use to price their products and services. in a market in which buyers and sellers are so
numerous and well informed that all elements
The methods of price determination in
of monopoly are absent and the market price
economics include the laws of supply and
of a commodity is beyond the control of
demand, and the effects of price elasticity.
individual buyers and sellers.
The concept of market structure is central to
Pricing Decisions and Determinants
both economics and marketing. Both
of Price under Perfect Competition -
disciplines are concerned with strategic
Market price is determined by the
decision making.
equilibrium between demand and
Market structures are basically the number of supply in a market period or very
firms in the market that produce identical short run.
goods and services. Market structure
Monopoly is said to exist when one firm is
influences the behavior of firms to a great
the sole producer or seller of a product which
extent. The market structure affects the
has no close substitutes.
supply of different commodities in the
market. - single producer or seller of a product.
- perfect competition or monopolistic
Monopoly market has the biggest level of
competition will prevail depending
barriers to entry while the perfectly
upon whether the product is
competitive market has zero percent level of
homogeneous or differentiated.
barriers to entry. Firms are more efficient in
Profit maximizer. A monopoly
a competitive market than in a monopoly
maximizes profits.
Price maker. The monopoly decides the
Price determination is one of the most crucial price of the good or product being sold.
aspects in economics. Business managers are High barriers to entry. Other sellers are
expected to make perfect decisions based on unable to enter the market of the
their knowledge and judgment. monopoly.
Types of Market Structures Single seller. In a monopoly one seller
produces all of the output for a good or
Price discrimination. In a monopoly the - It can be used to defend an existing
firm can change the price and quantity market from new entrants, to increase
of the good or service. market share within a market or to
enter a new market.
Monopolistic competition is a form of
market structure in which a large number of Pricing a New Product
independent firms are supplying products
Skimming Price - short period device for
that are slightly differentiated from the
point of view of buyers
Penetration Price -referred as stay out price
- Each firm is therefore the sole
policy since it prevents competition to a great
producer of a particular brand or
“product”. It is monopolist as far as a
particular brand is concerned. - Lowest price for the new product is
Price effect is the change in demand in Market Entry and Exit - A competitive
accordance to the change in price, other industry allows firms to freely enter and exit
things remaining constant. the market and has few barriers to entry.
1. Artificial Time Constraints - Stores place is considered right, but what provides the
these restrictions on their sales because they highest level of benefit. Thus, the reference is
act as catalysts for consumers to spend. to morality. This can apply to activities
within the financial industry, such as with the
2. Charm Pricing - the official (read fancy)
contract between a
name for all those 9’s that you see at the end
of prices in your local stores. A. The Problem of Adverse Selection
3. Innumeracy - where consumers are unable Adverse selection is a problem that arises
Other ways that innumeracy appears in - It refers to a scenario where either the
pricing include double discounting, coupon buyer or the seller has information
design, and percentage pumping. about an aspect of product quality that
4. Price Appearance- The design of your the other party does not have.
prices can also have a tremendous impact on - occurs when one party in a transaction
how customers perceive the value of your possesses more accurate information
1. Build in incentives.
2. Penalise bad behaviour.
3. Split up banks
4. Performance related pay.