Epsc 121 Notes (Revised) - 1
Epsc 121 Notes (Revised) - 1
Epsc 121 Notes (Revised) - 1
What is psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Mental processes include
thoughts, feelings, perceptions, reasoning processes, memories, emotions and so on. Behaviour
encompasses both covert (indirectly observable) and overt (directly observable) behaviours.
Psychology as a science
As a science, psychology is empirical, that is, it is based on experimentation and observation rather
than on opinion, belief or intuition. A science is a body of systematized knowledge that is gathered
by carefully observing and measuring phenomena. Psychologists carry out experiments and make
observations, which others can repeat; and they obtain data which others can verify. Research in
psychology follows scientific procedures which involve; collecting, analyzing, and interpreting
information or data regarding the behaviour under study.
Goals of Psychology
1. To describe behavior- through careful scientific observation or experimentation
2. To explain behavior- by conducting experiments to determine causes of behavior
3. To predict future behavior by trying to find out the factors related to a particular behavior
4. To change, control or modify behavior, especially maladaptive or inappropriate behavior
Psychology started as a formal discipline in the year 1879 when the first psychological laboratory
was established at the University of Leipzig by a German philosopher/psychologist namely,
Wilhelm Wundt. At about the same time, an American – William James set up his laboratory in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. These two are considered to be the founders of experimental
psychology. Through all these years, psychology has evolved as a true science.
The history of psychology can be divided into three main stages namely:
• The emergence of the science of the mind
• The study of behavior
• The cognitive psychology
1. Physiological Psychology
Physiological psychology is also known as biopsychology. It studies the relationship between the
brain and the rest of the nervous system to behaviour. It is concerned with the body as a biological
and neurological system. Physiological psychologists study perception, thought, learning,
personality and behaviour in relation to the underlying neurological activity – all of which are of
interest to the psychologists and professionals.
2. Developmental Psychology
Developmental psychology focuses on development from conception to death. Developmental
psychologists study growth and development in various stages of development (i.e., prenatal,
infancy, childhood, adulthood, and old age). Issues studied include, physical, cognitive,
personality, moral, language, emotional and social development.
3. Social Psychology
This field of psychology studies the behaviour of people in group situations. It focuses on the
interaction between people, their perceptions of one another and the effect of groups on the
individual’s behaviour. Topics studied include; social perception, impression formation, aggression
and violence, formation and change of attitudes, leadership, conformity and social influence.
4. Personality Psychology
Personality psychology is concerned with the study of consistency and change of behaviour over
time. It focuses on individual differences that are how people differ in terms of their characteristics
such as anxiety, motivation, aggression, emotional stability and so on. It also looks at the causes of
individual differences and personality characteristics.
5. Clinical Psychology
It is a branch of psychology concerned with human behaviour and mental disorders, what causes
abnormal behaviour and its treatment. Clinical psychology is applied in the diagnosis and treatment
of psychological disorders. Clinical psychologists work in hospitals and clinics. It is applicable in
handling people experiencing trauma e.g. post-war trauma.
6. Counselling Psychology
Counselling psychology is similar to clinical psychology but is generally concerned with advising
and helping people solve milder emotional and personal problems. Counselling psychologists assist
people having problems with drug abuse, career choice and development, family living, study
habits, subject choice, stress management and so on.
7. Industrial Psychology
This is a field of specialization concerned with the human factor in the industrial or technological
settings, that is, about job satisfaction, how to increase morale and productivity, how to improve
services, and how to develop better job training and placement procedures. Industrial psychology
has contributed to the human engineering discipline referred to as ergonomics, which involves the
design of equipment and machinery that are more efficient and easier to use because they fit the
actual size, strength and capabilities of human beings who use them.
8. Consumer Psychology
This is a field of psychology that studies buying habits and the effects of advertising on buyer
behaviour. It also studies marketing strategies, determines characteristics of consumers and so on.
For example, in a sale offer in a supermarket you are promised a free gift for purchases worth a
certain amount of money, or prices of a few items are drastically reduced while those of others are
increased. This field explains why manufacturers and companies spend millions of shillings on
advertisements and promotions as a result of which they make good profits.
9. Educational Psychology
This is an area of psychology concerned with application of psychological principles, knowledge,
concepts, and techniques to problems in education. Educational psychologists help in analyzing
educational needs, developing curriculum and teaching materials, and evaluating instructional
programmes. It also focuses on how people learn and which teaching methods are effective.
1. Structuralism
Structuralism is one of the earliest schools of psychology that was founded by Wilhelm Wundt in
1879. Wundt established the first psychological laboratory in German at the University of Leipzig
and he is considered as the founder of experimental psychology. The setting up of this laboratory
marked the break of psychology from philosophy to science.
The goal of structuralisms was to find the units, or elements, which make up the mind. The first
step in the study of the mind was to describe the basic or elementary units of sensation, image and
emotion which compose it. They were mainly concerned with determining the components of
conscious thought.
Wundt used a technique called introspection to study the structure of behaviour. Introspection is
a method in which subjects are asked to describe in detail their thoughts and feelings. The
assumption was that one can understand the structure of the mind through the objective reports and
reactions of the subject. For example, a subject might be presented with a coloured light and asked
to describe it as minutely as possible.
However, other psychologists felt that structuralism was limited to only one area of behaviour and
had few practical applications and began a new school of psychology called functionalism.
2. Functionalism
William James was the leading force in the functionalism school of psychology. Functionalists felt
that psychology should study “what the mind and behaviour do”. They tried to study the
functions of mind and behaviour. They were specifically interested in the fact that mind and
behaviour are adaptive – they enable an individual to adjust to a changing environment.
