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al' ,r ! prc iiriit-oil

N on-Disclosu re Agreement


(ul! 'i' U) o::bi 3L,anl p-rc ti-roLoil

Version Date :n:: u,Jl Version No. :ciiiuiJl p-till
2,,11[i Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement
10 i.p 1 a-e-or.
13/06/2021 V:001
This Agreement was made in on Pgl dr.ls q,o fuiiLoj:Jl o:o Plll PU

- ../../....Hijri corresponding lo ../../.... by ,,-r.o # JH P..../../..:CPlg-oJl a ..-./../..:V)14

and between: -
First: The Crown Prince Private Affairs, with its Head :Lo-ilg-rca .r.o-cJl ./S glrrrJ ii'^lill g96rful ,rlgi
t'lloJl -L,6tJ-Jil ail-r-o - <i-r-:g-c-urJl q#LcJl <i6lonJl
quarter Office in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King GrJ.JJo

Khalid Rd, P.O. Box (340400), Zip Code: (11333). to.1l I I t-r& g ) . (1 1 333 ) : 6.r.r-1-tl I 1o! I ( 340400) : u-r. g,a .:J t->

Hereinafter referred to as the ("Disclosing Party"). .( 3raaall t-oJhJI')J o-rol..ro-jJl l:o golg-il re.l t4o
Second: Commercial Jrrr!l piJ
6)gr:al I 6;lJ I pctL- a5p ,tiri
Registration No.: and its address: Lp ..r-Url cir.i,.r:o - ,ailg-rc 410102474095.1bjJ1

St. phone numbeT,

d'LiJl ,Sr-Jlo .'*il
31090 :r.oo
E-mail and is :srgar5.J! I r-llJ :8oJ .orLo 11497 I

represented in -the signing of this Agreement bY drcLojIl oio llc e+"grJl d diol 9. [email protected]
As the . Hereinafter orJ! lt-rrrl g frlr\ll rrojl o-Lo-*at JrlrJlp+llrl rara
referred to as the ("Receiving Party"). .('dfi.oJl t-or.hJl') I r-c-l Lo+!

The Disclosing Party and the Receiving Party are ,j+-e-qr"-o uilj-o'Jl ,iLLrJl 9 au.ao-oJl 'oJhr-ll .Jl lL-iqg
referred to collectively as ( the Parties"). Ot+-.,r qr,-u, ('dr+iJJall') gi ('OLoJ.hJl ) I
rol Loro

I .lqoi
I Preamble I

Whereas the Parties intend to enter discussions Jgrltf dLolbJl '-rcJJ .l+,
u:t-r.ogloo g .-ltrir-olio q,o
relating to the Purpose (as defined below), which will ,SrJl g ,(olj:i Lo rc-oJl g-il1 ,-Lc) uoJeJtr dLl-a-ij
involve discloslng certain Confidential lnformation by .r-,nl:)Jl ,ir.-lurrj| nlogl-a-oJl Ula-Q.l Utc au^rrl' rlo.,6.itJ-rJ
both Parties. .auanoJl toJJaJtr
Accordingly, the Receiving Party agreed to comply with dr-oto.iJl o roJJlij-oJl ufc unlioJl Lo.LlrJl ,9n19 'o-rlc
this Agreement in connection with the disclosure and Lo-olujlrl g ciJ.J-u-tJl nLoglc-oJl rlc aUanJU CJ-a-iJ Lo-t0
use of Confidential lnformation per the conditions ,<i-rJtjJl:gi+lJ Gog
The previous preamble is an integral part of this .dr-olo-iJl ojo J-o ii:r tl lc-p t!l,-uJlro-oiJl l+r.oJ

Articte 1: (Definitions) (url alFr-iJl) :f a-rf.alf

Unless the context requires otherwise, the following dJU,l ,rtoJiJl aJF .ciJj .oJ, ula.ll Ot-rrr uai-oJ PJ Lo
words in this Agreement shall have the meanings ,Lo.io'tl5 pLoi cilagnJl gltc-oJl ,.h ..JrJ arlLojtJl li.o ,.,o
stated in front of each:

"Business Day", means the official business days of the d<lo-ojl up oroJr{Jl dl-o-aJl pUi +rrr:-l ,'Ll.ol p9{
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (from Sunday to Thursday). .,.yr.r.onl PE Jl.>iJlpS.t d, 90 9 tlr-lg-aruJl .t-u.J-cJl

"Effective Date": means the date of signing this .d$Lo-jJl o:o 3+9 2.'1JLi S-o
:'jriirl aJ.JU'

"Confidential Information", has the meaning given in o:Wl q,p a--goJl ure-oJl :iir-J"udl drl'ogl-a.o-rl'
Article (2) of this Agreement. .dr-oLo-i!l ojo rjo (2)

(nl1,iilJ) or:bi 2L,.anl p:c ciLl:itail

Version Date :d:uul 3:Li Version No. :<ii.uiJlp!
l0 2 d-r-!-r- Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement
rj.D 13/06/2021 v,001
@t$tJl&togl-Qo.Jl) ,Z iirWl I

