloth, but avoid pressing too hard.
When the equipment is not in use, always cover it with the dust cover.
6.5.2 Method
To clean the optics:
Caution Never use dry tissues or swabs as this may damage the optical
m Turn off the system and wait a few minutes for the lamp to cool
m Loosen the retaining screw at the right side of the illumination
tower and lower the door to gain access to the lamp.
m Remove the lamp using a cloth or gloves.
Do not touch the glass surface of the lamp directly with your
fingers as this may shorten its life.
m Set the new lamp so that its groove matches precisely with the
spring of the lamp housing.
m Ensure the new lamp is clean and free from oil and dust, and
clean if necessary using ethanol on a clean swab or tissue.
m Close the access door and tighten the retaining screw.
Verify the two readings to be within 15% of each other. If not, the
instrument should be re-calibrated. Refer to Chapter 4. If the instrument
cannot be successfully calibrated, contact the Coherent Technical
7.1.2 Interlock
Ensure that the connector is inserted correctly if being used and that the
shorting plug is firmly in place if the interlock is not being used.
7.1.3 Fuses
The user-accessible fuses are located in a removable holder at the top of
the mains input socket. When replacing a fuse ensure that the correct
type and rating is used. Refer to Section 3.5.5 for fuse specifications.
Ensure that the unit is turned off and disconnected from power
sources before replacing fuses.
If a message has occurred for the first time, reset the system by turning
the power key switch OFF, waiting for five seconds then switching it on
If the error message disappears and the system functions normally, the
fault was momentary and you may continue to use the system.
If the same error message appears again refer to Table 7-1 and the
remainder of this Chapter to try to identify the cause.
Error Meaning
E01 Single pulse voltage >600 V.
E02 Quadruple pulse voltage >860 V.
E03 Single pulse voltage changed by >55 V.
E04 Over-pulsing.
E05 Faulty connections, shutter malfunction, or faulty
control module.
E06 Shutter malfunction.
E07 DAM malfunction.
E08 Shutter motor problem or shutter malfunction.
E09 Shutter malfunction.
E10 Over-pulsing or pulses detector malfunction.
E11 No energy or incorrect energy detec ted.
E12 More than double energy delivered than set.
P01 Status flag after operator test. Energy decrease
P02 Status flag after operator test. Threshold voltage
shift 30-55 V.
P03 Status flag at power on. 10 000 shots warning.
To clear the P03 status flag and verify correct operation of the system:
During the test fire the system may display a flashing P03
This test is used for diagnostic purposes and may be carried out to allow
an initial diagnosis of a fault by the service engineer and a decision
whether or not to arrange a service visit. It cross-references previously
stored parameters from the last calibration with the present values.
The test is normally carried out if one of the following conditions occurs:
If one of the error codes E01, E02 or E03 is displayed, the laser would
need to be checked by a service engineer.
The word ‘DIAGNOSTIC’ appears on the LCD and remains for the
duration of the test. The figure ‘350’ appears and increments during the
test to indicate the temporary setting of the Nd:YAG laser voltage.
At this point the system can be left idle for approximately 20 minutes to
complete the test.
The system can be used normally, but it has some deterioration and
should be checked by a service engineer.
m Inspect the current single, double and triple pulse voltages and
average energy levels.
m Calibrate the single, double and triple pulse operating voltages
and store the new average energies for the unit.
m View and record or reset the shot count and treatment laser serial
Voltage Vs
Average energy Es
Shot count
____ 1 _____
After a short delay the system automatically fires ten test shots in single,
double and triple pulse mode and stores the ten shot averages in its
memory. Before beginning this test it is important to set the ENERGY
wheel to maximum energy.
When the button is released the LCD panel will display pulse setting one
and voltage 350, as shown below:
350 1 test
Note: Every 10 000 shots a status flag (P03) alerts the user that this
increment has been reached.
The shot count and serial number will only need to be altered if the laser
module is replaced (see Section 7.8.2).
FA19E 0000
Example: F A 1 9 E = 1024414
F = 15 x 164 A = 10 x 163 1 = 1 x 162 9 = 9 x 161 E=
14 x 160
m To exit press the STATUS and PULSES buttons simultaneously.
The serial number should be changed only when the laser module is
replaced. To modify the number:
m When the single pulse voltage is set press the PULSES button to
increment to double pulse voltage setting.
m Adjust the double pulse voltage to the required value.
m Press the PULSES button again to increment to the triple pulse
voltage setting.
m Adjust the triple pulse voltage to the required value.
m Press the PULSES button again and the system will reset itself to
these new voltages.