Psychologists in this school of thought were influenced by Darwin’s theory of the survival for the
fittest. Instead of limiting themselves to the description and analysis of the mind, they did
experiments on the ways in which learning, memory, problem solving and motivation help human
beings and animals to adapt to environments. Functionalists initiated the psychological testing
movement, changed the course of modern psychology and were responsible for extending
psychology’s influence on diverse areas in industry.
Freud believed that behaviour is brought about by inner unconscious forces, drives or impulses
over which the person has little control and are hidden from the awareness of the individual. It is
the expression of these unconscious drives which shows up in behaviour and thought. For example,
psychoanalysts believe that dreams and slips of the tongue are manifestations of what a person is
feeling within a subconscious psychic activity.
Freud also emphasized the importance of early childhood experiences on later personality
development. He coined the phrase, “the child is the father of the man”, to emphasize his belief
that our childhood experiences are stored in our unconscious state of mind and influence our
personality and behaviour when we are adults.
4. Gestalt psychology
This school of psychology was founded in Germany around 1912 by Max Wertheimer and his
colleagues Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler. The German word gestalt means “form”, or
“configuration, or organized whole”. Gestalt psychologists felt that structuralism was wrong in
portraying the mind as being made up of elements. The gestalt psychologists maintained that the
mind should be thought of as resulting from the whole sensory activity and the relationships and
organization within this pattern. They felt that no single aspect of behaviour could be understood
by itself, but only as part of a “whole” pattern of behaviour. The whole is greater and more
meaningful than the individual elements alone (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts). They
also emphasized the importance of the context or background in creating meaning for a specific
event. This school of psychology has made significant contributions in the understanding of
personality and perception.
5. Behaviourism
Behaviourists felt that observable behaviour should be the focus of study rather than mental
processes and unconscious experiences. The proponents of this school of thought include, J. B.
Watson, B. F. Skinner and F. L. Thorndike. Behaviourists felt that the scientific method in
psychology should be limited to the study of behaviours that can be directly observed and verified.
Watson believed that by controlling a person’s environment, any desired behaviour could be
obtained irrespective of his/her talents, abilities, heredity and other factors.
Behaviourists believed that behaviour is a response to a stimulus (an object or event that causes an
organism to respond in the environment) and behaviour can be accounted for by learning.
Behaviour that has been rewarded in the past will likely be repeated again whereas behaviour that is
not reinforced is likely to become extinct. This perspective was criticized for overemphasizing
visible behaviour and environmental influences on behaviour to the extent of ignoring thought and
subjective experiences. This approach had significant influence on learning, behaviour
modification, and use of reinforcement or rewards to bring out desired behaviour.
6. Humanistic Psychology
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow are some of the most influential psychologists associated with
the humanistic approach. This school of psychology developed as a reaction against the idea that
behaviour is determined by forces beyond our control or by environmental forces. It emphasizes on
free-will, that is, the human ability to make choices and decisions to live more creative, meaningful
and satisfying lives. Humanistic psychologists emphasized the importance of inner, subjective self,
consciousness and feelings. Each one of us is seen as a unique individual with both the need and
ability to fulfil our unique and optimum potential according to Abraham Maslow. This school of
thought has made major contributions in counselling which is the process of assisting another
person to find a solution to his/her problems through discussions with a counsellor.
7. Cognitive Psychology
The psychologist who is closely associated with this school of thought is Jean Piaget who was a
Swiss psychologist. This view was a reaction against radical behaviourists like Skinner, who
regarded cognition (thought) as outside the realm of psychology. Piaget believed that the ability to
process information undergoes dramatic transformation as children grow from one stage of
development to another. According to Piaget, the difference in behaviour in children and adults
reflects the difference in their ability to know, understand and reason about things and events
around them which develops systematically. Children need to see and feel things in order to know
and understand them, but adults know and understand things and events through abstract reasoning
and conceptual analysis.
The new view came to be known as cognitive psychology and focused on reasoning and the mental
processing of information. Cognitive psychology studies how we gather, encode and store
information from our environment using mental processes such as, perception, memory, imagery,
concept formation, problem solving, reasoning, decision making and language. Cognitive
psychologists take an information processing approach based on the idea that humans are like
computers in that both take in information, process it and produce a response/behaviour.
A controversy has existed among psychologists on how heredity and environment contribute to
the differences in human behaviour and how much of human behaviour is inherited and how much
is acquired through experience within the environment. How does the central nervous system
(CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system (PNS),
which consists of the nerves in the body outside the central nervous system, affect our behaviour?
How does the endocrine system, which consists of glands that help, regulate our behaviour by
secreting hormones, or chemicals into our blood stream? Behaviour is influenced by both heredity
(nature) and environment (nurture).
Biology affects behavior also through mechanisms of heredity regulated by genetic principles.
The nature versus nurture controversy— that is, how much of our behavior is due to inherited
factors and how much due to environmental factors—is a question that has plagued scientists for
years and is still unresolved.
Genetic principles: Genetics is the study of heredity, the manner in which traits and
characteristics (for example, eye color) are passed from parent to offspring. Each human cell,
except sex cells, contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, a total of 46. (Sex cells—the sperm and the
egg—each contain 23 chromosomes but form a total of 46 when they unite.) Chromosomes are
strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in the nuclei of cells that carry genetic information, genes.
Conception occurs when a sperm penetrates and fuses with an ovum, creating a single cell known as
a zygote. The zygote contains all the genetic material (half from the sperm and the other half from
the ovum) needed to create a unique developing individual. Genes contain chemically coded
instructions that cells need to become specialized and to perform specific functions in the body.