Article 2: (Confidential lnformation)
As used in this Agreement, the term "Confidentiat alara-o dln drcLojll ojo Lp arJl -1Lir.i: 90 Lo5
Information" flledfls: '+ Lo ttr-o; ci"4..r 'rlog-t-a-o'
a. All information related to His Royal Highness g-orrrJl +rta1 Aolo'Loll iiLog-l-o-,oJl 8+l? .i
the Crown Prince (referred to as the .("ro-oJ! Cg" t. crJl 1tri"tig) \ooll Jg ulloJl
,,principal"), including but not limited to the ylgj -..luarJl J JLinJl J++rrl Jc- dlJi uo tnf
prince visitors, associates, staff, service ,cpolagnjlg ,oi6; riig 'lo-eJl JS to9#69
providers, accommodations, facilities, ..rLr,tlj-oJl9 .drt3!l .,r5Loig .dJtrJrl go:nog
movements, transportation details and LJ rl!r.\ o i,Jlg 'Jn!l rtrrat-or9 .uupiJlg
personal preferences; 'cirra:-rirJl
b. All information, observation, data, written -: I g-oJ I g, c--r LJ tlJ I g . LJ LLr.2 t-o-l | 9, dr Lo gf-anJ I
8+n"' !
materials, records, documents, drawings, ,,-lLo9.u-r1Jl9 .,gLjSJlS .r-rrb-r-r-rJl9 .dl9i5nJl
photographs, layouts, computer programs, #glrntl arlJf g 't-:t-hrhi-iJl9 ,,1o.raJlg
software, multimedia, firmware, invention, ,dn U I 3o l"frJ g .o-r r o Lo I trllru 9J 9, ur tr:oyJ 9

discovery, improvement, development, tools, y glaiJ g, ur Li-r-r-r-r-:-rJ 9, d.r Lo Uirji J 9 e-r Lc 1..1i:LJ 9
I I I . I

machines, appliance, designs, work of ..J t-o.iS, J Lo Lora.iJ I 9' o1-a2iJ I 9, u-l :J il I 9,.-L I
9-:iJ I 9

authorship, logo, system, promotional idea, ,ao gyl I I l5n j.l I

9 .cin l^u iJ I 9, er ly Lc-r-i-rJ 9'.n+J
I irJ I

customer list, customer need, practice, pricing u-rLogl-o-og .nLr-u..1LonJI9,crlo.-c-II prlS,S

information, process, test, concept, formula, ,p.lolo trj5LJlg ,u-rt-rJ-o-cJ l9 J rs-,-r-r-iJ
oJ lg 'u:ly

method, technique, trade secret, product ,.ir.:t+-rJl tl.priJlg ,a-d o il19 'ci-o1-lcJl9 .g+,altS
and/or research related to the actual or ul-odl ir:-rJlyg-hiJ €J-ai-oJl ,'rr.r.Jl 9il9 a.u-oll9
anticipated research development, products, 9i ,ggg-,-,rlf 9i paleiill 9i .-rLrjj-oJlg 'grcSioJl 9i
organization, marketing, advertising, business riolo LoJl d+Jt-oJl 9i o1t-2jJl Jt-o-ciJl 9i ;-ttcLlt
or finances relating to the Disclosing Party or ,Jirj4 Loj-c ,-oJ-iriJl p, ,rrJl euan Jl G,LLr.Jtr

the Prince that is directly or indirectly PJLjrs{ si .p si "l-ro clgru,J-l.i)u-oJ+-c giJ-l.nLp

disclosed, whether before, on or after the date .fo ,Si gi uo1i-oJt .o;bJl .J! ojo
of this "Agreement", to The Receiving Party or d-o $i ei auan-oJl uo-lhJl cihr-tulg .n+I"r'
any of its Representatives, by the Disclosing Lo+i ,-itli.oJl tolhJl o[rijl ui-o-l-r 6:Jl 9i 't+tlq,
Party or any of its Representatives or which .euan ,Jl G"LLIIJ GJ-a-rr
comes to the Receiving Party attention in
connection with the Disclosing Party;
c. Contract procedures, budgets, sales, public .u-.rLo-rro.llg '.rtr;lj-ro.Jlg .:gn-oJl erlcl-pl .?
relations, advertisements, real estate plans, ,o.1 t o o I I h hr rJ g ..-l LirLctJ g'dD t-a-J I L, [o I <. I I

strategic expansion plans, information sources, .J Lo grl-a-oJ I I -: Ua-o g ..# lJ Lur J I 8-'" grJ I l^'ri9 .

