Grade 8 DLP Lesson 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Region 1


SCHEDULE: 10:00-11:00

After going through this lesson learners are expected to:
a. read and analyze the biography and autobiography of Nelson Mandela; “Stirring up Trouble”,
“Nelson M: A Thembu Prince”, Nelson: A cow’s Best Friend”, “An Autobiography”,
b. infers dominant thoughts and feelings expressed in the biographies and autobiography,
c. create a chart of details of the text read and
d. define what is biography and autobiography.


 Materials Canva presentation, pictures, TV, handout

 References English for 21st Century Learning, Caulfield, J. (2022,

October words/



Good morning, Class!

Please keep silent in one minute

and say your personal prayers
Please keep silent in one minute
and say your personal prayers
Please keep silent and say your prayers
for one minute.

Before sitting down kindly arrange your

chairs properly and pick up pieces of
trash on the floor.

By the way is everybody present?

Class, before we proceed to our lesson,
we will play a game.
Group yourself into two. (The teacher
facilitates grouping the students)

Here’s the instruction unscrambled the

scrambled words on the blackboard.
(The teacher writes the following on the

1. adehitrap
2. finoncoict-
3. bpatiagyouiogrh
4. yoigrphab
5. nlsNoe aaMdnle

Settle down Grade 8, quiet.
Now please read what you have to
unscramble in the board.

Thank you! Now do you have any idea

what we are going to do right now?

Definitely! We will be scrutinizing the

following so now let’s begin our journey.
Please lend me your ears.

We have here the word (Apartheid) class

do you have any idea what is apartheid
or what you understand about it? Do
you know the definition of apartheid?
From the root word apart? What can you
grasp about it?

So, here’s a quick background about it. If

we look at the denotation of the word
apartheid, please look it in your
dictionary on your phone if you have
one, what does it say?

That’s right the state of being apart or

separated. And in South Africa, this is
what happens it was a social policy that
forced blacks and people from other
racial groups to live separately from

So, can you imagine their situation? How

devastating that is. Imagine if that is also
happening right now here in our country
Philippines. Would that be just? Or not if
you were one of the black people.

I didn’t say that you said that yourself.

Later we will get to know that person
who experiences apartheid and that is
Nelson Mandela.
- South Africans are classified into
Going back apartheid was created after four racial groups, white, Indian,
World War II, this system was reinforced colored (mixed race), and black
through the legislation of the National (bantu). Only whites can vote.
Party (NP), the ruling party of South
Africa from 1948 to 1944. Thus, under
the new legislation, South Africa was
under these laws: What are they who - Any marriage or sex between a white
want to volunteer, read the first law? and a person of any other racial
group is a crime.
Okay, please proceed.
Because it’s a crime ma’am or it’s a sin.

So that means that white is dominant.

Next yes, John Patrick, go on.

Ma’am, it says here that 84% of South Africa is

Did you understand that? Therefore, that for the whites (15% of the total population) and
implies that you really should not let love only 14 % of the land (a.k.a. “tribal
rule you even if it hurts, right? Because homelands’) is for the blacks, which composed
what? How about you guys are you over 80%) of the total population.
willing to do that? Are you willing to let
go of your love because it’s against the
law? Or would you be like Romeo and
Juliet who fought for their love?

How about the last but not least rule? There must be separate education, medical
Please read it again. care, beaches, and other public services for
black people and white people.

So, we can’t blame Africans if some of

them live like nomads, right? That Ma’am he became the president of South
explains it. Africa.

Lastly? What does it say?

Ma’am, maybe he imparts some notable
lessons in life through his writings?

That implies that there is really

inequality happening back then. It’s just
so unfortunate, right? That people in the
end no matter what failed to be united.
There’s not enough power of love, as they (Grade 8 watch the video)
say, love covers a multitude of sins.

Right now, let’s learn about the life of

Nelson Mandela. Do you have any idea
who is he?