The genes are arranged on chromosomes. With the exception of gametes, every human cell
contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, with one member of each pair contributed by each parent. Every
cell contains a duplicate of the genetic information in the first cell, the zygote. 22 pairs of
chromosomes control the development of most of the body while the 23rd pair determines, among
other things, the individual’s sex. Zygote with XX and XY combination will become females and
males respectively. The X chromosome that is contributed by the mother to her son is believed to be
the carrier of sex-linked, predominantly male defects and illnesses such as colour blindness,
hereditary baldness, haemophilia etc. The 23 chromosomes contain 40,000 to 100,000 genes that
carry the hereditary characteristics. These characteristics or traits are contained in pairs or complex
combinations of genes. A gene that expresses a trait when paired with itself or with any different or
subordinate gene is referred to as a Dominant gene. A gene that expresses a trait only when paired
with a similar gene is referred to as a Recessive Gene. E.g. the gene for pigmented skin is a
dominant gene while that for unpigmented skin (Albinism) is recessive. If pigmented skin is
represented by B and unpigmented skin by b, the figures below show the possible outcomes of the
off springs. Father is BB (pigmented skin) and mother is unpigmented (albino) bb
Father B B
B Bb Bb
B Bb Bb
Note that all the offspring will have pigmented skins but they will be carriers of the unpigmented
skin gene. In case the off springs marry other carries, the following is likely to occur.
Father B B
B Bb Bb
One offspring will be pigmented and not a carrier of the pigmented skin, while two will be
pigmented but carriers of the unpigmented gene, and the other one will be unpigmented (albino).
Without the interaction of heredity and environment behaviour may not be manifested. For
example a child will not learn language unless he/she is exposed to a spoken language. As one
grows, there is a constant interaction or interplay between the forces of nature and nurture. Our
heredity does not change, but produces various physical changes that occur throughout our life time.
Psychologists today support an interactions model or approach on the relative contribution of
genetic and environmental factors differs from one trait to another. A certain trait may be
determined largely by heredity but not much by environment and vice-versa.
The table shows average correlations in IQ scores for people of various relationships as obtained
from studies of IQ similarity. Higher correlations indicate greater similarity. Greater genetic
similarity is associated with greater similarity in IQ, suggesting that intelligence is partly inherited.
Living together is associated with greater IQ similarity, suggesting that intelligence is partly
governed by the environment. Whenever there is more similarity in either or both environment and
genetics, the IQ correlation is fairly high. It is not possible to determine how much of our
intelligence is contributed to by heredity or environment. The role of genes can only be realized in
the context of an environment and similarly, environment is irrelevant and of no consequence
without heredity.
The nervous system is divided into two major divisions: central; constituting the brain and spinal
cord; and peripheral which includes nerves outside the central nervous system serving muscles,
glands and sensory receptors.
The Neuron
This is the basic unit of the nervous system (a single nerve cell). Neurons transmit information
throughout the body as well as the brain. Each neuron receives and sends signals to other neurons.
A neuron has three basic features: dendrites, cell body and an axon.
The dendrites receive information from other neurons. Each neuron may have hundreds or
thousand of dendrites.
The cell body or soma has several functions;
• It integrates the electrical information coming from the dendrites.
• It absorbs needed nutrients.
• It produces the majority of protein molecules needed for normal functioning of the cell.
Structure of a Neuron
The axon which is a tube-like structure transmits neural information to axon terminals (nerve
endings). It is highly sensitive to changes in the electrical charge of its membranes. If the electrical
charge is sufficient, an action potential (an electrochemical impulse) is initiated at the junction
between the soma and the axon. This action potential travels down and branches into the axon
terminal buttons. These terminal buttons form junctions with other neurons and with muscles,
which in turn are activated by chemicals released by the terminal buttons.
Neurons in different parts of the nervous system may differ in size and shape but they all have the
three major parts. While a neuron is a single cell consisting of the three parts discussed, a nerve is a
bundle of axons that have a similar function. The nervous system is made up of millions of neurons,
which make up the basic structural units of the nervous system. About 80 percent of all neurons are
found in the brain. There are three types of neurons:
• Sensory neurons: these neurons carry information from the sense organs to the central nervous
system. They are also called afferent neurons.
• Connector neurons: these neurons are found within the spinal cord and the brain. They receive
information from the sensory neurons and send them to the brain for processing. They are also
referred to as interneurons or intermediate neurons.
• Motor neurons: these neurons carry information from the central nervous system to the
muscles or glands. They are also known as efferent. They receive messages from the brain and
take them to the required sites like muscles. For any observable response/behaviour, all the
three types of neurons must be involved.
Neurons do not touch one another. They are separated by a gap between them known as a synapse.
When an action potential reaches the axon terminals, it causes neurotransmitters to be released into
the synaptic gap, the space between the two cells. Neurotransmitters are chemicals (such as
acetylcholine, histamine, and serotonin) released from terminal buttons into the synaptic gap. These
chemicals cross the gap and stimulate/excite the pre-synaptic terminals of the next cell which in
turn releases an electrical charge or spark. The neurotransmitters may either have excitatory or
inhibitory effect on their target cells. Excitatory neurotransmitters instruct the receiving neuron
to fire or conduct an action potential. Inhibitory neurotransmitters instruct the receiving neuron
not to fire an action potential.
Psychoactive drugs (drugs that affect the nervous system) have their effect by either increasing or
decreasing the amount of neurotransmitters released into the synapse. Alcohol and pain killers
suppress the release of neurotransmitters or increasing the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters.