prospective; :o-rl I o L ur-oJ I I L5oiJ I g

d. Any conf ldential or internal governmental 6i9 .ci-rJ5l.: 9i dJ..J.,rJ p-p!lJ-o gi .Jl.JlJ.o gipaoloJ 5i .r
circulars, decisions, decrees, or bylaws, and any Jp d, l.i-rLi5 toytb5! prr urlogl-eog ,rl'.t'i;ro
documents and information notified in writing u[ii-r"rlo t,ilji 1-Jc.ioua-o t-o.jif a,6.onJl .-oJbJl

by the Disclosing Party that they are classified cir.-Iru a+og5,

as Confidential Government documents.
e. All information in whatever form (including in drg6-ojl dIJj .p t.or) J5rii OL ltogt-e-oll 3+a+ .o
written, oral, visual, or electronic form), and all &q9 .(q#sJi1J+Jl gi dJJ-oJl gi dJg-o-.iul 9i
documents that contain or ref lect or are L,oQt-^jij! pr.l Si 1rur5oj 9i 59-n-r r.tJl .:lrij-r-u-oJl
generated from any of the foregoing and all .€-+r, Lo, Si a-r.,.r.l 8+n?9 $+- tn" ,Sirr"
copies of any of the foregoing. i_
(ut{.t riU) ciurbi 2Uanl p:r. ciriLoil
Version Date rcii-r-u.iJl 3.:Li Version No. :ci-arrjJl Po1
'10 LJlo 4 dr-or. Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement
13/O6/2021 V,001
Article 3: (Non-use and Non-disclosure) (Qt'a ; 111p^r-ca plrij-urJl prc),r eirr-o;l

1. The Receiving Party shall hold the Conf idential .ir,_l*u ,..o or,_U;| t..rLogl-a.oJt/ u"ollnJ| uoleJl ho-i:-t .1

lnformation in strict confidence and will not t.oi-rrriiuq gi cr.J-,rJ dJLogl-Q, Gi d-c ?JosJ" urJ S.iotj
disclose, reproduce or distribute any Confidential d!r-!cJ 9i t#..12 9i tlJ5 to-e.r.ygu 9i t,oJ-rrtj Ler 9[
lnformation in whole or in part, directly or indirectly,
,SiJ (,gr-^rJ to, ,Stt an-q gi) a.plt-rnJ.t$ 9i oJrltrc
(or permit any of the foregoing) to any persons,
lj-o d+.o rlgt .rll:r ,Jaai
S:Jl y:oJU o-rIio.o
other than to its Representatives to the extent that
such disclosure, reproduction, or distribution is dJLo.lJ UJql- pJg.rJl 9i aUrrtixrlJl 9i 3Ua-ofl
strictly necessary for the purposes of evaluating, oyg-i-r-o.Jl prl:oi gi/g uaglojJlg P++ildl uolJ-ciJ
negotiating and/or advising on the Disclosing Party. .elannjl LoLLrlJ

2. Neither Receiving Party nor any of its

the ,.,194 ,a+Lto" ,-]" $i 9i ,.nlioll GthlJ Vruut I .2

Representatives will, without the Disclosing Party's

pl:i-iruU 'auaonJl , oJ h'-ll ;p dn!"u, ci-rJa: cinnlgo
prior written consent use any Conf idential gi p#n!t J{. Jri uaJc 6iJ d{-lrJ .-rlog-l-eo 6i
lnformation for any purpose other than the o:ct-u,to ull gi cl;+l gi ,.Ic ,ogLonl
9i ato tqlri:1aJl
evaluation or negotiation of the project or make,
permit, or assist any other person to make any €JciJ ln+! ptc ..lrlc! 6iyl:-ral 1,o Pi orae-r.rr Oi

public announcement in relation to the Disclosing a-rano.ll .-olJoJtr

Pa rty.

3. The Receiving Party will take all reasonable steps to ciJqn-anjlt-ul:iJl p-r-o:
jhjl uplinJl ,-o*rJl .,1. c-r"l 3

ensure that proper and secure storage is provided

8+o, rpiJlS ,-r uut-rnJl .y-1i-!l JpY glaral
for all Conf idential lnformation to protect against JEaSJI 9i o-olrLlt d.o Lo4t-o:J .iJ-JrrJl oLogl-Q-o.Jl
theft or unauthorized access and immediately
9i o-o-t-c Jgo auan-oJl , n*rJl tfil S ot 3-rc-olt gc
inf orm the Disclosing Party if nor any of its
diLogf-a-oJl dc ,-ori-L5Jl p, qjq .q[o-o ,5i otri*iil
Representatives become aware or suspect that "1,
Confidential lnformation has been disclosed or has ,Si oit+, up
dr2-uoi 9i a'.,a;-olt GJIaX ,iJ.Jr-r-rJl
come into the possession of any unauthorized .ol 3}raolc rJairn
4. The Receiving Party will take all reasonable ilgn-a-oJlyrlriJl 8+n" jt:jl uoJ-rnJl .-odaJl 1,,tc c-r+-l 4
measures to preserve the Confidential lnformation ,rjjS:f u!l dJ.J-,r-rJl cJLogl-QnJl .,lc. d h oLa-olJ
in its possession and will be responsible for any oclrrl gi ,;a:n ,Jh.ol Oi .1.'rJggr.r- d91^.ug
personal negligence or misuse of it. .LoJ qJLoo '-wl