Yes, without a doubt. What else aside

from being president of South Africa,
why do you think that his name is all
over your learning material or your
book? What did he do that makes him a

Yes, that’s it. Now please watch this

short video about him.

Non-fiction ma’am.
So that makes Nelson Mandela strikingly
different from all the people of Africa. It
was not mentioned in the video but he It is narrative non-fiction though when writing
became the president of South Africa by they include storytelling elements. Moreover, it
universal suffrage during the year 1994- is because the subject of the biography is the
1999. Big thanks for watching for more life of an individual.
videos please subscribe to my channel; 7
11 just kidding.

Later on, you will dig deeper into Nelson

Mandela’s life by reading his biography
and autobiography.

Do you know what is biography and

autobiography? Are they fiction or non-

The apartheid issue is an issue between whites
and blacks’ people and other race. The
apartheid issue happens in Africa this
becomes an issue because of how whites
Exactly! unequally treat other people with different race
Now ladies and gentlemen, please or color.
unbuckle your seat belts we have arrived
at our destination. Welcome to Nelson Mandela is a black, he became the
Thembuland! president of South Africa and serves as
inspiration now for many people.
But before you can set foot you need to
answer the following questions:
What is the apartheid issue? Based on
what we discussed can you make a (The grade 8 students group themselves into
summary of it? Or can you state what four then they go with their groupmates.)
you understand about apartheid or what
the things that happened during this

How about Nelson Mandela? Can you

give me some details about him, who is
he? What country is he from?

Excellent! Grade 8 thank you for your

active participation.

Attention Grade 8 please group yourself into
four. Group 1 will be scrutinizing the biography
of Nelson Mandela written by Martin Meredith
(Nelson M: A Thembu Prince) Group 2 (Stirring
Up Trouble) by Mary Benson, Group 3 (Nelson:
Cow’s Best friend), and Group 4 (An Yes ma’am.
Autobiography) by Nelson Mandela.
By group, secured a copy of the handout and
Okay here’s your copy, look at the last part of begin to answer.
your hands out thus are some of the difficult
words I found that you may have difficulty Activity:
understanding. I also have pictures there for Mandela’s Descriptions
you to vividly visualize what these words mean. family and the according to
place. the biography
Okay so start reading it afterward, and answer or
the following questions written below the autobiography
vocabulary words. Be sure to share what you that you read.
have in mind. Food Description

Okay is that clear Grade 8?

Entertainment Description

Answer also Activity 2. Authors write to

entertain, inform, express opinions, and
persuade. What might have been the author’s
purpose/s in writing each selection? Answer
the given question. For Group 1 just only
answer Nelson M: A Thembu Prince same as
the other group.

Stirring Nelson Nelson: An

up M: A Cow’s Autobiography
Trouble Thembu Best
Prince friend
What is the
trying to
What does
the author
have to
know to
write this

Why? What
are the
details that
lead you or
me to come
up with

By the way class, do you know what is
biography, how about autobiography are you
familiar with it? I’m sure you are, you learn this
during your elementary days.

Then let’s test your knowledge.

I have here definitions of biography and
autobiography. What you will do is choose
which one is a definition of biography and
autobiography then put it in the table.

Put your answer in a ½ crosswise.

Students’ answer
Biography Definition Autobiography
1. is written in the first-person point of view
2. is written in the third person point of 2 1
view 3 6
4 8
3. gives the person’s influence on others 5 10
which serves as an inspiration 7
4. shows that the writer is knowledgeable
about the subject
5. enumerate the facts about a person’s life
6. is written by the principal character in
the book/story
7. describes the emotions and feelings of
the narrator
8. details the truths about the person’s
strengths and weaknesses
9. tells why this person is interesting and
worthy of emulation
10. explains how the writer feels about the


Prepared by: Vanessa R. Abad

BSE English

Checked by: Nohra Amed

Critic Teacher

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