Caffeine and cocaine increases the amount of neurotransmitters in the synapse or directly activates
receptor sites on the dendrites – thus they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.
The somatic nervous system directs the movement of the skeletal muscles, which are usually under
our voluntary control. It regulates voluntary actions e.g. walking, sitting down, eating etc.
The autonomic nervous system controls the more automatic (self-regulating) bodily functions such
as heart rate, sweating and breathing, which are beyond our voluntary control. It maintains
homeostasis – the regulation of body balances necessary for survival. It regulates the glands, heart
muscles, muscles of the blood vessels, internal organs and other involuntary responses.
The autonomic nervous system is made up of two systems, the parasympathetic and the
sympathetic nervous systems. These two tend to work in opposition to each other in regulating
the functioning of such organs as the heart, intestines and the lungs. The parasympathetic nervous
system is dominant when a person is in a relaxed, non-stressful physical and mental state (performs
bodily maintenance). It slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, dilates arteries, and increases
digestive and eliminative processes. The sympathetic nervous system which is an emergency
system takes over when a person is under some type of stress, or some type of mental and physical
strain. It stops digestive and eliminative processes, increases blood pressure, respiration, and heart
rate and causes several hormones to be released into the bloodstream. It prepares the body to fight,
fright or flight.
The Brain
The brain is the control centre for the body. It controls what we do, think and feel. The major
divisions of the brain are the cerebrum, consisting of the cerebral cortex and sub cortical areas,
the cerebellum and the brain stem.
The Frontal Lobe
The frontal lobes are located at the top front portion of the brain in both hemispheres and are
associated with self-awareness, initiative and ability to plan ahead. At the back of the frontal lobes
lies the motor control area which controls all voluntary body movements. A specialized area in
the left frontal lobe on the surface of the brain near the bottom of the motor control area is the
broca’s area, which controls the muscles used to produce speech. The remaining part consists of
association cortex that is believed to control mental operations or complex psychological functions
such as, thought, perception, imagery, problem solving, emotions, memory, language and thinking.
(iii) The Cerebellum
The cerebellum is located at the base of the brain. It regulates posture (maintenance of balance
when walking, riding, sitting etc), muscular coordination and motor activities/movements. The
cerebellum also controls the automatic adjustments of posture and receives inputs from all areas of
the brain, including the cortex, the sub cortex, and the brain stem.
Motivation can be defined as the totality of internal processes which impels an organism to satisfy
a need. It can also be defined as the process of initiating, sustaining and directing behavior towards
a particular goal. A motive is what causes a person to act in a certain way. It is in the choice of the
activity itself as well as the persistence and intensity with which the activity is pursued.
Types of Motives
(i) Primary Motives
Primary motives are motives that are based on the biological needs of an organism that must be met
for survival. They are guided by the biological functioning of the organism and include the need for
food, water, air, avoidance of pain, regulation of blood temperature, sleep, removal of body wastes
etc. These needs arise by creating tension in the body whenever there is an imbalance. This sends
signals to the brain that directs action or behavior.
(ii) Secondary Motives
These are also known as acquired or learnt motives, and are learnt as the organism matures and
interacts with the environment. Examples include need for affiliation, love, social approval, self-
esteem, knowledge, self actualization and money.
According to Abraham Maslow, the organism is dominated by unsatisfied wants and this is what
organizes its behavior. The satisfaction of one need leads to the urge to satisfy another need
(Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). A need is an internal state of imbalance or deficiency which has to
be rectified. A drive can be defined as an aroused state of the organism which leads to action. It is
therefore the motive or force within the individual that activates behavior and directs it towards a
goal. Drives are inferences made from observed behavior and are assumed to be tensions induced
by lack of something or need.
An incentive is something desired for the purpose of fulfilling a need. When needs and drives find
direction towards specific incentives, the individual can be described as having acquired a motive.
These energies acquire direction in the following ways:-
a) Through changed perception: Needs increase the general level of arousal [neural and
muscular activation], and they also operate to change perception patterns that may increase
attentiveness to conditions that promise some satisfaction.
b) Through the process of reinforcement: Eventually the responses that result in satisfaction
become more strengthened and the individual seems to value the objects, persons, and
activities that brought the drive reduction.
c) Set and intention: As a result of previous reinforcement and punishments, and tough verbal
instructions and self instructions, a person builds expectations as to the drives reducing
possibilities in a new situation. Reinforcement therefore influences the intention of a person to
learn in a new situation.
d) Personality and self-concept: Personality factors and self-concept factors influence behavior
of a child in relation to his/her goals and to the others, the kind of a person he/she believes
himself/herself to be, and the kind of fears and aspirations he/she, will be major or important
in determining the things that a child will strive for.
Motivational Sequence
Theories of Motivation
Theories of motivation fall into two broad categories: Biological theories and Psychological
Biological Theories
These theories look at the inborn processes that control and direct behavior. They include:
a) Instinct Theory: Instincts are behavior patterns that are unlearned or inborn which are
uniform in their expression and universal in a species. This theory suggests that there are
some inborn genetic components to motivation (instincts), and hence organisms behave in
certain ways because they are naturally predisposed to act that way. Examples include
maternal instincts in female species.
b) Drive-reduction Theory: The theory assumes that motivated behavior begins with a
physiological need or deficiency. The need produces a drive or aroused psychological state
that is directed towards satisfying that need. Through experience, the organism learns the
specific activities that need to be performed to satisfy a particular need. Examples include
the sex drive, contact with others, etc.