Article 4: (Restriction on Disclosure) (21,2${l r++ni),a airLoJl

Except as may be authorized by the Disclosing Party in .euUi a'anoJl GJJaJI J-o L,.og!.! Ug5,l :o Lo cllii-ruU
writing, Receiving Party will (a) not disclose ;lc uoi6Jl p:c (i) ,+ Lo upli.oJl 6J.laJl .Jc..q.f ailn
Confidential lnformation to any person who is not a ojo qp laLb ,Jrr+J uarlJ 6iJ ri,Utull Jlogl-a-oJl
party to this Agreement; (b) limit dissemination of ulc h'ol, .iJ.J*^!l dflogl-a-oJl Jrjri tij (,--r) ci-rolo-jLJl
Confidential lnformation only to its employees or (2) hifue-o .Jl us"Lb; Lll-Jl dJ.-JlJrir-u-o
9i a-ro-lago
advisors having a "need to know"; and (c) have an o,t_.ll
rLrjr-r-r-og cLl o hg.o CJg,5,,, turJLi-o $Ldl ol:J Ugt
appropriate written Agreement with its employees and oro p5ri e+ot JLiirJl d, rro'ul-oll \.r1 t r
advisors sufficient to enable them to comply with all .Ar-o toiJ I

the provisions of this Agreement.

(nl1,i,ll) rL:bi gLanl pr cir-oLoil

Version Date :rinuUl 3.:tj Version No. rd:JrriJl p-oJ
10 .,1'-o 5 o:ia 13/O6/2021 V:001
Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement
Article 5: (Permitted Disclosure) (e 2sa-u'oll er'aoll) 's iirl-oll I

1. The undertakings in the previous clauses will not -lc o.rlci rgqJl uo o:-1lgJl diloljn-Ul d.rJa.i -l .1

apply to Confidentlal lnformation which the , i*rJl Lo roJ i,1i Ull'l ull o-,.-l-"rll .-JLogfc-oJl
Receiving Party can establish to the Disclosing ,Jgn-e-o..J5-r-r4 a-ran.oJl ,iLLrJl L JJ uelinJl
Party's reasonable satisfaction:
.rlt5 jb u!
'tuidJl ctiii
<ir.;uutt dJlogl-a-oJl .i
a. is, at the time of disclosure to the Receiving
Party or one of its Representatives, oT irerJaigi,orlroo .1" .siJ gi ,-PlinJt G-tldJ tro.i-c
subsequently becomes, public knowledge aj-o torl-c JgrarJl t-r54g o.ot.alJ oog.leo

(other than as a direct or indirect result of the ct-i.i-i-^rU)' Ljgn-o.oJl rodlr gain 6i L!!
information being disclosed in breach of this clg-r.u lcric alra.oll 84 !.,J1 dr.J.rrrJl tiLogl-c.oJl
Agreement) and could be obtained by any oro .oJbr J5ri! oJri:rt+rJlc ai oJrif qi a.oJ"llaJ

person with no more than reasonable (Ar-oLojJl

b. was known to the Receiving Party or one of its , nlb-lJ ctogla-o,i,r.J-^rrJl d:rlo91-a-oJl dfju Jt uo .9
Representatives before the date of this etrgrJl 3.l.:U J+o e+Uo-o .-J, Si s:J si uplj.oJl
Agreement and such person was not under any ob-i pljjJl 5i ii; ;A p9 ,tu-otojll oio rlc
obligation of confidence in respect of that .t--lLogl-onJl oio
information; or
c. the Receiving PartY or one of its uilj-oJl .iJ-LJl &aii Jt2 tio .?
arlogl-e.oJl 1,lc
Representatives found out from a source not piy:rao .I+" .p e-rj.ioo ttroJr L!a>J 9i,ir."prll
connected to the Disclosing Party or any of its pJg o i-o-o .," ,Stf 9i a-,a;olt t-olalU bny I
Representatives and which is not under any .nlogl.o-oJl ojo olr-r pl-pJl Si ld d5.l
obligation of confidence in respect of that
2. Confidential lnformation that is required by any dr 5i LoJlarJ ull dJ.J-^dl .rlogf-anJl y'tonl .2

applicable law or regulation, or competent .ur952Jl dJLo2Jl 9i aarr'-oJ1 e"lgllt 9i anLa.;ilt

governmental or regulatory authority or any order .<i-rai-a-o d o-5iLo Oi i,ltra! -rri,Si 9i <i-raii-oJl
of any court of competent jurisdiction.