Important Note
Information may also be provided as service bulletins after this
manual is issued. Please check the service bulletins in Chapter
9 for any additional information on module replacement
The Aura ophthalmic YAG laser is a module-based system with six laser
head modules and three modules mounted in the table.
If a fault occurs in the system, identify the fault to a specific module then
replace that module.
Warning If you replace any laser head modules you must check the
system alignment and calibration before using the instrument
again. See Chapter 6 for instructions.
Figure 7-1 shows the positions of the laser head modules in the laser
head unit.
7.7.1 Transportation
When the Aura is transported the laser head/slit lamp assembly must be
removed from the table console and packed appropriately to protect it
from shock and vibration damage.
Warning Failure to remove the laser head from the control console
before it is transported will void the warranty.
Each module is designed with two feet (V grooves) on the right, and one
foot (flat) on the left for mounting on the rails (see Figure 7-2).
The axis of the module is then either machined accurately with respect to
the V and flat, or aligned with the use of special jigs to the V and flat. For
example, the optical axis of the laser is aligned to the laser module
carriage on a factory jig and the module is then factory set to prevent
movement of the laser with regard to the V and flat.
The following sections contain detailed procedures for replacing the laser
head modules in the system. Replacement should be approached at a
module level rather than a component level.
Table modules
As with the laser head modules, repair of the table-mounted power
supplies console is also module based. Access to these modules is via
a hinged power supply console.
Parameter Details
Type Q-switched Neodymium doped Yttrium
Aluminium Garnet (Nd:YAG)
Q-switch Solid state
Mode structure Fundamental TEM00
Maximum output energy <45 mJ
Typical optical single pulse width 4 nanoseconds
(FWHM) (Full Width Half Maximum)
Wavelength 1064 nm
Trigger voltage 12 kV
Associated (Pulse Forming 50 µF (V max = 900 V)
Network) PFN 25 µH
PFN pulse width (700 V) 95 µs
Cooling Convective air
Theory of operation
The YAG laser body contains a flash lamp to optically pump a solid state
crystal material made of Yttrium, Aluminium and Garnet. A high voltage is
applied to the anode and cathode connections of the flash lamp.
When the fire button is pressed the microprocessor sends a signal to the
trigger module. This signal fires a pulse transformer inside the trigger
module, which produces a 12 kV trigger pulse to the trigger connection of
the flash lamp
This trigger pulse ionises gas inside the flash lamp, which causes the
gas to electrically conduct, discharging the high voltage from the cathode
to the anode. The energy is released as a bright flash from the flash
Check Description
Flash lamp During the seven -shot warm up and any time the laser is
fired, the flash lamp flashes to provide optical energy to the
YAG crystal. Since the YAG crystal gets its energy from the
flash lamp, check that the flash lamp flashes every time the
fire button is pressed. This is seen as a white flash lighting
inside the laser cavity. If the flash lamp fires intermittently or
not at all, the module should be replaced.
Energy output The single pulse energy output (maximum energy setting)
when new, should be between 10 and 15 mJ. Energy levels
lower than this indicate laser degradation or obstruction of
the beam.
Air breakdown Air breakdown can be seen as a blue flash approximately
92 mm (3.6 in) from the objective lens, which is where the
YAG beam is focused. When new, the laser causes air
breakdown at less than 4 mJ. If the system does not
consistently break the air down at ≤4 mJ, verify that
maximum energy is 8 mJ or more before replacing the laser
Laser module See below.
Replacement procedure
Important Note:
The use of non-standard, unauthorised and modified parts
would render invalid the comprehensive product and public
liability insurance we have for our products and would leave the
distributors and users of the unauthorised part unprotected.
The YAG laser cavity module is usually replaced with the trigger module
(described in Section 7.8.3). To remove and replace the module:
Parameter Details
Input voltage 350 to 900 V DC
Input trigger signal Active low to fire (>15 mA)
Output trigger voltage -12 kV (typical)
Output pulse width 1 µs (typical)
Theory of operation
The trigger module transfers the voltage (350–900 V DC) from the power
supply to the laser flash lamp anode and cathode connections. A thick
wire connects the 12 kV output pulse from the trigger module to the flash
lamp trigger connection.
There are two low voltage inputs to the trigger module. Both are at
+5 V DC. One is momentarily switched to ground, which then fires a
pulse transformer producing the 12 kV output pulse to trigger the flash
Check Description
Input Verify high voltage is between 350 and 900 V DC at the red
and the black input wires to the trigger module.