Psychological Theories
Why do people continue to look for money even when all the basic needs have been satisfied?
Psychological theories focus on psychological factors, and include:
a) Incentive Theory: This theory assumes that motivation results from environmental or
external stimuli that pull an organism towards certain behavior. Such behavior follows a
goal-directed sequence such that a biological need produces a drive in which the individual
is ready to respond to the relevant stimuli known as an incentive.
b) Value/Expectancy Theory: This theory explains how mental appraisal, thoughts and
expectations determine motivation. It assumes that if a goal is attractive and highly valued,
but the person does not expect to succeed no matter how hard they try, the motivation will
be low, and the reverse is true. Hence, motivation depends on expectations and the
possibility of achieving.
c) Attribution Theory: This theory looks at motivation in terms of how people perceive the
causes of success or failure, because this affects the way they will act. Hence, if success is
attributed to internal and stable factors (such as ability or effort) that are relatively fixed,
motivation will be high. If success is attributed to external or unstable factors such as luck or
favoritism, the motivation will be low. The reverse is true for failure.
d) Motivational Hierarchy Theory: This theory was advanced by Abraham Maslow, and it
accounts for both biological and psychological needs. It is based on the belief that people
have numerous needs that compete for attention. These needs are arranged in such a way
that some are basic to survival, and must be satisfied before the person moves to the next
higher needs. These needs include physiological needs, safety needs, need to belong, esteem
needs, and self-actualization. They are arranged in form of a pyramid as shown below.
Extrinsic motivation is the motivation based on obvious external rewards and not inherent
satisfaction of the activity. It is the desire to perform an activity because it attracts external rewards
or avoidance of punishment or something unpleasant. Examples include higher pay, promotion,
avoidance of pain, etc.
Emotions are defined as stirred-up or aroused state of an individual that involves mental, physical
physiological factors. Emotions are generally the feelings associated with behavior. Emotions have
an impact on the behavior of the person experiencing them as well as the perceptions and the
responses of others. There are four major components of emotions:
1. Physiological component: This involves the active changes in the physical body. When the
body is emotionally aroused, heart beats faster, pupils dilate, breathing becomes faster etc.
2. Cognitive component: Emotions are partly generated by an individual’s cognitive appraisal
of a certain situation. Thoughts, beliefs and expectations are important determinants of type
and intensity of emotions. Culture plays a part in expression of some emotions.
3. Behavioral component: This involves the various forms of expression that emotions may
take (outward observable signs) in form of facial expression, bodily posture, gestures, voice
tone etc. These expressions communicate emotions from one person to the next.
4. Subjective experience: This refers to the private, subjective experience of having an
emotion. It includes element of pleasure, displeasure or boredom. The observed expression
sometimes differs from person to person.
Theories of Emotions
Several theories have been advanced to explain the causes of emotional arousal.
a) James-Lange Theory has it that emotions depend on the feedback from the body.
According to this theory, people feel sorry because they cry, and they feel afraid because
they tremble, not the other way round.
b) Cannon-Bard Theory proposes that felt emotions and bodily reactions in emotion are
independent of each other, and both are triggered simultaneously. According to this theory,
people first perceive potential emotion-provoking situations in the environment, and then the
brain part responsible for action is activated.
c) Facial-feedback hypothesis proposes that changes in facial expressions produce or
intensify emotional reactions. It has it that facial expressions provide information about
what emotion is being felt. Thus, a person who is smiling must be happy.
d) Cognitive labeling Theory maintains that the emotions people feel are due to interpretation
of an aroused body state. It is how the physiological arousal is interpreted and labeled that
determines the specific emotions experienced. Hence, a person crying at a wedding must be
due to joy, and one crying at a funeral is labeled as due to sadness.
Common Emotions
1. Fear- the tendency to run away or to avoid certain situations, especially painful ones. It is
usually in response to real or imagined danger. It is closely related to anxiety, but it is more
intense and specific.
2. Anxiety-fear that is caused by uncertainty about something real or imaginary. It is a
response to a vague subjective fear. Prolonged anxiety is detrimental to an individual.
3. Anger-a disruptive and unhealthy emotion which is learned and a response to environmental
stimuli. It can be caused by frustration, and is a dangerous emotion which must be vented
(expressed) to avoid tension and stress.
4. Pleasure - a positive constructive emotion which involves the feeling of enjoyment,
satisfaction and happiness. It is a feeling of gratification after fulfilling a need or reaching a
5. Affection-an emotion characterized by a feeling of fondness, liking and attachment to
others. People respond positively to qualities that underlie affection eg sympathy, kindness,
patience, courtesy and interest.
6. Aggression- an emotional behavior aimed at hurting or harming other people. The term
applies to feelings of anger and hostility.
Effects of Emotions
• Emotions act as a source of motivation to behaviour. For example, emotions such as fear,
love, anxiety and anger may act as motives that direct people to engage in goal-directed
• Emotional arousal tends to produce alertness and interest in the task at hand. Usually
people perform at their optimum at moderate levels of arousal.
• Source of enjoyment and relaxation to our lives. They add pleasure and excitement to life.
Life would be dreary without the feelings that add colour and spice to living.
• Emotions can also act as a source of strength and endurance to the body. You can do
unusual work under emotional excitement which appears difficult in normal conditions. For
example, if you are chased by a dog you can jump a five feet high wall which you cannot
under normal circumstances.
• Intense emotions may result in decrease in performance. Imagine that you are in the
wilderness with only one match stick that must light for you to prepare a meal, chances are
that you will not succeed because you will be too anxious and nervous; or you are facing an
enemy with only one bullet to go, chances are that you are likely to miss him/her.