I Article 6: (Relation of Parties) GntJ-biJliiiirc) '6 ii^rl.dI I

Nothing herein shall obligate either Party to proceed ci-[,o I on ,.Si ,.p Lo:.0 uranJ I cp * tb ,Si pA Lo t'J Lio L]uitl
with any transaction between them, and each Party ,OrJ! ,i-tb ,.F bni:Jg ,cir-oto,Jl oio u-r:g-o',r t.oo-i-l-r
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate nt-raglonJlg drUiiLhJl cLoj! q"o ..Jot:Jl oyr-oj q-rrr.r:
the discussions contemplated by this Agreement LlLo-eJl d-oJ-eJ €J-Q-ir to-Lo Ar-oLoiJl oj-o Lo-rJr, Lra.ii ull
concerning the potential business relationship. .ciLto-ir-oJl

I Article 7: (Exclusions) (& lpUjiisrJ l),7 ii.rLal I

Confidential lnformation shall not, however, include n6.ol dilogl-e-o 6l <lr.-lurL.ll drLog-t-arJl 1.l-ora-ii LJi .-r-:-l

any inf ormation which the Receiving Party can pg!-ax ciosJr-o drjti (i) ,Laii d:dl (.;i ,-ptioll .-oJlalJ
establish, (a) was publicly known and made generally iJa5.:9:9 pr.c 8, Suanll c-rog J+o ptc LtSrur ci:tlog
available in the public domain prior to the time of dJ Lo 9f-e-,0 6i ; I clill^r tf ) udioJ I t-o LLJ I .ait" rp cl-P! Si
disclosure through no fault or action of the Receiving
pgo.oLl Gg.p-o.gc,-Frli qp dIJj uo-tl: Lo-e-r-o-a-jP, ti"L'
Party (except that any compilation of otherwise public
a+an^rJ (+) ,(,ir...1- drlogl-a-o toji toJ da-irlr
information in a form not publicly known shall still be 'L
treated as Conf idential lnformation); (b) becomes 19-: Lo-ic aL,ao!l rtt ptc Jir"f ,i:LioS pga-Q-Ll*rg,
(ul(J, lLll) Q:bi 3L.a.ol p:c ci-uiLojl
Version Date rriiuiJl Version No.,Af...ijl priJ
10 qp 6 a:n-^a
3_.lLi Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement
13/06/2021 V:001
publicly known and made generally available after ojg: 1,o (3) :g"otrntl GJJoJI gtriol 9i clpl 6i rt-:.;t
disclosure through no action or inaction of the .J+o+o 3LanJl ,rog 9"o,.ir..-l--.:g+p d9j 'upli.oJl toLhJl
Receiving Party; (c) is in the possession of the Receiving
&-o .Jrf2!.r.Jlg uloLnJl 1.,o i,t++, go Lo-5 a,anoJl L-oLhJl
Party, without confidentiality restrictions, at the time
,1ro gnU-oJl ,-o1laJl LorJc JJa: (:) :o-t-r-Lt+o 3t-on!l ,--rog
of disclosure by the Disclosing Party as shown by files
9i .rt-ogLc-oJl ojo 1rao ,lg1 ,Ji alc,UJ..' ,dJti ,ilb
and records immediately prior to the time of
dr.Jrui tr sr Lo-ij I 9 i d 9 t! 9i 6:-ri Lei p t ut ! pjt-o gc -: goJ I I

disclosure; (d) was obtained by the Receiving Party

from a third party, provided that the source of such t:o;glc"r,cu (o) 9i :Lou €,bn hli eua-o-oJl Gr-bJl obJ
ormation or material was not bound by a
inf d ulrlt upInJl uolJcJl t-dago &9 d! Lll.o-il.r-r-o J5-^11J

contractual, legal, or fiduciary obligation of ..y9-: ci,r-1-r-r-!l .Jlogl-a-nJl ojo J[ 1Jg-ragJtf ,.r+Jgi-o t99-5J
confidentiality to the Disclosing Party with respect .n*rJtf d-ob ti..r.lu-r (:Logf-Q-D 6ipl:i-ir-ul
thereto; or (e) was independently developed without
use of any Confidential lnformation of the Disclosing
Party by employees of the Receiving Party who have
had no access to such Confidential lnformation.

(iir.iiLdJl jLoi):8 arUll l
! Article 8: (Agreement Survival)
The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if 9i ru ,5i -)fr2-, pu ljlg 'LLa-oI dlt-o d+.olqiLJl oio p6:i
any one or more provisions may be determined to be O!o ,tij-p 9i 6-tS , ir.aiil .lrLo-Hc gi c,otl-jJ+. ori ,-tcy5i
illegal or otherwise unenforceable, in whole or in part, pt5:i 6i I p6cll
Jl ,-,o+ 6i12 !n-i-ilJ dltloJ+-c ci-rn-rinJl
the remaining provisions and any partially \:p-,-LU ,i-lrlos.io.il, Ugtg i-LoiilJ LlUl.rbJl :-aJI
unenforceable provisions to the extent enforceable
shall nevertheless be binding and enforceable.

