Jara Pe´rez-Jime´nez, Le´opold Fezeu, Mathilde Touvier, Nathalie Arnault, Claudine Manach, Serge Hercberg, Pilar Galan,
and Augustin Scalbert
1220 Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93:1220–8. Printed in USA. Ó 2011 American Society for Nutrition
of French adults called the SUpplémentation en VItamines et the Phenol-Explorer database. These food entries included some
Minéraux AntioXydants (SU.VI.MAX) study. To our knowledge, spirits such as tequila, coconut milk, honey, some breakfast
this study provides the most comprehensive data on polyphenol cereals, and certain minor oils such as walnut oil, maize oil, or
intake so far published. grape seed oil. The consumption or polyphenol content of these
foods was low, and therefore, the contribution of these foods to
polyphenol intake was considered insignificant. In contrast, some
SU.VI.MAX food entries could have corresponded to several
Study population entries in the Phenol-Explorer database. For example, the SU.VI.
MAX item olive oil could have corresponded to either extra-
Subjects were participants of the SU.VI.MAX study, which
virgin, virgin, or refined olive oil in Phenol-Explorer database.
was a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, primary
The polyphenol content in the SU.VI.MAX food was weighted
prevention trial that was undertaken to determine whether sup-
according to their respective consumptions in the French pop-
plementation with antioxidant vitamins and minerals at nutri-
ulation. For mixed foods made of polyphenol-containing
tional doses could reduce incidences of cancers, ischemic heart
ingredients (eg, cocoa products) and for recipes, polyphenol
a higher mean total polyphenol intake than did nonconsumers. Intakes of different polyphenol classes
Coffee drinkers (92% of the total population) had a total poly- Polyphenol intake in the SU.VI.MAX cohort was also cal-
phenol intake of 1224 6 471 mg/d, and coffee accounted for 44% culated for each polyphenol class (Table 4). Hydroxycinnamic
of this intake. This intake was significantly higher (P , 0.001) than acids were the most largely consumed polyphenols, with an
that measured in noncoffee drinkers (807 6 343 mg/d). For red- intake close to 600 mg/d. Proanthocyanidins were the second
wine consumers (75% of the total population), total polyphenol most largely consumed polyphenols (227 mg/d), and this intake
intake was 1242 6 460 mg/d, with 11.1% of the intake coming could have actually been higher if more data on the content of
from red wine, which was an amount that was also significantly proanthocyanidin oligomers were available (4). Catechins and
higher (P , 0.001) than that observed in nonconsumers (1042 6 anthocyanins were the 2 next classes for polyphenol intake (99
474 mg/d). In contrast, no difference in total polyphenol intake was and 57 mg/d, respectively) and were followed in decreasing
observed for tea between consumers (52% of the total population) order by flavonols, hydroxybenzoic acids, flavones, flavanones,
and nonconsumers. theaflavins, and dihydroflavonol. The other polyphenols included
Intakes of main polyphenol classes and subclasses in the 4942 participants in the SUpplémentation en VItamines et Minéraux AntioXydants (SU.VI.MAX)
cohort and main food sources
Polyphenol intake2
Main food contributors (% contribution to
Polyphenol subclass1 Total in the subclass Total as aglycones intake of the polyphenol subclass)3
tyrosols (14.7 6 5.9 mg/d), alkylphenols (11.3 6 15.4 mg/d), hydroxycinnamic acids (55 compounds), flavonols (54 com-
stilbenes (4.8 6 5.2 mg/d), dihydrochalcones (3.7 6 3.6 mg/d), pounds), and anthocyanins (45 compounds), which all showed
alkylmethoxyphenols (2.8 6 2.2 mg/d), methoxybenzaldehydes a large diversity of hydroxylation, methylation, glycosylation, or
(0.89 6 1.06 mg/d), methoxyphenols (0.37 6 0.32 mg/d), lignans esterification patterns. The number of aglycones was also high
(0.4 6 0.2 mg/d), hydroxycoumarins (0.1 6 0.16 mg/d), for proanthocyanidins (because of their polymeric nature) and
hydroxybenzaldehydes (0.09 6 0.09 mg/d), furanocoumarins for hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavanones,
(0.04 6 0.13 mg/d), methoxyphenylpropenes (0.01 6 0.07 mg/d), and flavones. The distribution of some of these polyphenols may
isoflavonoids (0.01 6 0.247 mg/d), and curcuminoids (0.003 6 have been limited to only one food consumed by a minor fraction
0.029 mg/d). When expressed as aglycone equivalents, the rela- of the cohort (eg, the [6]-gingerol characteristic of ginger).