• Constant emotional tensions may cause insomnia (lack of sleep), restlessness, fatigue,
headache, lack of appetite and so on. Excessive emotional stress can affect memory and
cause memory lapses.
• Prolonged emotional stress and experiences can disturb the total personality of an individual
and may lead to neuroticism. In military training, constant emotional pressure can disturb
the trainee’s learning ability and also affect concentration.
Learning is a very important process in human behavior. It plays an important role in language,
attitudes, beliefs and even personality, all which are developed through learning. Learning refers to
a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs due to experience.
Types of Learning
Learning can be explained from different perspectives of psychology. These include:
a) Cognitive learning, which has to do with thinking
b) Affective learning, which has to do with feelings
c) Psychomotor learning, which has to do with movement skills
d) Verbal learning, which involves use of language and symbols
e) Motor learning, which has to do with motor skills or movement
Theories of Learning
Different psychologists have developed different theories in attempt to explain how learning takes
place. Below are some theories of learning.
Pavlov, while working with dogs in his laboratory, noticed that the dogs began to salivate when
they were about to be fed, even before they saw or smelled the food. They could even salivate at the
sight of the pan with which they were fed, or upon hearing the footsteps of the person coming to
feed them. This suggested to Pavlov that these stimuli had somehow become signals for the food
itself. This led him to carry out a series of experiments in which he would ring a bell just before
presenting the food. Food naturally elicits salivation in dogs. But Pavlov found that after repeating
this for some time, the sound of the bell alone began to elicit salivation. This demonstrated that
learning had taken place, since the dogs were able to respond to a neutral stimulus that they had not
responded to before it was paired with food.
The food here is referred to as the unconditioned stimulus (US), because it does not involve any
learning. The salivation that occurred in response to the food is called the unconditioned response
(UCR), because the dog does not have to learn to respond to the food by salivating. The sound of
the bell, which was originally a neutral stimulus, lost its neutrality after conditioning now becomes
the conditioned stimulus (CS), because the dog has been conditioned to respond to it. The
salivation that occurs in response to the sound of the bell is called the conditioned response (CR).
For effective conditioning to occur, the conditioned stimulus (CS) should come just before the
unconditioned stimulus (UCS), because this is necessary for the new association to be established.
Several trials are necessary for the conditioning to occur, although some responses may be learnt
with only one trial.
In developing the theory, skinner conducted experiments using animals. In one experiment, a rat
was placed in a box (Skinner’s box), within which was a food delivery mechanism with a press bar
and food pellets. The hungry rat was free to move within the box, and in search of food it
accidentally or out of curiosity pressed the bar. The food pellets dropped out. This random activity
was repeated, and the rat pressed the bar more frequently. It finally learnt to consistently to press
the bar to obtain food.
According to Skinner, what stimulated the bar-pressing activity is not important. What is significant
is that the rat pressed the bar (response), and as a result food pellets dropped (reinforcement).
Whether or not the rat will repeat the behavior is determined by the consequences of the behavior. If
the consequences are negative, chances are that the behavior will be avoided, but if they are
pleasant, then the behavior will be repeated and sustained for as long as it is reinforced.
Types of Reinforcement
There are several types of reinforcement;
1. Positive reinforcement- This refers to anything which increases the probability of a
behavior to occur. It occurs when something desirable is given or added to increase the rate
of a response. Positive reinforcement can be primary or secondary. A primary positive
reinforcer is something that the organism does not have to learn to like, and comes
naturally, such as food, water, etc. A secondary positive reinforcer is something that the
organism has to learn to like through conditioning.
2. Negative reinforcement is something which is removed to increase the occurrence of a
response. It occurs when something bad or aversive is removed. It may involve removal of
punishment. Punishment can also be positive or negative. Positive punishment refers to the
application of something aversive, which helps reduce a behavior. Negative punishment is
the reducing of an undesirable behavior by taking away a reward.
Schedules of Reinforcement
A schedule of reinforcement is a program that determines how often a behavior is going to result in
a reward. The following are the main types of schedules:
1. Fixed Interval Schedule: The rewards are given after a fixed length of time
2. Variable Interval Schedule: Reinforcers are distributed after a varying length of time
3. Fixed Ratio Schedule: The behavior must occur a certain number of times before the
reward is given
4. Variable Ratio Schedule: Reinforcers are distributed based on an average number of
correct responses, but the order is not definite
5. Random Schedule: There is no correlation between the behavior and the rewards.
There are some factors that facilitate social learning. These include:-
a) Attention- attention must be paid to the modeled behavior for it to be learned
b) Memory- The observed behavior must be mentally processed and stored in the long-term
c) Mental skills- Practice and rehearsal are necessary to reproduce the behavior perfectly
d) Reinforcement- If the model is rewarded, the observer shares the reward vicariously
e) Identification- a child must feel the need to identify with someone (hero) for modeling to
be effective.
f) Status of the model- The higher the status of the model, the more likely they are to be
g) Nurturant model- a model who is nurturing (friendly, caring, considerate) is more likely to
be copied
h) Consistency of behavior- Consistent behavior is more likely to be copied.
Stages of Memory
Researchers have identified at least three distinct stages of memory. These are sensory, short-term
and long-term memory.
a) Sensory Memory- This is the memory at the level of the senses. Sense organs are capable
of retaining information, but only for a very short time. Immediately after experiencing
something, the sensory system contains briefly an image of the incoming information, even
after the stimulus has disappeared. The information in the sensory memory is temporary,
lasting for a second or so. It involves a continued excitement of the sense organ itself. Any
information that is registered in sensory, memory is available to be selected for attention and
for processing into more permanent type of memory called the short-term memory (STM),
or in the long-term memory (LTM).