trrk{Jl),9 iirbJl
artlcte 9: (Advertisement and Declaration) (3.r-.pa:.tl 9

The Receiving Party is not entitled to publish, authorize, 9i 3.1.,a!t 9i-1.i, 9i;b-,4! J
Pt+oJl ,-nli-oJl .oJ-ldJ ,S2r
or speak any information related to the Disclosing uo auan Jl olajU GJ-a-rJ nLogl.o"o ,Si .,t nr.riJl
Party in the media, social media, or any means of el+-^rrg 6i 9[ ,,clabJl ,JUalgJl ,-lrtrr9 9i prlcrJl .lrt rS
promotional materials, or speak with any third party dJtJ .o-Lb Oi g, nr-iJl 9i .cu-rg.plt :lgnJl .-,1'o

LoJ) a.ran-oJI .-o;LJI .Lrt.l"iij gip-.!IJi! i:,Logl-e-o

about any information lndicate the name, activity, or $i ,JS"
affairs of the Disclosing Party (including the fact that 9i ,(aJ-pJJaJl ,-1.r1 .-rp :l drtJ.ir-olinJl ,1i <io-ro: t'lJj 1.,o

discussions have taken place between the parties), or rolJ:Jl O:J urrclagnJls ,.!JSg-unJl ar-o $i c1i ,..1ugot
quote the opinions of any Disclosing Party officials and ,ano.nJl GJleJl ,-po <iotr-r-uo ci-rlao aonlgo L19-:3uan-oJl
employees without the Disclosing Party's prior written du.l"sJl g <i-ol;oJ tu6J-o auanoJl .-ollrJl a-^" p, gi r-e1
consent, after the Disclosing Party has been given an .:lgnJl,,Jc
opportunity to review and comment on the materials.

Artlcle 10: (Return or Destructlon of Confldentlal (iir.Jr.uJl drtogJ-a-oJl ,.riIJ! 9i iirlc!) ,f O ii.rt-o;l

ln the event that the Disclosing Party or the Receiving oilcJ p:c usJ.inJl ro-lhrtl 9i 3"aa-olt toJlaJlJJ-o JL, ,/o
Party determines that it does not wish to proceed with l!9,Si ."toi:-oJl eS,1-^iJ.oJtl €J-o-u L^r-o tol3 u/aall u.o
respect to the potential Project, at any time upon d, #9 , dLhJlpgn+-^lJ dF .,-iai ,.d h ulc it4
written request, the Receiving Party and each of its
6i arUt "6linll
Representatives will within a period of f ive (5) business
days destroy and return any and all documents
9 .!rlj!.I
pui (5) d-u,-o-^ o:-o

(di6J,ilJ) Q.:bi 3L^anl p:c ci-uitoil

Version Date rciio-il1 g+_lLi Version No. :<ii-r-rt-iJl Po.l
1O q1o 7 o-:-o-ra Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement
13/O6/2021 V:001
containing Conf idential lnf ormation. The Receiving t-oJ .i,,--l-,-,, LJLogl.o., ./t OSi,
u/Jl dljgJl 8+n"9 r1-o
Party shall also, to the extent technically practicable: ,.,,U LoJ l,.i-oi df6-o-oJl rrJl uJl uplioJl tolaJl ,-lc ..r+-ail

a. destroy or return to the Disclosing Party all (a* Ois) -:lg-oJlg.-llJi-u,oll g+re o:Lc! gi .oU;1 .i
documents and materials (and any copies) gi to:-or; gi to-r-,-r5-e-f giqJ-rrJ diLogl-a-o .,1c Ogil
containing, reflecting, incorporating, or based on :3uaonJl,-o-!rIJ troJl r'iir-rd
the Disclosing Party's Confidential lnformation;
b. erase all the Disclosing Party's Conf idential rl,o aral.o.Jl tolalJ ,ir.J-rr!l iilogt-c-oJl 3+n+ .o:: .V
lnf ormation f rom its computers, servers and o-toajJlgirJUaJJl .t-o hjig p.:19:Jlgyguo5Jl oJo?i
communications systems and devices used by it, or Lp Lilir"J! p4 ,.rJl g[ .tao:ii-rr-tr ru,: * n'nt-:Jl
which is stored in electronic form; :ul9ji5J!1-t-ilil
c. erase all the Disclosing Party's Confidential t-iltg 3.rao-oll h'lJ,ir-Jrrll
,oJ diLogl-anJl 8+!" Gjo .e
lnformation which is stored in electronic form on u.rLo::g dnldiJl ,-Ic ;gJu-il! .Jnir d LiliJ"Ja P4
systems and data storage services provided by :ci-iJU Gllci ..1o cio roo-ll arUtrll &1:-r

third parties;and
d. nothing in in this article shall require the Receiving ojo vo r+E I .r
o-:LcU ,.,nJ.roJl LiLLrJl PJl, Lo o:t-o,Jl
Party to return or destroy any documents and ,-tc rifuJ-j gi 69r-:r :l9o 9i u-rlr-iir'tto 6i .o-rtil 9i
materials containing or based on the Disclosing ,-Ic a}+-c{ g:ll a'rao-ojl .olalJ ,ir,Jr-rrJl if Logf-e-oJl
Party's Confidential lnformation that the Receiving .lilo-izrJl 1,plinJl G]lcJl
Jg-o-e.oJlplhdJl c49-ot LoJ
Party is required to retain by applicable law, or to
gici"aji-o alo giam-r-la-i-i airo .rt-rl-!:.io a++t, gi
satisfy the requirements of a regulatory authority
.t-oJ 8rarJ ti.rl:lr a-oJ ji 9i ,tUjto d hIuJ 6irclgo
or body of competent jurisdiction or the rules of
any listing authority, or internal policy to which it dilLij-u-r-o Oi .1. ci.r.1tru opld:Jl o:o p6:i .]th; .o