Verify that both low voltage inputs are at 5 V DC, (X15-1 &
X15-2). X15-1 should drop to 0 volts momentarily when the
fire button is pressed.
Output This is difficult and dangerous to measure.
At this stage we recommend that a new trigger module be
installed to determine proper operation of the original trigger
module. The outputs of the original module can be checked
if necessary. There should be 350 to 900 V DC between the
anode and cathode connections at the YAG laser. These
are the two thinner output wires from the trigger module,
X17-1 & X17-3.
When the fire button is pressed there should be a 12 kV
output pulse from the trigger module, X17-2, to the YAG
laser module. This is the thickest wire.
We strongly recommend that the output voltages are
not investigated as special test equipment is required,
and in any case this module has no serviceable
Replacement procedure
The trigger module is mounted on the laser (cavity) module, and the two
modules are usually replaced as a single unit. To remove the trigger
module by itself:
m Using 1.5 and 2.5 mm Allen keys (hex wrenches), remove the
two screws fixing the trigger to the YAG laser module.
m Gently lift out the module.
Parameter Details
Type Semi-conductor laser diode continuous
wave (CW)
Safety class II
Wavelength 670 nm
Input 12 V DC, 100 mA
Power output Continuously variable to a maximum
200 µW
Mode Fundamental
Theory of operation
This module consists of a diode laser, beam monitor, collimator lens and
associated circuitry. Power input comes from +12 volts applied at X50A-
2 and 0 volts (ground) on X50A-1. This is regulated to +5 volts to power
the laser diode.
The diode emits a 0.5 mm (0.02 in) diameter red laser beam. The beam
is then put through a 14 times beam expander to increase the beam to
7 mm (0.28 in) diameter. The final focus of the aiming beams is
accomplished by adjusting the position of the top lens of this beam
expander module.
Circuitry within the module regulates the voltage and current to the laser
diode, monitors the output of the laser diode, and controls the intensity of
the laser diode output.
The DAM is a static sensitive device. Take care when handling this
module. The circuit board should not be touched or handled at any
time without taking adequate ESD precautions.
Check Description
Input Verify the +12 V DC input on X50A-2 and 0 volts (ground) on
Output Visually confirm a dual red light output from the module.
Do not look directly into the module output.
Control Check the resistance between pins 1 and 2 on X50B varies
as the intensity control knob is rotated.
If the laser diode is damaged it may still emit a low level output
of red light but the module will draw greater than 100 mA
current. In this case replace the module.
You may just short across these two pins if a 1.5 k ohm
jumper is not available.
Replacement procedure
To remove the DAM module:
The DAM is a static sensitive device. Take care when handling this
module. The circuit board should not be touched or handled at any
time without taking adequate ESD precautions.
Parameter Details
Attenuator Type: Rotating polariser
continuously variable
Shutter Drive voltage: 12 V DC
Drive current: 350 mA
Shutter return: torsion spring
Position detector: two sensors
LED/photodiode detector
Over-pulse detector Photo-diode detector
Energy monitor module See Table 7-13
Theory of operation
The attenuator module is an optical assembly that controls the YAG laser
energy output delivered to the treatment site. The YAG laser module
output is fixed and the energy is optically ‘attenuated’ to control the
amount delivered.
The laser beam is generated from the YAG laser module as a polarised
beam. It passes through a half wave plate that rotates the polarisation of
the beam. The thumbwheel of the attenuator is connected to the half
wave plate, which serves as a beam attenuator. Rotating the
thumbwheel rotates the half wave plate. The beam then passes through
a polarising beam splitter, which allows only one plane of polarisation to
pass through.
The portion of the beam deflected by the polarising beam splitter is sent
to a detector on the front of the module to test for an over-pulse condition
(pulse detector).
The beam that passes through the polarising beam splitter has now been
attenuated and passes through another beam splitter that samples 15%
of the beam and directs it into the energy monitor to read the energy level
of the attenuated laser beam.
A 15% sample of the attenuated laser beam is directed into the energy
monitor module, where it passes through various filters on to a photo-
diode detector. The detector output is amplified, and this signal is sent to
the control module where it is calibrated to read actual system output.
Check Description
Input Check that all connectors are connected properly and that
there is no interference with the shutter and return spring.
Verify that the coils of the return spring do not cross over
each other. Verify 12 volts are applied to the shutter motor
when the fire switch is activated.