During the transfer of information from STM to LTM, incoming information is encoded or tagged
to be filed in the appropriate place. If this is not properly done, it may not be available or accessible
later. Some of the organization and filling apparently takes place when one is asleep. Hence, sleep
and rest may enhance the ability to recall learnt, material because there is less interference from
additional information.
Discarded Forgotten
Information information
Memory Retrieval
This is the process of returning LTM content to STM for analysis or awareness. Sometimes, a cue
may be necessary in memory retrieval. A cue is a stimulus or a hint that triggers retrieval. Research
has found that when thinking or the retrieval process is left unfinished, the brain will keep working
on the problem unconsciously until an answer is obtained. This is called the Zeigarnik effect.
Forgetting is the inability to recall, recognize or relearn at an improved rate. It may be due to
storage failure, in which the memory trace was never satisfactorily created or consolidated initially.
It may also be due to retrieval failure, in which the memory trace is present but lacks an adequate
cue for evoking it. Several theories have been formulated to explain how it occurs.
i) Decay Theory
This theory assumes that memory disappears or deteriorates with the passage of time. There
appears to be decay or fading of memory traces of information due to the continuous metabolic
processes of the brain. The traces of information that were learned slowly disintegrate and become
extinct as time lapses. Because we have a limited capacity for processing information rehearsal
can prevent decay. However, as we may agree with this theory, it doesn’t explain why sometimes
we are able to remember things we learned long time ago.
4. Chunking: This involves grouping a set of items into sub groups for easy recall. It may be
applicable to telephone numbers.
5. Spaced practice: This is about having breaks in between the period of study. The break
allows the mind to store information, and is better than continuous study.
6. Sleep/ rest: Sleeping or resting after study reduces interference and enhances memory
7. Review: This involves going over the learnt concepts again and again.
8. Organization: Material that is learnt can be organized to enhance recall. This may call for
breaking it into smaller units and linking them to each other, so that recall of one leads to the
recall of the other.
9. Cueing: this may involve highlighting the key concepts or terms that help in recall.
10. Mnemonic devices: These are strategies used to aid memory. They involve organization of
information visually or verbally for easy recall, using special phrases or symbols that
represent group information.
Personality refers to the psychological and behavioural characteristics by which each person can be
identified, and thereby compared and contrasted with other people. Those aspects of human
behaviour that make each person unique also comprise their personality. It is the personality which
makes people to act in a consistent and predictable manner both in different situations and over
extended periods of time. It can be seen as the total organization of an individual’s character,
temperament, intellect and physique which is responsible for his/her adjustment. Temperament can
be seen as the inherited dispositions underlying personality; the emotions and temper which are
controlled by biological enzymes in the body. The ability to control one’s emotions is referred to as
temperament. Character, on the other hand, encompasses such qualities as honesty, self-control,
sense of justice and persistence.
Theories of Personality
There are different ways in which our perception of other people takes place. Our beliefs about
which characteristics or traits tend to cluster together in individuals, together with scientifically
established principles about the behaviour of different people under varying circumstances, have
resulted in the development of various theories of personality. Theories of personality help us to
predict how someone is going to behave on the basis of the prevailing personality characteristics
and the situation a person is in.
Freud's View of the human mind
The Id
The id is made up of inherited biological instincts and urges present at birth. It is “self-serving”,
irrational, impulsive and totally unconscious. The id operates on the pleasure principle, meaning
that pleasure. Newborn infants are sometimes described as “all id,” since they desire immediate
satisfaction of their needs. Most id energies are directed towards discharge of tensions associated
with sex and aggression.
The Ego
The ego, sometimes described as the “executive”, draws its energies from the id. The ego wins
power to direct the personality by matching the desires of the id with external reality. The ego is
directed by the reality principle (which involves delaying action until it is appropriate). The
operation of the reality principle results in “secondary process thinking”, which is basically
realistically problem solving. The ego is thereby a system of thinking, planning and deciding. It is
in conscious control of the personality.
Super ego
The super ego acts as a judge or censor for the thoughts or actions of the ego. One part of the
superego, called the conscience, represents all actions for which a person has been punished. The
“ego ideal” represents all behaviour one’s parents approved or rewarded. The “ego ideal” is a
source of goals and aspiration. In Freud’s view, a person with a poorly developed super ego may
exhibit a delinquent, criminal or anti-social personality. In contrast, an overly strict or repressive
super ego will cause inhibitions, rigidity or intolerable guilt.
Personality Development
Sigmund Freud’s theory of human development provides a clear picture of how a person’s
personality develops from childhood up to adulthood. The cumulative treatment and interaction
subjected to a person, right from birth through the growth stages until one attains adulthood,
influences the kind of personality that a person develops.
Latency (7 – 11 yrs)
This is not a stage but an interlude, during which sexual needs are quiet and children put psychic
energy into conventional activities like schoolwork and sports.
Anxiety serves an important function of warning individuals of impending danger by signaling the
ego that unless appropriate measures are taken, the ego will be overthrown. Anxiety, therefore, is a
state of tension that motivates an individual into action. When the ego cannot deal with the anxiety
through rational methods, it resorts to unrealistic measures known as ego defense mechanisms.
These include the following:
1. Repression- involves removal of painful or dangerous thoughts and experiences from
conscious awareness through selective amnesia. For example, a person who has witnesses
the murder of the mother may not easily forget this traumatic event, but may push it to the
unconscious. This removal is however not complete, and may be revealed through dreams or
slip of the tongue.