tive contribution of hydroxycinnamic acids was reduced from The numbers of more commonly consumed polyphenols are
50% to 40% and that of proanthocyanidins increased from 19% to also shown in Table 5. A total of 258 compounds (76%) out of the
29%, whereas the relative contributions of the other polyphenol 337 consumed polyphenols had median intake values higher than
subclasses remained similar. zero and corresponded to polyphenols consumed by at least one-
The main food contributors to the intake of each polyphenol half of cohort members. These commonly consumed polyphenols
Number of individual polyphenols consumed by the 4942 participants in the SUpplémentation en VItamines et Minéraux
AntioXydants (SU.VI.MAX) cohort
All polyphenols consumed Polyphenols commonly consumed1
Aglycones, Aglycones,
glycosides, and esters Aglycones2 glycosides, and esters Aglycones2
Anthocyanins 45 9 36 9
Chalcones 1 1 0 0
Dihydrochalcones 3 1 3 1
Dihydroflavonols 2 2 2 2
Catechins 9 4 8 4
Theaflavins 4 1 4 1
Proanthocyanidins 16 16 12 12
Flavanones 15 8 11 4
Flavones 19 7 15 7
Flavonols 54 13 38 7
Isoflavonoids 13 4 0 0
Phenolic acids
Hydroxybenzoic acids 28 17 22 12
Hydroxycinnamic acids 55 12 50 8
Hydroxyphenylacetic acids 7 7 4 2
Stilbenes 7 4 7 4
Lignans 7 7 5 4
Other polyphenols 52 42 41 30
Total 337 155 258 107
Median intake value .0.
The number of aglycones consumed as such or in the form of glycosides and esters.
Together, the 25 most-consumed polyphenols accounted for termined in the French SU.VI.MAX cohort. The remaining
68% of the total polyphenol intake. compounds were either not consumed (eg, anethole in fennel tea
Many other polyphenols were consumed in amounts less than or star anise) or present in foods that were not documented in the
8 mg polyphenols/d (see supplemental Table 3 under “Supple- dietary questionnaires (eg, eugenol in cloves). Most of these
mental data” in the online issue). The most largely consumed polyphenols were observed in minor foods, were not consumed,
flavonol, tyrosol, theaflavin, alkylresorcinol, and stilbene were or were consumed in very low amounts (see supplemental Table
quercetin 3,4#-O-diglucoside, tyrosol, theaflavin 3#-O-gallate, 2 under “Supplemental data” in the online issue).
5-heneicosylresorcinol, piceatannol 3-O-glucoside, and iso- Most previous studies on polyphenol intake were focused on
lariciresinol, respectively. specific classes of polyphenols, flavonoids (16, 28–38), lignans
Intakes of all polyphenol aglycones were also determined (see (10), or stilbenes (39). The most comprehensive data were
supplemental Table 4 under “Supplemental data” in the online obtained in a Finnish cohort (15), which included intake values
issue). Fifty-five polyphenol aglycones were consumed in for flavonoids, phenolic acids, and lignans. However, only
amounts greater than 1 mg /d. The 10 aglycones with the highest aglycones were considered in these studies because of the lack of
mean intakes were caffeic acid (264 6 108 mg /d), ferulic acid data on the content of glycosides and esters in common food-
List of the 25 most-consumed individual polyphenols in the 4942 participants of the SUpplémentation en VItamines et Minéraux AntioXydants
(SU.VI.MAX) cohort and their main food sources
Main food contributors (% contribution
Polyphenol Polyphenol subclass Polyphenol intake1 to intake of the polyphenol)2
thearubigins, which are oxidation products of catechins, were not and Folin values were collated for a large number of foods in the
included in the Phenol-Explorer database because of their ill- Phenol-Explorer database (3) and were used to calculate the total
defined structure and the lack of accurate methods for their es- polyphenol intake in the SU.VI.MAX. cohort. An intake of 1998
timation, whereas thearubigins were included in an Australian mg polyphenols/d was obtained (data not shown), which was
study (41). Thearubigin content values used in the Australian a value that was much higher than the sum of individual poly-
study (41) were extracted from the US Department of Agriculture phenols (820 6 335 mg/d) expressed as aglycone equivalents
database and were obtained by an unspecific spectrophotometric (the aglycone is the phenolic fraction of the polyphenol mole-
method (13). These values were not included in the Phenol- cule that reduces the Folin reagent) (23). This difference was
Explorer database, which resulted in a much lower flavanol intake explained by the presence in foods of nonphenolic food con-
in the current study (87 mg/d) than in the Australian study stituents such as ascorbic acid that also responded to the Folin
(454 mg flavanols/d). Second, content values may differ from one assay and led to an overestimation of the polyphenol content in
food-composition table to another (23). Proanthocyanidin intake foods (23). The difference could also be explained by the lack of
estimated in the Finnish cohort (116 mg/d) was lower than that in suitable methods to estimate complex phenolic compounds, such
the SU.VI.MAX cohort (227 mg/d), and this may have been as thearubigins and proanthocyanidins, that resulted in an un-