is subject. .o-:t-oJl oio r-.og-o-r u6 l-LoJl ,-oJloJl lnr hro.Lu;lgog

e. The provisions of this Agreement shall continue to
apply to any documents and materials retained by
the Receiving Party pursuant to this Article.

Article 11: (License) (un#tJiJI),11 iirLoJl I


No right or license is granted to the Receiving Party or uili-oJl uo1.bX arlogle-oJl al" ,Sipqrqj it-c aJ4 lJ
or.-t rr.11

its Representatives in relation to Confidential llogl-anJl oio pl:5j-r-uq O: Si ua+Pli Si orli-o-o gi

lnformation disclosed by the Disclosing Party and/or its .r-L5hJl ggnr.Jtf upILoJl LoJldl OolE g..1to; LoJ 'dJ.JtLtLil
Representatives, and the Receiving Party acknowledges
AroL, dr5l, JUa.i dJ.Jsdl dJLogla.oJU ciolo'rnJl o,U4oll
and agrees that all intellectual property rights
subsisting therein shall remain the sole and exclusive
,-/aiilD r-!-r-r, 'a-rfino gil auandl .-oJ-laX tllrra:g
property of the Disclosing Party (or its
Representatives, as the case may be).

Artlcle 122 (Notice of Unauthorlzed Use or (U 2t'a-olly.c pkir-i-ur llt ll-billl :12 iirbJl I

The Receiving Party shall notify the Disclosing Party Jgo auannJl uolall 1t!:51 ,-pli-oJl 'nlhJl .Jc c4l
immediately upon discovery of any unauthorized use or i.tc .oJ.i6Jl Si q ?J.rr,o -f+c pl-di-r-ul 6i oLriIJl
disclosure of Confidential lnformation or any other Jfi do dGLo-jJl oroJ -pi O.f-: ,5i 9i dJ-J-^rr aiLogl-o-o
breach of this Agreement by the Disclosing Party or gro d9La4 Gg-S ,dJLj .illa 6i gi ,-ol-oJl ,dLhJl
any third party and will cooperate with tlre Disclosing .-,o o-rclruolJ dJg-o-e-,o d-o4.b .Ef aran Jl LoLhJl
(ul(J,i, Q.:bi 3r,ni1 prc <iuiLo.jl
Version Date :ci-:lr-iJl Version No. :d:!rJl priJ I
10 iro 8 dr-o-,a 3_JLi UnilateralNon-DisclosureAgreement
13/O6/2021 V:00'l I
(Companies) |
Party in every reasonable way toregain help L1-o -)J_J, Alrg dr.J-rrrll diLoglc.oJl o-,ltp o:Lo-ir.r-rl
possession of the Confidential lnformation and prevent dr a1.r^allJ+c .oridJl gipl:rjrurJl
its further unauthorized use or disclosure.

Article 13: (Agreement Term) (eir,iih,Jl tir-o):13 ii:f-oll


1. Without prejudice to any applicable laws relating to .Jg.o-a-o o hji ,5q Ub+ll p-lc 8-o .1
oJ.J-^r!ff ,SJ-arr (rorr <i

secrecy or Conf idential lnf ormation, the non- 3Laoll prc ,-lloljjJl ,5.t rr, ,dJ-Jrdl .-.rLo9-l-onJl 9i
disclosure obligations in this Agreement shall apply rl-rrl-r-oJl (5) dr.r.rrt l $J5!l uJ, drnLo-jJl oio go
until the fifth (5th) Gregorian anniversary of the .tu-oLojJl oio 3:tjJ
date of this Agreement.
2. The non-disclosure obligations relating to ,gLlUgJq ri-ol.ci-oJl 3t-;rro!l Pr-c drlolliJl $..,1ru-u .2
Confidential Government Documents and Trade oj.o 90 o-:yl9ll ci.1Q-iJl tl-FriJlS ,i,r.Jrl.rJl d.rrgSrJl
Secrets in this Agreement shall apply without limit .6-::-ao ci,fioj o:o r..,yg: ri.rcLoirll
in time.