Output Verify that the shutter opens when the fire switch is
activated. Verify that the voltage (0-5 V DC) on X8-2 and X8-
6 changes as the thumbwheel is rotated.
Replacement procedure
To remove the module:
Do not loosen the two screws on either side, just below the
m Gently lift out the module, noting the position of the cables under
the module.
Check Description
Input: optical Verify that the YAG laser is firing by verifying there is air
breakdown at maximum energy setting or that it is possible
to obtain a burn pattern on burn paper. Verify the inputs:
+12 V DC on X19-4
-8 V DC on X19-1
GND on X19-2
Output Verify signal voltage is 0.1 V/mJ on X19-3 and signal ground
on X19-2. There should be an energy display reading
corresponding to the actual energy output.
Calibration is adjusted by the pot VR2/VR5 reached
via a hole marked ‘GAIN’ and ‘OFFSET’ respectively
on the bottom of the control module.
Replacement procedure
To remove this module:
Locking screw
Focusing screw
Star wheel
The BET module provides an offset control that is adjusted using the
YAG POSTERIOR OFFSET thumbwheel. The posterior defocus can be
accurately set by changing the optical separation of the positive and
negative lens sets in the beam expanding telescope with the adjusting
star wheel. It allows repeatable positioning of the focuses at the three
indent positions.
Replacement procedure
To remove the beam expander module:
The YAG laser folding mirror is the largest optic in the module and
reflects the expanded YAG laser beam through 90 degrees. The mirror is
highly reflective at the YAG laser wavelength yet transmits the visible
aiming laser wavelengths. This mirror is not adjustable.
The aiming beam alignment mirrors are the two smaller mirrors in the
module. The mirror closest to the diode aiming module reflects
approximately 50% of the incident light and the remainder is totally
reflected from the second mirror. Both these mirrors are mounted at 45
degrees on adjustable arms, which allows the position of each arm to be
set separately with respect to the YAG laser beam. Refer to Chapter 4
for the aiming beam alignment procedure.
Replacement procedure
This module does not normally need to be replaced in the field, but can
be removed as follows:
m Pull the module towards you as far as it will go, pulling it off the
locating pins that hold it on to the rails.
m When the module is loose, drop it down to the centre section of
the support arm to remove it.
Take care not to touch any of the optics with your fingers.
As with the laser head modules, the repair philosophy of the table
modules is also module based.
Input/Output Details
Inputs +12 V DC
V Control 5 V DC max
Laser ON/OFF TTL high or low
Reset TTL high or low
Capacitor change voltage 900 V max
Capacitor output 50 µF
Charge times 500 V, 0.5 s
700 V, 0.7 s
900 V, 0.8 s
Ready TTL high or lows
Theory of operation
The YAG power supply converts a 12 V DC input into a high voltage that
is used to charge a storage capacitor. The energy from the storage
capacitor is supplied to the flash lamp, which is controlled by the trigger
The laser operates on single, double and triple pulse modes, which are
differentiated by different voltage levels output from the storage capacitor.
The capacitor voltage is determined by the voltage level of the input ‘V
CONTROL input from the microprocessor.
When the system is turned on power is applied via the ‘+12 V INPUT’ to
the ‘Power on/off’ section of the supply. The ‘LASER ON/OFF’ line is
used by the microprocessor. When the microprocessor is powered up
and determines that no faults exist the ‘LASER ON/OFF’ line goes low,
turning on V2, which then activates the relay K1 charging up capacitor
C13 (the main storage capacitor in the OUTPUT STAGE).
If the microprocessor detects a fault the ‘LASER ON/OFF’ line goes high,
shutting the YAG power supply down, and the ‘RESET I/P’ line goes high
turning on V7. This in turn pulls the D line low, which turns off V27
(DUMP/RESET CCT) and turns on V29, which discharges C13 through
Check Description
+12 V Input +12 V DC on X5-1 and X5-2
V Control I/P 0-5 V DC on X5-5
Laser ON/OFF TTL low on X5-13
Reset I/P TTL low on X5-3
Ready O/P TTL low on X5-11
High Voltage O/P 350-900 V DC
Replacement procedure
To replace the YAG power supply unit:
Input/Output Details
Input 220 to 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
Output +12 V DC
-12 V DC (not used)
+5 V DC (not used)
Check Description
Input Verify that the input to the DC power supply is 220 to 240 V
AC. Even if the mains input voltage to the system is only 90 to
120 V AC it is transformed into 220-240 V AC going into the
DC power supply. The input to the DC power supply should
always be 220-240 V AC and can be measured on X20-14
and X20-2.