2. Compensation- when a person tries to get what they missed in another way. A married
couple without a child may lavish a dog with the love they could have given to a child, a
person who is not very attractive and is unable to get a friend of the opposite sex may devote
to studies.
3. Reaction formation- involves a defensive reaction in which a dangerous impulse is
replaced by a feeling or behaviour pattern that is just the opposite. For example a person
who hates another may shower them with love and affection openly.
4. Denial-involves the refusal to acknowledge unpleasant realities by simply ignoring their
existence. A common example is that many people may deny the reality of death of
someone close.
5. Rationalization- involves coming up with logical, ethical or socially acceptable reasons for
a person’s behaviour. For example when people make a wrong choice, they may convince
themselves that they did not really need what they wanted- to soften the blow of
disappointment and unable them to cope.
6. Projection- a person may direct their unacceptable feelings towards others, or blame others
for his/her own faults. He may also wish to see what he wishes in other people. A student
who does not like a teacher may claim that the teacher does not like him.
7. Identification- This applies when someone admires another person so strongly that they
begin to behave and act like that person. The identification may also be used by a person to
get what they want.
8. Sublimation- Refers to the re-channeling of one’s interests and activities into fairly similar
activities when the originally desired goal cannot be obtained. For example, a student who
fails to qualify for a medical profession may find satisfaction in paramedical courses such as
pharmacy or nursing.
9. Displacement- involves shift of emotion from a threatening target to a safer one. For
example, a man who is harassed by the boss at work get home to harass the wife, who may
in turn harass the house-help.
10. Regression- happens when a person exhibits behaviour that is characteristic of an earlier
developmental stage. Adults using this defence mechanism may weep in certain situations,
or an older child may sometimes revert to bed-wetting.
11. Rationalization- This is sometimes called the “sour grapes syndrome”. A person who fails
to achieve a goal may end up arguing that that goal has many disadvantages. For example, a
person who fails to make it in school may argue that learned people don’t make a lot of
money anyway.
Humanists view people as unique and set apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Humanists
consider self-image a central determinant of behaviour and personal adjustment.
Factors that affect personality
1. Physical factors-(physique). An individual’s personality may differ according to their
physique- height, build, or bodily defects. So is the influence of organic states of the body
such as fatigue, hunger or body sugar. Diseases may also affect an individual’s personality.
2. Chemical factors-(chemistry of the humors or glandular secretions in the body). Persons in
whom blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm dominate the humors are classified into
Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic respectively.
3. Glandular secretions- these determine personality depending on whether they are from
ducts or not. Those secretions which are through ducts include saliva, sweat, and tears. Too
much or too little may create disorders in the body which may affect personality, such as hot
tempered. Those produced by ductless glands mix with the blood and spread to various parts
of the body, e.g. hormones. These tend to have a greater influence on personality if they are
inadequate or excessive.
4. Social factors- Personality is not a passive entity, but a product of socialization agents such
as family, peers, home and school. People act in response to environmental stimuli, and they
abide by rules, prohibitions, taboos, and customs. However, this works hand-in-hand with
individual nature.
5. Hereditary factors- This is what a person gets at birth from ancestors. It is the force by
which some characters of the previous generations are transmitted to the descendants
through genes. Though heredity cannot be changed, the environment may influence the
extent to which these genes will develop. Genetic determinants including biological
dispositions and organic conditions mostly include intelligence and temperament. However,
it has been proven that children start their lives with different temperamental blue prints
which are unique and which later help shape their personalities.
6. Psychopathology- This is the branch of medicine referring to the study of diseases of the
mind. It is possible that there is a genetic influence on behaviour disorders which make a
person to have to be so disorganized that they fail to control themselves. These disorders
include psychotic illnesses (schizophrenia, manic depression and paranoia) and non-
psychotic illnesses (neurotic illness, personality disorders and drug addiction).
Abnormal psychology is the scientific study of psychological disorders. These disorders affect
the way people feel, think, speak, and behave. The field of abnormal psychology may be called
psychopathology. Standards of normal and abnormal behaviour differ from society to society and
change as social conditions and customs change. Psychiatrists are doctors specialising in the field
of mental illness- they are medically trained and can prescribe medicine while Clinical
psychologists have a background in neuroscience and psychology and are not medically trained and
cannot prescribe medicine.
Abnormality means anything that is not normal. This definition covers a wide range of
abnormalities. It is hard to define what we mean by “abnormal” because:
• There is no absolute distinguishing line between normal and abnormal
• No single definition is enough to take into account all the different types of behaviour that
might be called abnormal
• There is no shared characteristic of all that we call abnormal - things that are abnormal can
have nothing at all in common.
There are several ways in which people have tried to define abnormality. These are:
i. Statistical Deviation
Anything that happens infrequently or does not conform to the established standards can be defined
as abnormal. For example, a child whose IQ is significantly low or high can be considered as
Different people with schizophrenia present different symptoms. Patients do not recognize that they
are ill or that what they are doing is wrong and therefore they cannot communicate their feelings.
Speech is disorganized. Five different kinds of schizophrenia have been identified:
• Paranoid
• Catatonic
• Disorganized
• Undifferentiated or simple, and
• Residual schizophrenia
Depression involves resistant negative moods, depleted energy, the altering of sleep habits, and
altered motivation and behaviours. Depression becomes a problem when it leads to dysfunctional
behaviour and persists. Major depressive disorders include:
• Psychotic depression
• Melancholic depression
• Seasonal affective disorder