Article 14: (Applicable Law) (d+Jar"Jl Pr Airl) :f+ airf-oll


The Agreement shall be subject to, construed and e.,lSXt g ci-ola.lfu loog Lol-r-uor9 rircLoiLJl lro ilo-t"r rJS!
implemented according to the laws, regulations, dgn-o! nr-ol.-lij ol-:i 6i g.JlJlpJl I r--llo-rloill I
,.o Lor
instructions, decrees, and any other instruments lit Vo LrrrJ r-o .irli 1-|5 g ,q-:g-o-u-rJl drJ.J-aJl <iSl-onJl
having the force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ln the
Jb-, dtiJlcJl .,r+ o,t-rg df 9-.j Jld+! d,ogrf LJ 9 giri-dl
event of any dispute or controversy arising between
the parties about the implementation of the .lr.-1.o-Jl <,5lo-oJl go ti-ai-:-oJl dJ.jU dl a.o2Jl Jl
Agreement which cannot be settled amicably, the .gd,J fui''.1 il! JtJa.olJ citr-:g-a-rr-rJl
matter in dispute shall be referred for final settlement
to the competent Saudi court in the Kingdom of Saudi

Article 15: (General Provisions) (eb[c pl5.cil ,rS arr-oll

1. Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, .1" ,SjJ 6pi ;t,a;g-or 9i Ogn dJir JIz+Jl prc 8, .1

the Receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that q€g-o./ g o-r'tr ont-o-r u.o-UnJl ,ALLrJl i.q ,.-ollbnl
the Disclosing Party with its rights under this 1.;:,aa ro dr-otoiJl ojo,.r aua.o-oJl to/:Jl .99!,
Agreement may be irreparably harmed by any Of gi ti:-r-ij o-1u: Lll-oJ J Ji.l-^f a-landl GJ-hJl
breach of its terms and that damages alone may U95J J r-o Urajl lio -1-o ,-tig .d+!Lo-jJl oio p6:iJ
not be an adequate remedy. Accordingly, the d-,:oGl r.ic a.rannJl uoJJaX OgSu orlo .clJ:Jg .i-t-ot5
Disclosing Party under this Agreement shall be c€gr-lJraJlJ12 !,o Gr.:Jldxil-o.JJl oi-o r--r:gru 694.:
entitled, *itf,out proof of special damages, to the 6pi ;fit-,-,rg 9[ ,1u-eo ;1",oar pUOl 9i jt-.a; ltrrl
remedies of injunction, specific performance, or 9i,i:,otor.l t p tS.>i ciol Uo.l qr.o.,,Sl t-poJ I y:J o+ot-5
other equitable relief for any threatened or actual ,J+l-, ,Si pu:n-rJ d"t -Jl g9-: 'slao .E^tl Loi-oJle-o
breach of the terms of this Agreement. .d,.obJlJl_pajJl J-c
2. Neither party may assign this Agreement or any of 6i9ici-r-oto-;Lll oio Llrc.ILi!l LolJ.lcijl qp ,SiJ aj-fur J .2

its rights or obligations hereunder without the Jg.la:Jl ;9-r l-o-ro o-:-1lgJl porlolyJl I p-orgn rp
other party's prior written consent. .piJ I .o!dl g-o cio-r-r-r-r-o ciula, onolgo ulc
3. No variation or amendment of this Agreement shall rJl Lotr tulLo-jJl oio ..,1c Lll:-e-j 9ig+-szr ,5i tlg5; I .3
<i-rla-:Jl ,i]o*il1 cio-olgo rol
be valid unless agreed in writing by both Parties

(ul(J Li,ll) <iu:bi 2lnnl p:c. circLoil

Version Date :cii,ilJl 3.:[i Version No, :dr-uriJl Prii1
Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement
10 Llt.o 9 d-anra
13/06/2021 V:001
4. This Agreement shall supersede all written and oral dr.larl dJU-oLoiJl il-oLo-iJl ojo .-eJJ .4
agreements of the Parties entered about the &LanU OloL Lo-r-o .ol-r.lcjJl r,t# ,ioqnjl olgnriJlq
treatment of Confidential lnformation. dJ-Jrdl er Logi-o-oJl3r
This Agreement has been executed in both (Arabic qp 9 .(dJ.J+l+J!l I ct-u.-;cJl) dluidJ Ar-oLo-jll oio u"r-;r: 5

and English) language. ln case of any conflict ,,o <irr.;oJ I d o U I aJ !o dJalJ I r.r* cpJ tgi 5i -:9:9 sl L>

between the Arabic and English, the Arabic text ._:g-r-ut s!t
shall prevail.

lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Receiving Party has signed ojo .J. e+"grJtf uolinJl .-olLr'Jl pto ,r:IJ-rJ 0t.rrlg
this Agreement on the date set forth below. . o Li-:i -::-e-oJ I
3.-ltilt qp d+.oLaiJl

si.lli.oJl LotJaJl
Receiving Party
JNQJI r:*N-t'r ra.rr I
:iloUi4Jl /o"t_g)t et
\. trY v.v \" i

lD / lqama Number
:3*l lliJ I


G6ilall pib',,,^li ii$iLoiJl o^io

iiirist be stamped by the party signed above

(ul1J,i,ll) ciu:bi 3L,anl px cir-riLo-il

Version Date :dnuill 3,:U Version No. :cii,. iJl p.ti:l
10.p 10 o:-o-.a 13/O6/2021 Vr001
Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement

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