Outputs Verify that all of the output voltages are present.
Verify +12 V DC on X21-1, X21-2, X21-5 and X21-6.
-12 V DC (not used), and +5 V DC (not used).
If no output can be measured with current input applied, the
module should be replaced.
Replacement procedure
To remove this module:
Parameter Details
Microprocessor controller
Power +12 V DC
Shutter sense Detects whether shutter is properly
opened or closed
Cap charged Indicates the storage capacitor has
reached the set voltage. The system
cannot be fired until the capacitor is
fully charged.
Energy monitor Provides a measure of the laser output
Interlock Disables the lasers if the interlock
circuit is opened.
Aiming beam Indicates functionality of the aiming
Parameter Details
Microprocessor controller
Voltage control Sets the voltage of the storage
Shutter sense Supplies +5V power to shutter sensors.
The ±5.12 V is generated on board the
microprocessor circuit.
Laser fire Fires the trigger module.
Reset voltage Discharges the storage capacitor when
the user selects a pulse mode with
fewer pulses, or if the system shuts
Laser off Disables the entire YAG power supply if
the system malfunctions.
Display control and data lines
Check Description
Input Verify that all connectors are properly connected and that
the fuses are not blown. Verify that power is being applied to
the module.
Output Check for proper operation of the function switches, that is,
that the control panel is not ‘locked up’.
To check the status of the system, initiate the operator test. (See Section
Replacement procedure
To replace the module:
m Switch on the unit and wait until it goes into normal mode.
m Inspect and record the YAG voltage and energy values by
entering Service Engineering mode.
m Switch the unit off.
m Unscrew the screws on the side of the control panel under the
table and allow the panel to flip down.
Group 2
2720710 MOD CHINREST COHERENT 0638-454-01
3120700 FASSY TABLE 5106 0638-455-01
3120720 FASSY CONTROL BOX 5106 0638-456-01
3216256 CASSY LASER HEAD LQ5106 0639-790-01
3220660 CASSY SIGNAL CONSOLE LQ5106 0639-789-01
3617377 BEAM SPLITTER CSO 0638-181-01
3617378 CO-OBSERVATION TUBE CSO 0638-182-01
3617379 MAGNIFICATION CHANGER SL920 0638-180-01
3700201 OBJECTIVE LENS ASSEMBLY 0638-458-01
3700204 JOYSTICK ASSEMBLY 0638-459-01
3700236 SKID PLATE 0638-442-01
3700239 GEAR WHEEL COVER 0638-461-01
3700241 FIXATION LAMP ASSEMBLY 0638-462-01
3700251 TISSUE CLIP 0638-463-01
3700263 FIXATION LAMP GLOBES 0638-223-01
3700358 RAIL MODULE TOOTH 0638-467-01
3700359 CROSS SHAFT NO BOSS 0638-468-01
3700364 SL980 BINOCULAR ASSEMBLY 0638-460-01
3700365 LAMPADA SL980 OCULAR EYEPIECE 0638-222-01
3700366 LAMPADA SL980 OCULAR EYEPIECE 0638-464-01
3800024 35mm CAMERA ADAPTOR 0638-237-01
3800025 VIDEO CAMERA ADAPTOR 0638-238-01
Table 8–2: Consumables list
This Chapter lists the drawings associated with the Aura. The
schematics and drawings are bound in the rear of this manual in the
order shown here.
Label, 1-10
Laser cavity, 5-4, 5-5
Laser head, 1-3
modules, 7-21
Laser medium, 5-4
Laser module test, 7-24
Laser rod, 7-23
LCD, 2-9
blank, 2-9
Levelling, 3-8
Magnification, 3-19
Magnification changer, 3-22
Mains fuse, 3-20
Mains power, 2-21
Mains power cable, 3-12
Mains voltage, 3-7
Maintenance, 6-1
slit lamp, 6-4
Materials, 3-2
Medical advantages, 5-3
Microprocessor, 2-9, 2-21, 7-23, 7-42, 7-46
Mirrors, 2-8, 7-40
Modules, 7-20
laser head, 7-21
Monochromaticity, 5-3
Unpacking, 3-3, 3-6 laser cavity, 7-23
Uses, 5-6 laser module output, 7-34
laser module replacement, 7-26
offset, 2-2, 2-7
power supply, 7-41
Viewing path, 2-8 YAG trigger module, 2-22